Runic becoming from debts of loans. Effective rituals for getting rid of debts

To get rid of the debt trap from creditors, you can resort to the help of magic spells. There are a large number of different rituals designed to help a person in a difficult financial situation. A conspiracy against debts will only help if you sincerely believe in its power, if all the rules of specialists in the field of esotericism are followed.

To get rid of debt, there is a magical conspiracy to return lost financial flows. This is a ritual formula that has long been used by our ancestors in order to influence the subconscious and human energy in a certain way. It is very important to follow certain rules and recommendations of specialists in order to achieve maximum effect from the rituals:

  1. To return financial well-being, all rituals should be performed only on the waxing moon. This is how prosperity and positive matters will come.
  2. To get rid of negativity, magical actions are performed during the waning moon. The debt relief ritual is also performed on the waning moon.
  3. It is also important to have a sincere belief that the ritual being carried out will be effective; during its implementation, it is necessary to invest a large amount of one’s energy into the spoken speeches.
  4. All thoughts should be bright, desires sincere and earthly (there is no need to desire something and not work at the same time, but wait for benefits to appear out of nowhere).
  5. Desires should not harm others (that is, you cannot want to take it from someone and give it to you).
  6. When asking higher powers for help, you need to focus on a specific problem, and not on the general state of finances in the family, and not be distracted by extraneous matters and thoughts.
  7. It is better for women to perform secret actions on women's days, and for men on men's days.

By following the recommendations listed above, raising finance will happen much faster and more efficiently. When choosing a way to get rid of debts, you should take into account that in the future it is better not to borrow money again and to refrain from loans.

Effective spells for lack of money

There is an effective seven-day spell. to pay off debts. Every day in the morning after waking up, when washing your face, read the spell. It is important that no one sees this magical ritual. Take a glass, draw clean cold water, whisper the following text:

“The water is clean, the water is fast. You will flow with the flow wherever you want. You always find paths for yourself, you fill the entire earth on your way, you never become smaller. Let me drink and wash with you, help me feed myself, show me the way to get rid of my debts.”

After reading, wash your face and slowly drink the charmed water. Repeat these actions throughout the week during the waning moon.

There is also a strong conspiracy against debts, which is carried out using a chicken egg. Such a magical ritual is especially effective if financial difficulties have plagued more than one generation, if people work hard, but do not receive a worthy reward for their labors. For the ritual you need one fresh chicken egg. Whisper the following text three times:

“The egg is white, like a white face. Like bright archangels. The enemies of God's servant (his name) met him and took the money. Take care of me, help my trouble. Spread your wide wings, let no one get through to me and do harm. Take away the sorrows and slander from me, put up a fence of strong oak for all eternity. Whoever wants to harm me will not find a door or window into my abode. That fence stands, an angel covers it. And I remain in it, I don’t run away from my enemies, but they don’t see me. Amen (three times)."

After reading the prayer word, break the egg into a glass of water, pour it into the toilet or outdoor latrine, saying:

“I’ll only take what’s mine, and let them take someone else’s. I don’t need it, I only need mine.”

Ancient ritual

There is an ancient conspiracy to get rid of debts. We read it on the waning moon. The ritual requires being near a natural body of water - a river, stream or lake. The water element can take all material problems with it. There are many options for such magical actions, so you need to choose the most suitable one for yourself. You need to go outside, approach a natural body of water, stand on the shore, and say, looking at the water:

“The fish swim like free birds fly. They sparkle, shimmer, beautiful, many-eyed. A flock floats with the flow, goes home, far, far away. So let there be no more such debtor (your name). Let him be able to repay all his debts, let the fish swallow them, and let the current carry them away with him far and forever. Across the blue ocean, a bird will catch a big fish along with my debts and tear it apart with its sharp claws. There are no and there will be no more debts. Amen".

After reading the spell, your financial situation will improve significantly. You will forever forget about the borrowed money, only at the same time you need to remember the further rule - do not borrow money, since repeating such a ritual is not recommended, otherwise the water element may be offended.

Ritual at home

How to get rid of debts using magic? If it is not possible to get rid of debts near a body of water, you can perform the ritual at home. Open the water tap while the water flows and say the following magic words:

“Droplet to droplet flows, a stream flows into a big river. Just as this stream flows rapidly, so may my debts rush into the distance and leave me forever. I will be clean, washed with water, hidden from debts. Let what was given away, unnecessary, hidden, not be and not be remembered.”

Perform rituals during the waning moon at any time of the day.

End debt forever

Debt conspiracies will help against debt collectors and debts. After performing magical actions, the collectors will no longer come, and the collection offices will forget about you. Also, rituals will help bosses and managers pay their employees in full for wages; at the same time, money and well-being will come to them after the actions taken.

This is a strong ritual, for which you will need the following attributes: 4 candles, candlesticks or saucers to place the candles, a knife with a wooden handle, a piece of clean white fabric, coins of the same denomination - 1 piece, a handful of salt, a green wool or silk thread. Conduct the ritual at midnight on the full moon.

Light candles, place them in candlesticks or saucers on the floor, and create a square with them, like the cardinal points. Then pronounce the spell, turning clockwise to each candle in turn:

“Dear East, let the breeze blow, let it blow through my window, give me goodness and preserve it.”

Bow to the eastern candle. Then turn to the next one:

“Dear South, friend to my heart. Help her in her affairs, burn all my debts.”

Bow to the west and turn to the next candle:

“Dear West, help me and return my wealth.”

“Dear North, give me strength, don’t let me ask for a loan.”

“I’m not cutting cloth, but cutting off my debts from myself forever.”

Wrap coins in one part of the cloth and salt in the other. Tie the fabric tightly. The result should be two fabric bags. Tie them together with green thread. Put it in a secret place. Wait until the full moon. Throw away the cinders, saying:

“I’ll give it to someone else, I don’t need anything. I’ll take mine.”

On the next full moon, take the bags out of the hiding place, take them to a vacant lot at night, leave them under a tree, saying:

“I will pay off my debts, and I will forgive everyone else’s. Salt cleanses everything, I’ll get out of poverty, I’ll pay off with coins. Let your plans come true."

Go home silently, without looking back. Never tell anyone about the ceremony.

Ritual for getting rid of persistent debts

If there is a situation where you are simply tormented by lack of money, loans, constant debts, magic can be a solution. To get out of the debt hole, you can resort to the following ritual. You will need the following attributes: matches, a saucer, a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Write on a piece of paper the names of all the people to whom you owe money. Next to each name, indicate the exact loan amount. In the process of writing, mentally imagine how all the problems disappear, how you rejoice after this.

After waiting until midnight, set fire to the piece of paper with what you wrote, and you will need to set fire to all four of its corners. It should burn completely. While the paper is burning, imagine that all debts and loans are burning. Collect the ashes and throw them into the open window.

There is another option for getting rid of the debt trap. You will need such attributes as candles and church water. The ritual is carried out during the waxing moon, its light should fall through the window and illuminate the room. Place a candle on the windowsill and light it. Pour consecrated water into a glass and place it next to it. Read the text:

“Fast and clean water. Take with you all my sorrows, loans, credits and debts. May they leave forever and never come back. And from now on I will be happy, purified, I will no longer be a debtor. Let everyone forgive me and not hold grudges or grudges.”

Say the text three times. Let the candle burn completely. Take a glass of church water and go to the nearest intersection (it is possible that not four, but three roads or paths intersect). Leave the glass container on the road. You need to be careful not to splash the water. Go home in silence, without looking back.

How to quickly pay off debts

To quickly clear yourself of financial difficulties, you can use other options for magical spells. To quickly get rid of material problems, it is recommended to perform the following ritual. Buy or make a small box yourself. Put down a few bills. This box will become a personal amulet. After each paycheck, put a small amount of paper money in it. And with the onset of the new moon read:

“As this secret box stands, let all my friends and money helpers lie tight in it and never disappear from me. Let them not look to the side, they will never run away from me. The casket is closed forever."

Next time put the bills on the new moon. And in the morning after that, take the old money and spend it only for your pleasure.

Gypsy conspiracy to get rid of debt

The conspiracy to get rid of debts is also read during the full moon. It is better if there is a strong wind outside. You need to take clean paper, a pen and a candle. Light a candle on the windowsill while it burns and write all your debts on paper. Set the leaf on fire until it burns and say:

“Burn to ashes, dear candle. Take all your problems and difficulties with you. Return the money to its owners. Help me become happy and free. Amen".

How to avoid loans and credits in the future

Let's get rid of debts in the future with the help of the following rituals. But it is necessary to carry out such rituals in order not to borrow anymore only after previous debts have been repaid. Further actions are aimed at clearing negative information at the energy level. Go to any natural body of water, throw a coin and say:

“Let all debts be reduced and not return to me in the future. I will drive them away from me like I drive away clear water. I’ll pay for it in silver, I’ll give away what I don’t need. I'll throw the key into the water and dissolve it. The loans are closed, locked forever. Amen"

According to experienced magicians and sorcerers, it is very important to always keep your wallet clean and tidy. After all, this is a house for money, they need to be respected and honored. There should be no foreign objects in the wallet - candy wrappers, checks. Therefore, before starting the fight against poverty, it is necessary to restore order in it. And before you start any magical rituals, you should think carefully about how much you need them. You cannot turn to magic just like that, or for trifles. Only when there is a strong need.

It often happens that a person becomes mired in debt due to a series of troubles in life. Loans, payments and other financial obligations constantly weigh on his shoulders. And then there comes a point when it is not possible to get out of the financial hole. Consciousness is no longer able to think rationally and begins to look for other ways to get out of the debt trap.

It should be noted that the human subconscious is very susceptible to subtle energies and is able to convey the necessary images mentally, in the form of a chain of sequential actions that a person needs to perform to obtain the desired result.

That is why, in most cases, turning to folk and magical rituals helps in solving a specific problem.

What to remember when performing the ritual

Rituals and conspiracies are rituals and formulas developed over the years. They have a very strong effect on a person’s subconscious, and therefore you should not use them for entertainment. If you believe Slavic mythology, the word “talk” means - penetration into the mysterious worlds of spirits. In general, this is communication with something that is incomprehensible to others, in which it is very important to follow certain rules and respect them, so as not to harm yourself even more.

The rules for performing rituals to gain financial independence and get rid of debts are very simple:

These rules are simple, but very effective, so everyone who reads the spell should adhere to them.

Basic conspiracies for debts

Once in a difficult financial situation, a person is constantly looking for a way out of the current situation. And they resort to magical rituals quite often. Therefore, you should know a few basic rituals that will help you cope with the problem.

Seven day conspiracy

The ritual should be performed in the morning and on an empty stomach. To do this, you need to take a glass of clean water and say the following words to it: “Fast water, clean water, you flow wherever you want, you always find your way, you fill the earth with yourself, you never become poor. Give me a wash, something to drink, food to eat, help me show you a way to get rid of debts.” After this, you should wash your face with water and drink the remaining water.

A spell for the waning moon is read and for seven days. It is not recommended to skip a single day, otherwise you will have to start the ritual again.

Egg spell

It often happens that debts are karmic in nature and come from parents or grandparents. If one of the ancestors was dispossessed or lost financial wealth unexpectedly, then such a curse can haunt more than one generation. In this case, an egg spell will help get rid of the debt trap.

You need to take a chicken egg and say the following words to it: “The egg is white, the face is white, the bright angel answered me: “Evil people have bypassed you, God’s servant (name), and taken your money. I will help you, I will protect you. He spread his wings over me so that no one could wipe me away. He took away evil's misfortune, slander and slander with his wing, and erected an oak fence for a hundred centuries. Whoever approaches out of evil will not find the door and window to my monastery. There is a fence, and an angel flies over it. I am under an angel, I am not afraid of anyone. Amen, amen, amen."

After this, you need to break the egg into a glass of water and mix it clockwise with a knife with the words: “I give someone else’s, I take mine.” After this, the egg must be poured into the toilet.

Rituals for getting rid of debts

You need to take four candles, candlesticks, saucers, a knife with a wooden handle, a clean white towel, 13 coins of a single denomination, a handful of salt and a green woolen thread. It is recommended to carry out such a ritual on a full moon exactly at midnight.

Lighted candles need to be placed on the floor in saucers or candlesticks so that you get a square. Its angles must be directed strictly according to the cardinal directions. The person who pronounces the hex needs to stand in the center of the square and say his own separate words for each candle, turning clockwise. You need to start reading with the eastern candle:

After reading all the words of the conspiracy, you need to leave the square and go to the window. Near him, cut the fabric in half, saying the following words: “I’m not cutting the fabric, but my debts.”

You need to wrap coins in one half of the cloth, and prepared salt in the other. The fabric must be tied tightly to form a small bag. The bags need to be tied together with green thread and put in a dark place before the full moon. Candles should be left to burn out. The remaining wax needs to be collected together and washed into the sink with the words: “I give away someone else’s, I take what’s mine.”

On the next full moon, the bags should be taken out at night and taken away from the house. It would be best to take them to a vacant lot or to a place where no one can open them. When you leave the bags, say the following words: “I pay off my debts, forgive others’, I cleanse everything with salt, I get out of need, I pay off with coins, so be it!”

After this, you need to turn away and leave without looking back. It is forbidden to talk to anyone on the way. The entire ceremony must be kept secret.

Take a sheet of paper, matches and a plate. On paper you need to write a list of all creditors with the exact amount of debt to each of them. While you complete this task, imagine that you are joyfully paying off all your debts, how you are freed from them, how your debt burden is becoming lighter with every word. It is extremely important to present all elements of the picture in a positive way, to accept freedom with all your being.

Exactly at midnight you need to set fire to the sheet on all four sides. Important - the sheet must burn completely. If any part of the list remains intact, then the sequence of steps should be repeated again. Keep track of which creditors are burned first and which amounts disappear in the flames. Paper ashes should be thrown out the window., but try to prevent its particles from flying back into the room.

Ritual - box

You need to buy or make a box with your own hands. Inside it you need to place coins and bills of different denominations. This item will become a reliable talisman for attracting money to your home. Every new moon you need to read the following spell over the box: “As you stand on the table, good casket, so my money sat tightly in my wallet and did not look to the side. Forever and ever, amen."

Every new moon you need to put new bills in the money box, but at the same time the old ones need to be taken out of it and spent the next day.

Prayers for debts

Many people think about how to get rid of financial problems as quickly as possible. But not everyone wants to resort to magic. In this case, prayers to saints come to the rescue. You can pray to your patron or the saint whose name you bear. It is important to follow a few simple rules:

Most often, prayers for help in overcoming financial adversity are offered to Saint Spyridon, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Xenia of Petersburg, and Saint Elijah the Prophet.

Is there anything else that needs to be done?

But if you read only prayers or conspiracies and do nothing, then the money itself will not fall into your pocket. Therefore, first of all, you need to start earning money on your own and try to somehow change your life.

Don't blame yourself for the current situation. Everyone makes mistakes, and the feeling of guilt takes a lot of energy from a person. It’s easier to direct it in a different, peaceful direction.

Identify your financial failures as specific life experiences. Analyze it and remember exactly what actions led to this state of affairs. Try to avoid such actions in the future. Take this as a test that you must overcome on the path to a better and happier life.

After realizing how to get rid of money problems, you should begin to build a new life. First you need to set yourself a goal. It will not consist in the desire to earn a lot of money, but in the desire to receive a certain amount every month.

It is imperative to outline the time frame for solving the problem and write it down in days, weeks and months. Do not allow yourself to adjust these deadlines under any circumstances. After all, your life will completely depend on this.

Be sure to send your resume to all companies that can give you a start in a new life. And, most importantly, always think positively. Don't despair and think that nothing will work out. Stop thinking that all this is not for you. Nothing is impossible in the world - the main thing is to want and be able to achieve your goals and any doors will open.

Attention, TODAY only!

Hello my dear!

I often get asked questions what to do with debts, which are not yet possible to return.

Whether there is a runes for deferring debt?

Debts must be repaid, this is not discussed!!! But postpone debt repayment You can do it for a while, until you earn money...

For those who do not yet know the meaning of runes and do not know how to work with them, it is better to turn to the rune for help , it works great and will give you time to find money to pay back the debt...

Debts debts, debts... what to do with them? How to get rid of them?

Of course, there are many different ways, including magical ways.

And this article will talk about one of them.

This method helps get rid of debts on the subtle plane, i.e. not from the debt itself, but from energy connections, to cleanse these connections. They cannot be destroyed, but they can be cleaned.

If it did happen that you took out a loan, the collectors began to demand refund, and you decide to turn to magic for help, use the method that will be discussed now.

Debt “tails” in terms of energy are a very unpleasant phenomenon. They interfere with your cash flow. This also applies to the debts that your ancestors took on (!).

It's important to relax and not think that you have to. Of course, this is difficult to do when creditors start reminding you of the debt, looking for you and catching you. For this case, there is a fairly simple magical method that allows you to divert the attention of creditors from you for some time (not forever), on the energy plane, and for you to quickly learn how to earn money and repay the debt as soon as possible.

How is this magical ritual performed?

Look at the lunar calendar. The ceremony is carried out on the aging Moon (22-28 lunar days).

Only for this phase!

What should be done?

It is precisely on one of these days at midnight that you take a piece of blank paper and make a list of people or organizations to whom you owe money, indicating opposite each organization or each person the amount of your debts. There is no need to say anything, no need to utter any words. Write the list silently. When you write, you can imagine the faces of these people, imagine how happy they are, as if they have already received their money back, etc. They need to be represented. In this way, you send them energy and clear the karmic connections that hold you with your creditors or with those people who lend you money.

Once you have done this, burn the leaf. It is advisable to set it on fire from four corners. Of course, you need to remember about safety. You should burn paper, for example, on a metal tray or in a metal container. You need to burn the leaf and watch how it burns. Keep track of which of your creditors will be the first to burn out, and who will be the last. Imagine that your debts are burning away. They don't actually burn. Through fire only karmic connections are purified. When everything is burned, throw the ashes outside.

It is advisable that the note burns the first time so that you do not set it on fire again. If you don’t succeed and the leaf doesn’t burn right away, you’ll have to do it all over again: write and set the leaf on fire again, preferably from the four corners, so that it burns completely. Why is this being done? Such manipulation distracts the attention of creditors. They will forget about you for a while, but this does not mean that the debt does not have to be repaid. Of course, the money must be returned.

Under no circumstances should this procedure be carried out during the waxing Moon, i.e. on other lunar days, except the 22nd-28th, and even more so on the full moon. The effect will be exactly the opposite. This has already been verified.

This is the practice.

Now it will become much easier for you. In this state, new income begins to arrive much faster.

Do this periodically.

This way you can achieve much more in your life than before!

It is true that they say that happy is not the one who has a lot, but the one who has enough of what he already has. But how many of us are there? Are there many who have enough? Today, in the days of total consumption, a person has little of everything. This is the key, but not the only, reason for debt. Without thinking at all, people buy equipment, clothing, furniture and even cosmetics on credit. People go on a trip with debt, without thinking at all that the loan will have to be repaid.

But there are others - those who gladly lend money, and then cannot return it “to their homeland”. Some people manage to borrow money from dishonest people, and then they suffer and cannot take back their hard-earned money.

And what to do with such a situation? You can go to court, you can use your own head and not take out loans yourself, or you can resort to magic.

Rules for rituals for debts

In order for conspiracies to work, it is worth knowing a number of very, very important points. Firstly, the conspiracy itself may not work if you are damaged (damage due to lack of money). Accordingly, first the negative is removed, then other magical events are carried out.

So, to regain your financial well-being, you need to know a number of rules.

Rule one. Rituals related to money matters (when we attract money into our lives) are created only on the waxing Moon.

Rule two. Rituals associated with getting rid of poverty, rituals of getting rid of negativity are performed only on the waning moon.

Rule three. The more you believe in your success, the greater the chances of success, the greater the likelihood that the ritual will give the desired effect.

Rule four. Any intentions must be confirmed by actions.

Rule five. The clearer the goal is set, the better the result.

This ritual is performed at a water source. It is important to remember that the source must be natural. A river, sea, pond, even a stream will do.

Standing facing the water you need to say three times:

When leaving, you need to throw crumbs of bread onto the water, bow to the pond and leave without looking back. This ritual is performed on the waning moon. For women on Women's Day, for men on Men's Day.

For some, it is important not only to get rid of debts, but also to make sure that they don’t ask for a loan. After all, giving a person a loan is the same as making a blood enemy. Of course, not always, but in most cases.

So, this ritual, like the one described above, is carried out at an open source of water. Early in the morning you need to go to the water and, throwing a bunch of white metal coins into it, say the following words:

It is important to remember that the number of coins must be even (if you perform the ritual on an even day), or odd (if the day is odd). The moon should be waning.

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it. Remember Pinocchio, who planted his coins on the Field of Miracles? So, in this action of his, in general, there was a sacred meaning. For the ritual, you will need to take six nickels and carry them with you for exactly six days. On the seventh day, you need to go to the forest (or at least to the place where trees grow) and bury the nickels under a tree, saying this:

You need to know these words by heart. It is important! This ritual is done in the spring. On the day of the new moon or when the moon is waxing. When the words are said and the money is “planted”, you go home. Silently, without looking back.

This ritual is performed for seven consecutive days. You can't miss a single day! Every morning, when you wake up, you need to read this spell for water. After which you need to wash your face with this water and drink the remaining water. And so on for seven days in a row.

The moon should be waning. Remember this and do not neglect this moment.

This plot will help well those whose efforts are not rewarded. A man works and works, but he doesn’t see any money. For the ritual you will need a chicken egg. The egg must be alive (from a village chicken). A ritual is performed on the waning moon.

The egg is needed to roll out a person. You can roll yourself out with an egg. When rolling out, you need to read the plot (you need to read and roll out three times):

As soon as you have rolled yourself (or someone else), you need to immediately break the egg into a glass of water. After this, you need to cut the yolk crosswise with a knife. Next, pour everything away. We remember that we do not use this glass and knife in everyday life. They can only be used to create rituals (cleanings, etc.).

Debt ritual made with water

As you have probably already noticed, water is often used in debt-related rituals. This is no coincidence, because water helps in such matters. And this has been confirmed by life more than once. This ritual should also be performed near the water at a time when the Moon is waning.

Many people live from paycheck to paycheck, counting every penny. It is not always possible to change the situation, so some turn to the magical powers of rituals to help them get rid of debts and improve their financial situation. However, rituals for getting rid of debts will only help if you believe in them and carry out all manipulations clearly, following the rules.

When we borrow money from a loved one or friend, we promise that we will soon return the amount without making you wait long. But it is not always possible to repay debts on time; there are many reasons for this:

  • the child is sick;
  • sent on an urgent business trip to another city;
  • personal health has deteriorated;
  • wages were delayed;
  • utility tariffs have increased;
  • a car or household appliance has broken down.

The list of reasons why it is not possible to return money on time could take a long time. People often wonder how to get out of this situation. They are looking for ways to break the chain of failures, improve their financial situation, and stop borrowing money.

If rituals are carried out correctly with the help of magic, you can change your own destiny, improve your financial situation, and become financially secure.

To understand why you have to borrow money all the time without the possibility of quickly returning it, you should turn to magic. She will answer all questions and help you get out of the situation. But in order for rituals to produce the desired results, you need to know about the basic rules that must be followed.

Rules for conducting rituals

Carrying out rituals and conspiracies that could improve the life situation, get rid of debts and “whiten” the black streak must be in accordance with the rules. First of all, it is worth remembering that you cannot tell anyone about the ritual, otherwise you may encounter the opposite effect.

Witchcraft rituals are the area of ​​​​black magic, but you should not be afraid.

Rituals for liberation from financial difficulties are not performed using blood or warlock paraphernalia. You can carry out the ceremony at home, the main thing is to strictly follow the rules, without renouncing any of them.

It is forbidden to use rituals for fun, testing how they will work in the absence of financial problems. You should not joke with magic, as such entertainment can play a cruel joke on a person, causing the opposite effect.

The rules are as follows:

  • The ritual is performed on the waning moon. If the goal is not just to get rid of debts, but also to increase capital, it is necessary to carry out manipulations on the waxing moon.
  • When performing a ritual, believe in the result. Without faith in positive changes, it will not be possible to achieve the desired effect. Get rid of the thought that magic is powerless in this situation, and it will not be able to improve your financial situation, but will only take away time. Remember the internal energy, and if it is positive, then the result will be desired.
  • Don't wish harm on others. Mentally ask for forgiveness from the people you owe money to. Tell them about your financial difficulties and make them believe that you will return every penny in the near future. Be good-natured with people, only in this case magic will be on your side.
  • When performing the ceremony, try to completely forget what borrowed money is for a month. Save on personal expenses, do not spend money on unnecessary things. After the ritual, you must configure yourself to the fact that borrowing money is not what you need in life.

These are the basic rules, the implementation of which is mandatory. Rituals are highly powerful and lead to the desired results, but only if you believe in it. A sense of self-hypnosis must be present during any ritual.

Rituals to end debt forever

Getting rid of debts is not as difficult as it might seem, especially if you use the powers of magic. Conspiracies will help you get rid of the problem of lack of money without forcing you to turn to famous sorcerers and magicians. All manipulations are carried out at home.

To get rid of the habit and need to borrow money forever, you need to perform the following rituals:

  • weekly spell for water;
  • rituals for the waning moon;
  • ritual of getting rid of the financial crisis;
  • cleansing the wallet from negative energy.

There are many rituals for getting rid of debts, each of them has enormous power and guarantees results at the end. But in order for the magic to work 100%, it is necessary to follow the sequence and rules of rituals, which we will discuss in detail.

Weekly spell for water

The conspiracy is carried out every day during the week; Tuesday is considered the optimal day to start the ritual. During the ritual you will only need a glass of sacred water. Some sources say that it is permissible to take water from the tap, but for greater effect it is advisable to first consecrate it, endowing it with magical powers.

The ritual is performed in the morning on an empty stomach, the best time would be 6–7 am. The sacred water is placed in a glass and left for a few seconds until it stops shaking. Next, you need to stand over the glass, stare at it and think about your debts. Then the phrase is spoken over the water:

The water is fast, the water is clean, you flow wherever you want, you always find your way, you fill the earth with yourself, you never become poor. Let me wash my face, get a drink, help me feed myself, show me a way to get rid of debts and free myself.

After this, you should wash your face with water from a glass 3 times, and drink the rest.

The procedure gradually brings you closer to financial independence every day, eliminating the habit of borrowing money without paying it back for a long time. Life will be filled with new possibilities. A highly paid job will appear that will allow you to no longer go to extremes or borrow money.

Ritual of incineration of the financial crisis

Getting rid of debts, as well as gaining complete financial independence, requires regular, correct rituals to get rid of the financial crisis. To carry out the rite of incineration of the financial crisis, you need to take:

  • church candle;
  • black pencil;
  • paper.

The candle is lit near the window. On a white sheet of paper with a black pencil you should write how much you owe and to whom. The leaf is rolled up and burned under the fire of a candle, saying the words:

Candle-candle, help me in business, burn all my debts.

The leaf should burn to the ground. Throw the ashes out the window so that the wind scatters them.

The effect of the ritual is observed after a few weeks. In order for the power of magic to be preserved and protect you from subsequent loans, you need to pay off your debts during these two weeks, putting an end to it.

Cleansing the wallet from negative energy

The wallet also has negative energy, although many people don’t even think about it. Money is dirt, which over time has a negative effect on the wallet, worsening its energy. As a result, the wallet seems to push money away from itself, forcing the owner to look for it on the side and borrow it.

To get rid of negative energy, you need to perform a cleansing ritual.

For this you will need a wallet and a candle. The ritual is carried out mainly in the evening, no one should know about it. Sit on a chair and place a lit candle in front of you. Hold the wallet with money in your hand, take the money out of it under the flame of a candle. If there are bank cards, coins, or business cards in your wallet, these also need to be removed. When emptying your wallet, say:

As this wallet is cleared, my debts evaporate.

The conspiracy is pronounced until the wallet becomes empty. Leave it in this state overnight, allowing it to get rid of negative energy. Return the bills, cards and coins in the morning.

If there are wrinkled or torn bills in your wallet, get them in perfect shape: glue them or straighten them. Magic does not recommend placing various checks or discount cards in your wallet, because they block access to money.

Rituals against lack of money for the waning moon

A ritual for the waning moon will help put an end to lack of money, normalize your financial situation and increase your earnings. The technique is strong - it allows you to get rid of debts, and also discourages the desire to borrow money again. As soon as the moon becomes smaller, you can start thinking about performing this ritual. Its effect will be observed within a few weeks, subject to maximum faith in the magic of the ritual.

To perform the ritual you need to take:

  • paper;
  • black candle;
  • a spoonful of honey;
  • black pencil;
  • spoon of sugar.

At midnight, open the window and sit by it, light a candle, write on a piece of paper the amount that still needs to be given. Place a few drops of honey in the middle of the paper and pour sugar inside it. Fold the sheet into an envelope and put it in a place where no one will find it.

The candle must be extinguished and left on the table. The next morning, bury the candle far from home and burn the paper sheet. Expect financial well-being, the ability to pay off debts, and no need to borrow money again.

If debt is a curse

Financial troubles can accompany a family from generation to generation; this is nothing more than a generational curse that needs to be gotten rid of. Ancestral karma is a strong thing, which only strong magic can change. To implement your plan you will need:

  • glass of water;
  • a raw egg.

Eggs have long been used in magic because they have power and guarantee the desired effect.

You need to take the egg with both hands, saying:

A white egg, a white face, a bright angel answered me: Evil people, the servant of God (name), bypassed you and took your money. I will help you, I will protect you. He spread his wings over me so that no one could wipe me off. He took away evil, slander and slander with his wing, and put up a fence around the oak tree for a hundred centuries. Whoever approaches out of evil will not find the door-window into my abode. That fence stands, an angel flies over it. I am under an angel, I am not afraid of anyone. Amen, amen, amen.

Then it is lowered into a glass of water and stirred clockwise with a knife. After this, the water from the glass is poured into the toilet, and while flushing, the following is said:

I give away someone else’s, I take away what’s mine.

The ritual is powerful because it involves getting rid of a family curse, involving close relatives. In order for the manipulations to proceed correctly and give the desired effect, you should first consult with a magician who will answer all questions. If you have no desire to deal with the problem of a family curse on your own, you can turn to psychics for help.

Rituals for getting rid of debts allow you to achieve financial independence in the near future, the main thing is to know about all the features of a particular ritual, and carry out all the manipulations in secret from others. If you believe in the power of magic, you can quickly remove the generational curse, say goodbye to the habit, and borrow money.

How to avoid loans and credits in the future

When deciding to carry out a ritual that allows you to get rid of credits and loans, it is important to first pay off your debts and cleanse your energy. After this, you need to go to the pond, throw a coin into the water, saying:

May all debts be reduced and not return to me in the future. I will drive them away from me like I drive away clear water. I’ll pay for it in silver, I’ll give away what I don’t need. I'll throw the key into the water and dissolve it. The loans are closed, locked forever. Amen.

Sorcerers and magicians say that it is necessary to keep your wallet in order and clean, rid it of unnecessary garbage, and carry only money in it. Any candy wrappers, checks, credit cards are items that prevent funds from flowing into your wallet. By clearing it of such debris, you will restore the positive energy of your wallet, allowing it to once again accept an unlimited amount of funds.

Strong rituals for getting rid of debts will allow you to once and for all cleanse the necessary energy, which will contribute to financial security and the absence of the need to borrow funds. The main thing is to follow the rules of conduct, have the necessary attributes available, and perform rituals alone with your thoughts, without extraneous stimuli.