Wood carving in a modern interior: style and patterns. Practical tips for wood carving for beginning craftsmen Sketches of wood carving in the Rococo style

The history of wood carving goes back thousands of years. This art is closely connected with the history and culture of society, therefore each country has its own unique techniques and carving styles. These are Baroque, Empire, Rococo, Gothic, fascinating in their beauty and richness, or original techniques in the Russian and Slavic style, as well as relatively new carving styles, for example “Tatyanka”.

Carved box made by carving Tatyanka

Baroque is an artsy, but at the same time harmonious in its beauty and symmetry art style. Western Europe. It is characterized by the richness and splendor of decoration characteristic of luxurious palace interiors. The style arose in Italy at the end of the 16th century and was distinguished by its extraordinary spatial scope, emotionality, rich color and the complexity of carved ornaments. Baroque carving is characterized by rounded smooth lines, symmetry of elements and a complete absence of straight lines.

The Baroque style interior is rich and massive. To decorate the premises, high-quality furniture is used, additionally decorated with carvings, and the interior is replete with gilding and sculptural compositions.

Thread Features

The characteristic features of Baroque carvings are as follows:

Example of Baroque carving
  • absence of straight lines and flat elements;
  • use primarily and;
  • carving can be made using both blind and slotted techniques;
  • an abundance of fancy plant motifs, various scrolls, curls, mythological subjects;
  • use of elite, mainly dark wood species.

Baroque carving technique

For carving in the Baroque style, solid hardwood is used - oak, beech, walnut, ebony. The carving is complex and ornate - there are various spirals, concave and convex elements, curly stems, garlands, shells. This style is replete with plant, zoomorphic and fantasy motifs.
: cutters, chisels, knives. Work can be done mechanized way using specialized machines.

Baroque style table


Rococo, like Baroque, is classified as palace art. The Rococo style is associated with the reign of Louis XV. Although both styles are rich and decorative, Rococo is more elegant and restrained compared to the pompous Baroque.


The Rococo style is associated with the concept of “rocaille”, which means shell. The shape of the shell is typical of Rococo, although this is not the only feature.

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The most amazingly beautiful and at the same time very popular type of manual processing natural wood considered wood carving. Having received a new round of development today, highly artistic carved details reflect the rich national traditions of carving, are characterized by unsurpassed diversity, which determines their true value, and thanks to this, captivate with their magnificent appearance and extravagance.

Wood carving in the interior

For internal space and its expressiveness, regardless of the stylistic orientation, various graphic, pictorial and even sculptural techniques can be used. The broadest possibilities in the field of intricate and unusual decoration has natural solid wood. Skillfully executed wood carvings in the form of extraordinary, ornate patterns and ornaments, as if enlivening the space and endowing it with amazing charm and charm, emphasizing the sophistication and sophistication of the taste of its owner, making one enjoy the fact of owning a luxurious thing.

Choosing material

To create original decorative elements self made Various woods can be used, for example:

Birch. Excellent raw material with a pronounced, clear relief. Great for creating souvenir items and unique overlay decor for pieces of furniture;

Linden. Relatively soft material, from which amazingly beautiful, small decorative items: boxes, photo frames, toys. The technique of linden wood carving can be successfully mastered with the help of video lessons;

Alder allows you to successfully imitate valuable types of natural wood with noble colors: black, purple, deep red. Used to create small decorative elements;

Oak it is famous for its natural hardness and durability, and these qualities make it possible to create high-quality, visually attractive furniture and massive panels from it;

wood carving in the interior
patterns for wood carving

Walnut Surprisingly easy to polish and process. Excellent for producing carved objects, furniture elements, sculptural works of all shapes and sizes;

Pear. Valuable natural raw materials, which practically do not crack or warp, are used to create exclusive handmade decorative elements, interior items and souvenirs;

Cedar, pine, spruce and yew are considered an excellent raw material of natural origin for creating massive sculptural creations, luxurious decorative cornices and platbands. Traditionally, porches and gates are decorated with this material, and balconies are decorated. Yew and cedar are suitable for making unique carved elements wooden furniture and modern interior items, you can always familiarize yourself with the creation technique through video lessons.

Wood carving: stylistic trends and characteristic patterns

Job modern masters woodworking is based on a commitment to certain stylistic directions, each of which has its own special decorative techniques in the processing and finishing of “living” material.

Among the most common and visually stunning styles, true connoisseurs of wood art highlight:

Gothic. It is distinguished by the widespread use of rich decor, painted in golden shades, and carved sculptures of a religious nature;

Baroque. A style that leads to pomp and extraordinary spatial scope. Handmade decorative elements are characterized by contrast of colors and shapes, smooth, rounded lines, dynamism and clear symmetry of images. Here you will never find rectilinear geometry and cold severity;

Empire style Wood carving in the Empire style - in the form of a refined lyre, images of military armor and emblems, laurel wreaths of winners. Furniture legs take the amazing shape of the paws of formidable lions, sphinxes or graceful swans;

Rococo. Wood carving in the Rococo style is a refinement of patterns and ornaments of extraordinary beauty and perception, complemented by mythological and erotic elements. The theme of curly hair, magnificent flower garlands and compositions, plating with gilding and noble bronze widely dominates here. Wavy shapes and smooth lines, the finest wood carvings in the form of miniatures that capture the imagination;

Classicism. A style of strict elegance, seasoned luxury and impeccable taste. Symbolizes stability and unique freedom of space, expressed in a combination of straight, clear geometry and strict forms in the interior. The presence of light gilding of some items and decoration with expensive tapestries.

Wood carvings with elegant and sophisticated patterns highlight individuality and true beauty classic interior, and the Baroque, Rococo and Empire styles are perfectly complemented by skillfully handmade decorative elements: sophisticated wooden cornices, elaborate tabletops and other details of a modern interior.

Wood carving in the interior. Video lessons

For the unusual decorative design Several types of threads can be used in the internal space.

  • Embossed with slightly protruding image geometries and a recessed background.
  • Geometric Wood carving, the creation technique of which can be learned through video lessons, involves applying a pattern slightly embedded in the general background. When performing such carving, craftsmen can use two main techniques:
  1. bracketed with unique moon-shaped details,
  2. triangular-notched based on geometric shapes.
  • Proriznaya(openwork, through), based on through drilling of the general background, is a light, sophisticated and translucent composition.
  • Contour, visually reminiscent of the engraving technique;
  • Volumetric thread in the form of sculptural works;
  • Invoice. Decorative element interior, obtained by superimposing the finished image on a flat surface. You can learn about this wood carving technique through video tutorials.

Modern master carvers, possessing a subtle artistic taste and creative inspiration, have learned to create real masterpieces from it at a high quality level, which, thanks to the rapid development of finishing and protection technologies finished product from the destructive effects of insects, bacteria and mold, allow wooden products serve for the benefit of man for hundreds of years. Such means of protection include all kinds of paint and varnish coatings, which are extremely safe and incredibly effective. Stylish and magnificent carved pieces of furniture created with their help, door designs, decorative rosettes, exquisite panels and delightful hand-carved figurines form the comfort and beauty of the house and indicate the respectability of the owner of the room.

Having barely learned to hold objects in his hands, the little man shows a craving for creativity. Over time, he will have the opportunity to try himself in various types of crafts: needlework, modeling, origami, wood carving, drawing. Of course, certain skills that the child received in school will be useful for this. early childhood. Sometimes a simple hobby gradually turns into a hobby, and then becomes the work of a lifetime. So many centuries ago in Rus', one of the main types of creativity was wood carving. And in the 21st century it still arouses genuine interest among people.

Popular types of intricate art

For a long time, people decorated their homes with wooden carvings. Various kinds of paintings, kitchen utensils, religious objects, and children's toys were considered valuable things for any family. Perhaps that's why they appeared different kinds wood carvings. The most popular options are:

  • geometric;
  • flat-notched;
  • slotted;
  • sculptural;
  • embossed;
  • openwork;
  • invoice.

Fortunately, the list does not end there, because this type of creativity is widespread throughout our vast country. Let's look at just a few of them.

Geometric wood carving involves the use of various figures in the work. These are triangles, circles, squares and polyhedra. It is used for the manufacture of furniture elements, household utensils, and wall crafts. The oldest type of such carving is triangular-notched carving. This is one of the most simple methods, since it is performed with only one tool - a knife with a jamb. For such wood carving you will need a simple set of items:

  • linden board;
  • special knife-jamb;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

First, sketches of geometric shapes or a finished ornament are applied to the board. It is better for novice amateurs not to use complex drawings so that the work turns out flawless. For the first work, material from deciduous trees, since it is more convenient to draw straight lines on it with a sharp knife.

The wooden surface should be as smooth as possible. This is achieved by planing the board. It does not need to be sanded sandpaper. Otherwise, the carving will not turn out clear and neat, and the tool will quickly become dull.

The flat-pit method is used to cut out depressions of various sizes and shapes on a plane. These can be oval contours and all kinds of convexities.

The slotted type of carving is also considered quite simple. It is performed using a jigsaw. A sketch of any figure applied to a wooden plane is cut out along the contour. As a result, they come out cute crafts. Applicable slotted thread for making background objects through which other planes are visible. It is often called openwork carving, and is used to decorate furniture in the Baroque style. These can also be elements of buffets, window casings, doors, and sometimes decorative screens. If crafts are attached to a special base, then this type of carving is considered overhead.

The process of working with the slotting method begins with a sketch, which is applied to a pre-polished workpiece. It is transferred to the surface using a special template or transparent white paper. Then holes are made on the contours and cut out on the work table using a thin jigsaw file.

Relief carving includes two main methods: flat and blind. In addition, the blind option implies a low or convex relief. The bottom line is that the pattern is formed due to the main background of the surface.

The flat-relief method is performed in such a way that the pattern and the surrounding background are made at the same depth over the entire area of ​​the base. Blind carving is characterized by a convex pattern that does not have flat outlines. Such products are valued for their high decorativeness and richness of composition. After all, a unique miniature landscape with hills, depressions and depressions is created on the plane. To create such masterpieces, craftsmen use elements of almost all types of wood carving. Therefore, beginners should master each method separately in order to apply the skills with more.

The first steps on the path to mastery

History shows that wood was traditionally used to decorate living spaces. Nowadays, various photographs, drawings and sketches of wood carvings are exhibited in local history museums or printed publications. This suggests that smart people who are willing to learn can master this art form. Wood is a wonderful natural material from which you can create decorative compositions, paintings, furniture elements and kitchen utensils. Having mastered the basics ancient art, some became real masters of wood carving, devoting their entire lives to it.

Popular wisdom says: “The hardest trouble is the beginning.” This is how it is if you do nothing. Practical advice Wood carving for beginners opens the door brave people into the world of magnificent DIY crafts. First you need to prepare your tools and understand the basic nuances of the craft.

It is advisable for beginners to choose high-quality and durable equipment for work in order to acquire valuable craftsmanship skills.

For wood carving you need to prepare the following tools:

  • sharp knife;
  • chisel;
  • jigsaw;
  • bit;
  • drill;
  • needle files;
  • spoon cutter;
  • bars;
  • milling machine.

Of course, for beginners it will be enough to purchase a special set of tools for wood carving, which includes a knife, a jigsaw and an awl. With their help it is very convenient to master the skills of ancient craftsmanship.

The next step is the selection of raw materials. The quality of the product depends on this. In nature, there are two types of wood: hard and soft. The first group includes mahogany, oak and beech. For the second - aspen, pine, spruce, birch. Of course, it is easier to work with soft wood, but with one wrong move it quickly deteriorates. Despite this, it is considered the most suitable raw material for beginners.

Hardwoods are used by professionals because they are very expensive.

In addition to the strength of the material, the color of the wood also plays a key role. A suitable raw material for learning the skill is birch. It lends itself wonderfully to cutting and drilling in any direction. When choosing designs for wood carving, you should keep in mind that birch wood darkens over time. Despite this, she is very easy to work with.

Once the pattern is selected, it must be transferred to wooden blank. In the age of technology, you can use ready-made photographs or drawings provided by specialists. The subjects of the images are very different, but each has its own unique beauty. When everything is ready, you can start creating your own masterpieces. Thematic wood carving lessons are an invaluable aid for beginners.

Master class on simple crafts

When you look at the finished crafts, you get the impression that making them is not at all difficult. Therefore, many lovers of folk crafts took the instrument into their hands and got to work. To cut an ordinary flower you need to prepare the following set of items:

  • wood blank;
  • double soft pencil;
  • tracing paper;
  • chisels.

Please note that only special chisels for wood carving are suitable. They should be v-shaped, narrow and semicircular. The next stage is drawing. It can be taken from the Internet. To do this, apply a sheet of paper to the screen, redraw the diagram, and then apply it to a wooden plane.

Start working from the central part of the sketch, carefully cutting out a circle. Then, using a v-shaped chisel, cut out the petals along the contour. Wood waste between them is removed as work progresses. If you don’t have such a chisel, they will do professional knives for wood carving, which are no worse to use in this craft.

Using a semicircular chisel, cut out the outer part of the petal. It looks like the outline of a heart, but it's not scary. Then cuts are made in the inner part of the petal, connecting it to the center of the flower. All that remains is to round it off and the flower is ready. Now you can admire the first creation of your own hands. An invaluable help for beginners is a themed woodcarving video that encourages them to get started immediately.

Modern technology for experienced craftsmen

IN modern world many works have been completed for a long time mechanically. Applied crafts are not lagging behind in this. The use of technology allows craftsmen to save their energy and precious time. Wood carving machines make it possible to quickly and efficiently prepare the raw material for work. The only drawback of such devices is their high cost, but people for whom carving is not just a hobby are ready to purchase them.


The device is designed to work with any wooden surfaces. It performs operations of various kinds, both volumetric and on a plane. The pantograph is used to process arched, bent or rotating parts. So, with the help of a machine, various elements of furniture, statues or panels are cut out.


An excellent device for working with hardwood. It is important to take into account the properties and location of the fibers natural material. Using a drill, craftsmen sharpen tools, polish wood, and, if necessary, polish.

Tree species with dense wood that do not have a tendency to chip are suitable for working with a drill.

CNC milling machine

This technique is mainly used for the production of wooden furniture with carved decoration. The machine is designed to work with any type of plywood and wood. It is highly functional and technical capabilities. When working on such equipment, it is important to use special means protection - glasses and gloves. Also follow the operating instructions for the device.

As practice shows, such machines simplify the process of wood carving. They make it possible to create a huge number of products in a short time. The devices are used not only in industry, but also for personal workshops.

In any case, handmade products bring true satisfaction to a person. They create a pleasant atmosphere in the house, help express the master’s feelings for his loved ones, and serve for the benefit of the household for a long time. Wooden crafts retain their natural beauty for a long time and never go out of fashion. Wood carving is an art that is passed down from generation to generation. It is available to anyone who wishes to master this craft. The main thing is not to be afraid of failures, but to be willing to learn, pick up tools and create masterpieces.

Wood carving video lesson for beginners