Download the presentation of a creative project using bench technology. Creative project "making a bench"


Chapter 1. Product design.

1.1. Characteristics of the design of furniture for various purposes

1.2. Requirements for joinery designs.

1.3. The procedure for manufacturing carpentry products

1.4. Technical features project.

Chapter 2. Economic feasibility study of the project

2.1. Marketing plan

2.2. Organizational plan and risks

2.3. Financial plan

Chapter 3. Routing manufacturing of the product (Appendix No. 1).


Objects and ensembles of the material environment created by man are one of the oldest spheres of artistic creativity. Already at the dawn of civilization, simultaneously with the improvement of the first tools, household items, and collective symbolic actions, early forms of artistic understanding of the surrounding, transformable world were formed. Throughout the history of mankind, a variety of artistic processing techniques have been developing, new materials have been mastered, the sphere of activity of the applied artist has expanded, and his tasks have become more complex.

From the first steps, applied art revealed its characteristic close connection with the material and technical culture of society, on the one hand, and the phenomena of specifically artistic activity, primarily fine art, on the other hand. Subsequently, in the epochs of greatest prosperity, the tendency for an organic fusion of utilitarian usefulness and beauty of products, spiritual and stylistic commonality with works of architecture, painting, sculpture, music, and poetry is preserved and strengthened. Development in close unity with all other types of art is one of the laws of applied art.

There are wood carpentry processed manually, partially mechanized, and fully mechanized, carried out in factories with serial or mass production.

Tools for manual and mechanized processing are different different shapes and the different nature of its movement.

In the production of furniture using a mechanized method, there are such phases as cutting, drying, preparing the material, machining parts, assembling half-assemblies, units and finished products, as well as finishing. When making furniture manually, all these operations are often performed by one worker. It spends much more energy and time on execution than mechanized or semi-mechanized production.

Behind last years Large-scale production of lumber packaging and aggregate processing of large timber products are organized in sawmills. In the wood-based panel industry, production capacity has increased significantly due to the intensification of production and its technical re-equipment. There is a gradual transition of plywood enterprises to the production of efficient large-format plywood. For many years, the furniture industry has ensured a stable increase in the volume of furniture production, mainly due to the technical re-equipment of enterprises, the intensification of production, and the improvement of its organization.

Currently, tens of thousands of woodworking machines over 800 models are produced annually, in-line mechanized and automated lines for woodworking, specialized equipment for the production of particle boards, machine tool and transport equipment, as well as auxiliary equipment for sharpening and preparing wood have been created. cutting tool.

Continuous improvement of woodworking production and the use of continuous processing methods place increased demands not only on equipment and machines, but also on the organization of its maintenance.



Any furniture must be comfortable to use, durable, and in appearance and size correspond to its purpose; it must also meet sanitary, hygienic and aesthetic requirements at a price affordable to the general consumer.

Ease of use depends on the correct choice of design and shape of furniture. Furniture should be light and adapted to the room in which it is used. Based on scientific research and practical data, the most appropriate sizes of furniture and its components, therefore all enterprises produce furniture of standard sizes.

The shape of the furniture should provide ease of use. For example, the back of a chair should have an inclination of 10° - 14°, the back of a chair 10° - 15°. The seats of chairs and benches should be tilted downwards by 1.5° - 2° towards the backrest. The height and depth of the seat of a chair and stool, the height of a table, etc. must exactly match the size and shape of the human body. Desk and bureau drawers should be placed so that the person sitting behind them can pull them out comfortably. For convenience, in two-pedestal desks there is often no middle drawer between the pedestals; For single-stand tables, the stand should be placed on the left side of the person sitting at the table.

In written and kitchen tables The kings are made in such a way as not to disturb the person sitting behind them.

Bedroom furniture and furniture intended for cultural centers and clubs should create conditions for relaxation.

The strength of furniture depends on the design, size of parts, methods of connecting parts and assemblies. It also depends on the quality of the materials and their processing.

The components are not subject to compression and bending forces, less often to tension and chipping.

Wood is more resistant to compression and tension along the grain, and is more resistant to shearing forces across the grain. When designing furniture, you need to connect the parts in such a way that they are in the most favorable conditions.

To obtain durable furniture, you need to design it so that the direction of the fibers and layers in individual parts coincides with the direction of compressive and tensile forces and is perpendicular to the bending force. If you do not adhere to this rule, the product will quickly collapse, even if the cross-section of the component parts is increased.

The drawer of a chair, stool, bench and table is subject to bending, so it is also necessary that the direction of the drawbars in the component parts of the drawer be perpendicular to the forces acting on it.

The cross-section of individual structural parts of furniture is determined depending on the quality of the material from which they are to be made. Therefore, when designing furniture, you need to preserve established dimensions, which will ensure the required strength of the product and at the same time economical consumption of wood.

During use, individual structural parts of furniture, if the wood dries out and cracks, change shape and size. Therefore, furniture must be designed in such a way that the dimensions of the components can be changed freely. Failure to comply with this rule may result in a reduction in the useful life of the furniture, a decrease in its artistic value, or damage to individual parts or even the entire item. For example, the seat of a stool with the base must be connected in such a way that the deformation of the seat due to changes in temperature and humidity of the surrounding air occurs freely, without changing the shape and strength of the entire product. If we connect such a seat tightly, it will become deformed and quickly wear out.


The design of joinery products depends on the conditions of their use and on the material from which they are to be made. During the design, advanced carpentry technology should be provided, the possibility of mechanization of work, and economical consumption of materials. This can be achieved by unifying the component parts and bringing their sizes closer to the normalized dimensions of lumber. The shape and dimensions of the designed product must comply with the technical specifications.

Basically, all carpentry products are made from wood, which, as is known, changes shape and size under the influence of moisture and temperature. Depending on the conditions in which this product will be used, these changes may be significant. Therefore, they must be taken into account when designing.

Changes in the shape and size of wood under the influence of moisture and temperature depend on many factors, for example, on the structure of the wood, the direction of the fibers, etc. For example, let's say that a glued table top with dimensions of 700x750 mm can change the width to 15 mm. If the free change of wood is prevented, the stress arising in it can reach up to 100 kg/cm and will cause complete or partial damage to the product. Therefore, it is necessary to design products in such a way that deformation occurs freely without damaging the structure. In order for the entire product to have the required strength, its component parts should have as much strength as possible, and the change in their shape and size should not be significant. The strength of the product is insufficient if, during design and execution, the direction of the wood fibers in individual components is not taken into account.

The legs of the bench are subject to longitudinal compression and bending. If the fibers are directed along the axis of the leg, then it will be strong. On the contrary, if the fibers are directed at a certain angle to the axis of the leg, then the larger this angle, the weaker it will be. Such a leg easily breaks when the bench falls, as well as when moving the loaded bench across the floor.

The shape and dimensions of the designed product must comply with the technical specifications.

The cost of joinery products largely depends on production technology. To make products as cheap as possible, you need to mechanize production processes. With the modern level of technology and production technology, all component parts of various joinery products can be made with great precision on machines.

Furniture must also meet special requirements: technical, economic, aesthetic, hygienic.

Technical requirements. It is necessary to strive for the smallest number of component parts of the product and mechanized method their production; extensive unification of component parts and the possibility of their replacement.

Economic requirements. We must strive to reduce the labor intensity of manufacturing joinery and reduce material costs.

Aesthetic requirements. Joinery products must differ in the proportionality of individual parts, pleasant view and beautiful finishing. Furniture should be in harmony with everything else in the room.

Hygienic requirements. Furniture, when used, should not negatively affect the normal functioning of the human body; it should be comfortable and of appropriate size. Furniture should not have areas where dust could get clogged and settle.


Carpentry products, despite their external differences, are made according to one generally accepted plan. Usually the work is performed in the following sequence:

1) calculation and preparation for work;
2) procurement of parts;
3) planing of blanks;
4) marking of parts;
5) processing of parts;
6) preliminary assembly, fitting and checking the frame of the product;
7) stripping;
8) final assembly;
9) finishing.

Calculation and preparation for work. Regardless of whether one or many identical products will be made, whether they will be performed by one or many workers, before starting their implementation, it is necessary to think carefully about the following questions: what material should the product be made of, how many parts are there in it, what kind of parts are they? size and shape, how they are connected to each other, what equipment and tools are needed and how to set them up; how to do a thing; how to process parts; in what order to collect them one from another; how to finish the product, how and how to decorate it.

Only by carefully thinking through each of these issues can you ensure productive and successful work.

The simplest furniture includes benches and stools. Benches are made mainly from wood coniferous species for the width of one board (200–300 mm). The more common species is Scots pine. It grows from the western borders of the country to the Amur and Ussuri rivers in the east, in the north it reaches the Far North; in the south it borders on the black soil strip, grows in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Pine from the northern regions of the European part has higher performance: fine-grained, dense wood with a high content of late zone, narrow sapwood.

On the territory of Siberia best wood in the pine tree, which grows in the western part (Irkutsk region, Krasnoyarsk region). Pine wood is used in shipbuilding, railcars, bridges, buildings, agricultural engineering, etc.

Pine wood occupies the main place in timber exports (exported in the form of lumber).

Any softwood, it is advisable to paint the product oil paint or varnish. Oil varnishes are solutions of natural or synthetic resins in drying oils with the addition of synthetics and thinners. Resins in the composition oil varnishes increase the hardness and shine of the resulting varnish films and improve their adhesion to the surface being finished (adizium).

Drying of oil varnishes differs from that of alcohol varnishes; it takes longer: to dry from dust it takes from 3 to 12 hours, to dry completely from 1 to 3 days.

Films of oil varnishes are distinguished by gloss, strength, water and weather resistance, and these properties largely depend on the ratio of oil and resin in the varnish.

Fatty varnishes contain 2–5 times more oil than resin. They form elastic films with high water and weather resistance, therefore they are used mainly for finishing products located in the open air.

Skinny varnishes contain 5 to 1.25 parts oil to 1 part resin. They dry faster, form films compared to fatty oils, are no less weather-resistant and elastic, but have a good shine and great hardness. Skinny varnishes are used for finishing indoor products.

The industry produces oil-based varnishes in a ready-to-use form. They can be diluted only to a small extent with turpentine or gasoline solvent. To prepare oil varnishes, compacted oil (polymerized or oxidized) and natural or synthetic resins are used. To impart a matte finish to the varnish film, 2–3% wax, paraffin or ceresin is added to the oil varnish.

The spilling of oil varnishes, compared to the spilling of alcohol varnishes, occurs more slowly, but should end within 10 minutes; varnishes that take longer to pour are considered to be of poor quality.

Oil varnishes are packaged at paint factories and transported in the same way as alcohol varnishes. When storing oil-based varnishes, one should take into account their flammability, in particular the spontaneous combustion of rags soaked in it.

The bench consists of a seat board, legs and slats connecting the legs. Depending on the length of the bench, it is equipped with two or three pairs of legs with a cross-section of 50–60 mm. The legs are connected to the seat board by hidden tires with glue or through tires with wedging. The legs are connected to each other by strips with a cross-section of 40x60 mm and through busbars with glue. Often there are benches whose legs are made of boards rather than bars. In this case, the benches have a more durable structure, and the longitudinal bar is replaced by supports.

Making a bench. One version of the bench is shown in Fig. 1. Knitting methods are visible in the drawing.

It should not be veneered, since the bench may be needed both in the bathroom and in the front garden under the window; children will certainly use it for their games.

The most difficult will be knitting in one spike. Carpenters and model makers draw out the entire future product, its components and details on large sheets of plywood, trying to fit all the details on one sheet, including cuts in different directions. In a drawing made on an arbitrary scale, dimensions are not indicated; in a life-size drawing they will be superfluous. This makes it easier to imagine the sequence of manufacturing blanks, parts, methods of connections, and assembly. The blanks are also marked according to the drawings. If there is no suitable sheet of graph paper, use a sheet of newspaper, the colored pencil will be clearly visible. It is also convenient that the rulers and lines on newspaper pages, transverse and longitudinal, are always located with great precision at right angles.

Let us note right away that in this method of working drawings the canons of geometric construction of three-dimensional figures and the standards of drawing art are deliberately violated. But it is known that in recent years, architects and design engineers have widely used volumetric modeling methods when a residential building or a factory building on a certain scale is first constructed, made up of wooden squares, cubes, triangles and parts of other configurations, and then, when the rational grain is found , the layout is transferred to paper, drawn, and detailed.

When making a life-size drawing, first draw the contours of the largest size, in in this case this will be a top view of the seat, because the height of the bench and the length do not exceed the dimensions of the lid. Then the outline is drawn with a pencil of a different color, as it is visible from the wide side, and, finally, the outline of the end. All that remains is to make cuts and show how to connect the parts into units. For complex products, it would not be superfluous to detail the components, especially those that have not yet been encountered in practice.

The design of a bench consisting of 13 parts is widely known: four legs, four legs, four drawers (upper, more massive legs) and a seat. In the proposed version of the benches There are 11 parts, two less, but the stability and strength are compensated by the “lobed” fit of the legs. But here is the payment for savings, for the deviation from the centuries-tested scheme of a stool and chair: in eight nodes, not simple straight lines are used, but connections of parts beveled at a slight angle. More complex markings, not straight, but beveled sockets, specific features of pressing “wrong” corner joints into clamps and pipes designed for compression at right angles - all this is justified by the final result of the work. No one will say that a bench is a shortened stool, a low chair. No, this is exactly a bench, a comfortable footrest when working while sitting.

Sawing and planing workpieces is no different from usual. All blanks have a rectangular cross-section, only the ends of the transverse frames are sawn at an angle of 30–40°. And the sequence of operations for filing tenons, marking, and hollowing out eyes is somewhat different than when making, for example, a square or a clamp. In two longitudinal parts (leg and drawer), the tenons are made straight, marked using a square according to marks made by laying blanks on a full-size drawing. Through tenons on the legs are marked according to the marks on the edges of the workpieces, the marks are connected by lines using a ruler in a square.

Three prongs are marked differently (one longitudinal and two transverse). The first one has straight through tenons of a rectangular shape, during assembly and gluing they are wedged for strength, all others are also wedged to form tenons of a square section, they are marked along the edges by superimposing them on the drawing, the marks are transferred to the faces at right angles. Marking of studs in the longitudinal direction along the thickness is done only with a surface planer.

In the transverse direction the tenons are sawed off, in the longitudinal direction they are cut off with a chisel on four sides. At the same time, in order not to cut off excess, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the wood fibers. It is better to saw tenons on twisted wood in the longitudinal direction, for which the workpieces are clamped in a vice in a vertical position.

Eyelets are formed only after all the tenons have been made, aligned according to the drawing, and cleaned with a chisel. Nests are marked by placing blanks with ready-made tires on the workpieces that should have lugs. First, pencil marks are placed on one side, then, using a square and a thicknesser, they are transferred to both edges of the legs and sides, drawers and legs. It is recommended to hollow out nests located at an angle on both sides of the workpieces.

When all the tires and lugs are made, it is necessary to test assemble the parts into units, first in pairs of legs with legs and drawers, then with longitudinal drawers and drawers. Possible distortions can be easily eliminated during pressing in clamps. If the connections are made more or less cleanly, there are no significant distortions, then you can do without pressing: it will be replaced by wedging of through tenons, the only exception being the longitudinal frame. The corners are oval, cut with a jigsaw according to preliminary markings using a template cut out of cardboard. Marking ovals can also be done with a compass, but the easiest way is to follow the contour of a suitable round object placed on the plywood.

It is necessary to prepare in advance wooden wedges of the following sizes: length 20–25, width 8–10, thickness no more than 3 mm. They are made from a piece of cross-layered wood, which is split with a wide chisel or an ordinary knife, and the ends are sharpened. More than a dozen wedges will be required - according to the number of nests.

When everything is ready, you can begin assembling the units for gluing. The procedure is the same as for test assembly; the glue should not be too thick and cold, since all pressing work will take at least 10 minutes, during which time the cold and thick glue will turn into a gelatinous mass and will not be absorbed well into the pores of the wood.

Glue is applied to both the studs and the eyes. The spikes of the legs glued in pairs are immediately wedged out. It is better to drive wedges coated with glue not along the edges of the sockets, even if there are cracks, but into the ends of the tenons, having previously made notches with a narrow chisel. Great efforts should not be made when driving the wedges; their ends should be cut off with a chisel immediately after gluing only on the sides.

Then pairs of legs with a leg are connected with glue, the tenons are wedged out, the tenons of the longitudinal drawer, the cutouts in the transverse drawers, as well as the faces of all three drawers to which the seat cover is glued are smeared with glue. The latter should be pressed with clamps. Place a piece of wood or plywood under the screws, or even better, a board along the entire length of the lid. If one side of the board is convex, then it is this side that is placed on the seat, then the clamp will be more reliable.

As a rule, one adhesive connection is sufficient. However, if it turns out that the edges of the cover do not fit tightly to the ends of the transverse drawers, then they can be strengthened with four screws no longer than 22 mm. The glued bench should be placed on its legs to dry for 4–5 hours. First, check the parallelism of the parts by eye. Existing deviations are corrected with light blows of a hammer or simply by hand.

Finishing consists of trimming protruding tenons and wedges, scraping off dried glue with a chisel, puttingtying the ends, sanding all surfaces, and painting. The ends of the legs, after alignment with two parallel rulers, as was done when checking the correctness of planing, must be sawed off at the appropriate angle so that the ends are parallel to the plane covers, floors. Chamfers are made on the edges.

Garden bench. Second option. Varnish is not suitable for finishing; only oil painting is possible. The workpieces should be glued not with flesh glue, but with casein glue.

But when it comes to designing a garden bench, the creative scope is endless. They are made of wood and wicker, from stumps and logs, metal and brick, concrete and ceramics. There are even grass benches. With and without backrests, stationary and mobile, with a reclining backrest and a folding seat in case of rain, low, like for children, and high, with a retractable or reclining additional bench for the feet. There are countless finishing methods. But we offer one portable option, very light wooden garden bench and then only to show possible methods and techniques for carpentry joints that will be constantly exposed to the destructive effects of moisture and sun.

To make such a bench you will need up to a cheek 1200 mm long, 40 to 80 mm wide and up to 20 mm thick; bars for legs with a cross-section of 50x50 and short planks or blocks for drawers and legs with a cross-section of 60x20 mm. The design is dominated by tenon knitting of parts at a certain angle, since the four legs will not be vertical, but beveled to the sides. This position of the legs ensures good stability of the bench on uneven ground and grass. Marking through tenons and sockets will require high precision, therefore it is better to carry it out according to the drawing in full size.

As can be seen from the drawing, all the tenons are wide enough to ensure strong gluing. All tires are through, this allows us to use wedging, which will also increase the strength of the bench, which is made from lightweight materials. A preschooler can carry and rearrange it. Being well and tastefully painted, it can take its rightful place at the festive table on the terrace.

The material for blanks can be wood of any type of wood, but without large and through knots. The strength of the connections requires processing all the main parts with a jointer, carefully filing the tenons and selecting sockets for them. It is better to make wedges from hardwood; they should be wide enough, at least 20 mm, and sharpened with a chisel at an angle of no more than 25 °.

The boards for the seat are laid out on three sides, all other pieces - on four. Marking is done by superimposing it on the drawing. First, the pinches are filed down, then after checking they are marked according to the drawing and the eyes are hollowed out. Test assembly before gluing is required.

The final assembly with glue is carried out unit by unit. First, pairs of bench legs. After pressing them in, drying for 6–8 hours, cleaning off the glue and wedges, the entire bench is reassembled “dry”, the corners are checked and, if necessary, additional adjustment is made.

For working in strawberry beds, a small, lightweight bench is convenient, which is placed not on the side of the bed, but across it, above it, its legs resting on two rows. The height of the bench depends on the height of the bed, it is approximately 300 mm, the length of the seat is equal to the width of the bed. The legs are slanted and tied on spikes or in a half-tree method with drawers. no leggings. Stability is provided by two planks nailed to the ends of the legs parallel to the row spacing.

Finish: oil painting in two coats.


The design of the product consists of:

1) Leg.
2) Cross bar.
3) Longitudinal strip.
4) Seat block.

Parts manufacturing technology:

1) To make a leg, you need four bars with dimensions of length 160 mm, height 410 mm, thickness 45 mm.
2) The cross bar is made from a workpiece with dimensions length 320 mm, height 40 mm, thickness 35 mm.
3) The longitudinal strip is made from a blank with dimensions length 1400 mm, height 80 mm, thickness 20 mm.
4) The seat block is made from a blank with dimensions length 1800 mm, height 45 mm, thickness 80 mm.

The sequence of manufacturing parts is given in detail above.

The material used is pine, the physical and technological properties of which are shown above.

Calculation of the consumed amount of materials.

TOTAL: 0.0342 m 3


2.1. Marketing plan

Distribution of the product at the initial stage will be carried out through our own warehouse-showroom; 50 square meters will be allocated for this. area of ​​the rented premises. In the future, it is planned to organize showrooms in different areas of the city and in other large cities.

The company uses an approach to pricing: prices depend on competitors' prices. Average prices for custom-made pine furniture in Russia range from 6,000 rubles. up to 15,000 rub. for 1 linear meter. It is planned to enter the market with a price of 6,000 rubles. for 1 linear meter. But the price may rise depending on the complexity of manufacturing the product and the availability of accessories. We believe that this price allows our products to be competitive and corresponds to the company’s image as a manufacturer of high-quality and reliable products.

There will be a discount system:

  • when ordering more than 20,000 rubles. – 5% discount,
  • large wholesale partners (orders over RUR 100,000) – up to 15%.

2.2.Organizational plan and risks

To establish stable work, you need to recruit the following staff:

To stimulate labor productivity, it is advisable to use a percentage system in addition to rates.

2.3.Financial plan

1. When planning the volume of output for 2004, the following must be taken into account:

  • potential market capacity (according to the newspaper “Business” manufacturing companies with a production capacity of about 50 linear meters/month. (this is exactly the capacity our workshop will have) per month (per year 50x12 = 600 linear meters) do not have time to satisfy demand);
  • market capacity will increase by 20% in 2004 and 25% in 2005, due to a decrease in demand for imports;
  • Our production at full capacity can produce approximately twice as much product.

2. Calculation of cost (in rubles) 1 unit. furniture (bench).

When calculating the cost, we use the following formula:

S=S (pack) / N + S (trans.), where

S – cost;
S (unitary enterprise) – semi-fixed expenses;
N – planned annual production;
S (per) – variable expenses.

Conditionally fixed expenses in rub. (for a year)

Variable costs (calculated per unit of production)

Cost calculation for 2004

S1 = 35567, 40/360 + 156.38= 239.47 rub.


S2 = 35567.40/432+156.38= 228.56 rub.


S3 = 35567.40/540+156.38= 222.10 rub.

Break-even point calculation:

T 2004 = R post. / Ts-R per. = 35567.40 / 200.00 – 156.38 = 231.30 units.

That. break-even of our enterprise will be ensured upon sales of 231.3 linear meters. in 2004.

Break-even point chart

To provide normal operation During the first year, it is necessary to attract investments in the amount of 50,209 rubles. Let us assume that a bank loan will be received with the condition of repayment at the end of the first year of 20%, at the end of the second year 25% and at the end of the third year 55% and 15% per annum (taking into account the repayment of the loan).

Calculation of loan amounts:

date Loan received Repayment of a credit %
12/20/2003 50209
12/31/2004 10041,80 7531,35
12/31/2005 12552,25 6025,08
12/31/2006 27614,95 4142,24

Profit/loss calculation


Indicators Profit Losses
1 Revenue 72000
2 50209,2
3 Profit from sales 24937,80
4 Loan interest paid 7531,35
5 Taxable income 17406,45
Income tax 5221,94
Net profit 12184,52


Indicators Profit Losses
1 Revenue 86400
2 Cost price finished products 55537,92
3 Profit from sales 30862,08
4 Loan interest paid 6025,08
5 Taxable income 24837
6 Income tax 7451,10
Net profit 17385,90


Indicators Profit Losses
1 Revenue 108000
2 Cost of finished products 60534
3 Profit from sales 47466
4 Loan interest paid 4142,24
5 Taxable income 43323,76
6 Income tax 12997,13
Net profit 30326,63

Calculation of financial assessment ratios for 2004:

Product profitability = Sales profit/Cost = 24937.80/50209.2 = 0.50

Profit rate=Net profit/Investment=12184.52/50209.2=0.24

Payback period:

Year Net profit Loan balance
2004 12184,52 38024,48
2005 17385,9 20638,58
2006 30326,63 0

2004: 20638.58/30326.63=0.68 years=8 months.

That. The payback period for the project is 2 years 8 months.



technology teacher Budaev G.A.

2012-2013 academic year

Chapter 1. Product design.
1.1. Determining needs.
1.2. Brief statement of the problem.
1.3. Description of the project.
1.4. Environmental analysis of the project.
1.5. Advantages and disadvantages.
1.6. Criteria that the bench must meet.

Chapter 2. Economic justification of the project.

Chapter 3. Technological map of product manufacturing



Currently, all over the world, great attention is being paid to the formation healthy image human life. Our country actively promotes the system of popular Olympic education, especially in light of preparations for the Winter Olympics. Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014. Technology lessons in school can also help with this important task.


Our school gym has very little equipment, which makes it difficult for students to develop their physical abilities. Therefore, I decided to analyze the lack of equipment and concluded that some equipment can be made with my own hands. Based on our conditions, the equipment of the training workshops and the available material, I decided to make a gymnastics bench. Here, first of all, convenience, health, and aesthetics are important.

1.Make a bench, suggest new creative improvements and interesting decorative solutions.
2. Ensure the cost of the product is lower than the market price.

I chose to make a bench because it is an item needed in the gym for performing gymnastic and general development exercises. It should be noted that the main part of the bench are its legs. Their smallest number ensures stability. In a bench, the main load-bearing part that provides strength is the seat.

Before completing the project, I looked at the different types of benches.
Despite the small number of parts, you can combine and design a large number of various options benches. The assembly of the product is often carried out using PVA glue with an additional tie using a cord and a twist. Naturally, before this, you need to check the product for squareness using a strip, measuring the diagonals of the frame, which should be the same length.
After researching different types of benches, I settled on a bench with shaped legs, screw mounts, and a seat. The assembly of my product is made using self-tapping screws. The legs of the bench are firmly connected with ties, which are located edgewise in relation to the seat, so that the seat does not bend under load.

To make this bench we used natural wood without chemical treatments. Painting does not pose any threat to the health of those involved.

The advantages of my product are:
1.The bench is made with my own hands.
2.Cheaper than in the store.
3.The design of the product corresponds to its intended purpose.
5. Reliable fastenings (work conscientiously).

In case of breakdown, there is no warranty card.

Materials for production: wood.

The product must be environmentally friendly and easy to manufacture.

The name is a gymnastic bench.

Production volume is a single product.

Requirements for the product - the bench must correspond to its functional purpose.

The shape should more or less fit modern furniture. The product should be produced in a workshop; the cost of the bench should not be high.

Aesthetic and moral values ​​– satisfaction from the result of work. Creates additional features sports training.


To calculate the cost of making a bench, you need to find out the cost of the material from which the legs, back, and seat of the bench are made. The material for the bench can be selected or purchased. Volume wooden blank will be:
Two boards:
Board length 1.6m
Board width 30cm
Board thickness 45mm
Volume = 1.6 x 03 x 0.04 = 0.019 sq.m.
Let's calculate the cost of C1 wood, taking into account that 1 cubic meter. will cost 5,000 rubles. Making up a proportion
1 cubic m = 5000 rub.
0.019 x 5000 = 95 rubles – the cost of one board
My product is also varnished; it took half a bottle.
A bottle of varnish costs an average of 30 rubles
Therefore, I spent 15 rubles on varnish.
Self-tapping screws 6 pcs = 18 rub.
95+18+15=128 rub.
So, the cost of making the bench is 128 rubles. If I sold the bench, I would make a good profit.
500-128 = 372 rubles - benefits.
Where the market price is 500 rubles. In the end, my project turned out to be profitable, since when taking into account costs and materials, it turned out that they were insignificant and the profit from the resulting bench was more than zero.
Benches are not included in the price work force and electricity.



Sequence of work
Fixture Tools


Select bench seat blank 2770x300x45
Workbench, ruler, pencil.

Mark the workpiece

Workbench, pencil, ruler

Cut the workpiece
Hacksaw, workbench

Select workpiece
Workbench, ruler

Cut the workpiece

Workbench, hacksaw

Cut out the thorns

Workbench, hacksaw, chisel

Select workpiece
Bottom mounting of legs 480x80x40
Workbench, ruler

Cut the workpiece

Workbench, hacksaw

Cut out the eyes

Workbench, drill, chisel

Select workpiece
Bottom struts
Workbench, ruler

Mark the workpiece

Workbench, ruler, pencil

Cut the workpiece
Workbench, hacksaw

Product assembly

Workbench, screwdriver, screws

Coat the product with paint

Brush, paint


Product sketch


Product drawing


1.1.Definition of needsTimes New Roman1.2.Brief formulation of the taskTimes New Roman1.3. Description of the projectTimes New RomanHeading 1Heading 215

Attached files

Practical work

Pedagogy and didactics

Benches, table, cabinet, that's the entire interior of the room. Goal: Show your abilities in design activities; Study the design and manufacturing technology of a bench; Learn how to use tools correctly; Make a Bench 4. Product selection Benches in spring and summer are very popular products in the country when people work hard, plant plants and...

Creative project by technology

On the topic: Bench

I've done the work:

Student of secondary school No. 50

9 "A" class

Gruzdev Andrey


Denisov M.I.

1) Problem

2) Scheme

3) Purpose

4) Product selection

5) Rationale

6) Manufacturing

7) Analysis

8) Evaluation


During the summer holidays, I often visit the village. The whole family goes to the village, where we relax, sunbathe, fish, and help in cultivating the site. Country house very cozy, beautiful. I noticed the furniture in the house. Benches, a table, a closet - this is the entire interior of the room. I had an idea to make the interior of the house more comfortable and beautiful. I decided to make a bench out of natural material. In technology lessons we do carpentry and artistic carving. With my idea, I turned to technology teacher M.I. Denisov.


Show your abilities in project activities

Study the design and manufacturing technology of a bench

Learn to use tools correctly

Make a Bench

4. Product selection

Benches are very popular products in the country in spring and summer, when people work hard, plant plants and cultivate the land. They provide an opportunity to relax, and therefore are an integral part suburban area. Reliable and durable products from natural wood will decorate any garden plot and will serve for many years to the benefit of family and friends.Manufacturing garden bench and it became my project. Making a bench with your own hands is very easy and without special effort, if you have a great desire and an unpretentious instrument. Moreover, in practice,DIY benchIt is much easier to build than it initially seems. In addition, do-it-yourself benches for a summer residence become exclusive and a clear example our diligence and care for loved ones.

5. Rationale

The bench is made of wood. Having two “supports” and a crossbar.
Subsequently, the bench will be freed from almost all irregularities, chips, etc.
It will stand in the yard, house, or other place where it can be used for its intended purpose.

6. Manufacturing

1) preparation for work and compliance with safety regulations

2) making templates for bench parts

3) Marking all parts and cutting them

4) Assembling the bench

5) Cleaning of uneven surfaces, chips and other things on the bench.

7. Analysis

Positive points

Negative points

All manufacturing materials are available


I liked the work done


The bench manufacturing technology turned out to be feasible for me


The model of the bench I selected corresponds to the choice



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"Wooden shop"

for a bathhouse with your own hands"

Completed by: Pak Nikita

student 8 "A" class

MBOU "Secondary School No. 8 MO

"Akhtubinsky district"

Teacher: Pak

Nina Mikhailovna

Justification for choice

I decided that the topic of my project would be the very necessary and useful thing, like a bench for a bath. Since my dad, brother and I really love to take a steam bath. Starting production wooden bench for the bath, I looked

many different options and chose

for yourself the most acceptable and accessible.

Pretty wooden bench design

is simple, and the process of its manufacture is under

force to any person who decides

arrange a dressing room or room

rest on your own.

The best material To make a wooden bench there will be boards made of hardwood such as oak, ash, alder and birch. Coniferous species include larch or cedar. If it is not possible to get this material, then you can take pine, since our product will not be used in a steam room, that is, it will not be affected by high temperatures and humidity. But pine is known to secrete resin, which can cause significant trouble.

Materials and tools for making a wooden bench

Currently, in construction stores you can buy glued furniture panels from solid oak, beech, birch, larch and pine of various thicknesses and overall dimensions. The use of ready-made panels will significantly simplify the process of making a bench for a bathhouse, however, it will also increase the overall costs.

Therefore, I decided to present a method for making a wooden bench from planed boards deciduous wood.


Before starting work


During work you must:

Make sure the tool is in good condition:

The power cord must not have kinks or damage to the insulation, the battery must be securely installed and secured.

The plug must match the power outlet; adapters must not be used.

Protective covers and guards must be in good condition, securely fastened in the places provided for this purpose, and also have sufficient travel for adjustment (if any).

Clamping and installation elements must not have worn or damaged surfaces.

Fasten the cuffs of the sleeves, remove loose and hanging edges of clothing, and tuck long hair under the headdress.

Take a stable position.

Work with dust emission - respirator. Work with the formation of flying particles - safety glasses or a panoramic mask. Works accompanied increased level noise - noise-protective headphones or earplugs. Before you start working, test the power tool for Idling(without load).

Position the power tool so that in the event of a possible breakage of the attached cutting tool or attachment, you will not be in the path of flying debris.

Position power cord at a sufficient distance from sources of heat, moisture, oil, moving parts and sharp edges.

Use only tools and accessories recommended by the manufacturer of the power tool.

Disconnect the power tool from the power source during breaks in work, before making adjustments, and before changing cutting tools and attachments.

Before starting the power tool, remove all wrenches, adjusters and other keys after making installations and adjustments.

If the power tool is dropped, carefully inspect it and working attachment and, removing strangers from working area, test the power tool at idle speed at maximum power for at least one minute. In this case, you need to stand away from the plane of possible scattering of fragments if the nozzle breaks.


Upon completion of work you must:

Disconnect the power tool from the power source.

Clean it from dirt and dust.

The power tool should be stored in places and conditions inaccessible to children and to prevent its use by unauthorized persons.


Your safety is in your hands.

Before you start making a bench, it is advisable to have the following

tool and material:

 Electric jigsaw

 Electric drill with a set of wood drills

 Screwdriver

 Tape Grinder

 Electric planer

 Hammer

 Wood saw

 Clamps (at least two)

 Roulette

 Square

 Level

 Ruler

Description of the bench design

Wooden bench for a bath

is a design

from horizontal

boards, two side posts and

longitudinal connecting beam.

With only four main

element, this design

provides sufficient

strength and simplicity

Manufacturing of structural

shop elements

bath benches

To ensure the rigidity of the product, self-tapping screws are used, which tighten the side posts until they stop at the ends of the longitudinal beam. Side pillars and longitudinal

beam mounted on edge,

form a frame that provides

the rigidity of the entire structure.

The top board (seat) is connected

with frame using self-tapping screws

With applied glue PVA.

Manufacturing technology

wooden bench for a bath

All structural elements are covered with moisture resistant acrylic varnish on water based odorless with antiseptic effect. The treated surface has a semi-matte silky appearance

and does not change the original wood texture.

You can choose any color of varnish so that the bench matches the interior of the bathhouse and does not stand out.

Manufacturing technology of a wooden bench for a bath

When making a bench, all work will be limited to processing the blanks in accordance with the drawing dimensions.

Cutting the workpieces, of course, should be carried out taking into account finishing allowances of 20-30 mm per side.

We are doing a trial assembly of the bench.

2. First we glue the transverse

slats on one side in each

3. And we begin to tighten it


4. Bench seat parts needed

secure with self-tapping screws

5. In such a tight and pressed form

Leave everything until the glue dries.

The remaining elements of the bench are made from parts prepared according to the drawings. To do this, markings are applied to them corresponding to the drawing of the part, and electric jigsaw its outline is cut out, followed by rounding the edges on both sides

Bench assembly technology

Before assembly, all parts must be carefully treated with abrasive sandpaper. How to assemble the bench is shown in the pictures below.

We begin the assembly by sequentially assembling the side posts on a table or other flat surface, connecting them to a longitudinal board-beam. We coat all surfaces of the connecting points with PVA glue, fasten them with self-tapping screws, and align them to be perpendicular and parallel, maintaining the required dimensions.

Bench assembly technology

The next step is to connect the sidewalls (frame) with the top seat board, which we will now simply call “seat”. But first you will need to drill holes for deeper seating of the screws in the frame and seat. Without special tools and devices, it is quite difficult to accurately mark the centers of all holes.

We install the frame upside down on the underside of the seat.

We align the frame relative to the seat according to the drawing dimensions, and trace the entire outline with a pencil (it will be useful to us in the future) and turn the frame over to its original position.

On the frame we mark the center for the holes.

onto the seat and lightly prop it up with a block.

Drill holes on the frame using a drill according to the marks.

All that remains is to install the seat in its place.

Wooden manufacturing technology

bath benches

To further strengthen the bench, with inside You can fasten the sides and seat with galvanized corners. This will not affect the appearance in any way, since the corners will be hidden from view, and will undoubtedly add strength.

The final stage of making wooden

bath benches

So, the assembly of the bathhouse bench is completed. The last operations left to do are final finishing with abrasive sandpaper and dust removal.

The final stage of making a wooden bench for a bath

After which you can start finishing coating varnish or firing, following the safety instructions.


Blanks of main elements (without allowance for processing)

and purchased parts:

Workpiece name

Board for sitting

Thickness x width x length, mm

Sidewalls (2 pcs.)



Longitudinal cross member

Connecting rail for seat

Connecting strip for cross member

Self-tapping screws for sidewalls

Abrasive sandpapers for coarse and fine processing

PVA glue for wood


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“Metal cutting” - It is not always possible to complete the cutting. High quality work. Metal cutting. Chisel and hammer. Before chopping, the workpiece is secured in a vice slightly to the left of the right edge. The forward movement of the hacksaw is working. Cutting metal with a hacksaw. Before starting work, you should adjust the tension of the canvas.

“Chasing” - Varieties of chasing works. Coinage. Foil stamping. Artistic embossing. Sheet metal. Embosser's tools. Making a photo frame from foil. Materials for embossing works. Embossing (foil stamping). Novgorod minters. Finishing operation. Ancillary materials. Connect cardboard frame and a foil frame.

“Metal filing” - File movement diagram. Types of filing. Inspection appearance. Rules for manual filing. File. Control tool. Final briefing. Learner on the topic. Targeted walkthroughs. Technique for filing a wide plane. Filing flat surfaces. Formation of skills. Filing techniques.

"Electrical engineering at school" - Electric wires. Practical work. Types of lamps. Winding the electromagnet wire. Electricity. Electrical measuring instruments. Heating elements. Sample. Safety regulations. Sealed a heating element. Electrical installation tools. Thermal relay. Thematic planning.

“Technology at school” - We must learn to understand work as creativity. Technology modules. Cooking. Sandwich fantasies. Materials Science. Professional self-determination. Modeling, designing and manufacturing of clothing. Mechanical Engineering. Needlework. Material technology. All that is in the oven is on the table - swords.

There are a total of 32 presentations in the topic