Summer fun for kids. Summer sports fun in the middle group on the street

Summer fun "In Search of Summer" in senior group № 6

1. To evoke in children a joyful emotional mood, a desire to become a participant in the entertainment, the opportunity to enjoy the holiday, and vivid, unique sensations.
2. Develop the need to show positive emotions during physical activity.

Children are seated in their places outside in advance.


Why is there so much light?

Why is it suddenly so warm?

Because it's summer

It came to us for the whole summer.

That's why every day

It's getting longer every day.

Do you like summer? Now the guys will tell us poems about summer!

1 child:

What is summer?

That's a lot of light!

This field, this forest, these are a thousand wonders!

These are clouds in the sky, this is a fast river,

These are bright flowers, the blue of heavenly heights,

This is a hundred roads in the world for children's fast legs!

2nd child:

Summer smells like strawberries

Warm rain, strawberries.

Summer smells like cucumbers

And fragrant flowers.

Summer has many smells,

You won't tell me until dawn,

Summer is very tasty

And not at all sad.


Guys, today we will have fun, and summer will come to us for the holiday! Let's call! All together: Summer!

Disturbing music sounds, Zlyuchka appears - Thorn.


I hear you're having fun here! And you are all so kind and sweet. My name is Zlyuchka - Thorn. Because I am very, very bad and angry. Look how much evil I have(shows how fat she is - under her clothes air balloons) . And also, I bewitched and hid your Summer, and an evil cloud helped me.

Leading : Well, we are not afraid of the evil cloud and we can easily drive it away.

Dance “Evil Cloud Punished”

Thorn-Thorn : So, I saw you, how good and cheerful you are, and I also wanted to become kind. Here, I want to cast a spell on Summer. But I can’t cope without you, because my memory has become bad from evil. I don’t know how to disenchant summer and where it is hidden... But I have a notebook where I write down all my evil deeds. Can you help me find summer?

Presenter: Well, what, guys? Let's help Zlyuchka - Thorn? May she become as kind as you and I! And let's help her disenchant Summer?

Children: Yes!

Thorn-Thorn: But I didn’t tell you that I can’t write. And that’s why I draw pictures in my notebook. Here, on the first page there is a stream drawn. Perhaps we should play with the stream. You need to build 2 teams.

Game "Stream with a ball"Children line up in two columns, legs to the sides, pass the ball between their legs from hand to hand. The latter runs forward and passes again. The game repeats until it returns to the beginning.


Oh! Oh! What happened with me?(the balloon bursts under the clothes)

Educator: This is the anger leaving you! Let's look at the next drawing.

Zlyuchka - Thorn : Picture about summer

Leading : So you need to solve riddles about summer.

Well, which one of you will answer?:

It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but shining brightly,

And not a baker, but a baker?(Sun)

It happens after the rain

covers half the sky.

The arc is beautiful, colorful

It will appear, then melt away.(rainbow)

On a green fragile leg

The ball grew near the path.

The breeze rustled

And dispelled this ball.(dandelion)

After the rain, in the heat,

We look for them along the paths,

On the edge and in the forest,

In the middle of the forest blades of grass.

These hats, these legs

That's how they ask to be put into baskets.(Mushrooms)

In the summer I work a lot,

I'm circling over the flowers.

I'll pick up nectar and shoot

I'll fly to my hive house.(Bee)

Thorn-Thorn: (the balloon bursts) Oh guys! I think I'm getting kinder!

Leading : Thorny thorny one, what else have you drawn there? Next picture– chamomile.

Thorn-Thorn: But I didn’t like flowers. I scattered all the flowers in the clearing...How bad I am!

Presenter: Do not worry! Look, flowers can grow in the clearing again. And the guys will help us.

Game "Decorate the meadow"Lays out colorful flower hearts on the grass. Children arrange the petals by color.

Presenter: How many flowers there are, look, to the left, to the right, in front!

Thorn-prickly: The next picture is soap bubbles.

It was me who was blowing up with anger, like soap bubbles!

Leading : let's help the prickly thorn, she will blow her bubbles, and you will catch them!

Game "Soap Bubbles"

Thorn-prickly : Next picture, fly agaric.

But I drove away all the good mushrooms and planted fly agarics and toadstools! Leading : We need to drive them away!

Game "Knock down the fly agaric"The principle of the game is similar to bowling. At a distance of 8-10 meters from the starting line, 5 pins, cubes, boxes or plastic bottles with sand are placed close together. Each team member gets the right to one throw, after which the ball passes to the next player. For each object knocked down, the player receives 1 point. All downed targets are placed on former place. The team that has more accurate hits, i.e., the one that scores more points, wins.

(at this time, Zlyuchka – Thorn’s last balls burst. And she becomes kind)

Thorn-Thorn: How kind I have become... kind...

Presenter: The thorny one has become a good thorn! So our Summer is free!

Summer :

Hello my friends!

How glad I am to meet you!

I am made of heat,

I carry the warmth with me.

I warm the rivers, I invite you to swim,

And you all love me for it.

Well, say hello summer!

Children : Hello summer!

Presenter: Summer, the guys have prepared poems for you

1 child

How long we waited, how long we called

Our summer is red,

Loud and clear.

Finally it came

How much happiness it brought!

2 child

What will you give me, summer?

Lots of sunshine!

There's a rainbow in the sky!

And daisies in the meadow!

3 child

What else will you give me?

The key ringing in silence

Pines, maples and oaks,

Strawberries and mushrooms!

Summer : Thank you my friends! And now get up in a round dance with me, let everyone dance and sing.

Song: "Summer has come"

Summer : Thank you my friends, I still have a lot to do, it’s time for me to hurry


Age: 45 years.

Location: sports ground.


Exercise children in running behind a hoop in the required direction;

Continue teaching the simultaneous performance of two actions (running and skating a hoop);

Provide children with the opportunity to use motor skills and abilities acquired in physical education classes;

Teach children to rejoice at a well-deserved victory, to adequately evaluate their actions and the actions of their comrades.

Equipment: Carlson costume, audio equipment, recording of the song “Funny Man” (music by A. Zhurbin, lyrics by P. Sinyavsky), hoops (10 pcs.); 2 landmarks, children's umbrellas.

Dictionary: health, illness, victory, team.

The sports ground is decorated with ribbons and balls. Cheerful music is playing. Children gather on the playground.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guys! We have gathered together for sports ground to welcome the summer with games, competitions, smiles, and laughter.

Summer, summer.

How much light!

How many sun rays...

Let the warm sun, blue sky, clouds running across the sky see you agile, perky, cheerful, healthy. (Draws the children’s attention to the fact that someone is coming towards them.)

Carlson appears.

Carlson. Good afternoon friends!

I was in a hurry to see you for the holiday.

I took various items with me.

Don't you see that I'm a bit fat?

And don’t look at how modest he is.

I love sports very much

I say this honestly.

Leading. Good afternoon, Carlson! On the contrary, we are very glad that you came to our holiday. What did you bring?

Carlson. Hoops, skittles and rain umbrellas.

Leading. Why umbrellas?

Carlson. You will see everything, you will know everything. Be patient.


We need hoops

Children will play with them.

A recording of the song “Funny Man” is played, to which preschoolers perform exercises based on Carlson’s demonstration.

Carlson. Clever boys, perky girls. Do you like to play?

Children(in unison). Yes!

Carlson. Then I invite you to play with me.

Relay 1. Jumping from hoop to hoop

Two teams of 3 people line up at the starting line. Opposite them at a distance of 5 m are landmarks. On the path of each team, 4 hoops are placed on the ground. At the signal, the first team members perform jumps on two legs from hoop to hoop, run around the landmark and return back. The following players complete the task.

Relay 2. Climb through the hoop

Let other children participate in this task. Two teams of 3 people line up at the starting line. Opposite them, at a distance of 5 m, there are landmarks. There are 3 hoops placed on each team's path. At the signal, the first team members climb through the hoops, run around the landmark and return back. The next players then complete the task.

Relay 3. Snake running between hoops with an umbrella

Two teams of 3 people line up at the starting line. Opposite them, at a distance of 6 m, there are landmarks. On the path of each team, 4 hoops are placed on the ground. Carlson gives umbrellas to the first participants. At the signal, the guys rush forward, performing a “snake” run between the hoops with an umbrella in their hands, run around the landmark and return back, also performing a “snake” run between the hoops. The umbrella is then passed on to the next player.

Carlson. Guys, did you like the relay races?

Children(in unison). Yes!

Leading. Now it’s clear why you brought us umbrellas.

Carlson. It was not for nothing that I hurried to the guys for the holiday. I like it so much! Guys, which of you can twist a hoop around your waist? And on your hand? On the neck?

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children, together with Carlson, twirl hoops on their waists, arms, and necks.

Now let's roll the hula hoop,

He is from us, and we are behind him.

Let's ride, let's ride,

We won't let him fall.

Cheerful music plays again, and the children roll hoops with Carlson.

Leading. Carlson, did you like our children?

Carlson. I am always glad to see cheerful guys, brave, beautiful, healthy.

And because the children brought me so much joy and positive emotions, I want to treat them. Guys, I really love sweets, but I always eat them in moderation, which I advise you to do as well. That's why I want to treat you to some sweets.

Carlson treats the guys to candy, then says goodbye and runs away.

Leading. Children! I am very pleased to see you dexterous and brave, strong and resilient, cheerful and friendly, and most importantly, healthy.

I want to say goodbye to you

And wave to you all.

I want to say goodbye to you:

Until new, new, new meetings.

Entertainment for children 5-6 years old “Summer has come to visit us”

Entertainment is carried out on fresh air.

Progress of entertainment


Festival of the sun, festival of light.

Come visit us -

We are always glad to have guests.

1st child.

Hello, hello our summer,

Everything is warmed by your warmth:

Meadow, and field, and gardens,

Forest, and river, and ponds.

2nd child.

Okay, fine in the summer.

The green forest is all in bloom,

Looks with affectionate greetings

The sun is bright from the sky.

3rd child.

Hello summer! Hello summer!

Everything is warmed by the bright sun.

Let's run into the green forest,

Let's sit in the clearing.

Children perform the song “On the Bridge” (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by G. Boyko).


Happy summer, you are dear to everyone,

The fragrant meadows are full of flowers,

Their songs of praise fly to the skies.

Look, children, how beautiful it is in the forest, how the silk grass spreads along the ground, what flowers decorate the earth.

Children come out in flower costumes.

4th child.

Hello white daisy,

Hello, pink porridge.

We need a lot of flowers

For bouquets and wreaths.

Flower girls perform “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. Tchaikovsky (audio recording, fragment of the ballet “The Nutcracker”). At the end of the dance, the girls form a circle near the “butterfly” - a girl crouched on one knee. “Flowers” ​​run away, “butterfly” remains, performing movements according to the text.


The “flower” was sleeping and suddenly woke up,

I didn't want to sleep anymore

He moved and perked up.

He soared up and flew away.

The butterfly performs a dance to any modern music.

Leading. Thank you, sweet butterfly! And we go further into the forest, where there are visible and invisible berries in the clearing.

Children perform the song “On a Walk” (music by M. Krasev, lyrics by N. Sakonskaya).

2. We found a little white fungus,

They carefully placed it in the box.

Well, you can’t even count the ripe berries,

As soon as we get home, we’ll start eating.

After singing the song, a girl dressed as a berry comes out.


I'm a drop of summer on a thin leg,

They weave bast baskets for me,

He who loves me is glad to bow,

And the name was given to me by my native land.

Leading. Guys, did you recognize wild berries?

Children. Strawberries.

Berry. I have two jugs. Who wants to play with them and pick berries?

The game “Who can pick the most strawberries” is played. Small red balls are scattered on the grass, two participants collect them in jugs. Then the presenter and the “berry” count the balls and reward the winner with a candy with a berry name. The game is played 2-3 times.


I grew up near a birch tree.

We lived amicably with her - we often started a conversation,

And now she is sad - she hangs her head low.

The angry boy broke her twig.

If you help the birch tree, treat the twig.

Leading. Come on, Strawberry, show us your sick girlfriend.

The children “snake” for the berries and approach a fake birch tree, near which lies a broken branch. The 3rd Strawberry girl performs the song “Berezonka” solo (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina). The leader places the branch on the birch tree, coats it with clay and ties it with a bandage.

Leading. The trunk will almost recover - the tree will grow.

5th child.

Let us love and protect the forest,

Let's help adults in this matter:

Protect forests, fields and rivers,

So that beauty is preserved forever.


The sun is shining for us from heaven,

How good our forest is!

Children perform the song “Forest Song” (music by V. Vitlin, lyrics by P. Kaganova). The Bear (teacher) appears from behind the tree.

Bear. Who is that noise here in my forest?

Leading. Little bear, these guys came to visit you. They love to sing songs and play games.

Bear. Do you want to play with me? Then try running like a bear.

The bear runs on all fours, somersaults, and runs on. The children repeat after him.

Bear. Well, clever guys! Do you know how to throw cones? I'll take a look now.

The bear takes out two baskets (one empty, the other with cones), places them at a distance of 2-3 m. Children take turns throwing cones into the basket.

Bear. What sharp-shooting guys, do you run fast? Then the game for you is “Trap”.

Children scatter across the clearing. The bear sleeps, then wakes up and catches the children.

Bear. Cheerful, dexterous, accurate, brave. I need to reward you. Oh, the wind brought the smell of raspberries to me. Oh, again! Guys, come with me to look for raspberries. I hid it somewhere and forgot about it.

The children follow the Bear and find a basket of raspberries hidden under the leaves. The bear says goodbye and leaves.

Leading. So we welcomed summer - it is dressed in greenery, Summer has come to us again - this is very good.

To the audio recording of “Songs about Summer” (music by E. Krylatov, words by Yu. Entin from the cartoon “Santa Claus and Summer”), the children go into a group.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

Child Development Center, kindergarten No. 19 “Nest”

Ishim, Tyumen region.

Scenario summer holiday

"Airplane Show"


musical director

MADO CRR d/s No. 19 “Nest”

Ishim, Tyumen region.

Summer is an amazing time! How much joy does playing with sand and water bring to a child? sunbathing, walking barefoot on the grass, dousing with water. How can we make the lives of children during this period meaningful, educational and interesting? How to organize children's activities so that this time becomes unforgettable for them? An interesting and varied organization of children’s activities in summer period.

Music directors have to show maximum imagination and ingenuity in order to hold a holiday in the fresh air for everyone age groups kindergarten. After all, you need to take into account the age characteristics of children, the capabilities of the equipment, the number of game attributes, etc. Based on many years of work experience, I concluded that a summer holiday should be a surprise! We prepare quite carefully for all kinds of matinees and concerts throughout the year, and in the summer, dear colleagues, holidays should take place without special preparation!

The proposed event scenarios can be combined into the “Holidays without preparation” cycle. I hope they will help teachers in organizing a summer health campaign for preschool institutions.

Target: To promote the active involvement of children in the process of the game program.

Attributes : Paper airplanes, large inflatable ball, frog costume for adults, duck hats 4 pcs.

Children are on the central playground of the kindergarten. Cheerful music sounds, the presenter welcomes everyone present.

Ved: Summer again, summer again,

A sea of ​​happiness, a sea of ​​light!

All the meadows are dressed in flowers,

Children love our summer!

Ved: Guys, do you like to travel? How great it is to travel in the summer! Do you want to take part in an unusual flight? First we'll play interesting game“Who (what) flies?” As soon as you hear the names of flying objects or birds, shout the word “Flies”, and if the objects cannot fly, shout the word “No”.

The game "Who flies?"

Helicopter? Martin? Kite? TV?

Rocket? Airplane? Crow? Penguin? Mosquito? Balloon?

Carpet plane? Stork? Book? Skydiver? Etc.

Ved: Well done, guys! Do you want to know what we'll be flying on today? Then listen carefully to the riddle:

Flies like an arrow

Buzzing like a bee.

Floats boldly in the sky,

Overtaking birds in flight.

Man controls it

What is this?


Ved: Great! Let's turn into real pilots? Stand in small circles - these are our airfields, spread your wings! Motor!

Children: There is a motor!

Each group forms its own circle. You can gradually turn down the volume of the music so that children know when to stop.

Game "Pilots at the Airfield"

Ved: Great flight ! Guys, do you like fairy tales? Name your favorite fairy tale characters.

And what fairy-tale heroes did you fly in your fairy tales? What did they fly?

Today, only here, flying from warm countries- Frog traveler! Meet us! She flew to us on hot-air balloon!

To the children's song “I'm Flying,” the Frog flies in, plays with the children with an inflatable ball, and the children throw the ball back to her..

Frog: I am a jumping frog,

I'll play with you


Tell me, who are you?

The frog meets the children, shakes hands with each one, then invites everyone to say their name in chorus. First girls, then boys.

Frog: Guys, do you remember the cartoon about me, where I really wanted to fly! I held the stick with my mouth, and the geese flew high above the seas and fields and carried me! You probably also want to fly? Now I'll think of something!

The frog calls 4 teachers, “turns” them into geese, and puts on hats and masks. Children are formed into 2 teams, teachers carry their team on sticks, one person at a time, whoever is faster.

Words - transformations: Stomp your foot, turn around, (name of the teacher) turn into a goose! The teacher should scream and flap his wings.

Game "Frog - Traveler"

Frog: We had so much fun! I have gifts for you!

Gives paper airplanes to children.

Game "Fastest Airplane"

This game can be played in group areas of the kindergarten, between children in their own group.

The frog says goodbye to the children and flies away in a balloon.

Ved: Our holiday has come to an end, but summer does not end, summer continues, it is in full swing, which means there will still be a lot of holidays. Now fly to your areas!

Summer holiday scenario

"Visiting July and July"

Cheerful, brightly dressed characters, July and July invite children to the central playground of the kindergarten.

July: Come have some fun

play, have fun!

Julya: We invite all girls

And boys - naughty boys!

July: Summer doesn't end, summer continues,

The children's holiday begins again!

Sonorous songs are flying around!

The kids are all smiles today!

Children sing the song “The world is like a colorful meadow”

July: My name is July, and this is my older brother July! We are the summer months. Do you know how many months there are in a year? What are they called?

Children say the names of the months.

July: Guys, how are you? How do you live here?

Speech game with the display “How are you living?”

How are you living? How do you sleep? How are you running?

How are you swimming? How do you snore? How are you shaking?

How are you growing? How do you eat? How do you sing?

How are you being naughty? How are you sitting? How are you living?

Children answer all questions: “That’s it!” and show with movements.

July: Let's start our summer gaming entertainment program! Let's dance, solve riddles, play and have fun! I am an aspiring poet!

But I can’t figure out the ending to the phrases for my poems, what should I do?

July: Don’t worry, look how smart and savvy the guys are. They can handle it easily! Now I’ll start saying a sentence, and you’ll try to come up with an ending for it.

Ra-ra-ra, ra-ra-ra, the heat has arrived,

Ra-ra-ra, Ra-ra-ra, the sun from the very ....... morning,

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, in the forest I’ll find a berry………..

Di-di-di, di-di-di, the summer rains are pouring,

Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, the sun is shining in the…….heaven,

You-you-you, you-you-you, flowers grew in the field.

July: And in our kindergarten wonderful daisies have grown! Yes, here they are!

Puts daisy hats on children.

Game “The fastest daisy”

Game like "Take a chair"

The teachers show, then the children play.

July: Oh, how fun they played, but didn’t dance yet,

Come out quickly and start dancing together!

Dance game "Find a Pair"

For the 1st part of the music, the children dance merrily one at a time, the presenters show the movements, for the 2nd part they choose a couple and dance a slow dance.

July: Children, do you like to be photographed? Who loves the most?

Game "Who am I?"

The posters have ovals cut out for faces.

1 poster with matryoshka. Suggestive questions:

It is a toy;

She has many sisters;

She is wearing a headscarf and a bright dress.

2 poster with a monkey. Questions for the child:

It's a little animal;

Lives in the jungle;

Performs in the circus;

Makes faces;

Loves bananas.

3 poster with Christmas tree. Questions:

You will always find her in the forest,

You'll go for a walk and you'll meet

Stands prickly like a hedgehog

In winter in a summer dress.

4 poster with a hedgehog. Questions:

This is a small animal;

He lives in the forest;

Carries apples on his back;

Looks like a ball.

July: we got some wonderful photos!

July: Guys, it’s so hot today, it hasn’t rained for a long time! Don't you miss him? Let's call him! Just friendly, loud and fun!

Game "Rain"

It’s raining, it’s raining more, (shake your hands at the top)

We'll give you the grounds, (make a cup with your hands)

We'll give you a spoon, (show the movement of the spoon)

Sip a little

Whoever gets caught in the rain (threaten)

Let's dance with the rain!

July and Yulya splash children with water from plastic bottles, everyone is happy, squealing, running, laughing.

July: How great, how fun it is to run in the warm summer rain!

July: we really want to treat you all to our fruits that ripen in the summer!

You can make a riddle about an apple or other treat.

Handing out apples to children. The holiday is over, everyone says goodbye until we meet again.

Final dance to show off the heroes.

You can use the duckling dance, funny exercises, etc.

Host: Hello, guys!

Do you know who Robinson is? He traveled a lot and once came to desert island, where various adventures happened to him! Life without adventure is not interesting, right? Do you want to travel? Then let's play Robinson and go hiking!

To do this you need to say the magic words:

One, two, three, turn around

Turn into Robinsons!

Children repeat and turn.

Ved: Are you ready to travel?

Children: Yes!

Ved: But before we set off, we need to practice and warm up a little, because many adventures and tasks await us.

Dance show "Boogie-woogie"

Ved: That's it, now we are ready! We begin our hike.

Children walk one circle to the song “It’s Fun to Walk Together”

Sound of the sea.

Leading: Do you hear? It's the sound of the sea! First, let's take a boat ride! Raise the sails, let's set sail! Show us how strong waves can be!

Children show waves with their hands.

Leading : Oh, we're drowning! Hurry up, get the boats on the water!

Don’t waste your time, save drowning people as soon as possible!

Game “Boats on the Water! »

2 or 3 teams with a captain and swimmers. The captain has a lifeboat hoop that he uses to save drowning people. You can only transport one at a time. The team that gets people to shore the fastest wins.

Ved: Everyone is saved! Well done! Here we are on the shore, there is a forest ahead! To get to it faster, we'll go by bus.

Game “Here we are sitting on the bus.”

Ved: Do you hear? Who is singing this?

The children answer.

Ved: Who else lives in the forest?

Let's check if you haven't forgotten how to solve riddles over the summer.

Just be careful.

1. They say “Moo-moo!”

Should I pour milk for someone? »

Got it, kids?

These animals - (mice - cows)

2. I ate zucchini with a crunch.

Trough lady.

Crochet tail. And Piglet

Shoes are hooves.

You know the lady a little bit,

Because it is - (cat - Piggy)

3. It’s good to croak in the swamp, -

It's cozy there, there's slush everywhere,

There is a wall of reeds there

there lives a frog - (mouse - Frog)

4. Red ponytail here and there

Flashes among the foliage:

Someone is jumping along the branches,

Collects cones

And sometimes he lives in a hollow.

Who is this? (hippopotamus - Squirrel)

Do you know what trees grow in the forest?

The children answer.

Ved: And when a tree is cut down, what remains?

That's right, stumps. Now we will play the game “Christmas Trees and Stumps”. When the word “Christmas trees” sounds, we show “needles” (fingers spread, stand straight, and when you hear the word “stumps” - we squat lower.

Game "Christmas trees and stumps"

To travel a lot you need to be strong and agile.

Game "Kangaroo"

Equipment: two medium-sized balls.

Game description: The players line up on the same line and hold the ball between their legs. At the signal, they begin to jump towards the finish line (cone). If the ball falls out, they pick it up and continue moving.

Ved: We continue our journey!

Children walk one circle to the music “It’s Fun to Walk Together.”

“And now everyone is together in harmony,

You need to guess the riddle:

Who lives in the den

Who will come to visit us? (a toy bear appears)

Bear: Hello kids, I want to play with you.

Outdoor game “At the bear in the forest”

Since this game is familiar to children, a child is chosen as the “bear”, who sits aside, the rest of the children with the teacher, pretending to pick mushrooms and berries, put them in a basket, approach the “bear”, saying:

"By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries,

But the bear doesn't sleep

And he growls at us: R-R-R"

(The bear gets up and tries to catch one of the children; if someone does not have time to escape into the house and the “bear” catches him, then he becomes a “bear” and goes to the den). The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Guys, now let's squat down.

Breathing exercise

“We’ll sit on a stump, We’ll growl like a bear”

(let's take a deep breath, exhale r-r-r.)

The “bear” is tired and the kids are tired, let’s lie down in the clearing and rest.

Relaxation: “In the clearing”

"I'm lying in a clearing,

But I don't look at the sun.

We close our eyes, our eyes rest.”

Have you rested? Get up.

Guys, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Our journey is over. You were very attentive, dexterous, strong.

The time has come to leave

And say to the bear: “Goodbye”

“1, 2, 3, we spun around and found ourselves in kindergarten.”

And we'll go home by train!

Children cling to each other and ride like a train in a circle.