Projects and types of houses in the English style. House in the English style: review of design for country and urban buildings (80 photos) House project in the English style

The old designs of English houses are chronologically the oldest, in area they are much smaller than the Tudor houses that appeared at the end of the 15th century, and even more so the large country Georgian and Victorian cottages, and most closely echo the medieval style. Ordinary are characterized by steep pitched roof with cross gables, large stone or brick chimneys at the front of the house, and small window openings of double-hung windows. Entrance areas were often gables with a tiled roof that was steep and straight on one side and carefully curved on the other. Doorways are arched or semicircular, richly decorated with fittings and external lighting.

Architectural features of ancient English projects

  • The roof is steep and pitched with complex intersecting gables
  • Roof covering made of natural clay tiles, preferably old ones - with lichen or moss
  • Massive dominant chimney
  • Details may include half-timbered and narrow windows with wooden shutters
  • Finish - natural or fake diamond, rough plaster and wood

Tudor style houses

Tudor style houses are considered the next step in English cottage architecture. Tudor houses are usually mixed - i.e. the first floor is designed from brick or stone, the second floor is of the attic type, as a rule, it is made of half-timbered technology either with decorative overlays from timber. Roofs in Tudor style houses steep, pitched, with finely flared curves on the eaves, the windows are high and narrow. Tudor houses, like Old English ones, have massive stove or fireplace chimneys, but they are no longer exposed to the foreground and are located to the side or behind the house. We invite you to familiarize yourself with ready-made projects of Tudor houses, or carry out individual design country cottages, carefully planned and functional, according to your wishes.

Georgian houses

The Georgian style of architecture originated in England in early XVIII century and developed between 1720 and 1840. English Georgian houses are very easy to distinguish from other English designs - they are characterized by precise proportions and balance.

Characteristics of Georgian architecture

  • Usually have rectangular symmetrical shapes, windows and doors centered on the front facade.
  • The most commonly used building materials are simple clay bricks in dark or light shades.
  • Georgian houses are generally two storey, but it is possible to design attic project, or one-story.
  • The roof is usually dark.
  • The colors are discreet - various shades of red and burgundy, sometimes gray.
  • Like any English house, a Georgian project must have a fireplace. Unlike the earlier ones, here you can already do without a chimney attached to the side.

English designs in Victorian style

The Victorian style of architecture flourished for a century, from the 1810s to the early 1910s, but is still relevant today. Particularly common in rural areas and suburbs of large cities in the United States. Houses in this style have an asymmetrical facade, steep roof, bay windows and towers decorated with spindles or carvings, porches with pillars and spacious covered terraces or verandas - with decorative railings.

Pediments visually stand out on facades. The decoration of English cottages in the Victorian style is decorated with shingles or siding, and the roof is covered with patterned tiles. Traditionally, these houses are mostly two-story or with an attic.

Architecture country houses V english style distinguished by conservatism and rigor. Buildings made of brick with recognizable facade decor and convenient layout good for permanent residence or seasonal holiday.

Three types of English houses

There are three architectural trends that characterize UK residential buildings - in their historical and modern form. The traits of each type are easy to trace in their appearance.

Tudor style

Formed in 1500-1600. Structures made of stone look brutal and impressive. The medieval design evokes associations with housing from European fairy tales:

  • the building has an asymmetrical layout
  • roof - acute-angled multi-slope, covered with tiles
  • The facade of the English Tudor house is decorated with high gables and small dormers
  • the building is fully or partially covered with rough stone
  • The main entrance is decorated with an arched passage
  • the modern variation features large bay windows with glazing

Established in England in 1700-1800. influenced by Italian classicism (Palladianism). Pompous, but at the same time modest buildings form the basis of the suburban development of London; it is with this design that our compatriots associate the concept of a house in the classic British style.

Main features:

  • rectangular plan
  • symmetrical proportions emphasized by paired chimneys
  • uniform distribution window openings same sizes
  • walls - brick or stone, with minimal decor
  • projects of houses and cottages in this English style usually have a medium-height roof, with a slight extension over the walls
  • entry group decorated with pilasters or half-columns, the door itself is paneled

Victorian Home Design

It emerged in the years 1800-1900, when Italian order canons were replaced by free composition, ease of planning with the abandonment of strict symmetry, and increased decorativeness of English facades. Industrial production made available beautiful design even modest dwellings.

Here are the key characteristics:

  • external forms are most often asymmetrical
  • the layout includes a veranda on one or two sides, terraces, bay windows
  • roof - steep, with round or square towers
  • To decorate a house in the Queen Anne style, stone cladding, siding, stucco, decorative consoles, and half-timbered construction are used.
  • colored walls: blue, brown, white, terracotta, green

Foundation Features

The construction of English-style cottages is characterized by a very low base. This is how it happened historically: good drainage made it possible to build a low foundation, and the floors were located almost level with the ground. From basements and ground floor in such housing you have to give up; the storage function will be handled by the pantry in the kitchen.

In Russian climatic conditions a low foundation will require enhanced waterproofing and insulation.

Pointed roof - the calling card of the exterior

Private houses built in the English style have distinctive feature: high pitched roof with difficult terrain. The utilitarian and aesthetic functions are successfully combined here: the large angle of inclination helps rainwater drain faster, and the intricate composition of turrets, gables and canopies is very attractive in terms of design. An overhang protruding along the entire perimeter reliably protects from excess moisture walls and foundation.

Classical roofing material- ceramic tiles, traditionally red. English style modern houses quite suitable for use soft roof the widest range of colors. Dormer windows, characteristic of the external design, participate in the ventilation of the attic space.

Brick houses - classics of English architecture

Today, for the construction of cottages with historical architecture, they use different materials, but British-style brick house designs are traditional solution with important advantages: the buildings are strong, warm, with good sound insulation and resistance to temperature fluctuations. They are perfect for our climate.

The most common house in the English style is a red brick house; it looks natural, strict and elegant. The contrasting combination makes it extremely elegant. brick walls decorated with white stone, bas-reliefs, columns. IN White color You can also paint the edging that runs along the perimeter of the building. Stucco decoration - rusticated stones, cornices, balustrades - will emphasize the classical heritage of architecture.

The brickwork is usually left without cladding, in rare cases it is finished with stone panels, facade brick, decorative plaster. Our English-style brick mansion project demonstrates the balanced beauty of snow-white columns, pediments, rustications and friezes against the backdrop of red brick facades.

English style house designs: two-story layout

The classic British cottage is designed on two levels.

  • The main room on the first floor is a living room, a place for communication and traditional tea drinking.

The room is often combined with a dining room (but not with a kitchen) and a spacious hall. The interior must have a fireplace, lined with stone or trimmed with an antique portal. Before the invention of steam heating, the fireplace warmed the house, so all living spaces were located around it.

The living room is filled with natural light due to large quantity windows, modern projects two-story English houses provide panoramic glazing bay windows in the recreation area.

  • The kitchen can be located separately or adjacent to the dining room - but in this case, the cooking area should not be visible from the living room.

Following tradition, a back exit is made from the kitchen - to the backyard. On the first floor there is space for an office and a library, sometimes they are combined.

In cottages, these rooms are used only for sleeping; their area is usually small, but one of the master bedrooms is necessarily combined with a bathroom and a dressing room.

Sometimes the layout small house, decorated in English, includes an attic. A compact space is being set up under the roof non-residential premises(closet or room for drying clothes). In mansions, attics are full-fledged living rooms.

Modern project options

Our portfolio includes beautiful cottages in the British style, which combine architectural traditions with the requirements of the current level of comfort.

Project English home with a terrace demonstrates classical symmetry and strict façade decor. To the left of the central entrance there is a covered area - here you can place a bench or chairs for drinking tea; open balcony second floor. Forged openwork railings emphasize the thematic connection of the terrace with the main facade.

In a house with an attic, created in the English style, the glazing of French windows on the main floors is successfully combined with richly decorated arched openings at the top level. Balanced color scheme create red brick, beige smooth stone and dark blue copper tiles.

House in English style with garage - convenient solution for a family with two or three cars. If the garage is adjacent to the main residential complex, the task of the project authors is to make the neighborhood as organic as possible. Compositional unity is achieved through uniform decorative solutions.

Landscape design: everything in the garden!

Building a house in the English style does not mean just building a cottage with a given geometry and decor. True Britons cannot imagine life without a courtyard with flowering front gardens, green hedges, and trimmed lawns. It may be small, but there must be a kindergarten. Vertical landscaping looks beautiful - facades entwined with ivy and vines.

The TopDom company designs and builds private houses and cottages in the British style, mansions with attics, and palace-type residences.

You can order an architectural, interior and landscape project from us with all the necessary documentation. During turnkey construction, you will receive a house absolutely ready to move in - with furniture, connected communications and full finishing.

In terms of architecture, Great Britain is perhaps the most diverse, as it has always been influenced by the traditions of not only neighboring Ireland, Wales, Scotland, but also many emigrants from all over Europe. In this country you can see a variety of buildings, built both in medieval traditions and in classic style. For more than three hundred years (from 1180 to 1548), Gothic architecture flourished in England, first borrowed from the French, and then overgrown with its own details.

What all this looks like today, and what projects of English-style houses are offered to developers, we will tell you in this article.

Tudor style - one of the directions of the English style

The architecture of any country is closely connected with its history, which is very clearly seen in the example of England. All military and political initiatives came from its regions, but the country could not help but take into account the cultures of the peoples living nearby.

In England you can still see medieval mansions of exceptional beauty.

It took England centuries to unite them and unite them into one kingdom, and during this time it acquired a mass of traditions that added to those that already existed. In general, English architecture developed something like this.

How it was

Even before AD Celtic (Franco-Germanic) tribes settled in the British Isles, but they were exclusively country style with fauna-themed decor, did not have any significant influence on local architecture.

Historians and archaeologists believe that it's all about the materials: the Celts built mainly from wood and straw, and the British - from stone. Although in some places picturesque houses in a similar style can still be seen.

Read also:

Thatched roofs are a Celtic heritage: a private house in the English province

Contributions from ancient tribes

Later, the southern environs of Britain came under the thumb Ancient Rome— the Romans failed to capture the entire island due to the fierce resistance of the local tribes.

Interesting! This colonization turned out to be beneficial for the island, since the Romans not only used natural stone in construction, but also knew how to make brick and established its production in England. After this, brick became a priority material, and craftsmen actively mastered artistic masonry techniques.

Project brick house in English style with artistic masonry - Georgian style
  • IN early middle ages The island was chosen by the Anglo-Saxon and Jutish tribes who sailed from Germany and mixed with the Celts. It was this mixture that formed the nationality that today is commonly called English.
  • Primitive wooden huts gradually turned into spacious houses with a hall - an elongated structure under gable roof(read in the article) where all working family members gathered in the mornings and evenings. Prototype of a modern living room.

Modern English hall
  • European emigrants brought Christianity with them. They destroyed ancient Roman and Celtic houses, and churches were built from these building materials, some of which have survived.
  • For more than two centuries (IX-XI centuries) the British lands were under the rule of Denmark, which also contributed to English architecture. Complex configurations on facades then became a tradition and were developed during the Gothic period.

Abundance of architectural details - Gothic traditions
  • In the 11th century, England was invaded again by the Normans, who created a feudal state structure there. Its organizer was William the Conqueror, who openly supported the construction of churches and castles in the Romanesque style.
  • Military detachments built towers from wood for themselves; later it was replaced everywhere by stone. Castles increase in size, improve and become characteristic feature medieval Britain.

Private castle in Romanesque style

English manor

Closer to the beginning of the 13th century, the concept arose manor house. It was built either from wood or using half-timbering technology, which was already widespread throughout Europe (proposed on our resource).

Half-timbered buildings are a sign of purely European architecture
  • On the ground floor of such a house there were barns and a hall, the living rooms were located upstairs, where a spacious staircase led. By and large, it is on this principle that they are designed. modern houses and cottages (find out in the article).

There is a hall below and bedrooms above.
  • Norman traditions very quickly came into use, as the conquerors forcibly drove the local population to construction sites to build cathedrals.
  • The realities of the local climate forced us to adapt, to provide tiers of numerous windows on the upper floors. French windows, characteristic of Franco-Norman architecture, did not take root here.

Suite of windows on the top floor and beamed ceiling
  • The walls are thick, the volumes of the rooms are rectangular. The ceilings were made flat with large geometric details, but sometimes like tent roofs.
  • From those times, the fashion for beamed and coffered ceilings came to us, which has survived to this day. It’s just that back then they were built in this style, but today they are simply decorated visually.

Read also

Frame projects country houses

A modern coffered ceiling might look like this


The Gothic style reigned in England quite for a long time, until the 16th century (the era of the reign of the Tudor dynasty), because endless internecine wars and the poor development of European fleets contributed to a reduction in construction. And the one that was there adhered more to French architecture.

At home in gothic style in England can be seen in our time
  • But in the English version, elongated and geometric shapes, filled with decor, prevailed. It could be an unusual shape of windows (including curtains) or internal partitions, which immediately caught the eye. It was with changes in decor that the entire evolution of English Gothic was connected.

English style in a modern living room
  • The main emphasis in English architecture of the 16th-17th centuries was on ceilings. To the point where masters compete in inventing ever new ornaments and more complex designs. Because of this, interiors very often turned out to be overly overloaded.
  • When trade and industrial companies gained power, built workshops and houses, added chapels to cathedrals, the appearance of the premises began to change, halls with large windows and vaulted ceilings decorated with geometric, star or fan-shaped designs.

Ceilings with complex shapes came to us from English architecture.
  • Secular construction, which replaced church construction, coincided with the Renaissance, which England entered with some delay. In this regard, Italy was advanced. Therefore, British nobles often invited Italian craftsmen for construction, but not architects, but decorators, or as they are commonly called today - designers.

The structure of English buildings, along with high roofs and bay windows (available on our resource), often having several chimneys, did not correspond to the Italian concept of architecture in general. That is why in England it turned out to be so conservative and slowed down even more after the expulsion of Italians professing Catholicism from the island.

20 photos of Gothic style houses

Half-timbered buildings

Germany and Holland had a much greater influence on order (compositional) architecture. In the buildings they did not leave English traditions, but they made their contribution to the design of buildings. Maximum attention was paid to half-timbering, which had previously been used only occasionally, but now began to be used everywhere.

The half-timbered style is still actively used today
  • Initially to the principle of mass half-timbered construction prompted by the need to conserve forest resources, because ordinary people did not have the opportunity to build with stone, but mercilessly cut down trees.

Picturesque country house
  • In a half-timbered structure, only the spatial frame was made of wood, and the spaces between the posts and beams were filled with brick, stone, and wattle fences covered with clay. Such buildings, which predominated in the south and north-west of the island, were very picturesque, although they learned to cover them with plaster and whitewash.
Modern English manor

Note: this technology has today transformed into a frame technology, when the spans of the frame are filled ready-made panels(shields), or sheathed directly on site with rigid sheets filled with insulation.

Facade of an English house with half-timbered elements
  • Most often, standard designs of houses in the English style are frame, as this is the most profitable. As for half-timbered timber, today it is not a house structure as such, but simply beautiful style design, which is used not only on facades, but also in interiors.

Photo gallery of the interior of houses in the half-timbered style

The geology of the site includes checking and studying the soil, this allows you to optimize the cost of the foundation.

What happens if you don't do geology?

If you ignore this stage, then you can choose the wrong foundation and lose from 1,000,000 rubles on alterations.

10 year warranty on foundation, walls, ceilings and roofing.

Ask an engineer a question

What is included in the Engineering Solution?

Documentation on the location and equipment of all technical rooms, electrical points, water supply, ventilation, gas and sewerage.

What is included in a design solution?

Detailed plan and instructions for the foreman, which displays all necessary steps and technologies in the construction of foundations, walls and roofs.

What is included in the architectural solution?

Creation of a sketch and its 3D image, which shows the location and size of rooms, walls, roofing, furniture, windows and doors.

What will you get after this stage?

All technical and visual documentation. Author's supervision of the construction progress. Our architect and designer will visit the site weekly.

Still have questions? Ask them to an engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

What determines the timing?

The timing depends on the chosen project and material (houses made of logs and timber require time to shrink).

What is "house shrinkage"?

This is a natural process of volume change wooden walls and other parts due to drying of the wood.

Who will build my house?

We have our own staff of certified workers and foremen with at least 5 years of specialized experience. A fleet of construction equipment has been put into operation since 2015. We do not involve contractors.

Still have questions? Ask them to an engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

I want it like in this picture. You can?

Yes! You can send us any image and we will design and build what you want.

Do you have a designer on your staff?

Currently there are 5 interior designers on staff with a total of 74 years of specialized experience.

What is included in an interior design project?

Drawing up a 3D project by a designer, as well as support and implementation of all finishing works.
We will also produce and supply furniture that suits your lifestyle and taste.

We are often contacted by clients who are interested in English-style house designs made of brick and more modern materials- from foam blocks or aerated concrete. Upon discussion, it turns out that they mean completely different buildings, and there is an objective reason for this. The architecture of England took shape over several centuries, and three periods are distinguished: XV-XVI, XVII-XVIII, XVIII-XIX centuries.

Substyles of English architecture

  • acute-angled multi-pitched roofs covered with red tiles;
  • big brick pipes;
  • high gables with small dormers;
  • arched windows with frequent glazing, stone facing of the base.

Projects of houses in the English Tudor style: No. 33-03 (one-story townhouse), No. 51-34 (classic cottage with attic).

  • rectangular shape, symmetry;
  • walls without decoration;
  • simple roofs medium height;
  • doors framed by a portal.

Typical examples in the catalog: No. 58-66 or a more modern interpretation No. 32-11.

  • decoration facing stone, using half-timbered or siding techniques;
  • the roofs take on a complex shape and are complemented by towers;
  • distribution of bay windows, verandas, terraces;
  • high pediment above the central entrance.

An example would be photo of a 2-story house in the English Victorian style No. 34-67, or a project with a terrace (No. 40-56).

Composition of project documentation

The Cottage Projects company develops ready-made solutions for 15 years already. Every finished project contains a complete package of documentation necessary for construction.

  1. Detailed description of all structures: foundation, walls, ceilings.
  2. Floor plans with a breakdown for each room: area, purpose.
  3. Specification building materials, options for their replacement are indicated.

The project includes a set of working drawings: sections, masonry plans, floor explications, and a diagram for filling window openings. Separate standard solutions include projects engineering communications. In most cases, water supply and electrification systems are developed individually. For example, when a customer requires a house with a second light (No. 35-12, 375 m2). Additionally, an architectural passport of the object is prepared.