Supplements for sun protection. Secrets of a beautiful tan

Vitamins for tanning are biologically active substances that enhance the effect of ultraviolet rays on human skin. As a result, the dermis quickly acquires a beautiful, even (golden, chocolate or bronze) shade. This “effect” is achieved by stimulating the formation of melanin (a protective pigment) in the lower layers of the skin. In addition, vitamins nourish, soften the dermis, retain moisture, and prevent the destruction of collagen fibers and fibroblasts.

Nutrients eliminate the consequences of the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation (neutralize free radicals) and help maintain a tan for a long time without harm to health.

So that the skin lasts longer beautiful shade, you should abandon hot baths in favor of a contrast shower, do not rub your body with a washcloth, visit a solarium, moisturize and nourish it not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Vitamin A is the main assistant for a beautiful tan

To get a bronze skin tone, most people go to the seashore or river bank, where they spend the day under the scorching rays. However, prolonged exposure to the sun is fraught with the appearance of painful burns on the body, the appearance of age spots, dehydration of the dermis, and destruction of collagen fibers. It's interesting that the outside cosmetical tools“solve” these problems by only 50% (since they penetrate only into the superficial stratum corneum). For comprehensive protection of the integument, it is important to take.

The most important nutrient for skin is organic. This substance stimulates the synthesis of protective pigments (melanins), as a result of which the body turns golden-bronze. In addition, beta-carotene accelerates the regeneration of damaged fibers, reduces strength sunburn, reduces skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, controls the growth of horny scales, strengthens the local immunity of the dermis.

The physiological need for carotene for an adult is 1 – 2 milligrams per day.

When the daily portion of a nutrient increases to 3 milligrams, it accumulates in the horny substrate. As a result, the skin acquires a yellow-golden hue. This process is called carotenoderma. This phenomenon is absolutely harmless, since the epidermis is colored without the participation of ultraviolet radiation, and after stopping the use of the additive, the pigmentation disappears.

Table "Natural Sources of Vitamin A"
Product name Retinol content in 100 grams of food, milligrams
Parsley (greens) 3,9
Rowan, sorrel 3,9
Spinach 3,0
Savoy cabbage 1,7
Core 1,27
Tomatoes 0,25
Peaches, 0,21
White cabbage 0,19
Plums 0,11
Blackberry 0,09

Carotenoid foods are consumed in the morning before sunbathing along with a small portion of oil (5 - 15 grams), since vitamin A is.

To protect the skin, it is recommended to take a drug with beta-carotene (Sinergin) 14 days before active sun exposure. It reduces the sensitivity of the dermis to ultraviolet radiation and promotes a lasting, even tan. However, remember that in order for the drug to begin to act, it must be taken in advance (2 weeks in advance), otherwise it will not bring the desired effect.

In addition to the tanning “stimulator” (carotenoid), it is advisable to use nutrients that even out and fix the shade in the dermis.

Substances that “retain” dark skin color:

  1. And . The strongest antioxidants that absorb free radicals that are formed in the dermis under the influence of ultraviolet rays. With a deficiency of antioxidant factors, the barrier functions of the skin are reduced, resulting in sunburn (in severe cases, melanoma). However, only natural compounds are capable of providing a protective “effect”. Organic forms vitamins: E – tocopherol, tocotrienol, C – calcium ascorbate, L-ascorbic acid. Daily requirement in the first substance it is 25 milligrams, in the second - 1500 - 2000 milligrams.
  2. , . Regulators of collagen fiber formation, slowing down photoaging processes. Along with this, the substances prevent skin redness, even out tanning, and reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors.

To maintain healthy skin, it is important to consume at least 20 milligrams of zinc per day, 0.6 milligrams of selenium, 16 milligrams of iron.

  1. , . “Raw materials” for the synthesis of melanin, from which protective pigment is formed in melanocytes (skin cells).

Interestingly, the intensity of a bronze tan depends on the concentration in the body.

The physiological need for tryptophan varies between 1000 - 2000 milligrams (per day), for tyrosine - 3000 - 4000 milligrams. Taking these substances is an excellent prevention of skin hyperpigmentation (vitiligo, melasma).

  1. Coenzyme Q10. A powerful antioxidant factor present in every cell of the body. The antioxidant prevents the destruction of elastin and collagen fibers (during tanning), slows down the process of photoaging of the skin, reduces the intensity of dehydration of the dermis, and “fixes” the bronze tint in the stratum corneum.

The daily portion of the substance is 100 milligrams.

  1. . Essential elements for the skin that prevent the development of hyperpigmentation, protect the dermis from free radicals, and prevent the destruction of collagen fibers and fibroblasts. With regular intake of acids, the skin looks “shiny,” tightened and moisturized.

The daily norm for the period of active exposure to the sun is 15 grams.

Remember, it is important to stay hydrated while sunbathing. To do this, drink 150 milliliters of still water every 30 minutes.

Considering that tanning “activates” the production of melanin, open areas bodies are most susceptible to hyperpigmentation. To ensure uniform distribution of the substance in the skin, antioxidant complexes are additionally taken.

TOP 5 best sunscreens:

  1. Capsules “Sun protection” (Algologie, France). An organic composition aimed at accelerating the development of natural tanning, preventing hyperpigmentation of certain areas of the body, and protecting the skin from photoaging. The dietary supplement includes carrot oil, beta-carotene, soy lecithin, vitamins C and E.

To prepare the skin for tanning, take the phytocomplex 30 days before visiting the beach or solarium (2 capsules). The drug can be used throughout summer season(to fix the bronze shade in the dermis).

  1. "Nature Tan" (Visione, France). The antioxidant supplement is designed to create an even tan, prevent the development of sunburn and maintain a normal level of skin moisture. The composition of the drug includes vitamins (A, E, C), (zinc, selenium), plant extracts (, turmeric, soy).

The course of taking “Nature Tan” begins at least 14 days before sunbathing. Take 2 capsules immediately after breakfast once a day (together with a small portion of oil).

  1. "Oxelio" (Jaldes, France). A plant-based vitamin and mineral complex to improve skin barrier functions, reduce the risk of sun intolerance, and maintain an acquired tan. The drug contains a mixture of natural carotenoids (lycopene, alpha, beta and gamma carotenes), vitamins (C, E), minerals (zinc, selenium), soybean oil.

"Oxelio" is taken 3 weeks before going to the beach and throughout the entire rest period (1 capsule per day). If sun intolerance is present, the daily portion of the substance is increased to 3 pills.

  1. “Beautiful tan” (Ekomir, Russia). A powerful antioxidant composition that protects the skin from photo- and chronoaging, improves the quality of tanning, and prevents the development of malignant tumors.

Active components – plant extracts (green, ginkgo biloba), vitamins (A, C, E), trace elements (selenium, zinc).

The supplement is taken 2 capsules per day after breakfast (on days visiting the beach).

  1. “Sunny Cocktail” (Academie, France). Protective composition in ampoules based on juice. In addition, the supplement contains natural antioxidants (vitamins A, C, E). The cocktail is used to obtain an even, lasting tan (on the beach or in a solarium), strengthen the local immunity of the dermis, and prevent the development of sunburn.

The drink is taken in the first half of the day, 1 ampoule.

Remember, taking antioxidant complexes does not replace the use of sunscreen.

Considering that vitamin complexes taken in courses, antioxidant products will help maintain the acquired tan.

"Friends" of chocolate skin:

  1. Carrot. A natural source of beta-carotene, which helps to “delay” the tan on the body. To give the skin a golden hue, consume 150 milliliters of freshly squeezed juice daily.
  2. Apricots. The fruit contains “skin vitamins” (, B2, . The record holder among berries for the content of lycopene (a precursor of vitamin A). With regular use of the product, melanin production is accelerated, skin tone is evened out, and water balance is restored. To maintain a bronze body tone, consume 150 - 200 grams of berries per day (omega-3), amino acids tyrosine (precursor of melanin), vitamins E and. With systematic intake of seafood (2 - 3 times a week), peeling in the dermis is eliminated, tanning is accelerated, and skin tone is evened out.

However, the benefits of this food are reduced to zero if you consume foods that inhibit melanin production.

The main “enemies” of tanning: marinades, pickles, chocolate, alcohol, sausages, smoked meats.


Tanning vitamins are substances that accelerate the synthesis of protective pigments in the dermis, as a result of which the skin acquires a uniform chocolate-bronze color. In addition, nutrients neutralize the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, enhance collagen synthesis, and reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors.

The main vitamin for tanning is beta-carotene.

Natural sources of the substance are carrots, apricots, parsley, cabbage, rowan, sorrel, pumpkin. With the systematic consumption of these products (for breakfast), the horny substrate is painted in a golden hue, and the natural tan “lays down” more evenly.

To enhance the desired “effect”, along with carotenoid foods, oral antioxidant complexes are used (“Nature Tan”, “Solar Cocktail”, “Beautiful Tan”, “Oxelio”, “Sun Protection”).

Monitor your time in the sun and be sure to use the necessary skin protection products. Do not stay under open rays for longer than your dermis type and your health allow.

An optimal vitamin and mineral balance maintains the health of the body and helps strengthen the defenses. And individual elements can enhance or weaken the effect of ultraviolet rays on human skin.

An attractive and even tan is achieved not only with the help of external use, but also by feeding the epidermis from the body's internal resources. To tan properly, you need to enrich your body with vitamins. This can be done by eating certain foods and taking dietary supplements with a special composition.

In this article you will learn which vitamins are best to take for a tan so that it is beautiful and even.

The role of coloring skin and hair in the body is assigned to a special pigment - melanin. The color of the skin and the degree of protection from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation depend on its quantity. You can balance the level of melanin with the help of vitamin and mineral complexes.

The necessary vitamins to enhance and improve your tan can give your skin a safe, beautiful shade without negative changes to the epidermis!

Benefits of vitamins for tanning skin:

  • activation of melanin production in the lower layer of the skin;
  • protection of the epidermis from negative action sun;
  • risk reduction ;
  • increasing immunity and general tone.

Before using vitamins, you must consult your doctor!

Despite the fact that many people dream of a bronze tan, not everyone is allowed to do so. Increased melanin production and consumption of vitamins that promote this process can be harmful.

  • excess melanin in the body (congenital or acquired melanosis);
  • vitamin intoxication (hypervitaminosis);
  • epidermal allergy to the sun;
  • individual reaction immune system(hypersensitivity);
  • allergic reactions to food.

Excessive consumption of vitamins can provoke a functional failure in the body!

Instead of the desired result, there is a risk of acquiring various diseases!

What elements does the body need for a healthy tan?

What vitamins are needed for high-quality tanning of the skin? The following will help ensure a beautiful tan without compromising skin health: vitamins: A, E, C, D, group B, Omega-3 acid, amino acids: tryptophan, tyrosine, trace elements: iron, zinc, selenium.

Below you will see a description of vitamins and elements for a better, faster, even and beautiful tan:

Vitamin A or Ritinol (fat soluble)

Beneficial features: accelerates the synthesis of melanin, maintains healthy and youthful skin, strengthens bones, hair and nail plates, activates rhodopsin (visual pigment), protects against infections, activates the synthesis of collagen (connective tissue protein), fights atherosclerosis, prevents the growth and development of cancer cells, participates in the synthesis of hormones.

Vitamins with beta-carotene are especially effective for tanning.

Deficiency Symptoms: premature aging of the epidermis, weakening of the functions of the urinary system, blurred vision, erectile dysfunction, dandruff.

Natural food source: carrots, broccoli, fish fat, cod liver, sweet pepper, beef liver, watermelon, melon, spinach, sea buckthorn.

Vitamin D or ergocalciferol (fat soluble)

Beneficial features: responsible for the level of calcium and its weldability, supports the skeletal system, promotes skin regeneration, helps absorb calcium.

Deficiency Symptoms: rickets, osteoporosis, insomnia.

Natural food source: eggs (yolk), fatty fish, butter, milk, cottage cheese.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid (water soluble)

Beneficial features: promotes rapid metabolism, reduces cholesterol, is responsible for the body’s immune forces, cleanses.

Deficiency Symptoms: dry skin, baldness, susceptibility to colds and viruses, tooth loss, obesity, varicose veins and thrombosis, fatigue.

Natural food source: cabbage, lemon, rose hips, orange, black currant, sea buckthorn, sweet pepper.

Vitamin E or tocopherol (fat soluble)

Beneficial features: effective for tanning, restores skin, takes part in the production of hormones, protects epidermal cells from destruction, improves immunity and tones muscles.

Deficiency Symptoms: dystrophy, slow healing of skin lesions, erectile dysfunction.

Natural food source: eggs, seafood, vegetable oil (any), legumes, buckwheat.

B vitamins

Beneficial features: responsible for health nervous system, psychological condition, mental activity and protein synthesis, maintain healthy skin, hair, and bones.

Deficiency Symptoms: general weakness, depressive states, fragility of bones, imbalance of the nervous system.

Natural food source: seafood, bananas, liver (any), milk, eggs, fresh herbs, bran and grains.


Beneficial features: saturates cells with oxygen, participates in the process of hematopoiesis, relieves nervous tension.

Deficiency Symptoms: anemia, weakness, disruption of the formation of red blood cells, slowing of growth and development.

Natural food source: buckwheat, lentils, apples, nuts (cashew and pine), corn, peas, lean meat.


Beneficial features: helps restore damaged skin, takes part in the synthesis of hormones, protects hair and nails, strengthens the skeletal system, strengthens the immune system and potency in men.

Deficiency Symptoms: unhealthy skin, fatigue, hair loss, reproductive dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, impotence.

Natural food source: seaweed and seafood, nuts (especially walnuts), honey, meat, buckwheat, oatmeal, liver.


Beneficial features: fights cancer tumors, prevents premature wear and tear of the body.

Deficiency Symptoms: pain in the skeletal system and muscles, weakness.

Natural food source: nuts (any), liver, corn, lentils, broccoli, crayfish, crabs, seafood.

Tryptophan (amino acid)

Beneficial features: normalizes sleep, promotes melanin production, protects against ultraviolet rays, promotes weight loss.

Deficiency Symptoms: increased nervousness (sometimes aggressiveness), sunburn.

Natural food source: tomato juice, cabbage (white cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower, broccoli), bananas, dates, parsley.

Tyrosine (amino acid)

Beneficial features: accelerates the synthesis of melanin, relieves stress, protects the skin from the aggressive effects of sunlight.

Deficiency Symptoms: nervous excitability, unreasonable anxiety.

Natural food source: cheese, meat, legumes, peanuts, eggs.

Omega-3 acid

Beneficial features: improves immunity, increases vascular elasticity, rejuvenates skin and hair, stabilizes hormonal levels.

Deficiency Symptoms: premature aging, psychological imbalance.

Natural food source: pumpkin, vegetable oils, avocado, seafood, fish oil, cheese, eggs.

Cocktails for tanning

An alternative raw vegetables and fruits are vitamin cocktails. Delicious and healthy vitamin drinks will saturate the skin before tanning and prepare it for sun exposure. Recipes:

  • Citrus mix. Mix orange, grapefruit and lemon juice thoroughly in a 2:2:1 ratio, add ice cubes or a little mineral water without gas;
  • Fruit and vegetable smoothie. Three juicy stalks of celery, medium carrots, one medium sized apple. Cut the products into pieces and beat with a blender;
  • Carrot-lemon drink. Pass 3-4 carrots through a juicer, add the juice of one lemon and a teaspoon olive oil. To digest carrot juice, you need a small amount of vegetable or animal fats.

A good addition to any drinks (juice, tea, water) is a honey-ginger mixture. Ginger root must be grated and mixed with liquid honey (1 part ginger to 2 parts honey). Add a teaspoon of the mixture per glass of liquid.

A salad cocktail will help saturate your body with B vitamins and vitamin E. For this you will need 200 gr. any seafood, a bunch of dill, a can of canned seaweed. For refueling use natural yogurt and juice of half a lemon.

The basis of an ideal tan should be safety. Eating healthy foods and dietary supplements will help you stay healthy and look irresistible at the same time.

No matter how much I promise to disappear from this blog, I disappear. But I found out for myself a long time ago that good posts come out only with the mood, and those that are “just in case” are then boring to read.

In general, let's continue.
Today I want to talk about one remedy that I discovered for myself. I’ll write right away (almost in capslock) that this is my experience, my impressions and my opinion about the products, I in no way recommend them, but simply state what I experienced myself. There are other opinions - for example, that all vitamins taken separately, that is, which are not contained in our food, are categorically harmful and almost provoke cancer, so set aside Aevit, vitamin C and fish oil as well.

This was the introduction again, I can’t do without them :) And now to the point.
I really didn’t like my white skin, not even because of the color of my skin as such, but simply because I really love the sea, and with my white and almost even snow-white skin tone, it was difficult to appear in the Mediterranean or equatorial sun and not burn. That is, a tan - red, stupid constant ridicule from literally everyone about my tan (oh, what complexes this added to me several years ago), and okay, a tan - but it was difficult for me NOT even to burn in the sun. Hide in the shadows all the time? It’s unrealistic, because you want to swim in the sea, and not sit under an umbrella all the time. And we are not talking about the beauty of white or dark skin here, but about the features of such skin.

In general, I once heard about expensive tanning vitamins, which even with small doses of sun give the skin a beautiful and even, slightly dark tint. One problem was that vitamins had to be ordered from abroad, and at that time I was not at all familiar with online shopping. I started browsing the forums and found mentions of Vetoron. I decided to try it, and now for several years now it has been my faithful companion on vacation :)

But now I’ll tell you everything about the order - what, where, why and what the effect is

So, I usually buy myself the one like in the picture on the right - essentially, it’s beta-carotene in drops. The one on the left is effervescent soluble tablets, but if a bottle of drops is enough for the entire course for two people and still has some left, then there are only 10 of them in a jar of tablets, and this version costs even a little more than the first. By the way, the asking price is 100-150 rubles in city pharmacies.

So, about the reception. Vetoron-E is an aqueous solution of beta-carotene with dissolved vitamins E and C. I start taking it about 10 days before going on vacation at sea - usually 5-6 drops. I add it to water and take it once a day with meals, usually in the morning. I read somewhere about this method of administration, and I stick to it. While on vacation I continue taking Vetoron-E for a couple of weeks after the vacation.

As for the taste, it is practically tasteless, except that it is very orange - it is better to brush your teeth after taking it :) Well, and not to stain anything with it in the process. Somehow it spilled in a suitcase, and it was wonderful, yes...:)

What did I notice? When I took this drug, I never got so badly burned that it was painful and impossible to leave the room. Yes, sunburns also happened, but they passed quickly and left no consequences. The tan is more even, looks more beautiful and its color has become much more brown than it was before. And another big plus for me is that after a vacation, the tan lasts longer and doesn’t peel off with stupid flaky skins.

Before making this post, I spent a long time analyzing and comparing my feelings when tanning with and without Vetoron - I wanted to write a post about it last year :)

Threat. Girls, I kindly ask you not to write in the comments something like “I don’t sunbathe!” - this is your business :) I sunbathe a little, because my blue white legs, excuse me, are not cute.

It seems like everyone has already heard about how harmful tanning is. The fact that the skin is constantly exposed to free radicals, UVA and UVB radiation and that all this leads to aging has been buzzing all over our ears. Yes, the body’s own antioxidant systems can provide comprehensive protection, but if you spend your vacation in hot countries or in the country sunny summer, This is not enough. The body needs external support, and sunscreen is not the only option.

In fact, tanning is nothing more than a natural protective reaction of the skin. This desirable and beautiful skin color is associated with the production of the pigment melanin. Both UVB and UVA rays stimulate the production of this pigment. People with light and dark skin have the same number of melanocytes, but their level of “responsiveness” is different, just as the ratio of “brown” pigment to “orange-red” differs between southerners and northerners.

What should light-skinned blondes from northern latitudes do? Today the market offers “tanning tablets”, which can be divided into 2 types: those that stimulate the production of melanin and those that protect against the damaging effects of the sun.

Melanin stimulation

What is this: Some substances are involved in the production of melanin, which means they could theoretically help you tan faster. The most famous are L-tyrosine, L-cysteine ​​and PABA.

How it works: You should take dietary supplements containing these amino acids and para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) immediately before going to the beach. Your body will begin to produce more melanin, which means you will be able to spend less time in the sun, while still getting a beautiful tan. If you take these tablets throughout your holiday and for several weeks after, your tan will last much longer. A very attractive solution, especially for people with sensitive skin who want a long-lasting, deep golden color.

What's the catch: The whole point is that in the body there is almost always “ full set“Tyrosine and its excess will simply be excreted by the body as “unclaimed.” As a result, you risk wasting your money. However, according to some studies, you can speed up the conversion of “extra” tyrosine into melanin if you add vitamin B6, copper and vitamin C to your diet.

UV protection

What is this: First of all, these are carotenoids - yellow, orange and red pigments synthesized by plants. The most common are alpha-carotene, beta-carotene (carrots), beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin (algae), and lycopene (tomatoes). They are already present in human blood and form the first line of defense.

How it works: The photoprotective activity of carotenoids is associated with their antioxidant properties, in other words, they “capture” free radicals, neutralizing them. Sometimes this trick succeeds, and sometimes, alas, it doesn’t. It is worth considering that mixtures of carotenoids are always more effective than individual components.

What's the catch: Carotenoids accumulate in the skin. This provides additional protection against UV radiation, but not only that. Sometimes they affect skin color, causing a “yellowing effect”. For “redskins” this may even be useful, the color will turn into “golden”, but if you overdo it, the tan can become similar to pigmentation. The fact is that carotenoids absorbed by the body reach upper layers skin (along with sweat and sebum) at different rates and generally unevenly. As a rule, the maximum accumulations occur on the forehead and cheeks (not very healthy, you must agree). Therefore, if you still decide to take something, strictly follow the instructions on the package or the doctor’s recommendations.

Keep in mind that significant results appear only after 10-12 weeks of taking such dietary supplements, and shorter-term experiments do not make sense. Another pitfall is that natural carotenoids are more effective than synthetic ones. That is, carrot and tomato juice give much better results than “pills”.

In fact, the results of research on dietary supplements for tanning are quite modest, but if you have ever drank carrot juice with cream and then went to the solarium, you know that there is a result - the tan goes on more evenly, the color is richer and more beautiful, and lasts longer. So some tips are really worth checking out in practice.

Tatiana Morrison

Collage by Alina Trout

I would also like to add to the title of the post - for safe tanning. And this is much more important than any beauty. Now it is already obvious to everyone that tanning and the sun are not the friends of a girl who takes care of herself; her skin must be protected from them.

It is no coincidence that the production of sunscreens is growing all over the world, UV filters are not added except to food, and new vitamin complexes with protective effects are appearing. Therefore, the bleak prospect of turning into pale toadstools in the name of preserving beauty, fortunately, no longer threatens us.

But let's take advantage of what they offer us best manufacturers Dietary supplements for a safe and beautiful tan. Opinions like “it’s better to eat fruit than drink some dietary supplements” in in this case inappropriate: no modern fruit contains the amount of antioxidants that can protect the skin.

Sunscreen dietary supplements are intended for those who think about the future of their skin and intend to keep it in perfect condition until old age. The composition usually contains antioxidants, vitamins and plant extracts - accelerators of melanin production.

Capsules "Bevital - san" (Belupo, Croatia)

60 capsules – 250 rubles

Can be found in some pharmacies

Ingredients: vitamins E, B1, B2, B6, beta-carotene (about vitamin A), microelements of brewer's yeast, biotin, choline.

"Bevital-san" prepares the skin for sunbathing, accelerates the process of melanin production, protects the skin from dryness and flaking, and prevents photo-aging. If you often visit the solarium, or experience any skin problems, you can take these capsules all year round.

30 capsules – around 1000 – 1500 rubles.

In online stores and points of sale of professional cosmetics.

Ingredients: carrot oil, dunalea extract (it contains a lot of beta-carotene), soy lecithin, vitamins E, C.

The capsules protect the skin from photo-aging, accelerate the appearance of a uniform and lasting tan, and improve the condition of the skin.

Take them 1-2 capsules a day 30 days before visiting a solarium or beach, then during exposure to the sun and to maintain a tan, 1 capsule a day for several more months.

30 capsules – 1219 rubles

From representatives of the company "Visione"

Ingredients: turmeric powder, zinc, selenium, grape extract, soy isoflavones, beta-carotene, vitamins E and C.

An antioxidant complex aimed at protecting the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays. Prevents skin aging, maintains a normal level of moisture, prevents the development of sunburn and redness.

The course of taking “Nature Tan” begins at least 15 days before the start of active transformation into chocolate.

60 capsules – 2000 rubles

Ingredients: palm and carrot carotenoids, alphacarotenes, betacarotenes, gammacarotenes, lycopenes), selenium, natural vitamins E and C, zinc, soybean and carrot oil.

The French are leaders in the production of “vitamins for tanning” and “Oxelio” best example similar drugs. Oxelio capsules will protect your skin from aging, increase moisture levels and accelerate the appearance of tanning.

In online stores and pharmacies

Ingredients: vitamins C, E, B2, beta-carotene, zinc, selenium, lutein, epigallocatechin gallate, flavonol glycosides.

An antioxidant complex that first of all protects the skin from harmful UV irradiation and photoaging, and only then affects the quality of tanning.

Ideal for people with bad heredity for oncology and who simply want to improve their skin condition.

10 ampoules – 1770 rubles

In online stores, beauty salons and points of sale of professional cosmetics.

Ingredients: orange juice, water, fructose, fruit oligosaccharides, vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, lemon bioflavonoid complex, flavorings, aspartame.

The cocktail accelerates the production of melanin and protects the skin from premature aging. According to reviews from friends, this is the best tanning accelerator.

Depending on your photo type, you will need from 1 to 3 boxes of cocktails per course.

“Capsules against skin aging, to enhance and prolong tanning - Pro Soleil” /(Guinot, France)

30 capsules – 2000 rubles

In online stores and beauty salons

The composition is quite standard: beta-carotene, lutein and vitamins. I couldn't find any details.

Capsules help to enhance and prolong tanning, protect skin cells from aging and preserve its youth. I recommend them, first of all, to fans of Guinot cosmetics and to everyone who uses their sun protection system. For others, there are more affordable alternatives.

Take two capsules daily. It is better to start the course 2 weeks before active tanning.

“Carrot oil” (Russia)

200 ml – 130 rubles

In online stores and pharmacies

Compound: linseed oil, oil extract of carrots, oil extract of blueberry fruits and leaves.

The composition, although simple, is very tanning :). Here you have carotenoids from carrots, antioxidants from blueberries, and healing effect linseed oil.

I notice one downside - a not very pleasant smell, reminiscent of fish (due to linseed oil).

Manufacturers claim that even in winter, with a lack of sun, just a few tablespoons of this oil per day can maintain a light tan. External use will enhance the effect.

Flaxseed oil “Elixir of Cleopatra” (Russia)

200ml – 350 rubles

Internet shops and pharmacies

Ingredients: flaxseed oil enriched with St. John's wort, carrots, sea buckthorn, amaranth, burdock.

The oil contains plant extracts that increase skin sensitivity to the sun, enhance pigmentation, and at the same time protect against free radicals and photo-aging. Fully natural product, can be used in long courses.

It also allows you to maintain a light tan without the sun.

The minimum course is 6 weeks, which will require 5 packs of oil.

100 capsules – 720 rubles

In pharmacies

Ingredients: seal oil.

It is a source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, natural forms of vitamins A and E.

And although PUFAs have a very weak effect on the quality of tanning and the speed of its production, they do an excellent job as skin protectors.

Omega-3 prevents the process of photo-aging, improves the condition of the skin in any pathology, and prevents it from drying out and flaking.

It is believed that seal oil is healthier than any fish oil, since it is initially purer and easier to digest.

You can take it constantly.

20 ml – 150 rubles

In all pharmacies

Ingredients: water-soluble form of beta-carotene, vitamins A and C.

Most a budget option for those who crave a safe tan. It contains all the most important things for the skin, contraindications and side effects No.

The course of treatment must be started at least 2 weeks before active tanning, and continued almost all year round.