Runes fulfillment of material desires. Runic staves to fulfill any desires

There is probably no person who would not dream of having a magic wand that fulfills all wishes. However, then he realized that magic exists only in fairy tales, and another dream found its place in the category of empty illusions.

But I'm willing to bet. Personal with a magic wand” for all occasions it is quite possible to become runic magic, which can radically change your life and make it work in your favor. Of course, you will have to spend a lot of time to study all the nuances of rune magic, but believe me, the result is worth it! By correctly composing runic formulas and staves, you can achieve what you could only dream of before.

IN this material I want to talk about proven and strong ones, repeatedly tested in practice by many people (including me). The information will be useful to beginners who have just begun to learn the basics of magic.

The runes from which the stave is composed:

  • - symbolizes the wallet and its contents;
  • - a symbol of money, prosperity, abundance, wealth;
  • — sets the direction for the project, concentrates all efforts on attracting finance;
  • - guarantees the receipt of money;
  • 2 - provide new opportunities for financial receipts
  • — ensures the integrity of money, protects against wasteful spending;
  • - a symbol of a rich harvest.

Do not forget to specify the meaning of each of the symbols used (or compose a poem). In order for it to start working, it needs to be applied to a small piece of paper, activated in any convenient way and placed in your wallet between two large denomination banknotes to give it the opportunity to feel monetary energy. If you do everything correctly, the first results should appear the very next day.

Becoming the “Golden Dragon”

Runes used and their effects:

  • — opens the way to finances, removes all obstacles;
  • — provides safety and protection;
  • — directs the performer to money;
  • - transforms the performer’s life, makes it rich, helps to generate new income;
  • - symbolizes the performer;
  • , 4 times - a symbol of increasing wealth;
  • , 2 times - enhances cash flow, endows it with permanence.

Draw a picture on a piece of paper and activate it (speech, breathing, saliva). In your reservation, be sure to promise that you will burn the piece of paper with gratitude as soon as you get what you want. Incorporate visualization into your work: imagine how your body turns into a living dragon and soars up. When you achieve your goal, fulfill your promise - burn the piece of paper, thanking it.

The first results may already appear within 2 days - 2 weeks.

Standing up to protect yourself and your home

Sample text of the visa:

I protect myself and my house from harm,

You can't break your enemies' defense against daring!

I only allow happiness and goodness here,

I call on the gods to protect!

Betting on happiness

The purpose of this runogram is to remove all negativity from the performer’s life and fill it with happiness, joy and prosperity. Becoming attracts good luck, gives an energy boost and creates a field for gifts of fate.

Runes used:

  • , 3 times - attracts good luck associated with partnerships and relationships with other people. Provides new useful contacts, promotes positive communication;
  • , 2 times - a symbol of vital energy and strength, insight;
  • , 2 times - a symbol of joy and positive emotions.
  • , 2 times - a symbol of luck. Fulfills wishes, promotes receiving gifts of fate;
  • - symbolizes the person himself and his independence, acts as a magnet;
  • — eliminates internal resistance, prepares for change;
  • - protects himself by becoming, provides correct work rune

In the clause you can describe the action of each of the runes. Recommended for use as an amulet.

Runogram for good luck in business

The goal is to bring good luck into the performer’s life.

The runic formula is made up of 3 runes: — — . Rune meanings:

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about the magic of runes, and will pay attention to the runes of prosperity and wealth. To attract money into your life, it’s not enough to just want it. There is a set of magical rituals to quickly attract energy and prosperity, and this is what will change your life and open the way to big money. You will be able not only to attract money, but also to hold it so that it does not flow away like water, but works for you. To do this, you need to make the energy of wealth rotate, not stagnate, not dry up.

Powerful runes of wealth will make you attractive to the money egregor, and he will come into contact with you more often and more willingly. For this purpose, positive runes are used, which also bring prosperity. Stats and formulas consisting of such runes, and having an exact program set by the magician, will help you solve your problems in different areas life. But today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk specifically about money, and will consider examples of runic staves.

Which rune attracts money - becoming a rich patron

With its help, you can find a sponsor and philanthropist, or a reliable business partner who will be ready to invest their cash into a joint business. If you read a plot for a specific person, say, a partner not in the business sphere, but in love, then your greedy man will become more liberated and generous. The Laguz rune, present in the magic stave, will help you find the key to a person.

So, becoming consists of the following runes: Teyvaz, Manaz, Laguz, Inguz, Eyvaz, Fehu. All this strong runes, where the runes of money and wealth are present.

  1. Teyvaz: search for a sponsor and patron.
  2. Manaz: directly the person who is influenced, in addition, through this rune a connection is established with this person.
  3. Laguz: searching for the key to a person and finding it, successful completion of negotiations
  4. Inguz: creates a suitable climate for good and fruitful relationships. This is a rune that attracts money to a person, it sacred meaning: potential, abundance, movement, escape from a confined space.
  5. Eyvaz: this rune helps you achieve what you want.
  6. Fehu: opens a money channel; This is the correct rune of wealth and prosperity, popular with many who surround themselves with runic money amulets and talismans for well-being.

Now is the time to find out how to properly negotiate this becoming from runes for good luck and wealth. He gives an individual task to the staves that the magician activates. This is the meaning of the conspiracy: to form a clear program within which the runes will operate to solve a specific problem. The correct conspiracy is clear, without allowing vague ones, unclear wording, where the runes are verbally given a specific instruction to attract money, supported by intention and visualization.

In order for the runes of wealth and success to help you attract both into your life, give them a clear direction, exclude emotions during the ritual, speak so that the runes work harmoniously, without harm and do not interfere with the work of other staves you have activated. Then let go of your intention and desire, do not prevent the magic of attracting money from happening. We also remember the indestructible power of faith. It is she, the belief in her rightness and the power of money magic, that creates the canvas of reality, giving it the features that you need. Next, I will give examples of a conspiracy to the rune stave Rich Patron.

Powerful runes for wealth and money - how to become a wealthy patron

“By the power of this rune stave, the man (man’s name) gives me gifts (gift such and such, if you want to receive something specific from the man). I will activate this runic becoming(say exactly how you activate: saliva, breathing, or otherwise, the way you are used to doing it). This rune, becoming a Rich Patron, works without harm to my physical and mental health, as well as for the physical and mental health of my loved ones and blood relatives, my home and property. When this rune has completed its work, I will deactivate it (tell me exactly how: by burning, or in another way, the way you are used to deactivating runes that have completed their task). Let it be so".

If during magical ritual If you turn to the gods, be sure to bring gifts according to all the rules. Here is the second option on how to read a runic plot for the task of a Rich Patron, real runes for wealth and fulfillment of desires.

“By the power of this runic stave, the man (woman) (name) supports me in business (such and such) and is ready to invest finances in the development of this business. Everything happens to mutual joy and agreement, I receive financial support from the man (woman) (name) easily, without problems and without harm. I activate this rune (tell me exactly how you activate it: with saliva, breathing, or otherwise, the way you are used to doing it), and it will begin its work here and now, immediately after activation. This runic becoming a Rich Patron works without harm to my physical and mental health, as well as without harm to the physical and mental health of my loved ones and blood relatives, my home and property. When this rune has completed its work, I will deactivate it (tell me exactly how: by burning, or in another way, the way you are used to deactivating runes that have completed their task). Let it be so".

This strong rune has been tested, shown good results, and can be used at home both to attract clients and to make a profit, develop a business, or to stir up a greedy lover, to remind him that greed is not the best advertisement for a man.

On one's own, money runes to obtain wealth, arranged in becoming a Rich Patron, begin their action quickly, from about 30 to 60 minutes. To the object magical influence lays down softly, without harming anyone. Sometimes there are side effects– fatigue and weakness of the victim. This may be due to blocks or the negativity of the object on which you made a rune at home to attract money and good luck. Usually, if fatigue occurs, it goes away within a day.

The effect of signs of wealth - becoming a Gift Certificate

In staves, practicing magicians use not only Scandinavian and Slavic runes happiness and wealth. Many real magicians practice the solution specific tasks using European glyphs. For example, becoming under the name Gift Certificate, consists entirely of European glyphs and symbols for acquiring wealth. This stave is intended for receiving gifts. You can stipulate certain gifts from certain people.

These are the signs for obtaining wealth that are used in this “Gift Certificate” article.

If desired, you can wear this stave as a runic amulet to attract wealthy clients:

  • Glyph Gift - used to receive material goods, gifts; creates and maintains a fruitful basis for pure beginnings and acquisitions.
  • Glyph Opening of opportunities - helps in removing obstacles, opens up new opportunities, supports new favorable situations for a person.
  • Glyph Present - harmonizes the situation as a whole, moves it from a dead point, and supports the process of positive transformations in the present time.
  • Glyph Concentration of Forces - used to concentrate and enhance the effect of the spell.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Ancient strong runes for health, wealth and luck

Whatever sign of wealth or combination of these signs you choose for your well-being, you need to take into account that the effect of the runes will only come true if they are used consciously and correctly.

Runa Fehu is a strong runic talisman, authentic symbol of wealth and prosperity. But this is not the only rune of good. Let's consider the most famous and successful runic combinations of money amulets that are placed in a wallet to attract money. These strong runes of wealth can be used individually, or they can be combined, combining into magical formulas and staves. To compose correctly rune becoming a symbol of good luck and prosperity, you must remember the condition of three elements: LOOK AT THE OFFICIAL SITE...

These runes are used for harmonious and proven money talismans. Such formulas are applied to your photos, pieces of paper, bills or plastic bank cards, and carried in a wallet as a money magnet. To such proven money magnets include a rune talisman Mill for raising money. In general, there are a lot of varieties of Money Mills; These stavs contain different runes, but Fehu is certainly present in the combination of runic signs.

They also make amulets that are more time-resistant on wood and natural stones. Inscriptions of magical runes to attract money into your life can be applied to personal accessories and jewelry, and to items of clothing. And, of course, on the body. Many people today wear runic tattoos using the runes of success and prosperity.

It's very good if you make talisman of prosperity with my own hands . However, if you are not engaged and are not confident in your abilities, you can always buy a runic talisman for wealth in esoteric stores, or order magic goods from online stores, and then customize them yourself.

Anyone who has a lot of ideas, plans, plans can use runes to fulfill desires of any kind, but for some reason they cannot be realized quickly. But with the help of runic symbols, the process of implementing your plans can be accelerated. If you have experience working with runes, you can make your own working formula, tailored to personal needs. For beginners, it is better to use proven bets that work 100 percent.

Types of runes for fulfillment of desires

Sometimes you can't get what you want as quickly as you would like, and there are many reasons for this. However, when the desire is strong and a person cannot refuse it, you can ask for help from the Higher Powers by turning to magical rune symbols. The most popular desires among men and women are to find a soul mate, live happily ever after with her, protect themselves and loved ones from illness, grief, misfortune, bad weather, improve financial situation, climb high career ladder. All this can be achieved if you study the runes in detail, learn to interpret the meanings and draw up the correct formulas.

Fulfillment of any desire short time carry out the following types of runes:

  • Teyvaz. Gives strength and courage in the implementation of plans, promotes ideas, contributes to their implementation.
  • Dagaz. Transforms and transforms the situation so that it happens as planned.
  • Fahu. Symbol of material well-being.
  • Otal. Ensures success in achieving what you want.
  • . Clears the way for quick progress towards the goal.
  • Vunyo. Makes thoughts bright, ideas logical and correct.
  • Raido. Guides you along the right path.
  • Inguz. Symbolizes wealth, success, well-being.

How to correctly apply runic formulas?

Activation of the formula – important condition for her work.

In order for the rune to fulfill any desire instantly and without consequences, it is important to study and follow these rules:

  • Learn the name of each rune, clearly know its interpretation and purpose.
  • Clearly and specifically formulate the desire and voice it in the clause.
  • Strictly observe the sequence of writing characters, since the location directly affects the result obtained.
  • Before starting work, be sure to activate it, and when your wish comes true, do not forget to deactivate it and thank the signs for their help.

Effective runic staves that fulfill their plans

Quick fulfillment of desires

If a person’s goal is not exorbitant, but quite feasible, but something always prevents him from getting closer to it, it is recommended to use a proven runic pattern, which includes the following working symbols:

  • Vunyo;
  • Teyvaz;
  • Vunyo.

Strong runic becoming for female attractiveness

The desired man can be attracted to a woman using this formula.

If a girl wants a specific man to pay attention to her or those around her to admire her beauty, you can make an amulet and constantly carry it with you, writing a formula using the following symbols:

  • Kenaz;
  • Gebo;
  • Laguz.

Sometimes it is not possible to achieve the affection of the opposite sex. Then some resort to black magic rituals that fulfill their plans unconditionally. It arouses interest in the subject, longing and boredom for the operator, becoming “Fireworks of Desires”.

Becoming to attract money

Financial well-being plays an important role in the life of every person, but getting the desired promotion or reward is not always possible. If a person wants to change this situation, experienced runologists advise making a talisman that will help achieve financial goals. On one side of the die the following symbols are written:

First, three symbols are indicated on one side of the future talisman.
  • double Soulu;
  • Fehu.

On the back of the runes are applied in the following order.

This is the rune of joy, joy to everything.

Runa Vunyo is called when they want a holiday, Have a good mood, health, happiness.

Vunyo closes the first Eight of Frey, this is one of the most powerful runes.

The power behind this rune is the power of fulfilling the true deep Will, the innermost Desire. This is a symbol of the ending of fairy tales: “And from then on they lived happily.”

Vunyo removes energy blocks, improves well-being, increases self-esteem, and heals cracks in relationships.

Vunyo - The Power of Well-Being, Prosperity, Beauty, Good Luck!

The Deity is ONE, the supreme deity who gave rise to Creation. The power of inspiration, inner wisdom, creativity.

VUNYO - Luck, joy, harmony, increased strength. Enhances success and happiness in all forms. If you are terrible in every way, life situation, try to create an amulet with the Vunyo rune. An amulet with this rune will help you successfully resolve the situation or lead to the cessation of the situation altogether.


Success in almost every area of ​​life, especially in love and career.

A successful journey and a good ending.

Traditionally, the VUNIO rune is a talisman that allows you to maintain the harmony of energy, psyche, consciousness, and the external environment.

In addition, the rune helps well to focus on everyday activities that may be the cause of disharmony, that is, it prevents the occurrence of problems.

It improves the situation in the family well, brings peace and happiness due to the fact that everything goes calmly, as expected, stably, without surprises.

Harmonizes the emotional sphere, gives a powerful feeling of satisfaction with the existing life without problems.

VUNYO is joy – testimony true strength a will capable of withstanding all temporary difficulties, coping with all sorrows and hardships, although they sometimes seem formidable, and the fight against them is at first glance impossible. Vunyo is the first rune associated with the will itself, as well as the rune of a harmonious and full-fledged personality.

The Vunyo rune unites all facets of personality into a single whole, relieves tension between them and binds them into a single whole, just as a burning hearth in a house unites relatives around it.

Vunyo is used to counter any despair and grief that weakens the soul. She is especially useful in cases where we need “emotional healing”, and in such situations Vunyo is able to strengthen and balance us.

This is a suitable rune to overcome alienation between people, especially between family members, and to unite different groups of people. Her power increases if they have a common goal or are threatened; all of this improves the understanding of commonality between people and reduces the anxiety that often develops in the absence of intimacy.

In the personal sphere, Vunyo enhances courage and good spirits, improves self-esteem and teaches a person to relate correctly to the world around him. With its help you can bring yourself joy or gain universal love.

Vunyo is our assistant in physical healing, as it improves the functioning of the mind and body, and heals the mind and heart at the same time. This rune perfectly reflects infectious diseases, strengthening immune system at all levels.

Magic rune The Old Norse word "Vunjo" means "glory of perfection". It is the culmination of perfect and unconditional love, making no demands and giving oneself completely without expecting anything in return. The implication is that everything in the world is beautiful and worthy of love. This rune points us to the ideal to which we should strive.

Vunyo was considered by runic shamans to be a “wish granter”, since she contains the potential power of realization. This is that surge of joy that we experience when the innermost desires of our hearts are fulfilled. It is also the ability to recognize hidden affinities and attract them to oneself to establish harmonious relations. It is a balm that heals wounds caused by strife and misunderstanding.

Runic shamans compared the outline of a rune with a shaman's crystal wand, which in itself served as a tool for realizing and materializing what was desired. This is a symbol of confirmation of purposeful desire.

Vunyo follows Gebo and expresses the joy of possession that follows the act of giving. This is the joy of a sincerely made sacrifice.
POTENTIAL: Correct calculation, release of energy.

KEY QUALITIES: Unconditional love, climax, orgasm, joy of satisfaction.

PRACTICAL USE: Helps determine best time For necessary actions and thus achieve the best results. CALL: Everything in life is a lesson for your struggle for excellence. Try to see deeper, to go beyond the obvious.

The rune can help you:

  • find happiness and prosperity;
  • improve your self-esteem;
  • heal cracks in relationships;
  • bring your plans to a satisfactory result;
  • strive to achieve excellence.

This rune is made when wishing yourself and others a holiday, good mood, health and happiness. She consoles in sadness and supports in moments of weakness. If you are waiting for the arrival (or at least news) of a distant friend, this rune will help bring the long-awaited moment closer.

VUNIO or Triumph.

The young people, overwhelmed by an unexpectedly surging feeling, walked in silence. Only when the sun reached its zenith did Wulf break the silence.

“We need to refresh ourselves, Orsana.”

They stopped in a small clearing next to the river. Despite the fact that they were moving north, there was no cold snap. The summer that year turned out to be very warm. When they settled down on the grass and took out supplies, Orsana asked:

Will there be snow where we are going?

I hope not. It would be hard to live in a place where even in summerThere is snow, but it will probably be colder there than above our fiords.

- How will we know that this is exactly the place where our tribe will have to settle?

We must be attentive and watch for the signs. And the runes will definitely tell us this.

What will happen to us, Wulf?

What happens to us depends largely on us. But the future of our people is much more important now. If you want, we can ask the runes.

The girl nodded her head and boldly extended her hand to the bag that the young man gave her. A moment later, a circle with Vunyo’s sign appeared on her palm.

Is this a good rune? — the girl asked worriedly.

Very good, Orsana. This is the rune of triumph and joy.

Tell me about her.

This rune belongs to the element of Air and favors all bold and decisive undertakings. Its action can manifest itself immediately, but it can also predict those events that will occur only after some time.

For us, it foretells a successful end to our journey, a happy achievement of our goal, and the fact that our tribe will find a place for a quiet life. So, Orsana, whether you like it or not, we will be heroes,” the young man finished with a smile.

And for you and me, what does it mean?

That while our love should be like the love between brothersTom and sister, since it's time for more Serious relationships moredid not come. Maybe we're not ready yet, maybe the conditionsunfavorable. But when we have fulfilled our duty and possessedtrouble, only then will the time come for our love.

How wise you are, Wulf,” the girl sighed in surprise. “You can always explain everything so rationally.”

You, Orsana, are also smart and learn very quickly, andyet so beautiful and sweet. If I can win your reciprocity, it will be my triumph.

Wulf, I would like to answer you, but I don’t know how. I'm backI'm rapt by you, I feel safe next to you, II got rid of fear thanks to you, I like being with you, but I always doubt whether this is love.

- Not hurry up my dear, you have time to understand thatI mean to you. For now, it's enough for me that I love you,and this is such a strong feeling that there is no point in resisting it. “And now,” he added, extending his hand to her, “let me help you up.” We need to move on and get to what the rune promised Vunyo triumph.


vunyo, vinyo, vinn, vunio, venne


gain, victory, happiness, joy, salvation


Strengthens the immune system, accelerates recovery from infectious diseases, softens and soothes.

Rune potential:

Realization of tasks, release of energy, triumph

Basic properties:

Unconditional love, climax, satisfaction, joy of achievement, glory

Message of the rune:

Everything in life is a lesson on the road to perfection. Try to look deeper and go beyond reality.

Predictive value:

Joy, satisfaction, brotherly love, success in love. Companionship, true friends, goodwill. Professional triumph, recognition, team support, winning, success. Pleasant surprise, overcoming contradictions, emotional comfort.

Magical uses:

Helps determine optimal time for action. Accelerates the achievement of positive results, attracts happiness, consoles in sadness, encourages in a moment of weakness. Accelerates the fulfillment of desires, strengthens unity in a team or partnership, acts as an antidepressant.

Rune Vunyo can help you:

- achieve happiness and success;

- increase self-esteem;

- improve relationships between people;

- find true friendship;

- bring all planned tasks to successful completion;

- get closer to perfection.

The Vunyo rune should be meditated, when it is desirable to obtain answers to the following questions:

— what is my attitude towards fame?

— Do I know how to plan my activities?

- Can I work in a team?

- What is friendship for me?

- Do I know how to be satisfied?

- How do I experience my successes?

- What does the definition of “perform a feat” mean to me?