DIY metal pipe shed. Frame shed made of profile pipes and corrugated sheets

A barn is a necessary building on a private farmstead in the city and village. You can’t do without it even at the dacha. Gradually, more and more tools, equipment, and building materials accumulate that need to be stored somewhere. A reliable shelter for all these things is a metal shed. If you know how to weld metal, it won’t be difficult for you to make it yourself. It turns out to be approximately equal in cost to wood, and much cheaper than brick.

Iron barn construction technologies

There are permanent metal sheds, and there are prefabricated ones. A solid iron barn may have a concrete floor, which is poured onto a prepared base, or it may have a wooden floor. If a plank floor is planned, the upper frame on which it will rest is made of a thick-walled profile pipe with a cross-section of 60*60 mm or 60*40 mm or a corner with a wall thickness of 4-5 mm or more. The floor joists are attached to the frame. They can also be metal, or they can be wooden.

In a small metal shed you can make a floor without joists. To do this, the binding can be made from a corner with a thickness of about 4-6 mm and a side of at least 10 cm. The shelf of the corner can be used as a support for the boards. Only the board must be at least 40 mm thick. For large spans, additional support may be required. It can be made from a profile pipe of the appropriate section.

Metal shed with wood floor

A prefabricated/collapsible metal shed consists of separately welded wall frames that are bolted together. The sheathing is most often corrugated sheets, which can be quickly installed and removed. The roof is made of the same material. You can install such a structure at your dacha in a couple of hours, just as you can dismantle it. They are placed in unguarded dachas for the season, and then either hidden under lock and key or taken away to winter quarters.

There is another option for a prefabricated shed (they are also called a “house block”) - for those who do not want to bother with manufacturing. The industry produces ready-made kits that are assembled like a construction kit. There are options made in China, there are domestic ones. The price difference is not catastrophic 20-30%. And choose what you trust more. The assembly of one of the Russian collapsible iron sheds is shown in the video.

Read how to make a fence from corrugated sheets here, and installing a chain-link fence is described in this article.

Do-it-yourself metal shed made of corrugated sheets: photo

They were built from pipes of different sections and corrugated sheets, with a pitched roof. The dimensions of the barn are 6.5 * 4 meters, the height of the front wall is 2.5 m, the back wall is 2.15 m. The floor is made of concrete: in winter there will be nothing except tools and there is no need for a warm floor.


Racks made of round pipes with a diameter of 61 mm. They were chosen because they were on the farm. Trim and intermediate posts made of rectangular-section pipe - profile (60-40 mm and 40*20 mm). The wall thickness throughout is 2 mm.

Consumption for pipes: round 32 m, profile larger section - 21 m, smaller - 156 m. MP-20 roofing sheeting took 4 sheets 3.5 m long, and 4 - 4 m each, galvanized fence C8 - 4 sheets for the walls 2.15 m each, 16 sheets of 2.5 m each. This is a list of materials for the frame. And also fasteners and consumables for concreting:

  • 16 bags of cement;
  • 7 tons of gravel;
  • waterproofing (1 roll);
  • self-tapping screws, rivets, electrodes for welding;
  • Wooden slats for sheathing: 50*25 mm - 3 pcs. 6 meters each.

The list of building materials turned out to be impressive. But the price of such a barn is still cheaper than a brick one.

Step by step construction

Start of work - marking the site. Pegs are driven in at the corners and the diagonals are checked. If they are even, the twine is stretched, and the locations for installing the racks are marked along it. In the marked places, shafts with a depth of 60 cm are made with a drill. Pipes are placed in them and filled with concrete mortar (M200).

First, we placed and poured the racks in the corners. When the concrete had set a little, fishing lines were tied to them - at the top and bottom. The others looked up to them.

The pipes are exposed and concreted

The next stage is welding the frame. A 60*40 mm pipe with a wall thickness of 2 mm is welded onto the top of the pipes. Next, mark the floor level on one of the pipes in the corners. Using a hydraulic level, we transfer it to the remaining corner posts. At these marks we tie the twine and transfer it to all the posts. According to the markings, we weld a 40*20 mm pipe around the perimeter. Using the same principle, we weld the cross members in the middle: two are definitely needed. So that a walk-behind tractor or wheelbarrow can easily enter the doors, they are made wide and high - 1.2 * 2 meters. The base of the metal shed has already been assembled with your own hands.

Frame for a metal shed

Next comes the assembly of the roof guides. Three trusses 6.5 meters long were needed. They were welded on the ground, then welded to the opposite beams. Then we welded transverse sections of pipe 40*20 mm (10 pieces). The frame of the metal shed is completely ready. The next step is priming to prevent it from rusting.

Next we started making the concrete floor. First, the formwork was installed. They placed it outside the frame, retreating 10 cm. They secured the boards with pegs and propped them up with bricks so that the concrete would not move apart. Next, we prepared the base. Crushed stone and broken bricks were driven into the ground. They literally hammered it in - with a rubber mallet. A piece of brick is placed on the ground and knocked until it is almost completely hidden. This makes the base more rigid, and the uneven surface adheres to the ground better.

Installed formwork

Afterwards, beacons were placed on the thick solution - even slats (25*50 mm board), they were leveled along the fishing line: points were marked at opposite ends bottom trim and a fishing line was pulled between them. After checking its horizontality, beacon strips were placed along it.

Beacons were placed on broken bricks hammered into the ground

After the mortar on the lighthouses had set, they filled it with M-250 concrete (read about concrete grades and their composition here). They were leveled using the rule according to the exposed beacons and the pipes of the lower trim, which were placed at the same level.

This is what a concrete floor in a barn looks like after the mortar has set.

Next, the installation of the sheathing began - corrugated sheets. We started from the roof. To prevent the condensation that will form on the metal from dripping onto the head, a waterproofing film was first spread on the frame. It is laid with one panel overlapping another by about 10 centimeters, gluing them together with special double-sided tape (sold in the same place where the waterproofing is sold). It is better not to use ordinary plastic film: it does not last longer than several years - maximum -3-5.

Laying the waterproofing begins from the bottom, moving upward, gluing the panels. It turns out that a drop falling from above flows down to the very bottom. The strips were cut longer than necessary and hung a little at the edges (30 cm each) - so that water would drain from them and snow would not get into small gaps during a side wind.

Next, the installation of the profiled sheet began. When laying any sheet material It is important to place the first sheet correctly on the roof. Then everything will go on easily. Therefore, we carefully measure all the protrusions with squares, rulers, etc. When the sheet is exposed, it is screwed with self-tapping screws. They are placed in a wave - in a ledge. This way there is less chance of water getting into the hole.

With the cladding of the sides, everything is approximately the same, you just have to trim the top sheets because of the slope. You set the first one exactly, then everything goes like clockwork. The new sheet is aligned with the wave and fastened. It took about 20 screws to attach one profiled sheet.

Do-it-yourself ready-made shed made of metal (corrugated sheeting)

The door frame was welded from the same 40*20 mm profile pipe, and hinges were welded on. When covering the door, it was removed and sewn up on a flat surface, hanging it ready-made.

About the device sliding gates can be read here.

The metal shed was sheathed in the corners with metal corners. It is mounted on rivets. It serves for decorative purposes, and also closes small gaps that formed during joining at the corners.

The result was a more than capacious structure - 26 square meters. It can be used to store equipment and building materials, dedicating a part to a workshop. This is if it is located on a plot near the house.

For a dacha without security, a metal shed is a risky business, unless you cover it with wood on top. Then you will have to attach the wooden sheathing to the frame (pictured below).

A barn with wooden cladding on a metal frame is built like this:

You can read about the construction of a wooden shed here.

Building an iron frame barn without welding: video

Not everyone knows how to weld, but drilling holes and bolting two elements together is much easier. The video shows the entire process of assembling a decent-sized shed from a profile pipe with bolted connections. Welding is used once: the hinges are welded. You can't get by with bolts here.

Outside the city, a necessary building that is simply impossible to do without is a barn.

At the dacha, he will also become an indispensable assistant for many. It is easy to make using metal if you have at least some welding skills.

The cost of such a building is much less than that of brick ones, but is not inferior to its wooden counterparts, therefore it is profitable to build a shed from a profile pipe with your own hands from an economic point of view.

We build iron barns with our own hands - technology

The structure can be either prefabricated or permanent. There is a separate solution for those who have chosen the capital option.

Work begins with the concrete floor. It is poured onto the surface of the base, the preparation of which is carried out in advance. But the construction of wooden flooring is also allowed.

Plank flooring requires a special approach.

  • You need to take a profile pipe with thick walls, with a cross section of 60 by 40 or 60 by 60 mm.
  • You will also need a corner whose wall thickness reaches 4-5 millimeters.

The parts can be either metal or wood. They will be needed when we start building a barn frame from a profile pipe with our own hands.

It is possible to create a floor where there are no logs if the structure is small in size. The strapping consists of corners with a thickness of 4-6 mm, with a side of at least 10 cm. The boards will then rest on the shelf of the corner.

The main thing is that the thickness of the board is at least 4 cm. Additional support is needed if the span is large enough. To do this, it is enough to take a profile pipe whose diameter corresponds to the characteristics.

Metal body and wooden floor

A prefabricated metal structure, like a collapsible one, is made from wall frames. They are welded separately. Bolts are used for connection.

Profiled sheets are used as cladding. It is quickly and easily installed by hand. It is also recommended to make the roof using corrugated sheets.

Such structures are easy not only to build, but also to dismantle if necessary. They are placed for one season at dachas, which are not additionally protected in any way.

In addition, the industry produces ready-made metal structures that can be assembled on site, like a construction set. They are produced both domestic and foreign manufacturers, including Chinese.

We build a shed using a metal profile

For example, let’s build a building with our own hands measuring six and a half by four meters. The wall at the front has a height of 2.5 meters. The wall at the back is slightly smaller – 2.15 m.

It is advisable to make the floor concrete. This is true if nothing is stored inside, only tools. Next, we build a shed from a profile pipe.

We take racks made of steel round pipes with a diameter of 6 cm. Such pipes are easy to find in private households, but you can choose other diameters. A profile pipe with a rectangular cross-section is used to create a rack with intermediate piping.

Its diameter is 40 by 20 millimeters or 40 by 60. The walls should be the same thickness up to 2 millimeters.

Consumables will be as follows:

These materials are needed only to build the frame. Don’t forget about fasteners for concreting and other types of consumables.

  1. A kit is needed for the sheathing wooden slats. You need to take 6 of them with a length of 6 meters. The diameter should be within 5 by 2.5 centimeters.
  2. Welding is not complete without electrodes and rivets; you will also need self-tapping screws.
  3. 1 roll of materials with waterproofing properties is required.
  4. Gravel in the amount of 7 tons.
  5. Cement, in 16 bags.

This is part of the answer to the question of how to build a shed from a profile pipe.

Instructions on how to build a barn with your own hands

Work begins with marking the site. You need to drive pegs in the corners, and then check the diagonal. The twine can then be pulled only if everything turns out smooth.

This detail is important for marking the places where the racks will be installed. Mines up to 60 centimeters deep are made in places marked with a drill.

Metal pipes are placed in them. We take concrete minimum grade solution M200, fill everything in.

The racks are poured in the corners immediately after installation. Fishing lines are tied to them when the concrete hardens a little. They should be both below and above. The rest are aligned according to the first parts fixed in place.

Next it is welded metal carcass. A 60 by 40 mm pipe is welded at the top of the structure. Its wall thickness is 2 millimeters. On the corner pipes it is necessary to mark the level where the floor will be located.

We use a hydraulic level to transfer marks to other parts of the structure. Based on these marks, the twine is tied. Then everything is transferred to other racks.

A 40 by 20 millimeter pipe is tied around the perimeter, the main thing is to comply with the markings. The cross members are welded in the middle following the same principle. You will definitely need two pipes. At this stage, the metal frame for the shed can already be considered assembled.

Building further - next steps

Then the guides for the roof are assembled with your own hands. First, the metal structure is welded on the ground, and then attached to beams that are opposite each other.

After this, you will need a primer; it will help the shed not rust.

The concrete floor is prepared separately. It all starts with the installation of formwork. It is placed outside the frame, retreating 10 cm. The boards are secured with pegs. And they prop it up using bricks. Then the concrete will not put pressure on the structure or push it apart.

  1. Broken brick or crushed stone is driven into the prepared area.
  2. An ordinary mallet is also suitable for this.
  3. We lay broken bricks on the surface of the soil and drive them into the ground.
  4. The result is a more rigid foundation. In addition, after this, the adhesion between level ground and soil improves.

The beacons are placed in a solution that is still thick. These are smooth slats in the form of boards, with a diameter of 25 by 50 mm. They are aligned using a special fishing line.

We mark several points at the ends of the harness below, located on opposite sides. You need to stretch the fishing line between them. Beacon panels are placed along it after the horizontality has been checked.

What other steps are needed to build a shed from a profile pipe?

You need to wait a little until the solution on the surface of the beacons becomes dry. Then everything is filled with concrete, grade M-250.

Watch the video

  • They proceed to installing the corrugated sheet casing with their own hands. It's better to start with the main part of the roof. Laying a film with waterproofing properties is the first step, then water will definitely not get on your head.
  • First comes one panel, and on it comes the next one. Step – 10 cm. For gluing, use tape with two sides.
  • Waterproofing spreads gradually, starting from the bottom and ending with the top.
  • The next step is the installation of the profiled sheet itself. The main thing is to position the first sheet correctly, this applies to any sheet material. Further work in this case it will go easily and smoothly. For measurements, squares, rulers, and so on are used.
  • The sheet is screwed with self-tapping screws after it is exposed.
  • Approximately the same principle is followed when it comes to side cladding.

It can take up to 20 screws to attach one sheet.

What's in the final stages?

A frame for the door () is made from a 40 x 20 mm profile pipe. Hinges cannot be attached to the structure without welding either. The door can be sheathed separately from the other parts, and then hung in finished form.
The edges of the barn are lined with a metal corner. The sheet itself is placed on rivets. This is necessary not only for decorative purposes, but also to cover any possible cracks.

As a result, the room turned out to be 26 square meters. This is a more than impressive area. As you can see, building everything with your own hands is not so difficult.

About some construction features

Metal profiles are most often used for upholstering sheds, instead of boards. The material is easier to install, compared to its analogues, it is more durable and more affordable.

But sometimes plank upholstery provides more rigidity. It would be a good idea to strengthen the frame by installing jibs if the metal-profile spans in the barns are large enough.

For the metal profile and its fastening, special washers are needed - galvanized, with additional pads. But you can also install regular varieties if the above details are missing.

Watch the video

Corner elements special ones are also needed. It is recommended to lay the roof itself on the gasket. Otherwise, during rain there will be a lot of unnecessary noise.

When connecting metal to a metal profile, they use ordinary self-tapping screws with heads similar to the tip of a drill. Both parts need to be drilled with such drills.

The main thing is to use good screwdriver with sufficient power. Sometimes they first drill a hole and then fasten the sheet with a self-tapping screw.

A do-it-yourself barn made from a profile pipe will be ready quickly. Watch the video materials presented by us, and it won’t be difficult to build everything with your own hands. Below are the drawings.

    Do-it-yourself barn: 110 photos, drawings, diagrams and projects of the best structures to build. Do-it-yourself shed from a profile pipe

    How to build a strong shed from corrugated sheets with your own hands? + Video


    Corrugated sheets quite rightly belong to the popular building materials used everywhere. Lightweight and durable, easy to install - isn't this what you were looking for? Let's figure out how to build a shed from corrugated sheets with your own hands, what advantages and disadvantages it will have!

    Shed made of corrugated sheets - choose the right one!

    Since its invention in the 19th century, profiled sheets or corrugated sheets have been used both as roofing and wall building materials. For a shed, a wall type with a thickness of 4 mm is best suited. As a rule, the dimensions of the sheets are standard - 2 meters in height and a meter in width, which is quite suitable for an ordinary barn or outbuilding. Of course, a shed made of only corrugated sheets will be very cold, but nothing will stop us from insulating it. If you are confused by the thinness of the sheets of material - what if some attacker makes a hole in it to steal something - then in this regard you can also be calm, since the corrugated sheet is a very noisy material, and carry out any operations to dismantle it quietly It's simply impossible.

    In addition to profiled sheets, we will also need wooden beams 100*150 mm, boards 50*150 mm, fittings, mounting bracket, doors and windows, metal screws, screwdriver, level, shovel, saw and metal scissors. Beams are needed to create a frame, although corrugated sheeting can also be screwed to metal profiles, but they will cost much more than wooden building materials.

    Before starting work everything wooden elements should be treated with an antiseptic to protect them from rotting; it would not hurt to treat them with fire retardants - agents that will protect the wood from fire.

    While the tree is drying, you can think about the location of the future shed on your site. The best option would be a small mound or simply an elevation - this will solve the problem of arranging a sewer drain, if, of course, this is necessary in principle.

    How to make a shed from corrugated sheets - foundation and floor

    As in the construction of any project, it all starts with laying the foundation. In the chosen place, first clear the area of ​​turf and topsoil - to a total depth of about 50 cm. Place a bed of gravel and sand on this area, which is then pressed down with a layer of crushed stone. After compacting the last layer, we make reinforcement, formwork and fill it with concrete. It is best to build such a foundation if you are planning to make a barn for animals.

    Once the concrete has completely hardened, which will take several days, concrete blocks can be installed around the perimeter, which will become a solid foundation for walls. The top edge of the blocks should be strictly in the same plane, since you will also be installing the floor on them. The frame for the floor can be made from timber - after the frame is ready, you will need to lay crossbars across it every 30-40 cm. For a strong connection, it is enough to twist all the parts with self-tapping screws and secure them with corners.

    You can sew up the prepared frame with any material you have at hand, be it plywood or ordinary boards. To secure it, we use the same self-tapping screws, trying not to leave any gaps or cracks. If you use boards, they must be thoroughly dried - otherwise they will dry out in place, forming cracks.

    How to build a shed - frame, walls and roof!

    Before you begin such an important stage, draw up at least a primitive drawing on paper, which will indicate the doors and windows - so as not to get confused later. It is better to cut timber in stages, cutting identical parts, for example, corner and vertical racks. The racks must be installed at a distance of no more than 70 cm from each other. The height of the racks must fully correspond to the height of the future shed. For this element, choose only solid timber. Then horizontal bars are attached - they perform the function of strengthening the structure and serve as the direct basis for the corrugated sheeting. Perhaps, in the topic: “How to make a shed from corrugated sheets”, these works are the most labor-intensive.

    Starting from the longest sides, begin installing the corrugated sheet. When securing the material with self-tapping screws, use at least six units per 1 m2. The sheets should be fastened with an overlap of at least 2 cm. If you plan to make a warm shed from corrugated sheets, then the installation of vapor barrier and insulation can be carried out after the main frame work. It will be convenient to fill the space between the racks with insulation - polystyrene foam or mineral wool, which are laid from the inside. You can sew up the insulation using the same wooden boards, and clapboard - depending on how much money you are willing to spend on a shed.

    After this, it’s time to start building the roof. The easiest way to make a pitched roof is that you will need much less material. But this one has a significant disadvantage - you won’t have an attic! To simplify the process, you can use the same corrugated sheeting as a roof. True, experts recommend paying attention to material with a polyester coating, since such corrugated sheets are more resistant to rust, and their appearance is more attractive.

    You also need to make a sheathing for the roof, placing the beams or boards at a distance of at least half a meter from each other. Otherwise, the same rules for installing corrugated sheets apply to this type of roof: install with an overlap, fasten with self-tapping screws, insulate with polystyrene foam and cover with plywood. Doors and windows are quite expensive, so each owner needs to decide for himself what he will do. There are not really many options: use old windows and doors, order new ones, or buy a finished product made of wood, plastic or metal sheets. If valuable equipment will be stored in this building, then do not skimp on a good lock with a complex protective system– an ordinary barn one can be broken in less than a minute.

    Photo of a shed made of corrugated sheets,

    Photo of a shed made of corrugated sheets,

    In the photo - corrugated sheeting for building a shed,

    In the photo - a do-it-yourself shed made of corrugated sheets,

    In the photo - a shed roof made of corrugated sheets,

    In the photo - a shed roof made of corrugated sheets,

    Photo of corrugated sheeting for construction,

    Finished barn project. We build a barn from a profile pipe with our own hands: tips and recommendations

    The house can be stone or wooden, one-story or multi-story. But having only one residential building, even a very comfortable and cozy one, will not be enough for permanent residence In the countryside. It will be necessary to store gardening and agricultural tools, any preparations and other equipment that, as a rule, are not placed in the house. Ready-made project for a shed for a summer residence made of corrugated sheets. For these purposes, you will need a shed, since not a single plot outside the city can do without at least one non-residential outbuilding.

    To build a shed it is not necessary to involve construction companies or a team of professional workers, it is quite possible to erect it with your own hands. Can be done in many ways different ways and from completely different materials, for example, metal.

    Advantages of metal sheds

    This shed can be given an original look appearance and design, it will be distinguished by the highest degree of its reliability and ease of installation. Compared to sheds and, it will stand out for its strength and will not require any specific knowledge and skills for construction.

    An example of a prefabricated metal shed for a home or cottage

    The galvanized surface is known for its reliability during operation; it will protect the metal shed from adverse weather conditions and metal corrosion, and the reinforced roof of such a structure will withstand winter snowfall. This practical, hand-made design will become simply indispensable in any summer cottage.

    In addition, metal, unlike wood, does not allow moisture to pass through, which will allow you to store property in the shed throughout the entire calendar year and not have to worry about its safety. Such a barn can also act as a garage if you have a motorcycle, moped or bicycles. In addition, it is also suitable for storing firewood, since it will protect it from moisture and will not allow it to become damp.

    Choosing a place to build a shed

    Before starting construction work, you will need to choose a place where the metal shed will be built.

    Preparing the site and installing a shed frame made of metal pipes Each owner determines it independently, depending on his personal preferences, based on the size of the site. If you care about the appearance of the site as a whole, it will not be advisable to build a shed in the most visible place in front of the house. It is advisable to choose the optimal area so that the house, if possible, blocks the barn.

    At the same time, you can paint a metal building with your own hands with your favorite type of paint and in any color, which will help it blend as much as possible with the environment and fit harmoniously into the design of the site. You just have to make sure that the barn is not located in a low-lying area where excess water from excessive precipitation accumulates.

    Of course, there are now many materials and means available that increase resistance to undesirable weather conditions, but too frequent contact with moisture will still not benefit the building.

    DIY barn - projects, materials and tools (110 photos)

    Every self-respecting owner of a private house tries to improve his area. To do this, you need a utility block where gardening tools will be stored and a work area will be located. To build it, you will need building material.

    But often it is not advisable to invest large sums in this enterprise. What can you quickly build a shed from without much expense?

    Construction planning

    First of all, determine the location of your building. It is best if the building is located at a distance from the entrance to the house. The distance between the barn and the residential building is determined by the purpose of the utility block.

    It is better to build a tool storage room in a remote area of ​​your territory. If this is a woodshed, it is advisable to place it closer to the house.

    At this stage, the type of structure and its parameters are determined. The simplest and cheap option construction, this is the use of edged boards.

    The main advantages of such a structure:

    • speed of work performed;
    • affordable materials;
    • optimal configuration.

    It makes the most sense to erect a structure on an area least suitable for breeding garden crops. There is such a place in every household.

    It is worth taking into account the specifics of the location of the remaining parts of the land plot; be sure to take into account the parameters of the structure being built and its appearance. Try to make it harmonious with the surrounding landscape.

    Construction of a barn

    The simplest and cheapest structure is a frame structure. Nothing can be built faster than this structure. This does not require a construction profession or special skills.

    Let's take a look at the step-by-step instructions for building a regular shed:

    Before starting construction, it is necessary to make a drawing of the object. Guided by this diagram, marks are placed on the site. The site for the construction of the shed is cleared of debris and vegetation.

    We make a cavalier from crushed stone and gravel of at least 15 cm. According to the markings, we dig holes and install stands, having first poured gravel into each hole, then fill it with a concrete solution.

    You are building a budget option, so the racks will be the basis of the frame. The end of the pole, which is buried in the ground, is lubricated with bitumen and wrapped with roofing felt.

    To make the roof of the barn pitched, the front supports are prepared slightly longer. The resulting bevel of the roof will protect the walls of the building from rain.

    Next, we install transverse fasteners made of timber to stiffen the frame. Usually the frame is covered with a sheathing board with cut grooves or a slab. The boards are nailed in a vertical or horizontal position. To get rid of gaps, the boards are laid overlapping.

    The procedure for attaching the covering is shown in the photo of a do-it-yourself barn.

    The final stage is covering the structure. The most budget-friendly roofing building materials are slate and rolled waterproofing roofing felt.

    First, a lattice is made on the floor supports: from plywood for roofing felt and from boards for slate. Roofing felt is laid under the slate covering.

    Now you can move on to the interior decoration. The floor and ceiling are decorated with boards or consisting of wood shavings sheets (OSB).

    To build a warm shed yourself, you should make double cladding. The resulting voids are filled with thermal insulation. Mineral wool is suitable for this. But it is cheaper to use sawdust.

    Household block made of profiled sheets

    You can build a cheap and practical structure from corrugated sheets. This material is relatively inexpensive, lightweight and easy to use. The only negative is its lack of rigidity. Additional reinforcement of the frame is required.

    Essentially, a structure made of profiled sheets is an ordinary frame shed. The only difference is in the casing. The base is also made of wood, but it is best to choose a profile pipe. Costs will, of course, increase. But this design will last longer.

    Installation of the frame from the profile is carried out by welding. In some cases, craftsmen tighten the components with bolts.

    To cut sheets, you can use a grinder, but it is better to cut off the burned edge with scissors.

    To actually build an inexpensive shed, first look around at what materials you already have. After this, decide on the type of construction.

    Photos of do-it-yourself sheds

    DIY shed drawings, list, building materials, video, photo

    One of the most popular elements of private households or simply summer cottages is and what else is a barn. Some people prefer to call this building a utility block, however, its essence does not change at all. The function of the described structure is to store a variety of country tools, for example, tools for working in the garden, as well as various products. The design of such a structure is quite simple, and its dimensions can be called modest, so anyone can build a barn with their own hands, developing drawings, as well as compiling a list of necessary building materials. Meanwhile, it is worth carefully studying the theoretical component of this issue, so as not to subsequently encounter negative consequences own incompetence.

    The main task is to select the optimal material

    As you know, more than half of the success in construction depends on the choice of material. The operational, technical and aesthetic properties of the product determine not only the complexity of the planned work, but also the scope of application of the structure itself. In addition, the operational life of the building largely depends on the building material.

    Follow traditions

    Despite the fact that country house-building is gaining more and more popularity every year, it is worth noting: people have always tried to acquire at least modest, but charmingly functional real estate outside city boundaries. Thus, today a certain tradition has formed in the choice of building materials for buildings such as a barn. So, on the domestic market you will be offered the following options:

    • Wood. Well, it’s fair to call this solution the simplest and most common. The structure in this case is erected within a couple of days, and you can lay inexpensive slate or even roofing felt as a roof.

    • Profiled pipes or corrugated sheets. In this case, it is worth noting the very affordable cost of the product and the ease of its installation.
    • Stone or brick. Of course, each of us will want to ask ourselves only once about the need to build a health block and not return to this question for decades. In this case, stone or brick will be the optimal solution. However, their installation is somewhat more complicated and requires compliance with a certain system of requirements and standards.
    • Plastic. Structures of this type can generally be purchased assembled. You can also buy a special assembly kit; its cost is very affordable, and the installation process itself will take no more than a couple of hours.
    • OSB boards. If you don’t want to waste time pouring the foundation, then OSB boards are right for you the best way. A building made from this product does not need a foundation at all.
    • Bars. Striving for the aesthetics and durability of a shed, you may be faced with the proposal to build it from timber. Meanwhile, do not forget that this product costs an order of magnitude more than its predecessors on this list, and working with it requires a certain level of qualifications and experience in construction field.
    • Pallets. You can easily quickly build a summer shed from such material. The cost of which will be minimal.
    • Frame. Practice shows that frame structures least susceptible to shrinkage.

    There are many less common options

    Of course, this is only a partial list of products presented by both domestic manufacturers and their foreign colleagues. Their differences lie in cost, properties, types of installation and many other parameters. Consult with a specialist to determine exactly what type of product is best for you.

    Creating a Project

    Before proceeding directly to construction operations, it is necessary to carefully develop a project for the future building. If the project involves the presence of a foundation, you will have to contact the relevant authorities to register the building. In this case, it is better to enlist the support of professionals; these can be both design and construction organizations. If you refuse the foundation, then you can safely skip the stage of registering with the BTI and start developing the drawing. Using a ready-made drawing, you can also easily calculate how much materials you will need to bring the project to life.

    Remember that calculations are carried out primarily on an individual basis. However, for convenience, you can take standard parameters: 3x3, 3x4, 3x6, 5x5 meters.

    Not at the expense of functionality

    Wide functionality of the premises is what you should strive for when creating a building project. Of course, the number and purpose of the premises varies depending on the function of the barn itself. However, as a rule, such buildings have a certain set of zones for such purposes:

    • workshop, room for storing tools;
    • warehouse for supplies for construction and gardening;
    • a special room in which to place a trailer, walk-behind tractor and similar equipment;
    • summer sauna or additional shower;
    • a room that contains firewood, hoses and other items.

    Many of the things we keep in our garden require a dry and safe place. Otherwise, the storage process will quickly come to naught performance characteristics devices or products, which, in turn, will entail unnecessary financial costs.

    Compiling a list of materials and tools

    In this case, everything depends largely on the functional purpose of the utility unit. However, even if you plan to create the most ordinary woodshed with your own hands, you will need a standard set of accessories:

    • a screwdriver or its automated equivalent - a screwdriver;
    • drill;
    • roulette;
    • construction plumb line;
    • several hammers of different sizes;
    • a shovel to dig a pit if you are pouring a foundation;
    • hydraulic level

    If the layout of your utility block is designed to use corrugated sheeting as the main building material, then you also need to acquire, in addition to the corrugated sheet itself, also profile pipes, which will become the source for the building frame.

    Main stages of work

    So, it’s no secret that with a careful and competent breakdown of the entire process of erecting an architectural and functional structure into certain stages, a much better result can be achieved. Since the price factor is one of the main ones when choosing building materials for a structure, we can, as an example, consider the technology of constructing a utility block from a metal profile. You will have to carry out the following types of work:

    • Pouring the foundation. The most popular solution in this matter is a strip foundation with a slight depth. It will be enough to dig a pit, the depth of which will be about three meters.
    • In the process of preparing the pit, in parallel, you should dig a trench of small depth, 30 centimeters is enough. Reinforcement rods are placed in the trench, which are subsequently filled with concrete mortar.
    • Creating a structure slab. Here you can save money and lay timber on a belt of reinforced beams, and lay on top wood flooring. If there is no need for special savings, then install factory-made slabs, install formwork elements and high-quality reinforced concrete floor.
    • Frame installation. As a building material, you can take wood or pipes from a profile. Install the bottom trim first, then install the first layer of the selected product. Secure the parts with anchor bolts.

    • Installation of basic building materials. If you want to make your shed “for centuries”, then at this stage it is worth contacting specialists who will help install the sheets of the product in the optimal way.
    • Pouring the floor. Most often used cement mortar. It is also possible to install wood for a more aesthetically pleasing interior.
    • Be sure to install windows and doors in the correct locations before installing the roof.
    • The final stage is laying the pitched roof.

    If in doubt own strength, ask for advice from more experienced workers. They will be happy to help you not only with the development of a building diagram, but also with the subsequent stages of preparation, as well as directly with the implementation of the plan in practice.

    Do-it-yourself shed for a summer residence

    If you are the happy owner of a summer house or a country house, then sooner or later you will be inspired to build a shed on your property with your own hands.

    Some summer residents claim that they do not need outbuildings at all, but over time it becomes clear that you cannot do without a barn, even if your summer house serves you exclusively as a place to relax.

    If you do not grow a garden and vegetable garden and do not raise chickens and other livestock, then a barn will be useful for storing trestle beds, hammocks, barbecues, country furniture and much more.

    Therefore, it will not be superfluous to know how to make a shed with your own hands. This article provides instructions on how to build a barn with a pitched or gable roof with your own hands from foam blocks, firewood or other building material.

    Important nuances

    To build a garden shed with your own hands, you need to take the process seriously. You should plan the construction of a shed very carefully, completing the drawings and all the necessary calculations in advance.

    It is important to consider in advance what function it will perform - it will be a workshop, a chicken coop or a barn for other livestock, or perhaps it will serve as a place to store various garden utensils or firewood.

    A good location is very important. You are building a barn for decades, so you need to fit it into the overall landscape.

    For some, it is convenient to place it closer to the house (if, for example, this is a building for livestock), while others prefer to place utility blocks in the depths of the site so that they are unnoticeable.

    In any case, choose a place that is not suitable for gardening work.

    As for the choice of material, it is worth considering how much time and amount you are willing to allocate to building such a shed with your own hands.

    You can build a country shed from boards, blocks, timber or corrugated sheets in just a couple of days, but a brick one will take much longer.

    In addition, to build a shed, they use slab scraps, profile pipes, metal profiles, different types of timber and blocks, and much more.

    The building can be covered with a pitched or gable roof, depending on your desire and capabilities.

    So, if you are interested in how to build a shed with your own hands, then first you should understand what types of sheds there are.

    Even inexperienced builders can build such a building. This is one of the cheapest and quick ways build a country shed from blocks or other available materials.

    By spending a very small amount of money and a couple of days, you will get a comfortable outbuilding that will serve you for about 10 years.

    We will describe step by step how to build a frame shed with your own hands. After you have created necessary drawings, free up space for construction and fill it with gravel or screenings.

    The ends of the timber, which will be in the ground, are wrapped with roofing felt, which will also protect the wood from damage. The pillars of the rear wall are made slightly shorter than the front ones.

    We will need this to install a pitched roof. Next we make the lower and upper straps. To do this, we nail 4 beams 50 by 50 mm to the posts using a building level.

    In the middle of the distance from the upper to the lower bars, 4 beams are nailed. After this, boards are nailed vertically to the entire structure. Instead of boards, it is possible to install a slab.

    Using a slab will give you the opportunity to save a significant amount. The next stage of construction is the construction of a pitched roof.

    3 bars are used as rafters, which are nailed at equal distances to the top bars. Next, they are beaten with boards or slabs, and roofing felt is placed on top.

    It is fixed on top with bars. After work on the roof, a floor is laid in the newly built barn, for example, from OSB boards, and then shelves are made from boards or profile pipes.

    Another version of a frame shed can be built using metal profiles or special blocks. To do this, use a regular metal corner, which is sold in many hardware stores.

    You can fasten the corner in any way convenient for you.

    Pipes can be used as a material for the frame. A structure made from a profile pipe will also be quite strong and stable, and it will also last longer than a wooden one.

    The frame structure can be used to store garden utensils, firewood, tools and much more.

    A shed made of corrugated sheets is one of the options for a frame shed for a home or cottage.

    It is very simple to build a shed from corrugated sheets with your own hands, so recently many summer residents have chosen this option for their dacha.

    The corrugated sheeting is very light, making such a building at the dacha alone is very easy.

    In addition, the most popular corrugated sheets are now available on the construction market. different colors, as well as galvanized corrugated sheeting.

    The only drawback of corrugated sheeting can be considered the weak rigidity of the structure. Therefore, it is better to make the spans of your frame smaller than for a wooden one, and strengthen the floor.

    The frame for such a building can also be made from a profile pipe. It can be secured with bolts or welding.

    Using a profile pipe for the frame will help you save some money. It is best to cut corrugated sheets with a grinder or special scissors.

    Of course, it will be faster to cut it with a grinder, but it will leave unsightly “burnt” marks on the edge, so it’s worth taking this point into account.

    The ugly edge can be hidden below or under the next sheet of corrugated sheeting.

    The metal profile is fastened with special galvanized screws for metal profiles or ordinary galvanized screws.

    The upper sections of the walls are hidden under a wave of corrugated sheeting on the roof. The corners are also hidden under a special metal corner.

    It is better to install both the roof and walls on special gaskets so that the corrugated sheeting does not make noise from wind and rain. Correctly lay corrugated sheets overlapping in two waves.

    The easiest way to make a barn roof made of corrugated sheets is to have a pitched roof. The floor in such a barn can be made of any kind - wooden, OSB, concrete or even a loose floor. It all depends on your budget and needs.

    This type of shed is mainly for storing tools for the garden and home, firewood, etc.

    It’s also not very difficult to build a wooden shed made by yourself. Such cottage buildings also have a frame base, which is then covered with boards.

    This building will have a fairly rigid structure. Its cost will be very low, and the speed of construction will be high.

    Building such a shed on your own is also very easy. Wooden structures Most often used for storing various garden utensils or firewood.

    You can use wooden blocks or pallets as the base. The pallets will serve as the floor of the barn. If the base of the shed is bars, then you will need to lay the floor yourself.

    For this you can use boards or OSB board. The roof on such sheds is most often single-pitched, as it is very easy to make.

    The top of the roof is covered with roofing felt, and if funds allow, you can cover the roof with tiles or slate.

    To increase the service life of a wooden structure made from timber, it should be treated by special means, which protect wood from fires, fungus, mold and pests.

    If desired, the erected building can be painted or varnished in any color. The result will be a nice wooden room for storing firewood or other household items.

    If you want to build a country shed that will serve you for decades, then you will need step-by-step instructions on how to build a shed from foam blocks with your own hands.

    A country barn built from foam blocks is useful not only for storing firewood, tools and various utensils, but also for raising various animals in them - chickens, pigs, goats, etc.

    If you do everything correctly, a building made of foam blocks can last you up to 30 years. True, not everyone can build a shed from foam blocks in their dacha with their own hands.

    Some people have to turn to specialists for help. A shed made of blocks is not cheap, considering the price of foam blocks and the cost of work.

    Before starting work, you should definitely make a drawing of your future structure, thanks to which you will be able to calculate the exact number of foam blocks required for construction.

    If, after calculating the cost of all the blocks, you still see the point in building with foam blocks, then start construction.

    The construction of a structure made of foam blocks should begin by laying a strip foundation. The foundation will help protect the foam blocks from soil moisture.

    In addition, the use of a foundation will also help make the block structure as heavy as possible - you can make a spacious attic on the roof or a place for relaxing, drying clothes, and much more.

    The surface of the foundation should be covered with a waterproofing material, for example roofing felt. After this, they begin laying the blocks on the cement mortar.

    The laying of blocks begins from the corners, which are laid clearly according to the level. Next, the walls are erected. The roof can be single-pitch or gable.

    Of course, there is much less work with a pitched roof, but a gable roof allows you to use the free space to your advantage.

    The floor can be left concrete, or you can lay the floor from boards or OSB boards.

    If the plan has shelves for storing firewood or garden utensils and tools, then you can make them from timber or profile pipe. Such shelves will also serve you for many years.

    How to save on construction?

    Self-construction It will cost you several times less than if you hired craftsmen for this.

    Therefore, if you have at least a little experience in construction, you should try to make such a building yourself.

    You can save money not only at work. Before starting construction, be sure to calculate the cost of all necessary materials.

    If you make a building half a meter less than planned in advance, you will see that you can save a considerable amount on these centimeters.

    If you need a small shed for firewood or tools, is it worth going for a larger structure?

    You can also save on material. You can, for example, buy previously used material - foam blocks or bricks.

    If you plan to putty a foam block building, then strangers will not know that you did not use new materials.

    A wooden shed for firewood can be covered with previously used slate.

    The floor can be made not only of concrete or plank.

    For example, if you plan to raise some kind of living creatures in your building, then a loose floor will be very useful for them.

    So, after reading the article, you were able to find out how to build a barn at your dacha with your own hands. We hope you found this information useful.

    A shed is always necessary, agree. Where is the best place to store tools for work so that they are always at hand and out of the way? The answer is in the barn. Where should I store my irrigation hose or stored building materials? Of course, in the barn.

    Modern manufacturers offer us a huge selection of materials that can be used in the construction of a shed. They differ in their technical characteristics, and cost. Most practical material, as practice shows, the most economical of all those existing today is a completely innovative material - corrugated sheeting.

    A shed built using corrugated sheets will be inexpensive, will last a long time, and will also become a structure that will be an additional decoration of the site. Therefore, many owners of personal plots often wonder how to build a shed from corrugated sheets with their own hands, without involving third-party contractors in the construction.

    Advantages of using corrugated sheets

    If we compare more modern corrugated sheets with more traditional types of materials, it has a number of qualities and characteristics that make it so popular among consumers:

    • ease;
    • strength;
    • prostate to use;
    • ease of installation;
    • durability;
    • originality.

    Speaking of originality, one cannot help but say that a barn built using corrugated board as the main material will become an attractive structure that can be built very quickly, without spending a lot of time and effort and saving your finances.

    Choosing a place for a shed on the site

    It is clear that before starting construction work, it is necessary to prepare for it. And the first stage of the preparatory work will be choosing a place on the site where the barn will stand. You should not install the structure in close proximity to country house, because not only tools can be stored in a shed, but also chemicals that can be harmful to health.

    The site has been found, it needs to be cleared of debris and removed upper layer soil no more than 50 centimeters thick. You can provide a basement in the barn for storing supplies, in which case you will have to dig a hole and line it. If there is a need to lay a sewer drain, this should also be taken care of at this stage.

    The next step will be drawing up a drawing of the future structure. You can always try to do it yourself, but if this is too difficult a task, you can always use a ready-made scheme.

    Materials and tools

    Since we are building a shed from corrugated sheets, it is clear that the main material we need is corrugated board. For this type of work, wall corrugated sheeting with a thickness of at least 4 millimeters is most suitable. The dimensions of corrugated sheets are always standard and are 1m by 2m, therefore required amount the material will directly depend on the size of the finished building.

    In addition to the corrugated sheeting itself, to build a shed we will need the following materials:

    • metal fittings;
    • blocks for constructing the foundation;
    • different kinds self-tapping screws;
    • for interior decoration, plastic siding or other materials;
    • mounting angle;
    • edged board measuring 50 by 150 millimeters;
    • wooden beam 100 by 150 millimeters;
    • sand;
    • gravel;
    • window;
    • doors.

    Tools for construction work:

    • plumb line or level;
    • saw;
    • hammer or screwdriver;
    • You will need a shovel to prepare and clear the area.

    In order for the barn to last long enough, before starting construction it is necessary to treat all used wooden parts of the future structure with special antiseptics. This precaution will reliably protect the shed from unwanted premature damage.

    Construction of a barn foundation

    Any construction work, including the construction of a shed from corrugated sheets, begins with the construction of the base, the foundation of the building. This work is quite simple, so there is no need to involve outside specialists.

  1. After the location for the shed has been determined, the top 50 centimeters of soil have been removed, and a cushion must be installed on the resulting surface. To prepare the pillow, ordinary sand and gravel are used, on a layer of which crushed stone is laid. The crushed stone layer must be thoroughly compacted.
  2. We lay the reinforcement on a prepared bed of sand, gravel and carefully compacted crushed stone.
  3. Fill everything with concrete solution.

Before starting the next stage, you must wait until the concrete solution has completely hardened. After waiting for the solution to dry completely, we install concrete blocks around the perimeter of the structure, which will act as a base. Using a plumb line, we check that each top point of each installed block is exclusively in one plane.

We make a frame from the timber that will become the base for the floor in the barn, and install it directly on the concrete blocks.

It's time to build the frame of the shed. We determine and cut the amount of timber that we will need. A regular saw is perfect for cutting. We make vertical posts from the prepared timber; the distance between them can be up to 70 centimeters. Cross bars must be installed and secured to the vertical posts using self-tapping screws. The width of the step between the crossbars does not, as a rule, exceed 40 centimeters. We fix the resulting shape by installing a metal corner, which is attached using the same self-tapping screws.

We sheathe the finished frame using any available materials (chipboard, plywood, simple boards), which we fasten using self-tapping screws. It is important not to leave gaps or cracks when attaching.

Building walls in a barn

The walls in the barn will be corrugated sheeting, the installation of which, as a rule, should begin with the longest wall in the structure. The corrugated sheet is fastened using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver. When fastening corrugated sheeting, you should not use more than six screws per one square meter. Installation of sheets is carried out overlapping.

If you assume that the shed you build will be a structure that is not only reliable, but also warm, then you need to worry about vapor barrier and thermal insulation. Why do you need to install insulation in the voids between the vertical posts and the corrugated sheeting, this can be mineral wool and a vapor barrier.

For interior wall decoration we will need plastic siding, which we have prepared, but other types of materials prepared in advance can also be used; their choice depends on the wishes and capabilities of the barn owner.

Building a roof

For a barn, as a rule, a gable roof is used, which, if necessary, can always be insulated.

Roofing material, it can also be corrugated sheeting. And if galvanized steel corrugated sheeting is perfect for building walls, corrugated sheeting coated with a layer of polymer can be used to build a barn roof. Although this precautionary measure will cost a little more, it will reliably protect the structure from the harmful effects of such unwanted corrosion.

To secure the corrugated sheeting, you must first arrange the sheathing, for which you will need timber. The roofing material is also laid using the overlapping method and secured using self-tapping screws. Best choice will be self-tapping screws with a rubber gasket, which will provide an additional level of sealing at the joints.

Again, if the barn is warm, we install heat and vapor barrier, which we sew up using prepared plywood.

Making the floor

At the last, final stage of construction of an outbuilding on the site, it is necessary to make a floor. Why do we need boards? We fasten them with nails or using self-tapping screws.

We install windows and doors. The work of building a shed from corrugated sheets with your own hands can be considered finished. As it turned out, this is not at all difficult, does not take a lot of time and does not take away any effort.

Video of a do-it-yourself shed made of corrugated sheets

How to make a shed from corrugated sheets with your own hands? ::

On a country plot or on the local area of ​​a private home, you cannot do without a shed. You can store tools and equipment in it so that they are out of the way and always at hand. It is in the barn that building materials and irrigation hoses, as well as other equipment, are stored. Modern manufacturers offer materials in a huge variety. They can be used for the construction of outbuildings. However, few people decide to purchase expensive products for this. Quite often, people use leftover materials to build garages and sheds.

The most practical and economical material among all the others is corrugated sheeting. A barn built with its help will last a long time and will be inexpensive. This design can become a real decoration of the site if you approach the work with all seriousness. Therefore, many owners of private territories are thinking about how to build a shed from corrugated sheets.

Selecting a location

If we compare modern corrugated sheeting with traditional materials offered by the market, the first solution has many advantages, among them the following should be highlighted:

  • strength and lightness;
  • ease of installation;
  • ease of use;
  • originality of appearance;
  • durability.

If you decide to follow the experience of the majority and use corrugated sheets for the construction of temporary shelters or any other outbuilding, then at the first stage it is necessary to carry out preparations. It will be important to choose a location on the site for construction. The building should not be located near a country house, because not only tools and equipment, but also chemicals harmful to human health can be stored in a shed.

Before you start building a shed from corrugated sheets, you need to clear the area of ​​debris, remove the top layer of soil, going down 50 cm or less. The building may include a basement for storing supplies. In this case, you should dig a hole and line its inner walls. If you need a sewer drain, you should take care of this in advance. At the next stage, you can prepare a drawing that you can complete yourself.

Preparation of materials and tools

If you decide to build a shed from corrugated sheets, then the main material will be a steel wall sheet, the thickness of which is 4 mm. The size of the sheets is standard and equal to 1x2 m. Therefore, you can calculate the required amount of material, knowing the size of the finished building.

In addition to corrugated sheeting, you need to ensure the availability of the following materials:

  • metal fittings;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • mounting angle;
  • timber;
  • gravel;
  • doors;
  • blocks for the base;
  • siding;
  • edged board;
  • sand;
  • windows

As for the interior decoration, the siding can be replaced with any other material that you may have left over from the construction of the main house. Edged board should have a cross-section within 50x150 mm. When choosing a timber beam, you should prefer one whose cross-section is 100x150 mm.

As for the tools, among them it is worth highlighting:

  • plumb line;
  • hammer;
  • saw;
  • shovel.

The plumb line can be replaced with a level. In order for a corrugated shed to last as long as possible, before starting work, all wooden parts of the future structure should be treated with antiseptics. This measure will protect the building from premature damage.

Construction of the foundation

Whatever it is, all construction work begins with the construction of the foundation of the building. This work is not difficult, so you won’t have to involve specialists or use equipment. Once the location for the shed has been determined, it is necessary to remove the soil and arrange a cushion on the surface of the pit. Sand and gravel are used for it. A layer of crushed stone is laid on top. It must be well compacted.

In preparation, you need to lay the reinforcement, and then install the formwork and fill the floor with concrete. Before continuing to build a shed from corrugated sheets with your own hands, you need to wait until the concrete hardens. Along the perimeter of the structure and after that, concrete blocks are installed, which serve as the foundation. It is necessary to check with a plumb line or level that the top points of the blocks are in the same plane.

A frame should be made from timber, which will act as a base for the floor. The frame must be placed directly on concrete blocks. Now you can begin building the frame.

Making a box

To make the frame, you need to prepare a beam; a regular saw is suitable for cutting it. Vertical posts are made from this material, the distance between which should be 70 cm. Cross bars are installed on the vertical posts and fixed with self-tapping screws. The distance between the latter should not be more than 40 cm.

When building a shed from corrugated sheets with your own hands, you must install and secure the resulting shape using a metal corner, which is secured with self-tapping screws. The frame is sheathed with any of the available materials, namely:

  • plywood;
  • simple boards.

The sheets can be fastened with self-tapping screws. It is important to eliminate cracks and gaps.

Construction of walls

The walls of the building will be corrugated sheets. Its installation begins with the longest wall. Fastening can be done with a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. When installing corrugated sheets, you should not use more than 6 screws per square meter. The sheets are installed with some overlap.

If you want to make the barn not only reliable, but also warm, you should take care of the presence of heat and vapor barrier. Insulation is installed in the voids between the corrugated sheeting and the vertical elements; this can be mineral wool, which should be supplemented with a vapor barrier. For internal lining You can use plastic siding for walls, but other materials are also suitable. Everything will depend on the budget and your wishes.

Roof installation

For a barn, a roof made of corrugated sheets is also perfect. It can be gable; such a structure is usually additionally insulated. If you used galvanized corrugated sheeting to build the walls, then you can use polymer-coated corrugated sheeting for the roof. This approach will cost a little more, but will protect the structure from moisture and eliminate corrosion.

To attach the corrugated sheets, it is necessary to arrange a sheathing. A beam is used for this. The roofing material is laid with an overlap. The fastening of the canvases is carried out with self-tapping screws. It is better to choose those that have a rubber gasket; it will provide additional sealing at the joints. If you are faced with the question of how to make a shed from corrugated sheets, then you can additionally insulate it in the roof area. To do this, a layer of heat and vapor barrier is installed, which is sewn up using plywood.

Alternative option for making a shed

Having completed a drawing of a shed made of corrugated sheets, you can decide which technology to use. However, in any case, it is necessary to begin work by marking the area. To do this, pegs are driven into the corners of the future structure, the diagonals of the rectangle or square are checked - they must be equal. After this, the twine is stretched, and the locations of the racks are marked along it. At these points, 60 cm shafts are made using a drill. Pipes are installed inside and filled with M200 concrete mortar.

First you need to install and fill the supports in the corners. As soon as the concrete has set a little, fishing lines are tied to the posts - top and bottom. They are necessary to align the remaining pillars. Before you build a shed from corrugated sheets, you must make sure that you have the skills to work with a welding machine. You will need it in the next step to complete the frame.

Work methodology

A 60x40 mm pipe is welded onto the top of the pipe. You need to choose a product with a wall thickness of 2 mm. On one of the pipes in the corners it is necessary to determine the floor level. Using a hydraulic level, this mark is transferred to the remaining corner posts. Twine is tied at the marks, and then the line is transferred to all other posts. According to the markings around the perimeter, it is necessary to weld a 40x20 mm pipe. The same principle is used to install crossbars in the central part.

In order for a wheelbarrow or walk-behind tractor to be brought into the door, the opening should be made high and wide, its dimensions can be 2x1.2 m. With this, we can assume that the base of the barn is made of corrugated sheets with your own hands, the drawings of which you can find in the article , completed.

Installation of roof guides

At the next stage, you can begin assembling the roof rails. To do this, you will need trusses, the length of which is 6.5 m. They are welded on the ground and then installed to the opposite beams. Then transverse sections of pipe in the amount of 10 pieces are welded into place. The frame is now completely ready, you can move on to priming it.

The next step is to make the concrete floor. First you need to install the formwork. It is placed outside the frame with a 10 cm indentation. Crushed stone and broken bricks are placed in the ground. The material must be compacted with a mallet. A piece of brick is laid on the ground, and then you should knock on it until it is completely hidden. This will make the base more rigid.

Execution of the floor

If you are faced with the question of how to make a shed from corrugated sheets with your own hands, at the next stage you must make a thick solution. It is poured and then aligned with the fishing line. It is important to check the horizontalness of the resulting base.

As soon as the solution has set, you can begin pouring M250 concrete. Its surface is also leveled. Now you can begin installing the sheathing. First, a waterproofing film is spread over the frame. It is glued with double-sided tape. It is better to avoid ordinary plastic film, as it will not last long. At the final stage, you can begin installing the corrugated sheet. After placing the first panel, it is screwed on with self-tapping screws. This algorithm must be followed until the work is completed.


At the final stage, the metal shed can be sheathed in the corners with a corner. It is strengthened with rivets and serves decorative element, closing small gaps. If you build a fairly large shed, you can use it not only for storing equipment and building materials, but also as a workshop.

To build a utility block, it is not necessary to stock up on bricks or blocks and build a capital foundation, because you can build a shed from corrugated sheets. The article contains information about the features of the material used, what technology for constructing such structures and the main stages of work. You will learn about the pros and cons of utility blocks made of corrugated sheets and you will know what and in what order the craftsmen do when assembling them.


This building will last for a long time reliable shelter for equipment and tools. In addition, the cost of constructing such a shed will be cheaper than a similar one made from brick.

Features of the material

The corrugated sheet is a product made of galvanized steel, coated polymer paint, which serves to protect against corrosion. To make the material more durable and rigid, it is subjected to profiling. It has a trapezoidal or wavy surface appearance.

They use corrugated sheets for the construction of fences and non-residential structures. Classified according to the following criteria:

    thickness steel sheet;

    view coatings;

    height and shape profile;

    region applications;

    overall sizes.

The height of the waves or stiffeners: 8 - 57 mm, their thickness - 0.4 - 1 mm. The scope of application of the profiled sheet directly depends on its thickness.

TO benefits use of this material include:

    Easy installation. You can build a utility block from corrugated sheets in short time and using a minimum of tools.

    Corrosion protection. This is the main threat to metal surfaces. Thanks to the polymer paint coating, the material is reliably protected from the effects of precipitation.


    A light weight. The product does not carry additional load on the building frame. Due to the small mass of the corrugated sheet, the structure of the barn does not require the construction of a capital foundation.

    Big choice color shades. The surface of the sheet is painted in various colors, which allows the material to be used in any area.

Despite all the advantages, there are also some disadvantages in using profiled sheets. First of all, this increased noise from the rain. Rust may appear in the cutting areas due to the destruction of the protective paint layer. To do this, the sections are painted over with paint that is matched to the profiled sheet.

Highlight three main types of profiled sheets, which is denoted as follows:

    N – bearing;

    C – wall;

    NS – universal.

After the letter marking, the wave height, thickness, width and length of the sheet are indicated in numbers.

The greater the height of the waves or corrugations a material has, the better it can withstand loads and has a high load-bearing capacity. The thickness of the sheet determines where the product will be used - for roofing or wall cladding.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of small forms for country houses: outbuildings, canopies, gazebos and others - from construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Work technology

A barn from corrugated sheets is built using several construction technologies:

    Metal shed with poured concrete floor. The prepared base is concreted over the entire area of ​​the building. If the floor is made of wood, a thick-walled pipe made of a 60x60 or 60x40 mm profile is used for the bottom trim. For these purposes, you can use a corner (4-5 mm). Metal or wooden joists, on which the boards are laid.

    At small sizes buildings the floor can be built without joists. For the top trim, take a corner with a thickness of 4 to 6 mm and a side width of 10 cm. It will serve as a support for the boards. Use material up to 40 mm thick. For large spans, install additional support from a suitable pipe.

    Collapsible metal shed. These are separately welded sides of the caracas, connected by fasteners. The frame is sheathed with corrugated sheets. Its installation is quick and easy. The roof of the building is also covered with the same material. This design is temporary and is being erected at the dacha for the summer season. Then it is disassembled and transferred to a place of permanent storage.


The easiest to use is ready set utility unit made of corrugated sheets. It is produced ready-made and assembled like a construction set.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the design and installation of various metal structures for a private home. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”. Main stages of construction

Although the barn is an outbuilding, it has the same structural elements , like other buildings:




The only difference is a simpler structure and lower loads on the foundation. In construction, you can use building materials that are not suitable for residential buildings, for example, profiled sheets.

A shed made of metal profiles is erected in the following sequence: drawing up a project with detailed drawings, choosing a site and directly constructing the facility.

Marking and foundation

The first stage of work is marking the site. Wooden pegs are used, which are driven into the corners of the proposed building. Then the diagonals are aligned and the cord is pulled. The barn racks will be installed along it.

Using any method, make holes 60 cm deep, install and pour pipes into them. First, install the corner posts. When the concrete has set, the fishing line is pulled and the rest of the posts are aligned along it.


Frame for walls and roof

After the final hardening of the concrete, the installation of the frame begins by welding. On the outside of the racks, profile pipes are welded (section 60x40 mm and thickness 2 mm.) On the surface corner posts Mark the level of the future floor and stretch the cord along it. The first pipe is welded along the stretched twine, along all sides of the shed frame.

Using the same method, the next transverse pipes are welded. In order for the walk-behind tractor to fit freely into the shed, the doors to it are made measuring 1.2 x 2 meters. That is, they should be wide and tall.

After the base of the shed is assembled, they begin to construct guides for the roof. The trusses are welded on the ground and then attached to horizontal beams. Along their entire length, they are reinforced on top with transverse sections of pipes. After all welding work All metal surfaces are primed.

Floor coverings

Then they begin to pour the concrete floor. The formwork is placed so that it extends beyond the frame by about 10 cm. Gravel, crushed stone, and broken brick are used for the base.

They set up beacons, which are placed on a thick solution. Use special metal or flat wooden blocks.


To set them, points are marked on opposite sides of the bottom trim. A cord is pulled along them and the planks are placed on the thick mortar, checking their horizontalness.

The floor is poured with concrete along the beacons, which are placed along the transverse pipes of the lower trim.

Exterior decoration

The next stage is covering the frame with corrugated sheets. To prevent condensation forming on the metal surface from dripping onto the head during operation of the shed, a layer of waterproofing film is installed on the frame. It is secured with double-sided tape, the strips are laid with an overlap of 10 cm, starting from the bottom and gradually moving upward.

Then they begin to install the profiled sheets on the walls. After installing them on the inside, between the racks, you can insert simple insulation, for example mineral wool. The inside of the barn is lined with iron wooden clapboard or plastic material.

In wall paneling, the main thing is to attach the first sheet. It is set perfectly straight and fastened immediately. Then all the following sheets are placed on it (along the wave) and screwed to the frame. To fasten one product, approximately 20 self-tapping screws are used.


A few more nuances

For the roof, it is better to purchase special roofing corrugated sheeting. The thickness of its walls is slightly thinner, which makes it easier to install. To lay sheet material, carefully measure everything required dimensions using a square, a ruler, a building level and secure the first sheet.

The first sheet is attached to the surface with self-tapping screws, which place waves or corrugations into the protrusion. This protects the hole from water entering it. The sheets are secured with special self-tapping screws. They have a drill at the tip and a rubber gasket, which is why they easily pass through metal and prevent leakage. Their length should be 3.5 cm greater than the wave height of the corrugated sheet. Self-tapping screws should be selected with the appropriate markings - for wood or metal.

If the roof is gable, a ridge is installed on top, which covers the joints in the center of the barn.

To close the gaps in the corners of the structure that appear when joining structural elements, the barn is sheathed with a metal corner. It is mounted on rivets and serves as a decorative decoration for the structure.

The final step is installing the door. It is made from a 40x20 mm profile pipe. The hinges are welded on and the door is hung. It is more convenient to do the door trim on a flat surface.

Video description

All stages of work on the construction of a shed from corrugated sheets are shown in the video:


A metal shed is assembled using simple technology and in some respects is superior to its brick counterpart. After high-quality work on constructing a shed from corrugated sheets, you will receive a high-quality structure that will last for many years.

A barn is a necessary component of almost every suburban area and household plot. You can’t do without it even at the dacha. Increasingly, profiled steel sheets are being used for the construction of sheds.

Features of material selection

Choice metal profile before starting construction, it is required to pay increased attention. And the point is not only that it is necessary to eliminate confusion between the material intended for the walls and the profile for finishing the roof. The sheet that is intended for finishing the facade is marked with the capital letter “C”. After it comes a numerical index, from 8 to 21, which tells a lot to professionals. Metal profiles of groups C8 and C10 are recommended for the inside of walls; all other grades can be installed outside.

If you need to make the strongest wall possible, it is advisable to use sheets with corrugation reaching a height of 18-21 mm. But, in addition to the corrugation parameters, it is also worth thinking about the width of the gutters, which directly affects the total rigidity of the product. The best gutters are those that channel rainwater down and prevent it from penetrating under the roof. They make the wall more durable than the simplest solutions. It is very important to calculate the load in advance so as not to mount unnecessarily expensive designs and not face the risk of collapse.

But saving on the quality of corrugated sheeting does not justify itself at all. Good steel with a zinc layer still quickly rusts under the pressure of rain and snow. Very soon the characteristic dirty spots will appear. Polyester, polyurethane or plastisol are much more reliable. Corrugated sheets can be placed on top of a wooden frame both vertically and horizontally, which is important to take into account when calculating the amount of material.

Place on the site for construction

But the choice suitable material– this is just the beginning. It is extremely important to choose appropriate place for a shed made of corrugated board.

The main criteria here will be:

  • the impossibility or impracticality of growing plants;
  • low illumination;
  • convenient access regardless of time of day or year;
  • equidistance in relation to the house, other outbuildings and the entrance (entrance);
  • minimal risk of flooding from rain and snow.

Each of these points is equally important. So, taking up space where you can grow vegetables or at least flowers is impractical. At least sometimes quite significant loads need to be brought into and out of the barn. Therefore, the more conveniently it is located, the better for residents. Flooding water can ruin not only wall structures and foundations, but also almost any thing.

Sanitary standards require not to build a shed closer than 12 m from residential buildings both on your own site and on neighboring households.

Even with strict adherence to standards, distances to the fence, and so on, it is advisable to discuss your intentions with your neighbors in advance. Conflicts are not worth the benefits of arbitrarily choosing a location. Typically, the building is turned with windows and a door to the south to increase illumination and speed up drying. Of course, it is also important to remember the distances from gas pipes, wells, wells, power lines, and the maximum permissible slope of the area.

Most owners try to “hide” the shed behind the house, bringing it closer to the gardens. This is not only convenient, but also justified by the very unpresentable appearance of the building. But structures made from corrugated sheets are an exception, especially if they fit well into the landscape. To decorate the space, choose designs with patterns on the facade or having an original geometric shape. In any case, it is worth thinking about the balance between utility and external elegance.

Construction order

The most practical shape for a do-it-yourself shed is a rectangle. Preparing drawings in advance will help eliminate the slightest errors and unaccounted points. It is recommended to assemble the structure with screws. This is not only faster and cheaper than welding, but also safer and allows the building to be quickly dismantled if necessary. The selected site is cleared of everything that could interfere with the construction and operation of the barn. It is very important to think about the arrangement of windows and doors at the design stage.

During the construction itself, experienced craftsmen carefully check whether the vertical and horizontal lines of these elements are clearly maintained and whether there are any deviations from the plane. At the bottom, the opening is cut down at an angle of 30 degrees; later, a window sill will be placed there, cut at the same angle. This will make it easier for water to drain out. Closing the joints and cracks with sealants will help increase the service life of the window. For interior decoration, oriented. If there is even the slightest opportunity, they take care of installing the electrical wiring. It is recommended to equip the walls with shelves or mount shelving. Please note: the sizes of shelves and racks may vary, since things of different weights and dimensions will have to be stored. To create shelves and other structures, you should use only well-planed wood to reduce the risk of splinters.


The site for the foundation is made on a well-prepared site, choosing the type of foundation in advance:

  • monolithic slab;
  • ready-made blocks;
  • poured tape.

Since a building made from corrugated sheets is light in weight, it can be placed on blocks or tape with a shallow recess. The number of cases where it is necessary to form a slab is very small. A monolithic base has another advantage that is not related to the strength of the building - it turns into the floor of a future barn. The pits are surrounded by formwork. It doesn’t matter whether the tape is poured around the perimeter or a monolith over the entire area, you need to wait 4 days until the concrete hardens completely.

It is better to create solid foundations by filling 0.5 m of a 1:1 mixture of sand and gravel. Note: this backfill should not reach the very edge. The backfilled layer is thoroughly compacted and covered with crushed stone, slightly rising above the ground. After compaction, it is covered with a mesh of reinforcement and wooden formwork is placed around the entire perimeter. Now you can pour concrete to a depth of approximately 0.3 m.


The step-by-step instructions provide for performing the bottom piping in such a way that it then becomes the basis for laying the floor and installing vertical supports. The beams are secured with tenons and grooves, additionally strengthening them with metal corners. The floor is laid using cross members with a pitch of no more than 0.6 m. Having connected the racks of vertical supports with the bottom structure, then you need to connect them with the top trim.

All these details are verified in advance according to the construction level. But even during the construction process, their geometry should be controlled. Connections are created by screwing at certain angles long screws, reinforcement is made with steel corners. The mutual distance of any two racks by more than 100 cm is not allowed.

Attention: window and door openings will have to be built simultaneously with the frame, since they are its components. Since steel sheet and profile pipe are “cold” materials, for the sake of comfort in the country or in country house insulate them. For thermal protection of structures made from corrugated sheets, you can use basalt slabs, which do not burn, allow steam to pass through and are environmentally friendly. Cheaper glass wool slabs are harmful to health when working and the slightest violation integrity of the “pie”, in addition, after 10-15 years they lose valuable qualities.


When the frame is ready, you need to start building the walls. Paronite gaskets must be placed in them, creating a thermal break. Plates of insulating materials are mounted using dowels, and films are attached on top to stop the action of moisture and gusts of wind. Guides in the shape of the letter “P,” if attached to the bracket, will help level the front surface; There should be air gaps between them and the films. Next, attach the profiles horizontally to the vertically placed guides.

Insulation with sawdust is not very practical: yes, they are cheap, but they cake quickly, get wet easily and deteriorate. Mineral wool is usually placed on top of wooden sheathing. A vapor barrier film is always placed above it, since the slightest dampness is contraindicated. Foam boards can be glued without wasting effort on mechanical fasteners. But you will additionally need a sheet overlay to reduce the risk of mechanical destruction.


The roof on the barn can be made with one or two slopes. Single slope solutions They require you to raise one wall above the opposite one, otherwise there will be no slope. In regions with warm winters, a slope of 15-20 degrees is enough, but if there are frequent snowstorms in some area, a lot of precipitation falls, you need to increase it to 30-45 degrees. A roof that is too steep is also impractical; it can easily collapse even under the pressure of a moderate wind.

In any case, first prepare the rafters and install the sheathing on them. To make the job easier, truss structures collected on the ground and only then lifted, placing it from the end. The skate is carefully aligned along the center line, which is marked with a rope. A layer is placed on the sheathing to protect it from water, then a corrugated sheet comes in (already roofing, of course). The internal plane of the roof is decorated with clapboard or plastic panels.