Distance from speed bump to pedestrian crossing. Installation and repair of ID

In order to reduce the number of accidents on the roads, starting from the beginning of 2008 road services Along with traffic police inspectors, they began to actively use a special sign, which was popularly called a “speed bump.”

Based on traffic regulations, there is no such term as a speed bump - the correct name for the sign is “artificial hump” (IN). This is exactly how it is designated in the traffic rules.

The speed bump is installed on the road part near places where a large number of people are expected to gather. This sign signals to drivers that they need to significantly reduce their speed and exercise greater caution while driving through this section.

As a rule, the "artificial hump" sign is installed before the entrance to pedestrian crossings and after them, next to children's institutions, such as kindergartens, schools, organizations for additional children's education, etc. Also, speed bumps can be found in almost every parking lot near shopping centers, where there are always a lot of pedestrians.

In addition to busy places associated with high traffic volumes, “artificial roughness” signs are installed in those areas where traffic is constantly recorded. a large number of Road accidents involving pedestrians, children and adults. These can be sharp and dangerous turns, hidden and difficult sections of roads, when driving through which you must necessarily reduce your speed.


Installation of signs about irregularities on the roadway is carried out taking into account all the requirements and rules of GOST. Before approaching this section within the city limits, 50-100 m away (150-300 m outside the city), signs 1.17 “Artificial unevenness” are installed. This sign is installed in advance, and can also be accompanied by a series of signs, such as 8.1.1, indicating the distance to the object itself - unevenness.

In this zone, in which drivers are forced to reduce speed, artificial bumps are additionally installed on the asphalt surface itself, or, as people say, speed bumps inside between signs 1.17. These irregularities have the form of structures in the form of waves or trapezoids. 1.25 or specially created reflective stickers are applied to the surface of the ID, which glow and are very visible to drivers at night.

IN should be installed in places with artificial lighting.

Directly next to the bump structures on the asphalt, the following sign 5.20 “Artificial bump” is installed. It makes it clear to drivers that there is a speed bump installed right here.

Due to the fact that several signs are used to indicate ID, they should not be confused. Sign 1.17 is installed in advance and indicates the entire area with uneven surfaces on both sides, and sign 5.20 reports the very location of the speed bump.

GOST requirements when installing ID

When installing signs and markings about irregularities, as well as the undulating surface on the road, the requirements of GOST must be observed.

When installing the IN, the following mandatory conditions must be met:

  • Reflective stickers must be clearly visible to drivers on each side when passing, and the application area of ​​which, according to GOST, must be at least 15% of total area artificial roughness;
  • The speed bump must be installed across the entire width of the road and perpendicular to its edges. The error from the edges is allowed no more than 20 cm on each side;
  • The type of speed bump can be of two types: wavy or trapezoidal, the height of which in any case should not exceed 7 cm;
  • IN can only be installed on asphalt or concrete covering roads;
  • When installing speed bumps, artificial lighting must be created for good visibility.

All requirements for installation of the IN are set out in position ().

Bottom line

The main task of a speed bump at the place where it is installed is to move cars.

It is worth noting that specially created INs on asphalt work very well, i.e. drivers reduce speed on them. Driving through these protrusions at high speeds, more than 40 km/h, will definitely be unsafe for the driver himself, and can also lead to damage to the car’s suspension. In this regard, the most recommended and optimal speed is 20 or 40 km/h.

An artificial hump, or “speed bump” as it is called, is a small artificial elevation located on the roadway. Designed to limit the speed of traffic.

IDN consists of two elements:

  • The main element is a monolithic product, which is made of black rubber and weighs 9 kilograms.
  • The side element is a monolithic product consisting of rubber, weighing 4 kilograms.

Installation of IDN carried out in order to force a reduction in the speed of moving vehicles Vehicle, in places where there is an increased risk of harm to pedestrians or other vehicles. In most cases, speed bumps are installed:

  • before educational institutions, camps, kindergartens, gyms, shops, establishments for children's recreation and other institutions with large crowds of people;
  • in front of roads that have a high danger status, the speed on them should be limited to 40 kilometers per hour;
  • before intersections where there are no traffic lights or traffic controllers, and visibility conditions are significantly limited;
  • before entering an area marked “residential zone”;
  • at a distance of 15 meters to the ground crossing, which is not regulated, and is located near educational institution, children's playground, stadium, train station or store;
  • in the exit and entry areas of gas stations and construction sites.

IDN can have different lengths, which suit the conditions of GOST. It can be used at temperatures from -45 to +70 degrees. Installation of IDN carried out only on illuminated sections of the road, which is covered with asphalt or concrete.

Before installing an artificial roughness, you need to find out the following details:

  • traffic intensity;
  • Conduct a thorough analysis of emergency cases at the site selected for installation;
  • find out the type of vehicles that most often pass through this area.

At installation and repair of IDN on two opposite sides it is necessary to place road signs, they need to be located at a distance of at least fifty meters. These signs must indicate speed according to shape and size. established IDN, and also taking into account all recommendations of the manufacturer and installers. Artificial unevenness can be located at a distance of at least sixty meters from each other.

Life time established by the IDN is at least 15 years. When the elements of the artificial roughness wear out, they are dismantled and subsequently replaced.

Speed ​​bumps can be used in various climatic conditions, and the latest modifications of road bumps are equipped with an anti-icing system, which allows for maximum safety on the roads. According to many statistics, artificial road humps can significantly reduce the number of accidents involving pedestrians. The feasibility of IDN installations.

At that time, the United States was experiencing rapid and massive motorization, and the owners farms, past which highways passed, were very concerned about the safety of livestock, which often ended up under the wheels of passing cars. Most often it is installed in residential areas or near pedestrian crossings, etc. The principle of operation is that when crossing with high speed When a speed bump occurs, a strong shock to the car's suspension occurs. Such shocks lead to the gradual failure of various vehicle components: struts, ball joints, wheel bearings, tie rod ends and others. In order not to delay the next repair, drivers are forced not to exceed the speed limit. Speed ​​bumps are sometimes made from used tires and plastic support structures.

403 - access denied


Also, modern versions can be equipped with an anti-icing system. IN winter time It is recommended to dismantle them for efficient work snow removal equipment.


  • polymer sand;
  • composite;
  • rubber.

Requirements for artificial bumps[edit | edit code] This article or section describes the situation in relation to only one region (the Russian Federation), possibly violating the rule of balanced presentation.

You can help Wikipedia by adding information for other countries and regions.

GOST R 52605-2006 - speed bump

Speed ​​bumps or artificial humps are placed on the roadway to prevent collisions with pedestrians. They are usually installed near socially significant objects - hospitals, schools, as well as in places of unregulated pedestrian crossings.
INs are installed on certain sections of roads to ensure a forced reduction in the maximum permissible speed of vehicles to 40 km/h or less. Depending on the manufacturing technology, IN structures are divided into monolithic and prefabricated. The length of the ID must be no less than the width of the roadway. Tolerance? no more than 0.2 m on each side of the road. At the site for the installation of a speed bump, drainage from the roadway must be provided.

1. historical background

  • at public transport stops or adjacent lanes and lateral expansions of the roadway;
  • on bridges, overpasses, overpasses, in transport tunnels and passages under bridges;
  • at a distance of less than 100 m from railway crossings;
  • on main highways of high-speed traffic in cities and main streets of citywide importance of continuous traffic;
  • at the entrances to hospitals, ambulance stations medical care, fire stations, bus and trolleybus depots, garages and parking areas for emergency vehicles and other facilities where special vehicles are concentrated;
  • above inspection wells of underground communications.

Good luck to you, be careful and careful. In the next issue we will talk about an accident that occurred due to an open hatch on the road.

speed bump

Sign 1.17, “Artificial unevenness” (RF) In Russia, common technical requirements to artificial unevenness for forced limitation of the speed of vehicles and the rules for their use are regulated by GOST R 52605-2006. Russia. Speed ​​bump between two pits The dimensions of the artificial hump depend on the maximum permitted speed.

The standard provides for the application of markings and installation of signs in accordance with GOST R 52289, GOST R 52290 and GOST R 51256. To ensure visibility at night, retroreflective elements must be applied to the surface of the artificial unevenness.

The installation of speed bumps is permitted only on sections of roads with artificial lighting and provided drainage from the roadway.

Artificial hump

If on a section of the road the IM dimensions are selected for the maximum permissible speed, which differs from the speed on the previous section of the road by 20 km/h or more, a stepped speed limit is used with the sequential installation of signs 3.24 “Limitation” maximum speed» in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 52289. 7.5 In case of use various designs The ID marking line on the road surface and on the curb stone is applied in accordance with Figure 4. Figure 4 - Example of applying markings 1.25 and 2.7 when installing the ID If it is necessary to install an elevated ground pedestrian crossing combined with the ID, the marking line is applied in accordance with Figure 5 .

Figure 5 - Example of applying markings 1.25 and 2.7 in the case of an elevated pedestrian crossing combined with IN Bibliography SNiP 2.07.01-89 Urban planning.

Requirements for speed bumps

Equipping road sections with artificial bumps with technical means for organizing traffic. Sections of roads on which INs are located should be equipped with road signs and road markings in accordance with GOST R 52289, GOST R 52290 and GOST R 51256.
In front of the IN, on the nearest border of it or the marking, road signs 1.17 “Artificial Roughness” and 5.20 “Artificial Roughness” are installed. Warning drivers about several successively located artificial bumps is ensured by the use of the “Area of ​​Effect” sign, installed together with the warning road sign 1.17 “Artificial bump”.


It should be noted that many artificial bumps on the roads do not meet GOST requirements and pose a danger to cars. The most common violations are deviations from the prescribed dimensions and lack of signs and markings.

Sometimes, instead of real speed bumps, 3D drawings are used on flat surface, creating a visual sensation of the presence of unevenness. Found in some cities of Russia. As Andrey Nazarenko, head of the traffic police department for the Nizhny Novgorod region, explained, there is hope that their use will reduce the number of accidents.
Comment. Artificial roughness combines concepts such as speed bumps, transverse grooves on the median and the rough surface of the strip adjacent to the side of the road. Therefore, it is not entirely correct to equate an artificial surface and a speed bump.

GOST R 52605-2006 Group D28 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Technical means traffic management ARTIFICIAL IMPACTS General technical requirements. Rules for using Traffic control devices. Road bumps and road humps.General technical requirements.

Application rules OKS 93.080.30 OKP 52 1000 Date of introduction 2008-01-01 Preface Goals and principles of standardization in Russian Federation established by Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”, and the rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation are GOST R 1.0-2004 “Standardization in the Russian Federation.
Basic provisions". Information about the standard: 1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "ROSDORNII" (FSUE "ROSDORNII") by order of the Federal Road Agency.

Sizes of asphalt speed bumps dimensions

IN: A specially constructed elevation on the roadway to force a reduction in traffic speed, located perpendicular to the axis of the road. 3.2. IN ridge: A line perpendicular in plan to the road axis, connecting the IN points most elevated above the roadway. 3.3. IN height: Shortest distance from the IN crest on the road axis to the level of the roadway. 3.4. longitudinal profile IN: The section created when the IN intersects with a vertical plane located along its crest, perpendicular to the roadway. 3.5. transverse profile IN: The section created when the IN intersects a vertical plane located along the axis of the road. 4. Technical requirements 4.1. General requirements 4.1.1. IN is installed on certain sections of roads to ensure a forced reduction of the maximum permissible speed of vehicles to 40 km/h or less. 4.1.2.
IN on each side of the street (with a longitudinal slope of the tray of less than 5+) or on one (upper) side of the street (with a longitudinal slope of the tray of 3+ or more). 6.7 IN is installed on road sections with a ensured standard visibility distance of the road surface in accordance with GOST R 52399 with maximum proximity to existing artificial lighting masts, and in necessary cases and with the installation of new outdoor lighting poles near the IN. The illumination level of the roadway in such areas should be at least 10 lux. 6.8 The length of the road section with a forced limitation of the maximum permissible speed should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in Table 4, and the total number of motor vehicles on such a road section should not be more than five. Table 4 Maximum permissible speed, km/h Distance between IN axles, m 20 From 35 to 60 inclusive. 30 From 60 to 80 incl. 40 From 80 to 125 incl.
The type of longitudinal profile IDN is selected taking into account the presence of rainwater wells near it on the upper side of the road on the descent and depending on the direction of the transverse flow of water on the roadway. The dimensions of the artificial unevenness of a monolithic structure are selected depending on the required value of the maximum permissible speed of vehicles and the type of transverse profile (Table 1).

Monolithic IDNs are made from dense fine-grained or sandy asphalt concrete, the properties of which must meet the requirements of GOST 9128-97. The adhesion coefficient of the surface of the IDN of a monolithic structure must be not lower than the adhesion coefficient of the coating highway and comply with the requirements of GOST R 50597-93.

Rice. 1. Fig. 2. Wavy and trapezoidal monolithic profiles IDN Fig. 3. Fig. 4.

Instructions for installation and operation of artificial road humps (IDN) production
OOO " Technology", Yaroslavl.

The instructions are compiled in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 52605-2006 Technical means of organizing traffic « Artificial road bumps." IDN produced by LLC " Technology» is long lasting engineering structure, intended for use in various climatic conditions, including where mechanical snow removal is provided in winter period, as well as mechanized street cleaning.

Rules of application

IDN should be used on sections of streets located in front of children's and youth educational institutions, clinics, and hospitals.

The following IDN device is allowed:

  • on district and local streets, side and local passages of highways;
  • in residential areas marked with road signs 5.38-5.39 « Residential zone", " End residential area";
  • in front of the gates of garages, off-street parking areas, exits from the territories of gas stations, on roads and driveways of park areas.

IDN device is not allowed:

  • on sections of roads if there are trolleybus traffic on them;
  • on sections of streets with a longitudinal slope of more than 50%, at public transport stops or near them, on bridges, overpasses, overpasses, in transport tunnels and passages under overpasses;

The constructed artificial road hump must be located perpendicular to the axis of the roadway, eliminating the possibility of bypassing it.

IDNs should be located at a distance of at least 30 meters in front of unregulated pedestrian crossings and at a distance of 60-1000 meters from each other in the direction of travel.

If it is necessary to force traffic speed restrictions on long sections of streets and driveways, it is allowed to install several artificial humps on the roadway, placing them at approximately equal distances from unregulated ground pedestrian crossings and changing the distance between the axes of the bumps in the range from 60 to 100 meters depending on the road conditions and maximum permissible speed.

Before artificial road humps on roads, streets and driveways inside residential areas, sign 3.24 should be used « Limitation maximum speed", the value of which is taken to be equal to the maximum permissible speed of travel through a given unevenness.

After finishing a section of road with several consecutive bumps or a single bump, road signs should be installed 3.25 " End maximum speed limits."

If the average speed of movement of single passenger cars on the section of the road on which it is planned to install an artificial bump, exceeds by 30 km/h or more the maximum permissible speed for which the parameters and dimensions of the artificial bump are assigned, stepwise speed control should be applied on the approach to the speed limit zone in increments of no more than 20 km/h by installing road signs.

terms of Use

For long-term and sustainable preservation of IDN during mechanized cleaning of the road network and mechanical snow removal, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. When using KDM type machines, immediately before the IDP, it is necessary to raise the cleaning knife-scraper and turn off the brush-roller.
  2. When clearing snow using graders, it is necessary to raise the grader blade in front of the pump no less than 0.8 m (For so that the snow dump does not damage the surface of the IDN).
  3. In winter, additional manual cleaning is carried out in a one-meter zone on both sides of the IDN.
  4. If a section of the IDN is damaged, it is sufficient to replace only the damaged elements. At the request of the customer and operational services, it is possible to dismantle the IDN for the winter. Repair or replacement of damaged structures is carried out by the road balance holder within 3 days.
  • Ensure a smooth road surface.
  • Lay out the IDN sections in a line, tightly connecting them together.
  • Use as many sections as necessary to completely block the road part, in order to avoid the possibility of complete or partial bypass of the traffic control point. Otherwise, this can lead to a sharp increase in the load on individual sections and, accordingly, their failure. To ensure drainage, 0.2 m on each side is sufficient, provided that the radius of curvature of the road surface complies with GOST.
  • Mark the drilling locations on the road surface.
  • Having shifted the IDN, drill holes for anchor bolts measuring 10x120 mm. (diameter the hole of the metal washer in the IDN is 11 mm).
  • Install the IDN in place and tighten the bolts.
  • All mounting holes must be used.
  • The recommended fasteners fully correspond to the geometric dimensions of the holes and the required depth of penetration into the road surface. It is certified and designed for the loads to which the IDN is exposed from vehicles complying with the established speed limit. anchor bolt 10×100 is recommended for use, but the final choice of fasteners is made by the installation organization depending on the quality road surface. During installation, it is necessary to ensure that the asphalt layer is sufficiently thick and that it matches quality characteristics according to GOST.
  • The installation and operation of the IDN must be carried out by a specialized organization that has all the necessary licenses and permits for this purpose.

Warranty obligations.

The warranty period for operation of the IDN is 12 months from the date of installation. The warranty covers the preservation of structural integrity, preservation of all functional qualities, including light reflection (preservation reflective elements of at least 15% of the total surface area of ​​the IDN, as regulated by GOST).

Warranty obligations for fastening the IDN to the road surface are provided by the installation organization, based on the choice of fasteners, the quality of the road surface and traffic intensity.

Chief technologist Alekseev E. K.

We have own production and large warehouse stocks - more than 28,500 products for roads and parking lots available! We can provide a large volume of delivery of goods or short term produce the required number of units of products.

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  • Delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region - 2 times a week
  • Typically, the cost of delivery within the Moscow Ring Road is 1,100 rubles for cargo up to 150 kg.
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In addition to holes and potholes on the roads, which significantly impede the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, for many years the installation of IDNs, colloquially known as “ speed bumps" The main task of these facilities is to ensure the safety of every road user - motorist or pedestrian. The installation of speed bumps today is available to any citizen who is concerned about such a need and has the necessary funds. However, you should be warned: the initiative may become punishable. Especially when the nuances of the case are not fully understood.

Starting from 01/01/2008, clear standards GOST R 52605-2006 came into force. Existing standards regulate the installation of IDN, rules of application, technical requirements, and a description of the structures used is provided.

Our company supplies and installs speed bumps that are absolutely compliant current standards and requirements!

Types of road signs used at the sites of manufactured equipment of the designated travel limiter:

Directly in front of the limiter (near limit), signs are installed warning of the presence of an approaching artificial bump - 1.17 and 5.20; there are several irregularities ahead - in addition to sign 1.17, plate 8.2.1 is installed, indicating the area of ​​​​action;

the size of the device regulates the maximum permitted speed of movement, which differs from that in force in the previous section by 20 km/h or more - a sequential arrangement of signs 3.24 is used, the purpose of which is to gradually limit the pace of movement, in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 52289.

Modern structures are made of rubber, plastic, cast iron and concrete (monolithic) and are equipped with protection against ice formation.

Prices for installing IDN

Name of service Unit change price, rub.
Installation (middle element) PC 690
Installation IDN-500 (end element) PC 490
Installation (middle element) PC 1290
Installation IDN-900 (end element) PC 490
Departure of the work team for departure 1990
Prices include VAT

Let us present for your information the general issues covered in GOST R 52605-2006:

  • the equipment cannot have a height exceeding 7 cm, and a width that completely blocks the road area (depending on the maximum permissible speed on a section of the road, for monolithic structures the indicated value is 3.0-6.75 m, for prefabricated ones - 0.50-1.10 m);
  • the distance from the sidewalk should not exceed 20 cm;
  • in areas equipped with the device, it is necessary to install appropriate wayfinding signs and make special markings;
  • with the arrival of winter and snow falling, the movement restrictor must be dismantled for freedom of movement of snow removal equipment;
  • prefabricated products must have a luminescent coating that glows in the dark;
  • in certain areas (for example, on federal highways) it is prohibited to locate such structures;
  • it is necessary to ensure lighting of areas at night, and drainage of water from the path of the designated object.