Simple bouquets of flowers. Florists told how to put together a professional bouquet yourself

A selection of step-by-step master classes on creating bouquets of fresh flowers with your own hands.

Fresh flowers and bouquets of them will always be the most desirable gifts for a woman. The originality and character of the bouquet can be selected in accordance with the style and inner world ladies. And by making it with your own hands, you can not only surprise, but also be remembered by your original approach to congratulations.

How to make a bridal bouquet from flowers?

collecting a bouquet for the bride
  • The tradition of going to the altar with a bouquet came to us from Greece. It was then that the father led the bride holding branches in his hands orange tree and ivy as a symbol of happiness and prosperity for the new family
  • The brides of Egypt held bouquets of rosemary branches at the altar - this modest and fragrant flower promised the newlyweds a long and rich life. What trends in making bridal bouquets are there nowadays? We will look at in this article
  • The wedding day is the most exciting and long-awaited day in every girl’s life, and it is simply necessary to pay attention to the bride’s bouquet. The bouquet will be the main attribute of the outfit and ceremony, which will be imprinted in all photos and will remain for a long time.
  • And if you do bridal bouquet with your own hands, then it will still be filled with its own energy of love and will serve as a kind of amulet of protection at the wedding

Let's prepare the following elements for work:

  • 3 white chrysanthemums
  • 7 white hydrangeas
  • spool of twine natural color
  • packaging of brown wire for flowers
  • brown organza ribbon
  • pruning shears or scissors
  • office buttons

collecting a bouquet for the bride

Let's add three more chrysanthemums in the middle in the form of a triangle, so that they are slightly apart from each other.

collecting a bouquet for the bride

Use scissors to trim all leaves from the stem. We put three hydrangea flowers together and attach four more hydrangeas to the sides. One flower in the middle should be slightly higher than the rest.

collecting a bouquet for the bride

We wrap wire under the buds and in the middle and cut off the ends of the stems evenly.

collecting a bouquet for the bride

We carefully wrap all the stems with organza ribbon and fasten them at the top with a button.

collecting a bouquet for the bride

We wrap twine around the top and fasten it at the base.

collecting a bouquet for the bride

collecting a bouquet for the bride

Other options for bridal bouquets can be found.

How to make a bouquet for mom from flowers step by step?

Anyone can make a light bouquet of summer flowers and leaves. You just have to pick it up necessary materials and review several step-by-step steps.

First, let's form the base of the bouquet from small garden roses delicate color. Add flowers to the center to form a rounded bouquet shape.

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

Directly under the buds, we fix the legs tightly with wire and cut off its ends.

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

Along the edges of the main bouquet of roses we begin to add lilies. We also fasten it with wire.

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

To add contrast, add a few striped hosta leaves around the edges.

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

We do not attach the leaves tightly to each other. Do not be too zealous with the wire, so as not to burden the bouquet.

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

We begin to add fern leaves along the edges, selecting the desired height.

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

To add volume, add large green hosta leaves in a circle, stacking them on top of each other.

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

The stems of the sow thistle will add some unruliness to the bouquets and allow it to break out of the simple lines.

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

We also secure all the leaves with wire and cut off the ends.

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

We wrap the leg to the bottom satin ribbon, hiding all the flaws.

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

Several tails of the protruding ribbon can be let out and curled with scissors.

How to make a bouquet of lilies?

  • The most important thing for such a bouquet is to cut the lilies early in the morning and be sure to remove the stamens and pollen. This way your composition will last longer and will not get dirty during production.
  • The bouquet can be combined with other contrasting flowers and leaves. The main thing is that they are no larger in size than a lily bud. To avoid putting emphasis on yourself
  • Lilies are combined with daisies, delphinium, jasmine flowers, and irises.
    It is better to add aspirin or Activated carbon. This will prevent the water from fading and prolong the beauty for several days.
  • The bouquet should not stand in the sun. At night it is better to put it in a cool place
  • Lilies have a very strong aroma, so you should not leave them in the bedroom or where a person sleeps. They can call headache or allergies

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from lilies?

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from lilies?

Make a bouquet of carnations?

In the traditions of our mentality, carnations were given exclusively to men. But if you see what chic bouquets can be created with the help of such simple flowers, then there is hardly a single girl who will refuse such a bouquet.

When choosing a color for a future bouquet, you should pay attention to the symbolism:

  • White buds of carnations are purity and tenderness, suitable for young innocent girls
  • Pink shades are a hint of slight sympathy or tenderness of feelings
  • One red flower in a bouquet means the answer to a question or simply agreement
  • Shades of lilac or hybrid chocolate carnations for creative ladies with a bright character

You can make mono-bouquets of pure white or red carnations. A ball is formed from the flowers, tied with a ribbon, emphasis is placed on contrasting beads, the ends are trimmed evenly and the bouquet is ready.

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from carnations?

You can perfectly combine carnations with lisianthus. Which will add fragility and tenderness to the bouquet. You can choose lisianthus of any shade in combination with a white ball of carnations.

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from carnations?

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from carnations?

Carnations with roses look no less chic. The bouquet turns out voluminous and is suitable for mature women who know their worth.

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from carnations?

How to make a bouquet of chrysanthemums?

Bouquets of these delicate flowers They are widespread precisely due to the variety of species - about 5,000 and colors. Despite the simplicity of the chrysanthemum, it is a very noble flower that will suit any woman and for any occasion. To create an original bouquet, you need to choose the right combination of suitable flowers.

For the bouquet we need:

  • Floral sponge
  • Scissors
  • Chrysanthemums
  • Decorative green leaves
  • Florist ribbon
  • Rose flowers or any other flower

Cut a small piece of sponge and place it in a container of water. When it is saturated, we place it in a basket or wrap it with sisal fiber.

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from chrysanthemums?

We insert green leaves, trying out what length and width the bouquet will have.

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from chrysanthemums?

We fill the rest of the space with trimmed chrysanthemums, roses or any other flowers to create a voluminous ball.

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from chrysanthemums?

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from chrysanthemums?

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from chrysanthemums?

You can decorate the top with an accent of ribbons.

How to make a bouquet of peonies? Photo

  • You can make a bouquet with peonies from your own stems as the most economical option. Simply wrap the wire-bound arrangement decorative material and tape
  • You can create a standing composition from a floral sponge. Soak it in water and pick up peonies and other flowers, cutting the stem to 5 cm, insert it into a sponge and add extravagance with green leaves around the edges
  • You can make an original taped bouquet that is more expensive, which is shaved onto wire from trimmed bouquets

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from peonies?

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from peonies?

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from peonies?

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from peonies?

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from peonies?

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from peonies?

How to make a bouquet of tulips?

The first thing you need to do is buy fresh tulips with unopened buds.

For the composition you also need to purchase a ribbon, several sprigs of lavender, a bell or another branch with leaves.

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from tulips?

Trim all stems in water to prevent air from getting in and the flowers last longer.

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from tulips?

Gather a bouquet of tulips in the center, place a sprig with a bell in the very middle, and dilute the edges a little lower with sprigs of lavender.

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from tulips?

Secure with tape, which can be wrapped to the end of the stems if desired.

How to make a bouquet of roses? How to make a bouquet in the shape of a heart?

  • First of all, cut out a heart shape from a floral sponge according to the size of the bouquet
  • Next, we cut the roses, leaving a short stem, and insert them into the sponge around the perimeter, filling half the space.

  • Fill the second half with strawberries placed on skewers. We also carefully insert it into a mold soaked in water.
  • We decorate the side of the form with leaves, which we secure with a safety pin.
  • We focus attention with the help of a bow tying two branches from cut roses

how to make a bouquet of roses in the shape of a heart with your own hands?

how to make a bouquet of roses in the shape of a heart with your own hands?

How to make a bouquet in a basket?

  • In order to create a composition in a basket, you need to cut out a suitable shape from the same floral sponge

  • Soak it in water and securely secure it to the basket for days

how to make a bouquet with your own hands in a basket?
  • Trim flowers for the desired composition of the length that is intended and carefully fill the entire space
  • You can decorate the edges with green leaves.

Floristry - great way express your feelings with flowers. The process of creating bright and colorful compositions is not difficult if you know the basic techniques. The floristry master class was created specifically so that everyone can create their own little floral masterpiece.

Such workshops for assembling bouquets step by step fill you with positive energy and are useful, for example, in case of emotional burnout - in such a state it is useful to be a florist and literally touch the beautiful, because what in this world could be more beautiful than flowers? So making bouquets, and even using some interesting technique, and getting something unusual as a result can serve as an excellent psychological release.

You can come up with an endless number of different flower crafts, but the most common forms are bear cubs, bunnies, snails.

Making a charming kitten with your own hands from flowers will not be difficult; such work is suitable even for beginners. Necessary materials:

Let's prepare materials. You need a floral sponge or foam - this is a special artificial soil for flowers, thanks to which you can create various shapes and original compositions. Working with it is very simple and convenient. This foam is soft, making it easy to insert plant stems, but strong enough to hold those buds at just the right angle.

The cost depends on the size of the sponges and is approximately 90 rubles for a diameter of 9 centimeters. Floral sponge is sold in various shapes; you can immediately buy a ball or cube. There are also different sizes available. To give the sponge the desired look, you need to cut off all excess with a knife.

Step 1. For the “Kitten” you need to take 1 large round sponge to create the body and smaller sponges for the paws, head and ears. The hardest part is cutting it out carefully. the required form, the shortcomings, of course, can be “covered up” with flowers, but it’s better to immediately make a beautiful frame.

Step 2. The cut out shapes must be placed in water for 3 hours so that they can be thoroughly saturated with water. Then remove and leave for a while. Excess water should drain.

Step 3. You need to combine all the details of the future kitten into one complete toy. To do this, we will use wooden skewers. You need to attach the head, paws and ears to the body of the toy. The shape should be neat and stable.

Step 4. The most important job is decorating with flowers. You need to think in advance about the color scheme and composition of the buds. It is advisable to prepare several flowers different sizes, it will look more beautiful. Trim the flowers so that you have 3cm long stems. Make the cut “obliquely”, thanks to this the flower will retain its beauty and freshness longer, and it will be much easier to stick it into the sponge.

Step 5. You need to carefully stick each flower into the frame of the toy, so that it looks beautiful and harmonious. Be sure to check that there are no gaps anywhere and that the flowers fit tightly together. For larger surfaces you can use larger flowers, e.g. spray chrysanthemums. Small buds are better for the head.

Step 6. Let's design the eyes, nose and mouth. To do this, you can use beads, beautiful buttons or even candies! You can hang a chic bow around your neck. The resulting toy can serve a great gift or just interior decoration.

Thanks to the floral sponge, flowers can remain presentable for about 3 weeks. You only need to water from above.

Gallery: flower crafts and bouquets (25 photos)

Lesson 2. Master class on DIY silk floristry

Fresh flowers are undoubtedly beautiful and fragrant. But such a composition will only last for a few days. Silk floristry is a special art of silk crafts. Such fabric compositions look like real buds. Making silk flowers with your own hands is hard, but it's worth it!

What you need:

Step 1. First you need to prepare the fabric. This requires a special solution. Three teaspoons of gelatin are diluted in 200 milliliters of water. Leave for 10–20 minutes. Next, you need to heat it on the stove (do not boil) and put silk fabric into the mixture for a few minutes. After this, you need to carefully remove the material and dry it (no need to wring it out).

Step 2. For the future flower, you need to cut out a template of a large, medium and small petal from cardboard. Then we cut out elements of 7 pieces of each size from silk fabric.

Step 3. Do beautiful texture Thin chiffon will help on the petals. To do this, you need to fold each petal in half and press it very firmly against the surface of the chiffon.

Step 4. The resulting petals need to be carefully sewn together with silk threads, starting with small and ending with large elements in a circle. It will work out good basis for a flower. All that remains is to sew on the stamens, which can be bought ready-made at any craft store.

Lesson 3. Master class on DIY sugar floristry

Sugar floristry is the process of creating floral masterpieces from ordinary powdered sugar. The nice thing about these flowers is that they are edible. Necessary materials:

Step 1. You need to make a pattern for a flower (petals, leaves) from cardboard or download it from the Internet.

Step 2. Make sugar paste. But for beginners, it is best to use a store-bought product. The average price of mastic per 100 grams is 50 rubles.

Step 3. Roll out the mastic into a thin layer and cut out all the elements of the flower according to the template.

You have probably already noticed how much bouquets have changed today compared to those 5 or 10 years ago. The flowers are still the same, but the way they are collected and what they are packaged in makes a huge difference. And even just a few roses tied with a ribbon are no longer just collected in an armful, as before, but into a special spiral bouquet, thanks to which it looks small but lush, to say nothing of the convenience of holding such a bouquet in your hands. From an aesthetic point of view, you can evaluate the bouquet from the photo:

Flowers suitable for spiral bouquets include:

  • Roses. Due to the fact that they have strong stems, roses are most often collected in such bouquets, and large buds make the bouquet lush. Round caps made from a huge number of roses look chic; it is in a spiral bouquet that the luxury of such a composition will be emphasized.
  • Chrysanthemums. This is a branch flower, and in a spiral bouquet it will look voluminous, even with a small number of branches.
  • Carnations. They are also quite often collected in such a bouquet, however, you need to be careful with them, because... their stems are very fragile.

Putting together such a bouquet is not as easy as it seems, but anyone can do it, even those far from floristry. You may not succeed the first time, but if you practice, the bouquet will definitely form properly.

Technique for making a spiral bouquet

A bouquet made using spiral technique is assembled right hand. Flowers for a bouquet do not have to be the same length; it is even better if they are not trimmed. You need to start collecting a bouquet from the central flower, which will become the basis; this flower should be held in your left hand. Subsequent flowers are placed slightly obliquely over the main stem with the right hand.

The stems of all flowers should intersect (touch) only in the place where they are held left hand. This place may be closer to the buds or closer to the middle. If you want the bouquet to be denser, then your hand should be located closer to the buds. If you want the bouquet to be more lush and voluminous, then in the center and closer to the bottom.

When creating a bouquet, pay attention to how you place the flowers; if the flower is placed in front of the bouquet, then it should be tilted to the right, but if at the back, then to the left.

Below is a master class on composing a spiral. There is nothing complicated, see for yourself:

You can put greenery around the edges of the bouquet, but even without greenery it will look complete. After the bouquet is folded, the ends of the flowers are trimmed with pruning shears to the same length, which is why the initial length is not important. It is much more convenient not to adhere to it when composing a bouquet.

Before collecting such a bouquet, the flower stems are cleared of leaves and thorns. You need to clean the part of the stem that will be under your left hand, i.e. below the tape that will tie it.

Assembling a prefabricated spiral bouquet

Using the same principle, a spiral bouquet is assembled from different colors, i.e. . First you need to choose the center of the bouquet. It must be a large flower. In our example, it is a rose. Next, we lay out the rest of the flowers and greenery in a spiral.

How to properly tie the stems of a spiral bouquet

A spiral bouquet can simply be tied with a ribbon or wrapped in packaging material (paper, mesh, sisal, etc.). Even if you decide to pack it, you will first need to bandage it so that the bouquet composition does not fall apart. Our florists presented a master class on how to properly tie the stems of a bouquet - it’s beautiful, neat, and convenient. If you follow the instructions, you will not need outside help, and the bouquet will be beautifully tied with a ribbon that will hold it tightly.

The main advantages of spiral bouquets:

  • Sustainability. A correctly folded spiral bouquet can be placed on a horizontal surface and it will stand.
  • Accuracy. In such a bouquet nothing will stand out from the composition, perfectly round hats from large quantity bouquets will look lush on top and quite compact at the bottom.
  • Reliability and durability. Due to the fact that when composing such a bouquet, the stems are not injured. This bouquet will last quite a long time.

If you have assembled correctly, then the spiral will be clearly visible in the stems, and the bouquet will stand firmly on a horizontal surface.

We wish you good luck with your spiral bouquet! Try it and you will definitely succeed!

You will need

  • - flowers;
  • - tape or cord;
  • - decorative greenery;
  • - additional accessories (frame, packaging material).


Before you start compiling, select one for it. In this matter, it is very important to take into account age, gender, appearance and, of course, the personal taste of the person to whom the bouquet is intended. To avoid annoying mistakes, follow the basic rules of floral etiquette. For this, choose large, tall flowers. For example, gladioli, hippeastrum. For women, more delicate plants are suitable - roses, lilies, tulips. Carnations are presented to mature and elderly people. The most universal colors are gerberas, they can be given to almost everyone.

Composing a bouquet is a creative activity that requires preparation and understanding of the future creation. Think about the form in advance and appearance future flower arrangement. Be sure to pay attention to the outlines of flowers and leaves, this will help you maintain harmony between all the elements of the bouquet. It is also important to correctly place accents and choose materials, but in this matter each master relies only on his personal taste.

To make a bouquet, in addition to flowers, you will need a ribbon for the bunch, decorative greenery and any additional accessories you wish. The simplest option for making a bouquet is parallel. Take the largest flowers and place them in the center of the future bouquet. Add smaller flowers around. The resulting composition will be framed by decorative greenery. Tie the bouquet with a ribbon. Trim flower stems to uniform lengths.

A spiral bouquet is more complex, but at the same time more original. This option will look lush even with a small amount of flowers. To make a spiral bouquet, prepare the flowers and place them on the table in front of you. Collect the bouquet in your left hand, and add flowers one by one with your right. Make sure that the stems of the flowers touch each other only where they are held by the fingers of your left hand.

Take a large flower that will be in the center of the composition and place it vertically. Lay the subsequent elements of the bouquet slightly diagonally, as if in a spiral. If you are adding flowers to the front, angle them from left to right. Increase the angle of inclination as the bouquet fills. At the same time, arrange the flowers so that the inner and external elements almost did not differ in length. Then your bouquet will have a beautiful round shape. Plants with small flowers and thin foliage can be slightly raised above the surface of the bouquet.

When the composition is ready, place decorative leaves along its edge. They need to be pushed out a little beyond the edges of the bouquet to create a neat cuff. Then twist the bouquet tightly with ribbon or cord. Carefully trim the flower stems to create an even base.

Not a single flower arrangement in the Flora Fart catalog meets your requirements? Use the virtual designer “Assemble a bouquet yourself”! With its help, everyone can try themselves in the role of a florist designer, and then evaluate the result in reality. An exclusive work, compiled taking into account the wishes and tastes of the recipient, will definitely make the right impression. Tell us about your feelings, wish a speedy recovery and congratulate you on the holiday. With our help it's easy!

How to create your own bouquet of flowers?

  1. Select a plant variety and color scheme from those proposed in the form.
  2. Indicate the number of roses, tulips, irises and greenery. The total price of a bouquet with decoration (ribbons, paper) is calculated below.
  3. Check if everything is correct. After that, click “Buy” and complete the order. We will contact you shortly.

Collect a bouquet of flowers online, we will deliver it in Moscow within 2-3 hours. Flora Fart compositions are made only from freshly cut plants, so they last in a vase for up to two weeks. Use them as a pleasant surprise for loved one, interior decoration, corporate identity element, fresh roses, tulips and orchids will always be good choice. Contact Flora Fart designers for help, they will make your floral fantasy come true!