Reasons why people become indifferent. Quotes about indifference

One of the lowest crimes against a person is not passionate hatred, but indifference. It is this that is the main component of inhumanity. George Bernard Shaw

Hatred and love for a person can be hidden, but indifference immediately catches the eye.

Feelings of hatred are not difficult to hide. Love, if you try, may also not be noticed. But the indifference is evident to everyone. Karl Ludwig Berne

Often a huge and incomprehensible universe lives in a person’s soul. But most people around them simply don’t notice this.

Indifference to oneself is the main ethical tragedy of man.

Love and hate often live side by side, changing places. But if indifference sets in, then there is not a single chance of salvation.

There are people on Earth who are indifferent to everything that happens in their country, in their city, in their home. They represent the greatest danger to society. Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin

Whether I’m still alive or have already gone to another world, no one cares. I also don’t care at all which of those around me have already finished their earthly existence. Ch. Palahniuk. "Fight club"

If you don't care about others, then first of all you spit in your own soul. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

The big vice is indifference, dispassion. Small man with a piece of ice in his heart - a future everyman. Already in childhood, it is necessary to ignite in the heart of every person a spark of civic passion and intransigence towards what is evil or condones evil. – Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky

People will forgive me out of indifference,

A woman is tormented not by a man’s tyranny, but by his indifference. – Jules Michelet

They say that death kills a person, but it is not death that kills. Boredom and indifference kill. – Iggy Paul

People now have no time for each other.

They easily agree with what they are indifferent to. – Valentin Grudev

Now only indifference remained in him, and this was worse than despair.

I don't care what you think about me, I don't think about you at all. – Coco Chanel NN Unknown

People who are indifferent to everything go into hibernation. – Emmanuel Mounier

The only thing I value about freedom is the struggle for it; owning it doesn’t interest me – NN Unknown

Nothing emphasizes the beauty of the eyes more than indifference in a glance. – Mikhail Mamchich / INDIFFERENCE

Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul. - Maksim Gorky

As someone put it, just keeping the madness under control is enough. Cry, worry, get irritated, like any normal human being, without forgetting that up there, your spirit is making fun of all this fuss. - Paulo Coelho

The hottest corners of hell are reserved for those who remained neutral during times of greatest moral crisis. – Alighieri Dante

They say that philosophers and true sages are indifferent. It’s not true, indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death. - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

He lived in opposition to everyone, although no one noticed it... - Mikhail Mamchich

It is better to be shocked by what you hear than to remain deaf to everything. – Leonid S. Sukhorukov Leonid S. Sukhorukov

Indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death. - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

People live and do not see each other, they walk side by side, like cows in a herd; V best case scenario They'll drink the bottle together.

People who are called weak are only indifferent, for everyone has strength when the object of his passions is touched. – C. Helvetius

Desire is half life, indifference is half death. – Khal il Gibran Gibran

It hurts less when you just don't care. - "Dr. House"

The eagle gaze of passions penetrates into the foggy abyss of the future, while indifference is blind and stupid from birth. – Claude Adrian Helvetius

Indifference is a serious illness of the soul. – Alexis Tocqueville

When we become indifferent to how the one we love sees us, it means we no longer love him.

If you are indifferent to the suffering of others, you do not deserve to be called a human being. – M. Saadi

The world will perish from indifference. – Emmanuel Mounier

Sometimes it is enough not to come to terms with arrogance and conceit in order to turn them into nothing; sometimes it is enough not to notice them for them to become harmless. – Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

The main enemy of love is indifference, not hatred. – Clive Lewis

Science has found a cure for most of our diseases, but has never found a cure for the worst of them - indifference - Helen Keller

Unrequited indifference is even worse than unrequited love. – Yana Dzhangirova

Science has invented a cure for most of our diseases, but has never found a cure for the most terrible of them - indifference. – Helen Keller

Indifference is a serious illness of the soul. – A. Tocqueville

I feel very clearly that the opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference. – Leonardo Felice Buscaglia

Indifference can become the strongest revenge for an offense caused. – Georgy Alexandrov

Indifference is a powerful force at work in history. – Antonio Gramsci

Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul. – M. Gorky

It is easy to hide hatred, it is difficult to hide love, and most difficult to hide is indifference. – Karl Ludwig Börne

Where moderation is a mistake, there indifference is a crime. – G. Lichtenberg

You know, not so long ago I died, completely - emotionally. Absolutely no emotions and absolute indifference to everything. IN Lately life as if according to a programmed program on an automatic machine: from such and such a time to such and such a time - such things, from such and such a time - other things, etc. There is no joy from achievements, everything is taken for granted, if there is - great, if not - well, okay. There is no pity, no sympathy - complete emotional apathy. It gets to the point where I can say nothing at all for several weeks, limiting myself to work. I have a friend and acquaintances, but I don’t want to impose myself on them and spoil everything with my condition. Sometimes I order a prostitute just to hug her, I really miss hugs. Yes, I know, tell me that it’s worth finding a girl, but I’m in a vicious circle - with this emotional state No one needs me, and if you pretend to be, then neither do I - I’ve already tried. It’s worth paying tribute to the girls’ good sense of emotion. There is a feeling that there is simply a war in my head between the conscious and the subconscious, where one pushes forward and the other pulls back, but I still don’t understand which of them is pulling me where. Lately I have become interested in corresponding via regular mail and it helps a little, it warms me up a little, but more and more simple human warmth is missing and this makes everything inside me become colder and colder.
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Sergey, age: 26 / 23.11.2014


True joy appears in the soul not so much from work, achievements and completed tasks, but from the good and benefit to people that we can bring. Look for people to whom you can do a good deed and the lost feeling of warmth will appear.

Alexandra, age: 33 / 11/23/2014

Sergey, you want warmth and communication from others, but you don’t give it yourself. Tell me, how can a girl know that that silent guy over there without emotions wants love and communication with her? Would such a cold girl suit you? No, i guess.
You have emotions, but for some reason there is no outlet for them. A shake is needed to release them. Something that will wake you up: go-karting, for example, to drive with all your heart. Or swim with dolphins. Just reboot!

Valeria, age: 32 / 11/23/2014

This is very sad, Seryozha. You can't lose your emotions. Without them, the world loses its color. But the warmth never left you, you just forgot how to see it, forgot how to feel emotions. It seems to me that something happened in your life that made you withdrawn. Well, if not so.
They wrote to you very correctly here that you need to give warmth to others. And then they will give in return. It's so nice to just help someone else, do something for someone. You will understand it, you will feel it, maybe not right away. But people remember the good. And they return it.
I would advise you to talk to children, learn from their view of things, pure, bright, faith in the imaginary, in a dream. It will bring you back to life.
And further. Surely, there is a girl nearby who you like, but you are simply afraid that she is not for someone like you, that she will reject you, like all the others. You shouldn't be afraid. Just come up, talk, start communicating. Invite her somewhere. There is no other way.
I see that you are a smart, sensitive, and hard-working guy. Just a treasure. You will definitely be happy! Good luck!

Maria, age: 26/11/23/2014

Sergey, hello! You're right, women are intuitive creatures and we understand and feel everything perfectly. Your state of apathy is familiar to me too. I’ll tell you briefly how I fought him - I started giving a lot, giving everything possible ways. Give materially, give alms to the poor, give away things that you don’t need but others do, share excess food with colleagues and friends. Give morally: support your neighbors, speak up good words, hug, console and so on. Give through hard work, do something unselfishly, help a friend make repairs or move things, or cook something for the whole family, give more. Give emotionally, don’t wait for someone to create a fairy tale in your life. Give your positive emotions to the girls, give them surprises, give them flowers, try to listen, support, even if you don’t feel anything at first. Just give it away. Try this method. Life is actually very simple, what we put into it is what we get. Good things are always given back a hundredfold. Every time a person tries to take more than he gives, sooner or later he finds himself in a crisis. And don't expect instant results, you need to work hard on your life before they appear. Many men mistakenly believe that women are greedy for money, expensive cars, restaurants, and so on. But this is not true, the girl will remain with an emotionally responsive guy who will be able to make her laugh, support her, who will treat her with care, say that she is the best, and accept her with all her shortcomings. Love is by the way a lot of work souls.

Altavista, age: // / 11/23/2014

Everything will return, gradually, very slowly and no matter what. Live and work in accordance with your nature and reserves, do not take on unbearable loads and excessive responsibility, and there will be no depression.

Larisa, age: 50 / 01/03/2015

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Why are people indifferent to other people's troubles (sometimes to their joys)? I don’t know if there are people who are indifferent from birth... Surely there are - it’s something akin to autism, and there’s hardly any point in condemning them.

Reasons why people become indifferent

Often, indifference develops over time - due to life’s problems and difficulties, due to the fact that you had to deal with problems on your own. At moments when a person has a lot of problems, he does not care about other people's grief. This also happens when severe pain- physical or moral.

Sometimes not so much difficult situation a person thinks: “I’ll help another, and he’ll help me.” But it happens that after such an attempt, problems become even greater for both of them, or the person, with your help, “gets out” and begins to mock you. And this completely discourages anyone from sympathizing in the future. Such a negative experience of someone else's ingratitude, meanness, deception, betrayal makes a person... no, probably not yet indifferent, but already restraining his impulses.

Another one…

Indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death

A. P. Chekhov

Indifference as a personality quality is the loss of the ability to love something or someone.

Indifferent love is a stupid incompatible phrase, as absurd as the combination of mortal murder or good evil. An indifferent person is one who has lost the ability to love, a person with a burnt-out heart. Sergei Yesenin described this state: “And nothing will disturb the soul, And nothing will make it tremble, - He who has loved cannot love, He who has burned out cannot be set on fire.”

When love for something or someone lives in a person, it overflows and pours out on others, it cannot be measured and hidden. The damage and destructiveness of indifference lies in the absence of love. A callous person with a hardened heart can tenderly love himself, his wife and children, without showing his feelings and without showing emotions. There is no equal sign between indifference and callousness; these are far from synonymous. IN…

Lately, indifference has become a common word. We often hear about him on television and radio. It's in the air on the street. Everyone is afraid of him, and when they encounter him, they don’t recognize him.

Because indifference is not a hefty guy with a bloody ax in his hands and not a suicide bomber with an explosive on his belt, but a little gray man who sits in a corner and quietly reads the newspaper while the guy and the suicide bomber are operating. He sits and hopes that he won’t be noticed, he expects that a kind policeman will come and arrest everyone, that everything will work out without him, but he will only get up in vain... He always has a logical explanation for his inaction. After all, he didn't do anything... like that.

But is this really so? How does a person feel who has experienced indifference? It methodically kills everything alive in a person, all feelings, including hope. At the same time, it seems to have nothing to do with it. That's why it's indifference. No responsibility. No regrets. And there is nothing to blame him for, it...

Readers of my blog often ask me the question: “how to become a confident person.” In this article I will answer this question.

Self-confidence is determined by our subjective perception of ourselves, our capabilities and skills, our psycho-emotional state, our beliefs and internal installations. In addition, this quality is based on our actual skills and abilities.

When you are good at something, and, at the same time, reality has repeatedly demonstrated to you that you have truly succeeded in this skill, you have less food to doubt your skill.

If you have never had problems communicating, if you have always been able to clearly formulate your thoughts, be an interesting conversationalist, and you have always seen what a good impression you make on other people, then it will be difficult for you to doubt yourself as an interlocutor.

But things are not always that simple. Often we do not have an adequate assessment of our skills, and regardless of what we can and cannot do...

The terrible beast “indifference”: how to live with it and do we need it?

Don't be afraid of enemies - in the worst case they can kill you. Don't be afraid of your friends - in the worst case, they can betray you. Fear the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth (Eberhard).

Indifference devastates and preserves, hurts and stimulates to return to reality, destroys and pushes to build other new relationships and much more. Indifference itself may not be filled with anything, but there is a lot connected with it, it is almost impossible to treat it with indifference. Perhaps indifference will come later, but the very meeting with the indifference of another person will excite different feelings.

First, let's look at the general definition concept of "indifference". Indifference is the state of an indifferent person, indifferent, devoid of interest, passive attitude towards the environment (Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940). Indifference, synonymous with indifference,...

Which feeling is stronger: love or indifference? Psychology of Personality

You probably know men who behave rather indifferently in the family; many of them are married and have children. From time to time, out of pity or boredom, the husband pays crumbs of attention to his wife, but to any of her complaints about illness, stories about the successes of the children or their failures, he replies: “Why should I talk about this, I’ll do what I want?” Like a zombie, he goes to a job he doesn’t like, lives in a dull shell of dullness and routine, not even realizing that it is his own fault that his life is so meaningless. He has nothing to do with the successes and failures of his wife and children, much less the misfortune of others. The mask of indifference on a husband’s face kills love over the years; God forbid you be the wife of such a man.

An indifferent person has a rather hard heart. He rarely admits that he is indifferent to everything, but he shows it in everything that concerns his loved ones and the people around him. The roots of human indifference go far back to childhood. Not…

The problem of indifference

Indifference and indifference are the worst vices of today's life. Lately we have been faced with this so often that for us such behavior of people, unfortunately, has become the norm. Almost every day you can see people's indifference. Have you ever thought about where it comes from?

Reasons for indifference

Often, indifference is a way of protecting a person, an attempt to close himself off from cruel reality. For example, if a person has often been humiliated or hurt by offensive phrases, he will try to avoid negative emotions and will not make contact with others. That is why a person will unconsciously try to show an indifferent appearance so as not to be touched.

But over time, the following tendency may develop: a person will have a problem with human indifference, because indifference will become his internal state, not only in relation to yourself, but also to others.

It is not hatred that kills us, but humanity...


We habitually believe that being indifferent is bad, and being indifferent is good. Before agreeing or challenging this point of view, let's try to figure out who, in fact, is indifferent person.

An indifferent person is one who is not interested in anything that is not personally connected to him.

Is it possible to require a person to be interested in something that does not concern him personally? You can respect him for this. But, in my opinion, it is impossible to demand.

Caring is an exercise for the soul.

And charging, as you know, is voluntary. Some people want to exercise their soul, while others either don’t want to, or have come up with some other training for it.

Remember the famous scene from " Heart of a Dog"When Professor Preobrazhensky is asked to donate money to poor children in Africa? The professor refuses. "Why? - people in leather jackets are surprised. “I don’t want to,” the professor answers, as if clearly explaining to us what to be...

Indifference, indifference of others. Problems of communication between a man and a woman.

They say that there is nothing worse than an indifferent person. It is indifference and indifference that contribute to wars, quarrels, crises and disasters. Well, what could be a priori worse than an indifferent person? No answer. No comments.

If you are indifferent to the enemy, it is certainly good that you were able to achieve this state. But if you are artificially indifferent and you are tormented by certain emotions, it is completely different. In general, there is nothing worse than indifference in the world, in the galaxy and in the entire universe.

What to do when a man has cooled off towards you? At the first meetings, the man usually shows interest... This manifests itself both before the wedding and after some time. But what to do when you have stopped being interesting to your man, and his motivation towards you is zero?

Psychologists of course...

Think and get rich! Perhaps the most significant and authoritative book in the world is a guide to achieving success, wealth, vital energy to overcome and determination. For 70 years, “Think and Grow Rich!” considered a classic textbook on wealth creation. In each chapter, Napoleon Hill reveals the secrets of making money, using which thousands of people have acquired, increased and continue to increase their wealth, while simultaneously developing and enriching their personal potential.
Here is a new classic edition of Napoleon Hill's grandiose work, expanded and revised to take into account modern realities.

For the widest range of readers...

Think like a mathematician. How to solve any problem faster and more efficiently Quote
“Each of us strives to become better: to remember more, develop imagination and creativity, and succumb to procrastination less. The book “Think Like a Mathematician” is dedicated to these questions and...

Here is an absolutely amazing case. On September 7, 2010, a Tu-154 plane flying from Yakutia to Moscow experienced a breakdown: the power supply system completely failed, and the plane began to rapidly descend. It seemed possible to save people only by landing in the very near future. But how to do this in places not suitable for planting? Suddenly, a free, clear runway appeared in front of the pilots. The plane was able to land safely. The pilots were then honored a lot. But few people know that this helicopter airfield in the village of Izhma, on the landing strip of which they managed to land, was closed long ago, and only one person, Sergei Sotnikov, walked and kept the runway clean and tidy for twelve years. They said to him: “Are you crazy?” In other places, abandoned airfields were turned into garbage dumps and filled with warehouses. And he, the former head of the helipad,...

Every time you walk across the bridge, you meet an old grandmother who stands quietly at the railing with her hand outstretched. Few passers-by remain indifferent to this silent request for help: some give her a coin, and some paper bills. Granny mutters words of gratitude in response and crosses herself.


I often walk this road, every time I see this picture. Something doesn’t allow me to pass by my grandmother, and my hand naturally reaches into my pocket for a coin...

But one day I was walking across the bridge with my friend. Granny, as always, stood at the railing with her hand outstretched. I already mechanically took a coin out of my pocket and took a step towards grandma, but my friend suddenly grabbed my hand: “Dasha! What are you doing?!"

“How are you doing this?” - I was indignant. “I want to give my grandmother 5 rubles. She may not have enough for bread, but she won’t have enough for me,” I answered my friend. She smiled back at me: “Dasha, you can’t be so naive! Yes, this grandmother has three times the pension...

Before we dive headfirst into building true self-confidence, let's take a step back and try to understand what confidence is.

Confidence is knowing that what you have will later become what you want and make you happier. This necessary condition so that an idea becomes an action.

Confidence is the ability to believe in yourself when a big deal is coming up, to raise your hand when a big deal appears interesting project, or speak at a conference (and without any anxiety!). Confidence is not a 100% guarantee that everything will always work out, but it helps you get out of your comfort zone, expand your boundaries and set a course for success.

Statistics confirm that success has more to do with confidence than competence. So here are five steps to self-confidence.

1. Act confident

As strange as it may sound, in order to learn to be truly confident in yourself, you can first...

I think many people like to talk about philosophical topics?! – I suggest we talk about indifference.


If you delve into the primary sources, you can find following concept to this term:
- “Indifference is a state of a person in which he does not show the slightest interest in anything.”

Synonyms for the word indifference are apathy, indifference, callousness, insensitivity, heartlessness, indifference, indifference, passivity, callousness.

As an example, I will give several definitions of synonyms for Indifference:
- indifference is indifference to issues of knowledge, morality, public life;
- passivity - inactivity, indifference to the environment;
- indifference (from lat. indifferens) - indifference, indifference, indifference.

If you look at the World through the eyes of an indifferent person - a person who is indifferent to the problems, troubles and sorrows of the people around him, then the main life guidelines for such...

What does it mean to be a confident person?

Let's figure out what it means to be a confident person:

- Do what you want, how you want and when you want;

- When comparing yourself with others, do not allow a large gap;

- Don’t worry too much about what others think of you;

- Know your rights and be able to defend them;

- Be persistent in achieving what you want;

- Be able to say “No” if you don’t want to do anything;

- Allow yourself to make mistakes and lose with dignity;

- Believe in yourself and your capabilities;

- Act confidently, even if you are really worried;

- Do not compensate for uncertainty with aggression;

- Give compliments and accept them with gratitude;

— Enjoy new contacts and be able to maintain old ones;

Sometimes our entire lifestyle from birth is aimed at fostering insecurity.

Family, kindergarten, school... Alas, adults often rush early...

Pursue your hobbies. If there is something you've always wanted to succeed at - a sport or a hobby - now is the time to give it a try! By improving your skills, you will strengthen the belief that you are truly talented and significantly increase your self-confidence. Start learning some musical instrument or foreign language, take up an area of ​​art that interests you (for example, painting), start creating some projects - anything that piques your interest. Don't give up if you don't achieve immediate results. Remember that this is training and you are here for small victories and a way to relax, not to become the best. Find a hobby that you can do in a group. By finding like-minded people who share your interests, you can easily make new friends and develop self-confidence. Look among your friends and acquaintances for a community you could join, or try to make friends with...

Most often, ironically, the people who ask about indifference are the ones who suffer from it. An emptiness has formed in the soul, which is why the problem of indifference is now so relevant. At the same time, it is not so often possible to come across arguments in defense of indifference; such people are likely to be immediately called callous. Why do people become indifferent? Should it always be characterized exclusively from a negative point of view, or is it influenced by some external factors? Psychologists quite often put indifference and apathy on the same level; this is a state when a person has simply lost interest in what previously gave him positive emotions.

The active position towards life has been shaken, the feeling of falling in love has passed, and now the man has become completely indifferent to the woman. Some important thread that connected them has been lost; the person no longer evokes the storm of emotions that was between them before. And it becomes completely unimportant with whom a representative of the stronger sex communicates, whether he is busy or free, with whom he tries to spend his leisure time.

Why do people show indifference to each other?

There are situations when indifference becomes a consequence of certain psychological characteristics. A person who is phlegmatic in his temperament type does not experience emotions that are usually characteristic of sanguine and choleric people. Sometimes it is worth considering indifference as a manifestation of selfishness, sometimes even self-centeredness. Some people were raised this way by their parents, while some people simply lack any ethical feelings. Resentment can make you look differently at a person who has disappointed you in some way. And after such an unpleasant situation, the heart simply closes and ceases to experience joy, and any positive feelings, indifference sets in. Psychologists say that absence is much easier to bear, unlike emotional pain, and this is a fact.

Indifference in modern society

According to studies, it turned out that residents of megacities are more likely to show indifference than residents of small cities. You can argue for a long time and highlight a series key elements, ranging from: problems in personal life and ending with eternal busyness and lack of Money. But no one can change a world in which people die every day. Every person, if possible, should do good deeds - buy fruit from an old woman who sells in the passage, or find a dozen excuses and hide behind the fast pace of life, forgetting about the main thing.

As one Buddhist wisdom says: nothing is permanent in this world. All people are equal, they come into this world and leave in the same way. Anyone who earns millions today and enjoys life, tomorrow may hear a terrible diagnosis from a doctor and money will not help him cope with his illness. And the one who had nothing will find happiness next to a person who will sincerely love him and want to hug the whole world. Indifference can be just a defensive reaction and you just need to agree that there is no way out of the situation just like that and “burying your head in the sand” like an ostrich. Sooner or later you will have to grow up and understand that you cannot look at the world in such a childish way. Good deeds should accumulate and it is very important to do them as much as possible, showing good attitude towards people.

How to get rid of it?

You should release all the grievances that have accumulated inside you and set a goal for yourself - to overcome indifference to the person who caused such emotions in you. It is always difficult to control your emotions and monitor the flow of attention. But even if you were treated badly, this is still not a reason to withdraw into yourself. It is very important to be able to react in time and respond with good, sincere words or deeds. You should never lose faith in people, because not everyone around you is the same, there are sincere and kind people who will definitely not offend you.

Such persons are primitive, infantile, they do not have a specific goal in life, so their existence can be characterized as a lack of a function called reflection. By the way, reflection is the so-called appeal to one’s experience and inner world, the ability to comprehend your actions, the ability to understand what exactly and why you experience these particular feelings.

Psychologist Lyudmila Petranovskaya often compares the ethical sense in children with different talents. Thanks to her daily work with children, she advises helping to develop creative potential. The same can be said about the ability to sympathize, which should be cultivated consciously so that the heart does not harden and completely become indifferent. What should you do to shelter a stray cat or dog? You can help the sick and give to the poor on the street.

If you begin to notice that your favorite job no longer inspires, is increasingly depressing and only causes indifference, you should definitely take a break from boring everyday life and routine. It's never too late to consider other employment options and choose the most suitable hobby for yourself, which will allow you to come to your senses and plunge into an atmosphere of new emotions and sensations. Remember that everything depends only on you and everything is in your hands. Therefore, do not be so indifferent and look at the world with maximum positivity, openness and friendliness.

Indifference of people

We quite often hear such a word as indifference, sometimes we are even afraid of it. Time surrounds us, but we don’t even notice it. But why met with indifference, we can't always recognize him?

A person can sometimes pass by any crime, and without even calling for help, I calm my own conscience with the fact that this is what the police exist for, this is only their business, not mine.

Meanwhile, in this man, who really needs our help, the last hope is dying quietly and without a cry. And indifference seems to have nothing to do with it, because it hasn’t done anything to anyone, just some tiny worm will unremarkably gnaw at your conscience.

An indifferent person, has a rather callous heart. Such a person, in most cases, considers himself a romantic and does not believe in his own indifference. But romance and indifference, two mutually exclusive views. A romantic person feels strong and generous feelings, but an indifferent person is simply unable to do this.

Those people who have this same indifference simply hide it, hiding behind completely different feelings.

The cause of indifference may well be alexithymia. A person who is in such a state cannot understand and express own emotions Thus, he cannot accurately respond to the emotions of people around him. Their psyche is elementary and narrowly focused, and sometimes even they suffer from a certain lack of reflection. They cannot consider their own actions and personal emotions, as well as the reasons for these very feelings.

Alexithymia is a condition when a person is unable to see his whole life in one, as well as problems in communicating with other people.

This condition can be either congenital or subsequently acquired. The basis of acquired aleximythia may be the human body’s reaction to sustained stress.

Also, the reasons for this phenomenon lie in the lack of love of parents for their children. The mistake of these parents is that they themselves teach their children to hide their emotions within themselves. They do not try to understand the feelings and actions of their child, as a result, when a person grows up, he is not able to experience this feeling of love.

It should also be noted that an indifferent person does not necessarily have alexithymia. At times, indifference appears from the mental laziness of the person himself. Such laziness forces a person to save his strength only for emotions and worries, leaving him deaf to the worries of others.

Unfortunately, indifference is no longer curable, it's only possible try to soften with compassion.

At this time, hard-heartedness and indifference live among people. Not all people agree with this, and this is quite understandable. Few people are able and willing to admit their own indifference. People cite rare but affirmative facts about their activities in life. Each, or almost each, of the people interviewed believes that he did a lot. But in most cases, this “a lot” was directed to people close to him, and then to others - strangers. And only rare individuals brought help to unfamiliar people, so-called strangers. Yes, this is quite normal and natural, but going beyond one’s own, native circle is fundamentally unclear and foggy.

Often, you can hear complaints about the person who is effectively trying to help the needy, disadvantaged and other categories of citizens. The same harsh answer always sounds: “let them get out of it themselves; I made the porridge myself; you need to think about what you are doing; Why should I help strangers? Indifference can be seen everywhere. Are there wars, are there bloodsheds in the World; they die, get sick, starve; and if interest arises, then in most cases there is hostility, and even contempt. In the midst of apparent literacy, man has gone far in his conceit. Hackneyed phrases: “what’s mine is not mine; and without me everything was decided long ago; They’ll get by without me, and I’ll watch from the sidelines.” But it would be good if they only observed, but in an emotional outburst of passion, they begin to point out, at the same time making no effort to change this or that situation. It’s even worse if something didn’t work out for the observed subject. Believe me, in this case, disgusting dirt will pour on a person or society with all the ensuing consequences. But why complain and lament? ? If we look deeper into the problems, we can note that when it comes to specific solution, action, a person wants to adhere to the general opinion - like everyone else - so as not to look like a black sheep among a black flock; God forbid you be left with nothing. All this points to indifference.

In the system of education, culture, medicine, science, people's lives, there is a presence of indifference. Is it too much? A depressing structure is emerging; An unpleasant and alarming picture emerges. Even if a person nearby is suffering, having lost something or someone, we remain on the sidelines, try to reduce meetings with such people to a minimum - this is also a kind of indifference - heartlessness.

IN Everyday life indifference is manifested in society: in enterprises, in schools, in business, etc. And all this begins far beyond the boundaries of the rough form, that is, beyond the boundaries of physical matter.

There is also dull indifference in great discoveries, when people treat them with fear and disdain, while forgetting that if you do absolutely nothing, then you will not come to anything. Even in small societies it is possible to achieve living activity, which is subsequently ready to lead entire masses of people. But only indifference, one’s own lower self, does not allow a person to take a step.

Indifference can be avoided if one realizes the meaning of Life on Earth; to realize who we are, why we came to this World; if you realize yourself as a being, not just living on Earth, but as a Human. If we learn to Love, we will come to compassion and mutual assistance. Each of us, being anywhere, is capable of bringing a grain of humanity into the life of society, and then a million of these grains will organize the sparkling diamond of Life on Earth. Someone said: “I felt sorry for people who were in trouble,” but his pity dissipated at the first fear for his well-being; someone helped by living in luxury - but only from excess; someone rushed to help, but his help was only to grow in the eyes of the public and be able to take certain places and leadership positions in time. But how good it is that among this multi-colored radiation of energies, we can observe selfless help, imbued with compassion and Love for all living beings of the World. People who bring such help bring harmony wherever they are.

Sometimes you can hear the question: how to do this or that good action? What can be answered - with Love, expediency, the desire to come to the rescue. Where indifference flourishes, there is no future, but everything is doomed to extinction, for not a single good action was carried out in indifference and absence of Love. Not a single high work of art could be created in indifference and without Love, but everything was created only for the benefit of future generations; a powerful energy potential was laid: be it a painting, music, prose, poem, etc., what happiness we have at this time, not only to feel, but also to observe in theatrical performances.

There is no need to confuse indifference with expediency, because often, under the reason of indifference, cunning justifications arise that only cause harm. But a wise person will be able to distinguish one from the other.

Situation 1: A child is walking with his parents - well-fed and well dressed, and an orphan is standing next to him. If you were in these parents' shoes, what would your actions be?

Your task is not to set a bad example for the child, thereby instilling an indifferent attitude, and to resolve the situation in the best possible way for all parties.

Usually, parents strongly advise avoiding such people so as not to bring trouble or illness upon themselves. The child remembers what happened for the rest of his life. But parents rarely explain to their child that anyone could find themselves in the place of these people at any moment, and then they will point the finger at him as if he were a leper. However, among the so-called homeless, beggars, abandoned, or, as they say, “fallen”, there are many literate, intelligent, hardworking individuals; It’s just that at one time, in an intractable situation, no one came to their aid. Just give him hope, and he, like a revived flower, is able to be filled with strength again and do a lot of useful, necessary and important things for society.

Situation 2:A child abuses defenseless animals, and there are other children nearby. How should observers react in this situation, what actions would you take?

Observers usually turn out to be indifferent in this situation. Thus, subsequently, they can watch with indifference as their comrades mock a person, society, country, world. Absolutely small, large-scale outflows of human achievements begin.

Situation 3:A 1st grade student's money is taken away by high school students, seeing this situation, the teacher walks by without saying a word. Do you think the teacher behaved correctly in not interfering? What should she have done to resolve this situation and not remain indifferent?

In schools, teacher indifference can negatively affect the child. However, if cultivated in it high principles life, he will be capable of a feat for the sake of not only people close to him, but also those many kilometers away from him.

Doctors who, along with curing a diseased organ, are ready to cause harm to healthy ones, are also dangerous with their indifference, or, instead of trying to heal, they are able to simply remove it, being able to competently give arguments for the correctness of their decision. But when it comes to his family, he quickly changes absolutely everything and acts as his title of Doctor says. What is the reason?