Turpentine baths: white emulsion, yellow solution, mixed emulsion. How to use Skipar for weight loss

History of use as a disinfectant and remedy resin (resin) coniferous trees, from which turpentine is currently obtained, dates back thousands of years.
Peoples who lived before our era (ancient Sumerians, ancient Jews, etc.) used dried pine and fir needles for compresses and poultices, and also used them in the form of tinctures or liquid plasters for bleeding and wounds.

In the 16th century, the French physician Ambroise Pare widely used turpentine and Peruvian balsam to treat wounds.
In Russia, balms were used in the treatment of wounds and purulent processes. Thus, T. Kudryavtsev (1868) in the “People's Medical Book” indicated that spruce resin has a slightly irritating, stimulating effect, and pine resin is used to treat wounds, rheumatic pain, and gout.
By distilling the resin of coniferous trees with steam, turpentine is obtained. This is an active substance with pronounced antibacterial and antifungal properties.

The mechanism of action of turpentine and turpentine baths

As mentioned above, by its chemical nature, turpentine belongs to terpenes, which are the main integral part essential oils of coniferous trees. The mechanism of biochemical action of turpentine components was studied in experiments in vitro and in vivo.

Much attention in the literature is paid to the biological effect of turpentine depending on the dose, duration of exposure and point of application.
The effect of turpentine on the skin is associated with the lipotropic nature of its main component, a-pinene, due to which it penetrates the epidermis and, stimulating skin receptors, causes reflex reactions in the body.

The mechanism of action of turpentine has been studied by a number of researchers. M.D. Mashkovsky (1986) notes that under the influence of turpentine, biologically active substances are released in the skin, in particular, histamine, which causes the opening and expansion of capillaries, and carbon dioxide, which stimulates the respiratory center.
For a long time turpentine with therapeutic purpose used only externally in ointments and rubbing. Due to the fact that turpentine does not dissolve in water, its use in hydrotherapy practice was limited to only unsuccessful attempts.

In connection with the creation A.S. Zalmanov recipes for the emulsification of turpentine (“white emulsion”, “yellow solution”), Zalmanov’s turpentine baths began to be used in hydrotherapy practice.
The mechanism of action of turpentine baths according to Zalmanov is that “by opening closed capillaries, they restore the blood supply to the dried processes in the tissues, provide an influx of oxygen and drainage to remove metabolites - and the life of tissues and cells is restored.” Thus, they help prevent microthrombosis and capillary stasis and improve microcirculation.
The effectiveness of turpentine baths A.S. Zalmanov explains their impact on general defense mechanisms body, their stimulation at the level of capillary blood flow, more precisely, on the metabolic processes occurring at this level of the vascular system. The proposed emulsification recipes are an undeniable merit of the author, allowing for wider use of the medicinal properties of turpentine.

When using turpentine in the form of baths, the effect of terpenes on the skin is enhanced by the thermal effect of the water procedure. As noted by A.S. Zalmanov, baths of yellow emulsion enhance internal combustion, dilate capillaries, lower blood pressure, and help dissolve pathological deposits in blood vessels, joints and tendons.
White turpentine baths cause a change in the lumen of the skin capillaries, which helps to increase blood pressure, improving blood circulation in muscles and internal organs. The similarity in the action of the two types of baths is that they cause a marked improvement in capillary circulation and acceleration of blood flow, have a bactericidal and analgesic effect, and stimulate the respiratory center.

Starting to use turpentine baths

You should know that white baths can only be used by people with low or normal (not higher than 140-150/90 mm Hg) arterial blood pressure. For people with higher levels, only yellow baths are recommended. If, during the use of white baths, blood pressure becomes higher than normal, you must immediately switch to mixed baths.

Zalmanov baths application

A. S. Zalmanov considered the following conditions to be indications for the use of turpentine baths: arteritis (with blood pressure not higher than 140 mm Hg); myocardial infarction (consequences); sciatica; rejuvenation of the elderly; fractures (or consequence - muscle atrophy); bone loss (osteomalacia); rickets; deforming rheumatism with osteoporosis.”


active forms of open pulmonary tuberculosis, psychosis in the acute period, severe heart failure, individual intolerance to turpentine baths or increased skin sensitivity to turpentine.

Techniques for using turpentine baths

  1. Shake the contents of the bottle (yellow solution or white emulsion or mixed emulsion).
  2. Prepare the solution: stir according to the bath number
    (see application tables) amount (yellow solution or white emulsion) in 3 liters hot water 50-60° C.
  3. Fill the bathtub with 150-170 l of water desired temperature(see Application Tables) and add the prepared solution.
  4. Thoroughly mix the prepared solution in the bath until completely dissolved in water. The amount of solution, water temperature and duration of the procedure are changed according to the schemes indicated in the tables for the use of each type of bath.
  5. After taking a bath, it is recommended, without drying yourself, to wrap yourself in a terry towel and rest for 1.5-2 hours.
  6. It is recommended to take an average of 15 – 25 baths every other day. Repeat the course 3-4 times a year.


To avoid irritation on sensitive areas of the skin, before taking a bath, it is recommended to lubricate the area of ​​the armpits, groin folds, perineum, and places of accidental scratches with Vaseline. Strictly comply temperature regime and dosage of the solution. Do not plunge your head into the bath. Avoid contact with eyes.
The duration of each bath should be limited by the appearance of perspiration on the skin of the face!

The use of turpentine baths according to the method of Zalmanov A.S.

Turpentine emulsion White

Bath no. Quantity of White emulsion, (ml.) Temperature Cont. baths, (min.)
1 20 36°, after 5 minutes - 38° 15
2 25 15
3 30 15
4 35 36.5°, after 5 minutes - 38° 15
5 40 15
6 45 16
7 50 37°, after 5 minutes - 39° 16
8 55 16
9 60 16
10 65 16
11 70 17
12 75 37°, after 5 minutes - 39.5° 17
13 80 17
14 85 17
15 90 17
16 95 17
17 100 17
18 105 17
19 110 17
20 115 17
21 120 17

Turpentine solution Yellow

Turpentine emulsion Mixed

List of used literature:

  1. History of discovery medicinal properties turpentine - magazine "Polyclinic" No. 2, 2007 pp. 85-88. (http://www.poliklin.ru/article200702a13.php)
  2. Zalmanov A.S. The secret wisdom of the human body (deep medicine) - Rostov n/D. - Phoenix - 2005
  3. Kamenev Yu.Ya, A.S. Zalmanov. “Capillary therapy and natural therapy of diseases” - St. Petersburg - Nevsky Prospekt. 2003
  4. Mazur O.A. “Cleaning capillaries: Zalmanov’s teaching” - St. Petersburg - St. Petersburg - 2005
  5. Polevaya M.A. “Turpentine baths” All St. Petersburg. 2005
  6. Vodolazskaya E. S. “Healing with turpentine according to Zalmanov’s method” - M: Eksmo, 2007.

These baths stimulate capillaries and increase blood circulation in all organs, open closed pulmonary capillaries, and increase blood pressure, so it is better for people with high blood pressure to take baths with yellow turpentine solution. “White baths” have a good analgesic effect, do not cause stagnation of heat and are indicated for:

1. In cases of the consequences of infantile paralysis and the consequences of poliomyelitis, almost always accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure and tachycardia, to regulate the functioning of the kidneys and liver. Within a few months of using these baths, restoration of normal muscle functions and almost normal blood supply to atrophied parts of the body are achieved.

2. For arthritis without high blood pressure.

3. For deforming arthritis, which is almost never accompanied by an increase in blood pressure.

4. For ankylosing spondylitis.

5. For angina pectoris without high blood pressure.

6. For sciatica and cervicobrachial neuritis, if the pressure is not higher than 150. Start with daily “white” baths, one “yellow” bath (60 ml, 39-40 g, 6 min.). Pain relief is achieved after 14-18 baths (for sciatica) and after 24-30 baths for cervicobrachial neuritis.

7. In case of post-traumatic ankylosis and wounds, start with “white” turpentine baths, if the pressure is 150-180, use mixed baths. The results are good even with long-term illnesses.

Baths are best used before bedtime. If the procedures are taken during the day, then after taking a bath you need to stay in bed for 2-3 hours. Baths are taken no earlier than 1.5 hours after meals. You need to be in the bath completely, immersing yourself in the water up to your chin. Those who cannot remain in this position for a long time can change it with a sitting position in the bath, and then again immerse themselves up to the chin for the time indicated in Table No. 5.

Table No. 5.




bath water V

degrees C


36, in 5 min.

36, in 5 minutes.

36.5 after 5 min.

36.5 after 5 min.

Store the emulsion in a glass container at room temperature in a dark place. Shake before each use.


Is a liquid white with the smell of resinous substances and turpentine.


Sodium salts of edible fats, olive oil, sodium chloride, sodium carbonate, titanium dioxide, salicylic acid, herbal extract and gum turpentine, prepared using special technology.


Used as a prophylactic for bathing for

effects on the skin and the body as a whole, has a general tonic effect, restores capillary blood flow. With a course of baths (at least 15-20 procedures), the extract helps remove toxins from the body, increases performance, improves the functioning of blood vessels, skin trophism, relieves congestion and resistance to adverse environmental influences.

Mode of application:

Pour 10 ml of solution into a bath of water at 36 C°. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. If there is no tingling, increase the amount of the drug slightly.

Take every other day. Lubricate the mucous membrane of the body with Vaseline.

Baths can also be used according to Dr. Zalmanov’s regimen. Cautions: Skin diseases.

Do not take general baths if you have hypertension, ischemic heart diseases

, cancer, alcohol intoxication.



These baths, by enhancing the internal combustion of substances and dilating capillaries, help dissolve pathological deposits in the joint cavities and in the walls of blood vessels. In tendons, in the lens of the eye (for cataracts) and have a strong analgesic effect.


1.Severely reduces blood pressure.

2. Resolve exostoses that occur in hypertrophic deforming rheumatism.

3.Help the skin release sodium chloride and urea through sweat.

4. Dissolve calcium deposits in ligaments and tendons.

5. They work well for the consequences of cerebral hemorrhage, for myelopathy, these baths wash away the remains of dead cells around the surviving neutrons, as well as for chronic myelopathies with muscle atrophy (for example, with some types of tabes dorsalis).

6. Pain relief for sciatica is performed after using 14-18 baths (for people of strong build, baths can be used daily, for the rest, according to the system: two days of taking a bath, a day of rest).

7.Give noticeable improvements in cervicobrachial neuritis after taking 24-30 baths.

8. Muscles are strengthened and the ability to walk without orthopedic devices appears after 15-18 months of using these baths.

9.Ankylosis after injuries is cured after 2-3 months of treatment.

Indications for use:

1. In the treatment of arthritis, with blood pressure above 180.

2. For angina pectoris with high blood pressure.

Table No. 6: Scheme of treatment with baths with yellow turpentine solution.

2. For angina pectoris with high blood pressure.

t water (С°)

36, in 5 minutes 39


It is a yellow oily liquid with the smell of resinous substances and turpentine.


Castor oil, caustic soda, oleic acid, turpentine and herbal extract prepared using special technology.


It is used as a prophylactic agent and is intended for bathing to affect the skin and the body as a whole, has a general tonic effect, and restores capillary blood flow. With a course of baths (at least 15-20 procedures), the extract helps remove toxins from the body, increases performance, improves the functioning of blood vessels, skin trophism, relieves congestion and resistance to adverse environmental influences.

Mode of application:

Shared baths. Pour 10 ml of solution into a bath of water at 36 C°. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. If there is no tingling, increase the amount of the drug slightly.

Take every other day. Lubricate the mucous membrane of the body with Vaseline.

Baths can also be used according to Dr. Zalmanov’s regimen.


Skin diseases. Do not use general baths for hypotension, coronary heart disease, cancer, or alcohol intoxication.

MIXED turpentine baths

Since baths with white turpentine emulsion increase blood pressure, and baths with yellow turpentine solution greatly reduce it, then by combining the composition of the mixture of these solutions, it is possible to achieve beneficial blood pressure for the patient. With mixed baths, amino acids enter the blood through previously closed capillaries.

Indications for use:

1. Polyneuritis.

2. Raynaud's disease.


4. Polyneuritis (infantile paralysis).

At a maximum blood pressure of 180, include one with a yellow solution for 2 mixed baths.

5. For arteritis at a pressure of 170-190.

6. For angina pectoris after increased pressure.

7. After myocardial infarction, 6 weeks after recovery, begin treatment with mixed baths, increasing to 10 times, continue to take “white baths”, including 1 “yellow bath” after each series of two “white” and mixed baths, if blood pressure is 170 -180.

9. For adnexitis, start with mixed baths at a water temperature of 39 C°. Within 15-17 minutes. After a series of 6-8 baths, start short baths at a water temperature of 37 to 43 C°. with yellow solution.

Table No. 7. Scheme of treatment with baths with mixed turpentine solution.

1. In the treatment of arthritis, with blood pressure above 180.

2. For angina pectoris with high blood pressure.

36, in 5 minutes 40

36, in 5 minutes 41

Note: Take baths from 1st to 8th every other day, baths from 9th to 13th take 2 days later. Then continue to take baths according to the standards of bath No. 13 until a positive result is achieved.

Skipar preparations have great potential and are used for external use as a tonic, rejuvenating and anti-cellulite agent.

They have a cleansing and dilating effect on blood vessels.

The word Skipar denotes the name of the product, which is based on gum turpentine, used in the treatment of many pathologies

This group medicines, made from turpentine of natural origin. The active substance included in the medicinal product is used to combat a huge number of diseases. One of them is pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Baths using turpentine are called balneological therapy. Trademark Skipar provides the world with products whose effectiveness is equivalent to a sanatorium-resort holiday. Only in this case the patient does not have to leave his home.

Release form

The main component in Skipar preparations is gum turpentine. The substance is produced from a plant - resin, which produces juice in the form of resin.

Skipar is found in the form of gels, solutions and emulsions. Traditional and more popular products include:

"White" emulsion used for baths

Helps increase blood pressure, increases capillary permeability, and saturates the blood with oxygen. This turpentine mixture is indicated for patients with hypotension;

"Yellow" bath solution

Reduces high pressure, normalizes capillary blood circulation by increasing the width of capillaries. Turpentine solution removes scars, hematomas, and various adhesions. Outputs excess moisture and sodium chloride. Used in patients with hypertension;

"Mixed" emulsion for baths

It contains not only turpentine, but also medicinal herbs- sage, chamomile, string. Each plant has a unique effect: it regenerates cells, stops bleeding, or has a cardiotonic effect. This Skipar emulsion is indicated for patients whose blood pressure is normal;

"Movement" bath solution

A specially produced series of Skipar with a composition of gum turpentine and tinctures of nettle, wild rosemary, sage, chamomile, burdock root, heather grass;

Cream-balm Skipar

It has a warming, antimicrobial, irritant and analgesic effect. After rubbing the drug, active blood supply to tissues and joints occurs, pain subsides, and muscles relax.

Important! Turpentine baths are used based on the patient’s blood pressure. For example, if, when using a white solution, the pressure begins to increase, it is necessary to replace it with a yellow or mixed Skipar solution.

pharmachologic effect

Resin turpentine is included in the group of locally irritating substances. Skipar products are used for external use, help fight inflammation, pain and play the role of a local irritant and antiseptic.

The peculiarity of gum turpentine is its ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, stimulating receptors, pushing them to change at the reflex level.

By acting on the skin, the drug releases active substances of biological origin and histamine.

An important effect from the use of Skipar preparations is considered to be rejuvenation, tonic effect, improvement of metabolism leading to smooth skin.

Turpentine remedies are irreplaceable for colds, osteochondrosis, varicose veins, arthrosis or arthritis.

Who is prescribed the drugs?

The list of when it is necessary to use Skipar drugs is quite impressive. They are not replaceable in the treatment of:

Important! Before you start using Skipar formulations, you must consult your doctor.

Mode of application

In order to achieve maximum effect from using Skipar preparations, you must strictly follow the instructions for use drawn up by the manufacturer.


It consists of several steps:

Important! The duration of treatment with Skipar preparations is up to 25 baths per course, which can be repeated once a year.

Cream-balm Skipar is rubbed into the skin with massage movements until it is completely absorbed. After rubbing, do not overcool so as not to lose the therapeutic effect.


Turpentine emulsions and solutions are not suitable for everyone. The drugs are contraindicated for:

Important! The drug is immediately discontinued if pain occurs in the heart area.

The appearance of pain after using drugs in the affected joints or an increase in body temperature is not considered a contraindication to the use of Skipar.


Some patients experience bad consequences after using Skipar. These include:

  • pain in the heart area;
  • gradually increasing pain in the joints;
  • allergy.

The appearance of any of the above symptoms should not be ignored and promptly go to the hospital.

To avoid irritation after using Skipar solutions, Vaseline should be applied to delicate areas of the skin. For example, on the groin folds, armpits, perineum, existing scratches.

You should not completely immerse yourself in a therapeutic bath; it is better not to wet your head. Carefully avoid contact of drugs with eyes.


The cost of Skipar depends on the region where they are sold.

  • The approximate price of Skipar gel-balm is no more than 100 rubles.
  • White bath emulsion costs about 350 rubles per 500 ml.
  • Yellow emulsion will cost 450 rubles for 500 mg.

The cost of 1000 ml of any of the drugs is 150 - 200 rubles more expensive.


There are not many analogues of Skipar drugs. Can replace them turpentine ointment, Skipilar And Skipofit.

There was a time when turpentine ointment was considered irreplaceable and was in the first aid kit of the majority of the population. It had a locally irritating effect, eliminating pain, improving blood circulation, and warming the skin.

Now it is possible to add ointment to baths using Skipar solutions, but only after consulting a specialist.

Medical product for bathing for diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Release form, composition and packaging

Therapeutic bath set based on mixed turpentine emulsion; Delamination is allowed.

Compound: gum turpentine, chamomile, sage, string.

1000 ml - bottles (1) complete with a measuring cup and a water thermometer - cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

Therapeutic set Skipar NTV-03 is a medical product. Designed for taking baths based on a mixed emulsion using gum turpentine.

Turpentine - essential oil, obtained by distilling resin from pine. It has a local irritating, distracting (analgesic) and antiseptic effect.

Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties, weakens allergic reactions, enhances regeneration processes.

has a disinfectant and hemostatic effect. Recommended for polyarthritis, osteomyelitis, deforming arthrosis, trophic ulcers.

Series has a hypotensive and cardiotonic effect.

Skipar turpentine baths based on a mixed emulsion help increase blood pressure (BP), improve tissue trophism, increase the flow of oxygen, and reduce the stiffness of muscles and ligaments.

The use of Skipar mixed emulsion helps to dilate capillaries, increase blood circulation and activate metabolic processes in tissues, increasing body tone and resistance to various diseases.

Turpentine baths Skipar have an effect on all skin types: they cleanse harmful substances, restore normal collagen content, have a tonic effect, and slow down the aging process of skin cells.

Skipar turpentine baths are effective in complex therapy for colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis), metabolic disorders (overweight), lower limbs, thrombophlebitis; promote relaxation.

Application area

— arteritis (with blood pressure not higher than 140 mm Hg);

- consequences of myocardial infarction;

— consequences of bone fractures (including muscle atrophy);

- osteomalacia;

- rheumatoid arthritis;

- deforming osteoarthritis;

- osteoporosis.


— active pulmonary tuberculosis;

- acute psychosis;

- severe deficiency;

- individual intolerance to turpentine baths or increased skin sensitivity to turpentine.

You can take both general baths (with the whole body immersed) and local baths (with the hands or feet immersed in water).

General baths (with full body immersion in water)

1. Shake the contents of the bottle. Measure 20-50 ml of bath emulsion with a measuring cup and stir in 3 liters of hot water (50-60°C).

2. Fill the bath with 150-200 l warm water(37-40°C), add and thoroughly stir the prepared emulsion in the bath until completely dissolved in water. The amount of emulsion, water temperature and duration of the procedure are changed according to the schemes indicated in the table.

3. Take the bath for 15-20 minutes. The temperature in the bath (37-40°C) should be monitored using the thermometer included in the kit. After completing the procedure, it is recommended, without drying yourself, to wrap yourself in a terry towel and rest for 1.5-2 hours.

Local baths (with hands or feet immersed in water)

1. Fill the container for taking local baths with 5-6 liters of warm water (37-40°C).

2. Shake the contents of the bottle. Measure 7-8 ml of bath emulsion with a measuring cup and stir in the prepared container until completely dissolved in water.

3. Take local baths for 15-20 minutes. The temperature in the container (37-40°C) should be monitored using the thermometer included in the kit. After completing the procedure, it is recommended to stay warm and calm for 1.5-2 hours.

The use of turpentine baths according to the method of Zalmanov A.S. (mixed turpentine emulsion)

special instructions

Before using the Skipar NTV-03 therapeutic kit, it is recommended to consult a doctor in order to determine the optimal course of procedures (bath temperature, emulsion concentration, number of bath cycles).

The dosage of the emulsion, the method of preparing the emulsion, the temperature regime and the bath time should be strictly observed.

The duration of each bath should be limited by the appearance of perspiration on the skin of the face.

The water temperature should be determined using the thermometer included in the kit, and the emulsion dosage should be calculated using a measuring cup.

To avoid burns and irritation on sensitive areas of the skin, before taking a bath, it is recommended to lubricate the areas of the armpits, groin folds, perineum, and places of accidental scratches.

You should not plunge your head into the bath.

Avoid contact with eyes.

If unpleasant effects occur (irritation of the skin or mucous membranes), immediately stop taking baths and rinse the irritated areas with warm water.

The contents of the bottle may be separated. The emulsion should be shaken before use.


They will help you relieve stress, relax, increase tone and performance, the body’s resistance to diseases and speed up the healing of many diseases. turpentine baths.

The life of cells and tissues depends on capillaries, which are the smallest vessels with a length of about 1 mm and a diameter of several to 30-40 microns. total length The capillaries of an adult are about 100,000 km. The total surface of the capillaries is more than 6000 sq.m. Essentially, this is the metabolic area. Painful changes in capillaries are the basis of the vast majority of pathological processes.

To influence the capillaries, thermal methods are used - warm, hot or cold water, steam. A.S. Zalmanov- a famous domestic doctor who worked in the first half of the last century, not only in Russia, but also in France, found a more effective remedy - turpentine baths.

It has been established that they open capillaries, improve the nutrition of organs with blood elements and oxygen, provide tissue drainage to remove metabolic products, that is, they restore the vital activity of cells, tissues, organs and, accordingly, the entire human body.

Turpentine baths are divided into three types: white, yellow and mixed.

For preparing white baths(bath No. 1) use " White emulsion"(gum turpentine - 45%, water - 50%, crushed baby soap, salicylic acid, camphor alcohol, willow bark extract).

For yellow baths(bath No. 2) use " Yellow solution"(gum turpentine - 50%, castor oil - 20%, oleic acid - 15%, water - 13.4%, caustic soda).

Mixed baths are also accepted.

The white emulsion is intended for people with low blood pressure; baths with a yellow solution are recommended for people with high blood pressure. Willow bark extract (0.2% dry extract) has been added to the white emulsion, which has a positive effect on blood vessels and capillaries and softens the effect of the emulsion. White and yellow baths have different effects on the body.

White baths cause rhythmic contractions And expansion of capillaries. This usually increases blood pressure. White baths do not increase the temperature and do not cause excessive sweating. However, they have a stronger irritant effect (tingling or burning of the skin) than yellow baths.

Yellow baths dilate capillaries in both the venous and arterial circulatory systems, contribute to the dissolution of pathological deposits in joints, tendons and ligaments, in the lenses of the eyes, in the walls of blood vessels and in the capillaries themselves. At the same time, breathing deepens and blood pressure decreases. They cause a general increase in body temperature, stimulate sweating and the removal of urea and sodium chloride through the skin.

Mixed baths are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of a person.

Mixed baths have the advantages of both white and yellow baths and have an additional effect: they cause amino acids to enter the blood through opening capillaries, as well as a physiologically active substance from the group of biogenic amines - histamine, which is involved in the regulation of various processes in organism. In particular, it causes the expansion of still closed capillaries and helps normalize blood flow in the vessels. By adjusting the ratio of the amount of white emulsion to yellow solution, the pressure can be adjusted to the most favorable level.

While the composition and mechanism of action of white and yellow baths differ, what they have in common is that they improve and restore capillary blood flow, show bactericidal And painkiller actions trigger physiological reactions self-regulation And self-healing body.


Turpentine baths are universal method healing the body. They lead to increased metabolic processes, remove toxins, stimulate self-regulation processes and the immune system. Baths are effective means rejuvenation of the body, prevention of premature aging, a means of improving physical condition, increasing efficiency and vitality. They are also useful for those who consider themselves practically healthy. Turpentine baths help normalize fat metabolism. Yellow baths can be successfully used as a means for sustainable weight loss and cellulite elimination. Intensive capillarization of the skin leads to deep cleansing, normalizes and improves its condition. Baths do not cause any pathological changes and violations and are completely harmless when used correctly.

Contraindications to the use of turpentine baths are:

  • - open form of tuberculosis;
  • - coronary heart disease with symptoms of angina pectoris, rhythm disturbances;
  • - heart failure above the first stage;
  • -hypertension II B - III stage;
  • - chronic nephritis and hepatitis;
  • -cirrhosis of the liver;
  • -nephrosis;
  • -acute course of eczema;
  • -scabies;
  • -acute inflammatory process or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • - diseases of the genitourinary organs;
  • - malignant neoplasms;
  • -infectious diseases;
  • - second half of pregnancy;
  • - individual intolerance to turpentine baths.

There are no age-related contraindications for the bath


Before you start taking turpentine baths, you must consult a doctor to choose the right solution or emulsion depending on blood pressure, general condition and diagnosis.

Turpentine baths are taken in courses of 10-12, and more if prescribed by a doctor. Baths can be taken daily, every other day, two days in a row with a break on the third day. To take baths, you need to have a water thermometer, a watch, a plastic beaker for measuring the amount of white emulsion or yellow solution, preferably a tonometer for measuring blood pressure, and medical Vaseline. In addition, you need to prepare a robe or large terry sheet. It is necessary to take precautions to prevent the white emulsion and yellow solution from getting into the eyes, as well as the most sensitive areas of the body, and store turpentine emulsions out of the reach of children.

Reusing water with white emulsion, yellow solution or a mixture of both to treat another person is strictly prohibited.

The amount of white emulsion, yellow solution or their mixture per bath is gradually increased from 10-15 ml to 35-60 ml according to the doctor’s recommendation for a particular person. The bath temperature is 36-37C0. The duration of the bath is 10-15 minutes, starting at 5 minutes and gradually increasing the time by 1-2 minutes, depending on tolerance.

For people with very sensitive skin, it is allowed to apply a small amount of medical Vaseline to some areas of the body (genitals and anus, popliteal fossa, inner surfaces of the elbows, axillary and groin areas).

If you experience discomfort when taking a bath, then you should “soften” the characteristics - reduce the time, temperature or amount of turpentine solution. Maximum amount white emulsion, yellow solution or a mixture of them is also individual. If you have diseases that are not contraindicated, you should take turpentine baths at home under supervision and only as prescribed by a doctor. After leaving the bath, on a damp body (do not rinse or dry yourself), put on a robe or wrap yourself in a sheet, go to bed, cover yourself warmly. The duration of rest after the bath is at least 45 minutes.

Nutrition when taking a course of baths should be rational and healthy. It is necessary to avoid overeating, limit the use of animal foods, and give up alcohol.