The simplest self-hypnosis technique. Self-hypnosis: immersion technique What is self-hypnosis and how to use it

Self-hypnosis: immersion technique


Oleg Besedin

Self-hypnosis is convenient and in many ways useful practice, allowing a person to independently call [...]

Self-hypnosis is a convenient and largely useful practice that allows a person to independently induce an altered state in himself and control his subconscious. Moreover, if in the classical form of hypnosis the presence of a specialist is required to enter a trance, here the functions of the doctor and the patient are combined. Immersion in your own inner world, using special self-hypnosis techniques, gives anyone who wants it the opportunity to work on themselves, change for the better, and get rid of existing psychological and physical problems.

Self-hypnosis allows a person to personally explore the depths of his subconscious, find sources of trouble, control emotions, understand his thoughts and direct them in a positive direction.

In a trance state, you can easily analyze any situation and find a way out of it, get rid of addictions and instill in yourself new positive attitudes. For practitioners, self-hypnosis technique - perfect tool

for internal liberation, self-knowledge and personal development. The mechanism of action is quite simple and after short training such classes are available to everyone. The therapeutic effect of self-hypnosis is similar to the effect of meditation on a person; it can also be equated to specific methods of auto-training. The effectiveness of this type of practice depends on the duration and systematicity of training. How works on himself, practicing self-hypnosis, the easier it is for him to independently find himself in a state of hypnotic trance and use all the possibilities of close contact with the subconscious to solve the problems he needs. The acquired skill helps to use the body’s internal reserves, correct behavior, launch renewal mechanisms and grow further. This technique is universal. Self-hypnosis can be used, if necessary, at any time convenient for the individual, without waiting for a visit to the doctor. The situation doesn’t really matter in order to quickly fall into a trance. You can induce an altered state in yourself at will. This also distinguishes self-hypnosis from its classical form, medical hypnosis.

Self-hypnosis: benefits

Life is complex and multifaceted. The reaction of the human psyche to what is happening around can be very diverse and not always positive. In addition, we all have small weaknesses, which, if not controlled, quickly turn into vices and addictions. To feel harmony with this world and move forward, you need to fight shortcomings and fears. This can be done using self-hypnosis.

Such practices are useful and absolutely safe for the human psyche. Immersion in your own inner world makes it possible to get to know yourself and find the keys to solving problems. After all, no one knows a person better than he himself, but by nature, this knowledge is deeply hidden from us. Self-hypnosis is a mechanism that helps you independently manage physiological and mental processes, and do this consciously and for your own benefit.
By practicing self-hypnosis, a person receives a unique opportunity to program his own psyche, heal the body, and analyze any critical situations in life. This can only be done correctly by working with the subconscious, which is why the ability to put oneself into a trance state is desirable and useful. Being in the moment between wakefulness and sleep, a person is freed from the factors that constrain him, the controlling function of consciousness is turned off, which gives him the opportunity to focus on the very essence of the problem and find the only correct solution.
Self-hypnosis also allows you to set any goals for yourself, which is positively reflected in reality. A person changes and changes his life at his own discretion. In a trance state, new commands are remembered and perceived as one’s own much easier.

Thanks to the technique of self-hypnosis, anyone can:

  • learn to respond adequately to stressful situations;
  • fight depressive symptoms (asthenic depression);
  • monitor your emotional state;
  • increase the level of self-esteem;
  • free yourself from complexes, fears and doubts;
  • motivate yourself to achieve goals;
  • acquire desired behavioral skills;
  • get rid of bad habits.

Regularly immersing yourself in an altered state is also useful in terms of taking care of your health. If the origin of illnesses has psychological roots, self-hypnosis is exactly what can help in this situation. Self-controlled trance allows you to:

  • stabilize blood pressure;
  • calm nerves;
  • regulate weight;
  • activate the immune system;
  • get rid of speech defects;
  • improve sound sleep;
  • decrease painful sensations for injuries;
  • normalize hormonal levels.

But that is not all positive sides self-hypnosis. This specific technique, thanks to working on one’s own shortcomings, allows one to expand social contacts, develop talents, and find hidden opportunities and reserves in oneself for further development. Hypnosis also helps to change attitudes towards traumatic situations of the past, overcome phobias, resolve family conflicts, and improve relationships with loved ones. During intense work, self-hypnosis is an excellent way to relax, rest and find the strength for further activities. It can also be recommended to people with high degree fatigue and those who are engaged in creativity.

In fact, the scope of application of self-hypnosis is quite diverse, but in any case the technique gives excellent results. Positive reviews of self-hypnosis confirm its effectiveness.

Self-hypnosis: features of immersion

On initial stage Working with self-hypnosis techniques and immersing yourself in your own unconscious inner world can be fraught with some difficulties. This happens because of the desire to solve all problems at once and the overload of the subconscious with a large number of various installations. This approach is ineffective; it is much better to choose only one setting for each self-hypnosis session and strictly follow it. Targeted actions will soon give the long-awaited result.

The technique of self-hypnosis is simple and includes 5 main components:

  • Determining the purpose of the impact. To do this, you will need to analyze the current state of things, bring together mental and physical resources to change the situation in better side. At the same time, a person’s mature decision to carry out self-hypnosis is crucial for hypnosis.
  • Actions to achieve relaxation and detachment from external stimuli. It is necessary to find a secluded place where no one can interfere with the session by unexpected appearance, dim the lighting in the room to a comfortable level and turn on calm music. Then you need to get comfortable soft chair and carry out a set of exercises to relieve tension.
  • Entering a hypnotic trance on your own. To dive into the depths of your own “I,” you can use special techniques to achieve an altered state of mind: fix your attention on a specific object or image and focus on your feelings.
  • Realization of the chosen goal through the instillation of clear verbal formulas, mental visualization of the desired positive changes and elaboration of the flow of new thoughts and feelings.
  • With self-hypnosis, the chosen intervention option may vary depending on the desired result. Smooth return to reality from a hypnotic trance

, awareness of the work done and the implementation in practice of the learned tasks to improve one’s personality.

On average, one self-hypnosis session takes 20 minutes. The final number of procedures depends on the number of questions you set yourself, the speed of change in internal processes and the ability to make efforts to achieve goals.

Self-hypnosis: special moments Each word or concept in hypnosis has a specific meaning, and its principle of operation is based on the peculiarities of the work of the subconscious. Therefore, it is so important to correctly compose the text of suggestions, because from semantic load

phrases ultimately determine the effectiveness of self-hypnosis sessions.

  • Here are the basic rules for competently creating speech patterns for effective immersion in a self-induced hypnotic trance, which will help you correctly influence your own subconscious:
  • All words must be formulated in the present tense and from the first singular. The subconscious simply does not perceive other options.
  • All sentences for self-hypnosis should be written in an affirmative form, without using the particle “not”. The human subconscious is designed in such a way that it understands only direct instructions, therefore phrases with a negative speech element are perceived by him as negative attitudes. Such formulations will not bring any benefit, but only harm. Each statement used in self-hypnosis should be made concise, succinct and clear, reflecting one specific thought. This way it will be easier and easier for the subconscious to process and make new settings its own.
  • All self-hypnosis phrases must be given a positive connotation, made pleasant to perceive, so that they do not cause internal rejection. They also should not go against the person’s personal morals and values, otherwise the dive will end in nothing.

During a self-hypnosis session, it is recommended to use effective visualization and self-hypnosis techniques to quickly immerse yourself in a trance state.

  • Take a comfortable position, straighten your back, relax your arms and legs. Next, tense the muscles of your entire body for a few seconds and then relax.
  • Take a few slow, deep breaths so that the air fills bottom part lungs, and then gradually exhale.
  • Stop your gaze on some small stationary object, for example, a burning candle, and watch it for several minutes.
  • Do not allow extraneous thoughts that are not relevant to the matter to appear at this moment.
  • Speak phrases for self-hypnosis in a calm voice and at the same time imagine a positive final image.

To achieve a deeper and better immersion in a trance state, you should constantly practice self-hypnosis. It is necessary to start by working on simple and quickly solvable problems and gradually move on to more complex tasks. When working for the long term, it is advisable to use the desired process of achieving a goal in the context of suggestions, rather than transmitting the finished end result to the brain. This way self-hypnosis will work more effectively. To consolidate new attitudes in the subconscious, post-hypnotic formulas will also be relevant.

Various ways to work with the conscious and subconscious are becoming increasingly popular today.

With the help of practices such as hypnosis, visualization, meditation, you can contribute to the fastest achievement of success in various areas of a person’s life.

One of the common technique of working with a person on a conscious and subconscious level Self-hypnosis is considered, that is, introducing oneself into a special hypnotic trance without the participation of another person.

Being in such a state, a person gives himself various commands and settings necessary for changes that are responsible for one or another aspect of life.

However, to achieve success, technique must be used correctly, take into account the various nuances that this practice involves.

General information

Self-hypnosis is considered to be actions aimed at immersing a person in a special state of hypnotic trance, in which it becomes possible to working with consciousness and subconscious using special commands and settings.

The use of these commands is usually called self-suggestion.

With the help of self-suggestion given to a person in a state of hypnosis, you can reprogram a person's consciousness, qualitatively changing certain aspects of his life.

The convenience of this practice is that to obtain the desired result, a person does not need to seek help; he can use the technique independently, without the participation of other people.

At the same time, the practice is completely safe, however, to obtain the expected effect, it must be carried out taking into account different rules and nuances.

What is it used for?

It is believed that a person's life installations have a great influence, embedded in consciousness and.

Consciousness includes all the information that a given individual uses daily; the subconscious contains a significantly larger amount of information that was once received by a person, but is not used by him in Everyday life(for example, a poem learned in early childhood, which a person seems to have already forgotten, is in fact not forgotten, this information is simply located in the depths of the subconscious).

The technique of immersion in self-hypnosis allows you to work with attitudes of both consciousness and subconscious, and achieve results in various areas of life, such as:

  • resistance to stressful situations;
  • restoration and strengthening of health, elimination of problems in the functioning of certain organs;
  • normalization of sleep and rest;
  • that prevent a person from fully developing in professional or other areas of life;
  • treatment of neurological disorders;
  • getting rid of bad habits;
  • normalization of body weight by changing eating habits embedded in the mind;
  • normalization emotional state after bereavement;
  • eliminating problems in interpersonal relationships;
  • development of abilities, intuition;
  • development of creativity abilities;
  • changing your way of thinking, getting rid of negative thoughts;
  • awareness of one's own purpose and...

Features of Ericksonian self-hypnosis

The main difference from classical technology is that a person do not offer new installations, he works with the information that is already embedded in his consciousness and subconscious.

Classic self-hypnosis involves penetration into these areas completely new commands, behavior patterns, not typical for a given individual. Therefore, Erickson’s technique of self-hypnosis is the most gentle.

To achieve a hypnotic state, a person needs to relax in a position that is comfortable for him, and then look carefully at pre-prepared image. This could be a reproduction of a painting by the artist, various photographs, or your own drawings.

It is necessary to look at the image for as long as possible so that a person can most reliably remember all the smallest details of the picture.

After this, he closes his eyes and mentally imagines this image. Once the clearest visualization has been achieved, a person mentally changes the image, removes from it what he thinks are unnecessary details, and adds new ones.

During this entire process, thoughts will arise in the human mind. new thoughts, ideas, images, which he should not repel, but accept.

This will allow a person to determine his true desires, understand the path along which he must move in order to change your life in a positive way.

How to hypnotize yourself?

How to enter hypnosis on your own?

To instill into your consciousness necessary for a person installations and commands, he needs to go into a trance state.

You can do this yourself in several steps:

Methodology for implementing a therapeutic program

The technique includes several main stages.

First of all, this is a selection existing problem, definition that aspect of life that a person would like to change.

Once the presence of a problem has been determined, it is necessary to develop a scenario for conducting the practice, in particular, prepare in advance the phrases that a person will pronounce to enter a trance state. It is also important to clearly imagine the desired goal.

It is important to choose the right formula or image of suggestion. If a person is prone to imaginative thinking, he will imagine various images that will gradually change depending on the existing problem to the point where it is already allowed.

Some people have more developed color thinking, then each stage will be indicated by a certain color.

For example: a person suffers from skin diseases. In this case, he will need to imagine the initially affected skin, then mentally see how it is gradually renewed, cleansed at the cellular level, and, finally, an image of completely healthy skin.

If there is frequent headache, you can mentally look inside the skull, which is initially painted black, but over time it becomes lighter, this will mean that the disease is receding.

Rules for drawing up self-hypnosis formulas

Phrases and attitudes that a person will use during the procedure must meet certain rules:

Exit from state

Final and very important stage this practice - the correct exit from a state of hypnotic trance. Duration of this period can vary from a few minutes to 1 hour, it all depends on the degree of susceptibility of the human body to hypnosis.

In order to complete the procedure correctly, you must use inner voice mentally tell yourself to wake up. In this case, the intonation should be as firm and calm as possible.

Beginners do not immediately manage to bring themselves back to normal, natural state. In this case, the command should sound in your mind several times.

At first time Possible feeling of weakness and drowsiness after the procedure (in this case there is no need to resist the desire to take a nap, since it is a natural protective reaction of the body after the state of trance it has endured), however, over time, these unpleasant sensations will gradually recede, and the person, after self-hypnosis, will feel the most rested and cheerful.

Self-hypnosis is a rather complicated procedure, so it is not surprising that a beginner is not always able to achieve positive result the first time. This is fine.

Over time, the necessary habits and skills will be developed, which means self-hypnosis will become more and more effective.

It is important not to stop, but to develop the necessary skills, while observing all the necessary rules. Only in this case the achievement is qualitative new results and successes in certain areas of life will become possible.

What is self-hypnosis and why is it needed? Find out about it in the video:

The human brain is the control center for human life and the perception of the reality that surrounds him. It is by influencing the brain, or rather the subconscious, that one can control a person’s desires, emotions and actions. However, exerting such an influence when he is in an ordinary conscious state is problematic. This task is easiest to perform after putting a person into a trance.

Rice. Self-hypnosis - simple technique dives

Situations arise when it is necessary - a complex, a disease, a phobia. A simple but effective self-hypnosis technique is perfect for this.

What rules should you follow when practicing self-hypnosis?

You need to pay enough attention to self-hypnosis exercises, practicing not from time to time, but regularly. Particularly important this condition appears during the first months. Therefore, plan your activities so that they take place around the same time.

During classes, you may feel that something unusual is happening to your body. This is fine. The body itself will tell you in which direction you should move next. Listen to your feelings and have fun.

For classes, you should choose a room in which you will feel comfortable and where no one can disturb you. This condition becomes especially important during the first few workouts. After all, even minor noises can distract you from your trance, which will negate all your efforts.

How to conduct a self-hypnosis session?


Find a comfortable position while sitting in a chair or armchair. Close your eyelids, try to get rid of internal tension and... It is advisable that the feet completely touch the floor and the hands rest on the knees. Many are sure that best pose for self-hypnosis is a horizontal position. This is not entirely true, since there is a high probability that a person, having relaxed, will simply fall asleep.


Meaning complete relaxation, both psychological and physical. Having relaxed emotionally, begin to relax your muscles. If it’s difficult for you, do this: choose any point in front of you, for example, a lamp standing on the table or Wall Clock and fix your gaze on the selected object. Concentrate your attention on this point.

Next, mentally repeat the words: “I am relaxing more and more, my eyelids are so heavy that I can barely keep my eyes open.” The phrase needs to be repeated many times, not necessarily “word for word”, you can simply convey the essence. Next, you will feel a wave of heat covering you. You will really want to close your eyelids. There is no point in resisting such a desire.

Entering a trance

Now the time has come. To achieve this, you should imagine that you are taking an elevator down, for example, from the 20th to the 1st floor. Imagine how the elevator buttons light up as you go down, try to count the floors. At the same time, you should feel that even deeper relaxation is occurring. Then the elevator opens and you find yourself in cozy room With big bed. Lie down on it and say: “I’ll fall asleep now and wake up only when I want to take the elevator back.”

Active self-suggestion

This phase, during which you must engage in self-hypnosis, that is, give yourself necessary settings. The subconscious mind functions differently from the conscious mind; in order to program it, words-attitudes must be clothed in associative images. Next, start setting yourself up for something. For example, if your goal is, you don’t need to imagine how you train, how hard it is for you. You should imagine yourself as already a thinner person.

Breaking out of trance

The self-hypnosis session should be completed when you feel that you have achieved your goal, which was to consolidate a certain attitude in the subconscious. Before leaving the trance, say: “In reality it will be as I said.” Then mentally get out of bed, get into the elevator and go to the final floor. When you arrive, leave the elevator and open your eyes. After this, it is advisable to sit for about 2 minutes without moving in order to clear your mind and completely return to reality.

In order to penetrate into your own unconscious and learn to solve your personal problems, constant training is necessary. Everyone can be convinced of the effectiveness of this transpersonal method, but to achieve results you must different people this may take varying amounts of time.

Most effective ways Immersion in self-hypnosis is individual for each person. It depends on many personal factors, but there are certain the necessary conditions, observing which you can enter this state as comfortably as possible.

In order to independently enter hypnosis, it is necessary to ensure compliance with the following stages of entry, which are more universal:

This stage largely decides how quickly and successfully a person will complete other stages and achieve a trance state. During the preparation process, a person must find a more comfortable room where the entire session will be held. In this room, you need to install a bed, sofa, chair or just a mattress - choose the most convenient option location. The most comfortable position, in most cases, is sitting in a chair or lying on a soft surface.

  1. addictive

In the process of getting used to it, you need to take a comfortable position and stay in it for some time, focusing on your sensations. You need to relax, stop thinking and focus only on the sensations of your body. From the moment the addiction completely occurs, you need to relax as much as possible.

  1. Entering a trance

At the stage of entering a trance in the process of self-hypnosis, it is necessary to perform a certain algorithm of action. At correct execution self-hypnosis can be considered successful, since the assigned tasks will be completed.

  • After the body is as relaxed as possible, it is necessary to concentrate one of the senses: eyes or hearing.
  • With visual concentration, you need to select an object in the available field of view and focus your gaze on it. Gradually it is necessary to turn off sound sensitivity, relax your limbs and for some time simply observe the object without taking your eyes away.
  • After a certain period of time, the gaze begins to defocus, the object begins to “float” and change. At this moment, the body and consciousness enters a trance state.
  • If the body was as relaxed as possible, a feeling of weightlessness and loss of sensitivity in the arms, legs, and neck may appear.
  • After significant visual changes in the object occur, we can say that the trance state has been achieved.
  • If auditory concentration has been chosen, you need to close your eyes and relax your body as much as possible. The most comfortable position is sitting.
  • An important step is to separate the main sound from others, if any.
  • It is necessary to “catch” the purity of sound, rhythm, tone.
  • Alternately concentrating attention on purity, then on volume, then on tonality, it is necessary to collect all these moments together and mentally make the sound louder.
  • After you have managed to make the sound louder, you should do the same to decrease the volume.
  • If all these processes are successful, the trance state has been achieved.
  1. The process of forming an internal question

When the entry stage is completed, it is necessary to gradually form theses and questions in your head that relate to solving the problem of concern. If there is a need to give any self-installations, now is the time. When forming an information core in the process of self-hypnosis, it is necessary to fully concentrate on this information. These can be short and not very difficult to repeat phrases containing only specific information. You need to fully believe in the necessity of these phrases.

  1. Visualization

Visualization will help to influence the subconscious more deeply. IN in this case, it is necessary not only to repeat key phrases and try to convince yourself of their necessity, but also to imagine everything said in images. For example, if a person is worried about some kind of internal and deep resentment that prevents him from living, he must mentally imagine his life without this resentment, convince himself of the absolute uselessness of this phenomenon. Visualization works best in issues such as problems with self-esteem, problems communicating with the opposite sex, and various fears.

  1. Completion

The process of completion occurs when a person has reached a qualitatively new level of sensations, when something has changed. Completion occurs with the help of a final phrase; it should be short, succinct and affirming. It could be something like “Now everything will be like this.”

You should not expect that even if you successfully immerse yourself in self-hypnosis the first time, the result will be achieved. The result consists of gradual small changes that occur in a person after each new immersion session.

In general, the technique of self-hypnosis does not require any specific serious skills. You just need to get used to relaxing and concentrating, and there must also be a sincere desire to change something.

Self-hypnosis is the skill of independently and controlled entry into a trance, hypnotic state, without the participation of another person. Self-hypnosis close to meditation, auto-training, prayer, it can be called visualization, self-hypnosis, controlled imagination, etc.

The point is that having learned to enter this special state and make suggestions in it that are pre-selected for an individual situation, a person uses the capabilities of his body and psyche to achieve goals.

This is an effective tool and those who regularly practice it in life quite realistically use self-hypnosis to fulfill their desires and achieve their goals. Self-hypnosis techniques It’s easy enough for almost anyone to learn.

What goals can be achieved using self-hypnosis?

By practicing regularly self-hypnosis techniques, you can learn to fully rest, deeply relax and improve sleep, improve your health, successfully cope with stress, get rid of bad habits, strengthen self-confidence, develop intelligence, memory, creativity and much more.

It is important to understand that self-hypnosis is not some kind of “magic” or magic pill. This is a clear and scientifically based way of working on yourself, on your own specific tasks. Self-hypnosis is a skill, it is natural and normal condition consciousness, which can be used to influence your own subconscious and body.

By practicing self-hypnosis, a person is able to remain calm in crisis situations and control emotions and behavior, because he trains the skill of deeply focusing his attention on the situation and seeing it from different sides.

There is only one significant limitation in the use of hypnosis, as in psychotherapy - if you do not want any changes, then no self-hypnosis techniques will help.

Self-hypnosis techniques

Where to begin? First of all, you need to learn how to enter a trance state. Further, in this state, you will be able to make deep self-hypnosis for yourself, including post-hypnotic ones, i.e. those that will work outside of trance, when you need it.

How to enter a trance? In general, any person is already familiar with the trance state - for example, when you “withdraw into yourself”, into your thoughts, you can lose your sense of reality for some time. While thinking about something important or being carried away by reading, you may not notice how much time has passed and may not hear the words addressed to you. Such states differ from self-hypnosis only in that the latter involves targeted, motivated influence with the formulation of suggestions that correspond to specific goals.

Contrary to popular myth, in a state of hypnosis and self-hypnosis you not only do not lose control over yourself, but also strengthen it. And if you need to respond to an external situation, you can, even while in a trance, react quite adequately.

So, what are the self-hypnosis techniques?

Conventionally, self-hypnosis tools can be divided into two large groups:

  • techniques for entering a trance: fixation of attention and relaxation
  • self-hypnosis techniques

There are many ways to enter a trance state. Let's look at the basic, simplest ones.

First of all, take the most comfortable position

It's best to sit rather than lie down unless you plan to fall asleep. Place your feet on the floor, lean your back on the back of a chair or armchair, or sit relaxed, leaning forward slightly, find a comfortable position in which you can be in a relaxed state for some time.

One of the most simple options entering a hypnotic state - through breathing. IN ordinary life Most people's breathing is shallow and rapid. For the purpose of deep relaxation and immersion in a trance, it is useful to learn diaphragmatic breathing.

Inhale deeply and slowly through your nose and exhale even more slowly through your mouth. After breathing like this for a while, you will feel how the relaxation reaction has started: it slows down heartbeat, blood rushes to the limbs, muscles relax.

Next exercise: inhale for four counts.

hold your breath for the same amount and exhale twice as slow, again hold your breath for four counts. Perform several such cycles in a row. You can set your own breathing rhythm, the main thing is that the exhalation is longer than the inhalation. The purpose of this exercise is to achieve calm and relaxation.

Deep breathing in itself is an excellent signal for relaxation and can be used for this purpose outside of trance. You just need to set yourself during the session that when the need arises to relieve stress, you need to take a few deep breaths and exhalations so that a feeling of complete peace appears.

  • Use your imagination: while speaking suggestions, imagine the image of your target in detail and vividly. A figurative representation can greatly enhance the effect of suggestion, since the image itself is a suggestion. You can imagine pictures, sounds, tactile sensations, smells, tastes.

For example, if your goal is to achieve deep relaxation, you can, in addition to reciting self-hypnosis formulas, imagine yourself in a situation when you were as relaxed and peaceful as possible.

This could be some day from your vacation at the sea, and then you can imagine everything that was there and how it was - see the sea and yourself relaxed, hear sounds, feel a light fresh wind, etc. Try to remember and recreate in your imagination all the details, and your body and mind will obediently enter the state that you imagine.

  • Repeat the suggestions many times, try to use as many synonyms as possible that describe the goal. For example, if the goal is to feel more confident in different situations, the suggestion may sound like this: “I feel confident, calm, comfortable, free, in any situation I feel confident and calm.”
  • Realize your goal step by step. When you want long-term changes, it is useful to instill not a specific result, but a process for achieving it. For example, if you inspire yourself to feel good, instead of suggesting “I feel good,” it is better to say “my health is improving, it is getting better and better every day, every hour.”

So that the suggestions you make in the session continue to work in your sleep, it is useful to give yourself the following attitude: “I fall asleep quickly, easily, deep, sound, healing sleep. All necessary processes start automatically in a dream.”

  • The goals you strive to achieve must be consistent with your values, beliefs, and lifestyle. For example, if you set yourself the goal of earning a lot of money, but are internally convinced that “money is bad”, “money spoils people”, “from big money only problems,” then the subconscious simply “will not let through” your suggestion and you will not get any results.

Or you want to normalize your weight and control your appetite, but sweets and fatty foods are your only usual way to relieve stress. In this case, as you approach your goal, you will feel more and more tension and internal resistance.

When you have prepared your suggestions, make an audio recording of your own voice reading them, this will make it easier for you to carry out the work of self-hypnosis. Start reading the text in your normal tone and at your normal pace, then gradually slow down the pace and tone down slightly.

By the end of the recording, your speech will be significantly slower and quieter than when you started. By doing this, you give yourself an audio signal to relax and slow down your pace of life, which will prepare you for a state of hypnosis.

We also invite you to try two self-hypnosis techniques to fulfill any desires.

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