Distribution of fruits and seeds. Autumn is a wonderful time

They throw out their seeds a little differently. When the wind blows, the poppy stems bend and then forcefully straighten. At this moment, the seeds fly out of the small holes of the box and are scattered over fairly long distances. At the beginning of summer, streets, courtyards, boulevards, avenues and squares are covered, like snow, with white fluff from poplars. Equipped with tufts of hairs, poplar seeds are scattered by the wind over large spaces and, once in the right place, germinate. And the well-known dandelion fruits, starting in spring, throughout the summer and autumn, fly off in masses on their “parachutes” in different directions. The wind disperses the fruits and seeds of many other flowering plants. For example, a small birch fruit has a membranous border on the side that looks like small wings, and maple fruits have large wing-like appendages. The fruits of birch and maple hang well on tree branches until late autumn, and sometimes until winter. During this time, the leaves fall off, and the wind freely and unimpededly disperses the seeds of these trees over long distances.

Autumn is a wonderful time. Nature is colorful different colors. Trees, bushes and grasses are in a hurry to arrange their offspring. We need to think about resettlement. Autumn is a wonderful time. Nature is full of different colors. Trees, bushes and grasses are in a hurry to arrange their offspring. We need to think about resettlement.

It’s easy for a dandelion to spread out: the wind will pick up the fruits - parachutes - and carry them to uninhabited lands. It’s easy for a dandelion to spread out: the wind will pick up the fruits - parachutes - and carry them to uninhabited lands. Pairs of lionfish hang from the branches of the maple; they have already separated and are waiting to be torn off and picked up by the wind. Many grasses also await the wind. Their seeds are equipped with fluffy tufts and hairs. Pairs of lionfish hang from the branches of the maple; they have already separated and are waiting to be torn off and picked up by the wind. Many grasses also await the wind. Their seeds are equipped with fluffy tufts and hairs.

Spread by animals Severe fruits-nuts and acorns falling from trees and bushes can be dragged to other places by various animals that feed on them (squirrels, mice, chipmunks). Heavy fruits - nuts and acorns, falling from trees and bushes, can be dragged to other places by various animals that feed on them (squirrels, mice, chipmunks). Animals carry dry fruits with various attachments (series), spines, and hooks against their will - the fruits cling to the fur of the animal. Often such an involuntary carrier becomes a person. Dry fruits with various attachments (series), spines, and hooks are carried by animals unwillingly - the fruits cling to the fur of the animal. Often a person becomes such an unwitting carrier

It is not clever for those who grew up near a fast river to settle - the water will carry away the seeds. What should those who grow up in stagnant water do? It is not clever for those who grew up near a fast river to settle - the water will carry away the seeds. What should those who grow up in stagnant water do? Aquatic plants have adapted: the seeds of water lilies and water lilies stick to the paws and feathers of ducks, waders, and seagulls and fly with them from lake to lake.

Active carriers of seeds, especially forest herbs, are ants. They carry the seeds of many plants into their anthills. Active carriers of seeds, especially forest grasses, are ants. They carry the seeds of many plants into their anthills, especially those rich in oils (violets, wood sorrel, lungwort). They lose some of the seeds along the way and they germinate. especially those rich in oils (violets, oxalis, lungwort). They lose some of the seeds along the way and they germinate.

Fruits and seeds that are unpleasant to humans or even poisonous are very attractive to birds. But seeds with a hard shell are not digested in their stomach. Together with bird droppings, such seeds end up at a far distance from their place of maturation. When stocking up, birds drag fruits and seeds to their nests. Some of them are lost along the way. The jay loves to store acorns and some of its reserves germinate. Fruits and seeds that are unpleasant to humans or even poisonous are very attractive to birds. But seeds with a hard shell are not digested in their stomach. Together with bird droppings, such seeds end up at a far distance from their place of maturation. When stocking up, birds drag fruits and seeds to their nests. Some of them are lost along the way. The jay loves to store acorns and some of its reserves germinate.

Self-dispersal of seeds Some plants scatter their seeds themselves. As soon as you touch the fruits of impatiens, their leaves instantly burst, curl into a spiral, and the seeds scatter in all directions. When the poppy heads ripen, they form holes through which the seeds fall out. Some plants scatter their seeds themselves. As soon as you touch the fruits of impatiens, their leaves instantly burst, curl into a spiral, and the seeds scatter in all directions. When the poppy heads ripen, they form holes through which the seeds fall out.

Fruit distribution

and seeds

Fruits and seeds can often end up far from the plants on which they ripen.

This is explained by the fact that the fruits and seeds of some plants have adaptations for dispersal by wind, others - by animals, humans, water, and the seeds of some plants are scattered by the ripened fruits themselves.

Poplar seeds, covered with white fluffy hairs, are dispersed by the wind over long distances.

Dandelion fruits with parachutes are also carried by the wind.

The maple fruit splits into two parts, each of which has a wing-shaped outgrowth. When falling, the halves of the fruit quickly spin in the air

Some steppe plants dry out by the time the fruits ripen; the wind breaks them off at the root and rolls them along the ground from place to place, scattering the seeds. Such plants, moved by the wind, are called “tumbleweeds.”

The fruits and seeds of some plants stick or cling to bags or bales of cargo and end up in railroad cars, ship holds, cars and airplanes.

When unloaded, the seeds fall to the ground, germinate, and the plants that grow from them are often found in new territories.

Spreading seeds can be observed in many plants

Distribution on water Coconuts are perfectly adapted to float on the sea. Having a fibrous, dry intercarp filled with air, they float on water for months and are transported by waves for hundreds of kilometers. The intracarp is a hard, stony nut with three thin exit holes opposite the stalk. With such a fetal structure sea ​​water does not penetrate inside the seed, and the embryo, without losing viability, reaches the landing site alive. Having reached the shore of the mainland or island, the nut easily germinates, giving rise to a new coconut palm. Therefore, it is not surprising that coconut palms often grow on coral islands far from the mainland.

Animals and sometimes humans take a large part in the distribution of fruits and seeds. Such fruits always have various kinds of attachments in the form of thorns, thorns, hooks, awns, or secrete sticky mucus (burdock, burdock, mistletoe). The fruits of this plant are so tenacious that they must be removed from clothing by hand, one fruit at a time. How can animals free themselves from them? They inevitably become distributors of the fruits of these plants. In plants from the Tribulus group (terrestrial tribulus, or stag, ustel - field), the fruits, equipped with sharp, hard thorns, are pierced into the hooves of animals and carried by them. Once in the United States, Tribulus began to spread quickly, piercing car tires.

Juicy fruits (berries, drupes) are distributed by birds. The bright color of such fruits (cherries, cherries) from afar attracts birds to them, which peck them. But only the juicy pulp of the fruit is absorbed by the body, and the hard bone with the seed inside is thrown out by the plant, where the seed, freed from the hard cover, germinates.

Some plants scatter their seeds themselves if their fruit is touched by an animal or person. From this side, the mad cucumber has become very famous - herbaceous plant from the pumpkin family, growing along the shores of the Mediterranean, Black and Caspian seas, on dry open places. This name is given to the plant for the behavior of its fruits. Oblong - oval and bristly - prickly fruit The mad cucumber sits on a stalk, the end of which is expanded in the form of a plug, and its inside is filled with a mucous mass with seeds immersed in it. When will this slimy mass take required amount water, such a strong pressure is created inside the fruit that the slightest touch on it is enough for the cork (peduncle) to be thrown out, and a stream of bitter liquid with seeds flies out into the resulting hole with force. With the help of this curious device, seeds can be thrown 5 m or more.

Druzhnova Lyubov
Presentation “Distribution of fruits and seeds”

Distribution of fruits and seeds

for 6th grade

Prepared: Druzhnova L. E.


1. Why do plants need spread fruits and seeds

2. In what ways fruits and seeds spread

An old saying goes that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. In fact fruit and the seeds often end up far from mother plant thanks to various devices.

Why is it necessary for the majority seeds turned out to be as far away from the mother plant as possible?

Plants colonize new territories

Cross-pollination is facilitated

There is no intraspecific competition

Enriches species diversity plant communities - phytocenoses

Distribution of seeds and fruits

Ways distribution:

By wind, scattering, animals, humans, water

Spread by the wind

Milkweed, elm, linden, pine, maple, dandelion

Spread by water

Cattail, ash, coconut palm, cattail (swampweed, lotus

Spread animals and humans

Distribution of fruits and seeds animals contribute (squirrels, chipmunks) stockpiling them in reserve. Uneaten or lost seeds favorable conditions often germinate.

The seeds of many plants are carried by insects. For example, ants are attracted to seeds with succulent appendages, like those of celandine and violet.

They spread their fruits themselves

There are many plants in nature that can disperse their seeds themselves. When they ripen fruit open and the seeds scatter in different directions. This is how it happens violet seed distribution, impatiens, acacias.

Crazy cucumber

Dry fruit Some plants are equipped with various trailers. If you walk along a vacant lot or the bank of a river overgrown with weeds in the fall, you will definitely end up with a whole collection of tenacious clothes on your clothes. burdock fruit, gravilata, strings.

Same as for clothes fruit These plants cling to animal fur and bird feathers.

Why do seed plants dominate the Earth?

Seed plants dominate because they have a variety of ways distribution of seeds and fruits: wind, water, self-spreading, animals and humans.

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