Project of a wooden house with a flat roof. One-story house with a flat roof - advantages and installation features

Looking for beautiful projects houses with a flat roof with photos and layouts? Our catalog contains many designs of well-thought-out houses, including those with a flat roof. This category a real highlight of our catalog. Modern houses with flat roofs are in particular demand among wealthy people who keep up with the times and are not afraid of experiments and innovative ideas in suburban construction. Original projects flat houses Not everyone likes them; many people think that such cottages are neither functional nor beautiful, and living in them is not comfortable. However, this is not the case, let's take a closer look at this type of house. In the photo they all have flawless appearance, which we have already become accustomed to when visiting foreign resorts, because most modern villas are made in exactly this architectural style. Successful planning solutions in finished projects are not inferior to standard ones classic houses, but a large glazing area is available due to the use of French windows all the way to the floor. Some people are confused about a flat roof, how to care for it and remove snow from winter time. However, the coating is made of PVC membrane, which lasts a long time and does not require special care, and the snow from its surface is melted by special heating elements. Flat roof buildings are very easy to build, especially if the building material chosen is gas silicate blocks(aerated concrete) or large format ceramic brick(warm ceramics). When choosing a project, consider your needs, the number of bedrooms, the presence of a garage and terraces, whether you want

The pros and cons of building a house with a flat roof, based on which you will understand whether the game is worth the candle.

A house with a flat roof, in a row of similar “boxes” with a pitched roof, looks fresh and unusual. Therefore, every year the number of suburban residents who are seriously considering the construction of such a house for permanent residence is increasing. Fans of “cubic” design are captivated by the wow effect and increased attention from the neighbors. Someone wants to place it on the roof engineering equipment, or lay out a lawn and arrange seating areas. Still others believe that building a house with a flat roof is cheaper and easier than with a pitched roof. Is it really? Let's consider the main pros and cons of these buildings and draw a conclusion whether they are suitable for our country. To do this, we will answer the following questions:

  • Why is it difficult to choose suitable site for a “cubic” cottage
  • Is it true that flat roofs are not suitable for our climate?
  • Why does a flat roof leak?
  • A flat roof is simpler and cheaper than a pitched roof - this is a myth
  • Why is a flat roof difficult to repair?

1. House with a flat roof and domestic realities

Most country residents look at cottages with flat roofs with skepticism, calling these houses “boxes”. Why? Houses with flat roofs came to us from abroad. Traditionally, they were built in countries with a warm climate, where there is practically no winter, heavy snowfall, severe frosts with sudden thaws, prolonged rains, but strong winds blow. For example, somewhere on the coast Mediterranean Sea. Then these houses turned into fashion design The erotic trend is “not for everyone” in Western Europe, and from there they have already come to us.


I see that we mainly build houses with a pitched roof. But is this really necessary? In Germany and Switzerland, designs for houses with flat roofs have long been offered. What could be the disadvantages of a flat roof, besides the supposed unaesthetic appearance?

Indeed, how can anyone be left indifferent by a cottage with panoramic windows in the photo below?

Or this high-tech house with a flat roof in the forest.

Or a cottage with an observation deck on the roof, a lawn and a place to relax.

Now imagine these houses here. Harsh winter. In an ordinary - not elite village, where roads flow in spring and autumn, and areas are fenced with corrugated sheets. Most houses are finished with siding or lined with facing bricks. Pitched roofs are covered with slate, metal tiles or, less commonly, a more expensive solution - flexible tiles. The picture doesn't add up. Something's missing, isn't it? I no longer want to sit on the flat roof of a house, as I dreamed of, with a cup of tea or coffee. After all, from there the view opens not to the ocean, sea, mountains or nature untouched by man, but to dense village buildings or, in best case scenario, fields overgrown with grass.

A house with a flat roof, in a high-tech style, looks advantageous only on a spacious separate plot, for example, on a slope, with a beautiful view of the forest, lake or river. A cottage with a flat roof is lost without landscape design, and among good-quality, but similar houses, it looks like a “black sheep.”

This is where it lies the first “pitfall” - dreams of a stylish house with a flat roof are shattered when you realize,how much will the plot cost?, on which the cottage will look just right.

Having conceived the construction of a house with a claim to a non-standard foreign design, select an appropriate site for it.

2. Reliability of a flat roof in our climate

When you look at beautiful houses that are hundreds of years old, ask yourself why they were built this way and not otherwise. Why do houses built in a coastal area somewhere in Norway, Sweden or Scotland do not have roof overhangs and the usual drainage? They are simply not needed because strong winds, which turn rain into a horizontal stream of water hitting the walls. The same goes for houses with flat roofs. They were built in warm climates, where there is little precipitation but strong wind load.

A flat roof is more wind resistant than a pitched roof.

Dmitrievich-50 User FORUMHOUSE

Our ancestors - smart people. They considered the design of the house from a practical point of view, based on climatic conditions accommodation. Why were flat roofs built in Central Asia? On the Central Russian Upland are they sloped? In the Baltics, not just pitched ones, but with a sharp ridge angle? A pitched roof with a slope of 45 degrees, in the Moscow region or Saratov, will provide reliable protection from rain or snow for 20-25 years, even if covered with cheap corrugated board or slate.

A flat roof, with the right approach to construction and using modern materials, will also provide reliable protection for the house from precipitation and will not leak.

The only question is how much 1 sq. m. will cost. m of such a roof with a guarantee that it will not leak quickly during frequent transitions through 0. Icing. Night freezing and daytime thawing of snow cover. Lingering downpours. And most importantly - how to make a roof so that it lasts a long time in our climate?

The second difficulty in building a cottage with a problem-free flat roof is the harsh Russian operating conditions.

3. The main problem of building a reliable house with a flat roof in the Russian Federation

link82 Member of FORUMHOUSE

The company built me ​​a house with a flat roof. We made 6 pieces along the edges. heated funnels and led out to the sides, through the parapet, and drain pipes. Is it correct? Maybe it was necessary to make a slope to the center and, with a small roof area, install two funnels instead of six? And put the pipe inside the building. Output in the base and further into storm sewer? I am afraid that the knee that is being taken out of the funnel into the street will freeze. Ice has already formed on the pipes. What if the pipe bursts due to frost? How to fix it? Throw in a heating cable? So much money has already been spent on this roof!

The house with a flat roof was built in 2013.

In addition to problems with drainage, another one was added. When link82 I came to check the house and discovered that the roof was leaking in several places. Water came from the second floor to the first. All the drywall floated. Now you have to quarrel with the builders. Trying to take the money and completely redo the roof. According to Mikhail-snabss(a user of the portal is a professional in the construction of flat roofs) this example contains a whole bunch of errors. The main one is builders who simply don’t know how to make flat roofs correctly.

When building a house with a flat roof, do not go cheap. Every step of builders and stage of work needs strict control. More careful than when constructing a pitched one. Mistakes will be costly!

The roof was most likely made of a built-up waterproofing material - glass insulation. The tree played and the fiberglass tore. Repairing this roof with a special roofing membrane will cost from 130 to 200 thousand rubles.

The third factor complicating the construction of a cottage with a flat roof in the Russian Federation - lack of highly qualified builders who know exactly how to build just such houses correctly. How to use and combine materials with each other. What tools are needed for this? Even if the future owner of a house with a flat roof has a detailed design, and he should be, then everything can be ruined by “specialists” who work on the principle: “we always build this way and no one has complained yet!”

Flat roofing should only be done by professionals.

4. Is a flat roof cheaper and simpler than a pitched roof?

Usually when it comes to benefits flat roof, you can hear the argument that it is cheaper than pitched. Why? Smaller area - less consumption materials. It’s easier to make an overlap, because no need for classic rafter system. No need to arrange attic floor etc. And that's true, but as they say, the essence is in the details.

If we take a simplified look at the “pie” of a flat roof, then the following are laid on the base, for example concrete floor slabs:

  • vapor barrier;
  • thermal insulation;
  • waterproofing.

Or the so-called inversion flat roof, where the layers go like this:

  • waterproofing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • finishing layer.

In an inversion flat roof, the waterproofing layer is located under the insulation and “works” in more gentle conditions, because from above, from negative influence weather conditions, it is protected by crushed stone, tiles or soil with a lawn. Those. a ballasted flat roof is installed.

But, when building a flat roof it is necessary:

  • Arrange slopes for water drainage - about 2 cm per 1 linear meter. Slopes are usually made with concrete screed or wedge-shaped insulation elements.
  • Lay several layers of insulation. If stone wool is used rather than extruded polystyrene foam, install aerators to remove water vapor from the insulation.
  • Put water inlet funnels electrically heated, otherwise, due to the ice that has formed, they will not drain water from the roof.

One water intake funnel, with a diameter of 110 mm, drains water from an area of ​​up to 300 square meters. m.

  • Mount drainpipe with a slope of 3 cm per 1 linear meter.
  • Make high-quality waterproofing from PVC, TPO or expensive EPDM membranes. TPO membranes are less elastic than PVC membranes, but have higher strength. Welding TPO membranes requires professional installers with special equipment. The advantage of EPDM membranes is their large format, and the fewer welds, the more reliable the flat roof.

When installing a flat roof, you will have to take into account many nuances.

Calculate the snow load depending on your region of residence. For example, Moscow and St. Petersburg belong to the third climatic region. The snow load on a flat roof, with a slope of 2%, in the Moscow region will be 180 kg per 1 sq. m. m. In the fourth climatic region snow load 240 kg per 1 sq. m, and in the fifth there are already 320 kg. Do not forget that the weight of 1 m 3 of loose, freshly fallen snow is on average 50 - 100 kg. Already compacted 350 kg. A cube of wet or melting snow weighs approximately 400-600 kg.

There is no need to remove snow from a properly designed flat roof in winter. The excess is blown away by the wind, and the loose snow becomes a heat insulator.

But the load on a flat roof must be taken into account with a greater margin than on a pitched roof, taking into account force majeure circumstances. For example, the water inlet funnels became clogged, the heating cable burned out, and the water did not drain from the roof. A month's worth of snow fell in a couple of days, but there was no wind to blow it away and it lies on the roof. Additional weight on the roof puts pressure on the walls, which in turn transfer the load to the foundation, which redistributes it to the soil foundation. The further north you go, the greater the load. Add a lot of crushed stone or soil with grass if you are installing a ballasted flat roof.

From here - The optimal design for a cottage with a flat roof is not a frame or wooden house, but a stone structure, calculated by the designer and built from aerated concrete, brick, warm ceramics, monolithic technology. Because “Cubic” design involves large unsupported spaces, then it will no longer be possible to block a span of more than 6 m with a tree. Trusses, I-beams, wooden I-beams, hollow reinforced concrete floor slabs, monolithic floor or prefabricated monolithic floor. Don’t forget to add expensive façade finishing solutions to the cost of a house with a flat roof.

You can't finish a house like this cheap anymore.

Planken, burnt wood, hand-molded bricks are used, wet facade, combined facades made of wood and stone. And you can’t install standard windows in a house with a flat roof. Large or panoramic are required. Add to this the additional areas of parapets, which also need to be insulated and finished. This increases construction costs.

The fourth factor - a house with a flat roof cannot be called budget construction.

Consider the costs not only for the roof, comparing the final estimate with flat and pitched ones, but for the total cost of the entire “box” with finishing.

5. Low maintainability of a flat roof

sv2321 User FORUMHOUSE

I have a house with a flat roof. Waterproofing - membrane. I'm struggling with the roof. As they say, water will always find a hole. I like the flat roof, but I think I’ll give it up and convert it to a pitched roof, although I’ll have to change the entire architecture of the house. And that's why:

  • There is no absolute guarantee that all joints of a flat roof will be airtight. Enough microcrack and off we go. If there is a slope, then small defects are not critical;
  • Snow lingers on a flat roof. He's melting. Water fills microcracks. It was frosty at night. The water is frozen. With frequent daily freeze-thaw cycles, microcracks enlarge and then rupture. They are getting bigger. U pitched roof there are no welded areas and there is nothing to tear there. In the worst case scenario, a small temporary leak will appear without progressive consequences. It is easy to find and repair;
  • The most unpleasant thing. On a flat roof, you will never know exactly where the defect occurred. There is a leak in one place, and water is dripping from the ceiling in another. The craftsmen will come, check the joints and find one of the defects, but the rest will remain. If the roof is inverted or loaded with gravel, then defect detection is an even bigger problem.

According to the user, the optimal roof for our climate is pitched. The angles of the slopes compensate for the crooked hands of the builders and changes in the properties of materials over time, and the overhangs protect the walls and finishing from precipitation.

So, fifth - low maintainability. The quality of a flat roof is greatly influenced by the human factor.

If a pitched roof with a cold attic is leaking, then finding and repairing the defective area is not difficult. As a last resort, you can dismantle the coating and perform local repairs or get to the problem area from the inside. In the case of a flat roof, finding a leak and repairing it becomes more difficult due to the complex “pie”. Many layers in the structure, especially in the so-called. "green roof". Availability concrete screed etc.


Houses with a flat roof certainly look beautiful and stylish. Make a flat, problem-free roof that will serve long years in our climate also possible. The only question is the total cost of all decisions and its feasibility. Anyone who has been involved in roof installation or repair in our climate knows that in summer, a hot roof in the sun - last place where you would like to sit with your family or friends. It's hot and stuffy. I want to quickly go into the shadows. If there are small children in the house, then a used flat roof is unnecessary headache for parents. You can also organize a shaded private place to relax with barbecue on the site small area. It’s nice to sunbathe in the garden on the grass, throwing in a towel or laying out a sun lounger, and not in full view of all the neighbors and passers-by on the roof. In the countryside, you simply want privacy, and not stick out your private life for everyone to see. Let's add our changeable weather. Rain. The wind, which at altitude is felt completely differently than below. In total, how many days a year will there actually be left to relax on a flat roof? Let's add the need to arrange a place to access the roof directly from the house. Do not climb onto a flat roof using a ladder that is attached to the facade. What's left? Unusual “fashionable” design to attract attention. Therefore, let everyone decide for themselves whether to build a house with a flat roof or not, and FORUMHOUSE offers you proven solutions for this.

  • how to properly build a house in our climate with a roof without overhangs and a hidden drain, and what are its advantages.

Stone house with a flat roof: a harmonious combination of exterior and interior. The video shows the design features of a monolithic stone house with a flat roof and unusual facade decoration.

Projects of houses with a flat roof in Lately are becoming more popular all over the world. Some examples of houses can be safely called masterpieces of architecture. In our country, this direction is still developing, therefore, by choosing this solution for construction, you become the owner of an exclusive modern home.

Houses with a flat roof look impressive and are also endowed with a number of advantages:

  • roof construction will take less time and cost less;
  • ease of maintenance, cleaning and renovation work carried out more easily and without the use of special equipment;
  • the opportunity to usefully use the roof area, for example, to place a terrace, tables for relaxation, a flower garden or a sports area.

Construction of flat roof houses

Despite its apparent simplicity, the strength of the house will be achieved only with careful necessary calculations, especially when it comes to ensuring a sufficient level of waterproofing and water drainage; in case of an error, the structure may collapse. That is why, to design and build houses with a flat roof, it is necessary to contact specialists who have sufficient experience and comply with the required building codes and standards.

Our catalog contains many finished projects houses with a flat roof. Using a convenient filter, you will find various houses by area, number of floors and material (brick, aerated concrete, frame) with photos and construction prices.

If no cottage project is suitable in the catalog, we will be happy to develop individual project for you, where we will take into account and implement all your wishes.

By collaborating with Villaexpert, you can be sure that the construction of a turnkey house with a flat roof will be carried out at the highest level and at a reasonable price, and you will receive the house design as a gift.

Houses with a flat roof were rarely found in our country. However, today projects of houses with a flat roof have begun to be considered again, so it is worth paying attention to their advantages, disadvantages and features. This article will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of such projects, the features of laying a flat roof and design options for the roof space.

The reason for the increasing popularity of flat roofs today is modern design trends. This was also facilitated by the emergence of new construction and roofing materials, which made it possible to create not only pitched or hipped roofs, but also high-quality flat roofs.

Since the flat roof structure has some differences from other traditional options, the construction technology will also differ. First of all, this concerns surface waterproofing, as well as the drainage system.

When considering the idea of ​​​​creating a flat roof in a private house, it is worth paying attention to the following advantages of this solution:

  • if, then such a roof will fit perfectly into general form. Both square houses with a flat roof and rectangular ones look original;
  • building a flat roof requires less time, since it has a smaller area, so working on such a surface is easier and more convenient;
  • the flat roof provides the opportunity to utilize this additional space. For example, a cozy terrace can be equipped upstairs;
  • When it comes to maintenance, it doesn't get any easier than working on a flat roof. There is no need to involve steeplejacks to clean up wastewater or ventilation ducts. Almost any flat roof repair can be done by the owner himself;

  • The flat roof space can be used by the owners not only as a recreation area, but also for installing various specialized equipment. For example, many people want to install solar panels as alternative source receiving electricity. The same applies to wind generators, all kinds of heaters and systems designed to collect rainwater.

The nuances of building houses with a flat roof: photo examples

Speaking about the shortcomings and difficulties associated with the implementation of projects modern houses with a flat roof, it is puzzling that despite the significantly smaller area, as well as the relatively low cost of roofing materials, it is no cheaper to build a flat one.

This is due to the fact that a flat roof necessarily requires high-quality reinforced concrete floors. This issue is especially relevant if the roof surface will be used. Using this space creates a significant load on the entire structure of the house, including the foundation and walls. Thus, saving on the roof leads to an increase in the overall cost of building a house.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how to solve the problem of snow accumulating on the roof surface. There is an opinion that a layer of snow has some positive effect, creating additional thermal insulation, which leads to a decrease in heat loss. But we cannot ignore the fact that snow is an additional load on the building.

We often have to deal with the fact that if the roof seal is broken, the process of snow melting is accompanied by roof leakage. To avoid this, you must initially ensure that the materials for waterproofing the flat roof are of high quality and installed in accordance with the requirements and recommendations.

Projects of houses with a flat roof: types of structures and their purpose

Modern houses with a flat roof may vary depending on the type of roof. Accordingly, this will affect construction methods and further operation of the surface.

The roof space allows owners to regularly be on its surface, as well as install various objects without the risk of damage. The base of such a roof must be as rigid as possible, so reinforced concrete is most often used for this purpose. Special requirements are also placed on the heat insulator: it must be resistant to severe loads and also have high compressive strength.

Unused roofs are not designed for heavy loads. In this case, replacement is acceptable concrete base to less durable wood. In this case, a house with a flat roof is equipped with special bridges or ladders, which reduce the load on the surface and prevent damage if it is necessary to move along the roof.

Inversion roofs are a special type that provides for the location of insulation above the waterproofing layer. This allows you to protect the bottom layer from exposure external factors: temperature changes, sunlight and mechanical loads. It also increases the number of permissible melting and freezing cycles of the material.

In most cases, this type of roofing is used as an exploitable one, since you can move freely on it, and also carry out installation moderately heavy objects furniture and decor. Moreover, this type of roof is considered the most durable among others.

Important! Regardless of the type of roof you choose, you should ensure that you have a suitable drainage system. There are special external drainage funnels for flat roofs, which can effectively solve the problem of water accumulation.

Options for installing a flat roof of a private house: how to use the space

Considering the fact that every square meter of territory has its own cost, you have to save money by using space rationally. And in this matter, flat roofs occupy one of the leading positions. Indeed, in the case of arranging a used roof, the owners actually receive another floor, albeit subject to seasonal use. Today there are even frame houses with a flat roof.

This solution may allow you to abandon the traditional veranda if the size of the plot is not too large. For many owners of small plots great solution the arrangement of a roof garden is becoming.

Other common options for using a flat roof include creating a recreation area, such as a gazebo. With a flat roof, the dream of a setup or barbecue becomes possible.

Another very interesting option is to install a swimming pool on the roof. Of course, this will require considerable financial costs, as well as a large amount of work associated with calculating the upcoming load. However, if you entrust this to professionals, you can get an excellent place to relax. As an example, you can consider several photos one-story houses with a flat roof arranged in this way.

Helpful advice! In order to create a special atmosphere and comfort on the roof, you should take care of the presence of good lighting. These can be small spotlights or garlands. The main thing is that they are designed for use in outdoor conditions.

Another original solution for arrangement one-story house with a flat roof - a sports ground. For a small house, suitable option installation of exercise equipment or arrangement of a basketball court. For larger houses, designers provide even more original solutions. Thus, you can find projects of two-story houses with a flat roof, which are equipped with a tennis court and a helicopter landing pad.

How to make a flat roof: features of construction technology

When talking about houses with a flat roof, you need to understand that they still have some, albeit slight, slope. Usually this figure does not exceed 5o. But this slight slope is very important as it allows rainwater to flow towards the drain.

Since a flat roof consists of many layers, in the process of laying them it is necessary to strictly observe not only the technology, but also the time intervals. The quality of materials also plays a big role. Therefore, saving in this matter is highly not recommended.

Let's look at what each layer of the roof pie consists of, and what you should pay attention to during the construction process.

Rigid base. As already mentioned, if the roof is planned to be used, it is usually made of reinforced concrete. As preparatory work the base is thoroughly cleaned and then leveled. For this purpose they use cement screed, as it perfectly eliminates all small crevices, cracks and chips. At this stage, it is important to wait until the solution has completely dried before moving on to further work.

Vapor barrier layer. As vapor barrier material For flat roofs, a bitumen-polymer film or vapor barrier is usually used. The main task of this layer is to provide reliable protection against moisture and condensation, preventing them from entering the building materials from inside the building. At this stage, it is important to seal all joints and seams as thoroughly as possible, since they pose the main danger.

Insulation. This layer directly determines the life and quality of operation of a flat roof, and therefore its features are worth dwelling on separately. Unlike pitched structures, in in this case there is no space under the roof. It usually serves as additional thermal insulation, so the importance high-quality insulation increases greatly.

Most popular material, used for this purpose – mineral wool. Due to the presence of such characteristics as fire safety, long service life, resistance to moisture and steam, as well as compression, this option is almost ideal.

Related article:

Types of house roofs. Design Features different types roofs Roofing coverings. Types mansard roofs. Insulation of roofs. Photo gallery of beautiful designs.

Another advantage that mineral wool has is that a layer of waterproofing material can be laid directly on top of it. Usually to improve thermal insulation characteristics flat roof, use a two-layer insulation system. In this case, the lower layer takes on the main thermal insulation function, while the upper layer serves for distribution. You can learn more about this by looking at several photo projects of one-story houses with a flat roof.

Features of choosing waterproofing material for a flat roof

For waterproofing, a durable, stable and elastic material is used that is not affected by temperatures and microorganisms. In the case of arranging an unused roof, bitumen or roofing felt is suitable; in all other cases, it is better to give preference to more modern materials, for example, PVC membrane.

Interesting! Modern waterproofing materials are able to withstand heavy loads, which becomes an advantage when arranging a roof garden.

There are several options for solving this problem:

  • penetrating (diffuse) membrane;
  • EPDM membrane;
  • waterproofing agents that are applied by spraying, for example, liquid rubber;
  • PVC membrane.

Subject to high-quality installation and compliance with all recommendations, service life such materials will last up to 30 years. In addition, practically no mechanical impact can damage them.

If we talk about which one listed options better, then it takes the leading position PVC membrane. Due to the fact that they are made of polyvinyl chloride, they are lightweight, do not catch fire and are extremely resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

Helpful advice! If we're talking about about the arrangement of a roof that has a complex geometric structure, it will be more effective to use liquid polymers as waterproofing. This will avoid the presence of seams. It is also better to use soft roof. The technology for installing a flat roof in this case is greatly simplified.

Features of arranging a drainage system in house projects with a flat roof: photos

The most important factor determining the service life of a flat roof is the quality of the drainage system. This is necessary to eliminate the risk of water stagnation on the surface and, as a result, damage to materials. The house design can include one of two systems – internal or external.

Sometimes, in order to prevent the accumulation of snow and ice in the drainage system, heating is additionally installed, which consists of a special cable that heats up.

Due to the presence of a slight slope, water enters the drain funnels and is then drained away from the house. At this stage, it is important to pay attention to the quality of waterproofing of the junctions of the elements with the roof. This allows you to maintain the design of the facade of a house with a flat roof in its original form and prevents erosion of the foundation.

Helpful advice! In order to prevent clogging of the drainage system, it is recommended to ensure the presence of a special mesh that will serve to “catch” debris.

House with a flat roof: catalog of projects and features of the implementation of original ideas

Plants planted directly on the roof surface, rather than in pots, look incredibly impressive on the roof of a house. But this technology has its own nuances, which you need to familiarize yourself with in advance.

A layer of geotextile is placed between the drainage and the soil. This prevents the process of soil being washed out into the drainage, as well as its washing. This is facilitated by the dense arrangement of synthetic fibers.

If planting is not planned, the procedure is somewhat simplified and can be reduced to applying a concrete screed, on top of which tiles will be laid or a special sand-gravel mixture will be poured. Which option is preferable depends on how the roof will be used in the future.

Considering the projects of one-story houses with a flat roof, you can see how important the presence of such additional space plays. If the area is properly equipped, this place can become a favorite place for the whole family. In addition, this idea can be implemented for other buildings. For example, you can make a bathhouse with a flat roof or a gazebo.

Residents of the post-Soviet space staunchly associate flat roofs with multi-story buildings. standard houses. Modern architectural thought does not stand still, and now there are many solutions for private houses and cottages with a flat roof that look no less interesting than pitched structures.


Cottage with a flat roof has a stylish and modern look. Basically, such designs are stylized in a special way, choosing the directions of minimalism or hi-tech. Traditional styles for buildings with such a roof will not be suitable, since such roofs have only recently been developed properly, therefore, any of the classical styles will look ridiculous here.

Of particular interest is how exactly the roof will be used: either for its intended purpose, or as an additional open tier-terrace. It is necessary to decide on this issue in advance in order to competently draw up a project plan.


Various materials are used for the construction of 1-story cottages with a flat roof, but it is worth keeping in mind that not all of them are suitable for the Russian climate. In winter, a large amount of snow falls over almost the entire territory of Russia, which greatly increases the load on a flat roof. Therefore, you can’t make walls out of light and not enough durable materials. In this regard, popular frame buildings will not be suitable, but there is another prefabricated option.

Materials for floors and walls differ. If almost all durable types are suitable for walls (monolith, brick, wood), then for the roof you will have to choose the type of building material more carefully.

Reinforced concrete slabs

Hollow or flat reinforced concrete slabs are used in modern construction for floor coverings. They are strong enough to support the weight of a flat roof.

Plates have many positive qualities:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • good sound and heat insulation characteristics;
  • speed of installation;
  • resistance to corrosive phenomena.


The main disadvantage of the material is that it is produced only in standard sizes; this must be taken into account when creating a project. Reinforced concrete slabs are suitable for floors only in a house that has a reinforced foundation.

Corrugated sheet

For floors, a special corrugated sheet is used, which is called load-bearing. Like the previous option, it is perfect for installation as a flat roof. Load-bearing corrugated sheeting is very popular mainly because of its low cost. This material costs significantly less than all the others. However low price This has not stopped it from establishing itself as a durable and versatile material that has an excellent ability to withstand the heavy loads to which a flat roof is subjected.

Load-bearing corrugated sheeting weighs much less than reinforced concrete slabs, so it is optimal for creating flat roofs in an average climate zone with little precipitation in winter.

Monolithic concrete

This material used for floors quite rarely due to the complexity of installation. Here you first need to prepare the mixture, after which you can fill it. Only true professionals in their field can do this. However, it should be noted that monolithic concrete can be used perfectly as a flat roof, but only if the manufacturing and installation technology has been fully followed.

Modern one-story houses with a flat roof are not usually built from traditional materials. Best suited for this modern developments, which can withstand both harsh winters and summer heat. At the same time, they are easy to work with, and the construction itself does not take much time.

SIP or sandwich panels

The catalog of every self-respecting construction agency contains standard designs for one-story houses with a flat roof made of SIP panels. Please note that it is best to order cottages made from this material. Construction requires special technology, so it can be difficult for a beginner to work with sandwich panels.

Speaking about the advantages of panel houses, we can note their low thermal conductivity and high noise insulation characteristics. Construction costs much less than using brick. At the same time, abandoning the pitched roof also plays a significant role.

Flat roof

We are all accustomed to seeing flat roofs only on Soviet-built multi-story buildings. There is an opinion among many that such roofs are boring, and real home should only be equipped with a pitched roof. In the light of recent architectural developments, this belief can be argued, especially if we remember the many advantages of such roofs.

It is impossible not to make a reservation that one-story houses with a flat roof can only be stylized in a modern direction. The flat roof itself looks futuristic, and you need to use this free space.


There are many benefits of flat roofs.

  • Easy to install. The construction of a flat roof can be completed in record time.
  • Reliability. If you organize the roof in the right way, it can withstand a lot of weight. Moreover, if something happens, repairing such a structure is much easier than repairing the rafter system.
  • Excellent thermal insulation. Regardless of what type of flat roof structure was chosen, it will perfectly retain heat inside the house.

  • Cheapness. Compared to pitched ones, flat structures are much cheaper both in terms of materials and time consumption.
  • Easy to install equipment. Antennas, air conditioners, and various service communications are much easier to locate on a flat surface than on a slope.
  • Interesting view. If the house itself is decorated in the style of “minimalism,” then a laconic roof without a slope will perfectly complement the overall look.
  • Additional area. If desired, the roof can be strengthened and used to organize space for a playground, garden or recreation area. Some even make a swimming pool here.


There are not many disadvantages, but they still exist.

  • No matter how good the roof is, there is always a chance that it will leak. In case of flat design the risk increases many times over, because it is subject to heavy loads due to the fact that the snow does not roll off.
  • If you plan to use the lid for your needs in winter period, snow and ice will have to be cleared off manually.
  • The construction of a flat roof must be carried out in full compliance with the technology, otherwise there is a risk that it will leak or will not withstand the loads and collapse.


Pitched roofs are divided according to several criteria, including the method of use and the type of installation of materials. As a rule, the name of each of the characteristics speaks for itself.

By method of use

Roofs can be used or unused.

Used roofs are those that are used not only as roofs, but also as additional space for spending time. Reinforced systems are used here, allowing not only to place heavy equipment on the roof, but even to organize a “green corner” here, planting a lawn, flowers and even trees. Equipping a structure of this type costs quite a lot, and it is important to factor into the project in advance what weight load the roof will be subject to.

Unused roofs are much cheaper due to the fact that they do not need to be additionally reinforced and equipped with waterproofing. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the snow loads to which the roof will be exposed in winter.

By type of installation of materials

There are classic, inversion and breathable roofs.

Classic types are usually used when designing unused roofs. This is due to the fact that they have a lower load resistance coefficient. Moisture or mechanical influences can be detrimental to these roofs.

The layer layout looks like this (from top to bottom):

  • top surface material (waterproofing);
  • bottom welded material (waterproofing);
  • screed (if provided);
  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • overlap

Thus, an unprotected waterproofing layer quickly becomes unusable.

The inversion roof looks exactly the opposite, as can be understood from the name:

  • ballast (gravel, crushed stone or other heavy material);
  • vapor barrier;
  • hydrophobic insulation;
  • waterproofing;
  • protective substrate (primer);
  • overlap

Such flat roofs have a long service life and are optimally suited to the roofs in use.

Both classic and inversion designs can be breathable. They are equipped with aerators or deflectors to provide additional ventilation, because there is no gap between the flat roof and the house, as is the case with pitched roofs. This leads to insufficient air exchange, so organizing ventilation system so important.


When designing a one-story house with a flat roof, it is extremely important to pay close attention to the type of roof. Here the roof is the most important component. Russian companies have been engaged in such design for a short time, so contact only trusted agencies.