Sowing calendar for June according to zodiac signs. The lunar planting calendar for June will help the summer resident plan his work schedule

Start summer period This is the period for sowing. In June it is very important to plant in open ground seedlings that have grown in the spring and do not forget about landscaping the garden plot.

In addition to the fact that during this period the fight against pests begins, which are main reason significant damage to the future harvest, we must also not forget about the vagaries of the weather itself. Particular attention should be paid to black currants. Black spots may appear on the leaves of the bush, which means that the bush is starting to hurt and needs to be treated. If at this time of year the weather outside is dry and there is little rainfall, then aphids may appear on tree leaves or trunks.

At the beginning of the first half of June, you can sow carrots and black radishes; grown seedlings of cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, pumpkins, and beets are planted in open ground. Among the flowers in the first ten days of June, dahlias, gladioli and annual flowers grow well.

From June 1 to June 5, the rising moon stage. During this period, it is necessary to prepare the seedlings for planting in open ground; you can only water the seedlings warm water. Start fertilizing the land with mineral fertilizers, hilling the beds, uprooting weeds and diseased plants that will interfere with the growth of your crop. Favorable period for planting strawberries.

From June 6 to 7, the queen of the night is in a waning stage; these days are favorable for planting potatoes and planting tomato seedlings in open ground. Also during this period you can plant fruit and ornamental trees.

On June 8, the night light will continue to wane; it is best to postpone sowing work. This day is best for picking raspberries. By shortening the tops of the raspberries, we get a bouquet due to the awakening buds that produce new fruits.

On June 9, you can sow root crops and bulbous plants, and also start replanting homemade needles, but this must be done with caution so as not to harm the weak root system.

June 10 is a favorable period for planting potatoes, carrots, radishes and onions. You can also plant young shoots of trees and shrubs.

Boarding days in June 2018: dates from June 11 to June 15

From June 12 to June 14, there is a new moon period, it adversely affects root system plants, you should give up all earthworks on a personal plot.

On June 15, the night star enters the growth phase; on this day it is recommended to plant seedlings of peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, and cabbage. You also need to start planting annual flowers and feed them with organic fertilizers, and fight pests.

Boarding days in June 2018: dates from June 16 to June 30

June 16 and 17 - the moon is in its growth phase, you need to start caring for the plants: weeding, watering and feeding.

From June 18 to June 20 - you should plant: hot peppers, cucumbers and spices. During this period, it is necessary to work on the prevention of plant diseases.

From June 21 to 22 - during the days of the waxing moon, you should plant: sweet varieties of peppers, tomatoes, white cabbage seedlings in open ground. Preference should be given to planting cauliflower, peas, sorrel, onions and late potatoes.

June 23 and 24 is the time to transplant plants and sow the following vegetable crops in the soil: eggplants, zucchini, Bell pepper, White cabbage, corn, spinach. Feed plants after planting in the ground.

From June 25 to June 27 is a suitable period for processing plants and beds: thin out, replant, pinching (removing excess stems) of tomatoes.

June 28 - the full moon is coming, on this day you should not make any manipulations with the earth, you need to take a good rest from working on the site.

June 29 - the moon is waning again, you need to devote the day to feeding vegetables, weeding them and watering them. You can plant horseradish, onions, sorrel and rhubarb seedlings, and start planting herbs.

The hot summer is here. June month active work Location on. Sowing of vegetable crops in open ground, planting seedlings, and fertilizing continues.

It will come to the aid of gardeners and gardeners, because the moon affects all living organisms and plants.

In open ground you can sow early ripening varieties of tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, herbs - parsley, dill, salads.

Many shrubs take cuttings in June, and don’t forget to feed the fruit trees. The harvest of cherries, cherries and strawberries is carried out.

Favorable days according to the lunar calendar for planting seedlings, grafting and cuttings for June 2018

Fruit trees (planting seedlings) – 1-4, 10, 11, 15, 21, 22

Fruit trees (grafting) – 1, 2, 15

Grapes (planting seedlings) – 3-5, 10, 11, 15

Grapes (rooting cuttings, digging in shoots) – 1-4, 10, 11, 15, 18-22, 25, 26

Fruit bushes (planting seedlings) – 3-5, 10, 11, 15, 18-22

Pest control on site – 3-7, 9-11, 21-25

The gardener's sowing calendar for May 2018 indicates Moscow time.

Work on caring for plants should be carried out in favorable days, which are summarized in the table.

Lunar sowing calendar for June 2018: table for gardeners, gardeners

Moon in Zodiac sign
Moon phase
Recommended work in the garden and vegetable garden
June 1, 2018, Fri
Moon in Capricorn
Waning moon

June 2, 2018, Sat
Moon in Capricorn
Waning moon
Replanting flowers is not recommended. The time is favorable for planting potatoes, radishes, rutabaga, and turnips. Loosening, fertilizing, pruning and grafting trees
June 3, 2018, Sun
Moon in Aquarius
Waning moon

June 4, 2018, Mon
Moon in Aquarius
Waning moon
Sowing and planting are not recommended. It is recommended to collect grains and root crops, mow, spray and fumigate, trim trees and bushes, pinching, weeding
June 5, 2018, Tue
Moon in Pisces
Waning moon

June 6, 2018, Wed
Moon in Pisces
Last quarter
It is recommended to plant celery, radishes, bulbs, grafting trees and berry bushes. Preparation of jams and pickles. Excellent time for cultivation, watering and fertilizing
June 7, 2018, Thu
Moon in Pisces
Waning moon
It is recommended to plant celery, radishes, bulbs, grafting trees and berry bushes. Preparation of jams and pickles. Excellent time for cultivation, watering and fertilizing
June 8, 2018, Fri
Moon in Aries
Waning moon

9 June 2018, Sat
Moon in Aries
Waning moon
Sowing and planting are not recommended. It is recommended to prepare the soil for sowing, exterminate pests, weeding and mulching. Harvesting root crops, fruits, berries, medicinal and essential oil crops, drying vegetables and fruits
June 10, 2018, Sun
Moon in Taurus
Waning moon

June 11, 2018, Mon
Moon in Taurus
Waning moon
It is recommended to plant all root crops, tuberous and bulbous crops. Trimming trees and bushes. Fruits, berries and vegetables harvested at this time are suitable for creating winter reserves
June 12, 2018, Tue
Moon in Gemini
Waning moon
Planting and replanting herbaceous crops is not recommended. Removal of excess shoots, mowing, weeding, cultivation, and mulching are effective. Collection medicinal herbs, root vegetables, fruits and berries
June 13, 2018, Wed
Moon in Gemini
New moon

June 14, 2018, Thu
Moon in Cancer
Waxing Crescent

June 15, 2018, Fri
Moon in Cancer
Waxing Crescent
It is recommended to plant most crops: tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, melons, beans, squash, eggplants, zucchini
16 June 2018, Sat
Moon in Leo
Waxing Crescent

June 17, 2018, Sun
Moon in Leo
Waxing Crescent
Sowing and replanting garden crops is not recommended. It is recommended to plant shrubs and trees, collect and dry fruits and root crops. It is worth mowing to slow down the growth of grasses. The right moment for mulching, pest control, collecting sunflower seeds, harvesting medicinal herbs
June 18, 2018, Mon
Moon in Virgo
Waxing Crescent

June 19, 2018, Tue
Moon in Virgo
Waxing Crescent
It is not recommended to plant and replant vegetables, fruit trees, or plant seeds. They will take root well ornamental plants, not intended for fruiting, in particular honeysuckle, rose hips. It is recommended to plant climbing plants from flowers. Mowing will slow down the growth of grasses
June 20, 2018, Wed
Moon in Libra
First quarter

June 21, 2018, Thu
Moon in Libra
Waxing Crescent
It is recommended to plant flowers and store tubers and seeds for storage. It is also recommended to plant stone fruits fruit trees. Watering and haymaking are effective. It's a great time for cutting flowers, creating lawn ornaments, caring for indoor plants
June 22, 2018, Fri
Moon in Scorpio
Waxing Crescent
It is recommended to plant flowers and store tubers and seeds for storage. Planting stone fruit trees is also recommended. Watering and haymaking are effective. A great time to cut flowers, create lawn ornaments, and care for indoor plants
23 June 2018, Sat
Moon in Scorpio
Waxing Crescent

June 24, 2018, Sun
Moon in Scorpio
Waxing Crescent
It is recommended to plant most crops: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, pumpkins. It is not recommended to propagate plants by roots, collect herbs and plant trees. Grafting, fertilizing, watering, destroying pests, and loosening the soil are effective.
June 25, 2018, Mon
Moon in Sagittarius
Waxing Crescent

June 26, 2018, Tue
Moon in Sagittarius
Waxing Crescent
It is recommended to plant fast-growing crops: greens, onions, garlic, peppers, medicinal herbs - for seeds, as well as strawberries, spinach, rose hips, honeysuckle, plums. It is recommended to collect vegetables, fruits, berries and seeds, and cut flowers. House flowers planted on this day bloom faster
June 27, 2018, Wed
Moon in Capricorn
Waxing Crescent
It is recommended to plant fast-growing crops: greens, onions, garlic, peppers, medicinal herbs - for seeds, as well as strawberries, spinach, rose hips, honeysuckle, plums. It is recommended to collect vegetables, fruits, berries and seeds, and cut flowers. House flowers planted on this day bloom faster
June 28, 2018, Thu
Moon in Capricorn
Full moon
Sowing and planting are not recommended
June 29, 2018, Fri
Moon in Capricorn
Waning moon
It is recommended to plant and replant trees and shrubs. Loosening, fertilizing, tree grafting, mowing
30 June 2018, Sat
Moon in Aquarius
Waning moon
Sowing and planting are not recommended. It is recommended to collect grains and root crops, mow, spray and fumigate, trim trees and bushes, pinching, weeding

Table: favorable days for sowing and planting vegetable crops according to the lunar calendar for June 2018

Vegetable crop
Sweet pepper
Zucchini, squash, pumpkin
Potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke
Carrots, beets
15, 16
Radish, radish, daikon
10, 12, 15
White and cauliflower cabbage
Onion turnip
Greens, salad
21, 25
Beans, peas, beans
Watermelon melon
3-7, 25

Favorable days for sowing flowers for June 2018

Annual flowers – 15, 16
Perennial from seeds – 12, 13, 15, 16, 18-20
Perennial flowers (dividing, replanting) – 15, 16
Bulbous and corm flowers (including for forcing) – 10-12, 15,16

Video - June - what to sow in June

With the onset of summer, the amount of work in the garden only increases, and landing days June in 2020 according to the lunar calendar and recommendations for each day will help you plan your affairs correctly. At the beginning of the first decade, you can sow late carrots, for winter storage, as well as black radish. In June, seedlings of cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, pumpkins, and beets are transplanted into open ground. From flowers, seedlings of dahlias, gladioli and annual flowers are transplanted.

Regarding other work in the garden at the dacha, you will need to fertilize raspberries, cucumbers, zucchini, and pumpkins. Pluck out onion and garlic arrows, hill up potatoes, remove weeds.

In the garden, keep an eye on blackcurrants - they may develop small orange spots or large swellings. Then you will need to treat it with Fitosporin or Zircon. If the weather is dry, aphids may appear on the trees. Here you will need to spray them with the “Healthy Garden” preparation.

In wet weather, strawberries and raspberries can contract gray rot.

Don’t forget that spider mites appear on cucumbers and black currants in June.

At the beginning of the month, a weevil may crawl onto the raspberries and strawberries, then spray the raspberries with phytofarm.

Boarding days

These June days will be good for replanting and planting the following garden crops:

Unfavorable days in June for replanting and planting

  • 13th, 14th, 24th

Favorable days for working in the garden in June 2020

June 1st The waxing moon in the sign of Virgo. On this day it is good to control pests by spraying. Engage in weeding and thinning of seedlings.
2 June Rast.l. in zn. Virgo. Continue to spray the plants and control pests. Thin out the seedlings. Do some weeding. You can pinch and pincher vegetables.
June 3 Rast.l. in zn. Scales. Today you can only thin out the seedlings and cultivate the land.
June 4 Rast. moon in the sign of Libra. Today is a favorable day to transplant seedlings, as well as for thinning and removing weak and diseased plants. Sow tomatoes and cucumbers in open ground.
June 5 Rast. l. in sign. Scales. A good day for watering, replanting, as well as applying mineral fertilizers and grafting. A favorable day for planting strawberries and rooting mustaches.
June 6 Rast.l. in sign. Scorpion. Favorable planting days for potatoes and root crops. It is good to continue watering the plants, apply fertilizers, replant and weed.
June 7 Rast.l. in zn. Scorpion. Finish what you started earlier, don’t start new things - the day is unfavorable for this. Today, do not overwork, be attentive to your health. But today is a good day for planting bulbous flowers, as well as dividing the rhizomes of phlox, irises, peonies, etc. You can enter organic fertilizers, feed indoor bulbous flowers. Start sowing seeds of turnips, rutabaga, and root varieties of parsley. Plant onion and Jerusalem artichoke..
June 8 Rast.l. in the sign of Sagittarius. Nice day to work in the garden - remove basal shoots, engage in the formation of trees and shrubs. Today it is possible to fertilize, including by foliar feeding. Conduct plant pest control.
the 9th of June Full moon. In the sign of Sagittarius. Not a favorable day for planting or replanting plants. In the afternoon, you can sow the seeds of carrots, radishes, turnips, and radishes.
June 10th Waning moon in the sign of Sagittarius. Sow plants that grow quickly and do not need to be stored, but can be eaten right away - onions for feathers, lettuce. Today you can start thinning and weeding. As well as spraying and pest control. Today in the greenhouse it will be good to pinch and pincher vegetable crops.
June 11 Decreasing l. in zn. Capricorn. Unfavorable day for planting and sowing. But today you can do pest control, tillage, fertilizing and fertilizing.
12 June Desc.l. in zn. Capricorn. Today you can do plant replanting, thinning, and removing weak and diseased plants. A good day to feed plants in the garden and vegetable garden. Kill weeds. Control plant pests.
June 13 Desc. l. in zn. Aquarius. Start laying compost heaps, for this use plant residues - plant tops, old leaves. Fertilize and apply mineral fertilizers in the vegetable garden and garden. In the evening, water and feed indoor plants.
June 14 Desc. l. in zn. Aquarius. In the garden, thin out the seedlings and loosen the row spacing. Today, earth up the potatoes and water the weeds. Continue the fight against pests and plant diseases. In the garden, treat the plants, remove affected branches, shoots of fruit trees and shrubs. Plant herbs.
June 15 Desc. l. in the sign of Aquarius. A favorable day to start watering young plantings, berry bushes. Treat the trees, collect pests from them, remove bad branches.
June 16 Desc. l. in sign. Fish. Continue what you started in previous days. Don't start new things. This day is good for finishing what you started.
June 17 Desc. l. in zn. Fish. A very good day for processing plants and beds. These are replanting, thinning, pinching and pinching. seedlings.
June 18 Waning moon in sign. Aries. Engage in the formation of trees and shrubs. Remove root shoots. Spray plants and carry out other pest and disease control by treating with decoctions and infusions of herbs.
June 19 Desc. l. in zn. Aries. Unfavorable day for sowing and planting. But today you can start fighting pests and plant diseases, cultivating the land, fertilizing, applying fertilizers, and weeding.
June 20 Desc. l. in sign. Calf. Take care of your health. Reduce physical activity. Add wood ash to the soil for currants and gooseberries. And fertilize other shrubs.
21st of June Desc. l. in zn. Calf. Today, do not replant, do not sow, do not pick. But you can thin out, loosen, and remove weak and diseased plants.
22nd of June Desc. l. in zn. Twins. This day is considered unfavorable for health. Sow the seeds today herbs And medicinal plants. You can sow seeds of tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower. A good day for planting flowers - petunias, zinnias, marigolds. Fertilize and water. Avoid pruning and thinning.
June 23 Desc.l. in sign. Twins. The day is unfavorable for health. Today you can sow seeds of spicy and medicinal herbs. Sow seeds of tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower. Plant flowers - marigolds, petunia, zinnia. Fertilize and water the plants. Pruning and thinning cannot be done today.
June 24 New Moon. In the sign of Cancer. Today is a favorable day to sow tomatoes, cauliflower and broccoli. Plant some flowers. You can water the plants and feed them.
June 25 Growing L. in sign. Cancer. Unfavorable day for planting crops. You can fertilize flowers in open ground and feed indoor ones.
June 26 Growing L. in sign. A lion. Today you can: thin out, loosen, remove excess shoots. You can feed indoor flowers. Good day for posea climbing plants.
27th of June Rast. l. in sign. A lion. A suitable day for processing plants and beds: thin out, replant, pinch and pinion vegetable seedlings. Favorable day for planting. Before planting, you will need to apply fertilizer.
June 28 Rast. l. in sign. Virgo. Today, plant seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, and squash. A good day for transplanting, watering, fertilizing, and grafting.
June 29 Rast. l. in zn. Virgo. Water today and apply liquid fertilizer. Harvest fresh herbs and radishes. Take up home canning. Don't prune today.
30 June Rast. l. in zn. Scales. A good day to root strawberry tendrils. Hill up the potatoes. Start weeding and loosening the soil.
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In June, most vegetable crops grow intensively. Planting and sowing are mostly completed by the beginning of summer, and if not everything has been planted yet, it is advisable to do this before June 15th. The soil loses moisture very quickly, so the survival rate of plants sharply decreases.

The exception is radish, lettuce, dill and other crops that can be sown several times per season.

By the middle of the month, the sowing season ends, and the gardener’s everyday life begins: thinning, weeding, loosening, disease and pest control, watering, fertilizing. Select the most suitable days for various works The lunar calendar of the work of gardeners, gardeners and flower growers will help. A pleasant reward for your work will be the collection early vegetables and greenery.

Together with cultivated plants, weeds are also quickly gaining strength, and it is advisable to start fighting them as early as possible, before their roots have yet gained strength to fill the entire garden. Weeds must be removed before flowering to prevent self-seeding.

Weeds contribute to the spread of slugs throughout the garden, so weeding is an important component of pest control. Weeding should be done regularly throughout the season. Light loosening of the soil can replace the first weeding when the weeds have just appeared: this method allows you to destroy about 80% of the plants.

First of all, you need to get rid of weeds in the beds with carrots, dill, parsley, and onions. And vegetables such as pumpkin and zucchini can easily stand up for themselves and successfully compete with weeds; they can be weeded less often.

Weeded plants must be immediately placed in a compost heap so that the weeds rot as quickly as possible. Left on paths, many of them can take root and produce seeds.

If June is dry, the garden needs regular watering. First of all, plants with large leaves and a weak root system - cabbage and cucumbers - need it. Crops with weak roots and thin leaves - onions and garlic - are a little less demanding of moisture. Beets, potatoes and pumpkins have strong roots but large leaves, so they can tolerate mild drought. But tomatoes, peppers and eggplants evaporate little moisture through their leaves and have a strong root system, so they need least watering.

In June, potatoes and tomatoes must be sprayed against late blight - the entire future harvest may depend on this treatment.

Lunar calendar of work in the garden for June 2019

The calendar shows Moscow time.

Favorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting

Unfavorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting

June 1st 2019, Sat, Waning Moon in Taurus, IV quarter Root Days. Fertile day of the calendar. Carry out all planned sowing and planting of vegetables, especially root crops, as well as flowers. Plant the seedlings in open ground. Watering and organic fertilizing, weeding, collapsing and mulching of beds and tree and bush circles are favorable. You can start digging out the bulbous ones.
2 June 2019, Sun, New Moon day, Moon in Gemini from 14:44 Flower Days . Moon calendar does not recommend sowing, planting or replanting. Only possible simple work for caring for crops in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden, which will not injure the plants.
June 3 2019, Mon, New Moon at 13:00, Moon in Gemini
June 4 2019, Tue, New Moon day, Moon in Cancer from 19:16
June 5 2019, Wed, Waxing Moon in Cancer, 1st quarter Leaf days. The most fertile days of the calendar. Sowing and planting all planned crops, except tall plants. Sowing all types of legumes, cabbage, green, leafy, and medicinal plants is especially favorable. Repeated sowing of cucumber seedlings will yield a harvest before autumn frosts. High-rise in open ground with floral and vegetable seedlings. Plant propagation by layering, tendrils and green cuttings. Mineral and organic fertilizing, watering. Any types of plant care in greenhouses and open ground.
June 6 2019, Thu, Waxing Moon, 1st quarter, in Leo from 22:16
June 7 2019, Fri, Waxing Moon in Leo, 1st quarter Fruit Days. The gardener's calendar recommends taking a break from plants on these two days. You can organize the collection and preparation of above-ground parts of medicinal herbs, the collection of seeds of fruits and flowers, strawberries, wild strawberries, honeysuckle and other plants that have already ripened in your region. Planting tomatoes, pinching cucumbers. Cleaning up the area, laying compost and a new lawn.
June 8 2019, Sat, Waxing Moon in Leo, 1st quarter
the 9th of June 2019, Sun, Waxing Moon, 1st quarter, in Virgo from 0:45 Root Days. Moderately fertile days are suitable for sowing annual flowers and other ornamental crops, shrubs with a closed root system. You can sow spicy and medicinal plants. Transplanting and dividing perennials, replanting strawberry tendrils. Cuttings and pruning of decorative plants ornamental trees and shrubs after flowering. Standard care of plants in the garden and vegetable garden, soil cultivation, mulching with mowed grass. Collection and preparation of medicinal roots. Fruit picking is not recommended.
June 10th 2019, Mon, Waxing Moon in Virgo, 2nd quarter from 9:00 On the day when the Moon changes quarters, it is better not to disturb the plants and postpone sowing and planting. But if you need to do work in the garden today, then look at the previous day.
June 11 2019, Tue, Waxing Moon, 2nd quarter, in Libra from 3:30 Flower Days. A sign of average fertility. Libra will provide plants planted these days with tasty and aromatic fruits that will last a long time and produce excellent seeds. But don't expect a super harvest. It’s the same with ornamental crops - large beautiful flowers will be quite rare. Plants will tolerate transplantation well.
Sowing early ripening cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, leafy and climbing plants, carrots for winter storage, green manure. Planting clematis, roses, grapes.
Watering is not advisable these days. Cuttings of currants, gooseberries and ornamental shrubs. Spraying against diseases and pests. Planting and replanting container plants. Harvesting and processing of crops.
12 June 2019, Wed, Waxing Moon in Libra, 2nd quarter
June 13 2019, Thu, Waxing Moon, 2nd quarter, in Scorpio from 7:05 Leaf days. Scorpio is a very fertile sign, which will endow the planted plants with a powerful root system, strong stems, abundant and tasty fruits, suitable for food, seeds and storage. But try not to wound the plants, otherwise do not leave them open. Pruning is prohibited.
The lunar calendar recommends planting, sowing and planting all planned crops, including tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, melons, pumpkins, herbs, spices, and others. Plant biennials as seedlings. Good days for watering and fertilizing. You can lay a new lawn. Avoid using chemicals on summer cottage. You can continue work the next day until 12 o’clock, until the Earth’s satellite moves into Sagittarius.
14 June 2019, Fri, Waxing Moon in Scorpio, 2nd quarter
June 15 2019, Sat, Waxing Moon, 2nd quarter, in Sagittarius from 12:07 Days of Fruit. Infertile days, but favorable for plants planted on greenery. Plant spicy, green, medicinal and ornamental crops. You can carry out all types of plant care work both in open ground and in a greenhouse. Collecting seeds and harvest.
June 16 2019, Sun, Full Moon days, Moon in Sagittarius Root Days. On Full Moon days, working with plants is not recommended. Especially refrain from sowing, planting and transplanting. If necessary, water the plants, water the beds and trunk circles, treat your garden and vegetable garden against diseases and pests. Tie climbing plants and vines to trellises.
June 17 2019, Mon, Full moon at 11:32, Moon in Capricorn from 19:16
June 18 2019, Tue, Full Moon days, Moon in Capricorn
June 19 2019, Wed, Waning Moon in Capricorn, III quarter Root Days. Capricorn is an average sign in terms of fertility, but plants planted these days have a good root system and will produce seeds of excellent quality. The gardener's lunar calendar advises planting potatoes for late harvest and other root crops, and planting seedlings of vegetables and flowers in open ground. You can re-sow cucumbers as seedlings to get a late harvest in the greenhouse.
Dig up the bulbous flowers and store them. In the garden, flower garden and vegetable garden - watering, weeding, fertilizing, treating against pests. Refrain from replanting plants. Harvesting roots of medicinal plants.
June 20 2019, Thu, Waning Moon, III quarter, in Aquarius from 5:02 Flower Days. The days of Aquarius are barren. The plants grow frail and poorly adapted and produce almost no harvest. However, those crops that survive will be able to please breeders. Collection and preparation of above-ground parts of medicinal plants. Watering, thinning, weeding, fertilizing, hilling, mulching, loosening the soil. Mowing grass, cutting out overgrowth. Treatment of the garden and vegetable garden against diseases and pests, especially against ticks. Pinching cucumbers, pinching tomatoes.
On the 22nd, after 5 p.m., fertile time begins when the Earth's satellite moves into the sign of Pisces.
21st of June 2019, Fri, Waning Moon in Aquarius, III quarter
22nd of June 2019, Sat, Waning Moon, III quarter, in Pisces from 17:02
June 23 2019, Sun, Waning Moon in Pisces, III quarter Leaf days. Pisces is a fertile sign; plants will give you tasty and juicy fruits, but not suitable for storage or for seeds. Plant and sow all the planned crops that you plan to eat quickly, especially root vegetables, vegetables, nightshades, pumpkins, greens, peas, radishes. Refrain from watering and fertilizing plants. Especially on water sign days, the use of any chemicals is prohibited. It is not advisable to dig up bulbs, root crops, or collect underground parts of medicinal plants. Adding compost.
June 24 2019, Mon, Waning Moon in Pisces, III quarter
June 25 2019, Tue, Waning Moon, IV quarter from 12:48, in Aries from 5:36 Fruit Days. Aries is an infertile sign; you should not expect a harvest from planted plants. But good days for collecting, weeding, thinning seedlings, pruning stepsons, excess and weak shoots and overgrowth. Measures to combat pests in the garden and vegetable garden are favorable. Formative pruning of greenhouse crops, pinching. Mowing the lawn. Dig up the bulbs after flowering. In the days of Aries, the Lunar calendar advises harvesting and processing. If your honeysuckle, strawberries or other crops are ripe, the collected berries will be stored for a long time and are good for preparing for the winter.
June 26 2019, Wed, Waning Moon in Aries, IV quarter
27th of June 2019, Thu, Waning Moon, IV quarter, in Taurus from 16:28 The day is divided into 2 parts: until 16:28 - unfertile time, but good for harvesting and preparations. Then, when Taurus gains strength, we advise you to pay attention to the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden, focusing on the work plan for the next day.
June 28 2019, Fri, Waning Moon in Taurus, IV quarter Root Days. Very productive days of the moon sowing calendar. Especially good for short and stocky plants. The planted crops will give an excellent harvest that can be stored for a long time, but it will not be suitable for seeds. Planting and sowing of all types of root crops, vegetables, pumpkin, green, spicy, medicinal plants. Sowing radishes and carrots, planting late potatoes for winter storage. All types of work with plants in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden are favorable, just be careful with the roots. Planting container plants. Watering, organic fertilizing. Collection of root crops and roots of medicinal plants. Digging up flower bulbs for storage.
June 29 2019, Sat, Waning Moon in Taurus, IV quarter
30 June 2019, Sun, Waning Moon, IV quarter, in Gemini from 0:09 Flower Days. A sign of average fertility, suitable for planting strawberries, vines, hanging and climbing plants that require support. Formation and pinching of greenhouse crops - tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, pinching pumpkin vines. Weeding, thinning, disease and pest control. You can plant dill, parsley, and lettuce in the vacant space after digging up the bulbs.

My parents taught me to use the lunar calendar. IN Soviet time The harvest was not always successful, pests destroyed some of the fruit, and weed control turned into a serious challenge. In the 90s, my father began to bring a lot of literature on gardening and landscape design from Moscow.

From magazines and books I learned that there are days of the moon when you can plant crops and also take time to feed them. Banal weeding can become more effective if it is carried out in accordance with the phase of the planet.

Over time, I gained my own experience in growing vegetables and flowers. Assistant - lunar sowing calendar for June and other months helps to plan the time of agricultural work on a personal plot.

Even ancient people paid attention to the phases of the moon. Then they noticed the dependence of the ebb and flow of the tides on the position of the Earth’s satellite in the sky. Moreover, Christians determine the date of the Light Christ's Resurrection and others Orthodox holidays based on the lunar calendar.

  • I noticed that during the growth of the Moon, rapid growth of plants occurs.
  • During the full moon and new moon, I don’t carry out any drastic actions on my six hundred square meters.
  • But when the decline begins, I actively fight weeds in the garden.

Moon calendar indispensable assistant and in the first month of summer, when not all seedlings and crops have been planted on six acres, and the rest of the plants need care. This month I am carrying out the following types of work at the site:

  • sowing herbs and vegetables;
  • transplanting;
  • weeding and loosening beds;
  • watering plants;
  • grafting of fruit trees and shrubs;
  • fertilization;
  • fight against harmful insects.

Exact dates and indicated options for gardening will help coordinate activities and create a plan for both the day and the week. At this time I always take a vacation, most of which I spend at the dacha. This sign is a lifesaver in June. I choose the days when I come to the garden and decide in advance what I will do in accordance with the position of the Moon.

Planting plants according to the lunar calendar

The first month for gardeners is the time to actively work with vegetables, fruit trees, picking berries. The lunar calendar suggests favorable days for planting in June 2018:

  • In the first half of the month, when the Moon wanes, it is a good time to plant herbs and herbs: basil, dill, parsley, lovage, thyme, mint. Plant the plants on June 6, 7, 10, 11. To ensure that dill is always on the table, plant at intervals - the second time on the 21st and 22nd.
  • For kohlrabi, celery, corn, tomatoes and cucumbers, the lunar calendar recommends the same dates for planting as for greens.
  • On June 21 and 22, they plant annual and perennial flowers.

Important! On June 3, 4, 13, 30, you cannot replant or plant plants either in a greenhouse or in open ground!

Plant seeds in wet soil early morning or evening. Move the plants themselves to a new place only in the evening. The exception is rainy and cloudy weather, when it is cool outside and the time of transfer or disembarkation does not matter.

Treatment of crops with drugs

In the second half of the month, the Moon begins to grow. Use the period to care for crops.

  • Inspect the potatoes on which the Colorado potato beetle breeds.
  • At this time, aphids appear on viburnum and plum trees.

These days, tomato late blight is being prevented. Plants are treated with Bordeaux mixture. The next spraying will be required in July.

Forming vines of cucumbers and pinching tomatoes

On June 3, 4, 5, 18, 19, 20, take time to care for vegetable crops. Tomatoes and cucumbers have entered an active period of flowering and ovary formation. To stimulate the process, agrotechnical techniques are carried out:

  • For cucumbers, the lashes are tied to a support. If only a barren flower is formed, the top is pinched. The operation is also performed if the whip reaches a meter in height.
  • Tomato shoots that are actively forming are removed. Pinching allows the plant to focus its energy on producing fruit.

Weeding and loosening

From June 16 to 20, start removing weeds. Water the treated beds and loosen the soil.

Attention! Tree pruning is carried out only during the waning moon, in order to injure trees and shrubs as little as possible. The operation is carried out only on June 1 or 2.
Fertilizer feeding.

It turns out that the position of the Moon and its phase affect the ability of crops to absorb necessary substances from the soil. The calendar advises applying organic fertilizers on June 1, 2, 10 and 11, which is a solution of infused slurry or bird droppings, green manure from nettles.

Tree grafting

On the 6th and 7th the trees will better tolerate the grafting. But for middle zone In Russia, where the leaves have already blossomed on the trees, this procedure may become ineffective. Trees are grafted in the spring during sap flow, when the buds have not yet bloomed. Therefore, the recommendation with the indicated dates is suitable for gardeners in northern latitudes.

Berry picking

The first month of summer gives summer residents their first gifts in the form of strawberries, wild strawberries, and honeysuckle. The harvest is harvested on any day for food, but for further storage - making compotes, preserves, jam - only on June 30.

The lunar calendar is a recommendation for time and selection of a list of works, which has proven effectiveness. I write down the days in a notebook or memorize them. I regularly work on the Internet and find out about the phase of the moon and the days, then I plan the scope of work.

Print out signs for yourself indicating the types of work. If this is not possible, save the site page in your bookmarks.