Sunbathing. The health benefits and harms of sunbathing The best time for sunbathing

Probably everyone associates summer with the sea, warmth and, of course, the sun. From childhood we are taught that sunbathing harm the body. Of course, it is impossible to dispute this fact - too large doses of ultraviolet radiation can really do a lot of harm. But in moderation, the sun not only does not harm, but can also provide invaluable benefits to the body!

In fact, the sun's rays have quite a lot of beneficial properties:

  1. Under the influence of the sun, many pathogenic viruses and bacteria are destroyed. In addition, after a competent course of solar procedures, a person develops.
  2. An even, moderate tan is also useful. Under the layer of pigment, internal energy accumulates in the body, which helps to resist various diseases.
  3. Sunbathing is the main source of extremely useful vitamin D, which is responsible for most metabolic processes and takes part in the formation of healthy bone tissue.
  4. The sun promotes the production of serotonin - the so-called.
  5. Even after a short stay in the sun, a person experiences a kind of enlightenment - the brain begins to work more actively, performance increases noticeably, and memory improves.
  6. Experts also note that the adoption sunbathing promotes weight loss. Under the influence of sunlight, the gastrointestinal tract begins to function normally, and accordingly, fats are broken down faster than usual and proteins are absorbed.

How and when is the best time to sunbathe?

Scientists have conducted many experiments studying how the sun affects the body and how to get the maximum benefit from contact with it. Thus, one of the experiments showed that in people, Those who sunbathed in the morning (from 8.00 to 12.00) had a body mass index significantly lower than those who did not deny themselves the pleasure of soaking up the sun at any time of the day. True, these data are relevant for the summer. In autumn and spring, the sun is less active and aggressive, so you can safely sunbathe even at lunchtime.

The very first sunbathing procedure should last no longer than a quarter of an hour, after which you should spend a few minutes in the shade. Increase the duration of procedures gradually - by five minutes a day. Sunbathe alternately on your stomach and on your back. It is advisable to cover your head during procedures.

Without the sun, our Earth would be a dark place, shrouded in cold and darkness. The sun gives light and warmth to all living things. Thanks to him magical influence Flowers are blooming, birds are singing, children are laughing. But it provides not only light and warmth, its energy helps people significantly improve their health. All you need to do is just take a sunbath!

Ancient people knew a lot about magical power sun, the “father” of medicine, Hippocrates, said that the sun is a cure for many diseases, and people with pale skin without a tan were considered completely sick. Lack of sun has a bad effect on overall well-being and is especially detrimental to the health of children, who may develop rickets.

But humans and animals receive solar energy not only from light rays, but also from plants. Therefore, if your diet consists of sixty percent plant foods, and you take sunbathing, you will certainly achieve excellent health!

Who will benefit most from sunbathing?

Currently, heliotherapy - sun treatment - has become widespread. But when carrying it out, it is necessary to observe moderation, since the human body must learn to correctly perceive the energy of the sun.

The sun's rays are a fairly strong irritant.

By influencing the human body, they achieve changes in many physiological indicators:

  • increase body temperature;
  • influence the frequency and depth of breathing;
  • dilate blood vessels, increase blood circulation;
  • strengthen the work of the sweat glands;
  • activate metabolic processes.

The result of heliotherapy will be an improvement in the condition nervous system and metabolism. In turn, this will stimulate the functioning of internal organs, muscle performance and improve immunity.

Air and sun baths are recommended for people with diseases of the respiratory system, including as a restorative therapy after pneumonia. They are also useful for people with blood diseases, metabolic disorders - obesity, etc., with neurological diseases and many others.

Men may be interested to know that the energy of the daytime celestial body affects the production of sperm and increases sexual activity. Therefore, in the summer, especially on beach holiday, the number of holiday romances is so great.

In addition, the rays of the sun charge you with vigor and improve your mood. In summer, a person rarely gives in to despondency and becomes depressed, but smiles and a cheerful mood appear more often.

In Switzerland there are hospitals that are ready all year round accept patients with tuberculosis, asthma, anemia, gout and other diseases that can be successfully treated only with the help of air baths and herbs infused with the energy of the sun.

ABC of Zagara

Many people confuse sunbathing and tanning. The desire to linger in the sun for a long time in order to get beautiful tan, may not result in benefit, but in overheating of the body, heat and sunstroke and burns.

Excessive use of tanning can lead to such sad consequences as blood diseases - anemia and leukemia, weakening of the body's defenses, and endocrine diseases.

Tanning is prohibited:

  • people with thyroid disease;
  • with an active form of tuberculosis;
  • with heart disease;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the central nervous system, migraine.

Therefore, those who want to benefit from sunbathing should first visit their doctor and gradually increase the dosage of radiation. It is also worth paying attention to climatic conditions area, radiation intensity and your age.

For healthy people Sunbathing should be taken for 10 minutes, increasing the dose by 5 minutes daily, up to three hours throughout the day. In this case, you should go to rest in the shade for fifteen minutes every hour. Well, for those who are contraindicated in the sun, an air bath is perfect.

The best time for heliotherapy is in the summer from 8 to 11 o'clock in the afternoon, and in the fall from 11 to 14 o'clock.

The organisms of people living in the north and south react differently to the rays of the sun. Northerners are more susceptible to them, so they should be more careful about their exposure to the sun. People with blond hair and very pale skin also need to be careful with the sun.

In order for the benefits of taking air baths to be more tangible, you should follow some simple rules:

  • heliotherapy is carried out before water procedures;
  • while staying under the sun, eliminate cologne and alkaline soap from your daily routine;
  • do not take a tan hungry or with a full stomach; at least thirty minutes should pass after breakfast;
  • the head should be in the shade;
  • Do not smoke or sleep while tanning;
  • Use suntan oils and creams, but do not try to use them to increase your time in the sun.

When taking baths, you should constantly perform self-diagnosis. Refusal to tan can result in unpleasant sensations such as severe redness of the skin and a burning sensation. In this case, it is necessary to immediately apply kefir or yogurt, or panthenol-based products used after sunbathing, to the affected areas.

Women should additionally moisturize their skin generously, as the sun can quickly cause dryness and dehydration, and lead to premature aging.

Sunbathing for young children

Staying in the sun is an excellent prevention of many diseases in children. They prevent the development of such dangerous disease like rickets. But children should approach sunbathing with extreme caution, this is especially true for newborns.

Children under the first year are not exposed to direct rays; they are shown only chiaroscuro. At the same time, for a comfortable stay in the air, the temperature should be at least 23 degrees.

The duration of such baths for newborns and children up to six months, from 3 minutes with a gradual increase to 10. From six months and older, the duration increases to half an hour. The recommended course is 25-30 procedures.

Sunbathing treatment is practiced as an alternative medicine method for healing a variety of ailments. Moreover, sunbathing is used to obtain a beautiful, even tan. Of course, when practicing heliotherapy, it is important not to overdo it. Otherwise, instead of benefit sunlight will only cause harm, and painful burns will form on the skin.

Sunbathing and health: the benefits of sunlight

Heliotherapy (from the Greek gelios - “sun”, therapeia - “treatment”) is one of the most accessible healing methods adopted traditional medicine back in ancient times. This is a treatment method sunlight and heat, i.e. the use of radiant energy from the sun for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

How is sunlight beneficial for the body? Its impact is multifaceted. Sunbathing gives health: they activate blood circulation and work, strengthen the nervous system, improve the supply of organs and bones, which helps strengthen them.

The health benefits of sunlight also include the fact that the rays stimulate, stabilize blood circulation, dilate blood vessels, and improve elasticity. After sunbathing, the heart rate increases, blood flow to the skin increases, its color and condition improve. Moderately bright sun helps to get rid of it - after a short stay in the light, brain activity improves.

As you can see in the photo, sunbathing provides the skin with a pleasant tan:

What other benefits are sunbathing and what does solar energy affect in the body? The sun, combined with swimming in the sea or river, or lying on the warm sand, helps relieve joint pain. Solar energy affects sperm production: Sexual activity increases in summer. People who rarely get sun exposure are at greater risk of developing cancer.

It has been noticed that in the summer it is much more... The fact is that the properties of sunlight, combined with increased physical activity, increase metabolism.

What are the benefits of sunbathing and who are they contraindicated for?

Another benefit of sunbathing is that under the influence of the sun, vitamin D is formed in the skin, on which the normal development of bones and teeth depends. Lack of sun is especially harmful for children: They may develop rickets, a disease that causes deformation of the bones, especially the legs.

You should not lie motionless under the blinding sun, you need to move more - run, exercise, physical exercise without allowing the body to overheat.

Because vitamin D serves building material for bones, osteoporosis, which causes brittle bones in old age, most often affects those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and rarely spend time in the sun. With a lack of sunlight, hair loss, nail splitting, and many other health problems can occur.

Contraindications to sunbathing: severe heart defects, acute inflammatory infections, nervous system, active pulmonary tuberculosis, intensive headache. Solar radiation is contraindicated for malignant and benign neoplasms.

There is a risk of getting uneven skin pigmentation and worsening well-being in the sun during pregnancy. Doctors do not advise sunbathing after taking certain medications. Substances with photosensitizing (increasing sensitivity to light) properties contain perfumes and other perfumes. Therefore, it is better to refuse on the beach cosmetics, you can use specially created preparations for summer use with special sun protection factors, which are indicated in the composition by the letters SPF.

How and when is the best time to sunbathe?

Without the sun, which is a source of heat and light, life on Earth is impossible. Our body is affected by both visible light and solar rays, as well as invisible to the eye - infrared and ultraviolet. These rays are absorbed differently by different layers of the skin. During the transition from ultraviolet to infrared radiation the depth of their penetration increases.

Sunlight works wonders: it gives energy, helps to heal the most various diseases, improves mood and appearance person.

The mechanism of exposure to sunlight on humans is well known. The fact is that as a result of metabolism, free radicals are formed in our body - compounds that harm the entire body and contribute to its aging. They destroy genetic information in cell nuclei, promote the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, and make these vessels fragile. Melatonin, a special hormone whose formation is promoted by sunlight, can stop the negative “activity” of free radicals. It is he who plays the role of a kind of protector, since he intercepts and destroys free radicals, thereby maintaining overall well-being and pushing the aging of the body far into the future.

How to sunbathe outdoors? As a rule, they are beneficial for many diseases, but in order not to harm your own body, you must follow certain rules.

When is the best time to sunbathe to avoid getting sunburned? It is recommended to do this an hour after a meal, and finish the procedure no later than an hour before a meal. The safest sunbathing in the summer is from 8 to 11 a.m., and in the evening from 4 to 6 p.m.

Only by following the rules of sunbathing can you get a lasting and beautiful tan - darkening of the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, as a result of which melanin is deposited in its surface layers.

Duration of sunbathing and first aid for burns

On the first day, the duration of sunbathing in direct rays should be no more than 5-10 minutes. On the second day, sunbathing can be increased to 15 minutes. After this, you should increase your exposure to the sun by 5 minutes every day, bringing the procedure to 50-60 minutes, but staying in the sun for more than 2 hours a day is not recommended.

Children under 12 years of age must be in the shade of trees during the procedure. For this age group Solar procedures should begin with 2-3 minutes and gradually increase to 30 minutes. Children over 12 years old can be in the open sun, and the duration of the procedure at the first stage is usually no more than 5 minutes, gradually increasing the time to two hours. After sunbathing, you need to swim, shower or shower cold water and rest in the shade for half an hour.

If you stay in the sun for a very long time, you are likely to get a sunburn. Urgent first aid is necessary when the skin becomes dry, painful, slightly swollen and red. At the first negative signs, you should immediately take cover in the shade, cool the damaged areas of the skin under a cold shower so that the pain subsides. Then take an antipyretic, treat the burn site with alcohol or a special ointment such as Panthenol. If the burn is severe, consult a doctor.

Traditional medicine for sunburn recommends lubricating sore spots with sour cream, fermented baked milk or yogurt. A good remedy is a mixture of equal parts of alcohol (cologne) and vitamin A solution.

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This question seems a little strange. But in fact, knowing what time is best to sunbathe, you can get a much more even, lasting and attractive tan. Otherwise, the chocolate tint will fade away very soon, or even worse - painful burns will appear on the body, and the burnt skin will subsequently peel off in layers.

What time of year is best to sunbathe?

This is another interesting question. But if you figure out how to tan correctly, it will become clear that in reality there is nothing strange about it. The point is that in ideal You should prepare for the beach season in advance. That is, to start thinking about what time is best to sunbathe in June, it is advisable to sunbathe in May or even at the end of April. This will be good for the skin, and you won’t have to feel like a black sheep on the beach (in every sense of this expression).

In spring, the rays are very soft and it is quite difficult for them to harm the skin. But they will be able to perfectly prepare the epidermis for intense tanning. Before the start of summer, it is recommended to walk in the open sun as much as possible or spend several sessions in. First, let only your hands and face tan. A little later, if the weather permits, you can allow yourself to undress to your swimsuit. Lying under the sun is not at all necessary. On the contrary, it is much better to sunbathe during active sports – playing tennis or volleyball, running.

It’s hard to say what time of day is best to sunbathe in spring. Many people prefer sunbathing with morning exercises. And it’s okay if you can’t do it on the street. Open the window on the balcony and exercise here. Of course, this is less effective, but still.

When is the best time to sunbathe at sea?

At local resorts you need to sunbathe in the morning and evening, and the most “dangerous” sun is from 11 to 17 hours of the day. It is better to sit out this period of time somewhere in the shade. And don’t rely on beach outfits to protect you from. Lightweight fabric transmits enough ultraviolet radiation to burn.

What time of day is best to sunbathe on the beaches of hot countries? About the same. But you can’t spend a lot of time in the sun right away. On the first day, solar treatments should generally last no more than five minutes. Every day the time spent in the open sun increases.

Don't forget that you also get a tan while swimming. Moreover, this happens much faster. Water refracts the sun's rays, so many vacationers burn while swimming.

How to get an even and lasting tan?

To get an attractive tan, you need not only to know what time is best to tan. You should also follow a few simple rules:

  1. Before going out into the open sun, it is not advisable to use body cosmetics, splash yourself with eau de toilette or perfume.
  2. Be sure to use protective body creams.
  3. When sunbathing, the position needs to be changed every ten minutes.
  4. Immediately after returning from the beach, you should rinse in the shower and apply some moisturizer to the epidermis.
  5. When you get out of the water, do not dry yourself with a towel. Droplets of water promote faster tanning. But be careful: this makes it much easier to get burned.

Few believe this, but your diet during the beach season also affects the quality of your tan. The skin is more likely to turn chocolate if you eat:

It is very useful to drink a complex of vitamins before going to the sea, which must contain ascorbic acid.

Procedures involving the use healing properties air and radiant energy of the Sun for the purposes of treatment and hardening. V. and s. V. form the basis of climatotherapy. They are an essential element of the dignity of chickens. treatment. They can also be used in everyday conditions (on the recommendation of a doctor).

Air baths. Fresh air affects the whole or partially naked body; a form of air baths is the so-called. veranda treatment, which consists of a long stay on open verandas; patients are dressed in accordance with the season (in cold weather they use warm blankets and sleeping bags). Freely moving air during air baths, irritating the nerve endings of the skin, improves breathing and oxygen saturation of the blood. At the same time, the intensity of oxidative processes increases and the muscular and nervous systems are toned, the body’s thermoregulation systems are trained; Appetite increases, sleep improves. Air baths are especially useful in areas where the air contains increased amount oxygen, it is saturated sea ​​salts, light air ions, etc.

Air baths are prescribed by a doctor. They are recommended to strengthen the body, especially for children, and increase resistance to adverse effects. environment(see Hardening the body), as well as for a number of diseases, in particular with tuberculosis of the lungs and other organs, with anemia, with functional diseases of the nervous system, necrovascular diseases, etc. Contraindications: acute febrile diseases, exacerbations of rheumatism, chronic. inflammatory diseases of the joints, neuritis and myositis.

Air baths can be warm (t° above 22°), cool (*° 17-20°) and cold (° below 17°). The course of air baths begins at air temperatures above 20°; The duration of the procedures is initially 10-15 minutes, then they are increased daily by 10-15 minutes. and bring to 14/g - 2 hours. Cool baths are initially taken for 3-7 minutes, then their duration is increased daily by 3-5 minutes. and bring to 25-60 minutes. When taking air baths with an air temperature below 17°, you should perform light physical exercises. exercise to avoid hypothermia. Cold air baths are recommended for trained people; their duration should not exceed 7-20 minutes. Air baths should not be taken until you feel chilly or goosebumps appear. The time spent in the air during veranda treatment is 2-3-6 hours, sometimes it is advisable to stay on the veranda around the clock.

Sunbathing. The composition of sunlight and their effect on the human body are heterogeneous. Solar radiation consists of visible (light) as well as infrared and ultraviolet rays invisible to the eye. Light rays act ch. arr. on the retina of the eye, causing color sensations, which is necessary for the perception of the surrounding world. Infrared rays, penetrating into body tissues and having a thermal effect, they increase the temperature of the irradiated skin area. Ultraviolet rays have complex biological properties. action (see Sunburn).

Sunbathing is used as prescribed by a doctor for a number of diseases of the skin, joints, radiculitis, neuritis, tuberculosis of bones and joints, etc. They are used as hardening procedures to prevent diseases of influenza, sore throat, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, etc. Sunbathing is contraindicated for acute conditions. diseases, exacerbation of chronic lung diseases, gastrointestinal tract, etc. Sunbathing can be general (irradiation of the whole body) and local (irradiation of a part of the body). When irradiating, the total radiation of the Sun is used, which consists of direct exposure to sunlight, scattered radiation (in the shade, without exposure to direct sunlight), reflected from the walls of a building, the surface of the earth, water, etc. Scattered radiation (from the blue sky) contains less ultraviolet rays than direct and is more gentle. Sun exposure (direct radiation) of healthy adults begins with 5 minutes. and, gradually adding 5 minutes at a time, bring it to 40 minutes, taking into account general state, training and degree of hardening. For diffuse radiation, baths are taken initially for 10 minutes, increasing the duration of the procedure to 1-2 hours. at warm weather. Sunbathing should be done while lying on a couch or sitting in a chaise lounge, exposing different sides of the body to the sun. It is advisable to take an air bath before sunbathing. In case of direct radiation, it is necessary to cover your head with an umbrella or shield. To protect your eyes, you should use dark glasses (the mucous membrane of the eyes - the conjunctiva, which does not have a protective stratum corneum, is more sensitive to radiation than the skin, and inflammation may occur). It is not recommended to sunbathe on an empty stomach, immediately before or after meals. Finish your sunbathing with a rest in the shade, after which you can swim or take a shower. Sunbathing immediately after swimming is not recommended. In people weakened after necrosis diseases, skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays is increased. Often such increased sensitivity is observed in northerners, people forced to spend most of the day indoors, in adolescents, the elderly, pregnant women and especially in young children.

When sunbathing children, special care should be taken. The child's head must be protected by a Panama hat; When the heat sets in, children should not be exposed immediately: first they should wear shorts and light shirts, then shorts and a T-shirt, and only then only shorts and a Panama hat. To prevent overheating and excessive ultraviolet radiation, you need to periodically alternate irradiation with rest in the shade (see Toddler age, Preschool age). The effect of ultraviolet rays is stronger in the south, in the mountains. Northerners vacationing in the south should sunbathe in the morning, and it is better to start sunbathing in sparse shade under a honeycomb canopy or on cloudy days, when the ground reaches altitude. arr. scattered solar radiation. IN middle lane and sowing areas best time for sunbathing from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. People aged 55-65 years are recommended to irradiate for no more than 20-30 minutes; people over 65 years old should avoid exposure to direct sunlight. They benefit more from air baths in the shade until 11 o'clock. in the morning or after 16-17 hours. Ultraviolet rays in moderate doses cause an even tan of the skin.

Excessive radiation has adverse effects on the body, causing sunburn skin, sometimes with necrosis, heat stroke, irritability, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, fever, exacerbation of necrotic diseases. V. and s. V. accepted in summer time on beaches, where special canopies are installed over trestle beds, in solariums, aerosolariums located in parks, on the banks of rivers, reservoirs, and on special verandas. IN winter time At resorts, insulated climatic pavilions are used for air baths, and for sunbathing, verandas are covered with a special film that allows ultra-violet rays. see also