Homemade machine for making cinder blocks drawings. Making cinder blocks at home

First there was an idea. Many people are excited to buy theirs a private house, garage or cottage. Then they meet real prices for real estate, and there is a desire to build everything yourself. Next, the consumer goes to the market and gets acquainted with the prices of building materials. And now, when you already want to make bricks and cinder blocks with your own hands for a future building or own business, you will need to find the right equipment.

It’s no secret that such devices are also expensive (from 60,000 rubles), so all roads lead to a homemade cinder block machine made with your own hands. In this article we will tell you how to do it correctly in order to spend a minimum of money and time and as a result get good equipment that serves long years. The cost of our cinder block vibrating machine will not exceed 10,000 rubles, even taking into account the purchase of a new electric motor.

Choosing a cinder block machine

First, let's decide what installation we need to make. There are several types of homemade machines: for one cinder block and several pieces at once. For home construction (shed, garage, summer cuisine) there will be enough equipment to produce one block in one go. They are made quite quickly and can be made in 1 day without any problems up to 50 cinder blocks. If we're talking about about private business or construction big house, it makes sense to make a cinder block machine for 3-4 blocks at once.

Now let's talk about the design of the machine. You've probably already seen some models where the mold is located separately from the vibration unit, and there is also a top powerful press, which compacts the entire mixture in several approaches. This design has its advantages, but it is expensive and takes a long time to make. We will build a simple cinder block machine that will have the same effect on the mixture, but only consists of a mold with an electric motor. We will immediately refuse pneumatic and hydraulic presses - they do not fit into our budget and do not meet the “cheap and cheerful” criterion.

We make a simple and inexpensive cinder block machine

As we have already said, there are more practical and expensive installations, where there is a separate vibrating table, a form for filling and a press that is activated, but our task is to create an effective cinder block machine home use With minimal costs. We will have a form that plays the role of a vibrating machine, a mold, and a press at the same time. Let's look at how to do it correctly.

STEP 1: design and preparation of materials . First, we need to determine the dimensions of the cinder block machine. It couldn't be easier to do this. We have the dimensions of one cinder block: 390x190x190 mm, and we will start from them. We need to cut the following rectangles from metal 0.2 mm thick: 390x190 mm (three pieces), 190x190 mm (two pieces). You can take 5 mm everywhere with a margin, so that the bricks are poured with a margin.

STEP 2: weld everything together . Now we need to assemble our machine for making cinder blocks, but we need to weld everything outside seam! This is done to ensure that the block is perfectly smooth with normal edges, and not smoothed or deformed. Since the metal is thick, you can use any welding machine– it will be very easy to put such a seam even without the skills of a builder, and we don’t need much greater precision here.

STEP 3: de bark "stuffing". To make the right cinder block machine with your own hands, you need to place pipes in it. We take a pipe with a diameter of 90 mm, cut it into three pieces of 190 mm each (the height of the cinder block), weld them parallel to each other and lower them into the mold. Of course, the top of the pipe must be welded (cut circles with a diameter of 90 mm or buy ready-made ones).

STEP 4: making a collection. This is a special apron that is welded around the mold to make it more convenient to fill in building materials; you can make it in the shape of a watering can. Cook metal plates at an angle. You can do it yourself homemade machine for a cinder block there is no apron at all, but it will be inconvenient to work with, and besides, the cost of such an equipment upgrade is low.

STEP 5: do the press. Actually, all we need is to apply pressure to the semi-dry mixture. This does not require a lot of money; making a machine for making cinder blocks with your own hands can be cheap. We take a metal plate 0.2 - 0.3 mm with dimensions 385 x 185 mm (yes, a little smaller than our form), then we lubricate the top of the pipes with oil, apply the plate and make an imprint. Now you need to cut the holes in the plastic for the pipes as evenly as possible; you can use a cutter or give this job to a specialist. After this work, you just need to weld two handles on top of the plate so that it is convenient to lift it.

STEP 6: we do an emissions installation . I could tell you about complex system subframe and eccentrics on the axles, which are driven by a belt from the engine, but craftsmen found a simpler way. It is necessary to weld the mounts for the 0.5 kW motor directly to the mold, screw it there and hang a nut with an eccentric or a “cheek” type clamp on the shaft. The engine will gain speed and create a large vibration of the frame - which is what we need.

STEP 7: putting the uniform on its feet . To make a mobile machine for the production of cinder blocks with your own hands, you need to immediately put this workpiece on wheels. We make a frame with dimensions of 40x30 mm, weld the wheels from an old car. All is ready. But this doesn’t have to be done, since cinder blocks are not made very quickly; the material can simply be stored nearby or carried away.

IMPORTANT: the engine must be purchased in a closed type to prevent dust and moisture from getting into it. Simple Chinese devices are ideal, they are inexpensive and provide good protection against water and pollution. If you want to put an engine there with washing machine or emery, then it will be necessary to periodically clean it.

Actually, now you have built a machine for making cinder blocks with your own hands, we can congratulate you on saving tens of thousands of rubles and move on to making blocks. Such equipment will last a very long time, it is almost eternal and consists of impact-resistant parts that are securely welded together.

How to make a cinder block with your own hands

We have made the device, now it’s time to tell you how to use it. Yes, this thing will still work! So, we take our semi-dry mixture: coarse sand, gravel with a diameter of 5-8 mm, cement and water in a ratio of 6:2:2:1 and bring it to a consistency where the mixture is compressed in a fist, but remains loose when falling to the ground. Now we put all this into a machine for cinder blocks, made with our own hands according to the drawings of our master (special thanks to him).

Plug in the motor (it’s better to make a “hot button” right on the form) for 2 minutes. We wait until everything settles down, then add dry mixture if necessary, remove excess using a trowel or improvised materials. Next, we place the press plate on top and apply a couple of tens of kilograms of pressure on it. You can make an extension and swing with a small amplitude with a heavy sledgehammer or jump from above - it doesn’t matter. Now we take the “press” by the handles, remove it and lay it out of our cinder block vibrating machine.

We have a ready-made cinder block, which must be left in storage for about 48 hours until completely hardened, and it can be transported after just 1 day, subject to natural drying at low humidity and a temperature of +25 C. We looked at how to make a machine for cinder blocks with your own hands , and now we suggest you take another look interesting video this process.

Construction materials occupy a separate niche on the market. The variety allows you to choose a material that matches the conditions and type of construction. The price varies depending on the quality of the product; you can’t always get a quality product for good money. Production building materials independently will allow you to significantly save your budget.

Cinder block is used in the construction of walls, partitions, fences and garages. You can produce cinder blocks yourself, it is important to create exact shape. The production machine is sold in various types and parameters, on which production volumes depend.

Equipment for the production of cinder block

Cinder block production at special equipment will not amount to a lot of work. The casting process on a machine for the production of cinder blocks occurs as follows:

  1. A working mixture is prepared, consisting of cement, water and fillers. The latter must be passed through a sieve, removing large ingredients. Water should not completely fill the solution; the filler stays dry on the floor. The consistency is chosen independently, depending on the type of production.
  2. The mixture is loaded into the mold, compacted with packing or a special cinder block press. During the process, it is necessary to monitor the amount of the mixture; when compacted, it contracts.
  3. After which, the prepared block is removed from the mold.

The drying process occurs under natural conditions, after 24 hours it is possible to move the finished material to the warehouse. Use in construction is available within a week after production, complete hardening occurs within a month. Special additives allow you to speed up the hardening process; maximum humidity and direct sunlight allow the cinder block to harden faster.

The main advantage of cinder block production is big choice modifications of machines and equipment.

There are many designs, equipment, and machines for the production of cinder blocks. It is possible to make a machine yourself using the following elements:

  • prepared cinder block matrix for molding the solution;
  • necessary materials and tools;
  • ventilated room with a leveled floor.

There are many varieties of machine designs available for DIY manufacturing, the drawings of which are available on the Internet. It is important to calculate the required production volumes before manufacturing; for your own needs, it is enough to produce simple equipment.

A small volume is produced by a hand-made matrix. The material can be any available - from hardwood to sheet metal. This process requires manual compaction of the material. Cinder block machines have a modification with a vibration motor, which will significantly save labor costs during production and speed up the process. The included electric motor with a vibration design for a few seconds allows you to fill the volume into the molds, adding filler in time.

In order to make a product not only for your own needs, you will need a full-fledged cinder block machine. The design will require the following tools in your arsenal:

  • angle grinder;
  • welding machine;
  • marking tool.

According to the drawings, the structure is welded and processed with a grinder. The machine device for making cinder blocks may contain a vibration motor attached at the bottom. For convenience, the control panel and clamping mechanism are displayed.

Machine form

The prepared mixture is poured into the mold. A self-made cinder block machine requires a correctly marked form when pouring; the open cavity of the finished product consists of 30% of the area. Mold materials:

  • metal corner;
  • steel sheet 5 mm;
  • pipes with a diameter of 8 cm.

The mold frame is prepared from sheet metal, markings are made in accordance with double size details. Pipes are installed on the hanging plates to fill the technological voids of the blocks, and the edges of the machine are closed. The role of the plates is in the form of a limiter, which acts during operation of the vibration device. The lid is made to fit a mold with holes, the diameter of which should be slightly larger than the pipes themselves. Handles installed on different sides serve to raise and lower the mechanism.

The simplest design of a cinder block machine

The easiest option for the manufacture of equipment and the production of building materials is a collapsible frame without additional elements. The drawings of a homemade machine for making simple cinder blocks do not contain a lot of information; every novice mechanic can figure it out.

A primitive design will require a soft solution, which is poured into the formwork. Suitable for technological voids glass bottles required diameter. After several hours, the formwork is dismantled and the solution dries in the open space. A DIY cinder block machine can be made from hard wood or sheet steel, and the inside of the mold is oiled before filling.

Making a more complex machine

For making more complex design you will need a machine base. The mobility of the machine is a significant advantage; therefore, a frame is made from a 4 mm profile that is connected to the wheels. A pipe is welded at the top of the rack, which serves as a lifting mechanism. A machine for producing cinder blocks with your own hands will require an electric motor to which the shaft is connected.

The equipment produces cinder blocks by filling and closed form with the prepared solution. After filling, the electric motor starts, which compacts the mixture; after hardening, the machine is ready for use for the production of the next workpiece.

Do-it-yourself vibration machine for the production of cinder blocks

Quality finished products, a fast production process will never interfere with the farm. Therefore, it is possible to add an electric motor to the design of a primitive device. It is not difficult to assemble a machine for making cinder blocks with your own hands; you just need to follow the technical instructions. The design contains a hand press, a vibrator and a homemade matrix. The work is made easier using a lever system.

The production of the machine takes place using the same tools, an electric motor is added low power up to 1 kW. During production it is taken into account main element– shape, the quality of the future product depends on its size and correct geometry. The sequence of manufacturing a vibrating machine:

  1. The wall of the mold is cut out of sheet metal using a grinder. If the matrix is ​​used in the production of several cinder blocks at the same time, it is important to provide partitions.
  2. The pipe is divided into parts, with a height slightly less than a brick, the holes are welded. Fastening is done on plates, which are best made removable. This design can be used in the production of a monolith.
  3. The electric motor mounting bolts are welded to the outer wall of the device, and a metal apron is mounted on top of the mold.
  4. The press is made in the form of a plate, made of thick metal, holes are drilled with slightly larger pipe diameters to ensure a tight fit to the matrix along the plane.
  5. An eccentric is manufactured for the electric motor, which can be provided independently. A bolt is welded onto the plane, along with a nut, which makes it possible to regulate vibrations.
  6. Connecting the handle to the press, thoroughly cleaning the device, painting.

Do-it-yourself machines are distinguished by their productivity, but are indispensable on the farm. The volume of production during the construction of the necessary structure is sufficient, allowing one to avoid financial losses for the purchase of new equipment.

The range of building materials today cannot but please with its diversity, however, many people prefer to make such products with their own hands. Thus, it is quite possible to make cinder blocks, which are in great demand, yourself using a special homemade machine. Today we will look in detail at how to do this correctly.

Features of the material

Cinder block is a building material that has proven itself to be one of the most durable and unpretentious. It has considerable dimensions, especially if you place an ordinary brick next to it. You can make slag blocks not only in a factory setting. Some craftsmen undertake this work at home. If you strictly adhere to the technology, you get high-quality and strong blocks from which you can build a house or any outbuilding.

If a decision has been made to self-production such products, a number of their features should be taken into account.

  • Cinder block is a fireproof material. It does not ignite itself, and does not intensify an existing flame.
  • Really good quality blocks make long-lasting and sustainable homes/outbuildings. Such buildings will not be harmed by harsh climatic conditions, neither hurricanes nor constant gusty winds.
  • Repairing cinder block buildings does not require extra effort and free time - all work can be completed in a short time.
  • Cinder blocks are also distinguished by their large sizes, thanks to which buildings made from them can be erected very quickly, which pleases many builders.
  • This material is durable. Buildings built from it can stand for more than 100 years without losing their previous characteristics.
  • Another feature of cinder block is its soundproofing component. So, in dwellings made of of this material, no annoying street noises.

  • Cinder block buildings are usually finished decorative materials to give a more aesthetic appearance. However, it is very important to remember that the cinder block cannot be covered ordinary plaster(any “wet” work with this material should not be carried out). You can also use a special decorative block, which is often used instead of expensive cladding.
  • When working with cinder block, it is important to take into account one important feature– this material is characterized by high water absorption, so it must be protected from contact with moisture and dampness. Otherwise, the blocks may collapse over time.
  • Unfortunately, the geometry of the slag blocks leaves much to be desired. That is why, when laying floors from such material, you will have to constantly adjust individual elements - trim them and saw them.
  • Cinder blocks have a relatively low cost.

According to experts, such materials are quite capricious in their work, so it is always very important to follow the appropriate instructions. The same applies to the process of their manufacture.

Mixture composition

The production of slag blocks at home obliges the master to adhere to a specific composition, as well as certain proportions of all components. Thus, the binding ingredient in this material is usually cement of a grade not lower than M400. As for the filling component, it can consist entirely of slag or be mixed. The last option is obtained by adding a small amount of crushed stone, sand (plain or expanded clay), crushed brick and fine expanded clay.

When making cinder blocks, the following proportions must be observed:

  • 8-9 parts of the filling component;
  • 1.5-2 parts of astringent ingredient.

If cement marked M500 was used during the work, then it is permissible to take 15% less of it than M400 raw materials. Most often, an element such as slag occupies at least 65% of the total volume of the filler.

For example, out of 9 parts, at least 6 are accounted for by this component, and the rest is made up of crushed stone and sand. In theory, when making it yourself, it is permissible to use concrete or brick scraps, screenings.

The standard proportions of cinder block are:

  • 2 parts sand;
  • 2 parts crushed stone;
  • 7 parts slag;
  • 2 parts of Portland cement marked M400.

As for water, it is customary to add it in an approximate ratio of 0.5 parts. The result is a semi-dry solution. To ensure its high quality, you need to take a small handful and throw it on a hard surface. If the thrown lump crumbled, but under compression conditions regained its previous shape, then the composition can be considered suitable for further use.

If you plan to obtain colored cinder blocks, then the recipe is supplemented with colored chalk or brick chips. To increase the strength characteristics of this material, special plasticizers are used. In some cases, they resort to adding gypsum, ash or sawdust.

It is recommended to mix all of the listed components in a special mixer or concrete mixer, however, such equipment usually has a high price. If we are talking about preparing a small amount of the mixture, then it is possible to knead it manually, despite the fact that such a process is considered quite labor-intensive.

Forming methods

Factory molds for preparing cinder blocks are made of reinforced concrete or steel. Such parts can easily withstand the weight of a large volume of solution. As for do-it-yourself molds, they are most often made of wood or steel sheets. Such elements largely play the role of special formwork.

To save on raw materials and free time, molds are mainly assembled without a bottom. You can put them under plain film. Thanks to this method, the entire process of block formation can be significantly simplified. It must be remembered that the forms themselves must be made of perfectly smooth wood parts. Working surface in this case, a concrete base, a table with a flat and smooth tabletop, or a sheet of iron, which also does not have any defects, will protrude.

To create voids, many craftsmen use glass bottles. You should not take plastic containers, as they can be seriously dented. The bottles are filled with water. Otherwise, they will float to the surface of the prepared composition.

Let's take a closer look at how to make a mold for slag blocks:

  • you need to choose sanded boards 14 cm long (the width should be a multiple of this parameter);
  • then, using a hacksaw, you need to separate the segments, which will then play the role of transverse partitions;
  • then you will need to connect the segments with longitudinal elements to form a rectangular frame;
  • Next, you need to cut a sheet of steel or any other material with a smooth surface into separate plates measuring 14x30 cm;
  • in the inner part of the resulting structure, cuts are made that will act as grooves, the width of which is equal to the dimensions of the dividing strips;
  • then the sections responsible for the separation are fixed in the cuts, creating a mold for the production of 3 or more slag blocks.

In order for the resulting container for hardening the solution to serve as long as possible, at the final stage it is recommended to coat both metal and wood structures with oil-based paint. This form is suitable for preparing cinder blocks, the dimensions of which are 14x14x30 cm.

If you need to make elements with other dimensional parameters, That initial values change to other sizes.

How to make a vibrating machine?

You can make slag blocks at home using a special vibrating machine, which you can also make yourself. The main component of such a device is the vibroform for the solution itself. Such a machine is a steel box in which parts with voids (or without them) are fixed. The matrix itself is already a machine. It is allowed to be used by performing some steps manually.

To make a vibrating machine yourself, you need to purchase:

  • welding machine;
  • grinder;
  • vice;
  • tools for carrying out metalwork.

As for materials, you will need:

  • steel sheet 3 mm - 1 sq. m;
  • pipes with a diameter of 75-90 mm - 1 m;
  • 3 mm steel strip – 0.3 m;
  • electric motor with a power of 500-750 W;
  • nuts and bolts.

Let's consider the procedure for carrying out work on the manufacture of a homemade vibrating machine.

  • Measure a standard slag block or record the specific parameters you need.
  • Cut out the side parts of the machine from a sheet of metal. Based on the number of cinder blocks, provide the required number of partitions. As a result, a box is formed with 2 (or more) identical compartments.
  • The bottom wall with a thickness of at least 30 mm must have voids. Based on this parameter, we determine the height of the cylinder limiting the voids.
  • We cut 6 separate pieces of pipe with a length corresponding to the height of the cylinder.

  • In order for the cylinders to acquire a cone-shaped structure, it is permissible to cut them lengthwise to the middle part, compress them using a vice, and then connect them by welding. In this case, the diameter of the elements will decrease by approximately 2-3 mm.
  • The cylinders need to be welded on both sides.
  • Next, these parts should be connected to each other in the form of one row, following the long side of the future cinder block. They must repeat the location of the voids on the factory element. At the edges it is necessary to attach a 30 mm plate with holes for fastening to the eyes.
  • A cut should be made in the center of each matrix compartment and an eye should be welded. This is necessary to ensure the installation of temporary fasteners for void limiters.
  • On the outer transverse wall, 4 bolts are welded under the motor mounting holes.

  • Next, the apron and blades are welded along the edges in the places where loading is carried out.
  • After this, you can proceed to preparing all elements for painting.
  • You can make a press that follows the shape of the mechanism using a plate with holes whose diameter is 3-5 mm larger than the cylinders themselves. The plate should easily fit to a depth of 50-70 mm into the box where the restrictive parts are located.
  • Handles need to be welded to the press.
  • Now you can paint the equipment and fix the vibration motor.

Production technology

There are two ways in which slag blocks are made.

  • The easy way. IN in this case special containers are used, in which the prepared solution acquires the required strength. The blocks dry naturally until the cement is completely set.
  • The hard way. With this manufacturing method, vibration devices are used. In many cases, they turn to elements such as a vibrating table or complement the form with a motor with a vibration function.

Let's get acquainted with the technology of making slag blocks using simple forms.

  • All prepared ingredients in the required proportions are placed in a concrete mixer, after which they are thoroughly mixed.
  • The prepared solution is poured into molds. As for tamping, it is carried out using a hammer - they tap the containers with it so that all the air is removed from the material.
  • If the blocks are planned to be made with voids, then bottles of water are placed in each individual part (usually 2 bottles are enough).

The main difficulty With this method of production, compaction of blocks is used. If air bubbles remain inside the solution, this will have an adverse effect on the quality of the final product.

As for the more complex method of producing cinder blocks, the following work is carried out here:

  • The manufacture of materials in this way should begin by stirring the mixture in a concrete mixer;
  • the resulting solution is sent to the mold and then leveled with a trowel;
  • then the vibrator is started, and the solution itself is kept in the mold for 20-60 seconds;
  • then the equipment must be turned off, the installation is lifted, and then the finished unit is removed.

When producing slag blocks using this technology, special attention should be paid to leveling the solution in corner areas. They must be completed. Otherwise, the geometry of the finished product may be seriously damaged.


Drying is another an important stage production of slag blocks. On himself manufacturing process it usually takes about 2-4 days. Sufficient strength characteristics that allow you to proceed to the use of blocks are usually achieved after 28 days. This is exactly the amount of time needed to obtain high-quality building material suitable for carrying out certain works. Cinder blocks can also dry naturally. As a rule, this process takes place when simple method production of materials (in conventional forms).

To dry cinder blocks, special chambers are often used to prevent cracking during the hardening process. To prevent the blocks from becoming cracked, they must be moistened from time to time. This process is especially relevant if the production process is carried out in hot weather.

It is worth noting that the hardening process of cinder blocks can be significantly accelerated. This effect can be achieved by adding special substances - plasticizers - to the solution. With such additives, the material will not only dry faster, but will also be stronger. Cinder blocks with plasticizers can be removed from the site and stored after 6-8 hours.

  • To make the front side of the cinder blocks more neat and intact, these materials should be placed on a flat rubber base for drying.
  • Never stack blocks on top of each other while they are drying. Otherwise, the materials may turn out to be deformed, and their geometry will cause many problems during construction work.
  • In all cases, drawings of the molds and the slag blocks themselves should first be made. In this way, many difficulties associated with construction processes will be avoided.
  • When preparing the solution, be sure to adhere to the required proportions. The slightest errors can lead to the blocks being too fragile and unsuitable for construction.

  • Before pouring the prepared solution, the molds should be wiped. This will prevent the cinder blocks from sticking to the bottom and walls. For cleaning, diesel fuel, used oil or other similar compounds are most often used.
  • Please note that the rate of hardening of the solution directly depends on its thickness. The thicker the composition, the sooner the blocks will harden.
  • It is recommended to cover the slag blocks with polyethylene during the drying period. The film will be able to protect the material from cracks in hot weather, and will also protect the cinder blocks from getting wet if it suddenly rains.

Expanded clay concrete blocks are a popular building material used for making load-bearing structures. The peculiarity of the production of these blocks is that instead of slag or crushed stone, expanded clay obtained by firing clay is used as a filler.

It is thanks to this component that expanded clay concrete blocks are an excellent insulation material, are environmentally friendly, durable and lightweight.

Stages of manufacturing expanded clay concrete blocks

Formation of the working mixture

First, water is poured into the concrete mixer, then cement is poured, then expanded clay sand is mixed in, after which coarse expanded clay is added. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

Forming and compacting the mixture

Forms are filled with the prepared solution required sizes. In them the mixture is compacted. Excess liquid is squeezed out using a punch.

Pre-drying of concrete products

Blocks are released from forms automatically or manually. Finished products are placed separately from each other for drying. This may take from 6 hours to one day. The stacked products, as they say, “reach” the desired condition within three days.

Moistening blocks

In accordance with technological standards, concrete products are kept for two to three weeks in a slightly moistened environment.

Final week-long drying.

During this time, the cement will acquire brand strength.

If the production of expanded clay concrete blocks is carried out in winter or there are no conditions for complete drying of the products, plasticizing additives are added to the working mixture. They reduce the setting process of concrete to 6-8 hours, provide strength to the blocks, and increase their frost resistance.

Video: production of expanded clay blocks at home.

Equipment for small-scale production

1. Manual stationary vibrating machine

This optimal solution for home block production. A vibrator of an elementary design is attached to the machine body. Through the vibrations it produces, the form is filled. To create voids it can be equipped with removable rods.

2. Mobile highly mechanized machine

Its multi-section forms have up to 6 matrices. Some models are equipped not only with a vibration motor, but also with a compaction press. During the production process, the molds are filled with the mixture, vibration and pressure are applied to the blocks the required form; to dry them, the section is lowered onto the prepared formwork; after this, the machine moves to a new location.

3. Vibrating table

It consists of a metal frame and a vibration motor attached to it. Forms filled with a solution are placed on a metal tray, which is compacted by vibration.

It is quite possible that the niche for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks in your region is almost occupied or it is no longer possible to break into it at all. There's nothing wrong with that. Almost similar equipment is required for the production of aerated concrete and wood concrete blocks.

Equipment for the production of large batches

Vibration pressing machine Sprut-2

  • weighs 140 kg;
  • consists of a matrix with two blocks, a vibration motor (380 V, 550 W), a frame, a pallet, a punch, a pallet remover;
  • produces 600 – 1500 products (390×190×190 mm) per shift.

Automated vibration-pressor complex Condor 1-90-TB

  • in addition to expanded clay blocks, it produces thermal blocks, semi-blocks, cinder blocks, crossbow blocks, as well as facing materials, garden borders, paving stones, bricks;
  • weighs 1.57 tons;
  • has dimensions - 1.2x1.8x2.8 m;
  • consists of a matrix-punch, a brick press with a power of 16.5 kW, a concrete mixer with a volume of 90 l, a belt conveyor, pumping station, bunker, 5 pallets, rack, control panel;
  • produces 750 pieces of blocks (390x190x190mm), 1800 pieces of bricks (250x120x88mm), 50 m2 per shift paving slabs.

Video: concrete block press Condor 1-90-TB

Automated vibration-pressor complex Rifey-Udar

  • designed for the production of wall blocks, curb stones, paving slabs;
  • able to work not only under a canopy, but also in the open air;
  • weighs 4.4 tons;
  • has dimensions: 6400x4900x2600 mm;
  • consists of a brick press with a power of 21.6 kW, a mixer, a dispenser, a pallet supply module, a mixture loader, an electrical cabinet, and an oil station;
  • produces per hour 250 wall blocks (390x190x190 mm), 350 pieces of semi-blocks (390x120x188 mm), 500 pieces of curbs (780x150x300 mm), 200 pieces of curbs (780x80x200 mm), 625 pieces of paving slabs (100x200x70 mm).

How to make a machine for the production of expanded clay blocks yourself?

A machine you create yourself will cost 10 times less than a factory machine. Complete with the simplest homemade installation includes a molding box without a matrix (bottom) and a vibrator placed on the side wall. The removable matrix is ​​prepared manually.

This machine can produce blocks with dimensions of 390x190x188 mm, with a void percentage of no more than 30%. The shape of the voids can be round or rectangular. The void former must be cone-shaped, then the form can be easily removed from the block.

Making a matrix is ​​quite simple:

  • take measurements from the block shape;
  • cut out the corresponding blank from a sheet of metal with a 3-mm
  • take measurements from the block shape;
  • we cut out the appropriate blank from a sheet of metal 3 mm thick (it is advisable to provide a margin of approximately 5 cm for compaction);
  • We make a through box from the blank (without a bottom);
  • We make the welding seam from the outside.

For stability of the machine, you can weld thin profile pipes. Then apply rubber upholstery around the perimeter of the base. And to prevent the solution from spilling, you need to make an edging apron.

You can use a 150 W washing machine electric motor as a vibrator. You just need to achieve a shift in the centers. A metal strip with a side hole - an eccentric (its parameters are determined by experiment) is attached to the shaft.

Making expanded clay concrete blocks at home

  1. Preparation of the solution.
  2. Place the mixture into molds and send it for pressing.
  3. Drying the blocks for a week: storing them in stacks with 2-3 cm of clearance.
  4. Extracting blocks from forms.
  5. Placing products in a warehouse.

Self-production of expanded clay concrete blocks is different high level profitability. For a novice businessman, such production is a great idea.

Construction country houses is very popular. People are increasingly using stone products as building materials. They create an alternative to expensive and less durable wood. Today, when building a private house, you can use not only brick, but also various blocks, which are cheaper.

During construction, you can significantly save money on purchasing ready-made blocks if you start producing them yourself. In addition, after building the house, all the equipment necessary for production will remain, which can be used for a small private business.

Simple block making equipment

Purchase of a machine for producing blocks during construction country house may turn out to be an unaffordable luxury. In this case, it is possible to make blocks outdoors during the spring-summer season, when the temperature reaches above zero. For such production, collapsible structures without a vibration mechanism can be used.

For walls homemade design use wood or sheets of metal. The structure is made taking into account the size of the cells for the blocks, which, according to the standard, are 40−20−20 cm. For the manufacture of semi-hollow products, champagne bottles or metal cylinders are used. Cylinders are manufactured with a diameter of at least 8 cm.

Manufacturing sequence

The process of manufacturing blocks on such equipment is as follows:

  1. Going to finished design from the walls.
  2. Cylinders or bottles are installed inside each compartment.
  3. All internal sides the structures together with the cylinders are treated with oil.
  4. A soft solution is prepared and poured into molds.
  5. A few hours later, the form is disassembled.
  6. The blocks are left outdoors to dry.

More complex model You can make a cinder block mechanism with a vibration device yourself if you have all the components on the farm.

A homemade machine allows you to install required amount molds for block production. When making molds, add about 5 cm in height in order to obtain a high-quality product during the production process with vibration.

To make molds take sheet metal at least 3 millimeters thick. Weld the mold according external parties so that during the production of blocks the products have the correct shape and appearance.

The internal cylinders for producing hollow blocks are made of the same metal as the mold itself, with a diameter of 8 cm. Before each pouring of the solution into the mold should be lubricated with oil to avoid the solution sticking to the walls.

To remove air bubbles from the blocks during the manufacturing process and to uniformly distribute the solution over the shape, the machine is equipped with a vibration mechanism. Electrical engine from an old washing machine with a power of 150 W or more will cope with this task. To do this, you need to attach a bar with a shifted center of gravity to the working shaft. Vibration should be at a medium level. Vibration adjustment must be done manually in order to end up with good quality blocks.

A lifting mechanism is attached to the block mold. You can weld ordinary metal handles on both sides of the mold so as not to waste time on making a complex structure. Lifting mechanism needed to properly release the blocks from the matrix and maintain the original shape.

Types of machines

On initial stage production will require spending a lot of effort searching for affordable raw materials and equipment. Equipment for home production will consist of a machine and a concrete mixer. You can buy a concrete mixer in a hardware store, rent or purchase used goods. Without it, it is very difficult to make a homogeneous consistency from cement, which will affect the quality of the finished products.

A machine for making blocks can be purchased in a store or made with my own hands. Parts for its manufacture, by and large, can be found in every home. Vibrating machines for the production of cinder blocks can be divided into several categories:

  • Manual vibropress.
  • Semi-mechanical vibropress.
  • Vibrating machine with increased power.
  • Auto.

On initial stage production and for subsequent small private production, an automatic model will not be needed.

Among manual vibrating presses you can find a variety of models. The simplest and most affordable models are designed for the production of one block. Small dimensions of the machine allow you to work with it on a minimal area of ​​land. The motor power does not exceed 200 W, but in one hour it allows you to make about 25 units of products.

Light weight - no more than 20 kg - allows you to easily move the device around the territory.

Buy new machine possible for a minimum price of about 5500−8000 rubles. A model with matrices for the production of three different blocks will cost a little more and will cost about 10,000 rubles. If you need to save money, you can purchase a used machine, but please note that in this case there will be no warranty on it.

Making a vibrating machine with your own hands and saving significantly on the purchase of equipment will not be difficult. But as a rule, such models are characterized by low productivity. Such equipment is more suitable for entertainment than for work.

Semi-mechanical machines

Semi-mechanical vibrating presses also used in home production blocks. Their installation and use will require a larger area than in the first case, which is explained by the principle of their operation:

  • The machine is equipped with a lever mechanism and a matrix.
  • The matrix allows you to shoot finished goods from the machine, leaving them on the floor.
  • The machine must be moved to the side, leaving the block blanks on the floor to dry.

You can purchase such devices for 13,000–25,000 rubles. Their cost varies depending on the number of matrices. Accordingly, productivity will vary from 30 to 60 hollow cinder blocks per hour.

Vibrating machines with increased power can be purchased to increase productivity. The operating principle is similar to a semi-mechanical device, but the equipment is more powerful electrically driven allows you to increase product output.

Such machines have a pressure cover, which frees the worker to perform this function manually during the production process. Such a machine weighs about 220 kg, which will require special room with a flat floor. One production cycle designed to produce four blocks.

Such machines operate on a 380 V network and cost from 40 to 60 thousand rubles, depending on the configuration. Such machines make it possible to produce more quality products, in comparison with simple devices.

Semi-automatic concrete block press

The semi-automatic device allows you to produce, depending on the matrix installed on it:

  • Cinder blocks for the construction of house walls.
  • Curbs.
  • Sidewalk tiles.
  • Composite for cladding buildings.

The pressing part is important element machine affecting performance. When purchasing a machine, it is better to pay attention to devices with a reinforced clamping part, which will affect subsequent performance.

Automated devices are stationary machines designed for production. Such devices will cost 400,000 rubles. To use them, you will need a separate area for storing finished blocks and a production room.

Such machines have the following technical characteristics:

With such equipment, the production process is accelerated and simplified at the same time due to the hopper into which the operator pours the finished solution. From the hopper, the solution enters the mold through a dispenser. The device is controlled using a lever remote control.

Such devices make it possible to produce products High Quality with standard characteristics. In this case, all operator errors are minimized and rarely affect the quality of the product.

This machine can be used for small and medium-sized businesses. To work on one machine at the same time it is necessary to use at least three people. The operator must constantly monitor the production of blocks. Workers need to remove semi-finished products from under the press and take them out to dry.