Sawing machine from a jigsaw. How to make a jigsaw machine with your own hands? Advantages and disadvantages - we continue to modify

Era electric tool came not with the first electric drills, but when the electric motor became an attribute of a tool with a narrower focus: scissors, hacksaws, impact wrenches and, of course, jigsaws.

Moreover, the jigsaw became one of the first in this series. Today it is one of the most popular tools in the home (and not only) workshop. And first of all, we're talking about about hand tools.

But in this article we are considering jigsaw machines, and these are practically stationary devices that often have their own specific place in the workshop, because for comfortable work they require a base with given parameters: height, so that the hand placed on the work table has a bend at the elbow of 90º and stability to dampen vibrations of the machine itself.

What are jigsaws used for?

Jigsaw machines are primarily designed for cutting out parts or elements of complex configurations in sheet materials: wood, plywood, MDF, fiberboard, chipboard, plastic, aluminum. They are also used to cut out the internal contours of products with preliminary drilling of the sawn material.

Such a tool, unlike manual or electric jigsaws, leaves both hands free for the person working on it, which greatly facilitates the work and allows it to be performed with the greatest accuracy. Most jigsaws, provided correct selection and the installation of nail files, allow sawing even in fairly thick workpieces, with strict adherence to an angle of 90º relative to the plane of the workpiece.

Also, many models have an inclined table, which makes it possible to perform complex patterns at strictly specified angles other than straight, which is almost impossible when using manual or electric jigsaws.

Except home use, they are widely used in furniture production and manufacturing enterprises musical instruments. True, quite often they are replaced by laser machines, but the burnt edges left by the latter do not make their use widespread.

General drawing, structural features of desktop jigsaw machines

The most common layout of jigsaw machines is as follows:

It includes:

  • a frame (or body) on which all components and mechanisms are mounted;
  • drive, often from an electric motor via a V-belt to a crank;
  • a crank mechanism that converts the rotational motion of the electric motor shaft into the reciprocating motion of the saw;
  • double rocker with tensioning device and fastenings for saw blades;
  • desktop, sometimes with a mechanism for rotating in the horizontal plane at a given angle.

Previously, miniature jigsaw machines with a somewhat simplified design were on sale, but it was precisely because of this, which led to the rapid failure of the files due to their short stroke, that their production was discontinued.

Most currently produced desktop jigsaw machines work with files 200–350 mm long and have a working stroke of 30 to 50 mm.

The differences between the machines mainly consist in the power of the electric drive (from 90 to 500 W for most models), as well as the type and methods of attaching the files. The optimal power, in our opinion, is 150 W.

And files, in addition to length, can vary in width (from 2 to 10 mm), type of shanks (with or without pins) and thickness (from 0.6 to 1.25 mm).

Some models can be equipped with the simplest, often called “Soviet”, saw blades for manual jigsaws, which is a big advantage. To implement just this opportunity, owners of jigsaw machines that do not have it often improve the fastenings of their devices by installing clamps on them from hand jigsaw.

Most desktop jigsaw machines have 2 speed modes: most often 600 and 1000 rpm, which is very useful when working with materials of different thickness, hardness and viscosity. The presence of the already mentioned turntable for 99% of the work performed on the machine, the function is useless.

Also, most jigsaw machines are equipped with additional accessories, such as:

  • compressor for blowing chips from the cutting line;
  • lighting of the sawing area;
  • drilling block, etc.

These devices cannot be called useless, but it is still not worth relying on their presence when choosing a tabletop jigsaw machine, since these same functions can be successfully performed by:

  • a compressor for an aquarium, with a blowing power selected by you, often more efficient than the standard one;
  • a table lamp or carrier with a light output that is comfortable for your eyes;
  • electric drill or screwdriver.

Even more complex devices, such as engraving drills, which can be equipped with your machine, generally cause some confusion, but let’s say right away that it is better to have such tools not tied to a jigsaw (or any other) machine. Their mobility is often more expensive than the advanced functionality of this very machine. In addition, all this is far from free.

Choosing a jigsaw manufacturer

Most often, Russian consumers choose jigsaw machines from Proxxon, Dewalt, Hegner, Xendoll, Zubr, JET, Enkor Corvette and Croton. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Based on reliability and compliance with the characteristics declared by the manufacturer, we would highlight the machines German company Hegner. And their line of this equipment is longer than many others, but be sure to insist on sea trials when purchasing, regardless of which company’s machine you are planning to buy.

And even if it is possible to choose from 2 identical machines, demand that both are turned on. Buy one that has less operating noise and vibration.

DIY jigsaw machine

Finding a drawing of such equipment on the Internet is a rather trivial task, but we do not consider it advisable to single out any specific one from them, due to completely different approaches to implementation, both the very idea of ​​​​building such a machine, and the selection of materials, type of drive, etc. We will offer several concepts for a homemade jigsaw and briefly analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each so that you can figure out what is best for you.

  • First: the easiest to implement, suitable for performing most tasks in the manufacture of parts with a rather complex contour at home.

There are many options for attaching a manual jigsaw to the tabletop that serves as the machine’s work table. Choose any, or offer your own and share with the readers of our site, for which we will be grateful.

The video also shows techniques for making a complex contour using a not-so-thin file. And the main disadvantage of this design is the impossibility of using thin files, which makes it difficult to manufacture openwork parts.

  • Second: wooden. It is interesting due to the fact that the material is accessible, easy to process and repair.

In our opinion, the interesting thing about it is the use of the same manual jigsaw, which is rational for two reasons:

  • if necessary, it can also be used as independent instrument, as it was made;
  • the drive has built-in speed control, oscillation amplitude, and eliminates additional mechanisms that reduce the reliability of the design.

However, for those who like to tinker, there is alternative options manufacturing a wooden jigsaw machine.

When using a drill or screwdriver with an adjustable speed of rotation of the output shaft as a drive, it will also be possible to smoothly regulate the frequency of movement of the saw.

Moreover, control of this process can be transferred to the pedal using a simple device, which will make the work even more comfortable and the cutting more precise. Such jigsaw machines need to be well strengthened with braces and stringers and securely fastened to the floor so that they do not move during operation.

  • Third: metal. There is no doubt that this particular concept is the most reliable and durable (subject to the exception serious mistakes during manufacture), but also the most expensive. It makes sense to implement it if there is a large amount of work and you manage to save a sufficient amount by using the materials you already have. Otherwise, there is not much point in making such structures with your own hands, given that inexpensive factory-made jigsaw machines can be purchased for less than 4 thousand rubles.

Of course, the latter does not matter if you are interested in the process of technical creativity itself.

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A tabletop jigsaw is an indispensable item for any owner who is used to doing household work on his own. Electric jigsaws are especially good for residents of the private sector, hobbyists manual labor and country holidays. The desktop electric model has gone quite far from its prototype, an ordinary manual jigsaw. A desktop jigsaw makes it easier and faster to cut out, not to mention improving quality.

Concept of a tabletop jigsaw

A jigsaw is a saw that is characterized by reciprocating movements saw blade, acting as a working body. It has a ski designed to guide the saw blade when moving along the surface that is being processed, and makes movements at a frequency of up to 3000 vibrations per minute.

This instrument was invented in 1946. Its creator is Albert Kaufman, who replaced the needle in a sewing machine with a blade. The instrument went on sale already in 1947. A manual jigsaw has a body with a flat platform and a handle. The main difference between an electric jigsaw and a manual one is its greater functionality and cutting quality.

Located inside Electrical engine and a special mechanism that drives the blade. IN stationary jigsaws there is no handle, and the platform is located on top. At the front of the mechanism there is a guide, at the bottom there is a retractable blade that moves and makes cuts.

The tool works in the following way: file for table jigsaw securely fastened with clamps in the slide. The reciprocating movements have a frequency of up to 3000 strokes and can be adjusted. The support platform allows the jigsaw to focus on the part being cut, so the work is carried out very accurately.

The purpose of a desktop jigsaw

A jigsaw is an integral part of every workshop and every hobbyist. Its thin file can successfully cut plywood, copper, iron, thick boards, brass, and steel. The tools come with motor, foot or hand drive and are more productive. An electric jigsaw is simply indispensable for carpenters, wood workers, furniture decorators, and drywall workers who produce complex parts.

An electric jigsaw can make straight and curved cuts on workpieces with complex shapes and various sheet materials without disturbing the external contour. Most often, tabletop jigsaws are used for cutting wood and wooden boards, figures with complex outlines made of laminate and plasterboard, plastic blanks, and also for cutting sheet metal.

Desktop electric jigsaw makes clean cuts of complex shapes and works with small
details. Due to the stable and fixed position during operation, it is achieved high accuracy cutting The file has a stable motion thanks to the tension system and guides, which manual jigsaws lack. Big size the table makes it stable, so the precisely specified sawing direction is maintained.

Types of jigsaws

Today, the power tool market offers a wide variety of jigsaws, which differ in the nature of application, technical characteristics, type of power supply and design features. In construction stores you can buy a tabletop jigsaw for every taste and budget.

It is difficult to classify by design features, because each manufacturing company strives to provide its products with features that are designed to facilitate and improve the operation of the tool. In this regard, the shape of the handle is a significant parameter.

There are two established types of handles - mushroom-shaped and D-shaped. A jigsaw with a staple handle requires one-handed operation. This increases the possibilities of using a jigsaw, but has a somewhat negative effect on the quality of cutting the material.

Mushroom-shaped handles allow for more accurate cuts when holding the jigsaw with both hands, having previously secured the workpiece to be cut. The choice of a jigsaw with a specific handle shape depends on the financial capabilities and personal preferences of the buyer. You should choose the jigsaw that will be more convenient to work with.

Household jigsaws are not intended for intensive use, but the low price of a desktop jigsaw and the power that is enough for household needs make them indispensable in household.

Professional jigsaws are characterized by high wear resistance and the possibility of daily long-term (up to 8 hours) use. The significant power of such jigsaws allows processing of materials of large thickness. Expanded equipment and improved characteristics are reflected in the price.

Among professional jigsaws, industrial jigsaws also stand out, which are characterized by greater adaptability to complex operations and drive features - for example, increased power supply voltage. Industrial models are machines that are designed for the woodworking industry.

Depending on the type of power supply, there are mains and cordless jigsaws. Network models are powered from a power supply network with standard voltage. If productivity is important to you, then you should choose a corded power tool.

Cordless jigsaws provide independence from the presence of sockets and greater mobility during operation. When purchasing a battery model, you should pay attention to the type of battery. Elevated performance characteristics inherent in lithium-ion batteries. The battery capacity is responsible for the duration of operation without recharging.

Advantages of desktop jigsaws

A tabletop electric jigsaw is a stationary structure, so this type of cutting tool has many advantages. Modern models can work with wooden materials 40-50 millimeters thick. The working body is a narrow saw, which makes vertical translational and reciprocal movements. Due to the peculiarities of the notching of the teeth and the mechanics of the movements of the saw, the material is cut out by moving upward.

A tabletop jigsaw allows you to cut out complex decorative details, make longitudinal, straight, inclined and transverse cuts. Wide table top allows you to process large parts and make cuts inside wide workpieces. Secure fastening protects the housing from unnecessary vibrations and allows the material to be well positioned, so the motor can operate without overload.

The advantages of desktop jigsaws include good accuracy and clarity of cuts, high safety and ease of use, ample opportunities settings depending on the material and the required part of the cut workpieces.

If you need to cut out parts small size, a manual jigsaw will not be very convenient. It is quite heavy, so you will have to hold it with one hand and guide the workpiece with the other. A table jigsaw does not have this drawback. Perhaps the inconveniences are too big sizes and the difficulty of working with large parts.

A tabletop jigsaw is a kind of mini-machine for cutting workpieces. If you purchase a jigsaw in a store, most likely it will provide the ability to select power and adjust the frequency of saw strokes. However, you can make a simple homemade tabletop jigsaw, and very quickly. You will need a hand jigsaw, a few screws, a piece of plywood small sizes and only an hour of work.

Making a tabletop jigsaw

A carefully made jigsaw will be little inferior to one made in a factory, and in some respects even superior to it. Assembling such a jigsaw is not difficult if you have necessary materials. Next we will describe simple diagram such manipulations.

The design of the jigsaw includes the following components: handle, switch button, insulating washer, power cord, frame, heating filament, screw clamp and earring. First you need to make a frame. You will need a duralumin pipe with an outer diameter of up to twelve millimeters.

You can also use textolite with a thickness of at least ten millimeters or thick plywood for the base. But keep in mind that the lighter the frame, the more convenient the jigsaw will be to use. Be sure to provide a channel so that you can lay the power cord later. Most best shape a frame is one whose sides are tilted 45 degrees.

Next you need to make an earring. It is made of copper sheet one millimeter thick. After this, it is attached with screws to the frame where it connects to the handle. This way the screw, wing nut and shackle will form a clamp in which the heating filament can be secured. The thickness of the duralumin sheet should be up to 0.8 millimeters. It is necessary to make pressing cheeks from it, between which there is a switch button.

After this, you need to cut a gap in the plywood that the saw can fit through. It can be done using a drill. To do this, you need to drill holes along the marking line and smooth out the transitions. Instead of plywood, you can use plastic, metal, plexiglass and others. Next, you place and drill mounting holes on the plywood and jigsaw base plate.

Then you need to secure the jigsaw with screws to the plywood base so that the file can pass through the gap. You attach the structure to the table using a clamp so that the file is pointing upward. You can also secure the platform in any way possible.
The jigsaw file remains a regular one, but the possibilities for good cutting are expanded by freeing up your hands.

You can use a nichrome spiral from any household heating device (iron, for example) as a heating filament. It must be secured with tension between the ends of the frame bends. In order for the thread to heat up, you need to apply a tension of about 14 V. To control the operating mode, you can use a rheostat.

The current is determined by the thickness and length of the nichrome thread. Using a rheostat, you can set the optimal current strength (no more than 3-5 A), which will affect the temperature to which the filament is heated. Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the current strength. But keep in mind that if the force is too high, the cut material may be caught in the flame, but if it is insufficient, it will not be taken. A self-made desktop jigsaw will allow you to cut out shapes with complex contours from various types materials.

Rules for using a desktop jigsaw

When working with table jigsaw You must adhere to some rules:

  1. When cutting, do not press too hard on the tool, otherwise it will best case scenario the needle will break, at worst, you will ruin the work.
  2. Replace saw blades from time to time. An old saw can damage and destroy the surface of the material.
  3. If you work with organic glass and non-ferrous alloys, the surface of the product must be moistened with water. This operation will speed up the process and extend the life of the saw.
  4. If you are cutting a surface with a thickness of less than one millimeter, place a sheet of wood or plywood under the material being processed.
  5. Before cutting, it is necessary to secure the material. It is better not to make long cuts by hand; the line may turn out to be crooked.
  6. For cutting different materials appropriate blades are required, with a special pitch and length.
  7. Rotate the tool by turning only the back of the tool.
  8. When cutting laminate, tape is applied to the cut line, which protects the material from chipping.
  9. If there is a need for curved cuts, set the jigsaw pendulum to minimum.

If you have not yet fully understood how to make a tabletop jigsaw, watch a video about this procedure. This tool allows you to cut complex parts from wood and other materials, make longitudinal, inclined, straight and transverse cuts. Using a jigsaw you can process large parts, wide workpieces and small items, which is not superfluous at home.

Desktop jigsaw machine will be useful to every craftsman who cuts out thin parts. However, it is not always possible and meaningful to purchase a full-fledged machine. In that case, get down to business and make it yourself!

The structure of a jigsaw machine - what lies inside?

Jigsaw machines belong more to special tools than to devices that are needed as to an experienced master, and for the amateur who manages the garage. Their purpose comes down to a special task, namely cutting out complex curved contours from sheet materials. A special feature of such machines is the execution of cuts without violating the integrity of the external contour. Most often, sawing occurs on wood and derivative materials (plywood, chipboard, fiberboard), although modern machines equipped with appropriate saws can also work with other materials, for example, plastic or plasterboard.

Such equipment has found application in the music industry (making musical instruments) and, of course, in the furniture industry. Those who like to make things in their own workshop also buy such units. The structure of a traditional jigsaw machine, designed according to all the rules, looks like this: working surface, on which the saw is mounted, hides the drive (electric motor) and the crank structure underneath. The tension mechanism can be located either below or above the machine.

To process a part, it must be placed on the workbench. Many models have the ability to rotate it under different angles to make bevel cuts. Stops and guides on the surface, as well as swivel mechanism may have markings, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the work. The length of the cut depends on the length of the work table - most models are limited to 30-40 cm. Electric motor power is an important, but still far from the most fundamental factor, since the machine has a huge reserve of unclaimed power. For example, for a home workshop or even small production An “engine” of only 150 W is enough.

The crank mechanism is much more important detail, because in in this case It is on this that the quality of transmission of the drive’s torque into the translational and reciprocal motion, directed in the vertical plane by means of a saw, depends.

Standard jigsaw machines are considered to be devices with an amplitude of movement of around 3-5 cm and a vibration frequency of up to 1000 per minute. Many models provide a change in speed mode for different materials. The jigsaw itself is usually made up to 35 cm long and is capable of sawing material up to 10 cm thick. The width of the files can vary in a fairly wide range - from very thin two-millimeter to coarser ten-millimeter, with a thickness from 0.6 mm to 1.25 mm.

Even the thickest and widest file will easily break if you do not provide sufficient tension along the entire length of the file. Leaf and coil springs are used for this. Quite often, such machines are equipped with an air pump, which cleans the cut from sawdust by blowing it, as well as a drilling unit. The latter device is especially useful, because in this case the master does not need to be distracted by connecting electric drill and drilling a hole - everything happens on the working plane of the machine. Of course, you have to pay for convenience!

How to make a jigsaw with your own hands from a manual jigsaw?

On the Internet you will find many different designs homemade machines, but most of them come down to repurposing into this device. By using your ingenuity and watching the video, you can easily make a homemade jigsaw from this tool. The jigsaw only needs a little modification. In fact, it plays the role of a machine drive and a crank mechanism, but the rest needs to be thought out and implemented.

Of course, manufacturers are trying to please consumers in this area as well, offering their own platform options for fast and convenient rework, however, in reality only you can make a device that suits your needs. So, the first step is to make a support table, for which they most often use sheet metal. You need to make a beveled oblong hole in it for the saw blade and holes for fasteners (countersunk screws are recommended), and attach the jigsaw to the bottom of the support table.

This structure can only be strengthened wooden table. You can go beyond this and install guide rails. The convenience of such a device lies in the fact that in addition to performing functions that are not entirely inherent to it, you can always disconnect the drive and with a slight movement of your hand turn it back into a manual jigsaw! If you constantly need this tool for work, it makes sense specifically for the machine - it will be cheaper than spending money on a real machine.

Advantages and disadvantages - we continue to modify!

But such a unit inherits not only the advantages of the tool, but also its disadvantages, in particular, the file is too wide for filigree work, which significantly limits the curvature of the lines. If there is a need for this, there will be a way out. So far, our machine differs from the classic jigsaw unit in the absence of springs that would ensure sufficient tension on the file. But it’s quite easy to build a simple rocker, which on one side will be under the tension of springs, and on the other, fixed to a nail file.

There is another option - to clamp the nail file between two guide rollers, but the first option is still more reliable. Be sure to turn off the pendulum action on your jigsaw before using it. homemade machine. There is another design - if your tool is powerful enough, then it can only serve as a drive in a structure of two rocker arms, between which a nail file is stretched. The movement is transmitted through a file attached to the lower rocker.

Machine from a sewing machine - giving a second life to old tools!

If you inherited a foot-operated or hand-held sewing machine from your grandmother or mother, consider yourself the owner of an excellent jigsaw machine! Of course, for this you need to “work a little magic” on the machine. First, remove the thread weaving device, which is usually located at the bottom of the machine. There is nothing complicated about it, just unscrew two bolts. Then we knock out the cotter pin and remove the drive shaft leading to the thread weaving mechanism.

Having unscrewed the top panel that protects the mechanisms, it is necessary to expand the slot in which the needle went. Be guided by the needs and width of the nail file that you will use in your work. Files for a jigsaw of this kind also need to be slightly modified, namely cut to maximum length needles that could be used on this machine. Grinding off the upper teeth and sharpening bottom part on the tip, all you have to do is insert the nail file into the needle holder and test your machine in action!

An electric jigsaw is a type of equipment for wood processing. Nowadays, the choice is presented not only in the usual manual version, but also in electric. These models, for example, Vario 502 dks, Dremel, have high performance, are quite easy to use, and are equipped with a large number of removable components.

These devices can be used both at home and in production. Today, such a mechanism can be bought ready-made or made with your own hands, for example, from an old sewing machine.

1 Technology of use

The main working element of a manual jigsaw is small files, which usually have a length of 50 to 120 mm. It is driven by an existing electric motor and makes translational movements vertically during processing of the product. In some mechanisms it works according to the pendulum type.

The workpiece itself in this design is attached directly to the base of the equipment. Such a fixation allows the worker to more easily operate the system and freely adjust the angle of the tool. Operator safety in this design is ensured by the presence of a special screen.

These models appeared on mass sale in last years. Previously they tried to make them for home use from a sewing machine. Today there is no need for this. The choice of models is very large.

1.1 Advantages and disadvantages of using jigsaws

TO strengths It is this technique that must be considered:

  1. Possibility of using the device for a wide range of woodworking thanks to a large number replaceable cloths.
  2. Greater reliability in use: due to the wide blade of such a mechanism, you can avoid breaking parts made of wood or tile during processing, as well as perform any complex contours with a minimum of effort.
  3. The ability to feed a piece of wood with both hands by attaching it to the blade. Previously, without such a device, working with samples manual type was much more complex.
  4. Ease of processing any kind of material – even relatively small ones the jigsaw can easily cope with wood 50 mm thick, not to mention more powerful models.
  5. Wide range of processing options.

Among the disadvantages of using such a device, the short stroke of the samples is usually noted, due to which the work with thick webs is significantly more complicated.

It is also impossible to make the bending radius as small as when using a manual sample (due to the peculiarities of fastening the file).

2 Scope of application of machines

Modern electric jigsaw machines are suitable for next works to choose from:

  1. Sawing complex contours from a sheet blank.
  2. Processing the inner surface of the workpiece without violating its contour integrity.
  3. Finishing of some samples.

A tabletop jigsaw machine is used primarily for processing wooden blanks. It is most often used in the production of furniture and musical instruments. In recent years, they have also often begun to be used for the production of decorative items, as well as souvenirs.

2.1 Consumables

The main consumables that a tabletop jigsaw has are files, including spiral ones. They differ in length, size of teeth, distance between them and are selected for each material individually.

Usually, when setting up a jigsaw machine with your own hands and buying files for it, experts recommend choosing Supplies for the following features:

  1. To cut wood or plywood workpieces, choose saw blades with a pitch of 2-4 mm.
  2. Metal samples, as well as plastic, are usually processed by choosing 1-2 mm files, including spiral ones. Experts who provide reviews on the use of such components recommend choosing models with a wavy edge. The choice of these is very large.
  3. When working with tiles, use special saw blades with an abrasive coating.

You can select these elements for processing wood and other materials not only based on reviews, but also based on technical characteristics the equipment you have chosen.

After all, almost every machine has a list of consumables, including all the files suitable for it for certain products.

Also, do not forget about additional elements such a design, which, for example, in the Dewalt, Dremel, Holzstar, Vario 502 dks models include a drilling unit and air pump. Their choice is great.

2.2 Design features of jigsaws

Currently, an electric jigsaw machine, in addition to those products that are created at home with your own hands, is presented on the market in huge quantities various products. Their choice is really wide, including models Dewalt, Holzstar, Vario 502 dks.

They are classified according to the following features:

In order to choose the right jigsaw, you need to It is already possible to analyze the device according to all parameters. And then you can get the ideal component to perform any task. You can also assemble a tabletop jigsaw with your own hands using general recommendations for the production of such devices.

It will not be difficult to do this yourself using a sewing machine or other similar mechanism. The main thing is to study the design structure well, select necessary components and do everything to make the model reliable.

2.3 Electric jigsaw machine Enkor Corvette-87 (video)

The article will primarily be useful to those people who often work with wood as a hobby, without making money from it. The author presents a fairly budget-friendly project for a desktop jigsaw, which can be assembled in one day, with minimum costs for materials.

To create the machine you will need the following materials:
- Working manual jigsaw;
- Plywood;
- Self-tapping screws and bolts with nuts;
- Guides for furniture drawers;
- Two bearings;
- Compression spring;
- Spray paint;
- Self-adhesive paper.

Materials and tools are standard, available in every workshop.

Step 1. Body.
The first step is to create a body for a manual jigsaw from plywood. Here you need to think in advance where the holes for the switch and speed controller will be located.
It should look something like this:

Step 2. Tabletop.
It is better to take a thick piece of chipboard with good coverage, since the workpieces being processed will rub against it during operation of the machine.

A hole for a saw blade is drilled in the chipboard. The jigsaw itself will be attached to the back of the tabletop.
A stem for attaching the boom is also made from furniture guides:

Here's what it looks like assembled:

And the tabletop is attached to the body:

Step 3. Arrow.
The boom itself will be made of two furniture guides. They are bolted together to increase rigidity.

Boom supports are made of chipboard. Before painting and installing them, the point at which the boom is attached to the support is measured. Before doing this, they need to be installed in their place:

After this, it is necessary to drill holes in the support for seats bearings.

Step 4. Painting.
The prepared supports are spray painted.

While they dry, the machine itself is covered with self-adhesive tape.

Step 5. Assembly.
Bearings are inserted into the supports and screwed into place.

The boom mounting axis will be made of two bolts screwed into the guides as shown in the photo. The diameter of the bolts is selected in accordance with the diameter of the inner race of the bearing.

The bolts are tightened securely, after which the two halves are screwed to each other.

This clearly shows how the boom will be secured in the supports:

The boom is installed in its place and secured with nuts.

Next you need to install the garter spring. It is necessary in order to return the arrow to its original position after the jigsaw pulls it down. This is how the saw will move back and forth. It must be adjusted so that it is not too soft (this will complicate the operation of the machine) and too hard (this can lead to overheating of the jigsaw motor).

How to secure it is shown in the photo:

Then, from a thin strip of metal (1 mm), it is necessary to make fastenings for the file to the arrow. They must rotate freely on the axis, since during operation the boom changes its angle of inclination to the jigsaw, and if they are static, this can lead to breakage of the saw.

This is what the mounts should look like:

The boom supports are additionally reinforced with a long bolt, it can be seen in the photo:

Step 6. Electronic part.
Since access to a manual jigsaw is limited, it is necessary to place the controls on the outside of the body.

To adjust the rotation speed of the jigsaw electric motor, the author used a phase power regulator. Here is its electrical diagram.