Paint the walls in the apartment with your own hands. Do-it-yourself artistic wall painting: types and techniques, materials and tools

Painting walls in a house or apartment is far from a new element of decoration. Various scenes decorated the walls of private homes back in ancient times. Back then, wall painting was available only to aristocrats, but today anyone can decorate an apartment with exquisite painting. For modern designers and artists can paint a wall even in small room so that the drawing fits harmoniously into the interior. You don't have to be the owner of a luxury mansion to have a work of art on the walls of your home.

Painting walls in a house or apartment is far from a new element of decoration.

Decorative wall painting in the interior is very popular today. There are many agencies and private artists involved in this type of art. They work in various techniques and genres, so you can choose the most incredible drawings for the wall. As a rule, there are 3 main techniques:

  • planar;
  • embossed;
  • 3d painting.

There are quite a lot of varieties of flat technique - these are frescoes, applied with water-soluble paints on wet plaster, encaustic, which is molten wax, and grisaille, depicting old black and white photographs. In one technique, the design is applied using aerosols. This is, for example, graffiti or airbrushing. Others use various devices for applying paints.

Modern designers and artists can paint a wall even in a small room so that the design fits harmoniously into the interior

Relief painting is more difficult than planar painting. This is a very capricious technique. It is only suitable for a room in a classical, baroque or rococo style. Relief painting is a combination of a pattern and three-dimensional parts made of plaster, plaster, decorative stone etc. It is similar to technology volumetric painting. However, this is not the same thing. A three-dimensional drawing is created with the help of paints, but thanks to the skillful combination of light and shadow, it seems that there is a tunnel or a magical portal in the wall.

Only professionals can do three-dimensional painting, because it is an ordinary drawing with paints that seems three-dimensional. The secret is that the paint applied to the surface is rubbed over, acquiring the effect of depth and space. Interior graphics can also be three-dimensional. The 3D effect is achieved due to the geometry of the drawing, which is very difficult to achieve.

Gallery: painting the walls in the apartment (25 photos)

Simple DIY wall painting (video)

Choice of location and plot

Artistic painting in the interior is a task for real designers, because not every surface is suitable for work. The painting on the walls must correspond to the purpose of the room and be in harmony with the style and color scheme of the interior. Graffiti will look strange and inappropriate in classical styles, while high-tech or minimalism, on the contrary, do not tolerate pomposity. It is best to draw a plan of the room with all the objects and then look for a place for the drawing on it.

The image must be well lit, so perfect option– select the wall in the apartment opposite the window, or drag over the picture LED strip or hang a lamp. The painted area does not have to occupy the entire wall. This could be some part, a small picture on a plain background. IN Lately It is fashionable among designers to paint on several surfaces. For example, it could be a landscape stretching over several rooms, a beautiful floral ornament “curling” from floor to ceiling, or an abstraction that extends onto a door or furniture.

Hand-painted walls are appropriate in any room, but you will have to think about the plot. Main room in the house it is the living room. It is cozy and calm; the whole family gathers in this room, and guests are also received there. Ideal themes for this room are landscapes in soothing colors, delicate flowers or images of animals. If the living room is combined with a hallway, then the theme of the picture can smoothly transition from one room to another. For small corridors and hallways, choose subjects in light colors to visually expand the room.

The image should be well lit, so the ideal option is to choose a wall in the apartment opposite the window

The bedroom is a place for sleep and relaxation. Painting in the bedroom should not be aggressive. The motive is usually associated with sleep: peaceful landscapes, sunset, starry sky, zodiac signs. Often in the bedroom they paint the walls in oriental style. Intricate arabesques fill the room with the atmosphere of oriental fairy tales. Graffiti and contrasting designs are not suitable for the bedroom.

A nursery is a special room in which a child is in charge. The interests of the baby do not always coincide with the desires of adults. Ideas for painting walls in a nursery should come from the child, because this is his territory. No matter how much parents would like to do everything to their own taste and draw a flower field or a sky in the clouds, they will have to come to terms with the child’s wishes. Preschoolers often choose stories from cartoons, school-age children often choose pirate ships and castles, teenagers prefer graffiti, abstractions, etc.

Paintings depicting food are appropriate in the kitchen. These can be various still lifes, Orchard, antique fireplace, etc. Extensive panoramas with beautiful views. It is better to paint a wall in the kitchen on a surface opposite to the cooking area, so that grease and water do not get on the painting.

Unusual DIY wall decor (video)

With your own hands

Professional wall painting is expensive, because it is handmade. The price depends on the complexity and size of the drawing. To paint interior walls with your own hands, the techniques that artists use are, of course, complex and require certain skills and abilities. But anyone can create a simple pattern. Do-it-yourself wall painting in an apartment is usually done using:

  • stencil;
  • contour;
  • slide projections.

Work should begin with surface preparation. The wall is leveled using plaster or drywall. Then several layers of putty should be applied. Moreover, a primer is applied to each layer so that the putty does not crack over time. The paint will adhere well to such a surface and will last for a long time. Before painting and drawing, the wall is painted in the background color and waited until completely dry.

The stencil allows you to quickly apply a colored or plain design. With its help you can draw graffiti, floral patterns, and interesting ornaments. You just need to attach the stencil to the selected surface and brush it.

Applying a contour image is also quite simple. The finished drawing you like is reproduced along the contour on the surface. However, the image should not be too complex. The outline is drawn with a pencil, and if something goes wrong, the drawing can be erased with a damp cloth and started again. Then the drawing is simply painted with paints. Even a child can cope with a simple plot.

Those who have a special apparatus will be able to apply a painting based on the slide projection. The image is simply projected onto the surface, then the contours need to be outlined and the drawing colored. Slide projection makes it easy to apply graphics to the wall.

You can choose any paint for the job. Usually water-based or acrylic paints are used. Acrylic is indispensable for the bathroom, where humidity is always high. Watercolor walls look beautiful, but they are not suitable for every room. You can even paint a child’s nursery with gouache, but on the condition that no one will rub or wash the image with water. It is even better to cover the masterpiece with several layers of varnish. Modern industry produces a huge number of different decorative paints that are sprayed onto the surface, glow in the dark, etc. With their help, even a novice artist can create unusual drawings on the walls.

Do-it-yourself artistic painting of walls in the interior is not the easiest job. But such an image is created with warmth and love, because every artist leaves a piece of his soul in his works. In addition, painting walls with your own hands is an original design that no one will have.

Attention, TODAY only!

People have always believed that wall painting is great way not only decorate your home, but also attract happiness, tranquility and good luck. This design direction has not lost its relevance at all; rather, on the contrary, artistic wall painting is becoming more and more popular today. This is understandable - an original design option for the surrounding space can transform a room, fill it with warmth, beauty and comfort.

How it all began

Decorative wall painting is associated with the emergence frescoes. Translated from Italian, “fresco” means “fresh.” The technique involved applying paints diluted with lime water to wet (fresh) plaster. This method made it possible to obtain durable paintings that did not lose the brightness of colors over the centuries.


The fresco was widespread in Rome and Greece in the 2nd millennium BC. Aegean art was popular among the elite and was considered the best method decoration of walls and ceilings. The unique technology of work has preserved the creations of ancient masters to this day and told about the beliefs, customs and traditions of their ancestors.

The sequence of creating a clean fresco was first described Cennino Cennini(1447). The image was applied to the plaster using powder, ocher or coal. Only rich people could afford such beauty: artistic painting is a labor-intensive process that requires high skill and appropriate remuneration.

Today, painting walls in the interior has become more accessible, but it still cannot be called a cheap pleasure. Handmade counts the best way creating an exclusive interior that has no analogues. The variety of styles and genres guarantees stunning results - mesmerizing and realistic.

Application technique: varieties

The concept of “painting the walls of a room” includes many ways of applying images. It is customary to distinguish between 2 main varieties: traditional and modern technology, which in turn are divided into several subspecies.

Imperishable classic

Traditional wall painting is a monumental work done manually, without the use of modern devices. In addition to the above fresco, traditional techniques include:

  • encaustic- applying melted wax or oil paints to the plaster. Although another option is more often used - the image is applied to canvas or wooden panel and then pasted on the wall;

  • alsecco translated from Italian as “dry”. This technique of painting walls involves applying a color mixture to dry plaster. The paints were ground on eggs with the addition of lime and vegetable glue mixed with tempera, acrylic and oil solutions;
  • sgrafitto translated as “scratched”. The procedure is technologically quite complex - the wall is covered first with black and then with white primer. The design is scraped onto the white ground until a black background appears. The technique was invented by the ancient Greeks and became widespread during the Renaissance.

Achievements of the current century

Modern variations are no less interesting, but more varied.

  • grisaille translated from French as "gray". The peculiarity is that the drawing is done in a palette of all shades of gray - this gives the composition a sculptural orientation;
  • drawing on decorative plaster . In this case, before starting work, the walls are finished in order to give the required volume. A painting on a wall treated in this way looks like a real one - “living” and “breathing”;

  • acrylic painting walls are extremely in demand due to quick application and drying, the ability to convey the play of light and tones;
  • visible and invisible colors glow in the dark and attract everyone's attention. The technique allows the use of coloring mixtures with the addition of mother-of-pearl and light-accumulating particles that shine in ultraviolet light - a truly mesmerizing sight;
  • graffiti- a technique familiar to many, which involves the use of aerosol cans of paint;
  • vinyl painting- one of the latest developments, loved by many for its ease of execution and cost-effectiveness. Ornament that is applied to vinyl wallpapers, brings the desired breath of novelty into a familiar environment and, with the right approach, becomes the main decoration of the interior.

Stencil painting

Question how much does wall painting cost- the first thing that worries those who want to decorate their home with “living” paintings. The cost depends on many factors: the complexity of the design, the application method, the size of the composition, and the chosen subject.
On average, an ornament will cost from 2,000 to 15,000 thousand rubles. per sq.m., landscape sketches - from 6,000 to 30,000 thousand rubles. per sq.m., compositions depicting animals and humans - from 20,000 to 60,000 thousand rubles. per sq.m.

If you want to create on your own, then stencils for painting walls will help you. It's simple and affordable way decorate the room with borders, friezes, ornaments and flowers. Available for sale a large number of ready-made templates for painting, but if you want something unusual and definitely in a single copy, then you can make stencils yourself. It is enough to take a sheet of plastic or thick cardboard, draw the outlines of the desired design and cut it out.

All that remains is to fix the stencil on the wall and paint it using a special stencil brush and water-dispersed or latex paints. To create single-color patterns, single templates are suitable, while the use of multiple shades requires the presence of a multi-stencil consisting of several parts.

Wall painting with stencil pictures is especially popular when decorating children's rooms. The topic can be any depending on the age, gender and preferences of the child. It has been proven that the formation of taste begins in childhood - surround your baby with bright, interesting and educational stories that stimulate the development of imagination, and he will grow up kind, smart and talented.

DIY art painting

First of all, you need to decide on the location of the drawing and purchase materials for the work. If the choice of area for juicy experiments depends only on you, then paints and brushes must be purchased, taking into account the recommendations of professionals.

So the best acrylic paints are varnish and matte. They are non-toxic, dry quickly and are resistant to mechanical stress (the created sketch can be washed, but without fanaticism - with special diligence, you can erase anything).
Brushes for acrylic paints must be purchased with artificial bristles. Preferably in different sizes, which will help you choose best option stroke depending on the tasks


Next stage - surface preparation. The wall is puttied to perfect smoothness - there should be no bumps or depressions. Then it is painted with white paint, just white, and not tinted - otherwise we will get a faded pattern with spots. Before applying the pattern directly to the wall, it would be a good idea to work out the sequence of sketching the details on paper.

Draw an outline with colored pencils; if you use a simple pencil, then under the influence of acrylic paints it will blur and instead of a picturesque landscape, an artistic “daub” will appear in front of us. Make sketches from large to small details, i.e. identify the main elements first, and then supplement them with secondary ones


It is also necessary to paint over the drawing in stages - give yourself a rest. Intervals will help not only to maintain the thirst for creativity, but also to see minor mistakes and shortcomings. The paint is applied from large to small parts, from light to darker tones.

Final step- varnishing. Although the procedure is not mandatory for acrylic paints, it is better to play it safe and securely fix the created masterpiece, but when using watercolors and gouache, a varnish coating is extremely necessary! The varnish is applied carefully using a spray bottle in several thin layers. Now your efforts are reliably protected from the influence of dust and time; all you have to do is wipe the created splendor with a damp cloth from time to time.

Artistic wall painting is a very interesting activity that requires inspiration and special responsibility. Try to put a piece of your soul into your work, and then the result will delight the eye and fill the space with a special, festive mood.

Every person wants his home to be light And cozy, so that it would be nice to come to it after a hard day, relax, relax your body and soul.

Of course, you can furnish your home with the right furniture or stylish wallpaper. But perhaps the most original the way to create a dream interior is artistic wall painting.

This designer the technique began to be used recently, but already won sympathy apartment dwellers and homeowners.

To bring some into your home picturesque beauty, you don’t have to look for professionals. Wall painting It’s quite possible to do it yourself, which will allow you to create unique impeccable interior tailored to individual preferences.

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Wall painting is not difficult, but fun!

In this matter, everything depends on abilities, creativity and the artist's imagination. Yes, yes, this activity will make you feel real an artist.

Your canvas - this is a wall like clean slate, providing freedom for creativity. At your disposal paints all kinds of colors, brushes, sponges, spray cans and other devices.

Wall painting in interior can be very diverse: from ordinary colors and geometric figures, decorated in the form of an ornament, to entire finished paintings - landscapes, still lifes, illustrations to your favorite books and films.

It is not necessary to be a professional artist. Even a person without drawing skills can paint a wall using stencils.

Types and techniques of artistic painting

One of the oldest techniques used for wall painting. People mastered it back in Ancient Greece, but it gained particular popularity during the period Renaissance in Europe.

With each century, this technique was constantly improved. A fresco is a painting on fresh wet plaster. As a rule, water-soluble paints are used.

When painting, it is necessary track, so that the plaster does not dry out. Only then will you get a true fresco with saturated flowers.

If the plaster begins to dry out, it must be periodically moisturize.

Important: Decorative wall painting is done mainly with large artistic brushes. Paint brushes won't fit here!

This technique very similar to the fresco technique, only it is done already on dry plaster (Italian a secco - dry).

The undoubted advantage is that you can take your time and thoroughly draw a drawing.

However ordinary paints do not adhere well to such material. Therefore, they need to be prepared: acrylic grind the paints in a mixture of vegetable glue, eggs and lime. It turns out something similar to tempera Paint can be applied in several layers.

Wall painting needs some framing, to aesthetically design its borders at the junctions with the ceiling and pasted wallpaper walls. You can learn how to do this using decorative moldings from

Note: In case of some mistakes when drawing, small areas can be slightly corrected by rinsing with clean water. However, this is not recommended, as the pattern will become less durable and may even crumble over time.

Is one of the most labor-intensive technician. Represents scratching drawing ( Italian sgraffito or grafrito - scratched).

Artistic painting of walls using this technique is carried out colored plaster, and the number of colors will depend on your idea.

Do not make complex paintings using this technique and try to use no more than 4 colors. Apply them sequentially on top of each other, allowing each layer to dry slightly.

Most upper layer will be background Pictures. You can apply it on top sketches future image.

Then in the right places scratch through plaster to the depth of the required color. Here you should show extreme accuracy - nothing can be fixed!

Sgraffito technique


One of the most interesting and unusual technician, from preparing paints to finishing touches.

Here the paint is melted wax, mixed with color pigments.

Such materials are particularly naturalness, which means non-toxic, therefore, they can be used to paint walls in children's room.

Apply Paint should only be applied to dry plaster.

This technique is best used hard non-porous brushes, as the paints are very soft.

To make the drawing look be more careful you can draw the image in advance with a pencil with very soft stylus.

Encaustic in the interior

One of modern And simple techniques, allowing you to create various effects - from light airiness to realistic images and even 3D effects.

Performed using spray paint cans for small parts and airbrushes for large images.

To use this technique it is not necessary to prepare surface walls. The paint is easily applied to other paint, plaster and even wallpaper.

It opens new Horizons for design ideas. For example, against the background colored wallpaper, you can draw any objects, and the room will turn into blooming garden or tropical forest.

Airbrushing You can carry out artistic painting of both walls and ceilings.

Airbrush in the interior

Another fashionable modern know-how in artistic painting, which motley almost all courtyards of large cities. This can be considered hooliganism, or it can be skillfully used for design in the house.

Most often, painting is done using aerosol cans. Surface for suitable for painting any - be it plaster, dye or wallpaper. But be sure to remember that spray paint is applied only to well dried surface.

Not technology, but piece of art! The drawings are very reminiscent of black and white pencil sketches on paper.

Remember how in such pictures they play out shades gray, the gradation has been recreated. Images similar to black and white photographs. Recently, this type of wall design has become more stylish than ever.

Realistic, The volumetric and graceful image is mesmerizing. But painting walls with your own hands using this technique is extremely difficult and it is unlikely that a beginner will succeed.

Performed on a wall that has been whitewashed. Basic paint - tempera, which is recommended to be applied with a thin, stiff brush using light strokes, as if you were drawing with a pencil. The most small details can be drawn in ink. Be careful in choosing tones.

Author's technique - painting walls with strokes using a sponge

Interesting technique that will help you easily transform interior. It is characterized simplicity execution and the special subtlety and beauty of the resulting images.

You will need:

  • some sponges(depending on the number of paints used);
  • paints(preferably on water based);
  • spray with water;
  • soft simple pencil;
  • stencils.

The working surface, that is, the wall, must be covered white

Note: artistic painting of the walls in the interior creates a certain ease, slight disorder and at the same time airiness.

To begin with, apply it to the wallpaper sketch using a pencil.

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Liven up the walls of your kitchen, bedroom, living room, nursery or hallway with drawings by following one of our master classes and being inspired by a selection of 100 photo ideas.

  1. Water-based acrylic paints are most suitable for wall painting, as they are quite bright, odorless, dry quickly and can be adjusted during the painting process.
  1. So that the drawings on the wall are not afraid of wet cleaning, they should be coated with matte varnish.
  2. It is best to dedicate one or at most two walls for painting, otherwise the interior will be overloaded and the space will be visually reduced.

  1. When choosing a pattern for the wall, consider the orientation of the room to the cardinal points. If the windows of the room face south, then you can safely use cool shades (blue, blue, turquoise) for wall painting. If there is not enough light in the room, then we advise you to rely on warm shades (yellow, orange, brown, red and others).

  1. The drawing on the wall should fit into the interior of the room in style, color scheme and theme. So, for example, in classic interior Patterns in the style of damask, heraldry, checkered patterns, plant and floral motifs will be good.

Flowers on the kitchen wall in a classic style

Idea 1. Painting walls using a stencil (+ master class)

Stencils come in handy when you need to outline the contours of a complex image, draw letters, numbers or any repeating patterns.

To paint the walls, you can use a ready-made template or one made to order in a printing house. Such stencils can be flexible or rigid, one- or two-layer (to create a multi-color pattern), self-adhesive or glueless. They are generally durable, fit tightly to the wall, and are designed to be reusable.

  • Do you want to purchase a super fashionable and unusual stencil? We advise you to search for it in the international online store Etsy using the query “stencil” (price from 10 to 100 $).

However, you can make a simple single-layer stencil for painting walls with your own hands, following our step-by-step instructions.

What you will need to make a stencil: office paper, plastic film or thick paper (for example, whatman paper or wallpaper), pencil, scissors, a stationery knife or a special knife for cutting out stencils, masking and transparent tape, as well as a printer and some kind of graphic editor (vector or raster).

What you will need to stencil wall painting: paints (water-based acrylic is best), a synthetic round brush (7 cm in diameter for painting large designs and smaller ones for finer work), a sponge (can be used instead of brushes) and paper napkins to remove excess paint.


Step 1. Find a suitable vector(!) stencil on the Internet, for example, on the website Please note that it is advisable to choose a contour image (or make it as such, following these instructions), because colored areas will only waste ink when printed.

  • It is also important that the stencil does not have bridges that are too thin, otherwise the paint underneath may leak and ruin the design. Or they may simply break.

Step 2. The selected image must be scaled to the right size and print. This is very easy to do if the stencil size does not exceed A4 format. However, if you need to print a large template, then you will need to break it into several parts, following these instructions. Next, all you have to do is assemble the picture as a mosaic.

  • If you are using transparent vinyl film, then you just need to lay it over the original design, trace its contours with a felt-tip pen or marker, then cut out the unnecessary segments (see photo).

Step 3. At this stage, the A4 paper stencil must be covered with transparent tape on both sides and overlapped (!) to protect the paper from getting wet. Finally, use a craft knife to cut out all the segments intended for painting.

If you have printed several A4 sheets for a large stencil, then at this stage you can immediately start cutting, but keep in mind that you will have to paint the stencil with an almost dry brush so that the paper does not get wet. But in order not to take risks, it is advisable to laminate the design or copy it onto a denser base (for example, vinyl wallpaper). To do this you can:

  • Use carbon paper (place it between the base and the printouts, and then trace all the lines with a pencil).
  • Cut out all the holes for painting from the printed drawing, and then transfer its contours to the base. Next, you need to take the knife again and cut out segments for painting, now on the base.

When cutting out the stencil, be sure to protect the table from scratches by placing some kind of backing on it, such as glass.

Step 4. Now it's time to glue the stencil to the wall. To do this, try on your template to the selected location, align it with the building level and glue it with tape. If necessary, for example, if you need to draw repeating elements at equal intervals, you must first make markings using a building level.

  • If the stencil has thin and movable bridges, secure them with small pieces of double-sided masking tape (you can twist a piece of regular masking tape into a ring).
  • A more convenient way to fix the stencil is using spray adhesive with low level adhesion, which allows you to remove the template easily and without a trace (sold in craft stores).

Step 5. Hurray, the most time-consuming work is left behind, it's time to start painting.

  • If you are using a sponge: dip the sponge into the paint, wipe off the excess on a napkin, then begin painting the stencil using a tamping motion.
  • If you are using brushes: Dip the brush into the paint, then roll it a little on the napkin to remove the excess (the bristles should be almost dry), then start painting in a circular motion. Be careful when painting areas near the very edges of the stencil so that paint does not bleed under the holes and ruin the outline of the design.
  • If you are using spray paint: Spray the paint carefully, in thin layers and in several approaches to avoid smudges.
  • If you are using a roller: Having lowered the roller into the paint trough, wipe it on a napkin, then start painting. Along the edges of the stencil, move the roller from side to side, not up and down.

Step 6. When the drawing on the wall is completely dry, coat it with matte varnish to protect it from moisture.

Idea 2. Painting checkered walls (+ master class)

As you know, check is the most versatile print that never goes out of style. It fits perfectly into both classic and modern interiors, both into the interior of the kitchen and children's bedroom. You can decorate one or more walls with a cage using wallpaper or painting.

  • Painting checkered walls with your own hands is somewhat more difficult than gluing checkered wallpaper, but painting gives a better result: the painted surface can be washed, repainted, and most importantly, it does not have seams that risk peeling off.

The easiest way is to paint walls in a large Vichy checkered pattern, as in this collection of photos.

Painting walls in Scottish tartan requires a little more effort, but still, it is accessible even to beginners - after all, the accuracy of the markings, rather than painting skills, is what is important here.

And now we invite you to familiarize yourself with step by step instructions painting walls with your own hands in tartan check as in the photo below.

What you will need: 4 paints of the same color, but different tones (in this project we used light olive for the background, a slightly more saturated marsh shade for vertical and horizontal stripes, an even darker one for the intersections of stripes, as well as two paints of contrasting colors), brushes, roller, paint tape and laser level, stepladder and other basic painting supplies.

  • It is best to use blue masking tape for painting walls, which can be removed without leaving a trace, without damaging the wall covering, and is marked “for clean lines.”


Step 1: Prepare the wall for painting, then paint it with the background color using a roller. In this master class, the background is a light olive tone of paint. Allow the background layer to dry before moving on to the next step.

Step 2. Mark vertical stripes of equal width on the wall using a laser level and masking tape. Then paint them with a paint darker than the background and let dry.

Step 3. Now mark the horizontal stripes in the same way, paint over them and leave to dry.

Step 4. Paint the intersections of the stripes in an even more saturated shade to create the effect of layering threads of the same color in the checkered fabric (as if that made the cells darker than the stripes).

  • By the way, if you want to paint the walls in a Vichy checkered pattern, then at this stage the work can be considered completed.

Step 5. It's time to draw the contrasting thin stripes that are required for the tartan check.

To do this, use again laser level and masking tape, mark a line along and in the center of the vertical stripes. Next, paint over them and let dry. Then use the same paint to draw lines along the horizontal thick stripes.

Step 6. Finally, we draw cells of a different contrasting color (in this master class it is blue). The technology is still the same, but the cell becomes larger, since the stripes are drawn along the lines of the first background layer.

Step 7. All that remains is to coat the painted wall(s) with matte varnish to enhance its moisture resistance and strength.

Idea 3. Hand painted walls

Hand-painted walls allow you to create unique and personalized interiors, embodying your wildest fantasies and design ideas.

Flowers on the wall

Flowers on the wall

Flowers on the wall

Painted walls are especially good in children's rooms.

With help hand painted you can correct, disguise or play up some of the room’s shortcomings. For example, draw a missing window, pieces of furniture or accessories, paint over a spot on the wall, etc.

Drawn headboard and vase

Hand-painting walls is best left to professionals, but simple drawings can be done by beginners if they have at least a little drawing skill. Here are some examples of simple images.

The stages of painting walls with your own hands are as follows:

  1. We are looking for an idea, a design motif that matches the interior;
  2. We plan the composition, develop sketches and select the final version of the future painting, print the image in color. It is also advisable to “try on” the drawing on the selected wall using a photo editor (that is, having photographed the wall, put a sketch on it and scale the composition to the required size);
  3. We cover the walls with artistic acrylic primer (preferably);
  4. We transfer the sketch to the wall with a pencil using:
  • Projector (the picture is displayed on the wall, then its contours are simply drawn).

The process of painting a wall from drawing the contours to coloring with Molotow acrylic markers:

  • Grids (the section of the wall to be painted is divided into 100 equal squares, then each square is manually drawn according to the sketch to scale with the same grid).
  • “Stencils” (in Photoshop, the contours of the desired drawing are selected, then the sketch is scaled, divided into parts and printed on A4 sheets, then the sheets are glued together like a mosaic, the resulting canvas is glued to the wall and all the lines of the drawing are drawn using the stencil principle).
  1. We paint the image with paints, paint over large spots of the composition, and work out the details. Painting should be carried out according to the principle “from general to specific.”
  2. We cover the finished painting with matte varnish. This stage is not necessary, but is desirable to give additional strength to the drawing.

Idea 4. Stamping (+ master class)

You can quickly and easily paint walls with your own hands using the stamping technique, when drawings or patterns are applied with a stamp. As a stamp, you can use both ready-made painting stamps and roller stamps, as well as improvised means - sponges cut in the shape of a circle or other shape, brushes and even your own fingers.

  • Ready-made stamps are sold in construction markets, and they can also be ordered in specialized online stores. For example, excellent stamps are made by a Russian company "Eco-wallpaper"(photo above). By the way, you can also purchase roller stamps on the company’s website (pictured below).

You can also make a stamp for painting a wall yourself from microporous rubber (foam, foamed polymer or simply “foam”) and a piece of cardboard.

What you will need: foam microporous rubber (often sold in children's art departments in the form of colored sheets), cardboard, pencil, sharp utility knife, scissors and glue, as well as acrylic paints.


Step 1. Cut out any shape or figure from a sheet of foam rubber. For example, it could be a circle as in our master class, a letter, an asterisk, autumn leaf, butterfly, flower, etc.

  • You can make several different stamps to create some kind of composition, say, a fruit with a stem (pictured). In addition, a separate stamp must be made for each color.

Step 2. Glue the resulting blank onto a piece of cardboard. Voila, the stamp is ready!

  • If you want the stamp to be reusable, then use a plastic base instead of cardboard.

Step 3. To start painting the wall, dip the stamp in the paint quite generously, but so that the paint does not drip from it, then apply it to the wall. If you want the print to be as clear as possible, you need to press evenly on the stamp.

Next, place the prints all over the wall in the same way, maintaining the same spacing. To avoid mistakes, it is advisable to first apply markings to the wall. In addition, before starting work, you should practice putting stamps on a draft.

  • An unsuccessful print can be carefully erased (provided you are using water-based paint).
  • Additionally, prints can be completed. For example, draw contours, add color and interesting details.

Step 4. Once the stamped designs are dry, coat the decorated wall with matte varnish.

Idea 5. Painting with chalk on a slate wall

By decorating one or two walls with chalk wallpaper or slate paint, you will have the opportunity to change the pictures on the wall every day, write down foreign words, to-do and grocery lists, instructions for household members, motivating or just funny phrases. Especially great chalk wall looks great in the interior of a children's room and kitchen.

  • If you want to keep your chalk painting forever, you just need to coat it with matte varnish.
  • You can (and should!) draw on a slate surface not only with crayons, but also with chalk pencils, markers and paints.
  • Particularly effective on dark wall lettering (the so-called drawn words) looks like. True, if you are not a professional font designer or an artist, then it is unlikely that you will be able to write words beautifully, but you can do this with the help of a homemade stencil. The main thing is to find a suitable blank on the Internet.

Idea 6. Striped wall

Striped walls not only look cool, but also visually correct the shortcomings of the room. For example, vertical stripes “raise” low ceilings, while horizontal stripes increase space and push walls apart.

Painting walls with stripes with your own hands is very simple; the main thing here is to carefully stick the masking tape and correctly calculate the optimal width and number of stripes.

  • To find out required amount stripes of the same width, but alternating in color, you need to divide the height or width of the wall by the desired width of the stripes. But there is one nuance - if the number of stripes is even, then along the edges of the wall the stripes will be of different colors. To make the number of stripes odd and the wall design symmetrical, you can “play” a little with the width of the stripes or simply divide the height or width of the wall by an odd number. For example, a wall 270 cm high can be decorated with 17 stripes 16 cm wide.

In order for the stripes under the ceiling and above the floor to be the same color, there must be an odd number of them

  • It is desirable that the stripes have a width of 10-30 cm. A width of less than 10 cm will be too narrow, and more than 30 cm will be too wide and heavy.
  • The best way to paint stripes is to use blue masking tape that can be removed without leaving a trace, without damaging the wall covering, and labeled “for crisp lines.”
  • To ensure that the lines are smooth and clear, and the paint does not flow under the masking tape, use a small brush to paint along the tape and a larger brush to paint the main body of the strip. It is important to ensure that there is no excess paint on the brush. The movement of the brush should not be up and down along the tape, but left and right (across the tape).

Idea 7. Decorating the wall with vinyl stickers

Vinyl stickers are good because they are easy to stick, peel off without leaving marks, are sold in a great variety of pictures and are very inexpensive. With their help, you can change the wall design as often as you like.

Text wall sticker in the interior

Vinyl stickers in the form of words in the bedroom

Vinyl stickers in the nursery

Vinyl sticker on the kitchen wall

  • The largest number of decorative wall stickers can be found on Aliexpress; you can also look for good pictures in construction hypermarkets and art stores. If you wish, you can order the desired picture in the size you need from the printing house.
  • It is best to apply stickers to painted walls or plain wallpaper.
  • Before gluing the drawing, you need to make markings.

How many times have our eyes stopped at the intricate patterns painted on the walls. It is not only beautiful, but also quite affordable. You can, of course, turn to a specialist and introduce a new trend into the interior, but it’s easier to do it yourself. Enough to stock up acrylic paints, buy a stencil or make your own unique template. Even people far from art will be able to do such art.

Sometimes painting brings not only aesthetic pleasure, but also solves additional functions, for example, hides low ceiling or uneven walls. In small rooms, small patterns in light colors are appropriate.

Often the walls of a children's room are decorated with frames from their favorite cartoons or fairy-tale characters.

The hand-painted ceiling echoes the patterns on the wallpaper.

The decor should complement the style and color scheme rooms. On the walls classic cuisine Floral motifs are appropriate.

Moroccan patterns on the bedroom walls, applied using a stencil.

Stencils for painting walls, where to buy

To decide on a stencil for painting, you need to study the room and choose a place for decoration. If there are already existing textures and patterns in the interior, the ornament must be compared with them. If the work will be carried out on a “blank canvas”, they try to think ahead and imagine furniture and other future interior accessories. Typically, wall stencils are designed to cover large areas. Although, it is convenient to decorate walls with small designs, for example, a damask stencil. After choosing a template, you need to decide on the color of the composition.

Remember, the paint is applied over the stencil.

Designers do not recommend using two contrasting colors on your own. It is better to opt for a combination of glossy paints of the same or similar shade.
You can find stencils on the websites of online stores or the counters of construction hypermarkets. An example would be the online decor store

By choosing a universal roller, you can get a whole set of rubber attachments for decoration.

Best choice ready-made templates will be products based on polymer film, which is glued to the wall. Such stencils can be easily washed and reused many times. If you don’t have a template you like, you can make it yourself.

Stencils for painting walls with your own hands, step by step with photos

Homemade stencils for painting walls can be made on a cardboard or mylar base.

Option No. 1 Template on film

A Mylar film is placed on the glass and then covered with a printed paper stencil. Using a stationery knife, remove excess parts, creating your own unique pattern.

Option No. 2 Stencil from plastic folders
Stationery folders vary in thickness, color and smoothness, but any of them will work for cutting out a stencil. Such templates are durable and waterproof. By taping the clear portion of four folders together with masking tape, you can make a template for a larger design.

The selected ornament is printed, and then applied to plastic and cut out. It is advisable to secure the edges with tape.

The result is a ready-made stencil for painting.

Option No. 3 Cardboard template

For a budget stencil, a cardboard base is suitable. It is made according to the plastic principle, but scissors are used for cutting. Cardboard templates get wet, so they are more suitable for one-time use. Often the edges of the stencil are reinforced with tape or varnish.

Option No. 4 Drawing using a projector
The drawing template is transferred to the wall through a projector, outlined and painted.

Option No. 5 Stencil-painting tape
You can create a pattern on the wall using masking tape/narrow tape. First, an ornament is formed on the wall, and then paint is applied exactly along the edge of the tape.

Option No. 6 Using fruits
Half a lemon dipped in paint may well become an original template for kitchen wall.

Homemade templates have a number of pros and cons that must be taken into account when making them.


  • variety of options;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • use on different types surfaces;
  • efficiency.


  • problem with fixing to the wall;
  • the occurrence of errors during cutting;
  • rapid wear;
  • small details spoil the drawing itself.

Wall painting styles, photos

There are many types of wall decoration. To decide on the choice of ornament for your interior, you need to navigate the styles of wall decor.

  • Classics adheres to harmony and simplicity. It has neutral motifs that fill the room with positivity and calm you down after a hard day.

  • Abstraction on the wall is an unusual interweaving of geometric shapes, plant elements and other artistic forms.

  • Splendor, grandeur and volume are conveyed by the Baroque style. It is distinguished by the brightness of colors and the rich play of light and shadows. The style is characterized by large leaves and large flowers.

  • A special worldview, imposed by the influence of Islam, conveys the Arab direction. The complexity of the ornament is complemented by Arabic script and fabrics similar to Arabic carpets.

  • Artistic paintings are real canvases or copies of famous masters.

Sometimes styles are combined or supplemented with some important element.

Wall painting master class with photos

Required tools:

  • plastic sheets;
  • marker;
  • roulette;
  • stationery knife;
  • spray adhesive;
  • insulating tape;
  • dye;
  • brush.

Step 1. Design selection
Having artistic skills, you can create your own unique pattern or go online for a ready-made template. Print out the pattern you like. In large formats, several sheets are printed and then glued together.

With a repeating pattern, it is necessary to achieve a uniform arrangement of the pattern on the wall.

Step 2. Preparing sheets
You can buy pure plastic at an art supply store, but it is easier and cheaper to use plastic folders for this. For the workpiece you will need a square of 60x60 cm, so the sheets are connected to each other with tape.

Step 3: Pattern Transfer
Place the printed image under a translucent stencil, and then transfer it to the plastic with a marker.

Step 4: Preparing the Stencil
Cut out the template using a utility knife. This step is the most time-consuming, because every detail is important here.

Step 5: Placing the Template on the Wall
To attach the stencil to the wall, you will need adhesive spray or tape. For convenience, use a ladder, because it is better to start painting from the top corner.

Step 6: Applying the Pattern
The paint is applied to the wall using a brush through a stencil. Sometimes a sponge is used for this. The amount of paint depends on the size of the room and the detailing chosen. Typically, it takes at least 24 hours for the dye to dry completely.

The template is removed with sharp movements after finishing the decoration.

Step 7: Repeat
The stencil is applied to the wall several times until the selected pattern is completely formed.

View of the interior before painting:

View after completion of work:

Wall painting in the room, photo

It is known that the color of the interior affects the mood. Despite existing rules When choosing shades for the bedroom, each person has their own preferences and tastes. These can include unexpected colors and abstract patterns. Forget about traditional rules when choosing decor for your bedroom walls.

The living room, designed in Art Nouveau style, has natural shades and breathable shapes.

Oriental landscapes with cherry blossoms are characteristic of the Japanese style. It is most often used for the bedroom.

An example of painting when the boundary of space is “erased”.

Fresco – painting on damp plaster, is appropriate even in the bathroom. It is not subject to fading and cracking, because is a particle of the plaster itself.

Wall painting in a children's room, photo

Children's wall decor should be bright and understandable for the baby himself. Often in such artistic painting there are:

  • scenes from your favorite books;
  • starry sky;
  • nature (animals and plants);

  • marine theme (ships, fish, pirates);
  • the child's name is played on;
  • fragment of a cartoon;
  • It is appropriate to transfer a child's drawing to the wall.

For girls, the wall is decorated in pink color, decorating it with princesses and fairies.

Teenagers will be delighted by graffiti or high-tech themes.

For non-standard premises A pattern that smoothly blends into the floor is suitable.

Wall painting in the kitchen, photo

Before you start painting the kitchen walls, you need to choose the decoration style and size of the ornament. All elements must be combined with the features of the given space.

Increasing the interior can be achieved with the help of a distant landscape.

Separation of kitchen areas by wall decoration.

Classic kitchen wall painting using a stencil.

Abstraction will be appropriate for a high-tech kitchen.

Ceiling painting, photo

Of course painting the ceiling is much easier more difficult than walls. This is where patience and accuracy come in handy. You should also think about purchasing special scaffolding for lying, because creating a design often takes several weeks. Continuous work makes your arms and neck tired.

The artistic painting on the ceiling is mainly framed by an oval or circle, and a light source is located in the center.

Visually raise the ceiling with an image of the sky and stars.

In the dining room, the pattern is placed on the farthest plane, so it looks like a real landscape.

The star theme is applied to the ceiling using fluorescent paint. At night, the decor glows under UV lamps. They are placed around the perimeter of the picture.

In a nursery, not only the walls, but also the ceiling are often decorated. A smoothly transitioning landscape from one surface to another creates one whole and will be appropriate for all ages.

The basis for painting is a drawing that is transferred to the surface through a stencil or displayed using a projector. To ensure that the template fits tightly to the wall, its surface is treated with stencil glue.
Self-painting on walls provides the following rules:

  • The working surface is cleaned and degreased before painting;
  • the borders of the ornament are marked with a level and a pencil;
  • For decoration it is better to use a universal roller. It works well over large areas.
  • circular movements with a brush when painting will prevent lint from getting into the design;
  • take a small amount of paint onto the brush, and remove the excess with a rag;
  • reusable stencils must be washed at the end of work;
  • to protect the pattern from exposure to the sun and moisture, it is coated with varnish;
  • It is better for beginners to work with acrylic paints. They dry quickly.

By adhering to the above rules, you can avoid many mistakes and not waste time correcting them.

It is better to do the painting yourself without intricate patterns and small details.

Paints for wall painting

Suitable for painting different kinds paints: water-based, oil, enamel, tempera, but acrylic is most often used.

  • The fresco is applied to the wall with a special powder mixed with water. This material is most often used for ceiling painting. The paint is very durable, does not crack and does not fade.
  • They are used to decorate the ceilings of clubs and restaurants. fluorescent paint, which glows under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Acrylic is considered the most practical. It is odorless, resistant to moisture and sunlight, which is especially useful for children's rooms and kitchens. Any surface is suitable for its application. The paint dries in about half an hour.
  • Oil paints convey the depth and uniqueness of color. They are bright and not prone to cracking, although they dry slowly and smell unpleasant.
  • Tempera paints are ground on yolks or glue solution. They are durable but prone to cracking.

Tools and materials for work

When starting to decorate, you need to stock up the following materials and tools:

  1. For the sketch you will need a variety of paper and tracing paper. For non-standard ornaments, use whatman paper.
  2. Auxiliary tools: two sizes of ruler, triangle, tape, scissors, etc.
  3. Charcoal and graphite pencils, markers, eraser.
  4. A variety of brushes: construction brushes, synthetic brushes, bristle brushes, flute brushes.
  5. Acrylic paints different colors and shades. They come in glitter, pearl and silver. For painting large areas, they purchase construction acrylic, which is complemented with colors. There are façade and interior acrylics.
  6. To paint and create a three-dimensional panel, you will need spatulas and stacks.
  7. The work requires baths, rollers, sponges and a telescopic stick.
  8. Bucket, spray bottle for watering walls.
  9. To prepare the wall for work, you will need decorative plaster.
  10. Beads and glass for decoration.
  11. Fine grain sandpaper for grouting and varnish for fixing.

Sometimes craftsmen use an airbrush and a spray gun to paint large surfaces.

Wall painting in the interior technique

The painting technique depends on the technology of applying the pattern and is performed on both wet and dried plaster.

  • The pattern on dry plaster, called alsecco, will be light and short-lived.
  • When frescoing, a layer of water-soluble paint is applied over the wet plaster. The paint dries quickly, and the ornament itself is considered one of the most resistant and durable. Professionals can work with this technique.
  • Relief painting is based on plaster and has projections.
  • Airbrushing refers to “air painting” when paint is sprayed onto the wall with an airbrush. This decor comes out very delicate, with soft transitions.

  • Stencil painting is the simplest. It does not require special skills or abilities. You can buy a template ready-made or make it yourself.
  • Three-dimensional decor (blende) allows you to expand the interior and correct finishing flaws. It is applied by a master and such work is expensive.

Painting walls in the interior with your own hands, step by step with photos

Green tropical foliage will look good against a white or cream background. This decor is suitable for a living room or bedroom.
To work, you will need two types of palm leaf stencils.
Stencil No. 1

Stencil No. 2
The leaves will be of three shades: white, green and pale olive. Distribute three colors oil paint in separate trays, as well as for each shade, their own rollers and brushes are prepared.

The decor starts with a green leaf. The paint must be distributed over the entire roller, including the edges. Then the excess is left on a paper towel.
You can initially distribute and fix three stencils on the wall surface and paint them in your shades.

Then take stencil No. 2 and cover a row of painted leaves with new samples. At the same time, they try to ensure that their colors do not match; they make a green or olive tint on a white background.

Independent wall decor will add zest to your interior, making it inimitable and unique. The most important thing is to choose the right ornament, because it will be before your eyes every day.