How to use Skipar for weight loss. Turpentine baths: white emulsion, yellow solution, mixed emulsion

The effectiveness of using Zalmanov’s turpentine baths is explained by their beneficial effects on blood vessels. They cleanse small capillaries, restore damaged cells and organs, and also promote the breakdown of adipose tissue. With this procedure, you can significantly increase immunity, rejuvenate and even get rid of cellulite. Baths should be used within 10-12 days. Then take a break of six months and, if necessary, repeat the course again.

Turpentine baths: instructions for use

Treatment with turpentine baths at home is possible only after medical consultation. A medical professional should recommend the solution you need, its concentration and permissible temperature. Before taking the course, you need to stock up on a thermometer to determine the water temperature, a bottle with a scale on it to measure the amount of emulsion, as well as a tonometer and a warm robe. The bath temperature should not exceed 38°C, and the duration of the procedure should be 15 minutes. After the bath, it is recommended to lie down in a warm bed and rest for an hour.

White and yellow turpentine baths

Yellow turpentine baths

  • stretch blood vessels;
  • get rid of salt deposits;
  • treat joints and internal organs.

These baths contain special turpentine yellow color, healing oils, sodium oxide and willow bark tincture.

White turpentine baths

  • cause measured contraction and stretching of blood vessels, causing an increase in pressure;
  • relieve migraines, dizziness, fatigue and nervousness.

Hypotonic patients who regularly take turpentine baths speak of them as an effective remedy:

  • immunostimulating;
  • rejuvenating;
  • tonic.

The use of turpentine baths for weight loss

The use of turpentine baths is very effective in the fight against excess weight. They accelerate the processes of metabolism and sweating, and also normalize lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. This happens due to the expansion of the skin. Life-giving moisture enters fat cells, breaks them down and, along with sweat, removes them from the body. As a result, 5 kilograms are lost excess weight only for one course!

Turpentine baths: indications

  • decreased immunity;
  • excess fat deposits;
  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • slagging of the body;
  • improper metabolism;
  • premature aging;
  • decreased physical and sexual activity;
  • neuroses, insomnia;
  • eye diseases.

Turpentine baths: contraindications

Despite the obvious advantages, using baths is not beneficial for everyone; they are contraindicated if you have:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • severe fatigue;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • allergy to the components of this emulsion.

Now many people are interested in natural methods recovery. Zalmanov’s medicinal turpentine baths are exactly this method. They are able to cleanse the human body at the level of the smallest and thinnest capillaries.

Solutions for turpentine baths Zalmanov

Only two were developed medicinal composition for baths - white emulsion and yellow turpentine. They are used both separately and together.
1. Yellow turpentine. This solution consists of three components: oleic acid, castor oil and turpentine itself. If you take baths with yellow turpentine, the reduction and oxidation reactions will gradually return to normal, the aging processes of the body will slow down, and the capillaries will be cleansed. Also, excess fluid will be removed from the body. As a result of this, high blood pressure will return to normal.
2. White emulsion. Its action is aimed directly at the capillaries. She helps them open up and then restores them normal work. If you undergo the procedure of taking baths with white emulsion, the quality of collateral blood circulation will increase, and low blood pressure will return to normal.
3. A mixture of white emulsion and yellow turpentine. Such baths provide a very wide range of effects on the patient’s body. They also have an amazing analgesic effect. Zalmanov's turpentine baths also have many medicinal properties.
Stages of taking Zalmanov's turpentine baths
Stage one:
Water at a temperature of 36 degrees is poured into the bath. It is necessary to calculate so that there is space left in the bath to add water, which will be added throughout the procedure. The selected solution is poured into a separate container, the amount of which is previously measured using a beaker. Next he is bred hot water and stir thoroughly with a spoon. The finished mixture is poured into a bath of water. Stir.
Stage two:
The patient is immersed in a prepared bath so that the water rises no higher than chest level. It is necessary to note the start time of the procedure. Next, the nurse gradually opens the hot water tap to gradually increase the temperature of the treatment solution in the bath. In two minutes you can increase the temperature by only one degree. If yellow turpentine was added to Zalmanov’s turpentine baths, then the maximum temperature of the solution should be 40.5-42 degrees. And if a white emulsion was poured into the therapeutic baths, then the temperature threshold is a maximum of 40 degrees. The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 20 minutes. If the patient begins to sweat, this indicates that his body has already begun to cleanse itself, which means the procedure can be completed. The patient leaves the bathroom, a towel is thrown over him and he is sent to bed. No need to dry yourself.
Stage three:
This is rest after the procedure. The patient must remain in bed for 2 hours.

Indications for the procedure
All medical procedures have their own indications and contraindications. And Zalmanov’s turpentine baths were no exception.
1. Infectious diseases;
2. Cardiovascular diseases;
3. Eye diseases;
4. All diseases that affect the digestive and respiratory organs;
5. Diseases of the joints, skin, musculoskeletal system, and connective tissue;
6. Diseases of the kidneys and genital organs;
7. Venereal diseases;
8. Obesity;
9. Oncological diseases;
10. Diseases of the endocrine system;
11. Diseases of the central nervous system;
12. Childhood diseases.
Zalmanov's turpentine baths help strengthen immune system, prolong life, delay biological aging of the body. And at the same time they are therapeutic for everyone! Both adults and children can be treated.
1. Heart failure;
2. Active pulmonary tuberculosis;
3. Acute periods of psychosis;
4. Terminal conditions;
5. Agonal states.
Turpentine baths are used for various diseases
Turpentine baths are very useful procedure, which improves metabolic processes in the body, warms the body, relaxes muscles, and causes increased sweating. In balneology (the science of studying mineral waters) turpentine baths are prescribed for various diseases of the skin and internal organs.
The use of turpentine baths has an active effect on the body, but it cannot be used in its pure form, it has a strong irritating effect. Special mixtures are prepared for baths: “yellow solution” and “white emulsion”. By adding baby soap, salicylic acid, distilled water and other components to the turpentine.
Turpentine baths are used for various diseases, but hot baths themselves are a powerful procedure, and even more so with the addition of turpentine compounds, so several rules must be followed.
1. Take a bath with the turpentine mixture for no more than 10-15 minutes.
2. The water temperature should be between 36 - 37 ° C, respectively warm.
3. Use ready-made turpentine emulsions in the autumn-winter period, which will be a good prevention of colds.
4. Turpentine emulsion or solution is first diluted in three liters hot water and then added to the bath (the instructions indicate more detailed description for a certain composition).
5. After a turpentine bath, rest for at least an hour.
6. To avoid burns, test on an area of ​​skin. Even if everything is in order, sensitive areas should be lubricated with Vaseline (especially intimate places).
7. Strictly observe the dosage of the solution and temperature regime.
Best time to take such a bath it is evening, but the last meal should be at least two hours before. After the first turpentine bath, you should monitor how you feel if the skin tingling continues. more than an hour- next time you should reduce the dosage. Pinching and tingling of the skin in the first half hour after a bath is considered normal.
Turpentine baths are used for various diseases, including at a young age at in good condition health, “white” baths can be used daily for five days in a row, a break and the next course, which consists of ten baths, alternating with one day of rest. After completing two courses of treatment, the turpentine bath can be used twice a week. Two special baths per week will be enough for older people.
Indications for the use of water procedures:
Diseases of the cardiovascular system (except heart failure).
Problems with blood vessels, including Raynaud's disease, thrombophlebitis.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Kidney diseases: urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis.
Liver diseases: cholelithiasis, chronic hepatitis.
Diseases of the respiratory organs: chronic pneumonia and bronchitis, bronchial asthma.
Gynecological diseases: infertility, chronic oophoritis, chronic adnexitis. In men – prostatitis, impotence.
Baths with white turpentine emulsion have a positive effect on the functioning of the hematopoietic organs. Blood flow becomes more intense, peripheral blood supply improves. Such baths are indicated for various diseases of the joints; they promote rapid healing of fractures, and improve the condition of disorders of the genitourinary system and hypotension.
Yellow turpentine solution is taken for hypertension, salt deposits, angina pectoris, edema and for the resorption of scars. After the baths, you need to drink herbal tea, wrap yourself up and lie down.
Mixed baths with turpentine solution have a mild effect on the body, they do not affect blood pressure and help normalize water-salt metabolism in the body tissues.
These baths are contraindicated for pulmonary and cerebral edema, liver cirrhosis, open tuberculosis, cancer, and skin diseases. The use of turpentine baths has a number of contraindications, taking this into account, you should consult your doctor.
Instructions for using turpentine baths
To use turpentine baths, you will need turpentine mixtures, the production of which is a complex and unsafe process, since this requires certain knowledge, skills and experience. Self-made mixtures have low quality, which may affect the outcome of treatment and your health. Unfortunately, not everyone can purchase ready-made mixtures, and this publication will discuss instructions for using turpentine baths, as well as the composition and recipe for preparing turpentine mixtures at home.
Recipe for making turpentine mixture:
1. White turpentine mixture. To prepare 1 liter of the mixture, you will need: distilled water 550 ml, salicylic acid 3 g, camphor alcohol 20 ml, gum turpentine 500 ml and baby soap 30 g, which must be finely planed. Method of preparation: pour distilled water into an enamel bowl and put on fire. After the water boils, add salicylic acid and shaved baby soap. Stirring with a glass rod, cook for about 15 minutes over low heat until the soap dissolves. Remove the dish from the heat and pour in turpentine. Then, mix and add camphor alcohol. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass container made of darkened glass. The finished mixture looks like yogurt. During storage, it may separate into 2-3 layers - so you need to shake it before use. Store the mixture in a dark place and at room temperature– this way it can be stored for up to 1 year.
2. Yellow turpentine solution. To prepare 1 liter of solution, you will need: castor oil 200 ml, oleic acid 150 ml, caustic soda granules 13.3 g, distilled water 133 ml and gum turpentine 500 ml. Method of preparation: pour castor oil into an enamel bowl and place in a steam bath. Steam bath, put on fire and leave the water to boil, prepare a solution of caustic soda. Caustic soda is an alkali, so you need to prepare the solution with caution, wearing rubber gloves. To prepare a soda solution, take a flask from thin glass, and pouring distilled water into it - rotate and add caustic soda. The caustic soda should completely dissolve, but be careful - the flask may burst from heating. Next, place the flask until it cools completely. When the water boils in the steam bath, reduce the heat and after 5 minutes, pour the prepared caustic soda solution into the castor oil, then mix thoroughly. When the lye and oil thicken, mix thoroughly again and add oleic acid. Stir with a glass rod until the mixture becomes a liquid mass - then stop heating and remove the pan from the steam bath. Pour turpentine into the mixture and stir well. The yellow solution in its finished form is transparent and yellowish in color, while it resembles vegetable oil. Store in a tightly sealed dark glass container at room temperature for 1 year.
Instructions for using turpentine baths:
When using turpentine baths, a strict individual approach is required to select the type of procedure, its duration, environmental conditions and temperature. It is necessary to give great importance the health and well-being of the patient in need of turpentine baths. They should not irritate, frighten or bother the sick person, but, on the contrary, evoke a feeling of comfort and pleasant sensations. The instructions for using turpentine baths warn you that at the beginning of the course of treatment of chronic diseases, it is necessary to take a series of hot and warm procedures, and only in the intervals between them or at the end of the course of treatment, it is necessary to take a set of cold (hardening) procedures.
The result of taking turpentine baths directly depends on the accuracy of your adherence to the technique of their application. The best option, will seek the help of a specialist in this field. It will cost a lot of money, but the result will be the best and most effective. If you do not have the opportunity to seek the help of a doctor, you can take turpentine baths yourself - for this, below are instructions for using turpentine baths at home.
Instructions: you will need hot and cold water, bathroom, thermometer with a 50C scale, beaker with graduations, stethoscope, tonometer, mirror (to control perspiration on the face), watch, white turpentine mixture or yellow turpentine solution, which were given above, it is better to use both. The type of turpentine mixture is selected based on the diagnosis. The frequency of use of turpentine baths depends on the patient’s condition, the body’s reaction to the procedure, the age and diagnosis of the sick person. The dose of any mixture should begin with a minimum dose of 20 ml of solution for an adult. It gradually increases on an individual basis. The body's reaction to this procedure may also depend on weather conditions.

Turpentine baths at home have been used for many years to improve the health of the body. Moreover, taking baths with turpentine will help you get rid of extra pounds and “orange peel”, and your skin will become smooth and velvety without the use of creams and body lotions.

A bath with turpentine sounds a little dangerous and for good reason. When using turpentine for baths, you need to be careful and strictly follow all the recommendations specified in the instructions for the product, so as not to cause harm to the body instead of the expected benefit.

Turpentine oil, commonly known as turpentine, is an essential oil obtained from pine resin. This is a completely natural product. You can buy it at a pharmacy or specialized stores, but it is important to choose a natural product, and not a chemical mixture with the aroma of pine needles, which can often be found on sale. The price of a 100 ml bottle starts from 150 rubles, but the cost can reach 500 rubles for a bottle of this volume, depending on the manufacturer and packaging. This product looks like a white or yellow liquid substance with a characteristic pine smell.

Healing properties coniferous plants known to people for many years. Wide Application turpentine oil has folk medicine. WITH therapeutic purpose ointments, rubbing and turpentine baths are used. In cosmetology, turpentine is used for wraps and baths, which get rid of cellulite and improve the appearance of the skin.

How to choose turpentine for home use

When choosing turpentine, it is important to take into account that it comes in two types, and the effectiveness and safety of using this product depends, first of all, on the correct choice of product. Yellow or white - the choice depends on your blood pressure.

White turpentine is recommended for people with low blood pressure, yellow turpentine for people with high blood pressure. White turpentine baths are not accompanied by heavy sweating, but yellow ones are the opposite. Even after taking a bath, heavy sweating continues for several hours. If your blood pressure is unstable, you can do mixed turpentine baths. The white emulsion is completely soluble in water; it is easier to use for practical purposes, since it does not stain the bathtub. In addition to turpentine oil, the yellow emulsion contains castor oil and oleic acid. And white contains baby soap, salicylic acid and camphor.

Efficiency of using turpentine oil and indications for use

This method of healing the body is used to combat many ailments. You may be offered to undergo a course of such procedures by doctors in sanatoriums in order to improve your health, or by cosmetologists to achieve an aesthetic effect. But in Lately, due to the availability of this product, girls began to increasingly take turpentine baths at home. The effectiveness of this method is as follows:

  • A bath with turpentine warms up the body, so it is used to prevent colds in the autumn-spring period.
  • This method is used to combat muscle pain. For example, after grueling workouts in the gym or just a hard day at work, it is very pleasant to lie in such a bath.
  • Turpentine emulsion for baths is also aromatherapy. If you like pine aroma, for you this method of healing can become a real relaxation.
  • The procedure is used to reduce joint pain.
  • The thermal effect of baths promotes the opening of capillaries. This helps restore the vital activity of body cells.
  • Alternating white and yellow baths helps correct blood pressure.

After the first use of turpentine baths, you will notice an improvement in the condition of your skin, lightness of your body, and your sleep will be incredibly sound.

Zalmanov turpentine baths

The substance from turpentine, which dissolved in water, was derived by Dr. A.S. Zalmanov. He developed a separate direction in medicine, based on the treatment of patients with the most diluted in water. clean look turpentine. This technique is called capillary therapy. It allows you to treat many diseases, including obesity. After this, turpentine emulsion for baths became widely used.

During the bathing process, the main substance of turpentine, terpene, penetrates the skin and promotes the opening of capillaries. You need to take Zalmanov’s turpentine baths according to special schemes, observing the required water temperature and dosage of the emulsion.

Yellow emulsion

Turpentine yellow baths reduce high blood pressure, cause an increase in body temperature, and promote the removal of toxins through the skin. To make your first bath with yellow emulsion for yourself, arm yourself with a water thermometer, a watch and read the step-by-step diagram:

  1. Run half a bath warm water temperature 37 degrees.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of yellow emulsion to it and stir. Lumps and film may remain on the surface of the water.
  3. After 3 minutes of being in the water, its temperature should be increased by 1 degree.
  4. The maximum water temperature that can be obtained at the end of the procedure is 42 degrees, and the total time spent in the water is 15 minutes.
  5. At the end of the procedure, you do not need to dry your body; put on a terry robe and lie in bed for an hour or two.

The second and subsequent yellow turpentine baths will be carried out with an increase in the amount of emulsion by half a tablespoon each time. Maximum amount yellow emulsion in the bath - 8 tablespoons, the course can include up to 20 procedures daily or every other day.

White emulsion

White turpentine baths improve tissue nutrition and stabilize blood pressure. During the procedure, you may feel tingling and burning of the skin. The white emulsion does not cause increased sweating. The procedure should be carried out in water at 37-39 degrees, adding hot water as it cools. It is better to carry out the first procedure for 5-7 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 20 minutes. At the end of the time, as in the case of using the yellow emulsion, do not wipe the body, but wrap yourself in a terry robe and rest for about 2 hours.

You can alternate between white and yellow emulsions in stages or use them together to make mixed turpentine baths. To correct blood pressure, Dr. Zalmanov has developed a scheme for alternating emulsions, but you should not self-medicate without consulting a doctor.

The benefits of the technique for the figure

If you want to lose extra pounds and defeat cellulite, try turpentine baths for weight loss. Efficiency does not depend on the color of the emulsion. The fight against extra centimeters occurs by improving blood circulation and burning fats in the tissues, and then removing them through the open pores of the skin. Turpentine baths for weight loss have visible results, this is confirmed by numerous reviews of girls who carried out the procedure with their own hands at home. You can lose up to 8 kilograms of excess weight in a month. You can choose the emulsion for yourself and use this method using the recommendations described in the article.

Precautions and contraindications

Knowing how to take turpentine baths, you will get the desired effect and will not encounter side effects. Take precautions:

Some girls exceed the prescribed dosage to speed up the weight loss effect. The result of this may not be a slender body without an “orange peel”, but a burn of the skin, so you must strictly follow the instructions.

History of use as a disinfectant and remedy resin (resin) coniferous trees, from which turpentine is currently obtained, dates back thousands of years.
Peoples who lived before our era (ancient Sumerians, ancient Jews, etc.) used dried pine and fir needles for compresses and poultices, and also used them in the form of tinctures or liquid plasters for bleeding and wounds.

In the 16th century, the French physician Ambroise Pare widely used turpentine and Peruvian balsam to treat wounds.
In Russia, balms were used in the treatment of wounds and purulent processes. Thus, T. Kudryavtsev (1868) in the “People's Medical Book” indicated that spruce resin has a slightly irritating, stimulating effect, and pine resin is used to treat wounds, rheumatic pain, and gout.
When distilling the resin of coniferous trees with steam, turpentine is obtained. This is an active substance with pronounced antibacterial and antifungal properties.

The mechanism of action of turpentine and turpentine baths

As mentioned above, by its chemical nature, turpentine belongs to terpenes, which are the main integral part essential oils of coniferous trees. The mechanism of biochemical action of turpentine components was studied in experiments in vitro and in vivo.

Much attention in the literature is paid to the biological effect of turpentine depending on the dose, duration of exposure and point of application.
The effect of turpentine on the skin is associated with the lipotropic nature of its main component, a-pinene, due to which it penetrates the epidermis and, stimulating skin receptors, causes reflex reactions in the body.

The mechanism of action of turpentine has been studied by a number of researchers. M.D. Mashkovsky (1986) notes that under the influence of turpentine, biologically active substances are released in the skin, in particular, histamine, which causes the opening and expansion of capillaries, and carbon dioxide, which stimulates the respiratory center.
For a long time, turpentine was used for medicinal purposes only externally in ointments and rubs. Due to the fact that turpentine does not dissolve in water, its use in hydrotherapy practice was limited to only unsuccessful attempts.

In connection with the creation A.S. Zalmanov recipes for the emulsification of turpentine (“white emulsion”, “yellow solution”), Zalmanov’s turpentine baths began to be used in hydrotherapy practice.
The mechanism of action of turpentine baths according to Zalmanov is that “by opening closed capillaries, they restore the blood supply to the dried processes in the tissues, provide an influx of oxygen and drainage to remove metabolites - and the life of tissues and cells is restored.” Thus, they help prevent microthrombosis and capillary stasis and improve microcirculation.
The effectiveness of turpentine baths A.S. Zalmanov explains their impact on general defense mechanisms body, their stimulation at the level of capillary blood flow, more precisely, on the metabolic processes occurring at this level of the vascular system. The proposed emulsification recipes are an undeniable merit of the author, allowing for wider use of the medicinal properties of turpentine.

When using turpentine in the form of baths, the effect of terpenes on the skin is enhanced by the thermal effect of the water procedure. As noted by A.S. Zalmanov, baths of yellow emulsion enhance internal combustion, dilate capillaries, lower blood pressure, and help dissolve pathological deposits in blood vessels, joints and tendons.
White turpentine baths cause a change in the lumen of the skin capillaries, which helps to increase blood pressure and improve blood circulation in the muscles and internal organs. The similarity in the action of the two types of baths is that they cause a marked improvement in capillary circulation and acceleration of blood flow, have a bactericidal and analgesic effect, and stimulate the respiratory center.

Starting to use turpentine baths

You should know that white baths can only be used by people with low or normal (not higher than 140-150/90 mm Hg) arterial blood pressure. For people with higher levels, only yellow baths are recommended. If, during the use of white baths, blood pressure becomes higher than normal, you must immediately switch to mixed baths.

Zalmanov baths application

A. S. Zalmanov considered the following conditions to be indications for the use of turpentine baths: arteritis (with blood pressure not higher than 140 mm Hg. Art.); myocardial infarction (consequences); sciatica; rejuvenation of the elderly; fractures (or consequence - muscle atrophy); bone loss (osteomalacia); rickets; deforming rheumatism with osteoporosis.”


active forms of open pulmonary tuberculosis, psychosis in the acute period, severe heart failure, individual intolerance to turpentine baths or increased skin sensitivity to turpentine.

Techniques for using turpentine baths

  1. Shake the contents of the bottle (yellow solution or white emulsion or mixed emulsion).
  2. Prepare the solution: stir according to the bath number
    (see Application Tables) amount (yellow solution or white emulsion) in 3 liters of hot water 50-60° C.
  3. Fill the bath with 150-170 liters of water desired temperature(see Application Tables) and add the prepared solution.
  4. Thoroughly mix the prepared solution in the bath until completely dissolved in water. The amount of solution, water temperature and duration of the procedure are changed according to the schemes indicated in the tables for the use of each type of bath.
  5. After taking a bath, it is recommended, without drying yourself, to wrap yourself in a terry towel and rest for 1.5-2 hours.
  6. It is recommended to take an average of 15 – 25 baths every other day. Repeat the course 3-4 times a year.


To avoid irritation on sensitive areas of the skin, before taking a bath, it is recommended to lubricate the area of ​​the armpits, groin folds, perineum, and places of accidental scratches with Vaseline. Strictly observe the temperature regime and dosage of the solution. Do not plunge your head into the bath. Avoid contact with eyes.
The duration of each bath should be limited by the appearance of perspiration on the skin of the face!

The use of turpentine baths according to the method of Zalmanov A.S.

Turpentine emulsion White

Bath no. Quantity of White emulsion, (ml.) Temperature Cont. baths, (min.)
1 20 36°, after 5 minutes - 38° 15
2 25 15
3 30 15
4 35 36.5°, after 5 minutes - 38° 15
5 40 15
6 45 16
7 50 37°, after 5 minutes - 39° 16
8 55 16
9 60 16
10 65 16
11 70 17
12 75 37°, after 5 minutes - 39.5° 17
13 80 17
14 85 17
15 90 17
16 95 17
17 100 17
18 105 17
19 110 17
20 115 17
21 120 17

Turpentine solution Yellow

Turpentine emulsion Mixed

List of used literature:

  1. History of discovery medicinal properties turpentine - magazine "Polyclinic" No. 2, 2007 pp. 85-88. (
  2. Zalmanov A.S. The secret wisdom of the human body (deep medicine) - Rostov n/D. - Phoenix - 2005
  3. Kamenev Yu.Ya, A.S. Zalmanov. “Capillary therapy and natural therapy of diseases” - St. Petersburg - Nevsky Prospekt. 2003
  4. Mazur O.A. “Cleaning capillaries: Zalmanov’s teaching” - St. Petersburg - St. Petersburg - 2005
  5. Polevaya M.A. “Turpentine baths” All St. Petersburg. 2005
  6. Vodolazskaya E. S. “Healing with turpentine according to Zalmanov’s method” - M: Eksmo, 2007.

The product "Skipar" is an emulsion for weight loss, which, thanks to the content of natural ingredients, removes toxins and enhances metabolism in tissues. Cleansing ensures weight loss.

“Skipar” improves blood circulation in tissues, as a result the cells receive a sufficient amount of oxygen. It helps to increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin, therefore reducing the signs of cellulite.

“Skipara” contains gum turpentine, which is obtained from the resins of coniferous trees, as well as wormwood extracts, horse chestnut and lingonberries, etherols of lavender, sage and rosemary, salicylic acid and camphor.

For effective weight loss you need to alternate different types facilities.

White "Skipar" designed to open capillaries. The emulsion is suitable for the first procedure. Thanks to it, pressure is reduced and oxygen supply to tissues is increased. The product has the following actions:

  • cleansing and toning;
  • normalizing tissue trophism.

White "Skipar"

Yellow "Skipar" suitable for people with high pressure. The product contains chamomile extract to enhance cell regeneration and a string that has hypotonic and cardiotonic properties.

Baths with this type of emulsion tone the skin, enhance collagen synthesis and prevent the aging process of the epidermis, scars and hematomas resolve. His recommended for use for the first 6-7 procedures to normalize the pressure, and then switch to white.

Yellow "Skipar"

Mixed "Skipar" is a combination of yellow and white, has the advantages of the previous two. This emulsion improves blood flow and pressure. It also normalizes the water-salt balance in the human body. As a result of the removal of excess fluid, swelling goes away, lymph outflow improves, and as a result, weight decreases. Baths with mixed emulsion promote the production of your own collagen in cells. Thanks to them, skin aging slows down.

Mixed “Skipar” heals the entire body. It is recommended for varicose veins, joint diseases, thrombophlebitis and metabolic disorders.

"Skipar" mixed

The manufacturer claims that "Skipar Figure" promotes the breakdown of fatty deposits under the skin. It helps get rid of cellulite. As a result, it is possible not only to lose weight, but also to tone the body, make the skin younger and smoother. The emulsion is designed to cleanse the body of toxins and waste. Baths will help strengthen your immune system. For a full course it is worth doing at least 20-25 procedures.

"Skipar" does not reduce weight on its own, but effectively eliminates edema, helps remove excess fluid and normalize water-salt balance. Additionally, it moisturizes the dermis, makes it more elastic, and prevents the formation of stretch marks after losing weight. Metabolism improves in tissues, fats begin to burn much faster and more efficiently. Therefore, to get your figure in shape you need to combine diet, physical activity and turpentine baths.

You can't use emulsion all the time.. The optimal number of procedures is 20-25 . Mode of application:

  1. Shake the bottle;
  2. Draw water for the bath at the usual temperature;
  3. The solution is poured into water;
  4. To protect the skin from irritation, apply cream;
  5. Take a bath for 10-15 minutes;
  6. After the procedure, the body needs to rest for a couple of hours. You need to lie down and relax. Can't study physical activity, eat food, you can drink some plain, still water.

Before and after using Skipar

Contraindications for use:

  • heart disease, disturbances in its functioning;
  • tuberculosis;
  • mental disorders;
  • infectious, viral and inflammatory diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • ulcer;
  • cirrhosis;
  • all types of diabetes;
  • allergies to components and individual reactions;
  • diseases and damage to the skin;
  • thrombophlebitis in the relapse stage;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Despite the absence of serious side effects, some manufacturers add industrial turpentine to the product, which causes toxic poisoning. This threatens the development of kidney disease, irritation, burns and even oncology. Therefore, before use, you should weigh the pros and cons.

Read more in our article about Skipar for weight loss.

Read in this article

What is “Skipar”, its types

The product "Skipar" is an emulsion for weight loss, which, due to the content of natural ingredients, removes toxins and enhances metabolism in tissues.

This cleansing provides weight loss.

In addition, “Skipar” improves blood circulation in tissues, as a result of which the cells receive a sufficient amount of oxygen. It helps improve elasticity and firmness of the skin, therefore reducing the signs of cellulite. The product is added to the bath. The person relaxes and loses weight.


Skipara contains gum turpentine, which is obtained from the resin of coniferous trees, as well as extracts of wormwood, horse chestnut and lingonberry, etherols of lavender, sage and rosemary, salicylic acid and camphor.

To effectively lose weight, you need to alternate between different types of products. They vary in colors and properties.

White This type of emulsion is designed to open capillaries. Thanks to white Skipar, pressure decreases and, as a result, oxygen supply increases.

  • cleansing and toning;
  • The product has the following actions:
  • relaxing and stress-relieving;
  • normalizing tissue trophism.
White "Skipar"

increasing systolic pressure;


Thanks to baths with yellow “Skipar”, scars, scars and hematomas dissolve. It is recommended to use it for the first 6-7 procedures to normalize blood pressure, and then switch to white.

Yellow "Skipar"


This emulsion is a combination of yellow and white. “Skipar” mixed for weight loss has two advantages. This emulsion improves blood flow and pressure. It also normalizes the water-salt balance in the human body.

As a result of the removal of excess fluid, swelling goes away, lymph flow improves, and weight decreases. In addition, baths with mixed emulsion promote the production of your own collagen in cells. Thanks to them, skin aging slows down.

Mixed “Skipar” heals the entire body. It is recommended for varicose veins, joint diseases, thrombophlebitis and metabolic disorders.

Watch the video about the effect of baths with Skipar:


The manufacturer claims that Skipar Figure helps to break down fatty deposits under the skin. He helps . As a result, it is possible not only to lose weight, but also to tone the body, make the skin younger and smoother. The emulsion is designed to cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

Baths with Skipar Figura will help strengthen your immune system. For a full course it is worth doing at least 20-25 procedures. During this time, the desired effect is achieved.

"Skipar Figure"

Benefits for weight loss

"Skipar" helps in a set of measures for weight loss. By itself, it does not reduce weight, but it effectively eliminates edema, helps remove excess fluid and normalize water-salt balance, which, however, does not in any way affect the burning of adipose tissue under the skin.

Additionally, the product moisturizes the dermis and makes it more elastic. So it is necessary to prevent loss of elasticity and the formation of stretch marks after losing weight. Therefore, to get your figure in shape you need to combine diet, physical activity and turpentine baths.

Thanks to camphor and essential oils, blood circulation and oxygen supply are improved, and toxins are removed. Therefore, metabolism improves in tissues, fats begin to burn much faster and more efficiently.

Effect of using Skipar

Rules of use for weight loss

You cannot use the emulsion constantly. The optimal number of procedures is 20-25 times. Skipar is used for weight loss as follows:

  • shake the bottle;
  • 30 ml of emulsion is dissolved in three liters of hot water (50-60 degrees);
  • draw water for a bath at the usual temperature;
  • the solution is poured into water;
  • to protect the skin from irritation, apply cream;
  • take a bath for 10-15 minutes;
  • After the procedure, the body needs to rest for a couple of hours. You need to lie down and relax. You cannot engage in physical activity, do cleaning, etc. At this time, you should also not eat food; you can drink some plain, still water.


Since the drug has a strong effect on the body, it is important to know about cases when its use is not permitted.

Contraindications are:

Expert opinion

Yulia Mikhailova

Nutrition expert

It is important to note that despite the absence of serious side effects, some manufacturers add industrial turpentine to the product, which causes toxic poisoning. This threatens the development of kidney diseases, irritation, burns and even oncology. Therefore, before use, you should weigh the pros and cons.