Clean the kettle at home. Simple ways to descale a kettle

A common problem is when the entire internal surface of an electric kettle is covered with a layer of lime, rust or salt sediment, and the heating element is completely hidden under a few millimeters of this “something”. Over time, scale begins to affect the taste of tea, and is found in it in the form of lumps and dirt. In addition, it will eventually damage the device. At first, the water will take much longer to heat up, and then the body or even the shell of the heating element may burst. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify how to clean an electric kettle, and do it as carefully as possible.

Using abrasives or metal brush will not lead to anything good. Considering that most teapots are made of plastic, the walls will wear off much faster than stone-like scale. Any reasonable means are based on the process of dissolving the unpleasant pollution. There are several fail-safe ways to deal with the problem.

Lemon acid

One of the most effective ways. It is best suited if scale is the result of boiling water with lime inclusions and a large amount of salts; it copes worse where the bulk of rust contamination is in the water.

It is necessary to fill the kettle with water; in order to improve the effect, it is better to use purified purchased water and add packaging to it citric acid(100g). After this, the water is boiled, several times with a break of 5-6 minutes. If there was little scale or its thickness was less than a millimeter, then the effect will be immediately noticeable. It will dissolve or fall away from the walls before your eyes, leaving behind a clean surface.

After the water with citric acid has been poured out, you can wash the walls regular sponge and detergent to remove any remaining limescale. If not everything has been cleaned, then you should clean the electric kettle again with citric acid. After the second time, usually only the shine of a perfectly clean heating element and shiny walls remain.


A method similar to the previous one on how to descale an electric kettle is to use acetic acid. To solve the problem, you will need to boil a 3% vinegar solution in a kettle, possibly several times. Everything happens in the following way. Pour in 2/3 water and 1/3 vinegar (this is a 9% solution) and as a result we get the desired consistency. After boiling, some of the scale, especially limescale inclusions, dissolve or become loose and soft. All that remains is to wash the inner walls with a hard sponge and detergent and re-boil clean water in it.

If not all the dirt is gone the first time, the procedure should be repeated. As soon as the result is satisfactory, you should boil and pour out clean water and let the kettle sit and dry for a day so that the vinegar is completely evaporated.

We use soda

In especially difficult cases, the option with soda is suitable. It consists of two stages.

At the first stage, two tablespoons of soda are poured in and water is poured in; you can first add just a little water and rub the soda into the scum with a sponge, but without much enthusiasm. When the water is poured in and the soda is thoroughly mixed, the kettle is turned on until it boils, preferably several times with a break of 5-6 minutes. During this time, the soda will get inside the scale.

The second stage is to use vinegar as in the previous method. After the first boiling with vinegar, the scale will begin to peel off in layers from the kettle and become loose. Afterwards, all that remains is to wipe it with a sponge with detergent inside.

Such option will do in case of ambiguous nature of contamination. When it is unclear whether it is limescale, salt or rust. Soda and vinegar form a violent reaction, effectively breaking up stubborn scale. So using this method of descaling an electric kettle may be the most effective in the most advanced cases.

Video on how to descale an electric kettle:

How to clean an electric kettle

Over time, the spiral of the electric kettle and its entire internal surface become covered with a hard coating. It interferes with the full operation of the device and gives the water a not very pleasant taste. Therefore, you should not wait until the deposits begin to fall off and eventually end up in your cup of tea. It is better to find out in advance how to descale the appliance. Moreover, regular prevention of the formation of limescale is always more effective than combating an existing problem.

Folk remedies for fighting scale

Since scale easily dissolves in an acidic environment, citric or acetic acid is most often used to remove it. Sometimes you use baking soda, lemon, or even potato and apple peeling.

The main methods for descaling an electric kettle:

  • Pour water inside and add half a glass of vinegar. Boil the solution and let it cool naturally. It is advisable to leave it for two hours or even overnight. Pour out the water and vinegar and rinse the electrical appliance thoroughly with running water.
  • Instead of vinegar, you can use citric acid at the rate of 1 tablespoon per one and a half liters of water. Bring the solution to a boil and leave for 20-25 minutes. After cooling completely, wash the surfaces with a soft dish sponge.
  • Baking soda will also help clean. To do this, add 5 teaspoons of soda to a liter of water and boil the solution.
  • If you don’t have any of the above in your home, you can descale an electrical appliance using lemon. Just add a few peeled pieces to the water and bring it to a boil.
  • Some housewives use washed potato or apple peelings to remove scale. Only in this case you will have to boil the kettle several times, since this product is not as strong as acids.
  • Since cucumber or tomato brine contains vinegar, you can use them to clean scale.
  • Finally, the last, the most modern way removal is based on the use of sweet, colorless soda. Buy a bottle of this water, shake it thoroughly to remove the gas, and pour it into the electric kettle. In this case, it is enough to fill it halfway. Bring the water to a boil and let it cool. The acids contained in soda will clean the electrical appliance from scale. Just do not use cola, Fanta and other drinks with dyes, otherwise they will stain the inner walls, and you are unlikely to be able to wash them.

For the most stubborn hard deposits, it is better to use several methods at once. For example, first clean with citric acid and then with vinegar. Or vinegar and baking soda, etc. Such combined products, if they do not clean it completely, will make the deposit loose, which will make it easy to wash it with a regular dish sponge.

Household chemicals to combat scale

Stores sell special descaling products. Each of them is accompanied by detailed instructions. They will help clean the electric kettle much faster. However, after using them, it is necessary not only to rinse it well with water, but also to bring it to a boil several times and drain the clean water. Otherwise, acid residues may end up in tea or coffee.

Cleaning Rules

When using any descaling products, we recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • First of all, warn your family that you are cleaning an electrical appliance. For example, stick a note to it or rearrange it in inaccessible place. Better yet, do it when no one is home. Otherwise, someone will definitely pour themselves coffee with acid when they are asleep.
  • After using any product, rinse the kettle several times and boil it two or three times. plain water, each time draining it into the sink to get rid of all harmful substances.
  • Do not use abrasives: metal jaws, dry powders, etc. They may remove the plaque, but they will also ruin the electrical appliance.
  • Make sure that there is not too much deposits on the walls. It is more difficult to remove a thick layer than a thin one, and with such careless treatment the equipment will fail prematurely.
  • If possible, use only filtered water. As a last resort, get into the habit of standing it before use and disinfecting it with a piece of silicon. This way you will not only extend the life of your pet, but also take care of your own health.

Never neglect timely cleaning! Then he will definitely thank you with aromatic morning coffee or his favorite sweet tea for breakfast.

The appearance of calcareous white plaque and scale in an electric kettle does not bypass all owners of this useful household appliance, so everyone will be interested to know how and how to quickly and effectively clean an electric kettle from scale at home, as well as how to extend the “life” of the kettle and prevent the formation of plaque and scale inside him.

How and with what you can descale an electric kettle at home

Scale formation in electric kettles occurs no matter what kind of water you use, even if it is well purified or from mountain springs, it still contains salts, which is why a coating appears on the heating element and the inner surface of the electric kettle during its constant use.

The quality of water greatly influences the rate of scale formation, so using water to boil Low quality(uncleaned, unfiltered), a large layer of scale will soon form in the kettle, which can lead to premature damage to the household appliance, and will also increase the boiling time of water (scale has low thermal conductivity and acts as insulation between the water and the heating element).

Remove scale from an electric kettle plain water and a dish sponge will be very difficult, even detergent It won't help much with dishes. IN in this case it is best to use effective special or time-tested descaling products traditional methods which will help remove scale from electric kettle without unnecessary waste and with minimal costs time and effort.

Cleaning the electric kettle from scale and white deposits inside can be done using the following improvised means:

  • Lemon acid.
  • Table vinegar 9%.
  • Baking soda.
  • Potato and apple peelings, as well as brine from canned cucumbers and tomatoes (these products are practically not used anymore, since they are not very effective and specific, so we will not consider them in the article.

The means listed above are already for a long time used by many housewives to combat scale not only in electric kettles (metal, plastic and glass), but also to remove scale in other household appliances, therefore, we will consider further in more detail what needs to be done before starting to clean the kettle and how to use each descaling agent.

You may also find this article about descaling regular metal and enamel kettles useful:.

Preparing to descale an electric kettle

  • It is better to clean an electric kettle when none of your family members are going to use it in the next few hours (so as not to accidentally pour water with a cleaning agent into your tea or coffee), and it is better to warn them in advance that the kettle cannot be used.
  • To remove scale from an electric kettle, you do not need to use special brushes and metal brushes, which can damage the inner surface and the heating element in the kettle. When cleaning, the most commonly used descaling agent and, in some cases, an ordinary soft dish sponge are sufficient.
  • The process of descaling an electric kettle can be combined with its external washing, and the sequence of its complete cleaning does not matter.
  • After using special chemical descaling agents, as well as ordinary improvised ones, it is always necessary to thoroughly rinse the inside of the electric kettle, as well as boil and drain ordinary clean water in it several times, so that all remnants of the product used are removed and do not end up in tea or coffee.

After familiarizing yourself with the basic rules and precautions, you can proceed directly to the cleaning itself, choosing one of the methods suggested below on how to get rid of scale in an electric kettle at home (the given methods are arranged in the following sequence: from the most effective and simple to the least effective, not taking into account special chemicals at the end of the article).

How to descale an electric kettle with citric acid?

Can be used: You can clean an electric kettle made of stainless steel (metal), plastic and glass with citric acid.

Citric acid is one of the cheapest and most reliable aids in the fight against scale at home, and it is used to clean almost all household appliances, as well as various surfaces, on which limescale and scale can form.

Cleaning an electric kettle from scale using citric acid is quite simple:

  • Fill the kettle with clean water to the maximum (up to the maximum permissible mark on the kettle), or half the kettle if there is little scale and it is mainly present only in the lower part of the kettle and bring it to a boil by turning on the electric kettle itself.
  • After the water has boiled, add 1 tablespoon of citric acid to it if there is a little scale or 2 tablespoons of citric acid if the kettle is very dirty (citric acid can be added directly to the kettle so that the water boils with it inside the kettle).
  • We wait until the water in the kettle has cooled down, after which we drain it and thoroughly rinse the electric kettle from the inside with normal water. clean water from the tap.
  • We fill the kettle full clean water and boil it, then drain it and repeat the procedure again to make sure that there are no traces of citric acid left in the electric kettle and you can safely drink the water from it.

As you can see, cleaning an electric kettle with citric acid is quick and easy; scale dissolves well in water with citric acid and there is no need to further clean it with a sponge afterwards. If there was a large layer of scale in the kettle, you can repeat the procedure again or use in the following way using vinegar.

Advantages: very simple and quick way removing plaque and scale inside the kettle, which is suitable for all models of electric kettles and does not cause any harm to the device itself. The perfect solution when the electric kettle is lightly or moderately contaminated with scale.

Disadvantages: none found.

How to get rid of scale in an electric kettle using table vinegar

Can be used: for all types of electric kettles (plastic, metal, glass).

Table vinegar is often used in critical situations, when a lot of scale has formed in the electric kettle and it needs to be cleaned urgently.

To clean an electric kettle from scale inside with vinegar, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • Fill the kettle with clean water to half its volume and add 1 glass of 9% table vinegar.
  • Turn on the electric kettle and bring the solution of water and vinegar to a boil (until it turns off on its own), then wait until all the liquid has cooled completely.
  • We pour out all the contents from the kettle and rinse it well with tap water, and if there was a lot of scale and not all of it has gone away, you can additionally rub the remains with a dish sponge or repeat the procedure with vinegar again (using a little less vinegar).
  • After the inside of the electric kettle has been thoroughly washed, pour clean water into it (a full kettle), bring it to a boil and pour it out (we repeat this procedure several times to completely clean the inner surface of the kettle from any remaining vinegar and its smell).

Using vinegar to remove scale from an electric kettle will help get rid of any amount of scale in this appliance in a short period of time, the main thing is not to forget that when boiling, the vinegar will evaporate, so it is better to carry out the cleaning process either under a switched on hood in the kitchen or near open window(during the warm season) so as not to inhale vinegar fumes.

Advantages: cleaning an electric kettle with vinegar is effective for any amount of scale in the kettle (vinegar works well even with large scale deposits on the heating element and the inner surface of the kettle). Vinegar is most effective for removing scale in metal electric kettles, but in other models its cleaning properties are no worse.

Disadvantages: unpleasant specific smell of vinegar when cleaning the kettle.

How to descale an electric kettle at home using baking soda

Can be used: for all types of electric kettles.

Soda is most often used to descale regular enamel kettles, but it is also used to remove scale from electric kettles.

Cleaning an electric kettle from scale using soda takes place in the following sequence:

  • We fill the electric kettle with clean water (up to half).
  • Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda.
  • We turn on the electric kettle and wait until it boils and turns itself off, after which we wait for the water in it to cool completely.
  • Drain the water from the kettle and rinse it well under running clean tap water.
  • We fill a washed, clean electric kettle with water and bring it to a boil, then drain it and repeat the procedure again so that the remaining soda is washed off inside the kettle.

Cleaning an electric kettle with soda is similar to the previous methods, but the electric kettle can be descaled with soda using vinegar for more better effect. To do this, make a paste of soda and water, and rub it into the surfaces in the kettle on which scale has formed using a sponge that has previously been soaked in table vinegar. As a result chemical reaction scale and plaque will begin to dissolve, after which they can be removed using a regular clean dish sponge and water.

Advantages: a simple way to get rid of scale in an electric kettle at home, which is less effective and popular than previous methods and is more suitable for cleaning enamel kettles.

Disadvantages: low cleaning efficiency.

We use special descaling agents in the electric kettle

Can be used: for all models and types of electric kettles (glass, stainless steel or plastic).

In many household stores and supermarkets you can find a variety of various means descaling in the form of tablets, powders and liquids (for example, anti-scale, anti-scale, etc.), which are specially developed by specialists for effective and safe cleaning of electric kettles from scale and plaque.

The sequence of using special cleaning products to combat scale is similar to the traditional methods given above in the article, especially since each package of such products contains detailed instructions for use, according to which cleaning should be carried out.

Advantages: special chemical agents for descaling an electric kettle are among the most effective, since they were developed precisely for this purpose.

Disadvantages: not found (certain disadvantages and shortcomings may exist in certain types and brands special descaling products).

How to prevent the formation of limescale and scale in an electric kettle (metal, glass, plastic)

  • For boiling, we use only high-quality filtered (purified) water, in which the content of salts and other components (metals, chlorine) will be low.
  • It is better to fill an electric kettle with water for one use, and if there is any left, then drain the excess.
  • After using the electric kettle, it would be a good idea to rinse the inside of the kettle with ordinary water to wash away small particles of newly formed plaque.
  • When constantly using an electric kettle, every 1-2 months it is necessary to carry out preventive descaling (for example, with citric acid) so that a thick layer of scale does not form on its inner surface and heating element.

Note: when purchasing, it is better to give preference to electric kettles with a heating disk and a closed heating coil, as they are easier to maintain (easier to clean from scale and deposits from the inside).

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowledge of how to properly descale an electric kettle will be useful to everyone, as it will completely protect oneself from the appearance of limescale and scale inside the electric kettle during its operation is not possible and sooner or later cleaning will be required. Leave your useful tips and reviews on the topic of how to clean an electric kettle from scale at home using improvised and special means in the comments to the article and share it in in social networks, if it was useful to you.


The easiest way is to buy any anti-scale agent in the store and clean it following the instructions. As a rule, such a product costs . But, if you want to protect your health from accidental ingestion of chemicals, it is better to use natural means.

Boil the resulting solution and leave for at least two hours, and if possible, overnight.

After pouring out the solution, rinse the kettle thoroughly with running water and boil again to remove any remaining vinegar and scale.

In addition to acetic acid, you can use citric acid to combat scale - 1 tablespoon per 1.5-2 liters of water. Pour acid into a kettle, pour hot water and leave for 15-20 minutes. It is not necessary to boil the solution. If the coating was not very strong, then after the specified time the kettle will shine like new.

If you don't have citric acid and vinegar in your house, don't despair. This may be unexpected, but in past times, grandmothers got rid of it with the help of an ordinary one!

If you are still unhappy with the result, try another very extravagant remedy.

Take clean ones potato peelings, cover the bottom of the kettle with them and add 1.5-2 liters of cold water.

Drain the cooled water and rinse the kettle well with tap water.

Pour the drink into the kettle, heat and leave overnight.


When using industrial descalers, keep in mind that they affect not only the scale, but also the inner surface of the kettle, destroying its structure. Therefore, try to use industrial products as little as possible.

Helpful advice

Citric acid has an important advantage over vinegar: it does not have a pungent odor.

The main way fighting scale is softening the water itself. Use a water filtration and purification system.


  • how to clean an electric kettle with citric acid
  • 5 easy ways to descale a kettle

From bad tap water Scale forms on household appliances - iron, electric and washing machine. To prevent equipment breakdowns, try removing limescale yourself.

You will need

  • Citric acid, brine, carbonated drink, vinegar, Anti-scale.


Remove scale from an electric kettle. Pour water into a bowl and add citric acid - 1 teaspoon per liter of water. Bring to a boil and cool. Then repeat the procedure and drain the solution. Rinse the kettle in running water.

Use a special pencil to remove scale. Heat the iron to 100°C, apply the product evenly to the sole and leave in this state for several minutes. Then delete scale cotton fabric. Fill with clean water and clean the holes with steam.

Remove scale from the iron with table vinegar. Prepare a solution of 1 glass of water and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Pour liquid into the iron and turn on the steam function.

Clear washing machine from scale special means, for example, “Antinscale”. You can buy it at a hardware store. Before use, read the instructions or consult the seller.

Pour the product into the washing drum, set the mode at a temperature of 60-90°C. To prevent scale formation, carry out a similar procedure regularly - once a month. If in your city or area poor quality water, do preventative maintenance every .

Tip 5: How to descale a kettle using improvised means

Scale in water appears due to the presence of a large amount of salt and impurities in it, which settle on the bottom, walls and heating element of the electric kettle. If not done in time, this may cause rapid breakdown, or the process of heating the water will take longer. At the same time, scale affects the body negatively, destroying the kidneys and genitourinary system.

The easiest way to remove scale is using citric acid. To clean scale, you need to buy one sachet of food-grade citric acid. Pour the acid into the kettle. Dial into it cold water and leave for several hours. Then pour everything out of the kettle, add fresh water and boil several times.

If citric acid does not cope with the scale, then pour an additional 100 g of 9% vinegar into a kettle with water, then boil this mixture, pour it out and rinse the kettle thoroughly.

Fanta, Sprite or Cola carbonated water is suitable for descaling. It is necessary to remove the gases from them, fill the kettle 1/2 full and boil.

Potato peelings along with apple peels will also work. They should be washed, put in a kettle with water and boiled several times.

If the kettle has a large amount of scale, you can do the following procedure: Pour a full kettle of water, add 1 tablespoon of soda and boil for 30 minutes. Change the water, add 1 tbsp citric acid and also boil for 30 minutes. Change the water, add 150 g of vinegar, boil. With this method, the scale will become soft and must be removed with a sponge.

Video on the topic

Tip 6: How to clean a kettle from of stainless steel from scale

Lime deposits in water not only make it hard - when boiling, substances settle inside the kettle, forming scale on the walls. Depending on the material of the kettle, scale will form on it less often or more often.

In stainless steel, scale forms somewhat more slowly. But it is still not possible to completely avoid it. Scale slows down the process of boiling water, and if it does, then a lot of electricity is consumed. Deposits can harm not only the kettle, but also the person who drinks the water boiled in it. Filters installed on the spout do little to solve the problem.

Preventing scale formation

Most The best way To combat scale, prevent its formation at all. The rules that must be followed for this are quite simple. For boiling, you need to use soft and clean water, passed through a filter or settled. You need to boil a portion of water once. Water that has already boiled should not be heated - it is better to replace it with fresh water. Before each use, it is advisable to rinse the kettle well from the inside, rinse it to remove any white flakes that form, and clean the walls of the kettle from plaque more often.

Means that can be used to remove scale

In hardware stores you can buy quite a lot effective means to combat scale, such as “Silit”, “Antinscale”. Their use is almost the same: basically, you need to pour the product into a kettle, add water and boil it. After about fifteen minutes, the kettle should be rinsed with clean water.

If a reddish scale forms during boiling, citric acid will help. But it is better not to use it for enameled ones. Prepare a solution from a liter of water and a teaspoon of acid, boil it. Leave for 10 minutes and boil again. If the plaque still remains, after the second boiling there is no need to drain the water - it is left in for another couple of hours.

You can clean a stainless steel kettle with a mixture of vinegar and baking soda. Suitable for those who can easily tolerate the smell of vinegar. Mix soda with water to a paste and rub into the walls of the kettle. After this, moisten a cloth with strong vinegar and wipe over the pulp. Baking soda and vinegar react very easily.

Scale can be removed with carbonated water - Coca-Cola or Sprite. The liquid should be poured into a kettle, boiled and left for about 10 minutes. Then drain everything and rinse the kettle. For a teapot white It is better to use sprite - so that the dye does not spoil the whiteness.

Whatever product is chosen - soda, carbonated water or specialized household chemicals - descaling must be done regularly. Then cleaning is much easier, and scale will form much less.

Tap water that is poured into a kettle contains a large amount of different salts. They gradually settle on the inner surface and bottom of the kettle, resulting in the formation of scale. It must be removed regularly - there are a lot of means for this, and you can choose any convenient method.

You will need


Add three tablespoons of soda to boiling water. After this, the water should cool down. After about half an hour, boil the kettle again. Pour out the boiling water and fill the kettle with hot water adding a couple of tablespoons of vinegar essence. Boil the water again and cool the kettle. After these activities, the scale becomes loose and is very easy to remove with a regular dishwashing sponge. This method is good for neglected ones. No matter how thick the layer of scale is, it begins to come off in thin sheets.

Take citric acid - two bags are enough for a standard three-liter kettle. Pour the powder into cold water and boil. Leave the water in the kettle for about half an hour, then drain, add fresh water and boil again. The acid will easily break down the scale. After this, the kettle will need to be rinsed thoroughly so that no aftertaste remains. This method is perfect for descaling both in regular and commercial use. But for metal teapots citric acid is contraindicated. In the process of dissolving scale, the acid roughens the inner surface of the kettle, and new scale will form in it much faster. Citric acid will not cope with a thick crust of scale.

At the moment, the electric kettle has become a decoration of the kitchen and an indispensable assistant However, due to repeated use, problems such as scale may arise. If the scale is not removed, it can cause an unpleasant taste in the water and can also lead to damage to the electrical appliance. In order to remove scale from an electric kettle, you can use the following tips.

A coating forms on the heating element of the kettle and its walls, which is ordinary salt deposited on the surface. Before cleaning, you need to figure out what is causing the limescale deposits. Sometimes the problem is the quality of the water: then it is necessary to replace it with a better one.

In order to remove scale, you will need the simplest products that most housewives have in their kitchens.

1. You will need 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 50 g of citric acid: pour vinegar into the kettle and then add lemon, boil the kettle and leave it with this mixture for 60 minutes. After the specified time, the plaque can be easily washed off with a sponge. If plaque remains from the first time, you can repeat the procedure. Sometimes lemon is used instead of citric acid.

2. Soda is an excellent way to clean an electric kettle. First, pour water into the kettle, then add 1 tablespoon of table salt, boil the water and leave for 30 minutes, then pour water into the kettle again, add 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid and put it on the fire again. After the water has cooled, you can start washing the kettle with a kitchen sponge.

3. Vinegar also helps to clean an electric kettle: pour a third of vinegar and two parts of water into the kettle, then boil the water and leave it to cool. The scale in the kettle will dissolve under the influence of acid, and then it can be easily washed.

4. One of the most unconventional cleansing methods is to use regular carbonated water. Pour water into the kettle, bring to a boil, and then drain. After this manipulation, the limescale should come off.

5. Keep in mind that stores have a large number of household chemicals for cleaning limescale. Sometimes such means are quite expensive, and the result is not so effective, so you can use methods.

Consider the following points:

1. After cleaning the electric kettle, it must be rinsed, otherwise the substances you used for cleaning may enter the body along with drinks.

2. The most the best remedy in the fight against scale - this is the daily care of your electric kettle.

Video on the topic

Methods for descaling are divided into mechanical and chemical. Since mechanical cleaning can cause irreparable damage to the surface of the kettle, a more gentle method is chemical method.

Over time, mechanical cleaning leads to the appearance minor scratches on the inner surface of the dishes and becomes a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

Citric acid, as a cleaning agent, helps cookware last longer. The cleaning procedure does not require special preparation. To do this, you need to empty the water from the kettle, and electric models will need to be unplugged.

Using purified water will protect dishes from the rapid formation of plaque.

How to quickly remove scale from a kettle

To clean the kettle with citric acid quickly and effectively, you should use the following algorithm:

  • Determine how much substance is needed to remove scale. The thicker the plaque, the more acid is needed. Required proportion: 2 teaspoons of citric acid per 1 liter of water;
  • Pour clean water into the kettle, filling 2/3 of its volume;
  • Add the powder to the water and stir until it is completely dissolved;
  • If the scale has recently formed and its layer is quite thin, then there is no need to boil it; just leave the acid solution in the kettle for 2-3 hours. Then you need to thoroughly wash the container, freeing it from any flakes and grains that have formed. If the plaque is more old, you need to boil an aqueous solution of lemon juice in a kettle for a quarter of an hour. After this, let it cool and wash the dishes with clean water. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated more than once.

Caution: when citric acid is poured into boiling water, rapid formation of bubbles occurs; burns should be avoided.

Types of teapots

The different materials from which teapots are made require different care. Selected species, such as plastic, require special handling. Citric acid has the most gentle effect on dishes, so it can be used to clean almost all types of dishes. Soda or acetic acid have a more aggressive effect, their use requires a careful approach.


The cleaning method using citric acid is suitable for a moderate layer of scale in a stainless kettle. This method is not suitable for aluminum cookware, since when heated, aluminum reacts and slightly dissolves.

  1. Bring water to a boil in a stainless steel kettle.
  2. Dip a slice of lemon or pour in a little powder, leaving the resulting acidic solution to cool.
  3. Wipe it with a damp sponge and drain the first water after boiling.


Since acetic acid is not suitable for electric kettles made of plastic, using citric acid is an excellent way out.

You can get rid of thin deposits even without boiling.

  1. Fall asleep in hot water 1-2 teaspoons citric acid powder.
  2. Cool the solution.
  3. Drain the water.

After this procedure, the plaque will disappear, you will only need to boil the first batch of water “idle”.


Cleaning enamel cookware requires approximately the same algorithm as metal cookware. Just keep in mind that in order to avoid cracking of the enamel coating, you should not allow sharp drop temperatures

Don't rinse the kettle ice water immediately after using boiling water with citric acid. Gradual cooling will protect the dishes from damage and keep the surface intact.


Both dry powder and a couple of lemon drops added to water are suitable for cleaning glassware.

An alternative way to clean glassware is to use essential oil lemon.

  1. Add 20 drops of oil to two glasses of clean water.
  2. The resulting composition is applied to the inner surface of the kettle.
  3. After a few minutes, the sediment will soften and can be removed with a soft brush or sponge.


Cleaning an electric kettle with citric acid involves using powder, but you can also use slices of fresh lemon.

  1. Add them to boiling water and open the lid of the electrical appliance, without letting it turn off for several minutes.
  2. Allow the water to cool and the container will become clean and fresh.
  3. Unpleasant odors and accumulated deposits can be washed off with running water.

Another way to cleanse is to:

  1. Leave the aqueous solution of citric acid in the kettle overnight.
  2. In the morning, drain the water with the separated sediment.

This method is suitable for light sediment and does not harm the electrical appliance.

Whitening and descaling

Lemongrass is often used for cleaning and bleaching various surfaces, household appliances and linen.

The rate at which deposits appear depends on the salt content in tap water: the more salts there are, the faster plaque forms.

Benefits of use

The use of citric acid to eliminate accumulated insoluble salts has many advantages over other cleaning methods.

The main advantages of this method:

  • Low cost and can be purchased at any grocery store;
  • High efficiency - 100 grams can dissolve up to 80 grams of hardened deposits;
  • Ease of use, since everyone can handle the cleansing process;
  • Safety for human health and the environment: the formation of calcium citrate when dissolving salts does not pose any threat.

In terms of its cleansing properties, citric acid is a complete and effective analogue of specialized cleaning products, since chemical substances the latter have a negative impact on human health.

Preventing scale and caring for the kettle

To prevent the formation of sediment in dishes, you need to take several simple preventive measures:

  • Use filtered or settled water with a reduced concentration of salts;
  • Pour the liquid remaining after boiling into another container;
  • In enamel dishes, boil only once. Repeated boiling will speed up the process of plaque formation;
  • Carry out preventive cleaning with citric acid 1-2 times a month;
  • Give preference to electric kettles with a closed spiral;
  • Rinse the vessel before boiling water.

Properties of citric acid

Citric acid is a white crystalline powder that is highly soluble in water. In living nature, acid is found in large quantities fruits and vegetables, has low level toxicity.

Dosed use of the powder does not harm the human body and environment. The substance itself is widely known for its characteristics due to its biochemical formula.

Citric acid is used in a variety of areas:

  • food industry;
  • medicine;
  • cosmetics production;
  • oil production;
  • construction;
  • at home.

Its active use as a household cleaning agent is due to its chemical composition.

Citric acid has a more gentle effect than acetic acid.

Is it possible to wash a kettle with citric acid?

Regular use of lemon juice to wash the kettle can significantly extend its service life and gradually free it from minor scale deposits on the internal surfaces.

When using citric acid, precautions must be taken. Despite the fact that this substance is widely found in nature, contact of the concentrate with human mucous membranes and skin leads to burns. Dry powder can be irritating to the respiratory tract, so inhaling it when washing dishes should be avoided.

Important: regular cleaning is less labor-intensive than getting rid of a thick layer of compressed deposits.

You can remove scale from dishes using substances containing acids. It is recommended to clean dishes in a timely manner while the plaque layer is minimal. Knowing the secrets of cleanliness will help lead household with a minimum of effort.