How to make a mug postcard from paper. DIY floating cup: everything from an overview of materials and assembly process to decorating in many ways! Unusual flying cups

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Elena Kokshareva

Hello, dear colleagues! The long-awaited spring is approaching March 8! We all want to please our dear and beloved women, mothers and grandmothers, to do for them handmade gift.

I present to your attention postcard in the shape of a cup with flowers for your beloved mommies.

Postcard decorated outside and inside.

Children chose their own color postcards, shape of flowers.

For work we need: double-sided cardboard (cup, colored paper for flowers and leaves, White paper, 3 strips of green cardboard, ribbon bow, glue, scissors.

Fold a sheet of cardboard in half and cut it into the shape of a cup. On the first page we cut off the handle, the handle remains only on the second page postcards. To the front postcards glue it White list shaped like a cup, but without a handle and slightly smaller in height.

The front part can be decorated with two ways:

1. Glue a white sheet with a cut out pattern using the punching technique.

2. Glue flowers, leaves and stems cut from paper of the same color as postcard.

Looks the same. My children and I chose method 2. The children cut out flowers (they made them out of petals, leaves and stems themselves, and then glued them onto a white sheet of paper.

I offered the children three types colors: tulips, flowers with round leaves and flowers with heart-shaped leaves.

The children chose themselves which flowers they would cut out. Flowers should be the same shape on the cup and on the stems.

Then we cut out 3 flowers (one large and two small ones, glue them to cardboard stems, glue the centers of the flowers. Glue the finished flowers to postcard inside, decorate with leaves and a bow.

And next to the page is a poem for mom.

From colored paper

I'll cut out a piece.

I will make it out of him

Little flower.

Gift for mom,

I'll cook.

The most beautiful

I have mom!

Look what we came up with!

All postcards very tender and beautiful, just like our favorite ones mommies! With coming holiday, dear women!

This paper cup will be a great box for a small gift: cookies, candy, etc. Make cups different colors and sizes: use your imagination!

So let's get started.

Let's start with the handle. This is the most complex part of the cup. Cut out three parts from the template (see below).

We bend the edges of the long part.

We bend the edges at the handles themselves.

Glue the long piece to one of the “squiggles”. Don't worry if traces of glue are visible at this stage, they won't be visible when the cup is completely finished.

Glue the second squiggle.

This is what it should look like from the other side. Using these folded tabs you will glue the handle to the cup itself.

Set the handle aside and cut out the two “mill” pieces. Fold the sides. You can make a small hole in the middle of each “mill” to make it easier to align them exactly in the center.

Attention! Don't glue these two pieces together in the center! If you are not comfortable, then carefully pin it in the center with a pin.

Glue the first folds to each windmill wing. Do it carefully so that nothing moves.

Now we can glue together all the wings of our “mill”.

This is what our cup looks like from the bottom now.

Don't panic if the edge of your cup isn't straight. Run scissors along the edge, straightening it out.

Now we make the so-called stand. Cut out small “windmills” and glue them together like you would a large cup.

We got three parts like this.

Glue all the parts together. We start with the stand. Then we glue the handle. The cup is ready!

For the lid, cut out two parts. Bend the sides of the long one. Carefully glue both parts together.

Cup and cup lid template:

Taken from

Translation by Ekaterina Balagurova

Other Master classes from the section

And prosperity. Creating a floating cup with your own hands is a creative, very exciting and low-cost process, and its result will delight you!)

The flying bowl looks very attractive and will add additional coziness and comfort to any home or office interior. Can be a wonderful gift for your loved ones and colleagues! Making a floating mug will not work a lot of work, the main thing is to know the basic principle of its manufacture and pay special attention to details and colors.

Master - Ovchinnikova Yaroslava


1) tea or coffee pair (cup and saucer)

2) glue to connect the “spouting” structure with a bowl and saucer. It is better to use the universal Moment gel adhesive for ceramics, plastic or glass. An alternative can be any other adhesive designed to work with smooth surfaces. Glue gun also used, but it is intended mainly for working with rough surfaces. There is a possibility that the cup will come off in the near future after gluing.

3) thick wire, or triple wires. You can use other flexible items, such as old aluminum forks or spoons, or a metal hanger.

superplastic) is a self-hardening thermoplastic. When heated, it becomes plastic and convenient for giving it the desired shape. When cooled, it becomes hard, elastic and durable.

5) painting scotch– they can replace superplastic

6), can also replace polymorphus. It resembles plasticine, but unlike it, it hardens well in air. Contains natural ingredients (dough made from cereal flour), so it is absolutely safe for children.

7) decoration items cups: coins, flowers, cones, feathers, candies, beads, buttons, ribbons and much, much more.

Cup assembly process

The process of creating a floating mug is not at all complicated, but there are several important nuances, which must be taken into account when creating it.

The main secret in creating a flying bowl is making the right choice tea pair. The cup and saucer should not be too heavy. If you take this condition into account, it will be easier to create a flying bowl!

We construct the base of the floating cup; this is the element that connects the saucer to the cup. To do this, take a wire of the required length. It is important to note that the distance between the bowl and saucer should be approximately two cups. With these parameters, the flying cup will look most balanced.

Inside the bowl we form a loop from the wire, the diameter of which should be 2-4 cm. This will help to achieve better fixation of the wire in the cup. We twist the second end of the wire into a flat spiral in two or three turns. This way we will get a kind of stand, which we will fix in the saucer.

The tilt radius of the resulting structure should not exceed 45 degrees, otherwise the structure will be unstable!

Polymorphus is the most best material when making a flying cup.

Take a piece of polymorphus and immerse it in hot water for 20 seconds. During this time, the material is converted into soft plastic.

With the resulting plastic, like plasticine, we stick to the base, giving the required form. If the plastic hardens before you finish the job, simply dip it back into hot water. The prepared base will completely harden within 15 minutes.

If you don’t have this material on hand, you can use modeling compound. An alternative to these two materials is masking tape, which is simply wrapped around the wire base. Or you can wrap the wire with felt or other fabric, after coating it with glue.

An important aspect is to constantly try on the base on a saucer with a cup in order to spot any flaws in time!

You should pay special attention to the edge of your cup in the place where the structure will be attached!

In this place it is necessary to make a kind of step in the form of a support. This way the structure will hold much more securely.

When the base is ready, you can begin fixing it on the cup. Lubricate with glue all surfaces of the base in contact with the saucer and cup. Press firmly and hold for 3-5 minutes. Don't forget to glue a step to support the cup!

We fix the flying cup on soft objects in the desired direction and leave it in this position for 5 hours. During this time, the glue will dry well and securely fix the resulting floating bowl.

When the floating cup is well glued, you need to check how stable it is.

If the saucer is not able to hold the cup, then it is necessary to reduce the radius of the structure until it becomes stable.

The last stage of making a flying bowl is the most interesting and creative. Decorating a spill cup! Apply adhesive gel to decorative elements and glue it.

It's better to glue it first large elements, and glue the smaller ones last. This will hide small visible defects and gaps between elements.

After all the decorations are glued, you need to let the cup stand for 5 hours so that the glue dries.

The process of assembling a flying bowl is discussed in detail in the master class
Hand-made from the Masterclassy website:

Flying mug of flowers

Nata Liana tells how to make a floating cup “Summer Mood”:

Flying mug of fruits and berries

With the help of plastic fruits, berries, and mushrooms, you can create such an abundance of fruits and berries pouring out of a cup. will perfectly complement your fruit and berry

A floating cup can be decorated with bright gifts of autumn. Dried leaves and flowers can also be used. The mug can be replaced with a wooden barrel made from simple ice cream sticks.

Flowers and fruits are harmoniously combined in a floating stream. Butterflies, dragonflies, and ladybugs will be a wonderful “live” addition.

Floating money mug

The floating mug looks very stylish. The design technique of using an unfastening zipper will also add originality to your mug. Keys, bells, old small toys - everything can be used as decorative elements for your mug.

With coins you can also use imitation bills, in which.

The secrets of creating a money mug can be found in the Sveta DIY video tutorial:

The money tap is created using the same principle as the flying mug. Instead of a mug we use accordingly plastic faucet, and a saucer can replace a small chest or. Coins will look more impressive if they are coated with gold spray paint or varnish.

Master - Anastasia Spitsyna

Cash flows can be depicted using paper bills.

Master - Oksana Ankudinova

How to create a money tap can be seen in the master class
DIY gifts:

Flying mug with birds

The bird is a symbol of lightness and freedom, very often found in interior solutions in different styles and variations. This motif is also reflected in the decoration of the floating mug.

A floating mug can become a wonderful house for a nest of birds. The nest resembles a home and an idyll in it.

A cup with daisies and a bird with a nest looks like a real symbol of family, love and fidelity.

A bird with delicate roses, fluttering butterflies and other decorative elements will help create a summer soaring composition.

You can decorate the flying cup with simple pasta. It's better to take bow-shaped pasta and color it acrylic paint, decorate the middle with pearls. We decorate the mug with them and the waterfall of bows is ready!

This mug looks elegant both in pastel colors and in classic colors - black and white.

Flying mug made of beads

Pearls are the most noble decorative element that will add festiveness and pomp to any craft! A simple white tea pair can be transformed into such a pearl miracle!

A very delicate floating bowl will be made from soft pink and matching pearls. A white dove will perfectly complement the composition).

Beads of different colors will also help create a unique spill cup. Flowers and ribbons of the same shade as the mug will perfectly decorate and complete the image of your cup.

Will make yours more magnificent and elegant:

Handicraft masterpieces cover in their master class how to make an Easter floating bowl:

DelkiRu talks about another type of Easter composition in his master class:

Unusual flying cups

Instead of a flying cup, you can make a flying teapot. This composition will look very original on your kitchen table. When performing such a craft, it is better to choose a teapot small size and weight so as not to overload the structure. It is better to make a “stream” from a teapot from thin, strong wire (for example, knitting needles) and superplastic.

Hanging flying cups with flowers can become an original decoration! The main thing is to securely fasten them.
