Entertainment scenario "The ABC of Safety". Scenario of sports entertainment “The ABC of Safety” in the senior group

Galina Nikolaevna Mikhalkina
Scenario sports entertainment"The ABC of Safety" in senior group

The children march in to the music and sing the song “Fizkult-hurray.”

Dear Guys! Today we gathered for a sports festival. After all, courage, will, and courage are cultivated in sports. But also sometimes in simple, everyday matters, when you are on the streets of the city, left alone at home, meeting with different people. Where can you cross the road, what to do during a fire, who to call to help someone who is sick? How to behave in this huge and mysterious world so that trouble does not happen? Knowledge of the “ABC of Safety” will help us with this. And our holiday is called: “The ABC of Safety.”

Today we have 2 teams: “traffic light” and “zebra”.

Today our guests are: (introduction of guests - jury).

And here's the first test: OBSTACLE CHALLENGE.

(Crawling on a gymnastic bench, running around the cubes, running back in a straight line).

Ved: Guys, do you know how to cross the road correctly?

(Children's answers)

1. To everyone who likes to take a walk, everyone without exception,

You need to remember, you need to know the traffic rules!

2. Pedestrian! A pedestrian!

Remember about the transition,

He looks like a zebra

know that it's just a transition

It will save you from cars!

There is a pedestrian crossing at every intersection,

It’s easy to cross the road here without any risk or hassle.

Next test “PEDESTRIAN CROSSING”(2 teams of 6 people).

(Put a white and black strip (made of paper) opposite the sign indicating the transition (it stands on the counter, run around the cube and stand at the end of the team).

Finding myself in a big and noisy city, I was confused, I was lost...

Not knowing the traffic light rules, I almost got hit by a car.

Memorize a simple law: the red light comes on - “Stop!”

Yellow will tell the pedestrian - “Get ready to cross”

And the green one is ahead, he tells everyone - “Go!”

Ved: (Place a stand with a green circle) and the traffic light turns green. But it's not just for pedestrians. When the light turns green, all traffic begins to move.

So our buses carry their passengers.

Relay "Bus".

(The driver of the “bus”, using a hoop, transports the “passengers” one by one to the stop and goes after the next “passenger”, and so all the players are transported).

1. My cheerful, ringing ball, where did you start galloping,

Red, yellow, blue, can't keep up with you.

2. On the roadway, children, do not play these games!

You can run without looking back, in the yard and on the playground!

Presenter: I suggest playing an interesting and fun game “Ball” (any game in a circle with a ball)

Ved. Remember children that you need to play away from the roadway, on playground. And now let's play a game with you "Traffic light", listen to the rules of the game.

"Red, yellow, green"

(The presenter shows the flags one by one, the children perform the appropriate movements: when the flag is green, everyone walks around the hall; when the flag is yellow, they march in place; when the flag is red, they stand still.)

Song "Traffic Light"

So always be careful children,

Remember these rules firmly;

Who knows the traffic rules

There is honor and respect for that.

Game "Search"

Presenter: What to do if you see a fire?

Have you heard about the fire?

Give a signal about this quickly.

Let every citizen remember

Firefighter number "01".

Presenter: Guys, we urgently need to call the fire brigade. Teams line up.

To do this, quickly run to the phone, pick up the receiver, say the number “01” loudly and run back.

Relay "Call of Firefighters"

(phones are on large cubes opposite the teams)

Presenter: Let's help put out the fire on our own.

Firefighting Relay Race

(Running with toy buckets through obstacles, climbing through the window (ring on the counter, “pouring water” on the model of the house, running back in a straight line.)

The match is not big in height,

Don't look how small it is

This little match

Can do a lot of evil.

Ved. Because of matches, not only a house, but also an entire forest can catch fire.

If trouble happens in the forest,

Hurry here to help guys!

And all the animals could be in big trouble.

Listen to what happened to the forest dwellers.

Scene “Forest Trouble”

Ved. Teams, line up, a new test - saving animals.

Relay “Save the Animals”

(for this you need: run between the “trees” (pins, take one animal (toy) and come back)

Ved. Well done guys, they helped all the animals and got everyone out of trouble.

Sit down.

Ved. It was a great job

Let's get some rest!

Our holiday has come to an end. The jury will sum up. You were friendly, you tried, so friendship won.

Song "True Friend".

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

general developmental kindergarten No. 35 “Alyonushka” st. Bryukhovetskaya

municipal formation Bryukhovetsky district

"The ABCs of Security"

(entertainment for children 5-6 years old according to traffic rules)

Prepared by:

Educator Surmach Yu.V.


Entertainment for the senior group on the rules of the road “The ABCs of Safety”

Target: consolidate knowledge of traffic rules in play activities and instill in the child self-discipline and a culture of behavior on the street.

Equipment: road signs; 2 magnetic boards; 2 sheets of wax crayons for drawing; costumes for performance; bandages; sports equipment for the relay race.

Progress of activities

Leading: Guys, today we gathered to consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road and the Traffic Light itself came to us for the holiday.

Traffic light: Hello guys!

I'm polite and strict

I'm famous all over the world

I'm on a wide street

The most important commander.

Traffic light: Guys, we live in a large, beautiful village with green, wide streets. Many cars and trucks and buses travel along them. And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are such clear and strict rules for car drivers and for pedestrians. To preserve our health and life, we must strictly adhere to established rules movements.

Leading: And in order to remember them faster, we will play a fun game - the ABC of Safety quiz. Two teams will take part in this game:

Team No. 1 - “GREEN LIGHT”.

Team No. 2 – “RED LIGHT”.

Greetings from the teams.


Our motto: When the light is green, go through, there are no obstacles!


Our motto: The strictest is red light. Stop! There is no further road!

Traffic light: If the light turns red, it means it’s dangerous to move! The green light says - Drive on, the way is open! (traffic light turns green)

Leading: Guys, now that the traffic light has turned green, we set off on our mission. Everyone got into the cars. Fasten your seat belts and let's go (children repeat at the traffic lights)

Leading: First stop: Riddles.

Traffic light: Riddle for the Green Light team, listen carefully:

The driver's sign is scary

Cars are prohibited from entering,

Don't try rashly

Drive past the brick!(no entry sign)

(children find and show the sign)

Traffic light: Riddle for the Red Light team:

There's a land crossing here

People walk around all day.

You driver, don't be sad,

Let the pedestrian pass(sign "Pedestrian crossing")

If the driver came out completely,

He parks the car here.

So as not he needs,

Didn't bother anyone.(sign "Parking area")

Every pedestrian knows

About this underground passage.

He doesn't decorate the city,

But it doesn't interfere with cars(underground passage sign)

In the white triangle

With a red border,

For schoolchildren

Very safe

This road sign

Everyone in the world knows:

Be careful,

On road… (children)

You will notice this sign immediately:

Three colored huge eyes

The eyes have a certain color:

Red, yellow and green(traffic light sign)

If someone breaks a leg

Here the doctors will help him,

First aid will be provided

This is a sign of not many of them

This is the main road

If you are driving along it

You become more important than everyone else,

And to you always and again

They give way all the way(sign "Main Road")

What kind of horse is all striped?

Sunbathing on the road?

People go and go

And she doesn't run away("Zebra")

Leading: Well done guys, we completed the first task. Let's move on.

Leading: We arrived at the dance stop, listen carefully and repeat after me.

Leading: Next stop: “Color the traffic lights.”

Guys, you need to color the traffic light correctly with crayons. The team that does it faster wins. (three people per team participate)

Traffic light: Well done, let's move on!

Leading: The fourth ambulance station.

Leading: Today we will learn to provide first medical care in case of an accident on the road.

Game "Who can bandage the patient faster"

Leading: Which crossing is the safest?

Now we will hold a relay race between the teams: “Walk through the underground passage”

Traffic light: Well done! Let's move on! Fifth station: “Allowed - prohibited.” The rules are quite simple. For example, I say: “Cross the street at green light...”, then you answer: “Allowed!” And if I say: “Play on the pavement...”, and you answer me: “Forbidden!” We think, we remember, we respond quickly!

1. Cross the street in front of nearby traffic...

2. Walk in a crowd along the sidewalk...

3. Cross the street at a red traffic light...

4. Help older people cross the street...

5. Run out onto the roadway...

6. Ride a bike without holding the handlebars...

7. Cross the street when the traffic light is yellow...

8. Respect traffic rules...

Traffic light: Well done! Our game has come to an end. Guys, have you learned the rules of the road? Be careful. Goodbye.

Scenario of the sports festival “The ABC of Safety”
for middle and senior preschool age.
- consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and fire safety;
- systematize knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, about objects that cause fire, and consolidate the ability to use the telephone in case of an emergency.
-promote the development of prudence, caution, attention.
Equipment: posters with the numbers “01”, “02”, “03”, traffic lights, hoops, buckets of water, small toys, balloons, arcs, telephones, lifebuoys, house models, strips of black and white paper white, colored steering wheels. The course of the holiday
Children walk to the music sports ground and are distributed along it in the form of the letter “P”.
Leading. Attention! Dear Guys! Today, we have gathered for a sports festival, because will, courage, courage are brought up in sports. But also sometimes in simple, everyday matters, when you are on the streets of the city, meeting different people. Where can you cross the road, what to do during a fire, who to call to help a sick person? How to behave in this huge and mysterious world so that trouble does not happen? Knowledge of the “ABC of Safety” will help us with this.
Winnie the Pooh runs in to the music, followed by Piglet.
Winnie the Pooh: Hello dear Piglet, where are you going, my friend?
Piglet: Hello Vinny. We received a telegram (reads)
“I invite you to my birthday. Donkey IA"
Winnie the Pooh: I love going to birthday parties so much, I'll give him a pot of honey.
Piglet: And I’ll give you my favorite green one balloon! But how will we get there? After all, it’s not safe to walk alone.
Presenter: Take our guys, they will help, and in difficult times they will support you and give you useful tips. Do you guys agree?
Winnie the Pooh: Well then, let's go!
Piglet: Ahead of us is a path with obstacles!
Teams in a column go through the obstacle course one by one.
Host: Piglet and Vinnie, do you know the rules of the road?
Heroes: No?! And what is it?
1. To everyone who likes to take a walk, everyone without exception,
You need to remember, you need to know the traffic rules!
2.Pedestrian! A pedestrian! Remember about the transition,
He looks like a zebra. Know that only the transition will save you from the cars!
Host: Guys. Show our heroes the above-ground and underground passages.
Game "Pedestrian crossing"
Children take turns running to the sign, placing white and black stripes in order, running around the sign, returning back, crawling into an underground passage (tunnel, arc), etc.
Presenter: Well done guys!
Dunno runs in to the music.
Dunno: Once in a big and noisy city, I was confused, I was lost...
Not knowing the traffic light rules, I almost got hit by a car.
1. Learn a simple law: the red light comes on - “stop!”
Yellow will tell the pedestrian - get ready to cross,
And the green one is ahead, he tells everyone - “Go!”
Host: Guys, let's help Dunno find a traffic light.
Game "Traffic Light"
Team captains make a “traffic light” out of hoops, the rest of the participants throw stuffed bags into the green hoop, as if turning on a green light.
Presenter: So the traffic light turned green. But it is not only lit for pedestrians; all vehicles start moving when the light is green.
Let us now go by bus and transport passengers.
Game "Bus Driver and Passengers"
The “bus” drivers, using a steering wheel or a hoop, transport the “passengers” one by one until they stop; the role of the drivers is played by the heroes.
Dunno: Now I understand everything about the traffic light, about the road. I’ll go and tell Shpuntik and Vintik, my best friends.
Winnie the Pooh and Piglet take the balls and start playing.
My cheerful, ringing ball, where did you start galloping,
Blue, red, blue, can't keep up with you.
The heroes say to each other: let's go and play on the road, there is a lot of space there.
Host: Stop! Where are you going?
Children do not play these games on the roadway!
You can run without looking back, in the yard and on the playground.
Winnie the Pooh: Then we will always play on the playground
Leading. Let us guys play the game “Traffic Light Colors”
On green - walk in all directions, on yellow - clap your hands, on red - stand and do not move.
Winnie the Pooh: We were delayed a little, and now the road awaits us.
Piglet: We go to our friend again and dance and sing!
They are about to leave, but then a magpie flies in.
Tili-bom, tili-bom, someone's house caught fire!
Oh, save me, help me, put out the house quickly!
Piglet: What to do? What should we do?
Winnie the Pooh: How can we put out the fire?
You heard about the fire - give a signal about it as soon as possible!
Let every citizen-firefighter remember number 01!
Host: Guys, we urgently need to call the firefighters by phone.
Game "Call the Firemen"
Children run to the phone, pick it up, say “01” loudly and run back.
Magpie: A coal fell on the floor and lit the wooden floor.
Don't look, don't wait, don't stand, just fill it with water!
Leading. Guys, let's do our best to put out the fire.
Game "Put out the fire"
Running with buckets over obstacles, pouring water on the model of the house, running back.
The match is not big in height, don’t look how small it is,
This little match can do a lot of evil.
Host: A match can set fire not only to a house, but also to an entire forest.
Magpie: If trouble happens in the forest, the guys rush here to help!
Host: All the animals in the forest could be in big trouble!
Game" "Save the Animals"
Run like a snake between objects, take an animal (soft toy) and run back.
Presenter: Well done guys, they helped all the animals and rescued them from trouble.
Magpie: And if your friend ended up in the water. So he needs help in this trouble?
Leading. Our guys can provide assistance on the water quickly and on time.
Game "Help on the water"
Teams line up, open at arm's length, then each participant in turn climbs into the Lifebuoy and passes it on to the next participant.
Soroka: Well done! You, firefighters, know the rules without hesitation and strictly follow them.
It’s time for me to fly and inform everyone that the fire has been extinguished and the danger has passed.
Winnie the Pooh: It was a lot of work, it’s time to rest!
Leading. Let's play another one interesting game. I will ask you questions, and you all together will answer “Allowed” or “Forbidden”
So, we think, we remember, we respond quickly.
Walking in a crowd on the sidewalk...(prohibited)
Cross the road when the traffic light is green?.. (allowed)
Crossing the road in front of nearby vehicles...(prohibited)
Crossing the street at a red traffic light...(prohibited)
Helping older people cross the road...(allowed)
Running out onto the roadway...(prohibited)
Respect traffic rules...(allowed)
Cheerful music sounds and Eeyore the donkey enters.
Donkey: Welcome friends, I have been waiting for you for a long time.
Winnie the Pooh: We were delayed a little, the road was not easy.
Donkey: The city in which you and I live,
It can rightly be compared to an ABC book.
Here it is, the alphabet on the pavement, signs hanging overhead.
Piglet: Thank you guys for being attentive along the way and helping us diligently.
Winnie the Pooh: Donkey Eeyore, the guys and I wish you a happy birthday!
Piglet: And we give you a cheerful friendly dance.
Donkey IA: You need to live and have fun, be friends with everyone and work for everyone.
Sing, dance, don’t get tired, don’t know troubles and sorrows!
Presenter: Guys, stand in a circle, let's dance with our heroes.
Donkey IA: And I prepared a treat for you as a farewell, in honor of my birthday.
All heroes. Goodbye! See you again!

Entertainment script “The ABCs of Safety”

Description of work: I offer you an entertainment (leisure) scenario for children 4-7 years old on the topic “The ABC of Safety.” this work will be useful for teachers of middle and senior preschool age. We present to your attention an entertainment - leisure scenario aimed at developing communication and interaction of children with adults and peers; strengthening safe behavior skills in nature and on the street.

Goal: to continue to form the foundations of safe behavior for children in nature and on the street.

1. Develop a cautious and prudent attitude towards situations that are potentially dangerous for humans and the natural world around them, and consolidate ways of behavior in them; basic understanding of road safety rules.

2. Develop memory, attention, observation, motor abilities of preschoolers; to form a positive emotional and sensory perception of the surrounding world.

3. Foster a culture of street behavior, respect for one’s health, and a sense of self-preservation.


2 cones, 2 hoops, 2-3 Christmas trees, a river, 3 mushrooms, 2 telephones, 2 chairs, traffic signals - red, yellow, green circles, 2 vests, 2 caps, 2 batons, 4 whistles, 2 scooters, 2 big cars; - CD player, phonogram.

Leisure activities:

Phonogram "Barbariki"

Presenter: Guys, today we will go on a hike through the Land of Security. Want to?

Pochemuchka runs out: Oh, oh, did you forget to take me with you?

Host: Guys, who is this?

Pochemuchka: I'm cheerful Pochemuchka, hello! (Children's answers)

Why: Do you know why they called me that? (Children's answers).

Pochemuchka: Yes, I like to ask different questions: Why is the grass green? Why does the sun shine? Why do cars drive? And why…

Host: Wait, wait! We are very glad to see you, would you like to go hiking with us?

Pochemuchka: What is this - a hike? (Children's answers).

Presenter: A hike, Pochemuchka, is when children and adults all go for a long walk together, for example, in the forest, to a meadow or to a river.

Pochemuchka: Yes, yes, I really want to. I like walking.

Host: Are you ready for the hike?

Why: Yes, ready!

Host: Where is your headdress? When you go hiking, you must have a hat on your head.

Come on guys, tell him why? (“So that sunstroke does not happen”).

Host: Guys, do you know the main rule on a hike? On a hike, you need to follow the guide together, not lag behind and not be distracted. You should also not touch insects and animals, or eat unfamiliar berries and mushrooms.

Pochemuchka: Everything is clear, but as I understand it, we have a long way to go, so I suggest we warm up a little. Everyone stand in a circle.

1. Warm-up:

We walk one after another (walking in place)

Forest and green meadow.

Motley wings flicker, (raise and lower straight arms)

Butterflies fly in the field.

One, two, three, four, (raise your arms up, rotate your fists)

They flew and circled.

Clench your fingers into fists (arms to the sides, clench into fists)

And lower it onto your shoulders (hands to shoulders)

Unclenching my fists,

Move them apart (arms to the sides)

Now raise them up, (hands up)

spread them to the sides (arms to the sides)

And now, we are streams, (feet shoulder-width apart, lean forward)

We race (we make movements with our hands from side to side)

We hurry straight to the lake,

The lake will become big (we show)

Have fun, my friend!

Pochemuchka: Let's go on a steam locomotive first. Take your seats, stand in a circle.

(Phonogram: Bukashka the Little Engine)

2. Presenter: Stop “Forest”. Take your seats on your stumps (chairs)

Look guys, this is a forest, and here is a river.

Why: Hurray, river! I'll go take a swim!

Host: Stop! You can’t swim in an unfamiliar place!

Pochemuchka: Why? Children's answers

Presenter: There may be various snags, glass, metal in the river, which can seriously injure you. We swim only on specially equipped beaches. And here is the beach. Let's play the relay game "Swim to the Shore"

Rules: the first participant puts on a swimming circle (hoops), runs, holding it with his hands, to the cone, goes around it, comes back and passes the circle to the next team member. The team that finishes the crossing first wins.

They play in 2 stages (depending on the number of children).

3. Pochemuchka: (finds a mushroom under the tree) Oh, look what a beautiful mushroom I found! Let's taste it, and maybe we'll find some berries and eat them? (licks his lips)

Host: What are you, what are you! Guys, can this be done? Children's answers.

Host: You cannot taste mushrooms, or even pick them with your hands, because mushrooms can be poisonous, and there are a lot of poisonous berries. You cannot eat any berries without the permission of adults, because even the most beautiful berries and mushrooms can be poisonous.

Host: Let’s better play the game “Pass the Fungus.” Everyone stand in a circle.

Why: To the music, you pass dummy mushrooms in a circle, as soon as the music stops, those who have mushrooms go out into the circle and do exercises with me (sit down 3 times, jump on one leg 5 times, etc.) ( Phonogram)

Presenter: we played a little, rested, it’s time to return to the city.

4. Pochemuchka: Well, since we are about to leave the forest, let’s take something to remember our trip. For example, if we catch a squirrel, or a bug, or a butterfly, they will live with us.

Host: No, you can’t catch animals and insects!

Why? Children's answers.

Host: That's right, guys, all the inhabitants feel good in the forest, because this is their home, and in captivity they will most likely die. And besides, when defending themselves from you, they can bite, and this is painful and sometimes life-threatening!

5. Pochemuchka: Let’s make a fire then, it’s so beautiful!

Host: Guys, can children play with matches? Children's answers.

Host: Children, do you know how to call the fire department? Children's answers.

Have you heard about the fire?

Give a signal about this quickly!

Let every citizen remember

Firefighter number: "01"

Host: Now we’ll see how you remember the rescue service number.

Game - relay race "Call of Firefighters"

Rules: you need to urgently call the fire brigade. To do this, quickly run to the phone, pick up the receiver, say the number “01” loudly and run back, passing the baton to the next team player.

They play in 2 stages.

6. Why: Well, okay, I understand everything! Then we went back to kindergarten. Everyone stand in a circle.

We walk one after another through fields and green meadows (we walk)

One - two, one - two, (we squat and stand up)

Here is a birch tree, here is grass (stand on tiptoes, sit down)

Here is a clearing, here is a meadow, (walking in place)

Have fun, my friend!

7. Presenter: Look, guys, we have come to the city.

Why: To everyone who likes to take a walk,

Everyone, without exception,

You need to remember, you need to know

Traffic rules!

Presenter: Three eyes hang on a pole,

We recognized him immediately.

Each eye, when it burns,

The team tells us:

Who can go where?

Who is walking and who is standing.

Child: If the light turns red

So, moving...is dangerous

The green light says

“The path...is open for pedestrians!”

Educator: What are these guys? (Traffic light)

Pochemuchka: To make it easier to remember traffic light signals, let’s play the game “Traffic Light”.

Rules: I will alternately raise red, yellow, green circles. When I raise the red circle, you stand, the yellow circle, you jump, if I raise the green circle, you walk in place. (Phonogram “Traffic Light”)

Presenter: So that there is no anxiety, so that trouble does not suddenly happen

He always maintains discipline on the road! Who is this? (Traffic Inspector)

Now we will play the relay game “Dress the Inspector”

Rules: one person from the team is dressed as a traffic police inspector. To do this, team members run out in turn, take one attribute of clothing and put it on the player or give it to him. After all the attributes have been put on and picked up, the player who was dressed blows the whistle. The winner is the team that quickly dresses the inspector and whistles. (Phonogram “Road Sign”)

8. Pochemuchka: What great fellows! Do you like riddles? Try to guess?

Doesn't fly, but buzzes

A beetle is running down the street.

And they burn in the beetle's eyes

Two shiny lights. (Automobile)

Strongman on four legs

IN rubber boots

Straight from the store

He brought us a piano. (Truck)

Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass,

Spinning their legs along the road

Two funny wheels.

The riddle has an answer:

This is my... (bike)

It's probably not easy for him.

He goes back and forth

Forward and backward and in circles,

Clinging to the wire with its horns. (Trolleybus)

Here's a steel bird

Aspires to heaven

And it is driven by a pilot.

What kind of bird? (Airplane)

Well, my friend, guess

Only this is not a tram.

It rushes quickly along the rails into the distance

A line of huts. (Train)

This horse doesn't eat oats

Instead of legs there are two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it,

Just drive better. (Bike)

Wonderful long house

There are a lot of passengers in it.

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline. (Bus)

Presenter: guys, what can you call answers to riddles in one word? (transport)

9. To check how you remember the rules of the road, let's play a game - the “Drivers” relay race

Rules: you need to “control” the car (scooter), drive around obstacles and pass the baton. The team that finishes the game the fastest, without disturbing the traffic rules, wins.

(Phonogram “Stop”)

The results of the game are summed up.

10. Presenter: Attention, the “Bukashka” train is leaving, everyone should take their seats. (stand in a circle).

The phonogram “Bukashka the Little Locomotive” plays

11. Presenter: stop " Kindergarten" Our journey is over. You were brave, dexterous, active and very friendly.

Pochemuchka: Thank you guys for taking me on a hike! I understood and learned a lot, but it’s time for me to go home. Goodbye, guys.

Host: Guys, did you like the hike? Today after sleep, let’s draw what you remember most about our hike, make a big exhibition and call it “The ABC of Safety.”

"The ABCs of Security"

Educational - entertaining

(health saving) event

for children of younger and middle age.


1. Promote the development of skills to distinguish and read road signs;

2. consolidate the ability to cross the road along pedestrian crossing, no traffic lights;

3. to form in children a desire to follow traffic rules.


Educational -test children's knowledge of traffic rules;

Developmental - promote the development of attentiveness and observation;

Educational - cultivate a culture of behavior.

Hall decoration:

Slogan: “Your friends rule! You can’t forget your friends!”;

a drawing depicting a traffic police baton;

painted traffic light;

drawings depicting traffic signs.

Young pedestrians! Future drivers!

Children and parents!

Our guests! Our viewers!

Welcome! Hello!

The way is open for you! Green light!

Hello guys! Today we will talk to you about how to behave on the street, remember the rules of the road, and take a closer look at road signs. During our ABC of Safety event, you will learn a lot of interesting things about the language of streets and roads, rules of behavior on the street and in public transport, and much more.

Guys, do you know what the abbreviation traffic police means? (children’s answers). Our guest will tell us about the work of the State Road Safety Inspectorate -

And we will start our event by listening to poems that your classmates will read to us

Adults and children know

It will be easier to live in the world,

If without a doubt

Know the traffic rules.

If you break the rules

And you'll go to a red light,

You will get different injuries,

And you'll end up in the hospital.

If the light is green,

Walk boldly, don’t yawn,

But still be careful

About the bus and cars

Never forget!

If there is an intersection nearby

Or just a turn

Be careful, teenager

Or just a pedestrian!

Guys, who do you think are the main road users? The main participants in road traffic are drivers and pedestrians. Those who are on the sidewalks and pedestrian parts of the road are called pedestrians. The one who is driving the car - driver . A person who gets into a vehicle is called passenger . And the driver, if he gets out of his car, becomes a pedestrian. Traffic rules exist for drivers, pedestrians, and passengers.

Now we'll have a quiz“Young pedestrian” .

The roadway is paved.(Highway, asphalt road, route).

A man riding a vehicle. (Passenger).

A person making movements on foot. (A pedestrian).

Bus waiting area. (Stop).

Emergency telephone number. (03).

Multi-seater vehicle for transporting passengers.(Bus).

Three-eyed guard. (Traffic light).

Path along the road, not for cars.(sidewalk).

Guys, roads and streets have strict laws. These laws require impeccable knowledge of road language, streets, intersections, squares.

Road language has its own letters-signs. One sign, one road letter means a whole phrase - a road signal.

Guys, you are already in the 3rd grade, which means you have been going to school every morning for 3 years. And some of you probably have to cross the road, which means you should already be familiar with some of the signs. What road signs do you know? (children’s answers). Let's listen to poems about road signs that the guys will read to us

Movement Prohibition".

This sign is very strict,

Since he is standing on the road.

He tells us: “Friends,

You can’t drive here at all!”


There's a land crossing here

People walk around all day.

You, driver, don't be sad,

Let the pedestrian pass!


There are children in the middle of the road,

We are always responsible for them.

So that their parent does not cry,

Be careful, driver!


If you need treatment,

The sign will tell you where the hospital is.

One Hundred Serious Doctors

There they will tell you: “Be healthy!”

Railroad crossing".

There is not just one sign here, but many:

Here Railway!

Rails, sleepers and tracks -

Don't joke with the train!

Bus stop location.”

There is a pedestrian in this place

The transport is waiting patiently.

He's tired of walking

He wants to become a passenger.

Driving without stopping is prohibited.”

You, driver, don't rush,

You see the sign - stop!

Before you continue on your way,

Don't forget to look around!

Look what different signs! But in some way they are all similar, in what way? (shape, color). Is it possible to combine them into groups? (Can). Let's try! (by color - blue and red).

What could the red color on these road signs mean? (danger).

What can the blue color mean in the second group of signs? (children’s assumptions, instructions, recommendations, advice).

How else can you divide these road signs? (by shape: circle, triangle, rectangle).

What do the red triangles tell us? (Warning: be careful!). Therefore, the signs in red triangles are calledwarning. Let's find all the warning signs, name them and place them under the appropriate label.

There are also red signs, but they are round. Here is a “No Entry” sign, and here is a “No Traffic” sign. They prohibit, which means they...prohibiting . Let's find all the prohibitory signs, name them and place them under the appropriate inscription.

And here are the signs of blue color. What can the blue circle tell us? (allows). Or rather, it prescribes, recommends. These signs are calledprescriptive . Let's find them and name them.

And these are service marks. They tell us what services they can provide us. Let's name them.

We have met some of the signs, but there are many more. On the way home, look where you can see the signs we talked about and try to remember their names.

Now let's play!

A game "Not really" .

I will ask questions, and you will answer “yes” or “no” in unison.

Driving fast in the mountains? - Yes.

Do you know the rules of movement? - Yes.

The traffic light is red

Can I go across the street? - No.

Well, the green light is on, then

Can I go across the street? - Yes.

I got on the tram, but didn't take a ticket.

Is this what you're supposed to do? - No.

Old lady, very advanced in years,

Will you give up your seat on the tram to her? - Yes.

I'm lazy, you gave me the answer,

Well, did you help him with this? - No.

Well done guys, let's remember

What is “no” and what is “yes”,

And always try to do what you need to do!

And now a mystery!

Two wheels in a row

They twirl their legs

And upright on top

The owner himself crochets.

What are these guys? That's right, it's a bicycle. Which one of you has a bicycle? Guys, what do you call a person who rides a bicycle? (cyclist). There are also traffic rules for cyclists.

Cyclists are prohibited from:

Drive without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand;

Driving on roadsides, sidewalks and pedestrian paths.

There are special signs when riding a bicycle:

turn or change lane to the right : elongated right hand;

turn or change lanes to the left : elongated left hand;

stop : raised hand (any).

And now the game "Cyclist" .

Each team has a 3/3 playing field, similar to the “Tic Tac Toe” game. The sectors of the playing field are numbered for the convenience of the players. Teams take turns choosing a sector and receive questions from the facilitator regarding the rules of cycling. If the correct answer is given, then the sector is turned over and back side a drawn cyclist appears in the fields, i.e. If the answer is correct, part of the picture appears. The team that assembles the bike faster on the playing field wins.

Question options:

At what age can you ride a bicycle on the road?(From 14 years old).

What should you check first on your bike before riding?(Brakes).

How far from the side of the road can you ride a bicycle on a roadway?(1 meter).

Players are shown a “Bike Path” sign, they must name the sign and explain what it means.

Can you carry a passenger on a bicycle? (Only for small children with a special booster seat).

What sign prohibits the movement of bicycles?

Should a cyclist stop at a “No Passing Without Stopping” sign?(Yes).

How should a cyclist be warned when making a right turn?(With outstretched right hand).

Should a cyclist stop at an intersection at a red light if there are no vehicles and he is not creating an emergency situation?(Must).

Why can you ride a bicycle at night without a light on? (Trick question: you can’t ride in the dark without a flashlight, even on a bicycle).

What types of bicycles are there? (Two-wheeled, three-wheeled).

Is a cyclist allowed to hold the handlebars with one hand while riding?(No).

Let's start a conversation

About the three-eyed traffic light.

It’s not in vain that it burns above us

Multi-colored lights.

Guys, many of you were in the city of Saratov. Imagine that in our city of Saratov all the traffic lights went out, and all the inspectors regulating traffic disappeared somewhere. This is grace: go wherever you want, cross the road however you want... So, just for one day of such “grace” a city with a million population will pay with hundreds of human lives, thousands of broken cars and other losses. Due to transport problems, the delivery of food to stores and markets will stop, sick people will not be able to be transported to clinics, and firefighters will not be able to reach burning buildings. In short, real chaos will ensue.

This is where the traffic light comes to the rescue!

And he began to watch the road with three eyes,

And he began to give the following orders:

Red eye - stand order,

The yellow eye will blink at the people -

Get ready for the transition!

And the green light turns on - the way is clear

Decide for yourself: you can safely hurry,

You can stomp slowly!

Now guys, stand up, let's stretch a little and play a game.”Traffic light".(Physical minute).

I have three circles: red, yellow and green. I will show them to you one by one, and you must perform the movements:

yellow - clapping hands;

green - walking in place;

red - squats.

You're flashing fun

Goodbye traffic light.

And they burn for you

Traffic lights:

Red - stop!

Yellow - wait!

And green - come on in!

Guys, do any of you know where and when cars appeared? Listen, this is interesting!

This happened a very long time ago. So long ago that no one knows how it really happened. Maybe so?..

Once upon a time there lived two neighbors. One caught a wild horse, tamed it, rode it and began to boast: “This is the kind of horse I have.” Jumps the fastest. The wind is overtaking. No one has one like this.” The other one endured his boasting. I couldn't stand it. I went to the steppe. I caught a horse, tamed it, and rode it. And he says to his boastful neighbor: “Let’s check whose horse is faster and which of us is the best rider!” We agreed. We drove out into an open field. “There, let’s jump to that stone!” - “Come on!” They hit the horses' sides with whips, whooped and rushed off. It is unknown which of them rode first. Yes, it doesn’t matter. Something else is important. The first competitions in history took place, where both people and horses, “living engines” controlled by people, measured their strength.

Now it's time to test your ingenuity.

So, “Funny questions about traffic rules” .

What cars can run through a red light?

Dad's and Mom's;


Fire, ambulance, special vehicles;


On what road vehicles do they brake better?

On wet;

On icy conditions;

With pits;

On dry.

At what age can you ride a bicycle on the road?

When you retire;

Since birth;

From the age of 14.

According to any;

By right side;

On the left side.

How to cross the street correctly and safely after getting off the bus?

Wait for the vehicle to leave;

Sit on the hood of another car and ask to be transported;

Cross the pedestrian crossing.

You can only cross the road...

Red flashing traffic light;

Green light;

Yellow light.

Why does a guard need a baton?

Greet acquaintances;

Drive away flies;

For beauty;

Regulate traffic.

When the traffic light turns green, what will you do?

You'll miss all the old ladies and the lady with the dog;

You will run as fast as you can;

You will remain standing in place;

Make sure all vehicles have stopped and cross the road.

Task. Tolya is 9 years and 6 months old. After what time can a boy sit in the front seat?(after 6 months)

And now another one fun game “It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!” .

Which of you, when in a hurry,

Runs in front of transport?

Which one of you is going forward?

Only where the transition is? (it's me, it's me...)

Who knows that the red light is

Does this mean there is no move? (it's me, it's me...)

Who flies forward so quickly

What does the traffic light not see?

Who knows that the light is green

Does this mean the way is open? (it's me, it's me...)

Who, tell me, is from the tram

Runs out onto the road?

Which one of you, on your way home,

Is it on the pavement? (it's me, it's me...)

Which one of you is in a cramped tram?

Does it give way to adults? (it's me, it's me...).

Ours is coming to an end an amusing trip to the country of traffic. But before we say goodbye to you, we want to check what you managed to remember.

Who are traffic rules for?

Is it important to follow traffic rules?

What are the consequences of non-compliance?

What groups of signs did we talk about?

What signs do you remember?

Why are road signs needed?

What colors are the traffic lights?

What do they mean?

We really hope that our event will help you guys be more attentive and careful on the roads!Good luck! Goodbye!


O. Tarutin “Why do we need a traffic light” 1980 Leningrad “Children’s literature” [text]

A. Krylov “about engines, wings, sails” / picture book / 1981 Leningrad “Children’s literature”.

E. Nikolaeva, teacher of boarding school No. 1 in Ryazan “You’re out on the road” Education of schoolchildren / Theoretical and scientific-methodological journal / No. 7, 2006. [text].

For road safety” [text] “Children's Encyclopedia” (educational magazine for girls and boys) - 2009№5.