Dream interpretation of looking at a city at night with lights. Getting lost in the city in a dream

A city seen in a dream means the dreamer’s near future. Most dream books offer just such a dream interpretation. The subconscious of the sleeper provides answers to the troubling questions of the present. A more accurate meaning of the dream can be obtained if you delve deeper into the interpretation of the symbols and remember important details dream: what the city looked like, whether it was big or small, native or foreign, what the weather was like and many other minor points.

Home and foreign city

To find yourself in a dream in the place where the sleeping person lives - you should not expect significant changes in the near future. If you dream of a foreign or unfamiliar place, important changes will occur in your life. To see oneself in the city of childhood - news from the past awaits the dreamer.

Walking through the streets of your hometown in a dream, meeting friends, means leading an interesting lifestyle, being the center of attention.

If the city in which the sleeping person lives looks destroyed, you should prepare for troubles in personal relationships. A burning hometown means for the sleeping person the collapse of hopes, a career decline, or discord in the family.

How do dream books decipher the symbol of an unfamiliar city? Here are several examples of interpretation:

  • Miller's Dream Book
  • Freud's Dream Book
  • Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation
  • Women's dream book

Miller's dream book interprets the image of a foreign city in a dream as changes in the future for the worse. Freud's dream book deciphers the symbol of an unfamiliar place as accomplished sexual intercourse. The interpretation of Tsvetkov’s dream book gives the following interpretation: a journey to unfamiliar city for the sleeper it means a new position at work. If the views of its streets and surroundings instill joy in your soul, the work will bring profit. And if in a dream you were sad, you wanted to leave - the new responsibilities are not very clear and difficult, and there will be no additional salary.

According to the Women's Dream Book, the image of someone else's settlement will lead to changes in your personal life, a change of job and even place of residence is possible. For a woman to see her hometown is a sign of unpleasant rumors concerning the family and inevitable conflicts.

Megapolis and town

Seeing yourself alone in a small foreign town means marking time, hopelessness. To get lost in it means there is too much gossip and unnecessary fuss in the dreamer’s life. If the town you dreamed of is located in another country, a pleasure trip is coming soon. Moving from a metropolis to a small town in a dream means in reality losing your chances of success in love.

Big beautiful city, brightly lit by lights, with modern houses, symbolizes a new business that will bring good results.

Walking around a metropolis at night means risking your position. You need to be wary of gossip.

If the dreamer has been attacked in a big city, you should listen carefully to your body: illness or a severe cold can undermine your health.

A huge city buried in snow speaks of a break in a long-term friendship or love affair. Seeing a destroyed metropolis in a dream means that the sleeper has a serious enemy who will bring big trouble. Getting lost in a huge unfamiliar place and looking for a way out requires you to reconsider your life.

Freud's dream book interprets a metropolis in a dream as a connection with a reliable partner. A destroyed, burning or flooded city means problems with the genitals. The interpretation of Miller’s dream book is as follows: a small town means empty unnecessary troubles, petty-bourgeois interests. If you dream of another city, big and beautiful, changes will come to life, but not necessarily successful ones. Tsvetkov's dream book says that if a person dreamed of an unfamiliar metropolis, where there are many beautiful tall buildings, then soon he will begin to make decisions that are unusual for himself.

Rain and sun in an unfamiliar place

Great importance attributed to the presence of atmospheric phenomena in a dream. A foreign beautiful city, illuminated by the summer sun, symbolizes a successful start to a new business, a pleasant and useful acquaintance. If you dream of another city shrouded in fog, the true state of affairs is hidden from the dreamer; he does not notice the obvious in his life.

I dreamed of rain in an unfamiliar city - trouble is already on the doorstep.

The heavier the rain, the more problems awaits the dreamer in the near future. Finding yourself in a downpour and getting wet from head to toe while in an unfamiliar place means trouble will happen to one of your distant relatives. Getting caught in snow or a blizzard means you risk becoming the target of rumors and gossip.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, the fog in a dream speaks of the sleeper’s indecision, which will play a bad joke on him. If you see in a dream a very thick fog, in which you cannot see the outlines of houses, the dreamer will face a difficult financial situation. According to Miller, rain means wasting time, and getting very wet in the rain means illness. Freud's dream book deciphers the symbol of rain as follows: if a woman gets wet in the rain, she wants to get pregnant. If a man gets caught in the rain, he is prone to masturbation.

According to the Women's Dream Book, if you dream of an unfamiliar city in the rain or in the fog, major changes in the future do not bode well for the dreamer.

Why do you dream ex-husband- interpretations in dream books

The dreamer's actions

In a foreign city in a dream you can walk, swim, fly, run away or hide. If a sleeping person dreams of flying over an unfamiliar city on an airplane, trouble will begin in his life. Flying over the city yourself, observing the surrounding area, means an educational journey or an important business trip is soon ahead. A hasty departure from an unfamiliar place - trying to close your eyes to your problems will not lead to anything good. If the sleeper decides to stay in a foreign city, making it his place of residence, success in a new business is guaranteed.

To build a house in an unfamiliar place - the dreamer goes straight to achieving his goal.

Hiding and running from pursuers surrounding the sleeper on all sides means that problems have appeared in life that can lead to nervous exhaustion. It's worth thinking about a vacation.

Miller's dream book interprets a flight over a metropolis as impending problems in his personal life. If you fly low over the ruins, an accident with one of the family members is possible. Flying high over a beautiful unfamiliar place - you need to get ready for a trip. If during the flight the sleeper does not see people, you should fear for your health.

According to Freud, flying in a dream means a desire for an intimate relationship with a familiar person. Flying over an unfamiliar city in a comfortable plane means the dreamer is confident in his sexual charms. The meanings of Tsvetkov’s dream book regard flight as a premonition of pleasant changes.

The dream book for women gives the following interpretations: flying in a clear sky under the bright sun over a foreign city means happiness in love and marriage. Flying over a burning or flooded unfamiliar place means you need to be wary of female enemies. And if you dream of people flying over tall buildings or towers, time will put everything in its place.

  • A city in a dream is something alienated that the soul has left temporarily or forever and is watching from the side; alienated from your sleeping consciousness own body/ arena of life, a world without a soul.
  • An unfamiliar city, deserted, abandoned by its inhabitants - an image in which the soul of a deeply sleeping person perceives its own body.
  • A familiar city with empty streets and houses - one feels burdened by strangers and wishes them harm.
  • An unfamiliar abandoned city is being destroyed, dying - the world of your daytime consciousness is experiencing losses, blows; get ready for an update.
  • An unfamiliar city without people, but filled with different creatures - the revival in a dream of the strength of your body / your thoughts about the posthumous disintegration of the body, in general, something disintegrating in you.
  • In an unfamiliar and empty city, to meet the only person is to be in the world of your past, alienated from your soul, from which you are expelled for life / rush into it secretly from yourself.
  • To suddenly find yourself in a foreign city in a dream and not be very surprised by this is a turn in life that will bring anxiety.
  • A very beautiful city with a lot of monuments of art to see - a world of your alienated and viewed from the side of high or low desires.
  • According to Gothic, medieval city to walk along narrow streets - to know your base desires, to see them from the outside.
  • To see a Muslim or Indian city with a lot of quaint buildings is to contemplate the world of your imagination.
  • Seeing Chinese or Japanese buildings on city streets is a symbol of the world of work, profit, and monetary relations.
  • It’s a strange city to see with a mass of galleries, basements and factories, where something is boiling, foaming, pouring, or a city entirely of plants and factories - an image of your body and the physiological processes in it, alienated in deep sleep.
  • Seeing the city slums and the dump, wandering through them is a garbage dump for your body.
  • An unusually wide city square in a dream means gossip about you / your soul feels abandoned in your body / the world of the future awaiting you.
  • A city without earth and sky, with colossal buildings, with houses without windows and doors - the world of your thoughts, contemplation of it from the outside.
  • Narrow alley, street - failure, ill will, envy, trouble from sensual pleasures.
  • A wide city street - there are many opportunities in front of you.
  • Finding yourself in a dead end is a hopeless job or path.
  • City boulevards always symbolize in a dream the world of past feelings and relationships.
  • To see noisy city crowds around means fun, joy / to be imbued with the bustle of life in a dream / to live thoughtlessly.
  • A noisy night city with lights - the life of the spirit barely breaks through the bustle of your thoughts.
  • A city that rose from the sea or emerged from the air is your thirst for mystery, the world of your curiosity.
  • Seeing a city with a mass of people sleeping everywhere or corpses lying around means a sharp turn in your destiny.
  • A city with people instantly frozen in various poses - thoughts and feelings that excited me during the day.
  • A city of absolutely fantastic buildings is an image of a worldview that is alien or alien to you.
  • The city of monkeys or other animals is a world of passions, you are in their captivity.

In a dream you can get into the most unusual places, become a participant in a wide variety of events. Why do you dream about the city? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do you dream about a city - the main interpretation

If in a dream you find yourself in an unfamiliar city, get ready for quite unusual events in your life; perhaps you will witness something new.

But, in order to fully interpret the dream, it is important to take into account all its symbols:

Do you see a familiar city in a dream, or are you visiting it for the first time?

In a dream you walk along the streets of the city, or are in one place;

Do you talk to someone in your sleep;

What do you experience in a dream?

If in a dream you see a city that is familiar to you, perhaps a city that you visited as a child, such a dream indicates that you have returned in your memory to events of the past. You need to make every effort to forget this past.

Perhaps it was not in vain that you decided to delve into the events of the past and are now ready to actively work to develop in the future only in the right direction. But, if after sleep you experience some heaviness and self-doubt, this may mean that it is too early for you to take such important actions as saying goodbye to past experiences.

A dream in which you see an old, destroyed house and do not dare to enter it means that on a subconscious level you do not want to return to the past, you do not want to sort things out with anyone anymore, you do not want to return old relationships. You have made an informed decision for yourself and do not want to repeat the mistakes again.

A dream in which you are trying to open the door of such a house, but it does not give in, suggests that you still sometimes think about the past, but life itself takes you away from it. Life itself gives you a hint that it is better not to return to the past.

If you see a collapsed house in which you are wandering, in reality you will find yourself in a difficult situation and will think for a long time about how to get out of it, try not to get upset over trifles and not waste your time. Soon you will receive great opportunity change everything, but for now you will have to make an effort to get out of the deadlock.

Why do you dream of a city burned down in a fire? Such a dream means that you will try to get a specific person out of your life. You will try to say goodbye to him and no longer start talking about living together, or about close communication.

If you were planning some important deal or trip, such a dream suggests that you will have to urgently postpone it. You yourself will not understand how you will succeed, but in the end, you will fall under Negative influence stranger. All your plans will collapse in a split second.

If in a dream you wander around an unfamiliar city and say hello to its inhabitants, in reality a lot of pleasant meetings and acquaintances await you. Some of them you will remember for a long time, others will become a useful experience for you. If one of the passers-by refused to greet you, do not despair, you still have a long way to go. Soon you will find a common language with the person with whom for a long time were in a quarrel.

If, while wandering around the city, you visited a church, such a dream means that you have decided to repent of everything you have done. Now you are very sad, and you don’t even know how to get rid of this sadness, but soon you will solve all your problems and your sincere recognition of past mistakes will lead you to an internal truce.

If you are walking around the city and it suddenly starts to rain, but you are without an umbrella - such a dream means that in reality quite strange events await you, perhaps an avalanche of reproaches and unflattering statements will suddenly fall upon you, perhaps you will suddenly find yourself with many enemies instead of friends . In any case, such a dream means an unpleasant surprise.

A dream in which you get caught in the rain, but you have an umbrella, promises you new opportunities for development. Someone will protect you from problems and grief, and you can actively move forward, feeling support from the outside. This support can be both moral and material.

If in a dream you are wandering around the city and come across a fountain, you will be in the center of events. They can be either pleasant or not very pleasant. Perhaps you will witness someone's defeat, or someone's success. In any case, such a dream promises you a lot of attention from the outside.

A dream in which you ask how you can get to some attraction means that it is high time for you to understand your life values ​​and determine your future route. If you don’t do this now, in the future it will be difficult for you to move forward, you will not be able to make the most important decisions on your own.

If you walk around the city with a map in your hands, such a dream suggests that you are looking for your place in life, but are guided only by your subjective opinion. The dream book advises you to respect the opinions of others and not ignore the possibility that they are right. Otherwise, you yourself will not be able to achieve the desired result.

Why do you dream about a city according to Freud’s dream book?

A city in a dream is your waking life. Your state of affairs in your personal life depends on how you see the city in a dream. If you see yourself in a new, beautiful and unfamiliar city, in reality you will be able to start a new relationship that will be very interesting for you.

A dream in which you see a city filled with strangers- in reality you will find yourself in a company where you will not know anyone. As a result, you will get tired of looking for familiar faces, and you will decide that it is high time to return to your usual social circle and not experiment anymore.

A dream in which you have been trying for a long time to find a way out of the labyrinth of an unfamiliar city means that you will try to find a way out of life situation that has developed in your relationship. You will spend a long time choosing between several relationship options if in a dream you think for a long time which way you should turn, which door to open.

It is important to remember the details of such a dream. What emotions did you experience when you were looking for a way out? If you are overcome by panic, you most likely will not be ready for a new relationship; you will look for a way out of old connections, but will not dare to start new ones. If in a dream you are looking for a way out, but at the same time you experience joy and pleasure, such a dream means that you are ready to get rid of the burden of old relationships and joyfully pursue new ones.

Why does a lonely girl dream about the city? She dreams of such a dream as a symbol of impending changes. But whether they are positive or negative, they will tell about the situations that will happen in her life later. The city that a pregnant girl dreamed of is a symbol of her fears. She must get rid of them soon, otherwise she will harm her health.

Why do you dream about a city according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

IN Esoteric dream book it is said that the city is dreamed of as a symbol of obstacles and unexpected obstacles. Try not to create illusions or have hopes in the near future. All your ideas can be destroyed in an instant precisely because of the interference of strangers in your life.

The dream book also indicates that if you dream of an unfamiliar city where you wander alone, in reality you will be left alone with your difficulties and problems. You have to make a difficult choice. Now you are not ready to implement it, but after a short period of time, you will independently come to the right solution to the issue.

Why do you dream about a city according to other dream books?

IN Women's dream book It is said that the city is a dream of happiness and fun, but if you visited it in clear weather. If you visit the city in snow or rain, expect nervous shock. If you visited in a dream the city you have long dreamed of, in reality you will be able to realize everything you previously planned.

In Grishina's dream book it is said that an unfamiliar city in a dream foretells you a lot of hassle and a lot of troubles that you will have to face. You will not know how to act correctly in the current situation and will begin to rush around. The dream book advises you once again not to be nervous and not to waste your energy on disappointments or searching for extremes. There are many opportunities ahead of you. It's just not the right time for new beginnings.

Whatever you dream about, you shouldn’t take everything so close to your heart. Life will put everything in its place. Dreams simply give you hints on how best to act in a particular case. Listen to their tips and you will be able to realize everything you previously planned.

Why do you dream of an unfamiliar city? A plot with him in a dream is considered a warning about various kinds of difficulties. There may be a life turn, a break in relationships, blows of fate, troubles. But the dream book also gives more pleasant interpretations: an amusing trip, new interesting information.

Dream details

Remember what he was like in the dream:

  • big - you will learn a lot of new things;
  • very small - you will encounter someone’s vulgar trick or hypocrisy;
  • ancient - a great danger, you can become a victim of inadequate people;
  • to see something burning from afar - commotion at home;
  • destroyed - losses, blows of fate;
  • flooded - there is a high probability of an accident, you need to take care;
  • dead - depression will fall.

The course of events depends on your behavior

Why dream of getting lost in the middle of a small town? The dream book warns: stop spreading gossip, otherwise you may get into trouble. Friends and acquaintances will stop communicating with you.

Lost in an unfamiliar city? The dream reflects inner anxiety, gloomy thoughts due to the new environment that surrounds you. However, over time, everything will pass, you will adapt, get used to it.

For a woman to see a strange metropolis or town in a dream means to receive some strange proposal from a man that will discourage her.

Miller's Dream Book: big changes

Did you dream of seeing yourself in an unfamiliar city? The dream warns: a sad event will force you to change your activities and lifestyle. It is even possible to change your place of residence.

There will be problems and losses

Why do you dream of coming there? The dream book reports: the sleeper tends to escape from an unpleasant or uncomfortable situation into a constructed reality. It is important to remember that the problem will not go away in reality - it will have to be solved later. Therefore, it is better to switch like this for a short time - just to relax.

If you dreamed of arriving somewhere unknown and seeing abandoned, collapsing buildings and streets - you are experiencing losses, blows of fate, get ready to resist them.

The interpretation of a dream about a strange, unfamiliar city is not very favorable. The dreamer does not feel a spiritual connection with his partner, so they will soon separate. However, the break will occur calmly, peacefully, without bringing suffering and pain.

There is an unexpected turn ahead, a lot of troubles

Did you dream of suddenly finding yourself in an unfamiliar city? The dream book indicates: a sharp turn in life is ahead. If the dreamer is surprised and cannot understand how he got there, it means that such a course of events will bring him a lot of anxiety and trouble.

Finding yourself in a dead end in a dream: there is completely useless work ahead or doing some unpromising business.

Why dream of wandering around some unfamiliar city? The dream book suggests: unexpected events are coming.

City in a dream- A large and populous city promises you success in business, and one destroyed by cataclysms can become a harbinger of impending disaster.
Seeing yourself in a big city in a dream means that real life you are very ambitious and sometimes do not disdain anything to achieve your goals.
A city where there are no people means that soon all your difficulties and problems will be solved by themselves, and you will be able to rest and relax. It will be very useful to take a vacation and go on a trip with the whole family; it will give you many pleasant memories and joyful moments.
The city seen in a dream reflects your emotional experiences, your emotions and your mood.
A dirty, dark city means that you are tormented by some worries, which close people and friends can help you get rid of.
If in reality you are a resident of a small town or village, then for you visiting a big city promises only tears and disappointment. Perhaps you will remain misunderstood by your loved ones or be rejected by the person you really like. For those who are residents of a metropolis, this dream predicts success and rapid promotion.
If you dreamed of moving, pay attention to your feelings in the dream.
If you dream that you are lost in an unfamiliar city, this is a symbol of failure that overtakes you due to your uncertainty. In this case, in a dream you will feel insurmountable anxiety.
If in a dream you were still able to find your bearings, then in reality the matter will soon be resolved in your favor.
If in a dream you get lost and wander the streets for a long time, then at the moment a difficult situation has developed in your life, from which you cannot find a way out.
If in a dream you saw a foreign city, then perhaps an interesting journey awaits you in the near future.
If you see yourself working in a big city, then you are wasting a lot of energy. Perhaps this makes you feel undervalued.
If you saw an empty city in a dream- this means that very soon you will solve all your problems and can finally breathe a sigh of relief. You just need to be determined to overcome these difficulties and move forward.
If for you it was joyful and connected with new bright hopes, then in reality the changes will be gloomy and not at all rosy.
If a resident large city If he dreams that he came to a small town for work, then in reality he will most likely be demoted or sent on an unplanned business trip. It is also possible that this person a younger employee will set him up.
If you remain in an unfamiliar place, then you will face an even greater complication of the existing situation.
If, on the contrary, in a dream the move was morally difficult, then this foreshadows good and good events in the near future.
If, on the contrary, there were a lot of people in the city in your dream, it means that you are in a hurry to do everything, but you miss and do not notice something important. You need to take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle to understand what you really want.
Beautiful, big, flooded sunlight city- a sign that no troubles are expected in your life, prosperity and financial well-being await you.
A crowded city warns that in the everyday bustle you risk not noticing something important, so try to be more attentive to the people around you and the events happening around you.
It greatly influences the interpretation of the dream and what the dreamed city was like. If it was large, but dark and dirty, it means that you will experience experiences that you will not be able to get rid of for a long time, and only your loved ones will be able to help you with this.
The city you dreamed about reflects what is happening in your soul, your emotional condition and the mood you are in Lately.
Dreaming of an unfamiliar city or a city located in another country suggests that you will soon have the opportunity to go on an exciting journey. such a dream may portend a change in place of residence or lifestyle.
If you dreamed of an unfamiliar city, then this is a sign of unpleasant events, as a result of which you will have to change your lifestyle, type of activity or place of residence.
Sunny, clean, beautiful city- on the contrary, it symbolizes the dreamer’s peace of mind and harmony.
Wide and spacious streets of an unfamiliar city mean great opportunities and excellent prospects for future affairs. Narrow streets, and especially dead ends, symbolize unresolved problems.