Betting on the well-being of opening a money channel. Rune formulas for connecting to the money egregor - Cleaning the financial channel

Everyone wants to have great wealth, but not everyone has it. The thing is that some people do not have access to the flow that is responsible for your condition. You can get rid of this by cleaning the financial channel.

The human energy field has many egregors that are responsible for the fullness of life and its course. The financial egregor is considered the most vulnerable.

If you are experiencing difficulties with your financial well-being for the first time, don’t worry, this happens to everyone. But, if you are faced with a constant problem, then think about opening a money channel.

The reasons for failure can be different:

  1. Generic program for poverty. This does not happen to everyone, but many suffer from it. The fact is that the ancestors of such people lived in poverty and poverty. It is difficult to overcome such a situation, but it is possible.
  2. Damage. It can be traced to those who for a long time was in a highly paid position and had successful deals, but recently the money seemed to start disappearing into nowhere or being spent on vices. It is in this case that we can talk about damage.
  3. Evil eye. The evil eye can happen if you have everything and more. Never forget that there are plenty of envious people around who can cause a lot of trouble.
  4. Negativity coming from a partner. This happens in those couples who are completely unsuited to each other. Because of this, their egregors begin to collapse. The best way often it will be easy to separate.

Runic help

Runes are symbols that have powerful energy. They are capable of creating simply wonderful things! The magic of runic symbols extends to almost all types of human activity and life.

Let's consider money runes to improve material well-being.

  1. Fehu. It has the wonderful property of attracting and increasing income and existing capital. With the help of the drawing, not only the channel is cleaned with runes, but also it is revived.
  2. Yer. Symbolizes the acquisition of rewards for previous successes.
  3. Otal. Attracts patrons and influential people who will help you advance your career.
  4. Dagaz. This is your prosperity, a breakthrough in achieving what you want.

Opening a stream

In order to open a money channel with runes, you can use two options:

  1. Drawing symbols on your body, usually on your hands.
  2. Applying marks on paper or on an item that is directly related to income.

On the body

The easiest way to connect to the money egregor is to apply runes on your hand before going to bed. Repeat this for several days in a row, the result should be a very significant exhaust.

It’s better to put signs on left hand. This way you change something within yourself. When applied to right hand you change something in the world around you.

For a more reliable result, a formula that consists of several symbols can help you. There are several of them:

  • Financial well-being. Consists of three Fehu runes. This universal design triples the impact of the most powerful sign. However, remember that such a formula can give a one-time and quick effect. After use, a new turning point will come, which will help you realize your abilities and increase your capital.

  • Increasing profits and property: Otal, Fehu, Yer. Three signs that contribute to increasing property and making profits, as well as decent remuneration for many years of work.

  • Steady improvement: Otal, Berkana, Soulo. This formula is designed for long work and help.

It is better to put the last formula in your wallet, and also write it on a bank card, so you will protect your capital and increase it.

  • Good luck in business. Berkana, Otal, Fehu. Promotes customer growth and business improvement.

Cleaning the egregor

To double or triple your financial flow, you don’t always just need to use signs to open an egregor. Cleaning your money channel with runes is a great way to improve your situation.

To improve the fullness of your wallet and other areas of life, you need to take care of their condition. Diagnostics of the money channel with runes will help to do this.

There are enough cleansing formulas, but choosing the right one is very important, because each one needs to be selected individually, according to karma, temperament and attitude to the current situation.

How to do

The power of Scandinavian symbols is high, since their connection with energy and the material world is simply limitless. When correcting the material flow, runes such as Soulu, Fehu, Turisaz, Hagalaz, Algiz, Vunyo, Odal, Eyvaz and Perth can be used.

  • Eyvaz, Soulu, Fehu – flow energy.
  • Hagalaz - destruction of stagnation, elimination of the evil eye, damage. Widely used when concluding transactions.
  • Odal - will help to get out of the vicious circle for those for whom it is connected with the patrimonial program for poverty.
  • Turisaz - helps to get out of a difficult financial situation.
  • Algiz, Vunyo, Fehu - in this combination they personify the joy of receiving money.
  • Perth and Fehu - this connection is the cleaning and activation of that same cash flow.

Rules for the ceremony

  1. The time of the ritual is either at dawn or at sunset. At any other time, your actions will be useless.
  2. The waxing Moon is an integral attribute. The ritual itself should be performed on an empty stomach, this way you remain spiritually purer, which means your desire will be heard.
  3. Concentrate all your energy in the east, on what you want in the end. After determining what you want and performing the ceremony, cross yourself.
  4. Be sure to take a bath or wash your face and comb your hair. Women's heads must be covered with a light scarf.
  5. If you do not follow the rules of the ritual, the result will come slower than expected or will not come at all.

There are days of the month that are favorable and not so favorable for rituals. It is not recommended to carry it out in the autumn and in May. Suitable days are 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13.


Such things as money must be treated more than responsibly. It often happens that a ceremony is performed, but as a result the results are temporary or absent at all. In this case, your faith is not strong enough to destroy the block. Pay more attention and time to this, try to concentrate, and then you will be able to achieve what you want.


Do you want to increase your monthly income? Or maybe you want to win the lottery? Then in this article you will learn about what cleaning the money channel with runes is and will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Enjoy reading!

Why do you need to clean your money channel with runes?

To ensure that you always have money in your wallet, you should take care of the correct state of your own energy field, or rather, the performance of all its channels responsible for health, success in the financial sphere, and personal relationships with people around you.

Note! Setting up a money channel is a very specific thing. When working, you should take into account karmic connections, a person’s temperament, his attitude to the situation and many other important factors.

The formula for cleaning the money channel directly depends on clearing the blocks and the presence/absence of energy stagnation in the financial sector. If there are ancestral problems (karma of the genus), a whole series of rituals should be carried out aimed at certain ancestors, for example, cleansing the person applying through prayers at the altar, etc.

Cleaning the money channel with runes is a proven method to increase the flow of funds. To do this, you need to visualize the end result - this will help charge you with the necessary energy.

Note. Any visualization is a “video” of the desired outcome of events, specified at the mental level. Your intention serves as a vector (impulse) for required action- the clarity of the message plays a fundamental role in launching the desired program.

As an example, you can imagine the image of a wallet full of large denomination bills. To obtain positive result, visualize the feeling of counting money, moving it from one compartment of the wallet to another. You can say to yourself words that enhance the effect of the conspiracy, which ones your intuition will tell you. This approach will help reinforce the importance of your thoughts and intentions during the ritual process.

The power of Scandinavian symbols with positive energy associated with the material world. Most often, Soulu, Fehu, Turisaz, Hagalaz, Algiz, Vunyo, Odal, Eyvaz or Pert are used in such stavs. Below we will consider a more detailed interpretation of each of them.

  • Eyvaz, Soulu, Fehu are the personification of the money channel at the energy level.
  • The task of the Hagalaz rune is to destroy energy stagnation, blocks, and damage in the financial sector. The power of this symbol is used to make successful trading transactions.
  • Odal will help you get out of labor hemostasis in the financial sphere. You will begin to experience dramatic changes, a way out of the financial crisis, success, prosperity, and a breakthrough to new opportunities.
  • Turisaz - support in getting out of a difficult financial situation.
  • The combination of Perth and Fehu - cleansing, activation of the money channel.
  • Algiz and Fehu symbolize joy, protection, and a feeling of happiness from receiving finances.

Important point! When working with runes, unpleasant (sometimes painful) sensations may occur - this is due to the presence of negativity and the closure of the money channel. Before you try out any kind of money betting, take this point into account by preparing for it in advance.

Runic formulas for cleaning the money channel

Below I will give the most common examples of bets on financial well-being and opening a money channel.

Runic becoming “Swan”

Aimed at opening a financial channel. See the drawing and detailed interpretation of the symbols below.

  • Eyvaz: Symbolizes the money channel. To open it, one must agree with the fate of the fortuneteller, anticipate/prevent ambiguous everyday situations
  • Fehu: Financial earnings in the future
  • Perth: Helps you discover the hidden opportunities you need to attract material resources, cuts the stereotypical ring, providing additional finance to the money channel
  • Raido: Opens up opportunities, shows the way to get additional profit
  • Kenaz: Allows you to create protection for existing capital. Promotes the free movement of financial flows into your money channel
  • Dagaz: The most important thing is a focused desire, leading to positive changes in the financial sector
  • Yera: Acts as a magnet around the money channel, personifies the results of the work done. It will increase the work of the staff, bring the person the necessary amount of luck, providing him with an effective outcome

Important! For achievement best effect, you should sprinkle the drawing with your own blood. Can be applied to both body parts and regular White list. Carry with you, away from prying eyes.

Becoming to clear the money channel

The main function is to restore proper energy exchange. A diagram with a detailed interpretation is given below.

The basis of this stav is two runes. They are responsible for the air element, proper energy exchange with space. The first symbol is what was laid down from birth, the second is what has been developed over the years.

The second branch is Teyvaz. Protection of the channel from extraneous influences.

Raido. Movement, maintaining balance of power.

Two Dagaz. Coupling, cleaning between two Gebo. The main function is speed (the period of time depends on the individual).

Note! The stav is used for short-term use, it clears out everything unnecessary that interferes with the flow of money. Can be applied to yourself or to a photo. Wear for 3-5 days.

As part of the stipulation for cleaning the money channel with runes in case of increased sensitivity, Algiz should also be drawn on the hands (healing effect).

Cleaning the money channel with runes on a candle using the Krada rune

Cut it big wax candle several Krad runes in the shape of a spiral. It can be done using any available means, but a needle or ritual knife is welcome. Place the candle in the candlestick on own photo, light it up. During the ritual, imagine that everything you planned has already come true, say out loud the phrase “So be it!”, and then put out the candle.

Attention! The ritual must be performed over seven days. Its duration is one and a half hours.

When is the best time to clean your money duct?

Opening, cleaning, protection after cleaning with runes should be carried out during the waning moon. Filling, activating the money channel - only on a growing one.

Basic conditions for the ceremony

To open cash flow, there are several key factors to consider.

  • The time of the ritual is dawn and sunset. The waxing phase of the moon and an “empty stomach” are prerequisites.
  • Be sure to wash your face and comb your hair. If you are a woman, you need to cover your head with a white scarf.
  • Turn your face to the east. Concentrate on getting what you want, cross yourself during the ceremony.
  • Strictly adhere to the basic rules of the ritual, otherwise you will not achieve the desired result.

List of favorable months

It is best to carry out the above ritual in November, October and May. Not recommended in April, March, July, June, December, August. The remaining months are neutral. Select days in accordance with the above recommendations - the best days are 5, 7, 6, 2, 13, 10 days of the full moon.

Let this information help increase the flow of cash into your family, but in the meantime, stay tuned for updates on the site. All the best!

Every person needs cash Without them, a comfortable existence is impossible. In this article we will tell you how open a money channel.

Negative dating and parenting

Often we are poor and complex because in childhood we perceived our parents as the only source of information, and if our parents had the wrong life attitudes, incl. and money, then we grew up poor and deprived of fate.

The same can be said about our friends. The saying “tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are” is always true, that is, we surround ourselves with people who have negative financial mental limitations, and if we want to become richer, we will have to get rid of people first. who limit us with their perception.

Old things

The next step, which will lead you to wealth, will be the complete removal of old things from the apartment, free up a lot of space, and if possible, make repairs.

The simplest method opening a money channel

You can perform rituals, you can call on various egregors for help, however, the most effective method changes in the surrounding reality are runes, and the simplest way that can, albeit temporarily, open a money channel is the method of applying a runic stave. Moreover, it is worth noting that runes do not work for everyone, however, as practice shows, they work for most people.

So to open a money channel You can use two methods of applying runes - directly on yourself and applying runes on a piece of paper and then put it under your head while sleeping. Both the first and second methods will bear fruit.

When applying runes to yourself, you should do it on your left hand if you want to change something inside, and on your right hand if you want to change something in the world around you, so you can duplicate the runes and write x on both hands. In addition, as mentioned above, you can put runes on paper and put them under the pillow while you sleep; this method is easier to understand and less energy-consuming.

So what to apply? To begin with, you can use the simplest runic formula, which consists of three Fehu runes; in general, this rune is responsible for creative energy and money.

For example, you take, apply three Fehu runes to your hand and go to bed, and repeat this for several days in a row before going to bed, in the end you will get a significant result. For a more effective and quick impact, you can also use an excellent bet called “opening a money channel” by Montana. This system starts working at lightning speed.

Why does the money channel open for a short period of time?

When you open a channel, you will notice that it will operate for several days (may, of course, vary) and ask yourself the question “Why doesn’t this work on a permanent basis?” Let's go back to the beginning of the article and think again about our limitations, and they sit far and deep in our soul, if we can get rid of them, it means we will become more successful and happy and, of course, rich, until this moment everything will go as it should. and it goes on, the effect will be time, then there is a rollback to the previous state again.

What do we have to do? Of course, change your life, attitudes, eliminate the karmic causes of poverty. You can again resort to runes and cleanse yourself a little, but this is a completely different story.

Runic becoming Opening a channel of wealth Formula tested. It works gently, after about a week the first results appear after applying the formula. Apply to yourself. It works softly and imperceptibly, everything happens as if by itself without any roughness or roughness. Raido - the opening of roads to prosperity and it doesn’t have to be money, everyone has their own concept of wealth Feu - wealth and everything connected with it Naut - I think there is no need to describe it and everything is clear, it both forces and gives a guaranteed result Algiz - a hidden rune, it keeps under control the entire process of the formula from various attacks from those who do not deserve this benefit. You can also insert Yera into the formula and then the work of the formula can be programmed for a long period because Yera is cyclical and an annual cycle
Series of messages " ":
I will remove any negativity (evil eye, damage, love spell, lapel, curse)
I make talismans, amulets, amulets from 250 rubles (without activation)
My store
I'm at the Masters Fair
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 11 -
Part 12 -
Part 13 - Runic becoming Opening a channel of wealth
Part 14 -
Part 15 -
Part 16 -

You can also insert Yera into the formula and then the operation of the formula can be programmed for a long period because Yera is cyclical and an annual cycle.

Yera should be like Proserpina loves to draw, a diamond on a stick) . Inscribe it at the top, add two dashes, one on the left on Feu, the other on Raido. As always, first on yourself, then on a medium or photo.

Opening a money channel from Montana and espe

Posted by T. Montana and espe
First column (closed):
Lagus lane - closed channel,
Turisaz and Hagalaz - destruction of everything that blocks and closes the channel
Second column (clean channel): Lagus, Fehu, Vunyo.
The mechanism is simple: becoming destroys everything that blocks, closes and does not allow the money channel to fully operate.
This formula destroys and destroys (full name) obstacles, congestion, barriers, programs and subprograms, as well as magical and other processes and influences, as well as situations and opportunities that interfere with the monetary and material enrichment and well-being of the object.
This formula opens up free and unhindered access to information and channel opportunities for monetary and material enrichment and well-being, and also allows you to freely and freely receive the requested monetary and material goods and this brings (full name) pleasure and satisfaction. carry out the work without harm to his health, his family, his fate, his loved ones, without affecting the structure of positive changes, without affecting the established protections
This RF begins its action from the moment of application and stops working after 3 days