Why we like tanned skin. How to remove redness if your face is sunburned

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When we accept sunbathing, different things can happen, including a not very good result at the end, which is very far from what you wanted to get. For example, when sunbathing with glasses, the circles under the eyes often remain lighter; people who wear bangs have a problem with dark skin on the cheeks and light skin on the forehead. Another example is the sharp contrast between the color of the neck and face, resulting from the constant wearing of wide hats. There are also cases that after visiting resort places, your skin acquires a tan that is simply categorically not suitable for it, and as a result, the appearance of freckles or, even worse, pigmentation of the skin.

A common misconception among many people is that spring sun will not bring us any tanning or any skin problems at all. Very often, neglecting the rules of sun exposure, we do not apply protective cream, and as a result, we find sunburned facial skin. It remains to somehow solve the problem that arose due to our own frivolity, and here the question arises. What to do when your facial skin already has an unnatural dark shade?

Of course, the easiest way is to seek help from beauty salons, but we warn you right away that these services are not a very cheap pleasure. The result after their fruit peels will be quite good, which will please you. But not everyone can afford such pleasure, and most importantly, for a good result you need several salon peeling sessions.

But there is no need to despair, because in life there are no hopeless situations that cannot be solved more in simple ways and independently. What to do and what to do when there is no money to go to a cosmetologist, and your face looks terrible? First of all, you can purchase professional products for a good peeling at home. These can be products based on lactic, citric, glycolic, malic or tartaric acid.

Tanning peeling procedure

  • Before peeling, you must thoroughly cleanse the skin; cosmetic milk, washing gels or foams will help you with this;
  • the procedure should be done at night, then the skin will have time to renew itself by the next day;
  • It is advisable to carry out peelings no more than once a week; if you do the procedures more often, this may adversely affect the skin as a whole;
  • first of all, exfoliating agents are applied to the nose and forehead, then to the chin, and finally to the cheeks;
  • We carefully ensure that the product does not get into the eyes or the delicate skin around the eyes;
  • after 10–15 minutes, wash it off with warm water and apply moisturizer.
There are other ways to remove too much tan, they include traditional medicine. This is not surprising, because traditional medicine has existed for many centuries.

Folk ways to remove a strong tan from your face

  1. Kefir-based mask. Do not apply to a clean face a large number of kefir, maintain for 15 minutes. and rinse with warm water. After 1.5–2 weeks of such procedures, you will not recognize yourself.
  2. Cucumber mask It has simply unsurpassed whitening and nourishing properties. You need to grate the cucumber, then add an egg to it - this will help the mask stick better. Of course, you can simply use cucumber slices, but then the result may not please you much, because it may not be uniform.
  3. Citrus fruit in the fight against severely tanned skin. Mix citrus fruit juice in equal proportions with honey, apply to the skin for 10–15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Lemon or grapefruit can be thoroughly crushed, then add a little sour cream, the result should be a thick porridge. Apply to the skin, wait for the mask to dry, then wash your face with warm water. At the end we use cream depending on the time of day, because this mask can be done whenever and as much as you like.
  4. Parsley- skin lightening agent. For many centuries, women have been aware of the beneficial properties of this plant. Parsley not only works well as a facial brightener, it also does a good job of reducing acne. It can also help slow down skin aging and make wrinkles less noticeable. To whiten dry skin, you need to mix finely ground parsley with sour cream or cottage cheese, make a mask with it, leave it for 12-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. And if you have oily skin, then parsley should be mixed with whey or low-fat kefir.
  5. The mask is made from a mixture of egg white and viburnum juice. It not only whitens well, but also very well vitaminizes and soothes the skin. And so, take one egg white and beat it well, then add 1 tbsp. l. viburnum juice. Apply the mask to a clean face and leave on for 30 minutes. then rinse with warm water. The result will surpass itself - the skin is soft, uniform, clean and radiant with health.
  6. Potato starch as a skin whitening agent. Take 1 tbsp. 5% hydrogen peroxide, mixed with 1 tbsp. starch, stir thoroughly until smooth. Then apply to clean skin, holding the mask for at least 20 minutes. and wash off with water. To improve the result, you can rinse the skin after the procedure. mineral water, to which you first need to add a little lemon juice.
  7. Lemon mask to even out and whiten skin tone. Take 2 tbsp. lemon pulp, mix it with 1–1.5 tsp. wheat, or better yet rice flour, mix well. Apply the mask for 15–20 minutes. on a clean face, then rinse with water.
  8. Tea lotions. If your face is too tanned and you would like to lighten its tone a little in a natural way, then tea will be a good helper. Brew strong black or green tea and freeze it in special ice trays, then wipe your face with them.
  9. Oatmeal Far from being the last assistant in removing a strong tan from the face. Pour boiled water over the oatmeal and use the cooled mixture to make a mask. Leave this mask on for 12–15 minutes. and wash off with warm water.
When sunbathing in the sun, never forget that its warm and gentle rays can bring you a lot of problems. Therefore, it is better to prevent them in advance than to worry about how to get rid of them later.

For more information on what to do with a deeply tanned face, see here.

Find out how to whiten your tanned face at home quickly and effectively. Choose for yourself various recipes for the most effective whitening masks and compresses. Very useful tips about how to sunbathe correctly - so as not to harm your facial skin and look like after a solarium.

With the onset of summer and hot days, everyone strives to bask in the warm, long-awaited rays of the sun, often without thinking about the consequences. As a result, many people receive not just a severe tan on their face, but also a thermal burn from ultraviolet radiation. Instead of beautiful, evenly tanned skin with a bronze tint, most people end up with brownish spots scattered all over their face, or bright red skin that looks BURNED instead of TANned. Naturally, the first desire that arises after this is to whiten your face after tanning as quickly as possible and return it to its former naturalness and beauty. Fortunately, this is possible even at home.

How to avoid getting your face burned in the sun

First, let's learn how to properly treat active sun rays (ultraviolet radiation) in summer period time. To prevent your face from peeling, redness and flaking after sunbathing, you only need to follow a few simple rules exposure to the sun in hot weather. Do you want to end up with a beautiful, even, bronze skin tone? If so, prevent your face from getting burned by taking precautions and being aware of UV burn prevention.

  1. Before you go sunbathing on the beach / just for a walk during the scorching heat, stock up specially formulated sunscreens. They must match your skin type (light or dark) and last a sufficiently long time (the UV indicator should be quite maximum).
  2. It is recommended to apply sunscreen to your skin half an hour before going out, and not on the beach itself.
  3. If in the heat you don’t have the treasured tube of sunscreen on hand, use folk remedies for sunburn: Apply a thin layer of any vegetable oil(preferably olive) or fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, whey.
  4. Never apply regular cosmetics (creams, tonics, etc.) to your face before going outside under the scorching rays of the sun. Foundation and powder will also only worsen your tan. It is because of them that it becomes uneven and spots.
  5. For a beautiful bronze tan on your face stay under the sun in portions. That is, today you sunbathe for no more than 20 minutes, tomorrow you increase this time interval to 30 minutes, the day after tomorrow - to 40, etc.
  6. To prevent your face from getting sunburned, you should not catch its rays from 11.00 to 16.00 in the afternoon- this is the time of its maximum activity, when it is easiest to get an ultraviolet burn.
  7. When relaxing under the sun, be sure to cover your face from direct exposure to its rays. Try to sit under a tent or umbrella.
  8. To prevent sunburn, moisturize your skin from the inside: drink as much water as possible while tanning. It should be regular, mineral, but in no case carbonated.
  9. Do not expose your face to the sun immediately after swimming, as water droplets on it will act as magnifying lenses and can cause severe skin burns.
  10. If you have, know that sunbathing is contraindicated for you.
  11. When it's hot, go outside with two must-have accessories - a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses.
  12. Any, even the slightest breeze, which usually makes you happy in hot weather, only enhances the effect of the sun's rays on your face. It is after this that the skin after tanning will peel off greatly.
  13. During the tanning period, try to take a minimum of medications, some of which can increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.
  14. Include more fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs in your diet. Pay special attention to carrots, which will deliver melanin to your body - a substance that can protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation and promote a uniform and beautiful tan.
  15. To avoid sunburn, before traveling to hot countries it is better to visit a solarium, which will make your facial skin less sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

It is much easier to initially protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation than to later, having lost your feet, look for ways to remove tan from your face so that it is not so red and flaky. Therefore, learn how to tan correctly to look beautiful and stunning. But if this does happen, and you are categorically not satisfied with the way you look after an active holiday in the sun, you still shouldn’t despair. There are many ways to whiten your face from tanning using a variety of folk (improvised) means.

What they are, causes and how quickly at home

The reasons for the appearance of wen on the face and the most safe ways getting rid of them:

How to remove tan from face

First, decide on your problem that you have in connection with unsuccessful tanning of your face. Very often nothing bad happens. Just an uncontrolled passion for ultraviolet radiation leads to the fact that the tan turns out to be too dark, dark brown, and not bronze. Naturally, the desire immediately arises to at least slightly whiten your face from tanning at home, so as not to look like a representative of the Negroid race. This is quite possible using folk remedies- masks and compresses.

  • Curdled milk

Three times a day, lubricate your heavily tanned face with a thick layer of yogurt, and after half an hour, rinse off its residue with water. room temperature.

  • White clay

Dilute one tablespoon of kaolin (white clay) with cucumber juice (two tablespoons), then add one teaspoon of concentrated lemon juice to the mixture. The duration of action of such a whitening mask after tanning is 10 minutes. You can use cucumber juice instead.

  • Lemon water

Pour 4-5 lemon slices into a glass ordinary water room temperature, leave to infuse for 6 hours. Wash your face with prepared lemon water several times a day.

Any mask or compress prepared according to this recipe will return your natural skin color if you accidentally get too much of a tan on your face: it can be whitened in just 1 week.

But after the first use of these funds it will be much easier and simpler for you. You will even like your own reflection in the mirror, and you will be able to go out into the world without any complexes. However, severe tanning is not the only problem that can arise due to excessive ultraviolet exposure.

Removing sun spots

Very often the tan on the face turns out to be spots - very ugly and unpleasant, which spoil the external aesthetic appearance. This is due to uneven distribution ultraviolet radiation over the surface of the skin. Perhaps, while tanning, there was foundation or some other cream on your face cosmetic product. Or maybe it’s the nature of your skin that it reacted to the sun’s rays with such spots. One way or another, you can also get rid of them at home using folk remedies.

  • Cucumber seeds in vodka

An unusual recipe that should be prepared in advance just in case when going to the resort. Pour one tablespoon of fresh seeds into a glass of vodka and leave in a sealed container (or a bottle) in a dark place for 2 weeks. Based this tool You can make whitening compresses for stains after sunbathing. It is better to store this product in the refrigerator.

  • Vegetable juice

Mix freshly squeezed potato and cucumber juices in equal quantities. They can be used to moisten stains formed after tanning several times daily. For greater effectiveness, you can add a few drops of lemon juice.

  • Parsley infusion

Chop fresh herbs or parsley root (to make 2 tablespoons), pour a glass of boiling water, cover loosely, leave for an hour. The prepared decoction will do a great job with even the worst sunburn spots on your face.

If you have brownish or red spots on your face after sunbathing, don't panic. The above recipes will help you whiten them at home quickly, effectively, and most importantly - safely.

Use them regularly and do not forget to test for the presence of allergens for your skin before the first use in order to avoid an unwanted reaction. But this is not all the troubles that can happen to your face after an unsuccessful tan.

Peeling skin after sunbathing

An even more unpleasant consequence of an excess of ultraviolet radiation for the skin is when the face peels off after sunbathing and gradually becomes covered with flaky spots. Like plaster, the epidermis crumbles, making appearance very unkempt and ugly. With this side effect After sunbathing, you definitely won’t go anywhere. Although, knowing a few secrets of folk remedies with a moisturizing and restorative effect, you can put your skin in order in just 1-2 masks.

  • Aloe juice

Cut off the lowest, fleshiest aloe leaves, wash them, open them, squeeze out as much juice as possible and apply it daily to flaky and peeling areas on your face after sunbathing.

  • Oatmeal mask

Boiled with milk oatmeal(one tablespoon) mixed with the same amount of honey. Add to the mask one teaspoon of unrefined olive oil cold pressed. The duration of action is half an hour. Sweep warm water. Can be done daily until the skin takes on a healthy and blooming appearance.

  • After sun oils

Cosmetic oils are great for tidying up sunburned facial skin. You can take the simplest ones - burdock, castor, almond. They must be at room temperature. Lubricate problem areas with them daily. No rinsing required. Remains after an hour can be carefully removed with a paper napkin.

Any similar face mask after sunbathing will perfectly moisturize the skin and promote its rapid healing and restoration. Choose a recipe that is convenient for you and no longer worry about your unpresentable appearance. Well, perhaps, there is one more problem that usually arises in fair-haired girls with fair skin. After the resorts, many of them are looking for any ways to remove redness from their faces after sunbathing, which resembles a burn.

Red skin after sunbathing

For all blondes there is a couple or three healthy recipes who will tell you after sunbathing using the simplest folk remedies. They will not require too much of your time or any financial expenses. Prepare, apply - and enjoy the result.

  • Cinnamon and honey mask

A mask made of cinnamon and honey perfectly removes redness from the face after sunbathing. Mix them in equal quantities and lubricate problem areas of the skin for 10 minutes. It is recommended to use this product daily until the skin acquires its natural color.

  • Green clay

Dilute one tablespoon of green clay with two tablespoons of boiled cold water, add 1 drop essential oil cinnamon. Apply the mask for 15 minutes daily.

  • Paraffin

    How to Whiten a Tanned Face at Home: Best Home Remedies

    4 /5 - Ratings: 87
  • Tanned skin looks beautiful and healthy, but Is it really good to sunbathe??
  • What exactly does it consist of?
  • Does it happen 100% safe tanning?
  • How to protect your facial skin from photoaging?
  • And How sunbathe properly face in the sun?

The women's site answers these and other questions.

The benefits of tanning

The sun's rays are very useful for us– and no one doubts this now. Without the sun we get nervous, irritable, susceptible to various stresses, depression. It is no coincidence that in bad weather our mood is at zero. And since the mood is bad, then the health leaves much to be desired.

In the sun, the activity of some enzymes increases, immunity is strengthened, vitamin D is produced, which is so beneficial to bones and teeth. Under the influence of the sun, our body produces endorphins – joy hormones. It is no coincidence that on a sunny day we are so joyful, happy and satisfied with life.

However All these benefits can be obtained without exposing your body to direct sunlight!

But what exactly is (that is, the very fact of “frying” in the sun)?

ONLY is that the sun gives the most natural and even.

Oh yes! Tanning perfectly disguises pimples and minor skin imperfections. However The same can be achieved using bronzing powder.

How tanning harms facial skin

Any tan causes irreversible changes in the skin : thickening, unevenness, loss of moisture, roughening of the skin. Any tan – even! – causes photoaging of the skin.

Therefore it makes sense to use sun protection creams on any sunny day – even if you don’t sunbathe.

How to protect your face from the sun?

How to protect your face from sun rays? Carol Maggio gives the following advice:

  • Avoid the sun's most harmful rays - don't go out in direct sun from 10 to 15 o'clock in the afternoon.
  • Always use face cream with a protective factor of at least 30 SPF.
  • When in the sun, always protect your face with a wide brim hat and wear .

One of our TV stars says that never on purpose– it is always in the shadows. For even in the shade it affects the skin of the face sunlight , and this is enough not to be a pale toadstool

It makes sense to listen!

How to properly sunbathe your face in the sun?

If you still intend to have, and you are not at all confused, these tips are for you:

  • Before tanning your face do not wash your face with soap or gel, since they remove the natural protection of the skin, and photoaging will be especially intense.
  • On tanning day do not use peeling or scrub, do facial cleansing. These things can cause uneven skin pigmentation.
  • To tan your face, use only special cream with SPF protection factor (the larger it is, the better, as you understood from what you read above). Any other cream can cause allergies, hyperpigmentation individual parts faces and other unpleasant consequences.
  • No decorative on the face while tanning! And here lip balm with SPF will be very useful to you.
  • Most sensitive to the sun nose, forehead and cheekbones. They are the ones who can get burned, so pay special attention to their protection.
  • Sunbathe only in profile– this way your nose and forehead won’t get burned, and your facial tan will be as even as possible.
  • If you have oily skin or acne, you should not sunbathe every day. It is best to do this every other day and little by little.
  • After sunbathing wash off the sunscreen immediately, moisturize your skin.

And let me remind you once again that in the sun our face and body ages much faster! That's why Think 100 times before you “fry” by the sea for several hours a day!

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When we meet a person who looks good, we are sure that he enjoys life. It seems to us that in his life there are not only busy weekdays, but also weekends, and with them - sun, space, freedom, sensuality, serenity... We write down the one whose cheeks are pale and there are dark circles under his eyes as a workaholic. But someone who shows a tan too obviously and for too long often raises suspicions.

“After a vacation at the seaside, I returned too tanned to go to work like that,” says 36-year-old lawyer Larisa. “For some time I had to camouflage my tan with light powder, because it looks defiant in the courtroom!” The secret to a healthy and moderately tanned face is a real art. It requires us to be subtle and measureful in every sense.

Opportunity to receive a compliment

“Even if my face doesn’t reflect what’s really going on in my soul,” says 41-year-old Valeria, “but if I hear several times a day that I look like I’ve just come from vacation, it’s ultimately me will really cheer you up!”

“We associate tanning with warmth and light, with a comfortable living environment in which you can live, and not survive,” explains Gestalt therapist Maria Andreeva. - Subjectively, we perceive it as a sign of well-being. And when we see a tanned face in the mirror, we feel that everything is in order with us and our life. And compliments on glowing skin fuel healthy narcissism: it’s as if we’re being praised for the lifestyle we lead.”

In modern Western culture, positive emotions are valued and those associated with disadvantage, loneliness or illness are not valued. Therefore, a face that demonstrates health and joy of life is a plus. Both in the public sphere and in private life. Deep sleep and well-chosen powder - sometimes nothing else is needed to look good.

“Sometimes I notice how my mood changes as I apply makeup,” says Leila, 44. - With blush, the cheeks seem plumper, like a child’s, and the face is not so tired. I apply a little concealer under my eyes to hide the blue, and gloss on my lips - and now I’m ready to face dull everyday life and grumpy clients.”

According to Maria Andreeva, even when we achieve such an effect for our own sake, we still expect evaluation from the outside. “When we look good, we attract people,” says the psychotherapist. “Their attention (even fleeting) helps us feel better, we worry less, and forget about illnesses and adversity.”

Prosperity sign

A good complexion is a pass to the professional and social life? This is often exactly the case, believes Maria Andreeva. A tanned, well-groomed face is involuntarily perceived as a sign of health, youth, and success. After all, if a person knows how to take care of himself, is ready to make efforts and invest money in order to look and feel better, then he has opportunities and life resources. Grooming is perceived as the result of an investment in one’s own health.

“By artificially creating a healthy complexion, say in a solarium or using self-tanning, we often unconsciously hope to increase our social status,” says Maria Andreeva. “Indeed, there can be a deceptive effect of excellent health and the illusion that we can afford something that we really cannot afford.”

And yet each of us is responsible for how he looks.

“If a person demonstrates sloppiness in caring for himself, if he has a tired face, he is suspected of not taking care of himself, leading an unhealthy lifestyle, and therefore, a priori, not very trustworthy,” states sociologist Jean-François Amadieu . On the contrary, a well-groomed face indicates healthy life and the ability to take care of oneself, to control one’s life, which is especially valued in modern society.

We increasingly feel obligated to look good and feel guilty when we fail to do so.

Three years ago, 46-year-old Maria was asked by the head of her department if she was all right: her pallor and colorless lips gave him an “alarming feeling.” Since then, Maria wears light makeup every day “to look good.” At least in the eyes of your superiors, it is important to have a positive image.

There's nothing new about using makeup to “correct” your mood. What is new, perhaps, is that this game is aimed equally at oneself and at others.

“We feel that someone is looking at us, and this gaze often “disciplines,” says cultural expert Olga Vainstein in her book “Dandy: Fashion, Literature, Lifestyle.” - It may contain reproach, bewilderment, and even an accusation that our appearance does not correspond to the generally accepted norm, does not coincide with expectations. And this leads to the fact that we constantly feel like a passive object, and not a person, not a subject with our own rights and responsibilities. We become the patient who anxiously awaits test results.”

And more and more often we feel obliged to look good in the eyes of friends and family. And, accordingly, we feel guilty when we fail.

The tanning age imperative

Olga Vainstein, culturologist

Each era has its own ideal of health and beauty. “At some point, a certain characteristic begins to dominate, and then for years it becomes synonymous with beauty and health,” explains culturologist Olga Vainshtein.

“For our era, healthy skin and the absence of wrinkles on the face are important. A synonym for health is the elasticity of the body, its clear contours, and the image of shine: a luminous face, radiant skin, sparkle in the eyes. This metaphor of luminescence, energy, goes back to ancient cultural images, such as luminous hair, which has magical power. But why is this important now?

The new ideology arose about 40 years ago in the United States and quickly spread throughout the world. Human health has become a symbol of beauty. Every member of society was now required to take care of himself. Previously, responsibility for the health of citizens lay with the state. Now the one who was unable to support good shape, was perceived as a “bad citizen.”

There were, of course, commercial interests behind this message. Facilities mass media picked up these ideas, instilling in their readers, viewers and listeners the cultural norms that they must now conform to. But the idea of ​​responsibility for one's own physical health replaced by concern for a healthy appearance, external gloss.

And when the ideal of beauty, imposed by anyone, becomes part of the worldview, is included in the system of life values, a person’s mental balance, harmony with oneself and nature is lost. There is a need to change something in yourself - your figure, your face - so as to coincide with the ideal images from newspapers and magazines. You have to fuss a lot without starting to take care of yourself.”

Me, but only better

Tanning magically makes us instantly attractive. It is a sign of sexuality, helps to feel better about the body, makes us more sensual.

“Tanning in our culture is erotic, like everything golden,” psychoanalyst Rebecca Lustman deciphers. “It’s as if a sunlit complexion implies a higher-than-average libido, and this, after confirmation by the looks and words of others, gives freedom and confidence in one’s demeanor.”

Maria Andreeva also reminds us of the visual effect that tanning produces: it optically conceals volumes and camouflages skin defects.

With a tan we feel less naked - it plays the role of an outfit, invisible clothing and improves relationships with own body. “In the summer, even in the most intense heat, I don’t wear tops with an open back or too short dresses,” says 33-year-old Anna. “But as soon as I go on vacation and get a tan, I stop being ashamed of my body, I feel more free and alive.”

Association of tanning with beauty and health - conditioned reflex, from which it is difficult to get rid of. After all, a tan creates the feeling of “this is me, only in better shape.”

Makeup Tricks

Olivier Echaudemaison, art director of Guerlain

Olivier Echaudemaison, artistic director of Guerlain, recommends:

  1. Cleanse the skin. For a healthy complexion, you need to regularly rid your skin of dead cells. Only well-cleansed and well-moisturized skin can glow. Cleansing mousse or gel, soft peeling, moisturizing mask... This is a necessary preliminary stage.
  2. Apply a natural tone. Use a large brush and a tanning powder one shade darker than your skin tone. Lightly brush the brush over the entire face, especially highlighting the raised areas.
  3. Pay special attention to the mouth and cheekbones. A little gloss on the lips to freshen up the face, and blush on the cheekbones to reveal relief. Nothing spoils the impression of complexion more than a mouth with dry lips and a flat, matte face.

The long-awaited summer has arrived. The sun warmed up and beckoned us to the beaches, making us forget about work and everyday problems.

Just think, just a few days in the arms of the sun, and here he is: gorgeous bronze tan, the dream of many representatives of the fair sex.

But we should not forget that the generous rays of the sun can not only give a beautiful color to your skin, but also seriously burn her.

As a rule, this occurs when abused sunbathing. First of all they suffer the most delicate and unprotected areas of the dermis: face and neck. What to do if your face is burned?

Degrees of sunburn

If your skin on your face, instead of the expected golden brown hue, has acquired a bright red or burgundy “Indian” color, and mild itching and burning have appeared, then there is no doubt: you have a thermal burn!

There are 4 degrees sunburn, it is advisable to know them. After all, forewarned is forearmed.

Also, the sun's rays can cause an allergic reaction, which will immediately manifest itself as redness of the skin and severe itching.

Should I see a doctor?

In which cases medical help needed:

  • if more than 50% of the facial skin is burned;
  • if blisters appear on the surface of the skin;
  • if the temperature rises, headache and nausea.

The doctor will determine the extent of your burn and give necessary recommendations : how and what is the best way to treat the affected dermis. In particularly severe cases it will be necessary hospital treatment(antibiotics, IVs).

Important Tip from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

First aid

What will help? What to put on a sunburnt face? First aid for your beloved face for a thermal burn is as follows.

When you return home from the beach, immediately take cool shower. Water will help relieve itching and pain.

Take an aspirin tablet (or an analogue). Aspirin helps well with inflammatory processes.

After this, you can resort to the immortal recipes of our grandmothers or, in other words, use the methods traditional medicine.

Folk remedies

Cabbage mask. Few people know that, along with a large number useful vitamins and microelements, White cabbage contains rare vitamin U (methylmethionine sulfonium chloride), which has powerful antiulcer, wound healing and antitumor properties.

Thanks to it, cabbage leaves are good for burns of varying degrees, quickly relieve inflammation and swelling.

To make a cabbage mask, you need to take a fresh cabbage leaf, lightly beat it, scald it with boiling water, cool it and put it on your face (for an hour). Repeat the procedure after some time.

Kefir. They will perfectly help remove redness, reduce inflammation, and most importantly, restore the level of moisture in the dermis. Soak a clean napkin in kefir (make holes for the eyes for convenience), apply it to your face, and hold for 20 minutes. After the procedure, rinse your skin with cool water.

Potato. Excellent for first and second degree burns.

Grate the root vegetable on a fine grater and apply to your face. Relief will come in just a minute.

Do this three times a day for 3-4 days, the skin on your face will recover very quickly.

Green tea compresses. They will help relieve itching, a feeling of heat, and prevent peeling of the skin. Soak a clean napkin in strong tea leaves, apply to your face, and leave for 20-30 minutes. No need to rinse off.

Cucumber. A true natural healer. Beneficial features its fresh pulp will quickly bring your face back to normal and make your life easier. The cucumber can be cut into thin slices and spread on your face. Or grate the vegetable and spread the pulp over the entire surface of the burnt skin.

Egg white. There will always be eggs in the house. – a good helper for sunburn.

A mask based on it will quickly remove heat, relieve redness, and moisturize the skin.


What ointments can you apply to a burnt face at home? Along with folk recipes, the drug will help cope with burns of varying severity "Panthenol", which is advisable to have in your home medicine cabinet (just in case).

In case of an allergic reaction to the sun (itchy, severely irritated and reddened skin), you should take medications Suprastin, Claritin.

Quickly restore the dermis damaged by thermal burns vitamins D and E. Vitamin E is applied to damaged areas of facial skin, D is taken orally.


What not to do after a sunburn on your face:

  1. Apply ice to burning areas of skin. The relief will only be temporary, but subsequently it will be difficult to restore the skin to its original state.
  2. Take a hot bath. Water high temperature will aggravate the condition and increase the pain.
  3. Excluded washing with soap. Soap, or rather the alkali included in its composition, will destroy the natural protective layer on the skin.
  4. Do not do it use scrubs and alcohol-containing tonics. Alcohol dries out the dermis. The scrub can injure already burnt skin.

Don't exhaust yourself with drought. After a thermal burn, you need to drink as much water as possible, this will ease your condition.

Further care

How to care for a sun-damaged face:


To avoid the serious consequences of unwise tanning, consider the following tips:

  1. Sunbathe during before 11 o'clock in the afternoon, or after 17 o'clock in the afternoon. I think that you will find something to keep yourself busy at the very peak of solar activity: sit with a book, drink tea with a friend, relax.
  2. Do not expose yourself to sun danger, because prolonged exposure to scorching rays leads not only to painful burns, but also to premature aging of the skin. Do you need it?

  3. Don't neglect sunscreens. Apply them to your skin not only before leaving the house, but also after each bath. In the first days of solar roasting, use a cream with maximum protection (factor 40 or 50). After your dermis adapts a little and acquires a brownish tint, switch to a weaker product (factor 25).
  4. Sun enhances its effect through drops of water several times, so be sure to dry your skin with a towel after water procedures.

A red, inflamed face and a flaky, swollen nose are unlikely to decorate a woman.

Remember this when chasing beautiful tan neglect simple precautions and steam for hours under the scorching rays of the sun, like an empty-headed monkey.

Tan wisely, and then your appearance will please both you and those around you.

You can learn what to do if your skin is sunburnt from the video: