Homosexuality is a mental illness. Homosexuality is dangerous to health

For almost thirty years I have been treating homosexuals, spending many hours with them during their analysis. I can truly say that I have no prejudice against homosexuals; to me they are sick people in need of medical care. I have had many therapeutic successes with them, some failures and some disappointments. I am indebted to them for giving me the opportunity to study their mental structure, as well as the genesis and curability of their illness. In general, I have no reason to complain about homosexuals.

However, although I have no bias, if I were asked what constitutes a homosexual, I would say that homosexuals are essentially quite unpleasant people, regardless of their pleasant or unpleasant external manners. Yes, they are not responsible for their unconscious conflicts, but these conflicts absorb their internal energy so much that their outer shell is a mixture of arrogance, pseudo-aggression and whining. Like all mental masochists, they subserviently when faced with more strong man, and having received power, they become ruthless, trampling a weaker person without the slightest remorse. The only language that their unconscious understands is brute force. What is most puzzling is that you rarely find an intact ego (what is commonly called the “right person”) among them.

Unsure of my own impressions, I repeatedly tested them with my cured homosexual patients, asking them to summarize their opinion of homosexuals years after their cure. The impressions expressed by cured homosexuals of their former comrades were deadly criticism, in comparison with which my analysis sounded like childish babble.

The personality of a homosexual is imbued with a mixture consisting of the following elements:

  1. Masochistic provocation and collecting injustices.
  2. Defensive anger.
  3. Frivolity that covers up depression and guilt.
  4. Hypernarcissism and hyperarrogance.
  5. Refusal to accept accepted standards in non-sexual matters under the pretext that the right to cut moral corners is due to homosexuals as compensation for their “suffering.”
  6. Insecurity of a general nature, also of a more or less psychopathic nature.

The most interesting feature of this sextet of qualities is its versatility. Regardless of intelligence, culture, background or education, all homosexuals have it.


Every homosexual is an inveterate collector of injustices and, therefore, a mental masochist. A mental masochist is a neurotic who, through his unconscious provocations, creates situations in which he will be amazed, humiliated and rejected.


A typical homosexual is constantly in search. His "cruising" (a homosexual term for searching for a two-minute or, in best case scenario, short-term partner) is more extensive than that of a heterosexual neurotic who specializes in one-night stands. Homosexuals say this proves that they crave variety and have insatiable sexual appetites. In fact, this only proves that homosexuality is a meager and unsatisfactory sexual diet. This also proves the existence of a constant masochistic desire for danger: every time on his cruises, a homosexual runs the risk of beatings, attempted extortion, or sexually transmitted diseases.


A megalomaniacal outlook on life is another typical sign of a homosexual. He is deeply convinced of the superiority of his type over all others, and often supports this conviction with misunderstood historical examples. At the same time, he is sure that “deep down, everyone has some kind of homosexual inclinations.


Partly, the compensatory delusions of grandeur of a homosexual do not prevent deep internal depression. Similar to Napoleonic’s “scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar,” one could say: “scratch a homosexual and you will find a depressive neurotic.” Sometimes the ostentatious frivolous fun of “gays” [literally “gay”] - the term homosexuals use for themselves - is a very subtle pseudo-euphoric camouflage. This is a technique for protecting against masochistic depression. Another such technique is the exaggerated and uncontrollable anger of homosexuals, which is always ready to be put to use. This anger is identical to the pseudo-aggression explained in the table:


Without exception, deep inner guilt arising from perversion is present in all homosexuals. This is a displaced guilt related to the masochistic substructure. Guilt, whether admitted or denied (usually denied), is an integral part of the homosexual structure. "Mobilizing" this guilt and returning it to its place serves as a means for therapeutic change in psychiatric treatment. Here it is necessary to distinguish between perversion in the psychiatric sense and the popular one: the latter includes a moral connotation, while psychiatric perversion means infantile sex, occurring in an adult, and leading to orgasm. In short - a disease.


Homosexuals display an amount of irrational and violent jealousy that is unparalleled in heterosexual relationships. Even in rare cases of long-term homosexual relationships, constant outbursts of jealousy occur. This pseudo-jealousy covers up deeper repressed conflicts: what looks like jealousy on the surface is in fact a reason for “collecting injustices.” This is especially obvious in cases where a clearly dissolute partner is chosen and fidelity is expected from him.


Insecurity, from inclinations to a pronounced psychopathic tendency, is the rule, not the exception, among homosexuals. Living in a conspiratorial atmosphere, they use obscene shortcuts, detours and conspiracies. Sometimes their methods of pressure seem to be borrowed from the dictatorial-criminal environment. Conscious rationalization is simple: “I suffered too much - I can do it.”

Today the problem of homosexuality is more acute than ten years ago. The perversion has become more widespread due to the artificial creation of new recruits as a result of the spread of erroneous statistics. Some personality structures have always been drawn towards homosexuality, but in addition to the usual set, in last years we see new type"recruits". These are young people in their late teens or early twenties - "borderline" homosexuals who are sitting between two stools in deciding whether to be or not to be. The impetus for homosexuality in this case is provided by the statements of those like Kinsey. Many of these “borderlines” are not true homosexuals: their pseudo-modernism and inappropriate experimentation (derived from the mistaken belief that homosexuality is “normal and approved by science”) has the unfortunate consequences of burdening them with crippling guilt and self-doubt. This burden continues even after returning to heterosexuality. The tragic and pathetic spectacle of the “statistically induced homosexual” is due to the failure to disseminate simple medical facts.

A new and by no means limited source of marital tragedies has become the marriage of so-called “bisexuals” to unsuspecting women, whose destinies are ruined when they discover that they are not wives, but a screen... “Bisexuality” exists only as a flattering description of a homosexual, who has retained slight remnants of heterosexuality, which for some time make him capable of dispassionate sexual intercourse, giving him the necessary internal alibi. No one can dance at two weddings at the same time, not even the most skilled homosexual. There is no equal distribution of libidinal drives between homo- and heterosexuality, simply because homosexuality is not a sexual drive, but defense mechanism. The so-called “bisexuals” are in fact true homosexuals with a small admixture of potency towards unloved women. When a homosexual of this order marries an unsuspecting woman, the husband's perversion manifests itself inevitably and tragically. The marriages of “bisexuals” are motivated by social reasons or the naive belief that marriage will teach them normalcy. Previously, such marriages were rare; they are currently the rule.

Currently, homosexual battles are being fought on three fronts:
Homosexuals: “We are normal and demand recognition!”
Heterosexuals: “You are perverts and your place is in prison!”
Psychiatrists: “Homosexuals are sick people and must be treated.”
Influenced by the Kinsey reports, homosexuals have become emboldened and are now actually demanding minority status. As in any transition period, only half measures can be offered. Among them, the most important are:

  1. Spreading the knowledge that homosexuality is a neurotic disease in which extremely severe and inevitable self-destructive tendencies cover the entire personality, and that it is not a way of life.
  2. Spreading awareness that homosexuality is a treatable disease.
  3. Establishment and maintenance of outpatient departments for the treatment of homosexuals, within existing psychiatric departments in large hospitals, staffed by specially trained psychiatrists.

Until now, the fight against homosexuality has been carried out through well-intentioned and reasonable moral arguments and equally necessary legal restrictions. None of these methods proved effective. Moral arguments are wasted on homosexuals because, by flouting convention, they satisfy their neurotic aggressiveness. Threats of imprisonment are equally useless: the typical megalomania of a homosexual allows him to think of himself as an exception, while his subconscious masochistic tendencies make the risk of imprisonment tempting. The only one effective way To fight and oppose homosexuality, there will be widespread awareness that there is nothing glamorous about suffering from the disease known as homosexuality. This, at first glance, sexual disorder is invariably combined with serious subconscious self-destruction, which inevitably manifests itself outside the sexual sphere, since it covers the entire personality. The real enemy of a homosexual is not his perversion, but his ignorance that he can be helped, plus his mental masochism, which forces him to avoid treatment. This ignorance is artificially maintained by homosexual leaders.

A homosexual of any gender believes that his only problem is “unjustifiable attitude” environment. He claims that if he were left alone and no longer had to fear the law, social ostracism, extortion or exposure, he could be as "happy" as his heterosexual opposite. This is, of course, a self-consoling illusion. Homosexuality is not a “lifestyle,” as these sick people unreasonably believe, but a neurotic distortion of the entire personality. It goes without saying that heterosexuality in itself does not guarantee emotional health - and among heterosexuals there are countless neurotics. At the same time, there are healthy heterosexuals, but there are no healthy homosexuals. The entire personality structure of a homosexual is permeated with an unconscious desire to suffer. This desire is satisfied by self-creation of problems, which is conveniently blamed on the external difficulties that the homosexual faces. If external difficulties were completely removed, and in some circles in major cities they are actually removed - the homosexual will still remain an emotionally ill person.

Just 10 years ago, the best that science could offer was the reconciliation of the homosexual with his “fate”, in other words, the elimination of the conscious feeling of guilt. Recent psychiatric experience and research have unequivocally proven that the supposedly irreversible fate of homosexuals (sometimes even attributed to non-existent biological and hormonal conditions) is in fact a therapeutically modifiable subdivision of neurosis. The therapeutic pessimism of the past is gradually disappearing: today psychotherapy of a psychodynamic direction can cure homosexuality.

Recent books and plays have attempted to portray homosexuals as hapless victims deserving of sympathy. Appealing to the lacrimal glands is unfounded: homosexuals can always resort to psychiatric help and be cured if they want. But public ignorance on this issue is so widespread, and homosexuals' manipulation of public opinion about themselves is so effective, that even intelligent people who were definitely not born yesterday have fallen for their bait.

“In thirty years of practice, I have successfully completed the analysis of one hundred homosexuals (thirty other analyzes were interrupted either by me or by the patient’s departure), and have consulted about five hundred. Based on the experience gained in this way, I can say with confidence that homosexuality has an excellent prognosis in psychiatric treatment of the psychodynamic approach for one to two years, at least three sessions per week, provided that the patient really wants to change. That the favorable outcome is not based on any personal variables is supported by the fact that a significant number of colleagues achieved similar results.

A homosexual does not reject women, but runs away from them. Unconsciously, he is mortally afraid of them. He runs as far away from the woman as possible, going to “another continent” - to a man. The typical confidence of a homosexual that he is “indifferent” to women is nothing more than wishful thinking. Internally, he hates women with the compensatory hatred of a fear-ridden masochist. This is evident in every analytic discussion with a homosexual patient.

The homosexual turns to men as an antidote to women. The elevation of a man to an object of desire is secondary. This attraction is always mixed with contempt. Compared to the contempt shown by the typical homosexual for his sexual partners, the hatred and disdain for women of the most violent heterosexual misogynist looks like benevolence. Often the entire identity of the “lover” is erased. Many homosexual encounters take place in toilets, in the obscurity of parks and Turkish baths, where the sex object is not even visible. Such impersonal means of achieving “contact” make visiting a heterosexual brothel seem like an emotional experience.

Homosexuality is often combined with psychopathic tendencies. Homosexuality itself has nothing to do with psychopathy - the combination arises from general oral regression. On the surface, psychopathic actions relate to revenge fantasies, but behind this thinly veiled palimpsest lie deep self-destructive tendencies that cannot be hidden by a broad pseudo-aggressive façade.

The combination of homosexuality with fraud, gambling addiction, alcoholism, drug addiction, and kleptomania is a common occurrence.

It is striking how large the proportion of psychopathic personalities is among homosexuals. Speaking in simple language, many homosexuals carry the stigma of being unreliable. In psychoanalysis, this insecurity is considered part of the oral character of homosexuals. These people always create and provoke situations in which they feel unfairly disadvantaged. This sense of injustice, which is experienced and perpetuated by their own behavior, gives them the internal right to be constantly pseudo-aggressive and hostile towards their environment, and to feel masochistically sorry for themselves. It is this vindictive tendency that the non-psychological but observant outside world calls the “unreliability” and ingratitude of homosexuals. It is no less striking how large the proportion of homosexuals is among swindlers, pseudologists, counterfeiters, criminals of all kinds, drug dealers, gamblers, spies, pimps, brothel owners, etc.


The genesis of female homosexuality is identical to male homosexuality: an unresolved masochistic conflict with the mother in early infancy. During the oral phase of development (the first 1.5 years of life), the aspiring lesbian goes through a series of difficult ups and downs with her mother, which prevent the successful completion of this phase. The peculiarity of the clinical lesbian conflict is that it represents an unconscious three-layer structure: a masochistic “collection of injustices”, which is covered by pseudo-hatred, which is covered by exaggerated pseudo-love for the representative of the infantile image of the mother (neurotics are only capable of ersatz emotions and!).

The lesbian is a neurotic with a triad of unconscious concealment, leading to a rather tragicomic quiz, a joke on the naive observer. Firstly, lesbianism, paradoxically, is not erotic, but aggressive conflict: the basis of an oral-regressed neurotic is an unresolved aggressive conflict, which boomerangs back due to feelings of guilt and only secondarily. Secondly, under the guise of the “husband and wife” relationship there are hidden neurotically charged relationships between child and mother. Third, lesbianism appears to be a biological fact; the naive observer is blinded by their conscious pursuit of pleasure, while underneath it lies a treatable neurosis.

The outside world, in its ignorance, considers lesbians to be courageous women. However, not every courageous woman is homosexual. On the other hand, an outwardly masculine lesbian who imitates men in clothing, behavior and relationships only displays a camouflage that hides her real conflict. Blinded by this lesbian-fuelled scotoma, the bewildered observer is unable to explain the "passive" lesbian or the fact that lesbian sexual practices, showing an infantile direction, are centered primarily around cunnilingus and breast sucking, while mutual masturbation with dildos is centered around the clitoris, unconsciously identified with a nipple.

My 30 years of clinical experience have shown that lesbianism consists of five levels:
1) masochistic attachment to the mother;
2) the veto of the inner conscience, prohibiting “pleasure from displeasure”;
3) the first defense is pseudo-hatred;
4) repeated veto of the inner conscience, vetoing hatred of any kind towards the mother;
5) the second defense is pseudo-love.

Thus, lesbianism is not “a woman’s love for a woman,” but the pseudo-love of a masochistic woman who has created an internal alibi that she does not consciously understand.
This defensive structure in lesbianism explains:
A. Why are lesbians characterized by enormous tension and pathological jealousy? In inner reality, this type of jealousy is nothing more than a source for the masochistic “collection of injustices.”
b. Why is violent hatred, sometimes expressed in physical attacks, so subtly hidden in homosexual relationships. The layer of pseudo-love (fifth layer) is only a protection that covers.
V. Why do lesbians resort to oedipal camouflage (the farce of husband and wife) - it masks the masochistic relationship between mother and child, which is heavily burdened with feelings of guilt, rooted in pre-oedipal conflicts.
G. Why it is useless to expect satisfactory human relationships within lesbianism. The lesbian unconsciously seeks constant masochistic pleasure, so she is incapable of conscious happiness.

The narcissistic substructure of lesbians also explains why the infantile conflict with the mother never goes away. In normal development, the conflict with the mother is resolved by the girl through splitting: the old “hatred” remains with the mother, the component of “love” shifts to the father, and instead of the duality “child-mother” (), a triangular oedipal situation “child-mother-father” arises. The would-be lesbian tries the same thing, only to be thrown back into the original conflict. The oedipal "solution" (itself a transitional phase that the child abandons in the course of its normal development) is that lesbians use the husband-wife (father-mother) disguise as a protective cover.

It is necessary to distinguish between two forms of unconscious identification: “leading” and “misleading”. The first represents the repressed desires of the personality, crystallized as the end result of the infantile conflict, and the second refers to identification with people who are chosen for the purpose of denying and rejecting the reproaches of the inner conscience directed against these neurotic desires. The “leading” identification in the active type of lesbian relates to the mother, and the “leading” identification to the oedipal father. U passive type The “leading” identification refers to the child, and the “leading” identification refers to the mother. All of the above is, of course, justified by clinical evidence.

Homosexuality is sexual attraction to people of the same sex. The prevalence of homosexuality, according to different authors, varies among men from 1 to 4%, among women - from 1 to 3%. There are several versions regarding the reasons for the development of homosexuality and other disorders of desire; they consider genetic disorders, endocrine pathology, organic brain damage, and, among other things, a special role is given to psychotrauma received in childhood and adolescence from not only parents in the process of upbringing, but also from outsiders. Well, for example, the sight of a suddenly appearing masturbating man in front of a child or two “unknown guys kissing with a hickey” is a psychological trauma for a child.

Among psychiatrists there are many opinions on this problem, but personally I believe that homosexuality, pedophilia, transsexualism, voyeurism, and other isms are mental disorders. I won't prove why. And I consider the law banning the promotion of homosexuality, although forced, to be a correct measure. I don’t want people who are mentally ill to openly demonstrate their lifestyle, their inclinations and habits in my city, somewhere in plain sight. Nobody says that patients with sexual desire disorders (with the exception of pedophiles) need to be immediately destroyed (as Hitler did), this does not mean that these people need to be fined, imprisoned, forcibly treated in psychiatric hospitals, no, of course - we are free a democratic country, we have a constitution, but... But unless these people interfere in someone else’s space, violate public order, and do not pose a threat to others. If such people are not allowed to enter into same-sex marriages, if children will never be given into the hands of such people. Children, “like a sponge,” absorb a huge amount of information, but they cannot always distinguish between “good and evil,” what is “good and what is bad.” Many adults cannot figure this out. And therefore our task is to protect them. But mom and dad are not always nearby, dad and mom don’t always have time to explain... but the child is interested in everything, wants to try everything...

I am probably a homophobe; in my life, due to my profession and active life position, I have often met patients with sexual desire disorders. At the same time, most of them behaved demonstratively, selfishly, were intrusive and often violated public order, such a negative experience. Well, okay, you realized that you are “not like everyone else,” okay, well, you’ve found “kindred spirits,” then you don’t need to demonstrate your sexual preferences in front of shocked others, you don’t need to offer your lifestyle to those who haven’t yet developed or experiencing certain difficulties (for example, timid boys in communicating with girls and vice versa), as a full-fledged healthy alternative to the typical lifestyle and heterosexual preference (by the way, the only one that can lead to procreation, the main function of a living being in the opinion of most scientists).

Gentlemen, liberals, let’s give schizophrenics the opportunity to live their lives, well, we won’t treat them, we’ll give them the opportunity to kill people on the city streets, attack imaginary persecutors, for example, but this is not a disease, this is a way of life... it’s their choice... ?Let's allow pedophiles to abuse our children, it's not a disease for them, they're just wired differently...eh? Let everyone do what he wants, even if it is a figment of his sick imagination, don’t we have freedom, equality in rights?

But will there be less violence after this, people infected with HIV and patients with hepatitis C. Gentlemen, liberals and human rights activists, the chain is long and thanks to the spread of sexual desire disorder, you and your children may someday suffer, one way or another... And you want to die young or if your son once told you that he is gay and that he thinks it’s normal... Remember Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, civilizations have fallen...

I came across a study on diseases of homosexuals. For some reason it is not customary to talk about these things. They write on a bottle of beer or cigarettes that it is dangerous to health. So it is here - we need to warn about this. Although gays may disagree with some aspects and may talk about the randomness of their diseases, there are still studies that speak specifically about the connection of many diseases with their lifestyle and chosen form of sexuality. Chosen because in the nature of individuals with such an orientation there are 1.5%. The prevalence of this deviation in society reaches 10% due to prolonged advertising and blurring of the usual family values.
People with faint hearts and hypochondriacs should not read this!

From a study 20 years ago, it became clear that homosexual men aged twenty to thirty years are infected with AIDS approximately 430 times more often than heterosexuals.
The Apostle Paul, writing during the heyday of the Roman Empire, when moral licentiousness was widespread, said: “Men... were inflamed with lust for one another, men committing disgrace on men, and receiving in themselves the due recompense for their error.”
What is this retribution? Cause and effect are not separate.
Even when a condom is used, anal intercourse remains dangerous, mainly for the receptive partner. Since the anal sphincter can only stretch minimally, it can be seriously damaged by the thrusts made by the penis during this act. Even more serious damage is caused by the insertion of something larger into the anus, as, for example, in the very common practice of “fisting”. This is why homosexual men suffer incredibly often from acute rectal injuries, as well as encopresis (the inability to control bowel movements) and anal cancer.

In addition, during anal intercourse, the soft tissues of the rectum are injured. These tissues serve to store relatively soft fecal matter in preparation for expulsion through fairly slow contractions of the intestines. The tissues of the rectum are never as strong as the tissues of the vagina, as a result of which they are always injured to one degree or another during anal intercourse. Even in the absence of noticeable trauma, microtears and microcracks in the mucous membrane facilitate the penetration of contaminants and microbes into the bloodstream. Since for monogamous homosexual couples the risk of contracting AIDS is much lower than for polygamous couples, therefore they practice anal intercourse without any means of protection much more often than single homosexuals leading a polygamous lifestyle allow themselves. As a result, the risk of other diseases increases significantly, even with equal influence of all other factors, which is extremely rare, because factors tend to combine. It is homosexual men who, much more often than women, play a receptive role in anal intercourse, so the degree of risk for such sexual behavior is significantly higher for them. In addition, vaginal fissures not only appear less frequently due to the greater strength of the vaginal mucosa, but the vaginal environment itself is much cleaner than the rectal environment. Indeed, we are endowed by nature with an almost insurmountable and impenetrable barrier between the bloodstream, on the one hand, and the extremely toxic and infected contents of the intestines, on the other. Anal intercourse leads to the destruction of this barrier in the receptive partner, regardless of whether the insertive partner uses a condom or not.

As a result of feces entering the main bloodstream, homosexuals are susceptible to various serious infectious diseases, sometimes incurable. These diseases include hepatitis B and many other rather rare diseases such as shigellosis (bacterial dysentery) and giardiasis, which are collectively called “gay bowel syndrome.” One large review article brought it all together:

Due to the large number sexual partners and the use of such forms of intercourse as anilingus and anal intercourse, homosexual men expose themselves exclusively high degree risk of infection with hepatitis B, giardiasis, amoebiasis, shigellosis, campylobacteriosis and anorectal infections such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Treponema pallidum, herpes simplex virus and human papilloma viruses.

Another review article outlined four main groups of diseases that homosexual men have to face:

“Classic” sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, Chlamydia trachomatis infection, herpes simplex, genital warts, lice pubis, scabies); intestinal diseases (shigellosis, campylobacteriosis, amoebiasis, giardiasis, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, non-A-non-B hepatitis, cytomegaly virus); traumatic disorders (encopresis, hemorrhoids, fissures anus, foreign bodies, ruptures of the rectosigmoid region, allergic proctitis, swelling of the penis, sinusitis of chemical origin, burns of the respiratory tract with nitrites); acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS. W. F. Owen, Jr., “Medical Problems of the Homosexual Adolescent,” Journal of Adolescent Health Care 6, no. 4 (July 1985), pp. 278-285.

In April 1993, three researchers submitted a paper to the Eastern Psychological Association in which they analyzed the life expectancy of nearly seven thousand homosexuals and heterosexuals based on obituaries published in large quantities homosexual and in a slightly smaller number of regular newspapers. They discovered that homosexual men, even in the presence of a long-term partner and in the absence of AIDS, live almost three decades less than heterosexual men. AIDS further shortens the lives of homosexuals by more than 7%.

Recent studies show that homosexuals are much more at risk of mental illness than heterosexuals. More than high level suicides, bulimia, disorders social behavior, addiction to psychoactive substances. This article highlights some important new considerations regarding these diseases and their sources. Neil E. Whitehead, Ph.D. n., author of “My Genes Made Me Do It”
The researchers concluded that on average, homosexual men were 5.1 times more likely to exhibit suicidal behavior and thoughts than heterosexual men. This is partly explained by depression and substance abuse, which may or may not be related to homosexuality (when these two factors were excluded, the dimension dropped to 2.5 - still a significant excess). The authors believe that suicidal tendencies are influenced by an independent factor, possibly directly related to homosexuality.

The second study (Fergusson et al., 1999) followed a large group of people from infancy to 20–25 years. The cohort method is particularly robust and free from most unfair interventions. This study found significantly higher rates of depression, anxiety disorders, behavior disorders, substance abuse, and suicidal ideation in those who were homosexually active.

Bell and Weinberg (1981) also concluded that the main reason for suicide attempts is relationship breakdown. In second place, in their opinion, is the inability to accept oneself. Since, compared to heterosexuals, homosexuals have larger number partners and breakups, and since most long-term gay relationships are rarely monogamous, it is not surprising that suicide attempts are proportionally higher. The average number of partners for homosexuals is 4 times that of heterosexuals (Whitehead and Whitehead, 1999, calculated from Laumann et al, 1994).

And there are 3 times more suicide attempts among homosexuals. Is there a pattern between these two indicators?

Another factor is moments of duress and dependence (Pincu, 1989), which can lead to a feeling that life is out of control (Seligman, 1975). Some (estimates vary, but perhaps 50% of young people today) do not take precautions against HIV-AIDS (Valleroy et al., 2001) and have serious problems with sex addiction and substance abuse. This apparently also increases suicidality.
For many, erotic attraction to the same sex becomes the main value of existence, and nothing else - neither health nor life itself - should interfere with the implementation of this lifestyle. Homosexual promiscuity is accelerating the HIV-AIDS crisis in the West, but even this tragedy should not limit sexual permissiveness. They prefer not to say anything about her at all. And our liberals don’t admit at all that such problems exist at all.

All this is extremely difficult to read, I would never have calmly dealt with this topic if my classmate had not found herself in such a trap. She's a talented person, but her sexuality choices have made her even more vulnerable to physical and mental illness than anyone else. creative person. I know she had suicidal ideation. I hope they never happen again. Since I have known her for a long time, I saw her friends, whom they introduced to me as cousins, girlfriends or acquaintances. Most of them had problems with bleeding and pelvic diseases. Take care of yourselves people, do not walk on forbidden paths!

There are still sensible people left in the Old World. In any case, tolerant in relation to a problem that has recently acquired simply catastrophic proportions - homosexuality. Tolerant in the sense that they do not succumb to general propaganda and remain sane and aware that these trends are, to put it mildly, unhealthy.

British doctors took the plunge and declared homosexuality a disease. This topic is not new; WHO excluded homosexuality from the list of diseases only in 1973; before that, this phenomenon fell under the category of mental disorders. And the problem of same-sex relationships moved from medical to social.

The recognition of homosexuality as the norm in 1973 is quite understandable - it was a time of trampling on any authority and traditional values. On this wave, gayness is becoming an acceptable alternative lifestyle. Then everything went on as usual - homosexuals moved from a defensive position to an offensive one - now this sexual deviation is promoted as a bohemian and even to some extent preferable image of human relations.

As a result, we have today's picture - the identification of homosexuality with the norm and its removal from the agenda as a psychological problem. Plus widespread propaganda and the provision of official status to same-sex relationships.

In general, doctors and psychologists have not come to a consensus regarding the etiology of such a phenomenon as homosexuality. There are many versions - from the structural features of the brain to the presence of a special gene transmitted with the X chromosome. But with all this, most psychiatrists agree that homosexuality is a psychological disorder, which means that in most cases it can be corrected.

And now the English doctor Michael Davidson returns to the practice of healing adherents of same-sex love. It is worth noting that he himself was able to overcome this destructive passion and is therefore confident in the success of his business. And the Royal College of Psychiatrists has officially recognized that a person’s sexual orientation can change. This means you can not only become gay, but also stop being gay. Davidson's methods are radical - electric shock and other similar practices. Naturally, under the premise that these are inhumane methods, the English gay lobby is sounding the alarm. And the government condemns this medical practice.

Such active resistance to the cause of healing society from filth is not surprising - the LGBT community envelops the world in its network. Parades, confessions, propaganda - all this works with one single goal - to germinate the seed of sodomy in the minds, to give society the message that same-sex relationships are the norm. Expanding your spheres of influence by infusing new members into your ranks. In the United States, they moved from legalizing same-sex marriage to allowing members of the LGBT community to lead Boy Scouts. And sensible people are obliged to resist this. Electric shock may not be the most humane therapy, but it will certainly discourage young people who want to turn into sodomites for the sake of fashion.

We continue our series of articles dedicated to the fight against homophobia. Today we will dispel the myth that homosexuality is a disease. This is the second favorite argument of homophobes, which is used immediately after the assertion that homosexuality is unnatural. Let us recall that this myth was refuted in the previous article, where they were given.

Scientists' opinions on non-traditional sexual orientation

As stated earlier, in this article we will discuss the statement “homosexuality is a disease.” The World Health Organization does not recognize homosexuality as a disease, and it was excluded from the international classification of diseases on May 17, 1990, and the ICD is the main international document that is the classification basis for healthcare throughout the world.

A doctor has no right to treat a patient for a non-existent diagnosis, it is simply illegal. Ignoring it is also illegal. By the way, there are also three norms of sexual orientation: hetero, bi and homo, which are completely equivalent.

Moreover, since 1974, the American Psychological Association has called for removing this stigma from homosexuality. Research has found no relationship between sexual orientation and pathological personality and mental changes.

At the moment, the scientific community has reached a clear consensus that homosexuality, along with hetero and bisexuality, is an absolute norm that has nothing to do with the disease. Scientific research shows that sexual orientation can range from being exclusively attracted to someone of the other gender to being attracted only to someone of your own gender.

And back in 1948 and 1953, Alfred Kinsey published two of his monographs, which simply exploded British stereotypes. Even in the chaste, religiously squeamish, taboo America of the 1940s and 1950s, about 46% of men surveyed had experienced at least one same-sex attraction and 37% had had at least one homosexual encounter. And if these data seem exaggerated to you, then we note that over all the years of fierce controversy, checking and re-checking his reports, the numbers have practically not changed.

Homosexuality is not a disease, but a norm

Kinsey developed a scale measuring sexual orientation from 0 to 6, with 0 being completely heterosexual and 6 being completely homosexual. And according to Kinsey, although 37% of men had same-sex contact, only 4% of them were completely homosexual. According to 2011 data, just over 8% of Americans have had same-sex sex at least once in their lives, but only 3.5% identified themselves as LGBT.

Sexual orientation and behavior are not the same thing. Not everyone who calls themselves heterosexual has sexual relations exclusively with people of the opposite sex and vice versa. All of this is to say that sexual orientation is very much like a spectrum rather than a discrete division.

The world looks black and white only in the eyes of homophobes. In the 20th century, they had many aspirations to “cure” homosexuals, and the most radical and scandalous of them, perhaps, can be considered the experiment of Robert Heath.

His 1972 paper described how a 24-year-old gay man had a hole drilled in his skull and electrodes inserted into an area of ​​the brain associated with feelings of pleasure. This person is known as Patient B -19.

While watching traditional porn, electrode stimulation brought him to orgasm, and he was later brought in a prostitute with whom he agreed to have sex in an environment full of wires connected directly to his brain. Similar methods refer to reparative or conversion therapy, which is supposedly capable of changing sexual orientation.

But it is important to say that today all major international psychiatric organizations express doubt and even dissatisfaction with such treatment methods that supposedly contribute to a change in sexual orientation. There are no scientific research, which would show that such a change is generally feasible.

Is it possible to change sexual orientation?

The American Psychiatric Association gives a negative answer to this question. Many gay people raised in religiously conservative environments suffer prejudice based on their sexual orientation. Growing up in a religious environment leads to the fact that these people fight against themselves and often the only way out of such a struggle for them is suicide.

All these prejudices against gays and lesbians are obscurantist delusions devoid of any common sense, depriving homosexual people of the opportunity to accept themselves. While a person's acceptance of his own sexual orientation and its integration into his own life is very important point, promoting well-being and mental health.

But despite the fact that homosexuality is not in the ICD, despite the consensus of the most authoritative psychological and psychiatric world scientific organizations, despite the unequivocal position of the scientific community on this issue, in Russia 62% of psychiatrists consider this type of orientation as a disease. And ¾ of them see this as a manifestation of immoral behavior, thereby supporting objections to the protection of rights and the use of veiled schemes for the dismissal of gays and lesbians from various government agencies.

On this sad note we will end today's article. To summarize, we can say with one hundred percent certainty that the statement “homosexuality is a disease” is just a myth, actively supported by Russian psychiatrists and psychologists, as well as the spread, or even more widespread myth that. Read more articles on WikiScience on this topic, then you will find out what other prejudices exist related to this.