Working runic formulas. Runic formulas

If you have tried all possible conspiracies and rituals, and your wish still has not come true, use ancient knowledge. Runic formulas will help you fulfill any dream and protect you from troubles.

Runes are considered the most powerful symbols that can radically change the fate of every person. There is a legend that God Odin himself gave this knowledge to people. They were the ones who helped us live in abundance and protected us from negative influences.

Unfortunately, only a small part of the knowledge about runic ligatures has reached our times, but even this is enough to change your life for the better. More recently, runes were used as... They opened the curtain of the future and gave effective advice, following which a person could influence the situation.

However, now many people use runic formulas to achieve their goals. Runes work well individually, and also gain their power when correctly composed of several characters. But when drawing up so-called runic staves, it is necessary to study all the information in detail, otherwise you can harm yourself and your loved ones.

Proven runic formulas

There are many formulas, but some may help, while others will not be as effective. It all depends on the purpose for which they were compiled. The following schemes are considered universal and help everyone without exception.

Runes to protect against any negativity

The first to be applied is Hagall - the rune of destruction and getting rid of all negativity. This symbol literally resets your energy and clears the space of debris, bad thoughts, the evil eye and damage.

To fill the vacant space and direct the development of events in the right direction, after this rune you need to apply Evaz and Fehu. They will help you achieve your goals and understand your true desires.

To consolidate the result and create an active protective field, complete this formula with the Algiz rune. It will protect you from troubles in the future and sharpen your intuition.

Universal formula for fulfillment of desires

This combination can be used to achieve any goal. If you clearly know what you want, think about your desire and draw the formula on paper. Ask the runes for help, but on the condition that they will not harm anyone. After completing the plan, the sheet with the drawing must be burned.

Rune Soulu clarifies the situation and brings all the necessary elements together. This is a symbol of the sun, which will give you the energy to achieve your goals at the right time.

Kano is a sign of embodiment and movement towards the chosen goal. Helps you focus on your work and get results in the shortest possible time. Gives you an understanding of what needs to be done to make your wish come true and gives you the strength to achieve it.

The runic formula is completed by Fehu and Vunyo, which in this combination mean the successful completion of a task and bestow joy from what is received.

Runic formulas are an excellent tool for making dreams come true. However, we must remember that some desires take time to come true. Don’t rush things, move towards your goal step by step, open up to the Universe and don't forget to press the buttons and

10.03.2016 00:50

To protect against various negative programs, people have been using runic formulas and staves since ancient times. ...

A very effective magic in attracting wealth and other benefits is rune magic, or rune magic. Here are useful rune formulas and runescripts.

They should be cut out on a suitable board, they can be burned, or, in extreme cases, they can be drawn on paper and used as a talisman.

1) Amulets with the Fehu rune repeated three times are used in accordance with the direction of this rune - attracting money, creating situations of financial and material well-being.

2) The magic word AUJA attracts good luck and happiness to the side of its owner; Consists of four runes - Ansuz, Uruz, Yaro and Ansuz.

3) A formula that will ensure well-being, health and longevity. Composed of Dagaz and Inguz.

4) Love formula. Ensures victory and achievement of the desired goal on the love (and in particular, sexual) front. Consists of Teyvaz, Uruz and Gebo.

5) A rough love spell provides a quick but short-term connection of male and female energy flows, which leads to strong mutual attraction. Valid for about a month. The combination of runes is the Thurisaz rune repeated four times.

6) The formula will strengthen and harmonize family relationships. Eliminate quarrels. Increased mutual understanding, respect and love in marriage. The working combination of runes is Ansuz, Gebo, Odal.

7) LAUKAZ - the formula translates as “wild onion” (which was revered as a sacred plant and was considered to have great magical powers, mainly of a protective and protective nature). The talisman has a similar focus of action. Runes - Laguz, Ansuz, Uruz, Kano, Ansuz and Algiz.

8) This protective spell is ideal for creating a powerful protective barrier that neutralizes someone else’s negative human energy. The working combination of runes is Thurisaz, Teyvaz, Thurisaz.

9) A powerful amulet for travel. Protection from accidents and disasters. Able to warn the owner of impending danger. It will help you avoid troubles along the way. Good for motorists.

10) The formula will support in the matter of spiritual renewal and cleansing.

11) A protective spell operating on the principle of a mirror - any impact is fully accepted and sent back unchanged. The working combination of runes is Isa, Kano, Hagalaz, Kano, Isa.

12) Women's love amulet. The working combination of runes is Kano, Gebo, Laguz.

13) Men's love amulet. The working combination of runes is Kano, Gebo, Inguz.

14) This formula is intended to help Eril in his research. The working combination of runes is Evaz and Ansuz.

15) The amulet gives strength and energy to the owner. Serves to achieve the goal, ensure victory, overcome the crisis. The working combination of runes is Teyvaz, Soulu, Uruz.

16) Does everything the same as the previous one, only more efficiently if there is an element of competition. The working combination of runes is Teyvaz, Soulu, Odal.

17) GUD - an ancient spell designed to preserve the owner’s masculine strength and bring him success and prosperity on the love front. The working combination of runes is Gebo, Uruz, Dagaz.

18) LAPU - “invitation”, “invocation”. Probably one of the sacred words that were part of the invoking curses. Often used in combination with other sacred words or runic spells. The working combination of runes is Laguz, Ansuz, Perth, Uruz.

19) ALU - “dedication, magical power and strength, wisdom.” The formula can play the role of a protective, love spell or enhance other formulas. The working combination of runes is Ansuz, Laguz, Uruz.

20) SLALU - a variant supplemented with the rune of power and victory. The working combination of runes is Soulu, Laguz, Ansuz, Laguz, Uruz.

21) SAR - “journey in search of strength.” The working combination of runes is Soulu, Ansuz, Raido.

22) The formula is used to treat infertility and conceive a child. Runes - Dagaz, Berkana, Inguz.

23) Health formula helps prevent the development of disease processes, as well as defeat existing diseases. Runes - Algiz, Evaz, Dagaz, Isa.

24) Also one of the options for the treatment formula. He also focuses on psychological problems. The combination of runes is Algiz, Laguz, Berkana, Soulu.

25) Formula for gaining wisdom. Combination of runes - Tours, Teyvaz, Kano, Ansuz.

26) Formula for the home - protection from other people's envy, which greatly undermines the energy of the home. If the house is in danger, you will feel it in advance. Used to strengthen a home and strengthen its status. Combination of runes - Teyvaz, Algiz, Odal, Algiz, Teyvaz.

27) Formula that brings success. The combination of runes is Fehu, Soulu, Odal, Vunyo.

The ancient Scandinavian language did not die, it was perpetuated by skalds and rune masters... Below are some of the words useful in magic taken from this language - of course, with Russian translation.
Why is it better to use this particular language? Because the ancient Erils used it and a huge ancient egregor was formed under it, undoubtedly feeding the modern runic egregor.
From these words you can make small magical sentences or phrases. As a connecting preposition “in, on” you can use the preposition I (respectively the rune Isa).
The preposition is an analogue of the English in. Example: SIGUR I STRIDI - “victory in war.” A good word to use is LIFSINS (life). Example: LIFSINS AST (“life in love”) or LIFSINS AUDAEFI.

In fact, you can do a lot of things with runes, but it’s better to start with fortune telling, because it helps to “establish relationships” with the runes, improves the perception of their whispers and helps to rake out the Augean stables of the magician’s subconscious.

Why should you start getting acquainted with runic magic with fortune telling?

When an inexperienced beginner pokes his head into any kind of magic, he awakens in his subconscious a mysterious and dangerous Something that comes out for a walk, turning the beginner’s life into a nightmare. Some get away with fright, others go crazy, become seriously ill or get into trouble. This is due to the fact that during the current (and past lives) every frightening, exciting, intimidating, strange experience is repressed into the subconscious. Suppressed desires and unspeakable fears formed a huge “dustbin of the soul” there, which psychoanalysts had just begun to clear out. In addition to unpleasant discoveries, it also contains answers to all the questions that a human being can ask.

Runes for a beginner. Initiation

Getting to know runes begins with buying cookies and a notepad. On the first page you should write out the entire rune series from Fehu to Dagaz and a brief interpretation of them. It’s also a good idea to write down an appeal to Odin as the Lord of the Runes. Something like: "Odin, Lord of Runes, bless my spirit work."

Take the first cookie, apply the first rune on it - Fehu. Eat a cookie and listen to your feelings: something unusual will definitely happen. Next, during the day, note and write down events and “signs” thematically related to the adopted rune, and interesting dreams.

Each rune will require from 1 to 9 days to tell about itself, which means from 24 to 216 days of daily fascinating introspection)). The cookies can be replaced with anything at your discretion, as long as you can write on it and then accept the rune.
This option is taken from "Northern Magic" by Aswynn Freya, there you can also read about the connection of runes with the deities of the Northern pantheon - this will be needed when consecrating a rune set.

How to choose runes. Buy or make

Selecting a ready-made set. Expert advice on choosing material for a rune set is extremely contradictory. But if you've already passed " cookie initiation “—you have enough of the right instinct to choose a set that is organically compatible with your energy. Don’t forget to buy a bag for storing the runes; the size of it should fit your hand.
It would be nice to have a runic phrase embroidered on it. "rat runor rata rett"(“runes whisper the right advice”) - it is pronounced every time the runes are asked, but it is unusual enough to fly out of your head at the most inopportune moment.

Create your own set. An exciting quest of searching for material for runes begins for you. If the desired material is stones or shells— you will have to walk for the next few minutes, looking at your feet, and picking up stones that are “looking at you.”

At home, they need to be rinsed under the tap and placed to dry on the windowsill. When you reach more than 24, it’s time to get to work. Paint the runes directly with waterproof paint or engrave them and then paint them. To ensure paint stability, you can additionally coat the pebble with varnish. It is important that your runes turn out flat- otherwise they will scatter when spilling out of the bag.

If the material is selected tree, you should decide on the breed and go searching. Any wood will do except aspen. If you come across an already cut or broken branch, as if “to order”, this is a good sign: the Gods like your idea. If not, find a suitable tree, say hello and ask to give you a branch for a good deed.

You cut a branch as thick as your finger and leave money, a lock of your hair, or a crust of bread at the roots as payment. At home, you remove the bark from the branch, saw it into dies up to half a centimeter thick and soak it in drying oil for a day so that the wood does not rot or crack. Now you can start cutting out the runes. They love to have their names chanted while carving.

25 rune - why is it needed?

Attention! Several decades ago, Ralph Bloom introduced the 25th empty rune into use. This is an analogue of the fifth wheel, completely meaningless from the point of view of runic magic. However, when making runes, it is useful to stock up on a few empty runes in case you lose stones from the working set.

Runes - consecration

Any rune set needs consecration. The essence of any magical consecration is to cleanse the object of foreign energy influences, to introduce and consolidate the desired energy.

Consecration is carried out on the altar; home, or located in any secluded place of power. On the north side of the altar there is ice and/or salt, on the east there is a feather or incense, on the south there is a candle, and on the west there is water. A bowl with runes is placed in the center.

The place of magical operation is protected from extraneous influences with the help of "Thor's Hammer": with a ritual knife or simply with a straightened palm, an inverted “T” is drawn in the direction of the four cardinal directions, Heaven and Earth, with the words:

Hammer of Thor, protect this sacred place from the North (East, South,..)!

Finally, the altar itself is blessed. After this, you can light the candle (strictly with matches, not with a lighter!) and begin the consecration.

The runes are successively sprinkled with salt (or placed on ice), fumigated with incense or swept with a feather, swept over the fire and sprinkled with water with the words:

I cleanse you with the power of the element of ice, rune set: the power of wind, the power of fire, the power of water...

Then the bowl is placed in the middle with the words:

The runes are clean and ready to be born

Beer is poured into a glass and an appeal to Odin is made, something like: « Rune Master, wisest Odin, breathe life into these runes through me! «

Afterwards you need to pour a little on the ground (floor), drink a little yourself, and pour the rest into a bowl with runes. You catch them one at a time and turn to the deity associated with this rune. For example, Vunyo - “Lady Freya, allow some of your divine power to reside in this rune. Let it be so!" . At these words, the rune lying on the altar is circled three times with a finger and blown on it three times ( One, I remember, breathed life into logs so that they became people. The magician breathes life into a piece of wood or stone so that it becomes a Rune).

After drying the rune with a napkin, it is placed in a rune bag, where it will henceforth live. When all 24 runes are consecrated, you need to thank Odin for being invisibly present and helping you. Then, with gratitude, the “Hammers of Thor” are removed in the reverse order: from the altar to the north side, and even the sign of the inverted “T” itself - first a horizontal crossbar from right to left, then a vertical one - from bottom to top. A burnt-out candle and the ashes of paper napkins are buried in the ground; salt, water and beer can be buried in the ground or running water.

Taras Odintsov(C)2016 especially for website

Runes are the name given to the alphabet that arose before our era among the Scandinavian and North Germanic peoples. The word itself can be translated as “secret” or “mystery.” Initially, the alphabet was used only for writing magical formulas, and only then began to be used to transmit messages. Over time, runic symbols were replaced by more convenient Latin ones. But the ancient art of creating magical formulas was not completely lost.

Runic settings: how to change everything at once?

The ancient alphabet is often used for fortune telling. However, much more often formulas and staves are used in order to change one’s life for the better. Despite the fact that the alphabet consists of only twenty-four characters, not everyone can use it. It is not enough to just learn all the symbols, you also need to know their combinations. Improper use of the alphabet can lead to unpleasant consequences.

With the help of magic signs you can resolve a difficult situation, protect yourself from negative influences and deception, attract money and much more.

Exists 2 ways to use:

  • They can be applied to household items: wallets, furniture, dishes. Scandinavian peoples put runes on doors, decorations and weapons.
  • Making talismans with formulas. Such amulets helped achieve goals.

Formulas for all occasions

For good luck and happiness

You can attract good luck with a talisman with a formula called “Help of the Gods.”

The following sequence of signs must be applied to the amulet: Ansuz-Mannaz-Uruz. A combination called ALUGOD (“Luck Attracted by Magic”) is no less effective: Ansuz-Laguz-Uruz-Gebo-Otala-Dagaz. One of the most famous formulas that fill a person’s life with luck consists of symbols Ansuz, Uruz, Yera, Ansuz.

For love

With the help of runes, you can attract a partner into your life, or you can make a love spell if your loved one does not reciprocate. A strong combination of Ansuz-Laguz-Gebo will help you meet your “soul mate”, an ideal partner. Girls who want to get not just an ardent admirer, but to create a strong family, should create themselves a talisman with a combination of the Gebo-Berkana-Otal runes applied to it.

To create a sexual love spell that will bind your partner, you should use a combination Kenaz-Perthro-Knightiz. There are purely female combinations that are not intended for use by men. Such combinations include Berkana-Ingvaz. This formula is called the “Seal of Freya” (in honor of the Scandinavian patron goddess of women, family and marriage). Runes will protect from black.

The Gebo-Tuisaz-Isa combination will help avoid unwanted effects. There is a formula, the use of which becomes an analogue of a Christian wedding - Ansuz-Gebo-Otala. A man and woman who use this combination become one in the eyes of higher powers. The runes must be written on two pieces of paper. One should be kept by the husband, the second by the wife.

For money

To attract money, the combination of Raido-Fehu-Otala is used. Owners of their own business need not only to attract profit, but also to survive in conditions of fierce competition. To beat your opponents, the Tivaz-Sovilo-Otal formula is used.

The Algiz-Fehu-Algiz combination will help protect business from crises and unscrupulous officials. You can increase the number of clients using the combination Fehu-Kano-Gebo-Sovilo.

To your health

When using runes for treatment or rejuvenation, you need to remember that not only the combination used plays a big role in obtaining the desired result, but also the positive attitude of the one who decided to use ancient knowledge.

Postoperative patients need strength to restore a weakened body. The Pertro-Ingvaz-Berkana formula will help them. The combination must be drawn with a ballpoint pen or felt-tip pen so that others cannot see. The same formula is suitable for pregnant women, particularly those in the later stages of pregnancy.

If doctors cannot make any specific diagnosis, and a person feels unwell and loses strength, a combination will help him Kenaz-Uruz-Ingvaz.

Nautiz-Berkana-Nautiz - becoming, helping to cope with any disease. However, it is necessary to act in the early stages, before the disease gains strength. It is not just physical health that needs healing, but mental health as well. The Wunjo-Sowilo-Jera formula gives joy.

With its help, they get rid of depression and suicidal tendencies. The combination helped cope with longing for a deceased person. Talisman with runes applied to it Hyera-Pertro protects the body from premature aging and rejuvenates an already aged body.

For protection from enemies

In order to protect your family from ill-wishers, several formulas are used. Uruz-Nautiz-Berkana - a combination of runes that puts up a shield against the witchcraft of enemies. The formula must be applied to the amulet and always carried with you. Raido-Eyvaz-Laguz - becoming, protecting from ill-wishers while traveling.

If a person is not sure that he has enemies, but suspects that someone is influencing him with black magic, the “Solar Shield” combination is used. It consists of the runes Eyvaz and Sovilo. The combination “mirrors” the spells, returning them to its sender.

When visiting a dangerous place, you need to make yourself a talisman with the Teyvaz rune. To avoid the appearance of enemies, to extinguish the beginning conflict, the Teyvaz rune is also used, only inverted. It must be entered between two Nautiz symbols.

To win the lottery

When making a talisman that will help you win the lottery, you can use almost any natural material. Preferably it should be a stone. One of the formulas is applied on the front side. On the reverse side you need to write your last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth, and also formulate your wish. A prerequisite is that the mascot must be liked.

The more positive emotions it evokes, the greater the chances that the plan will be fulfilled. The combination could be like this: Kano-Dagaz-Sovilo.

Kano facilitates winning and arranges events in such a way that the owner of the talisman achieves what he wants. Dagaz eliminates the loss, making it impossible. Sovilo will help you make the right choice (for example, if you need to choose from several tickets, a person will take the one that later turns out to be happy).

People who are calm and gentle in nature need extra energy to make themselves more attractive to win. In such cases, a combination is used Feu-Dagaz-Sovilo. The Fehu rune is aimed at creating prosperity in the financial sector. It should be written in yellow or green.

For weight loss

It is recommended to combine the use of runes for weight loss with proper nutrition and physical activity. Symbols must be written in black or red. Paper is good for drawing symbols. Wood and glass are highly undesirable. You can wear a runic talisman on yourself or draw symbols directly on the body, in places of fat deposits.

One of the most effective formulas includes the runes Yera, Sovilo, Hagalaz, Berkana and Dagaz. Yera cannot get rid of excess weight on its own. However, with its help you can redirect energy to the desired area of ​​the body. Sovilo balances fats in the body.

Hagalase helps break down fats. Berkana significantly speeds up weight loss. At the same time, the rune makes the process safer for the human body, since sudden weight loss causes harm. Dagaz is the personification of changes in the human body.

Disclaimers for runes and their use

A stipulation is the formulation of intention, the result that needs to be obtained through the use of runes.

Disclaimers for runic formulas:

  • Porunnye. Each symbol of the formula should be specified separately from all the others. You need to say out loud why this or that sign is written.
  • Are common. The whole point, the general goal of the work, is discussed. At the same time, the magician must clearly understand why he applies each rune.
  • Complex. They consist of a combination of the two previous methods. First you need to talk about the purpose of each rune, then name the overall goal of the work.

The reservation is usually carried out after writing the runes. A magician who is just learning to work with the alphabet should take into account that In addition to the intent, his improvised spell must state:

  • Activation method. The magician states how he intends to “turn on” the work of the runes (for example, with fire, blood, etc.).
  • Decontamination method. You need to specify a way to stop the formula.
  • Stat validity period.

In addition, the magician must say that by his actions he does not intend to harm himself or other people. The disclaimer begins with the introductory part. Example: “By the power of this runic formula, I command...”. Next comes the main part, which indicates what exactly the runes should do for the magician. Then the formal part is announced, which mentions all the mandatory conditions (activation, deactivation, deadlines, etc.).

At the end, some magicians stipulate safety. Example: “This formula will act without harm to me and my family and friends.” The last part of the clause is not considered mandatory. However, it is necessary to include it in the spell in order to protect yourself and your relatives from the possible consequences of its use.

With the help of runes you can improve your financial situation, find true love and protect yourself from negativity. It is also possible to cause harm, to cause serious damage, to ruin. Do not use ancient knowledge to harm another person. This should be remembered not only by beginners, but also by experienced magicians.

Magic is a concept as comprehensive as, for example, medicine. This includes hundreds of directions and religions. ​Rune formulas for all occasions belong to the northern tradition, where the Gods of Scandinavia are at the head.

All magic can be divided into two types:

  • on the power of the upper world;
  • on the power of the lower world.

Runes work on the power of the Gods. All rituals of this direction of esotericism are accompanied by prayers or, as runologists say, hangings. It would seem that working through the Gods should not be accompanied by various negative consequences and setbacks. However, it all depends on whether the impact is positive or negative.

There are several Gods in the northern pantheon. If you look closely at them, you can find similarities with the pagan Gods of Rus'. Each of them is responsible for a certain area of ​​a person’s life and when making an impact, you should contact exactly the one who is assigned to do this.

In order to start working with stakes, need to buy a runic set. They are often sold in stores and magic shops on the Internet, but it is best to make them yourself. Then, every day in turn, a person must “live” the runes. Take one of these and carry it with you all day. For example, on Monday take ansuz, on Tuesday - laguz, on Wednesday - geby (gebo). So you need to feel the whole set. Understand the nature of the runes.

Runostavs exist for any occasion. They help in love, work, with magical negativity, when it is impossible to find a common language with a person. There is no problem in life that the runic formula cannot solve.

The only thing that may be difficult is easy money. Runes for winning the lottery, for example, will not work, since the magic of money is much stronger and when large sums are involved, completely different forces are activated.

We draw runes and make reservations

Runes are applied in different ways . If you are making an impact for yourself:

  1. Draw symbols towards you.
  2. Apply to your body, on paper, wooden objects.
  3. Carry it with you or put it away from prying eyes.
  4. Runes written on the body should not be visible to others.

If the ritual is performed on another person:

  1. You can apply runes on his photo, on paper with the object’s data.
  2. Do not apply symbols with your biological material (saliva, blood, etc.). The impact will fall on you.
  3. Under no circumstances should you reveal what you have done to the person on whom the runic ritual was performed.

Runic formulas are proven and powerful magic. You can choose runostavs for all occasions. Therefore, many remain adherents of this type of witchcraft for life.

Runes for attracting love are most in demand. The strongest bets can be easily found on the Internet. There are runic staves and clauses to them. On thematic sites, users actively discuss how this or that runescript worked. They share their mistakes, victories and results. You will read about the meaning of runes, rune writing and the meaning of combinations of different symbols. Thanks to such forums, you can not only get acquainted with runes, but also become a competent, experienced runologist.

Over time, you will form a piggy bank with useful rune articles, ready for use in everyday life. If you wish, you can start compiling a complete catalog of runograms that can bring good luck in any business and improve your health. Runes can be mastered even by a person who does not have a family of sorcerers and magicians. The main thing is purpose and diligence in studying this topic.

Simple runic formulas

The formula for good physical well-being looks like this:

Ingvaz - physical health. Algiz - subtly detects the slightest change in health, an approaching illness. Uruz is a stable physical force that repels all ailments. Yera - neutralizes everything harmful that can undermine health. Teyvaz is a barrier to disease and personal resistance to infections, good health. Gebo - internal harmony of health. Soul - the forces that fuel the entire formula to be healthy.

Runic betting for quick money. Always gives a positive result. It needs to be updated daily. Around the third or fourth day, money begins to arrive.

If there is a negative impact on the financial sector, then the amount will be either scanty or not at all.

As it becomes clear, runes are a fairly affordable and effective way to achieve what you want. The main thing is to enter this type of magic gradually, understanding the theory and only then starting practice.