Homemade sawmill with your own hands drawings. Do-it-yourself logosol video drawings

Band sawmills are quite often used in small farms and private houses for wood processing, and in considerable quantities. This is a simple and reliable tool (with a competent approach to its creation), which will cost much less than the purchased option. For a homemade woodworking structure to work truly effectively, you should have an idea of ​​how to properly make it yourself. More on this below.

  1. The first step is to prepare the bed (fixed part). To create it, two channels/rails are suitable). When using rails, you must install them so that the sole is at the top. If a channel is used, its height should be at least 14 cm and its length should be about 8 m.
  2. It is necessary to make holes along the entire length of the frame in increments of about 1.5 m.
  3. The channels are pulled together using pipes about 25 cm long. Bolts or threaded rods are suitable as fasteners.
  4. The next step is the racks on which the finished structure will be installed. Their number directly depends on the length and complexity of the structure. So, for a standard 8-meter sawmill, 4 racks will be quite enough.
  5. To add rigidity to the sawmill, braces are added to the structure.
  6. The last stage is assembling the mobile cart. Its dimensions directly depend on the width of the bed. It is important that the trolley protrudes slightly beyond the frame on both sides.

To improve the efficiency of the sawmill belt type, you should follow a few simple but effective rules:

  • The structure should be created taking into account the future load and, therefore, it must be stable and strong enough.
  • Since the assembled sawmill is very massive and has considerable weight, its assembly should be carried out directly in the place where it will be used for its intended purpose.
  • Keep in mind that a homemade sawmill “scatters” wood chips, so it will require an additional structure or you will have to constantly remove debris after the work process.
  • Before using the sawmill, the saw should be carefully sharpened and the teeth should be set apart.
  • The optimal engine for starting a sawmill is a gasoline engine. You can use a chainsaw, and its blade will be suitable as a tape for a future woodworking structure.
  • For more efficient work When using woodworking tools, spacers/plates should be used. The gaskets must be 0.5 cm thicker than the channel.

These are all the nuances that should be taken into account in order to create a reliable and efficient band sawmill. Be attentive to details and careful in your work. Good luck!

How to make a band sawmill: video

Owners of individual plots often have to work with “wood”, since a good owner will always find something to do in his yard. In fact, the process of construction or repair (restoration) continues endlessly: either to update the fence, or to redo the extension. Wood in the private sector is the most popular material due to ease of processing and reasonable price.

It is much more convenient to purchase blanks from logs, and then “unravel” them on the spot as needed - into boards or beams, into thin or thick samples. Moreover, this saves quite a lot of time. After all, you can’t provide for everything, and every time going to the building materials market for 2–3 boards, slats, or whatever is quite troublesome.

There is a large assortment of compact sawmills on sale, which, when used in the private sector, eliminate many problems. They are easy to use, have sufficient wood processing capabilities and do not take up much space. But if you look at their price, it becomes clear that these units will pay for themselves only if the production of blanks is put on stream.

For example, for a Taiga sawmill, depending on the model, you will have to pay from 112 to 165 thousand rubles. The cost of “Cedar” models starts from 135,000 rubles. Even mini devices cost from 90,000.

It is clear that if such equipment is needed only for occasional use, then it is advisable to make it yourself. But there are some things to consider.

Difficulties of “handicraft” production

  • Installation of the structure. You will have to use welding (availability), and power tools, and a milling machine.
  • The sawmill must be very stable, since it will have to withstand a large load, and in dynamics, since the weight of the logs can reach 300 kg.
  • Correct sharpening and routing of the working part (saw).
  • Selecting an option for manufacturing a mechanism for regulating the thickness of “manufactured” products.
  • Ensuring safe operation.

Band sawmills are most suitable for cutting boards.

There are several methods for manufacturing such units, and both electric and gasoline engines can be used as the “driving force”. Give a specific example homemade design indicating exact dimensions there is no point in details, since each owner is guided by both the “scale” of such production and the availability of free space. But if you know the structure, operating principle and manufacturing technology of a band sawmill, then it is quite possible to make it yourself.

Manufacturing procedure

1. Choosing a room. For ease of working with logs, practitioners recommend selecting a workshop area of ​​at least 18 m2 (usually 6 x 3 m).

2. The saw itself will remain stationary during operation. The log that needs to be “dissolved” is placed on a special movable frame (trolley), which is moved manually. Therefore, you should first provide for the installation of a metal frame to secure the saw. “Rails” from the corner are laid under it, along which the trolley with the workpiece is moved.

Sawing is done in a horizontal plane. You need to think about how to change the height of the saw during the process of “dissolving” the logs into boards. To do this, the frame is equipped with a special mechanism that works on the principle of a clamp (“running” screw or something similar).

3. We make the base (bed). Depending on the expected size of the wood being processed, you can use a metal corner or more powerful blanks - an I-beam, a channel. It is necessary to ensure rigid fixation of this frame at the installation site, since during the production process it will be subject to increased dynamic loads.

Particular attention should be paid to the evenness and horizontality of the upper beams - guides. The distance between them must exceed the diameter of the big log, with which it is supposed to work, approximately 50 - 70 cm. Regardless of the thickness of the workpiece, it must be securely fixed on the trolley.

4. Attaching the wheels to its lower part.

These are the main stages of work on the manufacture of a sawmill that will have to be encountered during its installation.

Before you make such a mechanism with your own hands, you need to take into account that “handicraft” sawmills also have significant disadvantages:

  • Difficulty setting up. Moreover, adjustments will have to be carried out constantly.
  • Quite a large cutting width, hence an increased percentage of waste.
  • In addition, the radius of their scattering will be quite large, so difficulties arise in organizing precisely “compact” work.
  • Limited equipment capabilities both in terms of workpiece sizes and the time of continuous operation of the mechanisms.

Most residents of the suburban area are familiar with the need to use various woodworking equipment, which is often used for domestic purposes in personal plot. The modern market for hand-held and stationary construction tools is replete with various models of wood processing devices, the most popular of which include the sawmill. Moreover, such equipment is divided into bus, disk, frame and belt type devices, depending on the method of sawing wood used.

What is a tire sawmill used for?

Wood has been used by humans for a long time. different breeds for the manufacture of structures and items used in everyday life. At the same time, people constantly tried to improve woodworking equipment with their own hands. Hand saw , which not so long ago was considered the only mechanism for sawing wood at home, is slowly but surely losing its position, giving way to machines running on electricity or liquid fuel, which greatly simplify human labor.

No construction is complete without significant financial costs associated with wood processing: sawing boards, building truss structures or the manufacture of furniture. Naturally, all these items can be purchased at any retail chain, but this is not always justified from a financial point of view. A person who is used to doing everything with his own hands will be able to assemble a tire sawmill– a machine with which you can make any gazebo, wooden shed or a garage box, a bathhouse or a log house and many other wood structures.

The main purpose of the self-made sawmill is high-quality sawing of logs in the longitudinal direction for the production of unedged and edged boards, slats, carriages and other lumber used in construction. Homemade tire sawmills were developed for the production of small quantities of wooden construction blanks non-standard sizes and processing of different types of wood.

Installation of sawing equipment for the busbar structure does not require much space, which allows it to be used on small area land. Naturally, such a sawmill will not be able to fully replace the rounded machine or a cutter, but it is quite suitable for cutting timber and making boards yourself. Today, there are stationary equipment powered by electricity and sawmills, which can be moved using a gasoline engine, which is very convenient when harvesting lumber in the forest.

Designs and types of tire sawmills

Today, you can consider two types of tire sawmills that you can actually make with your own hands:

  • with the movement of the working unit relative to the wood being processed;
  • with a longitudinal method of feeding wooden blanks.

At the same time, it is impossible to single out any model that will be the best, since both types of sawing equipment have both advantages and disadvantages. Thus, when moving the working unit along a log, a person has the opportunity to control the efforts made, thereby ensuring uniform movement and sawing wood at high speeds.

When feeding the log towards the sawing mechanism, cutting control becomes much more difficult. It is enough to push the tree slightly harder and this will immediately lead to a sharp increase in the load on the bar and chain. This may cause the chain to jam or the motor to overheat. But in such a mechanism there are no additional wires that move behind the main unit. Naturally, the final choice of sawmill design for making it yourself depends on the individual preferences of each person.

But regardless of the chosen design, you need to worry about the construction quality basis, which will reduce vibration. Most often, metal channels or rails are used for the base of a homemade tire-type sawmill. Bottom part The frame is equipped with wheels to ensure free movement of the sawmill or the processed wooden workpiece.

Making a sawmill with your own hands

Before moving on to the assembly process, you need to worry about the availability materials and tools from the following list:

For the manufacture of tire sawmill Do-it-yourself parts from a standard chainsaw are used. The working part consists of tires, electric motor and clutch system, which are placed in a separate housing.

Stages of assembling the sawing mechanism

By assembling a tire-type sawmill on your own, a person will receive an indispensable assistant for solving everyday problems. At the same time, for her self-assembly exists a certain sequence of events.

When doing DIY work, you need to pay close attention pay attention to engine mounting, which will vibrate strongly during operation. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that the frame for it has sufficient rigidity.

Installation of the structure on the base

After assembling the working unit, you need it fasten to metal frame , the manufacture of which with your own hands consists of simple steps.

  1. Two blanks are welded from durable steel tubes, shaped like the letter “P”. The upper parts of the resulting blanks are fixed to each other by electric welding or bolts.
  2. Four pipes placed vertically are welded in the center of the frame. On each element outside several small depressions are made at a distance of 20 mm relative to each other to a depth of up to half the diameter of the tube.
  3. Four tubes are also welded on the working unit, internal section which must correspond to the outer diameter of the pipes located on the base. The placement of elements must be done in such a way that the pipes on the working unit fit onto the tubes of the supporting base.

This design is necessary to ensure free movement of the sawing unit in a vertical position. Fixing the worker node in the required vertical position is ensured using bolts.

Stationary design of the bus sawmill

Sometimes a homemade sawing device is placed on concrete base. Thanks to this, it is possible to ensure constant horizontality, but at the same time significantly slow down the process of sawing logs. To increase the convenience and efficiency of a tire sawmill, you can additionally install an intermediate transmission mechanism – a clutch – with your own hands.

This will require between the drive gear and the electric motor. install belt type transmission. Pulleys are mounted on the gear and shaft of the electric motor, onto which the belts will be tensioned. Special rollers are used to press the belt product. To make the work easier, you can borrow a ready-made design from a walk-behind tractor.

Having become familiar with the design and operating principle of a tire sawmill, anyone can assemble such a woodworking machine with their own hands. Such a sawing device qualitatively dissolves logs into boards of any thickness with sufficient high accuracy. If a person plans to start harvesting lumber or simply has to a large number of construction work associated with a tree, then independent manufacturing sawing machine tire type will save a lot of time, effort and money when processing logs, boards and other wooden products.

A sawmill is a useful piece of equipment designed for cutting wood. In private households, it can be used to produce timber and boards of different sections. If desired and if there are sufficient financial resources it can be purchased without any problems at a specialized store. However, lack of money often prevents such a purchase, and a homemade circular sawmill is an excellent alternative.

The device and its varieties

Disc sawmills are used when it is necessary to saw a wood trunk along its grain. The source of energy for the operation of the machine is electricity.

The main components of the equipment are frame, circular saws, mobile carriage, electric motors:

Sawmills are divided not only into two types. There are many other machine design options. For example, there is one that operates not from one, but from two motors: one is responsible for rotating the saw, and the other is responsible for moving the carriage. Regardless of what variety a particular sawmill belongs to, it will be sold at a high price. That is why many people who want to purchase such equipment, upon seeing the price tag, refuse to purchase.

Refusing to purchase does not mean giving up the desire to have this wonderful woodworking tool at your disposal. You can make it yourself, the main thing is to approach the creation process with all seriousness and responsibility.

Creation of a sawmill

For creating disk sawmill with your own hands at home, it is not necessary to resort to complex drawings and diagrams. If the sawmill is needed only for one time, it is better to make the structure as simple as possible, eliminating all its components that are not particularly important. In addition, equipment created according to a simplified design is safer.

The creation of a sawmill takes place in three stages:

  1. Manufacturing of the supporting frame frame.
  2. Creation of the feed part.
  3. Manufacturing of cutting tools.

So, having decided to make a sawmill with your own hands, first of all, you need to purchase the materials and tools that will be required for this. Concerning necessary tools, then they are all ordinary. You won’t have to look for any exotic, hard-to-find devices. And even more so, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to purchase them.

The main element of the sawmill is the electric motor, so you need to take care of purchasing it first. To make the remaining parts of the equipment, you will need metal plates, fasteners, boards, wooden or metal construction sawhorses. You can buy all this at any hardware store.

As soon as all the tools and basic elements of the future sawmill have been prepared, you should decide what type of equipment will be manufactured.

Assembly instructions

The simplest option is a design consisting of a table, a motor and a shaft with a saw. To create such equipment, you first need to make a frame. To do this, the goats are connected by disks.

The table surface is made of metal plates about 1 mm thick and about 24 cm wide. The plates are connected using screws and jumpers, then they are fixed on a wooden base.

To connect all the parts of the sawmill you will need fasteners such as screws and nuts. Small gaps should be maintained between the plates. After the plates are secured, a groove should be made at the base of the barrel. It should be in a place where the saw blade will not touch its walls.

The saw blade itself can be purchased ready-made or made with your own hands. Please remember: it must have a radius of at least 23 cm.

Disc manufacturing and balancing

The sawmill is high-risk equipment. During production circular saw Safety precautions must be observed: rotating parts must be covered.

For self-made The disk will need either a steel or duralumin blank with a diameter of about 45 cm and a thickness of 0.3 cm. To turn this blank into a saw, you just need to make just a couple of teeth on it. You can do more, but two will be enough for the tool to cope with any tree.

Cutters can be created from metal plates. When they are ready, all that remains is to attach them to the disk by welding.

After you have made your own homemade circular sawmill, you will need to balance it in order to improve the quality of the cut. The cutting element is fixed to the shaft. You can grind it on lathe, and although careful balancing is not necessary, the blade should not be allowed to come into contact with the walls of the cut. The saw will work well with the cutters at an angle of about 30 degrees, and the back angle should be 15 degrees.

Making a sawmill is a simple process that requires only small financial investments for purchase necessary components. In general, a homemade saw will cost much less than a machine purchased ready-made.

The chain sawmill is an indispensable assistant for any builder. Not a single serious repair can be done without it. This tool is especially relevant for those who live in the private sector and often face construction and repair problems.

What is a chain sawmill?

The operating principle of a chain sawmill in to a certain extent resembles a band machine: the log being cut is firmly fixed, while the cutting is carried out by a saw. The saw is attached to a moving carriage. The only difference between chain and band sawmills is that in this option only chain Saw, not tape.

The main disadvantage of a chain sawmill is its lower productivity and efficiency compared to band machines. Despite such disadvantages, people use such machines precisely because of their high cost and convenience, but real craftsmen create chain sawmills with your own hands. Some people want to save money, while others simply want to make a machine that fully satisfies all the individual wishes of the master.

DIY chain sawmill

What do you need to create a chain sawmill with your own hands? First, you should look at the drawings of a chain sawmill on the Internet. The drawings vary, but any such sawmill consists of a chainsaw, a steel frame and rail guides.

In order to create a chain sawmill, you need to firmly attach a metal frame to the saw bar. The gap between the chain and the frame will be equal to the thickness of the resulting lumber. For this reason, you need to decide in advance what kind of lumber you need. By the way, if you make the distance between the chain and the frame larger, you can create not only boards, but also beams.

An excellent frame will be made from two steel channels, 8 meters long and 0.14 meters high. In addition, you can use rails or metal corners. You need blanks of a perfectly straight shape. Along the entire length of the channels you need to make holes with a diameter of 14-16 millimeters at a distance of up to 1.5 meters.

According to the number of these holes, you need to make from segments water pipe special couplers. All parts are attached using threaded rods or bolts.

After this, you need to assemble all the components of the chain sawmill into a single device and install it on racks. The number of racks depends on the dimensions of the frame. The very last posts should be no more than 1 meter from the end of the rails.

To give greater rigidity, you need to fix the braces.

After this, the movable trolley is mounted. It can be created from a steel plate with a thickness of 4 to 6 millimeters and a length of approximately 0.6 meters. The size of the trolley depends on the dimensions of the electric motor.

Next, you can begin selecting gaskets and clamping plates for the trolley. The elements must ensure free movement of the mechanism. At the same time, the gap should be minimal. The gaskets should be tightened using bolts.

It is imperative to eliminate the transverse play by installing a thrust angle to the base of the trolley. The trolley can be placed on bearings or rollers. Please note that you should use new bearings; used ones are definitely not suitable.

The chain needs to be tensioned as much as possible. The steering wheel is mounted on one of the side sprocket bushings located along the perimeter of the guides.

In order to create a fixing device for a log, you need to take pipes with a diameter of 3 - 4 centimeters, insert movable rods into them, which fit into the stopper at the required height with an M8 screw.

Pressing parts, the length of which is at least 1.5 cm, as well as cam clamps, are attached to the top of the rods.

After this, you can install an electric motor and a saw, the diameter of which is 1 meter. Choosing a chainsaw for a home sawmill is also not an unimportant process. The chainsaw must have high power and high efficiency indicators. In addition, its chain must be well sharpened. Making a chain sawmill with your own hands is not difficult. But remember that in addition to creating the device, it is important to guarantee safe operation.

This is how “home” chain sawmills are created. A video of the manufacturing process of such a sawmill is presented below.

Safety at work

Having high productivity, sawmills are sources of increased industrial injuries. Many people have heard horror stories about “he turned his head away, but his finger was no longer on his hand.” Similar stories many and they are all real.

Most reliable method reducing the number of injuries and accidents when using such equipment - scrupulous compliance with all safety regulations. Before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the operating principles and operating instructions of such a device, as well as with the fire safety rules.

The highest level of safety is achieved when the sawmill is equipped with a reverse feed system due to its design.

Chain sawmills, video