The problem of indifferent attitude towards people.


Learn to soberly assess any situation and look for ways out of them. Don't panic, even if something terrible happens. Calm down and think things through. Hopeless situations does not happen, always remember this. If you can’t solve the problem right away, forget about it for a while, and then remember and look at everything with a fresh look.

Determine your life priorities. Make a list of what is really important to you: family, work, health, home, study, and so on. Everything else can be called secondary. And if something is not important to you, then you shouldn’t worry about it.

Always think that everything can change at any moment. This means that what scared you and made you worry may become unimportant tomorrow. And why then take everything to heart? Also convince yourself that everything that is done and happens is for the better. Therefore, come to terms with what is happening and be sure that this is necessary.

To become indifferent, you need to learn to abstract yourself from everything and not think about the bad. Don't pay attention to little things and details, even if they bother you, make you angry or irritate you. Highlight only the main and important things. And understand that most of the problems and troubles are invented by you. Drive away bad thoughts from yourself, do not make hasty conclusions, and do not prepare yourself in advance for an unfavorable outcome of the situation.

Learn to look at situations from the outside, imagine that you are watching a movie and are one of its characters. This method will allow you to always remain calm and think objectively. Soon you will notice how you will stop focusing on your feelings and experiences and will begin to see the big picture, without getting upset over the little things.

Indifference is maintaining neutrality whenever possible. Do not take sides, do not take one position or another. Do not take part in other people's disputes and do not support those who have nothing to do with you. Don't get into conflicts, there's no point.

If you want to be indifferent, learn to control your emotions. Remember that you won’t be able to prove or achieve anything with tears and screams. And in some situations, your opponent deliberately provokes you and waits for a reaction. Ignore provocations, keep cool. If you start to feel nervous, count to 10 and take deep breaths several times.


Do not strive for complete indifference, because you are a person with feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Helpful advice

It is better to show indifference when necessary, and not in all situations.


  • How to be indifferent

Indifference is not very good human quality, however, people who take everything to heart could use a little composure. If you do not have innate indifference, you can develop this quality in yourself.


If you are determined to develop indifference to everything that surrounds you, first of all you must learn self-control. Whatever situation you find yourself in, try not to panic, but to soberly assess the situation. When a person gives free rein to his emotions, he is capable of inflating a real catastrophe from the smallest trouble. To get rid of unnecessary anxiety, set yourself up with positive thoughts and understand that you are much stronger than you think, so you can cope with all problems.

If you encounter any troubles, convince yourself that you can get rid of them on our own. There is no need to tell your friends, acquaintances and relatives about everything, as they can further aggravate the situation and impose on you the opinion that your troubles are a global insoluble problem.

As soon as you are faced with the difficulties that have arisen, concentrate on them and imagine them in the form of a tight knot that tightens even more when you begin to get nervous and panic. If you remain calm and indifferent, this knot gradually begins to weaken. Set yourself up to the fact that your life is only in your hands, and you can completely control and radically change everything that happens in it. better side. Remember that it is not your emotions that should control you, but you should control them.

Your indifference should begin not only with your inner state, but also with your facial expressions. Learn to clearly control your movements and gestures. There is no need to panic; it is best to try to maintain a calm and imperturbable expression on your face in any situation. People around you will begin to understand that you are a cold-blooded person, and their opinion will begin to change yours.

You will not be able to remain calm and indifferent to things if you are tired and feel weak and uncomfortable. Carefully monitor your daily routine and do not let your body get tired. Timely rest will help you control your emotions, feelings and thoughts. Also, don't forget about healthy way life and proper nutrition.

If you do feel nervous, try to calm down. Breathing exercises will help you with this. Breathe deeply, take deep breaths and take them no more often or less frequently than once every 2-4 seconds. In addition, moderate exercise stress.

Sometimes a girl spends too much moral strength on those around her and does not receive any return. Don't worry too much about how others treat you. Develop immunity to foreign unconstructive criticism and become more indifferent to everyone.

Relationships with people

Think about why you are so worried about how your relationships with others are going. If you give to others more than you receive in return, it is dishonest and wrong. Your friends and acquaintances should not take advantage of your kindness. And you can't solve their problems.

Learn to refuse requests that are uncomfortable for you. Think more about yourself. Some detachment in in this case will only benefit you. Don’t take other people’s difficulties too seriously, solve your own issues. If a person approaches you and asks for some kind of favor, you can, without making excuses, but politely refuse immediately or promise to think about the offer.

Stop depending on other people's opinions. You shouldn't try to please everyone. Firstly, this is impossible, because those around you have completely different tastes and principles, you cannot please everyone at the same time, no matter how wonderful a person you are. Secondly, this way you will only lose your own individuality.

Self confidence

Perhaps you are so eager to help others because you consider yourself unworthy of attention. Better focus on own life. To become indifferent to those who do not value you, you need to love yourself more, treat yourself better. Increase your self-esteem. Remember all your victories strengths character. You need to understand what value you provide to people and stop pleasing others.

Realize that you don't need other people to be happy. You are a self-sufficient person who should not cling to others. Of course, some kind of standard of communication with other members of society is necessary. But you shouldn’t lose your dignity because of this. Be polite, but somewhat distant.

Forget a person

Sometimes it is necessary to break off a relationship that has exhausted itself, but the girl does not dare to take this step because she does not want to part with the person. Be it a friend or a partner, if he has behaved inappropriately towards you, you need to find strength within yourself and put an end to your relationship.

Think about all the unpleasant moments that a particular person caused you. If you value yourself, you will not allow yourself to be treated this way. When a person disappoints you, you just need to feel sorry for him and let him go, erase him from your life. If you were betrayed, crossed a certain line, forget about this person. Let all your feelings remain only calm indifference.

The Scorpio girl is very multifaceted. It can be different: unpredictable, fatal, contradictory, secretive. She may be beautiful or not very pretty, but her hypnotic gaze is etched in the memory for a long time.

You can love or hate a Scorpio girl, but it is impossible to remain indifferent to her.


Argue with her and criticize her;

To be with a Scorpio, you need to accept her for who she is:

Passionate and emotional;

Sensitive and vulnerable;

In everything prone to extremes;

Hot-tempered, unpredictable and contradictory.

Do not, under any circumstances, live in it. The Scorpio woman is vengeful and does not forgive insults.
Marriage to a Scorpio girl can be either heaven or hell. There is no average. If a Scorpio girl really loves you, she will be faithful and devoted to you forever. She is willing to make huge sacrifices for the one she is truly attracted to and fight for him.
The Scorpio woman becomes a punishment for those who have not found an approach to her. But she is also a prize that only goes to the winner!


The Scorpio woman looks down on those women who are suited to the role of a gentle woman and mother. But she knows how to control her desire to dominate, perfectly performing the role of a feminine creature. And he does it with more grace than signs in which (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) also have a masculine side.

Helpful advice

Love horoscope Scorpio women. The beauty of a Scorpio woman has a pronounced mystical character. Scorpio is seductive, self-confident and proud. But she has one secret desire. The Scorpio woman treats members of her sex with some contempt. She finds their attempts to charm a lover, keep a husband, or grumbling over a child funny. She herself would never stoop to this.

Indifferent people are considered heartless by many. However, indifference helps to be impartial, to judge things without succumbing to emotions, and also not to burden yourself with a large number of other people's problems that surround a person every day. It's not that hard to be indifferent.

Try not to attach importance to the events happening around you. of great importance. Consider that all these processes are part of the script of some feature film. Imagine that your whole life is a movie. If you can look at the world in this way, you will free yourself from emotions and see the bigger picture of what is happening. At the same time, you can observe the emergence of various emotions in you that push you to take part in this film. However, you will only observe and not manifest them.

Stay rational

Try to hide your pride, beliefs and vulnerabilities. Your reaction to events happening around you should be limited to interest. Anger, defensiveness, resentment and other manifestations should remain aside. For most people, such actions may seem extremely difficult. For example, if someone attacks a person’s belief system, there is a natural desire to defend them and defend their point of view. To remain indifferent, you need to be as open as possible and allow for the possibility of any development in any situation. If someone doesn't agree with you, tell them it's their choice and you respect them, but you stand your ground.

Maintain external calm

If you want to be indifferent, do not show your emotions through facial expressions or gestures. If you are extremely interested in something, you can say so, but don't look with your eyes wide open and your mouth open. Always maintain a natural and calm body position, as if you were sitting in a chair watching a movie. An indifferent attitude does not mean a lack of reaction as such. You should still talk, listen, and act, but not take other people's words and actions personally.

React to actions, not words

Human communication is endowed with a huge amount of emotions, even if it concerns, for example, business. Don't put too much importance on words, watch what people do. This will help you to be not only indifferent, but also objective. You will not give in to emotions, you will respond only to real actions.

Chatting like a stranger

If you want to show your indifference to a specific person, communicate with him as with a stranger. Don't elevate him above others, don't give him more attention than others. You can still talk to him, but when the conversation ends, forget about the person as a stranger. This conversation is especially effective if you are seeing a person who you hate and who hates you. A detached and indifferent conversation in this case is a more powerful weapon than the manifestation of any reactions. The person will expect your usual reactions and will not know when you will leave.

Indifferent man or “don’t care” - a character that perfectly complements the picture of today’s world and even claims to be “positive” status. Having set himself a goal, he is able to concentrate on it to such an extent that other areas of his life (including concern for the welfare of loved ones) fade into the background.

This ability in modern society is called determination (some psychologists call it relative indifference) and is considered positive quality. An absolute “don’t care” differs from a relative one in that he is indifferent not only to the needs of other people, but also to his own.

The ideal form of indifference is considered to be reasonable “not giving a damn.” The attractiveness of this form of indifference is that, regardless of what impression this person leaves about himself, he will remain indifferent in any situation, “not noticing” negative events. But if he does notice something negative, he will not attach any importance to it.

Sociologists call indifference a person’s conscious refusal to participate in changes that affect not only his own life, but also the life of society. An indifferent person does not care about others, is prone to inaction and is constantly in a state of apathy.

Indifference is common to many people and does not arise without reason. One indifferent person from childhood received everything he wanted, grew up selfish, got used to thinking only about himself and did not care about others. Another, brought up in an atmosphere of mutual respect, but finding himself in a situation where the good he did was reciprocated with evil, has lost faith in justice and deliberately turns a blind eye to someone’s cruelty.

People belonging to the second type, not wanting the unpleasant situation to happen again, distance themselves from what is happening and often pass by the cruelty. But there is also a third type of people. “Everyone gets what they deserve. By interfering, I prevent them from correcting what their ancestors or they themselves did in their past lives,” this is their train of thought.

About the reasons for indifference

One of the reasons for indifference may be a mental disorder - a state in which a person is unable to show emotions. Compassion is a feeling inaccessible to his understanding. Such people are often called pragmatists, phlegmatics, crackers, but it is impossible to change the situation with offensive words, especially if the cause of the mental disorder is a serious physical injury.

No less dangerous are teenage psychological and physical traumas received due to love experiences. A young but indifferent person, even having once experienced severe mental (or physical) pain, can forever lose faith in people.

The lack of affection and warmth experienced in childhood is also not bad “ construction material" Statistically, most indifferent people were “unloved” as children.

“People, remain indifferent!” (psychopath's motto)

Experts in the field of psychiatry often replace the word “indifference” in medical terms"apathy" and "detachment". Stoic calm, characteristic of an indifferent person, is considered by official medicine to be a serious mental disorder.

Apathy is a psychological disorder that awaits absolutely everyone - both the lucky and the unlucky. It can occur in any person, regardless of his psychological and financial viability. Some doctors call boredom the main cause of apathy, and therefore indifference. It is boredom, a group of experts believes, that even the happiest families who have the job of their dreams and raise talented and obedient children are not immune to.

Fatigue, both emotional and physical, can also cause the disease. An indifferent person often suffers from attacks; he is depressed; he does not make friends or make plans. His own life seems dull and useless to him.

Merry and sociable person The situation can turn you into indifferent and apathetic:

  • does not have the opportunity to rest;
  • experienced the death of loved ones or dismissal from work;
  • when an indifferent person, adapting worse than others in society, is ashamed of his natural needs;
  • suffers from misunderstanding from others;
  • is under pressure from the person on whom he depends;
  • when he takes hormonal drugs.

Psychologists advise looking for reasons for indifference in inner world the patient - where all his grievances and desires “live”. Psychology experts view indifference as a way to protect yourself from stress and negativity.

Many people suffering from psychological disorders deliberately put on a “mask” of indifference in the hope of closing themselves off from the hostile world that has rejected them for so long.

Indifference through the eyes of a philosopher

Philosophers view indifference as a moral problem, the basis of which is a lost awareness of the importance of each person as a unique individual. Gradually turning into a tool to achieve their own goals, viewing each other as a commodity, people themselves become things.

Indifference is a state of apathy towards the world around us, people, phenomena, events, an unwillingness to participate in changing one’s own life for the better, and a lack of concern for other people.

“I don’t care... It doesn’t concern me... It doesn’t interest me... Leave me alone... Don’t bother me....” Each of us has heard or uttered such phrases. The person wants to be left alone, he doesn't want anything to do with certain people or events, he is not concerned or interested in anything. There are many manifestations of indifference.

Types of indifference

In a relationship

Indifference in marriage is enough common occurrence. One of the spouses reproaches the other for indifference. The feelings they once had for each other have been swallowed up by routine. Everyday life. Both partners have come to terms with this and continue to live together only out of habit.

A relationship between partners with mutual indifference and without the desire to change anything is considered hopeless. In this case, it is necessary not to concentrate on yourself, but to talk with your partner. Perhaps it's better for you to break up.

Attitude towards other people

As a rule, a person is very painful when he feels that he is causing his partner boredom and indifference, that he has become completely uninteresting to him. However, over time, feelings dull, the pain goes away and only indifference remains. Indifference to a partner often develops into an attitude towards other people that negatively affects a person’s entire life and his relationships with others.

Indifference of men

Many young people are characterized by a certain form of indifference, which is often confused with maturity. Many people believe that a real man should be “tough” and not show his feelings so as not to seem weak. Therefore, sometimes young people put on a kind of mask of indifference.

At work

Indifference and indifference to work is quite common. A person becomes uninterested in his work, as a result of which he copes worse with his responsibilities and, of course, there can no longer be any talk of climbing the ladder. career ladder. In this case Negative consequences indifference manifests itself faster and more acutely than in personal life, because today not a single employer will put up with an uninterested employee who does not maintain good relations with the team, who constantly makes mistakes.

On politics and the environment

The consequences of human passivity in political and social sphere very sad, because in this case any important issue is decided by other people who have a certain interest. IN last years The consequences of an indifferent attitude towards the destruction of nature are increasingly felt.

To the children

The consequences of parents' indifferent attitude towards their children are especially severe. If parents are indifferent to their own children who need their love and attention, then over time the children begin to behave aggressively. It’s even worse if the children resign themselves to everything and become indifferent and apathetic.

Reasons for this attitude

Often indifference is a kind of defense that protects a person from stress. If a person has been repeatedly rejected or insulted, he tries to avoid such negative emotions. Wanting to protect yourself, a person often completely unconsciously begins to feign indifference. However, over time, a problem arises because indifference and indifference often become internal state person. Sometimes there are severe cases of indifferent attitude towards others and oneself. The reasons for this attitude may be mental retardation, prolonged painful attraction to medicines, drug addiction, alcoholism, and mental illness(for example, some forms of psychopathy). Short-term and treatable forms of indifferent and apathetic behavior often occur after shock and severe stress(for example, death loved one), especially in children as a result of violence from parents, lack of affection and love.

How to overcome indifference?

In case of painful indifference, depending on the cause, psychotherapy, as well as special services, can help psychological assistance. In addition, every indifferent person should frankly ask himself how he would feel if other people were also indifferent to him. Human life is impossible without love, attention and care; realizing this, it is impossible to remain indifferent.

Probably the worst thing that can happen to a person is that he will feel lonely and unnecessary. Indifference is a scourge modern society, in which everyone tends to live on their own. How bitter it really is to realize that no one will stand up for you or support you in difficult times. The indifference of people sometimes kills, but it is not death that is terrible, but the awareness of one’s own restlessness, the impossibility of building close, trusting relationships.

The essence of the concept

The ease with which people turn away from each other is sometimes shocking. Indifference is a look into the abyss. The approach where everyone can feel like an abandoned kitten at any moment is terrible. Indeed, there are so many homeless animals on the streets! There are also street children, and the saddest thing is that no one cares about this: neither their parents, nor the government, nor those around them. If each of us thought about the well-being of our area, things would already get better.

The terrible thing is that people get used to manifestations of indifference and no longer hope to receive much-needed support. After all, it is much easier to rebuild your consciousness than to experience disappointment every time you ask for help. Nowadays it is impossible to be weak: losers achieve nothing. Nowadays there is propaganda of a successful lifestyle from everywhere: setting goals and turning them into reality. But you need to understand a simple pattern: the more they believe in a person, the easier it is for him to move towards his dream. Without support it is very difficult to go at least half the way.

Manifestations of indifference

Among the main signs, especially noteworthy is the so-called emotional deafness to other people's problems. People live according to a convenient principle: this does not concern me. Indifference is an approach to life when a person fences himself off from everything that he does not want to notice. Such a position is flawed in advance. Need I say that it is difficult for such people to show their love? Indifference makes them hostage to their own fears and doubts.

Reasons for indifference

Every problem has its origins. Indifference is also no exception. Most likely, such people were greatly offended by someone in childhood, and now they show the world their coldness in order to isolate themselves from possible attacks of a negative nature. Perhaps they were not taught to show feelings, and therefore behind a mask of cold hypocrisy they hide their impressionable nature.

Be that as it may, there is always a reason for indifference. And in each case it is different. No one is born aggressive, deaf to the fate of others. It is important to demonstrate generosity and selflessness by your own example, to instill in your children a lesson of love that they will remember for a long time.

Another reason for the formation of indifference may be fear. How often people are afraid to get into an awkward situation, to express their opinion, to stand up for the weak before stranger! It becomes much easier to remain silent, not to flaunt your opinion. Often the fear of seeming like a weak person forces a person to play a completely alien role that is not typical for him. This is how “great” actors are born, whose purpose is to play in front of an audience.

What is the real danger?

When we see manifestations of isolation and coldness around us, the risk of learning to do the same is too great. Indifference is a negative example that society can show a person. Thus, the individual gradually loses the ability to empathize and seek help from others.

Why is indifference scary? First of all, because the individual finds himself alone with his problems. She learns to rely only on herself, but sometimes we find ourselves powerless in the face of some circumstances. And if at a difficult moment a person does not feel support from loved ones, then his likelihood of becoming disappointed in himself increases. By refusing to help others, we are actually limiting ourselves. Otherwise, no one will help us. The danger of indifference lies in the fact that a person is left alone with his problems without a visible opportunity to solve them. Someone in this situation will become so confused that they will start abusing alcohol or drugs.

How to get out of a vicious circle?

If you have forgotten how to trust the world around you, and it seems to you that there are only scammers around, try to relearn effective communication. Try to make pleasant acquaintances, help people just like that, especially if you see that they need your participation. Over time, it will become less scary to give, you will feel additional energy, strength that you were previously afraid to show. Gradually, you will notice that there are many people around who are sincerely interested in your affairs, mood and health, and you will find faithful like-minded people.

Thus, the problem of human indifference is hidden in the inability to communicate. In our age information technologies so many people just sit at home in front of the monitor, and they have nowhere to go, no one to exchange a word with!

Indifference is an indifferent attitude towards the problems, troubles and sorrows of another

At first, indifference arises towards complete strangers. Then he moves on to a circle of superficial acquaintances, then takes over the person’s friends, and eventually imperceptibly crushes his relationships with friends and family. Often, indifference initially arises as indifference to the suffering of an animal, gradually spreading to people. It’s like moral and psychological rust, which by itself, without purposeful efforts on the part of a person, increasingly captures and destroys him.

Indifference goes alongside selfishness and rationalism, self-confidence and narcissism. It is the first step towards cruelty and aggressiveness. Indifference can cover a person’s entire mental “field” with a thick carpet of “weeds” that destroys any positive feeling or thought, which can lead to complete moral and psychological degradation of the individual.

A person who is indifferent to everything except work is sucked into vanity, irritability, aggressiveness, anxiety, and a desire for self-realization appear. And nothing more? Is this how a person should be seen? To all questions not related to work, he has a prepared answer: “It’s all nonsense...”. This is just his little world into which he doesn’t let anyone in - it’s not nonsense. He has covered himself with a shell and thinks that he is protected. But there are people who love him, who are not indifferent to his fate, although he does not believe it. How to convince him, how to make him believe in feelings? What needs to be done for his defense to collapse? After all, it is said: “Knock on the door and it will open to you,” or: “The stronger the pressure, the closer the goal.”

What if you leave such a person alone? Let him live his limited life, let him close himself in his own little world. He feels good there, as he claims. Maybe he's just waiting for everyone to leave him alone? But most likely this is not the case. After all, there are reasons that forced him to create his own closed world. Someone or something is not letting him in from there. Doesn't let you live interesting life, with different feelings and emotions. Having understood the reasons, you can bring this person out of the state - “nobody needs me and I don’t need anyone or anything.” I do not advise anything and cannot know the recipe for the disease “indifference to everything.” But with your active attention and behavior, your CARE, you can achieve a lot. The main thing is to believe that you can change this world of indifference and the indifferent people living in it. And also - NEVER lose hope and faith in victory... It is necessary to remember that the world is as bad or good as we perceive it as bad or good.

Don't be afraid of enemies - in the worst case they can kill you. Don't be afraid of your friends - in the worst case, they can betray you. Fear the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth.