Explosion safety rules when using fuel oil and natural gas in boiler installations - operation of boiler installations. Maintenance of the boiler room Operating conditions of boiler installations

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Work performed:

  • Obtaining technical specifications (TU) for the following types of work: gasification of the facility, water supply, electricity supply, sewerage. And also - all permitting documentation for boiler installations in the SES, Fire Service and other organizations. Gas limits - documentation preparation, receipt.
  • Boiler house design. It is provided both as a separate service and as part of a complex of works for the construction of turnkey boiler houses. For gas boiler houses, for diesel boiler houses and for wood fuel boiler houses. Design is carried out for the following facilities - gas boiler houses, diesel boiler houses and wood waste boiler houses.
  • Boiler equipment . Supply of imported and Russian equipment - directly through manufacturers. We provide discounts to design and installation organizations that make purchases through our representative offices. Basics boiler equipment: block modules, boilers, burners, heat exchangers, chimneys.

    You can also order the following boiler equipment separately:

    • gas boilers(small and medium power),
    • heating boilers,
    • burners (gas, diesel and combined),
    • block-modular buildings (made of sandwich panels).
  • Installation of boiler rooms is produced both at the Customer’s site and with the possibility of partial execution at the company’s base, with further delivery to the site and block assembly. Main types: block, modular boiler rooms, roof-mounted, built-in, attached, transportable.
  • Delivery of completed work. Carrying out all work on paperwork and interaction with representatives of supervisory authorities. Interaction with all structures involved in both steam boiler houses and hot water boiler houses.


  1. Deadlines, quality, price- everyone declares. Not everyone complies. We comply.
  2. The management department will deliver you maximum convenience when working with us.

Boiler rooms are designed and installed in accordance with a number of rules, for example:

  • GOST 21.606-95 SPDS "Rules for the implementation of working documentation for thermomechanical solutions for boiler houses"
  • GOST 21563-93 Water heating boilers. Main parameters and technical requirements
  • PU and BE "Rules for the design and safe operation of steam boilers"
  • PB 12-529-03 "Safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption systems."

If your task is to obtain an active object back to the beginning heating season , we offer you the option "Block-modular boiler house" based standard solutions. Modular boiler houses supplied under this program have the following advantages: a) the use of a standard design reduces the time required for design and project approval, b) it becomes possible to purchase basic equipment in parallel with the development individual parts project.

We also translate steam boiler rooms in hot water mode. With this operation steam boilers lose from the rated power, while solving certain heating problems. These are solutions mainly for Russian boilers. The advantage of this operation is that existing steam boilers do not have to be replaced with new ones, which can have a positive effect in the short term from an economic point of view.

All supplied boiler equipment is certified and has permission for use in the Russian Federation - gas boilers, heating boilers, burners, heat exchangers, shut-off valves etc. The specified documentation is included in the delivery package.

Date: 10/20/2014

From the clear and coordinated operation of all its systems and units such complex system heating system as a boiler room depends on how safe its operation will be. A sudden stop of the boiler room may mean a breakdown production process, cold in residential or industrial premises and in educational institutions. Therefore, it is so important to comply with all established rules and regulations aimed at promptly detecting faults, eliminating them and ensuring the supply of heat to consumers. In addition, identifying possible breakdowns at an early stage can mean significant savings. Money for equipment repairs.

Component stages of boiler room operation

  • commissioning;
  • routine maintenance of boiler room equipment;
  • planned preventive maintenance;
  • scheduled work to clean the interior of boilers and units from combustion products;
  • prevention of parking corrosion;
  • boiler room operation;
  • obtaining an opinion on the technical condition of the equipment.

It should be remembered that a boiler room is a very serious facility and does not tolerate neglect. The consequences can be severe - even an accident. It is extremely important to exercise proper control over the operation and technical condition of boiler equipment. Reliable and uninterrupted operation of the boiler room is largely ensured thanks to preventive measures.

The process of producing thermal energy is regulated in detail. Standards have been established for water treatment, water level and pressure in the system, technical condition of pipes, heating and boosting procedures. Failure to follow the instructions may result in the entire system stopping.

What do the boiler room operating rules require?

  • appropriate qualifications of maintenance personnel
  • availability of production and service instructions directly at workplaces
  • constant technical inspection of equipment
  • economical use of equipment
  • planned preventative and major repairs of equipment
  • monitoring the operation of equipment and its timely repair.

Rosgortekhnadzor of Russia has adopted a number of documents that regulate the operation of hot water and steam boiler plants, power plants and networks, gas distribution and gas consumption systems.

Based on the regulations of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, instructions from factories that produce boiler equipment, the administration in charge of the boiler room is obliged to develop, approve and bring to the attention of personnel a number of instructions. Safety rules for the economical and safe operation of all boiler room equipment as a whole and each element separately are mandatory. In addition, each employee must be familiarized with his duties and rights.

Operation of boiler rooms – hazardous production, in the implementation of which it is necessary to comply with the norms of the Federal Law “On industrial safety hazardous production facilities" dated July 21, 1997 No. 116-F3. The purpose of this law is to ensure safety at all stages of production, determine economic and legal basis industrial safety.

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​Construction of mini-boiler houses

What to do if installing a boiler room in a house is impossible, and building a full-fledged one is not cost-effective? Optimal solution- a mini-boiler room, which has all the equipment required for heating the facility, is quickly installed and has a fairly low cost.

Purpose of operation of boiler rooms. Operation of boiler plants includes a set of measures aimed at ensuring safe, reliable and economical operation of all equipment and uninterrupted supply of steam and hot water to consumers at specified costs and parameters.

In connection with the explosion and fire hazard of boiler installations, Federal Law “On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities”(No. 116 dated February 21, 1997) classifies boiler installations as industrial facilities hazardous to boiler plant personnel, the population of adjacent territories and the natural environment. According to the law, control over the manufacture, installation and safe operation of steam boilers with a working pressure of more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf/cm 2) and hot water boilers with water temperatures above 115 0 C is carried out by the federal state executive body called " federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision" (abbreviated as Rostechnadzor) and its territorial bodies.

Basic requirements for boiler plant personnel. Due to the complexity of the design and maintenance of modern boilers and boiler rooms, specially trained personnel recruited from literate persons at least 18 years of age who have completed medical examination, training and certification.

According to the “Regulations on the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations operating in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia” (RD 03-444-02 dated January 11, 1999), boiler house personnel are divided into operational management, duty and operational - repair

The operational management personnel of boiler houses include: boiler house manager, shift supervisor, shift foreman, duty dispatcher and other specialists in accordance with the staffing schedule. From among the management personnel with a thermal engineering education, the enterprise administration appoints someone responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers, which is recorded in the boiler passport.

Only the Responsible Person has the right to give orders (must be written) to start the boiler and stop it. Certification of Responsible and Managing Specialists is carried out by Rostechnadzor bodies at least once every three years. Certification of management personnel in the field of industrial safety is carried out according to a schedule approved by the head of the enterprise.

The duty personnel are operators, boiler operators, stokers, HVO operators and other workers servicing boilers and auxiliary equipment of boiler houses in accordance with the approved duty schedule;

Operational repair personnel include workers engaged in repairs and who have the right to perform operational maintenance and make operational switches in boiler rooms.

According to the requirements of the “Rules for the Device and safe operation steam and hot water boilers" (PB-10-574-03) training and certification of operators, machinists and boiler room stokers should be carried out in educational institutions, as well as in courses specifically created by enterprises and those licensed by Rostekhnadzor authorities for this type of activity. must be compiled for Individual training of personnel is not allowed.

Based on the results of the final exam (with the participation of a Rostechnadzor inspector), the student is awarded a qualification and issued a certificate for the right to service boilers, signed by the chairman of the certification commission and the Rostechnadzor inspector. Specialists are allowed to service boilers by order of the organization.

Periodic (repeated) testing of the knowledge of service personnel is carried out at least once every 12 months by a commission appointed by order of the organization (participation in its work of a Rostechnadzor inspector is not necessary).

An extraordinary test of the knowledge of service personnel is carried out by a commission of the organization in the following cases:

When moving to another organization;

When transferring to service boilers of other types;

When transferring the boiler to burn another type of fuel;

At the request of a Rostechnadzor inspector or administration.

Duties of duty personnel.

According to " Standard instructions on the safe conduct of work for boiler room personnel" (RD 10-319-99), boiler maintenance personnel must:

Know your responsibilities, to whom you are subordinate, whose instructions you must follow, who to notify about malfunctions, accidents, fires and accidents;

Know the structure and operation of the boilers it serves and everything auxiliary equipment, diagrams of pipelines, fuel oil pipelines and gas pipelines, designs of gas and fuel oil burners and the limits of their regulation;

Be able to promptly identify problems in the operation of boilers and auxiliary equipment and pipelines, fittings, fittings, and if problems are detected, immediately eliminate them;

Be able to check the correct operation water indicating devices, pressure gauges, safety devices, signaling devices, check valves, etc.;

Operate trouble-free and economically, uninterruptedly supply consumers with steam or hot water in required quantity and established quality at minimum consumption fuel;

Monitor the condition of the fittings, tighten leaking seals;

Monitor the density flange connections and the condition of pipelines (painting, inscriptions, signs, etc.);

Check the tightness of manholes, hatches, the absence of leaks, as well as the absence of air leaks into the firebox, gas ducts, etc.;

Timely check the operation of automatic control, safety and alarm devices in accordance with the requirements of the instructions for their operation.

Main responsibilities of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of boilers defines “Standard instructions for those responsible for the good condition and safe operation of boilers” (RD 10-304-99).

The person in charge must have a special thermal engineering education and pass a knowledge test in accordance with the requirements of RD 03-444-02 “Regulations on the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations operating in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities controlled by the State Technical Supervision Authority of Russia”

In some cases, the Responsible Person may be a specialist who does not have a thermal engineering education, but has been trained under the “Program for advanced training of managers and specialists without a thermal engineering education who are appointed responsible for the good condition and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers” (RD 10-60-94 ) in educational institutions licensed by Rostechnadzor for training. In addition, the Responsible Person must undergo certification by a commission with the participation of an inspector from Rostechnadzor.

According to the requirements of the Rules and Standard Instructions, the Responsible is obliged to:

Allow trained and certified personnel to perform maintenance;

Provide maintenance personnel with production instructions developed on the basis of manufacturer's instructions for installation and operation, taking into account the layout of the equipment. Instructions are issued to personnel against signature and are constantly located at their workplaces;

Ensure that service personnel undergo periodic medical examinations;

Ensure the maintenance and storage of technical documentation for the operation and repair of boilers (passports, replacement and repair logs, water treatment log, repair cards, pressure gauge control log, etc.);

Provide each boiler put into operation with a plate indicating the registration number, permitted pressure and the timing of the next internal inspection and hydraulic test;

Regularly inspect boilers in working condition;

Every day on weekdays, inspect the boilers in working condition and check the entries in the shift log with signatures in it;

Issue a written order to put the boiler into operation after checking the readiness of the boiler room equipment for operation;

Work with staff to improve their qualifications;

Conduct technical inspection of boilers;

Store boiler passports and manufacturer’s instructions for installation and operation;

Conduct emergency drills with boiler room personnel;

Participate in surveys and technical examinations;

Participate in the commission for certification and periodic testing of knowledge of engineers and service personnel;

Timely comply with instructions issued by Rostechnadzor authorities.

The person in charge is given the right to remove personnel from service if they violate instructions or personnel who show unsatisfactory knowledge. He has the right to present to management proposals for bringing to justice engineering and technical workers and persons on duty who violate rules and instructions, as well as to submit proposals to management for eliminating the reasons that give rise to violations of the requirements of rules and instructions.

Organization of duty service. Due to continuous long work boiler room equipment, their operation is organized through constant duty (watches) of maintenance personnel. Duties are carried out in shifts with a shift duration of no more than 8 hours. The composition of the shift is determined by the staffing schedule. The procedure for personnel joining and leaving duty is determined by the Internal Regulations.

The procedure for accepting and handing over a shift (duty). Before going on duty (approximately 20 minutes before), the shift supervisor (shift foreman) checks the availability of service personnel, their ability to be on duty, and their knowledge of their duties.

After this, the shift manager briefs the staff, during which:

Indicates to each person what special attention needs to be paid when receiving, carrying and turning over a shift;

Introduces personnel to switched on and off equipment and heat consumers;

Draws attention to malfunctions and malfunctions in the operation of equipment;

Reminds you of the need to follow safety rules and measures and fire safety and etc.

After briefing, the personnel takes over the shift at their posts and reports to the shift supervisor about the condition and malfunctions of the equipment within their workplace.

The operator (driver, fireman) taking over duty must:

Obtain from the operator being replaced information about the operation of the equipment, operating modes, operational problems, assignments for the shift and comments from management;

Check the availability of water and fuel supplies;

Find out the condition of the heating surfaces of the boiler and economizer, lining, combustion devices, auxiliary equipment, instrumentation and get acquainted with their readings;

Check the functionality of automatic control, security and alarm systems;

Specify the time of the last purge and the time of the next purge;

Check by touch for tightness of purge valves, bleed valves and check valves;

Make sure there are no gas leaks and the position of shut-off and control valves on the gas pipeline at boilers, etc.

The shift manager, in turn, gets acquainted with the condition, diagram and operating mode of the boiler room equipment, with all entries in the shift log, and receives information about the operation of the boiler room from the shift manager being replaced. The shift supervisor, having received the report, signs for acceptance of the shift in the shift log.

It is prohibited to accept or hand over shifts during the period of liquidation of an accident, fire, or during critical switching operations.

Technical documentation of the boiler room.

Technical documentation includes:

Technical data sheets for boilers and pressure vessels (continuous blowdown expander and heat exchangers), forms for auxiliary equipment, drawings, descriptions and instructions of manufacturers of boilers and auxiliary equipment and structures;

Executive technological diagrams of boiler room systems (supply and network pipelines, steam pipelines, blowdowns and drainages, fire pipelines, electrical cables and connections, automation, etc.), acts and protocols for installation, testing and commissioning;

Technical (production) instructions for maintenance, scheduled preventive inspections (PPO) and repairs (RPR) of boilers and auxiliary equipment;

Job descriptions;

Instructions for safety and fire safety;

Instructions for using the gas analyzer;

Regime maps, load (heat supply) schedules;

Shift magazine;

Repair log;

Journal on instrumentation and automation;

Journal of water treatment;

Logbook for conducting briefings;

Logbook for periodic inspections and control tests of protective equipment;

Emergency training log and schedule;

Emergency containment and response plan;

Journal of the controlling persons of the enterprise;

Logbook for inspecting the route of external gas pipelines and route map;

List of works with increased danger.

Forms and drawings, technological diagrams, factory and project documentation are transferred by installation, construction and commissioning organizations to the boiler room personnel upon commissioning. Instructions are developed by boiler house management personnel based on documentation manufacturing plants and standard instructions.

The shift log is used to record data on the operation of boilers and auxiliary equipment, switching and switching operations, malfunctions and accidents, received orders, inspections and repairs. (Details of repairs are recorded in the repair log). In particular, in accordance with the Rules, the shift log must reflect: the start time of firing and stopping the boiler, inspection of the boiler before accepting a shift, purging of the boiler, checking the serviceability of boiler pressure gauges and water indicating devices, safety valves and feed pumps.

A repair log is kept for each boiler, into which the Responsible Person enters information about the work performed. repair work ah, the materials used, the welder and welding, about stopping boilers for cleaning or flushing. Replacement of pipes and beading of pipe connections with drums and manifolds are noted on the pipe layout diagram attached to the magazine. Also, the repair log reflects the results of the inspection of the boiler before cleaning, indicating the thickness of scale and sludge and all defects identified during the repair period.

Information about repair work that necessitates an early inspection of the boiler, as well as repair work to replace boiler elements using welding or rolling, is recorded in the repair log and entered into the boiler passport.

Replacement and repair magazines must be numbered, laced and sealed.

Basic rules for boiler maintenance

The operation of boilers must ensure reliable and economical production of steam or hot water required parameters and safe working conditions for maintenance personnel. To achieve these requirements, the operation of boilers must be carried out in strict accordance with the current rules, regulations and guidelines, in particular in accordance with the “Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers”, “Safety rules in the gas industry” of Rostechnadzor, “Rules technical operation heat-using installations and heating networks”, etc.

Based on these rules, job and technological instructions for equipment maintenance, repair, safety precautions, accident prevention and elimination, etc. are drawn up for each boiler installation.

For equipment, executive, operational and technological pipeline diagrams for various purposes and electrical connection diagrams, technical passports must be drawn up.

Knowledge of the instructions, operating schedules of the boiler and the above materials is mandatory for maintenance personnel, and only under this condition can they be allowed to work. Personnel knowledge must be systematically tested.

Responsibility for the good condition and safe operation of boilers is assigned by order of the enterprise to the head of the boiler room, and if there is no head on the boiler room staff, to the engineering and technical worker performing the functions of the head of the boiler room.

Those responsible for the good condition and safe operation of boilers must have a special thermal engineering education, otherwise special training and certification by a commission with the participation of an inspector from Rostechnadzor are required.

Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, are trained, certified and have a certificate for the right to service boilers are allowed to service boilers.

Training and certification of boiler room operators should be carried out in vocational schools, training centers or special courses based on standard programs agreed with Rostechnadzor. Certification of boiler operators is carried out by a commission with the participation of an inspector from Rostechnadzor.

The operation of boilers is carried out according to production tasks drawn up according to plans and schedules for the production of thermal energy, fuel consumption, and electricity consumption for own needs. An operational journal must be kept, in which orders of managers and records of duty personnel on the operation of the equipment are entered, as well as a repair book in which information about noticed equipment defects and measures to eliminate them is recorded. Primary reporting must be maintained, consisting of daily reports on the operation of units and records of recording devices, and secondary reporting, including generalized data on boilers for a certain period. Each boiler is assigned its own number, all communications are painted in a certain conventional color. Installation of boilers indoors must comply with Rostechnadzor rules, safety requirements, sanitary and technical standards, fire safety requirements, etc.

The operation of the boiler can be divided into periods: preparation and commissioning; maintenance during operation; stopping a running boiler unit; maintenance inoperative; boiler repair. During repairs, the boiler unit is under the control of repair personnel; during all other periods, it is under the control of duty personnel.

Preparation and commissioning. The procedure for starting and stopping the boiler is established by the corresponding instructions. Before kindling, its external inspection is carried out in order to establish the serviceability of all equipment elements and readiness for start-up. In particular, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the gas and fuel oil equipment systems of the furnace, heating surfaces, lining, smoke exhausters and fans, pumps, fittings, automation system accessories, etc. After installation or overhaul Alkalinization and washing of heating surfaces must be carried out. Before filling the boiler with water, all air devices must be open, and all purge and drain devices must be closed. The steam boiler is filled with nutrient deaerated water with a temperature at the beginning of filling of 60-70 °C and at the end - no higher than 100 °C.

Uneven heating of the boiler drum when quickly filling it with hot water can cause dangerous temperature stresses inside its walls.

In order to avoid the occurrence of large internal stresses in the metal of the drum, filling the boiler with water should be carried out for medium-pressure boilers for 1 - 1.5 hours, and for high-pressure boilers - 1.5-2.5 hours. Filling the boiler with water is carried out to the lowest level of the water indicator glass, since at the beginning of evaporation its level will increase.

Before lighting the boiler, the boiler flues are ventilated for 10-15 minutes due to natural draft or activation of the smoke exhauster.

After filling the boiler with water, ventilating the gas ducts and purging the gas pipelines, ignition is carried out gas burners. At the same time, the tightness of the boiler is monitored based on the water level in the water indicator glass. As the boiler warms up and the pressure in it increases, steam will begin to escape from the vents and safety valves, after which they should be closed.

Purge of water indicating devices is carried out at a pressure of 0.05-0.1 MPa.

If there is a bypass flue, combustion products are passed past the economizer during the heating period to avoid condensation. For the same purposes, if there are air heaters, fans must be turned on when the temperature of the combustion products behind it is at least 120 ° C or air must be passed in addition to it.

The combustion chamber must be heated evenly, for which several burners or nozzles must be turned on simultaneously symmetrically. Lighting of a medium pressure drum boiler should be carried out within 2-4 hours, high pressure - 4-5 hours. Turning on the boiler, if it operates on a common medium pressure steam line, should be done at a pressure of 0.05-0.1 MPa, and high pressure at 0.2-0.3 MPa less than in a common steam pipeline.

Maintenance during operation. The boiler operating mode must be maintained by the personnel according to the regime map, which indicates the recommended technological and economic indicators of its operation at various loads: pressure and temperature of steam and feed water, content in the flue gases, temperature of the flue gases and vacuum in the furnace, excess air coefficient in firebox, etc.

Observed deviations from recommended modes should be eliminated by an automation system or by personnel influencing regulatory bodies using devices remote control or directly at the installation site of the control device. The heating output of the installation must be adjusted in such a way as to ensure normal operation of the furnace, excluding chemical underburning and thermal distortion, as well as excessively large excess air.

The steam temperature can be adjusted within certain limits by changing the position of the torch in the furnace or the excess air ratio. External contamination of heating surfaces is eliminated using existing devices according to a developed schedule. The state of contamination of heating surfaces is checked by the temperature of the flue gases and the aerodynamic resistance of the gas path.

It is necessary to monitor the serviceability of all equipment and check the proper operation of pressure gauges, safety valves and water indicating devices in a timely manner.

When operating boiler shop equipment, the serviceability of all installed feed pumps is systematically checked for boilers with a pressure of up to 1.4 MPa (each pump is put into operation for a short time at least once per shift), and for boilers with high pressure - within the time limits specified in the production instructions , but at least once a day. During a test run of the pumps, they check the pressure they create, the absence of leaks through leaks, the heating of the bearings, the amplitude of vibration, and the serviceability of the pump drive (electric motor, turbine, steam engine).

Operating personnel are obliged to systematically monitor the accuracy of the readings of control and measuring instruments. Boiler operators check pressure gauges at least once per shift using three-way valves or replacement valves by setting the pressure gauge needle to zero. Technical staff The boiler shop checks the working pressure gauges at least once every six months by comparing their readings with the control pressure gauge. The inspection is recorded in a journal entry. At least once every 12 months, pressure gauges are checked in the manner prescribed by Rostekhregulirovanie.

Checking water level indicators is carried out by blowing them at least once per shift.

The serviceability of safety valves is checked by short-term forced opening by “blasting” at least once per shift.

Boiler stop. The boiler is stopped in accordance with the instructions and is carried out approximately in the following order. Turn off the gas supply to the burners or fuel oil to the nozzles. After the combustion in the furnace stops, the boiler is disconnected from the steam line and the superheater purge is opened for 40-50 minutes and the boiler is slowly cooled down for 4-6 hours, after which the flues are ventilated using natural draft and the boiler is purged. 8-10 hours after stopping, the blowing is repeated and, if necessary, to speed up the cooling, a smoke exhauster is started. After 18-24 hours, at a water temperature in the boiler of 70-80 °C, water is slowly drained from the boiler.

In case of violation normal operation boiler due to a malfunction that could cause an accident, and in the event of an accident, the boiler must be stopped immediately. The sequence of operations during an emergency shutdown of the boiler remains the same as during a planned shutdown. The emergency stop procedure must be specified in production instructions. The reasons for the emergency shutdown of the boiler must be recorded in the shift log.

The boiler safety automation system must provide alarm and protection (fuel cut-off) in the following cases:

  • - change in gas pressure above and below the permissible level;
  • - reduction of fuel oil pressure below the permissible level;
  • - reducing the vacuum in the furnace below the permissible level;
  • - extinguishing of the torch in the firebox;
  • - reduction of air pressure at the burner inlet below the permissible level;
  • - excess pressure in the drum is higher than permissible;
  • - reduction of the water level in the upper drum below the permissible level;
  • - reduction of water flow through the hot water boiler below the permissible level;
  • - reduction of water pressure in the hot water boiler circuit below the permissible level;
  • - increasing the water temperature at the outlet of the hot water boiler to a value 20 °C below the saturation temperature corresponding to the operating water pressure in the outlet manifold.

The boiler must be stopped immediately in case of other violations listed in the operating instructions, in particular when:

  • - fault detection safety valve, at which it is inoperative;
  • - cessation of operation of all feed pumps or malfunction of the feed line, in which feed water does not flow into the boiler;
  • - termination of all direct action water level indicators;
  • - rupture of screen or boiler pipes;
  • - ignition of soot in flues or economizer;
  • - the occurrence of strong hydraulic shocks or large vibrations of the boiler;
  • - loss of voltage on all control and measuring instruments, remote and automatic control;
  • - the occurrence of a fire in the boiler room that threatens service personnel or boiler;
  • - explosion in the combustion chamber or gas ducts;
  • - detection of a malfunction in the safety or alarm systems.

In these cases, the boiler must be stopped quickly in the following order: stop the supply of fuel and air to the furnace, after combustion stops, open the superheater purge a little and disconnect the boiler from the steam line, then close the boiler continuous purge valve.

A rupture of screen or boiler pipes manifests itself as follows:

  • - the noise of the steam-water mixture flowing out in the firebox or flue is heard;
  • - there is an emission of flame, combustion products and steam through the combustion openings, leakage of hatches, peepholes;
  • - the level in the direct-acting water level indicator decreases and the pressure in the boiler drops.

In this case it is necessary:

  • - stop the fuel supply, stop the blower fan, disconnect the boiler from the steam line;
  • - if the level in the water level indicators remains visible, increase the water supply to the boiler (start the backup feed pump, turn off the power supply and switch to manual control), close the continuous blowdown valve; if the water level in the direct action indicator is not established and continues to fall, stop power supply, stop the smoke exhauster after steaming in the firebox or flue stops.

In case of slight damage to the boiling pipe, screens or superheating pipe (fistula), provided that the normal water level is maintained, short-term operation of the boiler at reduced loads and pressure in the boiler is allowed, with the permission of the boiler room manager.

When the water level in the boiler slowly decreases to the lower level mark and normal pressure in the boiler and feed line it is necessary:

  • - check the tightness of closing of all boiler purge valves, close the continuous purge valve;
  • - check through the peepholes and bottom hatches that there are no leaks in the boiler.

If the level further decreases to the lower limit level, stop the boiler emergencyly.

Do not stop feeding the boiler; the boiler can be lit only after the water level has risen to average, identifying and eliminating the causes of the drop in level.

If the water in the direct-acting level indicator disappears behind the lower edge, and this was not noticed by the personnel, it is necessary to immediately turn off the fuel, stop supplying the boiler with water, close the main steam shut-off valve, stop continuous blowing, stop the draft machines, slightly open the superheater purge.

When the water level in the boiler increases and it approaches the upper level mark and normal pressure in the boiler and feed line, it is necessary:

  • - check the serviceability of the power regulator (it must be in the closed position);
  • - open the purge valves of the lower drum, monitor the water level and, after it has dropped to medium, close the valves;
  • - find out the reason for the increase in level and eliminate it.

When soot ignites in the flue ducts or the tail section of the boiler

(economizer, air heater) the temperature of the flue gases increases sharply, smoke and flames may appear through leaks in hatches, manholes and flue duct connections.

In this case it is necessary:

Stop the fuel supply, increase the steam supply through the nozzle as much as possible, stop the smoke exhauster and blower fan, close their guide vanes to stop the access of air to the source of fire, fill the flues with steam from the blower.

If there is no steam blowing (boilers and economizers are equipped with gas-pulse cleaning), it is necessary to provide a steam hose in the boiler room connected to a steam line fitting with a shut-off valve to allow steam to be supplied through a peephole or hatch.

If it is necessary to shut down the boiler for a long period (more than 10 days), it must be protected from corrosion. Mainly used following methods protection: “dry” method, in which the absence of moisture in the air filling them is maintained inside the drum and heating surfaces using special desiccant agents, and “wet”, in which the boiler is filled with an alkaline solution prepared on the basis of feed water, “ overpressure", in which, due to the supply of steam from other boilers or periodic heating by burning fuel, the pressure in the boiler is maintained above atmospheric pressure, which prevents air from entering it.

Boiler repair. During operation, uneven wear of the elements and parts of the boiler occurs, as a result of which it is necessary to systematically carry out its repairs: major repairs, as a rule, every 3-4 years, routine repairs - every 2-3 years. As equipment improves and operates, the time between repairs increases.

The main tasks when repairing a boiler and its auxiliary equipment are: eliminating the causes of accidents or malfunctions; replacing worn out or restoring damaged parts; carrying out measures to improve the reliability and efficiency of the unit and increase the service life of parts and mechanisms. All repair work must be carried out in accordance with special instructions and instructions.

Everything must be completed before repairs preparatory work and, in particular, detailed lists of defects identified as a result of external and internal inspections of equipment were compiled, and a network work schedule was developed.

A repair log must be kept for each boiler, which contains information about the repair work performed, the materials used, welding and welders, and about stopping the boilers for cleaning and washing. Replacement of pipes, rivets and beading of connections of pipes with drums and manifolds must be noted on the pipe (rivet) arrangement diagram attached to the repair log. The repair log also reflects the results of the inspection of the boiler before cleaning, indicating the thickness of scale and sludge deposits and all defects identified during the repair period.

Before starting work inside a boiler drum or manifold connected to other operating boilers by pipelines, as well as before internal inspection or repair of pressure elements, the boiler must be disconnected from all pipelines with plugs if flanged fittings are installed on them. If the valves are flangeless, the boiler must be turned off by two shut-off devices if there is a drainage device diameter conditional passage not less than 32 mm, having direct communication with the atmosphere. Drives of gate valves, as well as valves of open drains and lines for emergency drainage of water from the drum must be locked so as to prevent their tightness from weakening when the lock is locked. The thickness of the plugs used to shut off boilers is set based on strength calculations. The plug must have a protruding part (shank), by which its presence is determined.

Boiler supervision in order to prevent accidents, it is carried out by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia through their technical examination within the established time frame. There are three types of technical inspection: external inspection, internal inspection and hydraulic test. External inspection is carried out by inspectors without stopping the boiler at least once every four years. During an external inspection, the general condition of the unit and the room in which it is installed are examined, attention is paid to the condition of the lining, firebox, steam pipelines, fittings, etc. The staff’s knowledge of the rules of technical operation and instructions is monitored. Internal inspection is carried out at least once every 4 years. Except general condition equipment and its operation, check the condition of the drum walls and heating surfaces, the density of gas ducts, etc., while using non-destructive testing methods. A hydraulic test of the boiler is carried out once every 8 years to check the strength of the boiler elements and the tightness of the connections.

Before the hydraulic test, an internal inspection of the boiler is carried out and all seams of drums, manifolds, fittings, flanges, etc. are removed from insulation.

The results of the boiler inspection are recorded in its passport, which must contain a description of the installation, drawings, factory reports, test results and plant data on its main elements. If the installation’s condition is unsatisfactory, the Rostekhnadzor inspector has the right to prohibit its further operation.

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3.1. Initial start-up (after installation or major repairs)
3.1.1. It is prohibited to put the equipment into operation:
- with unfinished work on its installation and repair; .
- with non-included measuring instruments, technological protections and interlocks provided for in Section 2.4.
3.1.2. For each newly launched boiler installation, a start-up program must be drawn up, which must include the requirements for water safety, indicating the persons responsible for carrying out the measures according to clause 3.1.5.
3.1.3. Start-up of the boiler installation must be carried out under the supervision of responsible person, having experience working with this fuel, appointed by the head of the enterprise.
3.1.4. Personnel who have undergone special training and knowledge testing in accordance with the current “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry”, “Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Boilers”, “Guidelines for organizing work with personnel at power plants” must be allowed to start and operate the boiler installation. enterprises
and organizations", as well as testing knowledge of operating instructions and these Rules.
3.1.5. Fuel should be supplied to a newly installed or repaired boiler pipeline only after the tightness of the closure of the shut-off devices on the fuel supplies to the burners and ignition devices has been checked and the correctness
operation of measuring instruments, interlocks, protections and remote control of valves.
3.1.6. When starting a gas boiler installation, the following must be installed: plugs must be placed on all fittings connecting the boiler gas pipeline with the purge air or inert gas supplies.
When starting a boiler using fuel oil, plugs must be placed between the two valves on the steam supply line to the fuel oil pipeline, and the valve on the steam supply line for purge of nozzles must be tightly closed.
Discharge of gas and fuel oil into an idle furnace is not allowed.

3.2. Start-up of the boiler plant
3.2.I. Before lighting the boiler, it is necessary to carry out a pre-start check of the tightness of the closure of the shut-off organs with pepper burners in accordance with the operating instructions.
It is prohibited to ignite gas released through purge plugs.
3.2.2. Before starting the boiler, it is necessary to ensure gas (fuel oil), air and draft pressure in accordance with the requirements of the operating instructions. The temperature of the fuel oil in front of mechanical and steam-mechanical nozzles must correspond to a viscosity of no more than 2.5°VV, in front of steam and rotary nozzles - no more than 6°VV.
3.2.3. Before lighting the boiler, it is necessary to ventilate the firebox, gas ducts (including recirculation ones), the “warm box”, as well as air ducts by turning on the smoke exhauster and fan or the blower and recirculation smoke exhausters. Ventilation must last for at least 10 minutes at an air flow rate of at least 25% of the rated load. The maximum duration of ventilation is taken in accordance with the current “Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks”.
3.2.4. If during ignition in the pilot burner (nozzle) the fuel does not ignite, it is necessary to immediately close the fuel supply to the boiler and all pilot burners, extinguish the ignition devices and ventilate the burners, furnace and flues for at least 10 minutes at an air flow rate of at least 25% of the nominal loads.
After eliminating the cause of non-ignition, you can begin re-ignition.
3.2.5. If during the process of lighting the boiler with the pilot burners running (see section 2.3.10.) one of the other burners does not light up or goes out, you need to close the fuel supply to this burner, turn off the ignition device, eliminate the cause of the burner going out and, after blowing it with air, start re-ignition.
3.2.6. In the event of a complete break in the torch in the furnace (the firebox goes out), the fuel supply to the boiler must be immediately stopped and the pilot lights must be turned off. Only after eliminating the causes of the extinguishing and performing the operations according to clause 3.2.3 can you begin to kindle.
3.2.7. It is allowed to extinguish the ignition devices of working burners after the combustion in the firebox becomes stable.
3.3. Normal operation of the boiler system
3.3.1. During operation of the boiler, it is necessary to monitor:
- maintaining the combustion regime in accordance with the regime map, did not allow the furnace to operate with chemical incomplete combustion of fuel;
- fuel pressure after the control valve, not allowing it to deviate from the limits specified in the regime map;
- the temperature of the fuel oil in front of the nozzles, not allowing it to decrease below the values ​​determined in accordance with the instructions of paragraph 3.2.2;
- a torch, especially when switching from one type of fuel to another, preventing it from going out. In case of extinction, act in accordance with the requirements of clause 3.2.6.
3.3.2. Cleaning the heating surfaces of an operating boiler unit must be carried out in accordance with the operating instructions.
3.3.3. Inspection of gas pipelines and fuel oil pipelines of boilers must be carried out regularly according to an approved schedule. The inspection periods are established in accordance with the current “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry” and “Rules for the Technical Operation of Electrical Stations and Networks”.
3.3.4. At least once a shift, an external inspection of operating injectors should be carried out, and if necessary, they should be replaced.
3.4. Boiler plant shutdown
3.4.1. When stopping the boiler, it is necessary to stop the fuel supply to the burners, make sure that the fuel supply to the burners is stopped, ventilate the firebox and flues for at least 10 minutes, then turn off the blower fans, and then the smoke exhausters.
3.4.2. When extinguishing burners operating on fuel oil, immediately after stopping the supply of fuel oil, the nozzles should be purged with steam.
3.4.3. Make sure that the shut-off valves on the fuel supply to the boiler and burners are completely closed and that fuel does not enter the extinguished firebox through the burners or ignition devices.
3.4.4. When the boiler gas pipeline is disconnected, open the purge candles and “safety” candles.
3.5. Emergency condition
3.5.1. According to the fire safety conditions, the boiler must be immediately stopped by technological protection or personnel in the following cases:
) extinguishing of the torch in the firebox;
b) an unacceptable decrease in gas or fuel oil pressure behind the control valve (when the boiler is operating on one of these types of fuel);
c) simultaneous reduction of gas and fuel oil pressure (when they are burned together) behind control valves below the limits established by the operating instructions;
d) turning off all smoke exhausters or blower fans or all regenerative air heaters;
e) explosion in the furnace, explosion or ignition of flammable deposits in gas ducts, red-hot heating of the load-bearing beams of the frame during the collapse of the lining, as well as other damage that threatens personnel or equipment;
f) a fire that threatens personnel or equipment, as well as the remote control circuits of the shutdown valves included in the boiler protection circuit;
g) loss of voltage on remote and
automatic control and on all measuring instruments;
h) in cases provided for in the operating instructions.
3.5.2. In the event of an emergency shutdown of the boiler, it is necessary to stop the fuel supply by closing the high-speed and other shut-off devices on the gas pipeline and fuel oil pipelines and open the purge candles and “safety” candles on the disconnected gas pipeline.
3.5.3. If a gas pipeline or fuel oil pipeline ruptures, the damaged section must be immediately disconnected and, if necessary, the boiler(s) must be stopped.
3.5.4. If a working nozzle comes off, the supply of fuel oil to the nozzle must be stopped immediately.
3.5.5. In the event of a fire in the boiler room, it is necessary to turn off the gas pipeline (fuel oil pipeline) in the threatened area, immediately call the fire department and begin extinguishing the fire.
3.5.6. If a fire occurs in a regenerative air heater, the boiler must be stopped immediately and all fire extinguishing means must be put into operation.
3.6. Boiler installation inspection and repair
3. 6.1. Internal inspection, cleaning and repair of the boiler are permitted only with written permission from the workshop management (by appointment) and in compliance with the relevant safety regulations. Gas-hazardous work must be carried out in accordance with the current “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry”.
3.6.2. Internal inspection and repair of the boiler installation is permitted subject to the following safety measures:
a) the boiler fuel line and its outlets to the burners must be cleared of fuel oil by blowing steam into the emptying line.
b) the boiler fuel oil pipeline must be disconnected from all fuel oil (pressure, circulation and drainage) mains of the boiler room and from all blowdown lines by plugs;
c) the gas pipelines of the boiler, all its outlets to the burners and drains must be completely freed from gas by purging compressed air and are disconnected from all lines by plugs; purge plugs
and the "safety" spark plugs must be completely open;
d) ignition and kindling devices must be disconnected from the fuel supply pipelines using plugs;
e) the firebox, flues and “warm box” must be ventilated for at least 10 minutes and a sample taken in the upper part of the firebox to determine the absence of gas.
3.6.3. The section of the boiler gas pipeline that is not under pressure and is turned off only by shut-off valves should be considered filled with an explosive gas-air mixture.
3.6.4. Hot work on boiler plants (in the boiler room must be carried out along with in accordance with the current “Fire Safety Rules for Welding and Other Work at National Economy Facilities” and “Safety Rules for the Operation of Thermal Power Equipment of Power Plants”, provided:
a) written permission from the head of the workshop (or the person replacing him), agreed upon with the fire department of the facility;
b) providing hot work sites with the necessary fire extinguishing equipment;
c) appointment of a person responsible for hot work:
d) ensuring control over the fire safety condition of the site after completion welding work within 5 hours
3.6.5. After completing the repair work, you must make sure that there are no forgotten objects inside the boiler flue that could catch fire or smolder.
3.6.6. Gas and fuel oil equipment of the boiler plant after repair must be accepted in the manner established by the “Rules for the Technical Operation of Electric Power Plants and Networks” with the drawing up of a corresponding act.
3.7. General rules service
3.7.1. Gas pipelines and fuel oil pipelines of a boiler plant must be subjected to scheduled preventive maintenance in accordance with the “Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks” within the time limits provided for by the schedule approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise.
3.7.2. Do not check for gas leaks using an open flame.
3.7.3. It is prohibited to remove condensate from the gas pipeline into the general drainage or sewer network. Condensate from the gas pipeline should be discharged only into a special container designed to receive and store flammable liquids.
3.7.4. Fuel oil spilled in the boiler room must be cleaned up immediately.
3.7.5. The gas content in the air of all boiler room rooms with a gas supply must be monitored regularly in accordance with the operating instructions according to the approved schedule. Monitoring of gas contamination in the room should also be carried out before starting hot work. The results of measuring the gas content must be recorded in a special journal.
3.7.6. When content is detected natural gas in the air whiter than 0.1% by volume, it is necessary to immediately increase the ventilation of the premises, identify and eliminate the cause of the gas contamination.
3.7.7. Analysis of the gas content in the air should be carried out using gas analyzers in explosion-proof version.
3.7.8. It is necessary to keep primary fire extinguishing equipment in order and in constant readiness: fire extinguishers, boxes with sand and shovels, fire hydrants, etc.
Their permanent locations must be established in accordance with the current “Model Rules” of fire safety for industrial enterprises.”