Black mulberry variety description. Mulberry black and white, beautiful and healthy

Black mulberry is a mulberry, a close relative of the white mulberry.

The trees differ not only in the color and taste of the berries (black ones are more aromatic and sweeter), but also in the fact that the silkworm prefers the softer leaves of the white mulberry.

Black mulberry: description

Mulberry trees are grown to breed silkworm caterpillars, which wrap their pupae in silk threads. Natural silk is obtained from these threads - a fabric whose production secret for a long time was known only in China.

a deciduous tree native to Afghanistan and Iran, growing up to fifteen meters. The tree grows rapidly when young, but growth slows over time. Mulberry has a lush spreading crown, darkish bark and thin shoots. The foliage is large, up to 20 cm long and 15 cm wide. The shape of the leaves resembles a blade, the upper surface of the leaf plate is rough to the touch, the lower surface is soft, felt. 3-5 years is the age when the mulberry first begins to bear fruit after planting. It is literally covered with inky black, glossy berries up to 3 cm long, the berries have a juicy sweet and sour taste. Typically, mulberry begins to actively bear fruit in the fifth year after planting. Black mulberry is heat-loving and tolerates dry periods well.

Did you know? Under Ivan the Terrible, a silk weaving manufactory was created in Russia, producing the most delicate silks for royal family and yard. Peter the Great banned the cutting of mulberries in Russia due to the extraordinary value of the tree for weaving. And in Central Asia, musical instruments were made from valuable wood.

Features of planting black mulberry

Best timing for planting mulberries– April, until the movement of juices begins, the beginning of autumn, the period before the rainy season. Autumn planting even more preferable: a seedling that survives the winter will grow into a healthy tree with good yield.

Choosing a landing site

For successful cultivation, black mulberry is planted in an area open to the sun but protected from the winds. Occurrence groundwater should be no less than one and a half meters below the ground surface. Dry, swampy soil is not suitable for mulberries; mulberries do not like sandstones and salty soils.

Black mulberry planting scheme

The hole for the mulberry tree seedling is prepared two weeks before planting. The depth and width of the hole is calculated according to the size of the root system, on average it is 50 x 50 x 50 cm. The hole on poor soils is deepened, taking into account fertilizer. About 5 kg of rotted manure with the addition of 100 g of superphosphate are placed at the bottom and covered with a layer of soil. The roots of the seedling should not come into contact with fertilizer when planting. On poorly drained clay soils, drainage (brick fragments, large pebbles) must be placed in the hole.

When planting, the seedling is placed at the bottom, distributing the roots; as it falls asleep, the soil is lightly compacted so that no air remains. If the seedling is too thin and causes you concern, drive a peg into the hole for support. After planting, water and mulch well. trunk circle, you need to pour out at least two buckets of water. Sawdust or peat can be used as mulch.

Black mulberry: growing features

Mulberry mulberry in planting and care does not require a special approach: everything is the same as usual fruit tree– watering, fertilizing, cleaning the soil, pruning and other procedures familiar to every gardener.

Soil care for black mulberry

Black mulberry needs careful soil care. The tree trunk circle must be weeded and cleared of weeds that deprive the mulberry of moisture and nutrition. The soil around the tree needs to be loosened regularly, saturating it with air and moisture. In spring, mulberries need watering only in the absence of precipitation; in summer, watering is carried out in June and July. In August it is stopped: the plant enters the dormant phase.

Features of tree trimming

Black mulberry pruning is carried out during the dormant period, best in the spring before the juices begin to flow, in April. Before the buds open, carry out rejuvenating and shaping pruning. Sanitary pruning - all damaged branches, competing shoots growing inside the crown - is carried out in late autumn after the leaves have fallen, but the air temperature should not be lower than -10 degrees.

Feeding the mulberry tree

Black mulberry needs fertilizing only on poor soils with a lack of nutrition. In this case, the tree is fertilized starting in spring and ending in July. At the beginning of spring, mulberries need nitrogen for growth, then phosphorus and potassium compounds for lush flowering and fruiting.

How to care for mulberries in winter

It is important to know how to care for black mulberry in winter, because This species tolerates cold worse than others. Black mulberry is more accustomed to warm climates, so the plant must prepare for winter. First of all, the mulberry does not need to be heavily fertilized, only in case of external signs of nutritional deficiency, stop watering in August, and carry out sanitary pruning in the autumn.

When planting in cold climate regions root collar the seedling is deepened into the ground to protect the plant in winter period. There is no need to worry about being unadapted to cold weather: black mulberry in description biological features has one interesting property. The mulberry tree has the ability to grow cork tissue between a mature stem and a young one; in case of frost, the tree sheds tissues unsuitable for survival, but if the winter is without snow, the tree will die. To prevent this from happening, in the winter the tree trunk circle is mulched and tightly covered, for example, with spruce branches.

Interesting! If it were not for the observation of the Chinese princess Xi Liying Shi, the world would not have known what silk is. While drinking tea in the shade of a mulberry tree, Xi Liying noticed a caterpillar cocoon falling into a cup; the threads of the cocoon unraveled from the water and shimmered beautifully in the sun. The resourceful Chinese used the observation to their advantage, monopolizing silk production for many years.

Features of black mulberry propagation

Reproduction of black mulberry is possible seed and vegetative method.

When propagating from seeds, the seeds undergo a stratification procedure either natural, that is, sowing before winter, or before sowing in the spring for about two months in the refrigerator, with removal to the heat once a week for three to four hours. Before sowing, you need to soak the seeds for a couple of hours in a growth stimulator. The seed bed should not be deep; after sowing, the soil is covered with mulch. The seedlings are cared for using the usual method.

Cuttings of black mulberry give practically no results, oddly enough, but this particular species does not want to take root and reproduce in this way.

Let's look at how mulberries reproduce. Reproduction by root shoots: the seedling is separated from the donor bush and transplanted to a separate place. Caring for it is like caring for a young tree.

Attention! At In the seed propagation method and root shoots, the varietal characteristics of the mother tree may not be preserved; in addition, there is a possibility of obtaining a tree with only male flowers (mulberry is a monoecious plant), therefore the most fruitful method of propagation is grafting.

To obtain varietal seedlings, methods of budding and grafting with cuttings under the bark are used. IN summer period Budding is carried out by a dormant bud, and in the spring by a germinating one. The grafting is carried out on a growing tree using cuttings with two buds under the bark. The cut on the rootstock is made at an angle of 35 degrees, while the cut on the cutting above the bud is straight, the lower cut is oblique.

Important! A grafted cutting on a mulberry is inserted with a cut to the bark, and not to the wood, unlike other plants!

Subsequently, vaccination is carried out according to general rules.

Black mulberry: beneficial properties

Black mulberry has many beneficial properties. Plant-based preparations are recommended and official and traditional medicine. The drugs are effective in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, with cardiovascular diseases, are especially recommended for patients who have undergone heart valve surgery. Regular consumption reduces shortness of breath, normalizes heartbeat, and strengthens the heart muscle.

Mulberry has been cultivated for a long time. More than 150 of its species are known, and many fruit, fodder and ornamental varieties have been bred.

Mulberry varieties

Of the one and a half hundred species, barely a tenth of their total number has become widespread. We grow white, black and red mulberries. Satin (fodder) mulberry is found in nature. A variety of interest is common in America high quality wood (the berries of the plant are inedible).

White mulberry varieties

White mulberry can have not only white, but also pink, yellow and even black fruits. The fact is that this variety got its name due to the light (grayish) color of the bark. Black mulberry has dark bark. Despite its southern origin, white mulberry successfully adapts to the conditions of the northern regions.

In China, this particular variety of mulberry was grown to breed silkworms (black mulberries have tougher leaves). Popular varieties:

  • Diana
  • Mashenka
  • Snow White
  • White tenderness
  • White honey
  • Dark-skinned girl
  • Luganochka
  • Black Baroness

Mulberry Black Baroness: variety description

One of the most popular varieties of white mulberry is Black Baroness. As the name suggests, the berries of this variety are black in color. The fruits are large (3.5 cm by 1.5 cm). The aroma of the berries is weak, the taste is sweet. The yield of the variety is high and stable. The ripening season is June-July. Plants can withstand winter temperature drops down to -30 °C.

Description of the White Honey mulberry variety

Another popular variety of white mulberry is White Honey. The plant is winter-hardy, self-pollinating, high-yielding. The juicy berries have a very sweet taste. Their ripening season is June-July.

Varieties of black mulberry

Iran is considered the birthplace of black mulberry. The berries of this variety have a sweet and sour taste (white fruits have fewer flavor nuances). The bark color of black mulberry is red-brown. Black mulberry is more capricious in terms of reducing temperature - the plants freeze slightly when there is a serious “minus”. Popular varieties:

  • Royal
  • Plodovaya-4
  • Staromoskovskaya
  • Black Pearl
  • Black Prince
  • Shelly-150
  • Hope

Mulberry Nadezhda: variety description

The tree of this variety reaches a height of 10 m. The fruits are very dark and large (5 cm in length). Ripening season is July. The berries stick well to the branches. The fruits have a sweet and sour taste. The yield of the variety is high and stable. Plants tolerate frost well.

Large varieties of mulberry

Small-fruited mulberry varieties often delight with the sweet taste of the berries, but they have a serious disadvantage - harvesting is quite difficult. Large-fruited varieties attract gardeners due to the size and taste of the berries, and therefore are a priority. The most popular large-fruited varieties:

  • Black Prince
  • Shelly-150
  • Black Pearl
  • White tenderness

Description of the mulberry variety Shelly-150

This variety has gained recognition due to its large and sweet berries (5.5 cm in length, weight 4-6 g). The fruiting season begins at the end of May. The fruits are dark colored. The variety is productive. Transportability of fruits is average.

Decorative mulberry varieties

Decorative mulberry varieties are popular, such as Lasiniata (its distinctive feature is beautiful carved leaves), Aurea (with yellow leaves), Globosa (the tree of this variety has a beautiful spherical crown), Pyramidalis (the variety is characterized by a pyramidal crown shape).

Mulberry varieties for Russia

What varieties of mulberry are suitable for the Moscow region and middle zone Russia? Many varieties can withstand frosts down to -30 ° C, but it is worth considering that the roots of the plant freeze slightly at -7 ° C... -10 ° C. When planting mulberries in this region, the root collar of the seedling is buried, and the roots are mulched for the winter. Short daylight hours also interfere with the normal development of mulberries. In the Moscow region, it is recommended to grow the plant in the form of a bush, and not a tree, as in southern regions. In the middle zone, white mulberry varieties have taken root; black ones tolerate low temperatures less well. Popular frost-resistant mulberry varieties:

  • Vladimirskaya
  • Staromoskovskaya
  • Royal
  • White honey

Description of the mulberry variety Staromoskovskaya

White mulberry Staromoskovskaya has a spherical crown. The plant can be grown in a weeping form. The berries are sweet, almost black, 2-3 cm in length. The plant is frost-resistant. Looking for self-fertile variety mulberry, choose the Staromoskovskaya variety - the plant is capable of producing a harvest of berries without a pollinator variety.

Mulberry: the best varieties

It is difficult to say which mulberry variety deserves the title of best. If you prefer the rich taste of berries, opt for black mulberry varieties. If you love exquisite sweetness, plant white mulberry seedlings in your garden. If conditions are not favorable for plant pollination, order a self-fertile variety from the nursery. Choose large-fruited varieties and be sure to take into account the climatic conditions of your region.

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The homeland of black mulberry, or as it is also called tyutin, is the southwestern part of Asia. Later it spread throughout the world and became a favorite delicacy of many adults and children. The benefits of black mulberry will be discussed in this article.

Benefits of black mulberry

Fruit mulberry tree have rich chemical composition, which includes K, A, group B, minerals - phosphorus, zinc, sodium, calcium, selenium, magnesium, manganese, as well as phosphoric acid, and in the most optimal concentration, organic acids, tannins, essential oils, natural saccharides, antioxidants, including resveratrol. Such a rich composition makes it possible to use the berries in a variety of fields - cooking, medicine, pharmacology, etc. They are eaten fresh and in the form of preserves and jams, frozen, dried, boiled compotes, prepared baked goods and muffins.

Those wondering if black mulberry is healthy should take a look at its calorie content. Although this berry is quite sweet, it energy value is only 49 Kcal per 100 g, so it can be safely consumed by people watching their weight and those who suffer from diabetes.

Medicinal properties of black mulberry

Berry juice is a powerful antiseptic that can be used to treat diseases of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. In addition, tyutina can alleviate the condition of respiratory tract diseases: improve sputum separation, have a diaphoretic effect and lower the temperature. Particularly valuable in this regard are leaves that have powerful effect against heat. Vitamin C included in the composition will speed up recovery and increase. Estimate useful action Asthmatics can also eat berries.

Those with digestive problems are also recommended to consume tyutin, and those suffering from constipation should eat ripe berries, and those suffering from diarrhea – green and unripe ones. In addition, they will easily eliminate heartburn. Few people know that black mulberry rich in potassium, a mineral necessary for maintaining the heart muscle. Therefore, it is recommended for use by those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, as well as anemia. For those who ask which mulberry is healthier - black or white, it is worth answering that white is sweeter and does not raise hemoglobin as well as black, although their properties are largely similar.

It must be said that black mulberry can bring not only benefits, but also harm. First of all, this applies to berries collected along highways And industrial enterprises. Well, like any berry, if you overeat, it can cause discomfort, pain and fermentation in the intestines, and provoke diarrhea.

People have been growing mulberries since ancient times. Even in ancient times southern countries the leaves of this plant, eaten by silkworms, were used to make durable and beautiful thread. Mulberries are also valued for their decorative qualities. And, of course, many people enjoy the sweet fruits, which are eaten raw and used to make juices, compotes, preserves and jams.

Features of growing mulberries

Mulberry is quite unpretentious to soil conditions, but does not develop well on dry, saline, and waterlogged soils. If the soil on the site is acidic, then the intended mulberry planting site must be cultivated by adding slaked lime, dolomite flour or chalk. Mulberries are planted in a sunny place protected from the wind.

Mulberry is unpretentious, but will give a larger harvest in a sunny place

Mulberry planting

Mulberries are planted in April (before sap flow begins) or in the fall. The planting scheme is as follows: on the site, retreat from existing trees 5 m, between newly planted mulberry trees there should be at least 4 m. For the seedling, dig a hole measuring 80 x 80 x 60 cm, put 2 buckets of rotted manure or compost there, mix with soil. The planted tree is watered and the tree trunk is mulched.

Video: planting a mulberry seedling and caring for it

Mulberry care

Mulberry care has its own characteristics:

  • To obtain a larger yield, mulberries need to be fed by adding rotted manure or compost to the tree trunk.
  • To protect against frost and in regions with cold winters, mulberry seedlings can be covered with agrotex, straw, coniferous branches.
  • When growing heat-loving plants, including mulberries, in regions with sudden changes temperatures, it is necessary to remember the danger of damage to trunks and branches by spring recurrent frosts. Therefore, in the spring, after removing the covering material, it is advisable to leave it next to the tree for quicker re-covering in the event of a threat of frost.
  • Damaged and diseased branches are cut out in the fall at an air temperature of at least -10 o C.
  • Watering of trees is carried out in the first half of summer, so as not to cause rapid pre-winter growth of shoots, which is fraught with freezing of the tree.
  • To add decorativeness and facilitate harvesting, it is advisable to form mulberry trees with a height of 2–4 m. In this case, you need to leave a standard of 0.5–1 m, up to this height all side shoots trim.

IN Lately The standard weeping mulberry is of interest to connoisseurs of decorative living compositions. To form a weeping form, branches are cut to the lower and lateral buds. Strong pruning with this crown shape will not spoil appearance tree, but will reduce the yield.

Standard weeping mulberry will decorate the area

Types of mulberries

Of the wide variety of mulberry species and hybrids (according to some sources, there are about 200), white mulberry and black mulberry have become widespread in Russia and Ukraine.

Black mulberry got its name from the dark color of tree trunks and branches. The plant has purple-black fruits with a more aromatic sweet taste compared to white mulberry. Black culture is more thermophilic than white culture.

The mulberry tree lives about 200 years.

Black mulberry has a dark trunk and branches

Video: black mulberry

Varieties of black mulberry:

Mulberry Shelly No. 150 has large leaves and fruits

White mulberry

White mulberry is so named for light color tree trunks and branches. The fruits of this species can have different colors: white, pink, cream, black. The species is more frost-resistant compared to other types of mulberry, which makes it possible to grow it not only in the southern, but also in the northern regions of Russia and Ukraine.

In the south, under more familiar conditions, the tree reaches a height of 10–15 m, in the north - 5 m. The fruits have a sweet taste.

Photo gallery: features of white mulberry White mulberry has a light trunk White mulberry fruits can be different color

White mulberry gets its name from the color of the branches, not the fruit.

  • White mulberry varieties:. A variety selected by the Rostok agricultural company from the Belgorod region, frost-resistant (withstands cold down to -30°C). It has black fruits of sweet taste with a weak aroma, up to 3.5 cm long, up to 1.5 cm in diameter. It bears fruit in June - July, the yield is high - up to 100 kg per tree. When frozen, quickly restores shoots.

    Mulberry Black Baroness easily survives frosts

  • White honey. Popular frost-resistant variety, resists diseases well. A plant with a dense, wide-pyramidal crown. Sweet juicy fruits with honey taste, no aroma, white. The length of the fruit is up to 3 cm, the diameter is 1 cm. Harvesting begins at the end of June and continues until the beginning of August. Fresh berries practically cannot withstand transportation. If young branches freeze after pruning, the plant quickly grows back and restores productivity.

    Fresh white honey mulberries practically do not tolerate transportation

  • Dark-skinned. Another variety from the Rostok agricultural company. The name refers to the almost black fruits. It is frost-resistant (tolerates cold temperatures down to -30°C). When young branches freeze, they quickly grow back and restore productivity. The tree has a wide pyramidal crown. The fruits are sweet, without aroma, with slight sourness, up to 3.5 cm long, 1.2 cm in diameter. The variety is high-yielding. Transportability is not bad (compared to other mulberry varieties). Fresh berries can be stored for 12–18 hours.
  • Ostryakovskaya. Another variety of white mulberry with black fruits. A vigorous tree up to 5.5 m tall successfully tolerates frosts down to -25 o C. Large fleshy juicy fruits have a sweet and sour taste. Due to the uneven period of fruit ripening, starting in mid-June, light, reddish and black berries can be found on one branch. The disadvantages of the variety include instability to diseases and pests.
  • Ukrainian 6. A variety of white mulberry with black fruit. Bred at the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Silkworms. It is frost-resistant (down to -28°C). Begins to bear fruit in the 4th–5th year. Sweet, no acid, large fruits ripen from the beginning of June, reach a size of 4 cm or more, with a diameter of up to 0.8 cm. Productivity is average. The plant is vigorous, with a dense spherical crown. Fresh fruit can be stored for over 12 hours. The transportability of the fruit is good. The tree is decorative and used in landscaping. If young branches freeze after pruning them, the plant quickly restores its attractive appearance and yield.
  • White tenderness. The variety is early ripening (the fruits ripen from the beginning of June), the fruiting lasts about 2 months. It has good winter hardiness and disease resistance. The plant is vigorous, the crown is compact. In the first years of life, the leaves are large; as the harvest increases, they become smaller. The fruits are juicy, large, white. The taste is sweet, but in rainy weather it worsens and the berries lose their sweetness.

    Mulberry White tenderness has good winter hardiness and disease resistance

  • Pink Smolenskaya. New frost-resistant mid-early variety(begins to bear fruit from the beginning of July). The plant is unpretentious, the fruits appear in the 1st year after planting the seedling. Sweet fruits of pink or red color, 2–3 cm long. The plant is distinguished by an attractive leaf shape and multi-colored fruits, which can be used in composing decorative compositions in the garden.

    Pink Smolenskaya mulberry has colorful fruits

Mulberry varieties for growing in different regions

One of the main differentiating factors different regions are climatic conditions (cold winter, the likelihood of return spring frosts, the number of sunny days per year, etc.). When planting a mulberry seedling, these factors must be taken into account.

For central Russia

Central Russia is characterized by cold winters, unpleasant for heat-loving plants. The probability of return frosts in the spring is high. In this regard, in this area, the mulberry is formed in the form of a bush up to 5 m high. This is done to reduce the risk of frost damage to the entire above-ground part of the plant.

In the southern part of the middle zone, the drought resistance of the variety must also be taken into account.

The following varieties are suitable for these places:

  • White honey,
  • Black Baroness,
  • Nadiya,
  • Dark-skinned,
  • Ostryakovskaya,
  • Black Prince,
  • Vladimirskaya,
  • Ukrainian 6,
  • White tenderness,
  • Pink Smolenskaya.

For North-West Russia

North-West Russia is a difficult region for growing mulberries. For most plant varieties more accustomed to climatic conditions southern regions, cold winters are destructive. Insufficiency also has a negative impact solar lighting. In this regard, it is necessary to choose early ripening varieties, and form the plants in the form of a bush up to 5 m high. The mulberry itself will tend to grow in the form of a bush in such conditions. You just need to cut out dried, broken branches, and also avoid thickening.

Mulberries should be planted only in a dry, well-lit place. The groundwater level should be no higher than 1.5 m. For the winter, plants must be covered (straw, pine branches, wrapped with agrotex). Annual plants Candig up and store in the cellar until spring to protect young seedlings from severe winter frosts.

You can experiment with varieties:

  • White honey,
  • Black Prince.

For Ukraine

For cultivation in Ukraine, varieties of Ukrainian selection are primarily suitable:

  • SHELLY No. 150,
  • Galicia,
  • Nadiya,
  • Ukrainian 6.

Depending on the climatic conditions and the possibility of obtaining fruits of high taste, other varieties are suitable:

  • White honey,
  • Black Baroness,
  • Black Prince,
  • Black Pearl,
  • Dark-skinned,
  • Hope,
  • White tenderness,
  • Ostryakovskaya
  • Pink Smolensk.

Mulberry (mulberry tree) is an evergreen, tall plant that grows in regions with warm climates. The leaves of this tree serve as food for silk worms, which produce natural silk threads. The fruits are famous for their value medicinal properties. In the East, mulberries are called the king tree, and mulberries are fed to old people to prolong their lives.

The fruits of the mulberry tree contain organic acids, fructose, carotene, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins C, K, PP, group B. The antioxidants included in the composition prevent the aging of the body and improve the condition of the skin and hair. Mulberry fruits are used in folk medicine for the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, hypertension, tonsillitis and other diseases.

As for the classification, it is very confusing.

The Mulberry family includes 200 species of trees and only a little more than 15 of them are generally recognized.

There are 2 main forms of mulberry - black and white, which are divided into varieties. Let's get acquainted with the most remarkable representatives of a large genus.

White honey

One of the most famous varieties, obtained by domestic breeders. Developed by crossing several species of white mulberry. The tree is not tall. The pyramid-shaped crown is quite dense. The fruits are elongated white drupes reaching 3 cm in length. They attract with an unusual taste - sweet, with a honey flavor. The berries are soft and require increased caution during transportation. The variety consistently produces good harvest and withstands low temperatures.

Smolenskaya pink

An excellent option for beginner gardeners.

The variety is easily adaptable to environmental conditions and easy to care for. It has good frost resistance. It begins to bear fruit in the first year after planting.

The fruits are medium in size, pink or red. Fragrant and sweet. The beautiful shape of the leaves allows the trees to be used as a spectacular decoration of the land.


An early ripening variety that produces large and juicy fruits. Harvesting can begin in June. The main advantages are long fruiting and bright taste. The berries are sweet with a pleasant sourness. Mulberry has a dense consistency and does not wrinkle during transportation. Distinctive feature- white fruits turn pink in rainy weather. There is no need to be scared - this is normal.


If when choosing suitable variety For growing your goal is taste, then pay attention to Merezhevo. The hybrid obtained by grafting white mulberry has many undeniable advantages. Fruiting lasts 1 month. The fruits are large, attractive pinkish-cream color. The taste is sickly sweet. However, it was not without its drawbacks. The berries quickly crumble, do not tolerate transportation well and are stored for a short time.


The low growth and compact size of the tree hides good productivity. The fruiting period is long, the yield is good. The fruits are large (4 cm), color is black. The taste is sweet, with light refreshing notes. The variety is resistant to low temperatures and is perfect for commercial purposes. Mulberry does not lose its original characteristics during transportation.

Mulberry Black Baroness

The variety fully lives up to its original name. Obtained as a result of experiments by domestic breeders. The fruits are large (4 cm), deep black in color. Fragrant and very sweet. Ripen in July. Stored for 12 hours. Yield indicators are also “high” - one tree yields up to 100 kg. The Black Baroness easily tolerates temperatures down to -30 degrees. If necessary, adapts to any environmental conditions.


A variety familiar to many gardeners. Characterized by high decorativeness. Produces large fruits (5.5 cm). It begins to bear fruit at the end of June. The berries are long, dark, with a characteristic shine. The taste is dessert.

The dense consistency makes it possible to transport large quantities without loss.

Those who want to grow mulberries for resale should choose this particular variety.

Black Prince

Another priceless piece. It seems to consist of nothing but merits. Easy to care for, resistant to drought, frost and disease. It is valued for the beauty of its large and glossy berries, reaching a length of 5 cm. The color is black. The taste is unusual, honey. It is noteworthy that the mulberry is juicy, but at the same time does not wrinkle during transportation and is stored for a long time.


Fans of mulberry wine should plant this variety in their dacha. It begins to bear fruit in the 3rd year of life. Yields are high and stable. The berries are large (5.5 cm), black. The thick juice obtained from them tastes like Cahors. The variety is actively used in winemaking and cooking. Easy to grow and disease resistant.


Valued for its high decorative properties and excellent taste. Fruiting begins in June. The fruits are elongated, large (4 cm). Color - matte black. The taste is sweet. The tree tolerates frosts down to -30 degrees without consequences. During transportation, the berries do not lose their original appearance. They are stored for more than 2 weeks.

The varieties intended for human consumption are presented above. However, there are many decorative varieties designed to embellish environment. These include weeping mulberry, golden mulberry, pyramidal mulberry, Tatarian mulberry, and spherical mulberry. There are varieties that can be grown in small containers or pots. That is, the choice of variety will directly depend on what goals you are pursuing.