Proper use of wood oil for exterior and interior use. Choosing the right oil to coat wood outdoors and indoors Wood protection oil

An important role in human everyday life is played by such material as wood. Many people strive to have or make it with their own hands if possible. wooden furniture, as it has a presentable appearance and is environmentally friendly. But, at the same time, wood is a rather capricious material, since it is very easy, without preliminary treatment and protection, to be exposed to moisture and rot. For good and high-quality protection, you can use oil to coat the wood.

There are several types of compositions for these purposes. Protective oil can be purchased at hardware stores or you can make wood impregnation with your own hands.

Many, especially novice craftsmen, ignore the process of protecting wood. But this approach entails many problems. It is no secret that wood absorbs moisture quite well. It is because of this property that undesirable consequences appear. Wooden products can dry out, crack, begin to rot, etc.

After putting a lot of effort into making a piece of furniture, you don’t want to end up with such a result. Therefore, to avoid damage to the product, you need to take time to protect it.

Commonly used impregnation agents wooden surfaces are oil and wax. They are able to reliably resist such negative factors as moisture, mold, mildew, rot and various kinds of insects. Along with this, they can increase the degree of strength and increase the service life of the product.

Use of oil

The list of oils used to treat wooden surfaces includes the following types:

  • tung;
  • teak;
  • tar;
  • linen

Wood processing oil has the following properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • the ability to penetrate deeply into the structure of the material;
  • make wood more elastic;
  • protect the tree from drying out;
  • leaves the wood pores free, which allows the material to breathe and regulate the degree of humidity;
  • it is not harmful to human health and is environmentally friendly.

Advice! Experts do not recommend impregnation with sunflower oil, although in desperate situations this is also an option. The fact is that sunflower contains quite a few polyunsaturated fatty acids. This also applies to olive oil.

Using wax

The use of wax is a time-tested method that was used by our great-grandfathers to protect wood. It protects it very well from moisture. The wax easily penetrates into the pores of the wood and also gives the surface a matte tint. But waxing has one drawback. Due to the fact that the pores are filled, the process of “breathing” of wood is completely absent.

Important! You should listen to the advice of masters who claim that it is better not to work with pure wax, but to add a certain amount of vegetable oil, for example, linseed oil, to it. Other ingredients, such as turpentine, will also not hurt.

On video: how to prepare a composition of wax and linseed oil.

Features of oiling

The best option for protecting wooden products is wood treatment oil. It has many positive characteristics:

  • environmental qualities;
  • appearance impregnated products;
  • giving the product a matte shine and velvety feel to the touch;
  • ease of work;
  • low price of the composition;
  • the possibility of restoring a damaged surface.

The disadvantages of these protection measures should also be noted:

  • very capricious in care, since finishing must be done every 4 months, followed by high-quality polishing of the surface;
  • clearly visible on treated surfaces greasy spots, which can be removed during reprocessing.

Benefits of using flaxseed oil

Wood impregnation linseed oil gives it original look, completely restoring the structure. Provides long-term operation of the product and reliable protection from moisture and dirt. You can also achieve the desired shade by adding the desired dye to the composition.

Linseed oils for wood can protect wood from rotting, fungus and mold, allowing you to completely preserve its texture and relief pattern. One of the important factors is the ability to preserve the wood’s ability to breathe, while providing the surface with reliable protection from water, and increasing resistance to drying, peeling, discoloration and cracking.

In the construction industry provided a wide range of compositions that can provide protection to wooden products, but most of them are not natural and can negatively affect the health of the consumer. Flaxseed oil is absolutely safe, is an environmentally friendly material, and has the strongest waterproofing characteristics.

Linseed oil for wood impregnation has additional benefits:

  • the ability to ensure reliable closure of the pores of the material;
  • Availability high degree water-repellent characteristics;
  • giving the product originality and preserving its natural shade;
  • polymerization of the composition under the influence of certain external factors, which significantly increases the degree of all its inherent qualities.

Stages of wood impregnation

Linseed oils are used for wood processing in two ways, it all depends on personal preferences and the size of the surfaces being treated:

  • Soaking is only suitable for small items(decorative figurines, dishes, etc.);
  • Coating (rubbing in).

The following steps will tell you how to treat wood with linseed oil impregnation.

Preparatory stage

Before you start coating wood at home, you must first carefully prepare the surface to be treated. If this is a newly manufactured product, then the surface is simply sanded well using fine sandpaper. Impregnating wooden products with a large area, for example, the facade of a house or previously exposed surfaces, is a little more difficult.

Preparatory work algorithm:

  1. Get rid of the old coating, that is, varnish or paint. There are several methods you can use here. Try to remove old paint using a spatula and metal brush. If it doesn’t work, then you need to use a hair dryer.
  2. Sanding the surface. For this process use sandpaper with varying degrees of abrasive coating. You should start with the larger one, gradually reaching the smallest one. The surface is ready if, after running your hand over it, we do not feel any irregularities.
  3. Remove dust using a soft brush and rag. The key to high-quality oiling with linseed oil for wood is a well-cleaned surface from dust.

Coating process

Oiling of prepared wood can be done using the oiling method. The oil is applied either with an ordinary soft rag or with a brush that has natural bristles. Although painting with a brush is only suitable for small areas. As for the facade of the house, ceilings and other things, you only need to apply oil to the wood with a rag.

Linseed oil for wood is applied according to the following algorithm:

  1. Pre-mix the composition and pour required amount into clean dishes.
  2. Moisten a rag and treat the surface with it. It is necessary to apply the composition along the wood fibers.
  3. After treating the wood with linseed oil, you need to let the surface dry for about 20 minutes, then remove the excess with a clean rag.
  4. The product soaked in wood coating oil is left to dry for some time, and then the wood is re-coated with linseed oils.

Soaking process

Processing wood by soaking, as mentioned above, is only suitable for small products. The process of soaking wood with oil is quite simple: oil is poured into a clean container, and then the prepared, dust-free product is placed there. You can hold it as long as you like.

After the product has been soaked for some time, it is removed and placed on paper in an inclined state. This will allow excess flaxseed oil to drain. When we have got rid of the excess, polish the surface with a clean and soft cloth. Next, leave the product to dry.

If pure linseed oil was used, drying will last three weeks. To speed up drying, use white oil with wax.

The technology for oiling wood with linseed oil is quite simple, but it will reliably protect it from the effects of negative factors. And, if we compare it with various types of industrial compounds, then it is possible to coat wood with oils without harm to human health. Processing wooden products is a process that should not be neglected.

Features and rules for applying oil (2 videos)

Impregnation for wooden coverings (38 photos)

“Oleum addere camino” - this is how the phrase sounds in Latin: “I decided to add oil to the fireplace or fire” and we will talk about Wood processing oil. Today this Latin aphorism denotes heating up passions around a topic folk ways processing of wooden products, and we will not talk about burning oil at all, but about using it to protect wood. Modern technologies the creation of building materials has led to the fact that all less wood used in housing construction. Furniture is made from compressed waste. But our case is completely different! We are building a bathhouse from natural wood. And you can protect wood from rotting with natural oils.

Choosing oil for wood processing

I’ll immediately announce the main difference between oil for impregnating wood and all kinds of paints: oils are absorbed, and paints create surface films. That is why lovers of hunting knives soak the handles for days, rather than covering them with varnishes that dry in 5 minutes. Any varnish will quickly peel off under conditions of intensive use of a wooden surface. And the oil, which has penetrated deeply into the structure of the wood fibers, polymerizes, becomes hard and reliably preserves the wood product.

Oil treatment methods: repeated application to the surface and one-time long immersion for percolation.

Let me make a reservation right away: do not expect any rich color from treating wood with oil. Although you will definitely get a slight manifestation of the structure. The texture of the wood will be clearly visible and emphasized. This is guaranteed by different densities wooden parts in the area of ​​knots that have different hydrophilicity - they interact with water differently (wet). In any case, before using the oil, it is necessary to remove the blueness and bleach wood. Repeated wetting and drying of wood with water subsequently leads to cracking. Oil seepage prevents water from penetrating the wood. Wood treated with oil becomes hydrophobic - it repels water from the surface.

The most important disadvantage natural oils to protect wood is their very slow polymerization (drying). Remaining in the open air, under the influence of oxygen molecules and temperature, the oil first thickens and then polymerizes in a thin surface layer. All vegetable oils behave this way. Their composition is dominated by polyunsaturated fatty acids - linoleic and linolenic. They prolong the drying process of the oil. Flaxseed and hemp are record holders in this regard. Sunflower seed oil – contains less polyunsaturated fatty acids – dries faster

It is best to use oil to protect and treat the wood of knife handles, kitchen cutting boards, wooden utensils and, of course, sauna shelves (with some caveats). Be prepared for the fact that it will take several weeks for oil-soaked wood products to dry completely!

In industry, driers are added to oil to accelerate polymerization (drying). This product has another name - drying oil, which dries from 5 to 20 hours.

Vegetable oil in its natural form, even with a high content of linolenic acid, oxidizes extremely slowly. To reduce drying time, the oil is subjected to heat treatment with the addition of metal compounds (driers). When heated, substances that slow down hardening decompose in the oil, and metal salts provide faster oxidation.

Traditional methods of fixing (accelerating drying) oil:

  1. Buy a dryer yourself at an artist's paint store and mix it with oil.
  2. Heat the oil while rubbing it into the wood. In the steam room, the shelves are heated by heating the sauna stove.
  3. Diluting the oil with turpentine speeds up drying, but the procedure is not pleasant.

Some online publications write about dissolving wax in oil and obtaining super-resistant coatings. Indeed, the coatings are reliable and natural, but, alas, they are not durable. Requires updating. Wax solubility is a controversial issue. But you can get a finely dispersed emulsion. I have already written about such processing methods in the article

Just today I renewed the coating of the steam room shelf with Neomid 100 oil. After operation from December 2013 to October 2014, the shelves of the first low level polluted. I washed it with soapy water and a cloth, dried it and rubbed it again with sauna oil. I won’t say that the board has become much lighter, but dark spots washed off easily. The upper shelves of the steam room are lighter because I cover them with a sheet. Therefore, I personally will not talk about the miraculous properties of the oil.

Wood processing oils

Product and Purpose Purpose

Hard wax oil Osmo
finishing of wooden floors, stairs,
furniture, doors, countertops and other
wood products based on natural
vegetable oils and waxes
Available in color tinted

Adesiv Paviolio 25- oil with wax
for decorative and protective treatment
all types of parquet from any species
wood, parquet and solid boards,
modular parquet, as well as parquet from
exotic wood species
AWO Hard Wax Oil (American Wood Oil)
natural, extra matte, colorless
oil-wax for processing wood
products inside the house
Pinotex Terrace Oil
wood-protective oil for terraces and gardens
buildings , resistant to moisture,
temperature changes, chemical and
mechanical stress, ultraviolet radiation
Rustins Quick Dry Danish Oil Indoor
An aqueous mixture of natural vegetable oils and
other special ingredients intended
for powering and protecting all types of internal
wooden surfaces
Synteko Natural
Fast-hardening oil for processing wood, wooden
and cork floors: in offices, supermarkets,
museums, as well as for processing wooden stairs,
window sills, benches

Oil consumption depends on the type of wood and hardness. The average product consumption is approximately 2.5 liters per 75-80 m2 of treatment area. 2-3 coats are recommended, with heavy use areas requiring an additional coat.
Here are some wood protection oils. Each manufacturer has a wide range of products. Good luck in your search!

One of the very first building materials in human history is wood. Houses were built from it, household items and furniture were made - and all thanks to its strength, environmental friendliness and warmth. Despite all its advantages, wood also needs protection.

How to protect wooden surfaces?

Wood is a material that can absorb water in large quantities. Hydrophilicity causes drying out, cracking and deterioration of the material. Of course, small wood items are easier to replace than to protect, but in the case of various designs Only processing of wooden products can help.

For this purpose they use various substances, which not only prevent the penetration of moisture into the structure of the material, but also protect it from the harmful effects of environmental factors.

Properties of linseed oil

Treating wood with linseed oil allows you to restore the appearance of the material, increases its service life and gives it water- and dirt-repellent properties. The liquid can be tinted to any shade by adding special pigments.

For wood, it emphasizes its natural shade, highlighting its texture and relief, while protecting it from rot, mold and fungi. After treatment, the products continue to breathe, despite the resulting water-repellent properties. In addition, the oil increases the wood's resistance to drying out, peeling, loss of color and cracking.

Impregnation with linseed oil does not form a dense film on the surface of products, which is characteristic of many other protective substances. The product penetrates directly into the structure of the material, giving it certain properties. The resulting coating is absolutely safe for humans and does not cause harm to health.

Benefits of flaxseed oil

In construction stores today you can find a wide range of protective substances and liquids, but many of them can be harmful to human health. Flaxseed oil is considered one of the best protective materials. This is an excellent option for wood, since the product is not only safe, but also has a strong waterproofing effect. Flaxseed oil has the following benefits:

  • Clogging of the smallest pores of wood.
  • Environmental cleanliness and safety.
  • Water-repellent properties.
  • Improving the appearance of the treated surface.

The components that make up linseed oil are influenced by certain factors environment undergo a polymerization process. As a result, the hardness and viscosity of the oil increases. Protective properties and the ability to harden directly depend on the amount of glycerides of acids contained - linoleic and linolenic.

After the wood is coated with a layer of oil, it is left to dry completely so that the impregnation can gain maximum properties. It takes about 2-3 weeks to dry completely. You can speed up this process using wax, tar or turpentine.

When working with turpentine, it is necessary to observe safety precautions, since it is a toxic substance and can cause an allergic reaction. Direct contact with unprotected skin may cause thermal burns.

Tar, a product of dry distillation of wood, is essentially the same as turpentine, only less toxic. The best option- take regular wax. It is dissolved in a water bath and mixed with linseed oil, which not only speeds up the drying process of the coating, but also increases its water-repellent properties.

Coating wood with linseed oil at home

To impregnate wood products, it is enough to purchase paint and varnish material at any specialized store, in this case- linseed oil. If you plan to use varnish, then preheat it.

The mixture of oil and wax should not be brought to a boil: this can damage the surface of the wood and, if handled carelessly, cause burns. Apply the composition in several layers to the surface with your hands or a foam sponge, and then leave it to dry completely for several days.

Often they resort to complete impregnation of wood - they lower it into a container with linseed oil and leave it for several hours. The appearance of air bubbles on the surface of the liquid indicates that the impregnation process has begun.

Linseed oil for wood is perfectly absorbed. For this reason, after processing is completed, no traces remain on the surface of the products, but the material acquires increased strength and wear resistance. This composition is often coated wooden windows, since it protects them from moisture, fungus and mold, which can lead to damage to the product and its rotting.

Any wooden surface can be treated with protective agents. Flaxseed oil does not contain artificial or harmful components, so it can be applied to products such as furniture, dishes, children's toys, floor and ceiling coverings, wooden windows.

The main condition for processing is that the surface must be dried. The moisture content of wood should not exceed 14%. Before impregnation, paint and varnish must be removed from old wood, after which the surface is cleaned of debris, dirt and dust. You cannot wipe it with a wet cloth - the moisture will be absorbed immediately. Then the wood is cleaned with sandpaper and the resulting dust is swept away. The minimum air humidity in the room in which work will be carried out must be 70%. It is best to carry out the procedure outdoors in sunny, warm weather.

Linseed oil (for wood) is applied several times in a thin layer. Those products that are subject to frequent use are processed several times a year, which can significantly extend their service life. For all other wooden objects, the procedure can be carried out once every few years. It is not worth treating the surface with oil if it has already been treated with paint or varnish.

The amount of oil applied at one time depends on the surface texture and thickness of the wood. The thinnest layer hardens in 24 hours. If necessary, impregnation is repeated several times.

The oil is applied using a regular brush or special foam sponges. Upon completion of work, all tools are kept in cold water. The remaining oil is stored in a cool, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 0 o C.

The best protection for a wooden surface is guaranteed by oil wax. It is based on linseed oil and bean wax, which adds shine to the surface and changes its shade. It is used to impregnate light wood species, including valuable ones, from which stairs, windows, furniture, doors, and floor coverings are made.

Pure linseed oil is applied mainly to products used outdoors, since it only in its pure and concentrated form has the necessary water- and dirt-repellent properties. For this reason, for wall treatment wooden buildings This substance is often used.

Linseed oil for wood is considered one of the most effective, inexpensive and universal protective agents. The impregnation process takes a long time, but the end result is worth the time spent.

There are two main ways to treat wood with linseed oil - soaking and rubbing.

Method one: rubbing

Fine-grained sandpaper is moistened in drying oil or oil and rubbed along the wood along the grain. A similar procedure is carried out three to four times with a break of 24-48 hours, necessary for the surface to dry. For the last time, the sandpaper is replaced with ordinary oiled rags or soft cloth. This processing method is used mainly when impregnating large-area products.

Method two: soaking

It is used for processing small wooden objects - knife handles, children's toys, crafts. The product is completely immersed in linseed oil for several days, after which it is wiped with a soft cloth and dried. The wood is impregnated with oil for several weeks due to its extremely slow polymerization.

There are two ways to speed up the drying process:

  1. Add driers to the oil - substances that accelerate polymerization.
  2. Replace it with drying oil.

In principle, drying oil is the same as oil, only it contains metal oxides. The duration of the wood processing process is explained by the fact that the natural composition of the substance contains a large number of linoleic acid, which prevents it from hardening.

Dryers, in turn, are hardeners that are added to most paints and varnishes. They are sold in regular hardware stores.

Why is wood treated with linseed oil?

  1. Impregnation protects products much better than varnishing. In the second case, all dents and scratches remain on the surface, which reduce the characteristics of the composition due to water entering the formed cracks.
  2. The oil gives the wood surface a soft shine that does not fade over time.
  3. Preserving the original texture of the object and its pleasant texture.
  4. Impregnating wood with oil allows you to protect it from rotting and moisture by clogging the smallest pores.

The process of such processing is quite long, but the end result is worth the time spent. By the way, flaxseed oil can be replaced with hemp oil - the effect is similar.

As already mentioned, it is better not to use varnish - over time, such a coating begins to crack, the wood absorbs water and begins to deteriorate and swell. Linseed oil penetrates into the structure of the material, preventing cracks and preventing moisture absorption. This coating maintains the attractive appearance of the product for a long time.

Technical oil

For wood processing, not only edible oil is used, but also technical linseed oil. The natural material forms a thin and durable, easily polymerized film on the surface that protects against pests, moisture and corrosion. For this reason, flaxseed oil is so widely distributed and used in different areas human activities, ranging from the bluing of metals to the creation of tools for artists.

Application area

In the construction industry, linseed oil is used as a base for creating drying oil. In many of its characteristics, it significantly surpasses substances developed by chemical synthesis, while maintaining its safe properties.

In construction, linseed oil is used for impregnation and processing. various products and wooden buildings - baths, saunas, log houses. The resulting coating protects the surface from moisture penetration, prevents rotting and deformation under the influence of high temperatures and the appearance of fungus and mold.

When constructing a log bathhouse before the surface of the wood is covered paint and varnish materials, it is thoroughly impregnated with technical linseed oil. This allows you to protect the log house from all sides and extend its service life several times.

Linseed oil is very widely used in art, especially when painting, as a solvent for varnishes and oil-based paints. In addition, it is used to clean brushes. The main difference between oil and turpentine and solvent used for similar purposes is affordable price and no unpleasant odor.

Features of linseed oil

Only purified linseed oil is used to coat wood. The cleaning process allows you to obtain a composition that dries quickly and does not yellow on the surface of the products. If non-polymerizing acids are removed from the oil, it forms a stronger film on the wood. Purified manually cold-pressed, it has good properties - it dries quickly, is thicker than its analogues and practically does not turn yellow, especially if it has been kept in the sun's rays.

Flaxseed oil is sold in pharmacies, construction and hardware stores, and in the latter often with special additives. It is better not to use food grade - it takes too long to polymerize and does not have the necessary qualities. Its feature, which is attributed to both minuses and pluses, is the change in the shade of the wood to a darker one, which, however, furniture makers like to use.

IN modern houses a lot of wood. Of course, there used to be more of it. But even now there are a lot of wooden parts in the house (knife handles, window sills, cutting boards, door handles, door jambs, handicrafts and so on). Like any other element, wood can age and deteriorate. Therefore the question " How to treat wood with oil so that it lasts longer? - This actual question not only in ancient times (when wood was the main building material), but also now.

How to treat wood with oil? Well, you probably know that there are construction supermarkets. And in construction supermarkets there are entire departments with varnishes, stains and other wood impregnations. But on our site we prefer methods, so this article is mainly devoted to what you can do to process wood yourself.

So let's get started. And let's start from the very beginning simple way wood processing - impregnation with simple vegetable oil.

Impregnating wood with vegetable oil is one of the oldest methods of processing it. The main purpose of wood oil impregnation is to increase the moisture resistance of wooden products. So, wood itself is hydrophilic (loves water) and swells when exposed to water. Then it dries. Then it swells. And after several cycles (depending on the amount of water, air humidity, etc.) the wood cracks. Which does not improve either its mechanical or aesthetic properties.

Whereas impregnation of wood with oil

  • a) closes the smallest pores of wood, polymerizing on the surface;
  • b) makes large pores and the entire surface as a whole hydrophobic (water-repellent).

Well, besides this, impregnation of wood with oil increases its aesthetics, revealing the structure of the wood. What looks more beautiful than when the wood structure is not visible.

How oil works: vegetable oils, when exposed to air, under the influence of oxygen, light and heat, thicken, and in a thin layer they “dry out” (polymerize), turning into a semi-solid mass. This characteristic property is inherent in those vegetable oils, which include polyunsaturated fatty acids, in particular linoleic and linolenic. The more there are, the greater the drying ability of the oil. The following oils have the highest content of glycerides of linolenic and linoleic acids:

  • linen
  • hemp.

Sunflower oil works worse because it contains less polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Let's look at how this is used in practice.

How can you use linseed oil when processing wood?

For example, let's say you have a wooden knife handle that you want to finish. The easiest way is to take the oil in your hands and rub the handle thoroughly. Wait for absorption. Rub again. And so on until you get tired of it. In principle, this is enough for the household level. But if you want more (for example, increased resistance to water), then you can do the following.

The knife handle (or other product) should be placed in linseed oil for several days. To do this, the knife can be placed in a jar with a screw-on lid with a thin slot for the blade, which, after placing the knife in it, must be hermetically sealed.

When the wood is soaked through, it must be wiped with a smooth, dry rag. After this, let it dry completely for several weeks. When the oil evaporates, oxidation and polymerization of the surface occurs, which after some time becomes strong and elastic.

As you noticed, it takes several weeks for the oil to dry when processing wood.

Why? Everything is very simple.

Vegetable oil in its natural form, even with a high content of linolenic acid, oxidizes extremely slowly. To reduce drying time, the oil is subjected to heat treatment with the addition of metal compounds (driers). When heated, substances that slow down hardening decompose in the oil, and metal salts provide faster oxidation.

This way we get drying oils- compositions that, within 6-36 hours (depending on the composition, preparation technology and additives used) after application to the surface, turn into a hard, elastic film. As you understand, using drying oil significantly speeds things up. Drying oil can be bought at any store.

But as we said at the beginning, we are trying to find ways self-processing wood So let's move on.

The first way to accelerate oil polymerization. You can buy both linseed oil and drier at an art store. Well, ensure heat treatment using friction - thoroughly rub the oil into wooden product for, say, half an hour.

Easy and simple 🙂 Although it’s cheaper, that has to be taken into account...

Second way To speed up the drying and polymerization of the oil is to dilute the oil by half with turpentine. Turpentine is a mixture essential oils, which are obtained by extraction from resins coniferous trees(i.e. from resin).

If diluted with turpentine, the drying time is reduced to 1-2 weeks. Also keep in mind that turpentine is a toxic substance (see Wikipedia on this matter), and you should not allow it to come into contact with your skin, much less breathe it in or drink it.

If you want to not only speed up the drying of the treated product, but also change its color, then you can dilute the oil by half with tar. Tar is a product of dry distillation of wood (wood is burned without access to air). That is, it is the same turpentine, only in a rougher and much less toxic form.

Flaxseed oil can also be mixed with wax. The wax dissolves in linseed oil (if you do this using heat, use a water bath and keep a fire extinguisher handy), and when treating wood with this composition, you not only oil, but also wax the surface. This enhances the water-repellent properties of wood many times over.

Naturally, the methods of wood processing do not end there. But we'll leave it at that for now, leaving other methods for next time.

Happy oiling your wood!

Master wooden house I am simply obliged to protect my home, made of logs or wood, from harmful insects and external influences.

For these purposes they use wood coating oil- a technique that has existed for many centuries.

We’ll look into how to choose the right oil from a huge variety of options in this article.

Why is oil treatment necessary?

Owners use such oils to prolong service life service of the home and increasing the strength of a wall made of wood.

Wood surface oils serve natural antiseptic and, penetrating deeply into the surface of the product, they give its surface elasticity.

Compared to other impregnation methods for strengthening and protecting walls oil solutions are made from natural ingredients, which speaks about high safety from an environmental point of view.

That is why oils, along with wax solutions, are considered the most harmless methods of surface treatment.

Wood oils have a number of positive characteristics:

  1. Ability to hide surface defects such as scratches and small chips.
  2. Relatively low price on the impregnating material.
  3. Environmental safety of the composition intended for application to the surface.
  4. Easy to apply, which even a novice master who has never tried to cover walls and floors on his own can handle.
  5. Availability of such materials.
  6. Aesthetic component: after treatment, the walls and floors acquire a matte tint and a velvety surface to the touch.

Like any material, oil coating has its drawbacks:

Types of coating oils

Wood can be protected by various types of impregnation, but the desired effect can be achieved with the following oils:

  • linen;
  • mineral;
  • tar;
  • oil-wax.


Tar oil recognized as one of the most effective antiseptics and is made from natural ingredients such as linseed oil, pine turpentine and tree stump resin.

When impregnating a wooden surface, pine turpentine carries out deep penetration to the entire depth of the treated surface.

And linseed oil, also included in the composition of the product, does not allow the oil to leak out from the depths and reliably holds it in the part of the tree.

This type of impregnation is widely used when processing log buildings, summer houses, boats and furniture.

After such treatment, the owner will protect the surface of the walls from beetles that spoil the material and rot, which such types of surfaces are often subject to. In addition to protection, the wall will receive extra natural shine and transparent texture.

Tar oil cannot be diluted, as it will lose its beneficial features. The material on the surface will dry for at least a week, and maybe longer, depending on temperature conditions indoors and the quality of the product being coated.

If preventive and regular coating is carried out in one layer, the surface will dry out in less than one day.

It is recommended to store this oil in a cool place with dry air. It should not be exposed to low temperatures, and with tight closed lid will last a long time even with a long break in work.


This type of oil is rightfully recognized as one of the best for working with wooden surfaces due to its waterproofing properties.

The product is relatively economical from a financial point of view, and is easy to find on store shelves.

Flax oil is used for adjusting and treating surfaces from the inside and external sides at home, as well as for facade works, impregnation of floors and walls.

After this treatment, the wood becomes reliably preserved and protected from moisture on the surface. Oil can hide minor texture defects such as scratches, cracks and chips on the surface.


Mineral oil began to be used many decades ago. Working with such oils is possible only with deep cleaning of such a product, and if it does not pose any harm to human health.

Such oils, produced according to established recipes, are often used in factories, but applying such impregnations for daily home use Not recommended.

The use of such impregnation agents is justified only for reliable protection of external elements. The situation is complicated by the fact that such compositions practically do not dry out and cannot be forcibly washed off from the surface.

Sometimes for parts made of wood, as well as protection non-residential premises against pests, a mixture of vegetable and mineral oils is used.


Tinting oil is used to coat wooden surfaces and give it a characteristic and rich color.

Modern manufacturers guarantee the safety of the applied material and its quality, designed to extend the service life of the types of wood used in houses.

This oil contains pigments of natural origin, which allows the surface on which the tinting base is applied to acquire a natural shade.

The material has quick drying property and reliably protects the surface of the walls from pests and rotting.


Impregnations using a composition made on the basis of oil and wax ingredients, in contrast to paint and varnish coatings, have a number of positive advantages:

  1. The ability not to spoil, but preserve the natural texture of wood.
  2. High stability to temperature changes.
  3. The use of such compositions is permissible in rooms with high humidity. The impregnating material is deeply absorbed into the surface and promotes reliable protection products.

  4. The vapor permeability of the surface is ensured by this composition, and allows the treated surface to “breathe”.

If a defect is found in any part of the wooden surface, it can be impregnated with a composition of oil and wax, without having to do the same procedure with all surfaces of the wall. It is enough to apply a layer only to the damaged area.

In order to select for work high-quality composition, you need to pay attention to the components in which it is necessary natural oils must be present, such as linen, tallwood or teak.

In addition to oils, the composition must contain a safe, odorless solvent in which benzene is not used. In addition to solvent and natural oil, the manufacturer fills the mixture with wax and pigments.

White and colored oils

This impregnation protects the surface of the wood, including damaged by beetle or rot. It contains natural ingredients and approved industrial additives.

White oil is used by people who care about their health and want to tint the surface of the wood as they wish. The result of applying such oil to the surface of the wall is a light surface with slight shading.

After using white oil, the room visually increases in space, and the overall atmosphere in the room becomes harmonious thanks to the pleasant visual effect.

White oil does not emit harmful impurities after the application process to the wall surface. The material has an increased shelf life in packages with an intact lid, sometimes reaching six years.

Colored oil is used to preserve the natural properties inherent in wood and giving the desired shade. It is used for various surfaces: , wood in pure form, planed and sawn boards.

It reliably protects the coated wood from harmful ultraviolet rays and serves as a waterproofing agent.


Danish oil is often used to treat wooden surfaces that susceptible to moisture penetration. This could be the floor, walls or musical instruments made of wood.

This substance contains white spirit, a little varnish and linseed oil that has undergone a boiling procedure.

Application to the product provides it with high-quality protection from moisture and pests, the deep penetration of Danish oil gives a satin shine to the surface and gives a natural glow.

The advantages of this oil are undoubtedly high speed drying of the material and complete enveloping of the treated surface of the product.

Paraffin treatment

Treating wood with paraffin oil extends the service life of the product and eliminates excess moisture on the surface.

Vapor barrier properties have a beneficial effect in those places in the room where evaporation often occurs, for example in the kitchen or in the bathhouse (steam room).

Antiseptic compounds

Compositions that can protect a tree from bark beetles are produced on the basis of organic substances of aqueous and oily composition. Substances made on a harmless basis are very popular among owners of log houses.

Impregnations differ in that they do not emit toxic substances. This type of coating has dirt-repellent properties, and resistant to sunlight.


Sometimes sunflower seed oil is used to treat the surface, but this type of impregnating material Not recommended, because its composition practically does not contain polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for enveloping and protecting the tree.

Another negative sunflower oil is its inability to polymerize, i.e. it doesn't dry completely. Touching a base impregnated with such a coating can stain clothing and skin.

Which oil should you choose?

Each type of work is characterized by the choice of oil that is most suitable for its implementation. Let's look at each type of work and oils for them in more detail.

For outdoor use

When carrying out external work, the master must focus on the thickness and texture of the wood and the effect that he is trying to achieve.

If there is a desire to give the surface additional tint, it is recommended to use matte linseed oil.

Such impregnations are produced in various shades, from natural to rich colors. In addition, flaxseed oil has high protection against bacteria.

This criterion is important when choosing a coating, because wood on the outside of a building is most susceptible to external influences from insects and various types fungi.

For additional protection of wood during external work, it is recommended to use an antiseptic impregnation "Vinha" from the Tikkurila Vinha brand. It will provide long-term protection against wet drops and mold development.

For interior work

It is best to carry out work on walls indoors using impregnations Osmo or Varathane. They are made on the basis of natural oils and wax.

They are resistant to indoor humidity and temperature changes, which makes them indispensable for covering floors and walls. Impregnations prevents the appearance of rot bluish tint and mold in the corners of the walls.