Package of documents for individual entrepreneur registration. What to do next after registering an individual entrepreneur

This page contains documents necessary only for state registration individual as individual entrepreneur. You can find other documents on the appropriate sections/pages.

What documents need to be submitted to register as an individual entrepreneur:

  1. application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur in form P21001,
  2. receipt for payment of state duty for individual entrepreneur registration,
  3. application for transition to a simplified taxation system in form No. 26.2-1 (optional),
  4. copy of the passport.

Below we will look at where to get the document forms from the list and how to fill them out.

Detailed description Completion of documents can be found in the Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation "On approval of forms and requirements for the execution of documents submitted to the registration authority during state registration of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and peasant (farm) farms."

1. Application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur in form P21001

You can fill out the application:

  • Online on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.
  • Using the official free program from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation for preparing documents for state registration.
  • Manually

be careful- the application must be filled out in full accordance with the requirements (otherwise registration may be denied). In order not to make mistakes in the little things, you should use the above official program for preparing documents. So, for example, it is required:

  • When printing, use Courier New font 18 points high
  • When filling by hand, use black ink
  • fill out the application in block capital letters
  • indicate at least four characters of OKVED codes
  • indicate the phone number in a certain format
  • follow the rules for wrapping words to the next line

Let's consider filling out the application yourself:

Download the most current version of the application form P21001 in PDF format.

You can see an example of the most common option for filling out the P21001 application (for adult citizens of the Russian Federation picking up documents on their own) here:

  • page 1 (opens in a new window),
  • page 2 (opens in a new window),
  • Sheet A (opens in a new window),
  • Sheet B (opens in a new window).

Now a little more detail:

  • TIN- if you don’t know - if it’s missing - how to get a TIN.
  • Place of Birth- completely, as written in the passport.
  • Address- at the place of registration (as in the passport)
  • Postcode can be found on the Russian Post website
  • Document type code- for a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation - 21 (check the information on document types for relevance)
  • How to fill out Sheet A(Information about OKVED codes) You can read on the page dedicated to OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs.
  • Sheet B need to print in 2 copies. The full name is entered in it by hand, the signature is placed when submitting documents (in the presence of the receiving inspector)

2. Receipt for payment of the state fee for individual entrepreneur registration

Fill out a receipt to pay the state fee for registering an individual entrepreneur automatically And for free You can use the official service from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

An example of filling can be seen (opens in a new window).

3. Application for transition to a simplified taxation system, form No. 26.2-1 (USNO, simplified tax system, simplified tax system)

The simplified taxation system (aka: simplified tax system, simplified tax system, simplified tax system) allows you to pay less taxes and lead much simpler reporting than OSNO (basic taxation system). The simplified tax system is very common among small and micro businesses. There are two options for interest rates under the simplified tax system - 6% (from income) and 15% (with "income minus expenses"). You choose the interest rate yourself.

  • If you choose 6%, then you pay 6% of any income, and your expenses will not be of interest to the tax authorities (convenient if, for example, you provide some services and your expenses are much less than your income).
  • If you chose 15%, then subtract the amount of expenses from the amount of income and pay 15% taxes on the resulting figure (convenient if, for example, you trade something, that is, you first buy and then resell at your own markup). In this case, all your expenses must be documented(checks, invoices, acts, etc.).

If you plan to apply a simplification, then you need to submit this notification in duplicate along with other documents upon registration. You can switch to the simplified system only once a year, so if you don’t apply right away, you’ll have to pay MUCH more taxes and conduct MUCH more complex accounting and reporting until the end of the current year. According to the law, you can submit an application within 30 days from the date of registration, but why wait, submit immediately...

  • Download the application for the transition to a simplified taxation system in form No. 26.2-1 (KND 1150001) in PDF format.
  • The application is submitted to two copies, one copy remains with you (with a note of acceptance), be sure to save it.
  • You can fill out the form automatically using the free official program from the State Research Center of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation Taxpayer Legal Entity.

An example of filling can be seen here:

  • Application for transition to a simplified taxation system (STS) (opens in a new window)

4. Copy of passport.

Everything is simple here - a photocopy of two spreads of the passport (the main one and with registration) on one A4 page (they may ask for copies of all pages containing any information).

At this point, the preparation of the package of constituent documents for opening/registering an individual entrepreneur is completed. You will learn what to do next in the next paragraph of the section -

One day, friends asked me to help them register an individual entrepreneur. After reading the Law, visiting a decent bunch of websites, I prepared the necessary set of documents (as it seemed to me then) and we went to the tax office to file. Already leaving the tax office, we heard the indignation of a man who was refused registration.

He was indignant because when accepting documents for registration, the inspector did not check them for possible mistakes. To the man’s arguments, the inspector replied that he was not obliged to check for errors and his task was only to accept the documents that were brought to him, no more, no less.

A whole week waiting to receive it ready-made documents, I was tormented by doubts whether I had filled out everything correctly and whether I had attached all the documents. And my bad expectations came true - we were refused. I don’t remember the exact reason for the refusal. I had to prepare a package of documents again, pay the state fee again and wait another week. The second time was successful! For me, but for a friend, some kind of deal fell through due to the first refusal of registration.

In a word, after reading this article, you will be able to “high-quality” register an individual entrepreneur absolutely independently and without anyone’s help. At the end of the article, we will discuss “pitfalls” or “pitfalls” that you definitely need to pay special attention to, and this will allow you to avoid refusal of registration or other troubles.

Do you want to know which business form to choose? Read the article “What to choose as an individual entrepreneur or LLC? Differences and comparison".

Looking ahead, we can give answers to several of the most popular questions regarding the registration of individual entrepreneurs:

How much does it cost to open (register) an individual entrepreneur?

Yours costs associated with registering an individual entrepreneur will consist of the following payments:

  • State duty - 800 rubles;
  • Printing - 300 rubles (maximum 500 rubles);
  • Opening a current account - from 1000 rubles;
  • Purchase and registration of a cash register (optional) - from 15,000 rubles.

How long will it take to register an individual entrepreneur?

  • Collecting documents and filling out an Application for Individual Entrepreneur Registration - 1 day;
  • Registration of an individual entrepreneur with the tax office - 3 days.
  • If you do not have a TIN, then registering an individual entrepreneur will take 10 days (read about this below).

So, everything in order.

Individual entrepreneur (IP), who or what is it?

An individual entrepreneur, individual entrepreneur, is an individual who is registered as an entrepreneur, but without forming a legal entity and at the same time, possessing all the rights inherent in a legal entity. Advantages of an individual entrepreneur over a legal entity (for example, LLC):

  • Individual entrepreneurs do not need to have a legal address;
  • Individual entrepreneurs do not need to have an authorized capital;
  • The individual entrepreneur freely uses the proceeds, i.e. All cash, received from the implementation of their entrepreneurial activity.

Where does individual entrepreneur registration take place or where to register an individual entrepreneur?

State registration of individual entrepreneurs carried out by the tax service. Register an individual entrepreneur You can only at your territorial tax office, i.e. only in the branch to which your residential address belongs (permanent address). For example, you are registered in the Moscow region, but want to register an individual entrepreneur in Moscow, this will not work. You can also register an individual entrepreneur using temporary registration, but (important) only if there is no mark in your passport indicating permanent registration.

It should also be noted that business activities can be carried out throughout the Russian Federation, regardless of the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur.

Register an individual entrepreneur in Moscow It is possible only at the 46th tax office (Federal Tax Service No. 46) at the address: Pokhodny Proezd, building 3, building 2. .

If you are from another region, then you can find out the address of your tax office on the FIAS website.

All information related to individual entrepreneurs is contained in the Unified state register individual entrepreneurs (USRIP). Some of the information is publicly available and anyone can request it.

Do I need a TIN to register an individual entrepreneur?

To register you as an individual entrepreneur, you must indicate your TIN in the Application for Individual Entrepreneur Registration. If you do not have one, then you must add an Application for TIN to the package of documents for registering an individual entrepreneur.

In this case, the “tax office” will first carry out the procedure for registering you and assign you a TIN, and then begin registering “your” individual entrepreneur. The registration period for individual entrepreneurs will increase by 5 days (the time required to assign you a TIN).

Selection of economic activity codes for individual entrepreneurs (OKVED for individual entrepreneurs). Step 1.

When filling out the Application for individual entrepreneur registration You will need to list the types economic activity that you will be doing. All types of economic activities are divided into categories and subcategories. They are contained in the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (Service for selecting OKVED codes with the ability to send to email). Each type of activity has its own specific code (XX.XX.XX). When filling out the Registration Application, you must indicate this code and its meaning.

It is advisable to select and indicate as many codes as possible, but no more than 20. In practice, for unknown reasons, for some reason problems arise with registration if more than 20 codes are indicated in the Application. After registration, you have the opportunity to add or exclude some codes, but to do this you must submit an Application for Amendments to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

Types of economic activity have concepts: basic And additional. There can only be one main code and it is indicated first in the Application for Individual Entrepreneurship Registration. There can be any number of additional codes.

To select the OKVED codes that suit you, we suggest using the Collection of OKVED types for small and medium-sized businesses (you can also download it there), which is divided into the most popular areas of activity.

Important! There is a certain list of OKVED codes, which requires, when registering an individual entrepreneur, to also provide certificates of good conduct (no criminal record).

We fill out the Application for registration of individual entrepreneurs. Step 2.

Next, we need to fill out an Application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur (IP). It is advisable to fill it out on a computer, but you can also fill it out manually. But you cannot add anything by hand on the finished printed Application.

You can download a completed sample Application for Individual Entrepreneur Registration and enter your data into it. After this, print and staple, and on the back of the last page stick a “piece of paper” with the inscription "Strapped and numbered ____ pages", indicate your full name and sign.

Attention! This sample Application for registration in form P21001 will not be valid from 04/07/2013. From this date, new application forms will be introduced. Recommend for professional help To register an LLC, contact the Business Registration and Support Center.

Example “Paper on the back of the last sheet”

Do not forget sign the Application in places where “Applicant” is indicated. If you personally submit an Application to the tax office, you do not need to have your signature certified by a notary.

Application for transition to the simplified tax system for individual entrepreneurs. Step 3.

The majority of individual entrepreneurs choose from the tax regimes proposed by our state Simplified system (STS). The simplified tax system provides a lot of advantages. You can learn about taxation regimes on the page dedicated to the taxation system.

We dare to assume that you too will choose the “simplified” version. If you decide to use the Main Tax Regime (OST), then there is no need to fill out an Application for Switching to the simplified tax system, and you can skip this step.

Application for transition to simplified tax system can be submitted simultaneously with the submission of the Application for registration or within 5 days after receiving the Certificate of Registration of the Individual Entrepreneur.

The simplified system offers two options for calculating the single tax:

  • 6% of income;
  • 15% of income minus expenses.

The first option is suitable for individual entrepreneurs whose activities do not involve significant expenses, for example, the provision of any services. The second option is chosen by those who incur serious costs to extract future income (trade, production).

So, fill out the Application for transition to the simplified tax system. You can download a completed sample Application for Transfer to a Non-STS for Individual Entrepreneurs and replace the data highlighted in “red”.

In the column “Selected as an object of taxation,” put the number “1” if you choose the mode - 6% of income and the number “2” if - 15% of income minus expenses.

The application for transition to the simplified tax system must be printed and submitted in 3 copies, both sign. When submitting documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur, the Federal Tax Service employee is obliged to return one copy of the Application with a mark of acceptance. After registration, you should still receive an Information Letter confirming the acceptance of your Application to switch to the simplified tax system. Read about it below.

State duty (state duty) for registration of individual entrepreneurs. Step 4.

To register an individual entrepreneur, you must pay a state fee of 800 rubles..

You can pay the state fee in two ways:

  • through a bank;
  • through the terminal in the “tax office”.

Paying the state duty through the terminal is much easier and faster, but for this you will need to pay a commission of 50 rubles.

If you still decide to make a payment through a bank, then download the Receipt for payment of the state fee for registering an individual entrepreneur, enter your data into it and run to Sberbank (there is no commission there). The receipt is only suitable for Moscow.

The receipt must be attached to the set of completed documents.

Important point! If for any reason you are denied registration as an individual entrepreneur, then It is not possible to return the paid state fee or credit it for re-registration.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs with the tax office, submission of documents. Step 5.

All documents for individual entrepreneur registration prepared, printed, bound (where there is more than one sheet) and signed! Now you need to submit them to the tax office. Where exactly (for Moscow - Federal Tax Service No. 46) is written above. In the 46th “tax” office, registration of individual entrepreneurs takes place in hall No. 3. Our state is modern, and therefore the queue at the tax office is electronic, i.e. You need to take a ticket at the terminal and wait for your turn.

So, in your set of documents for individual entrepreneur registration must be:

  • Application for state registration of individual entrepreneurs- 1 PC.;
  • Copy of the passport(on one page: spread of the first page and the page with registration) - 1 pc.;
  • Copy of TIN Certificate- 1 PC.;
  • Application for transition to simplified tax system- 3 pcs.;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty- 1 PC.

Important! Don't forget to take your passport and original TIN Certificate.

The Federal Tax Service inspector, after checking your set of documents, must issue you Receipt for receipt of documents. The receipt, in addition to the list of documents accepted from you, contains the date when you can pick up the completed documents. If you miss this date, the tax office will send them to you by mail.

If you also submitted an Application to switch to the simplified tax system, then the inspector must mark the second copy and return it to you.

We collect the completed documents. Step 6.

According to the law Individual entrepreneur registration period is 5 days. Documents must be collected on the appointed date and provided with a Receipt. As in the case of submitting documents, we take a receipt and wait for our turn (this is for Moscow).

The set of ready-made documents for individual entrepreneur registration includes:

  • Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur;
  • Notification of registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

That's it - you are an individual entrepreneur! There's just one more thing left to do...

What to do after registering an individual entrepreneur. Step 7

To complete the process individual entrepreneur registration you need to receive an Information Letter from the State Statistics Service, a Notice of Registration with the Pension Fund, make a stamp, open a current account, buy and register a cash register.

Information letter from State Statistics Service

Currently, Rosstat (Territorial body of the Federal Service state statistics in Moscow) does not provide Information Letters.

You can print the Notification yourself in the form approved by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) on May 28, 2012.

Registration with the Pension Fund

When registering an individual entrepreneur, the tax office itself sends data about you to the Pension Fund. However, you still need to visit it in order to pick up the Notice of registration with the Pension Fund of Russia in which you will find your registration number. You need to have with you: a copy of the TIN, a copy of the passport, a copy of the Certificate of Registration, a copy of the extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, a certificate of compulsory pension insurance (green laminated card). You will also be given samples of receipts and the amount of contributions that will need to be transferred by the individual entrepreneur to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Make a stamp

An individual entrepreneur is not required to have his own seal. However, its presence is welcomed by both banks and business partners. A seal imprint on a contract looks more impressive than just a signature. The cost of making a seal varies from 300 to 700 rubles. To produce a seal, you are usually asked to provide: full name, city and OGRN.

Open a bank account

An individual entrepreneur is not required to open a bank account. He can easily conduct his business without him. Open a current account only if necessary, because the bank takes money for this service (from 1000 rubles) and, in addition, you will have to pay a commission to the bank monthly (about 1000 rubles).

To open a current account, you must provide the following documents to the bank: Individual Entrepreneur Registration Certificate, TIN Certificate, Information Letter from State Statistics Service, passport.

Currently, there is no need to notify the Federal Tax Service about opening an account!!!

Cash machine

Whether or not an individual entrepreneur needs a cash register depends on his field of activity. Individual entrepreneurs can accept money from their clients in different ways: in cash, by transfer to a bank account. If your activity involves accepting money from clients in cash, then you need to have a cash register. Only those individual entrepreneurs who provide clients with services listed in the “All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population” (OKUN) can work without a cash register. In this case, instead of cash receipt The Strict Reporting Form (SRF) is used.

It is not enough to simply purchase a cash register; it must be registered with the tax office (registered).

Features of individual entrepreneur registration - be careful!

The individual entrepreneur registration process may well end refusal of state registration. You can get a refusal by various reasons: documents are not drawn up correctly, the applicant’s signatures are not placed everywhere or not all documents are provided (we are all human and we all make mistakes). As a result of the received refusal to register, you will lose not only the state fee paid, but also your precious time, which, ultimately, can disrupt certain plans (for example, signing an agreement with a client).

Also, when independently preparing documents for registration, special attention should be paid to indicating all the information that may later affect your work. For example, during registration you did not indicate any OKVED code that you may need in the subsequent conduct of business, or you did not immediately submit an application to switch to the simplified tax system upon registration. In both cases, you will be forced to spend some more time solving these problems.

And it's not full list possible troubles and financial losses that can be avoided if you immediately use the services of specialists. Specialized legal companies register you as an individual entrepreneur in full compliance with the law and taking into account all the specifics.

For example, the Center for Business Registration and Support, which, by the way, is located next to the only tax office in Moscow that registers individual entrepreneurs, will register you as an individual entrepreneur in just 5 working days for only 3,000 rubles, payable upon delivery. Specialists of the Registration Center will prepare everything for you within half an hour, taking into account the specifics of your business Required documents and will accompany you to the tax office to submit documents. You also do not need to resolve the issue of paying the state registration fee; the legal center’s specialists will take on this task. All you have to do is tell them the address where you need to deliver ready set documents (by the way, printing is also included in the cost of services) - and free of charge.

IN Lately There are many people who want to register individual entrepreneurship, because this requires a minimum of documents, and the registration procedure itself is quite simple.

At the same time, to legally conduct business, you need to register an individual entrepreneur, LLC, OJSC, etc., but many beginning businessmen do not know at all about what documents are required by Russian authorities from individuals.

Dear readers! The article talks about standard methods solutions to legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and FOR FREE!

In this regard, before registering own business, you need to remember the list of documents, as well as the correctness of drawing up some of them and submitting them to the relevant authorities.

Important Details

First, you should remember the basic list of documents and how they are filled out.

Main set

Many people, when registering individual entrepreneurship, begin their journey by making unreasonable financial expenses, not wanting to delve into the specifics of registration. At the same time, they turn to various organizations that provide assistance in registration, despite the fact that to independently register an individual entrepreneur, they need to provide the tax authority with only five basic documents.

  • original passport along with its copy;
  • a copy of the identification code;
  • statement;
  • a receipt confirming the payment of the relevant duties;
  • application to transfer your business to a simplified tax system.

A copy of the passport must be provided to the tax authorities in a strictly defined form:

  • copies must be made of all pages;
  • a copy of each page must be provided on a separate sheet, and double-sided printing is prohibited;
  • all sheets of the copy must be sewn together, and the tax inspector must receive the documents in exactly this form.

It is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur directly at the place of your registration, but at the same time you can carry out your activities throughout Russia.

You must obtain an identification number in advance. It is also issued by tax inspectors, as it is required for registration of individual entrepreneurship. If you do not provide your TIN along with your application, then you may be denied registration.

It is worth noting that you can submit an application for this document along with an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, and in this case, in five days you will immediately receive both an identification number and a certificate of registration. A copy of the TIN must be provided on a separate A4 paper.

Before applying, it is important to review operating systems taxation, decide on the future type of activity and, accordingly, select the necessary OKVED codes. The standard application form is printed according to form P21001 and includes five sheets. If you wish, you can fill out the application completely on the computer and then print it out, but it is important to remember that to fill out all the items you need to enter characters in Courier New font size 18 point.

Special attention should be paid to sheet B, since it contains your full name. must be entered exclusively manually. In principle, you can fill it out completely by hand, but to do this you will first need to print the form. The most important thing is to write only in capital letters and only in black ink.

When filling out the application, the main thing is to remember a few basic rules:

  • document format for passport – 21;
  • you need to put two spaces between the number and series of the civil passport;
  • the place of birth must be indicated in accordance with the one listed in your passport;
  • There is no rule for filling out page 003 for individuals;
  • on sheet B you need to fill in your full name. exclusively by hand;
  • The telephone number must be filled in along with the country code without any spaces.

Once all the pages are completed, you will need to use a paper clip or stapler to join them together, and there is no need to staple them. It is also worth noting that after printing the application, you cannot add any information by hand. The signature on Sheet B must be left only in the presence of an authorized tax inspector. This sheet will be returned to you immediately after all documents have been submitted.

You can obtain the details for paying the state duty by personally contacting the Federal Tax Service office or by looking at the relevant information on the official website. In 2019, the size is set at 800 rubles, which can be paid at any Sberbank branch without paying any commission.

The paid receipt must be attached to the first page of the application, and a standard paper clip can be used for this.

There is also an online service that allows you to pay state fees remotely by bank transfer. If you used this method payment, you will no longer need to attach a receipt.

The transition to a simplified tax system is provided only for representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, allowing them to submit reports under simplified conditions. This system uses two main rates: 6% and 15%, while each entrepreneur has the right to independently choose which type of rate suits him.

In any case, if you are going to register a business using a simplified system, you must also submit a corresponding application to the Federal Tax Service, which is submitted to the authorities along with the rest of the documents for registration or during 30 days after the registration procedure is completed.

If the application is not submitted within the established time frame, the entrepreneur is automatically assigned to the main system, in which reporting is much more complex, and on top of this there is also significant taxation.

Having collected all the documents, you can go to the local tax authority, where all documentation is handed over to the tax inspector with a receipt stating that your documentation has been accepted, and after that you will only have to wait for the notification of registration

Additional points

Among other things, to register an individual entrepreneurship, you need to register with the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund. After the registration procedure, the tax authority must send data about the new subject of activity to these authorities, while the entrepreneur himself is sent a notification by mail that his personal data is registered with the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund.

It is mandatory to register with these funds, and this is done at the place in which the individual entrepreneur is registered. If the entrepreneur does not intend to hire any additional employees, he is registered automatically. An individual entrepreneur can make a fixed contribution every month or quarterly.

If a businessman is going to use the services of hired workers, he must register with each of the funds as an employer, and also make a mandatory monthly payment for each of the employees.

Also, in accordance with current legislation, it is necessary to open a current account. An entrepreneur has the right to independently decide whether he needs this account to conduct his business, as well as carry out any monetary transactions.

If in the future the individual entrepreneur intends to receive any funds for services provided or pay for services and materials by bank transfer, the use of such an account is also necessary. Also, if transactions are made for an amount exceeding 100 000 rubles, an individual entrepreneur must open his own current account.

If an individual entrepreneur already has a current account, then fixed payments, tax deductions and various social contributions can be paid from it. If this account is opened, information about this event must be passed on to the tax service by bank employees, and nothing is required from the entrepreneur.

To open your own current account, you need to provide the bank with the following package of documents:

  • a copy of the state registration certificate certified by a notary;
  • a copy of the identification code certified by a notary;
  • a copy of the extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, which must be issued in less than 30 days before opening an account;
  • copy of passport;
  • a copy of the notice from the statistics service department;
  • licenses and permits to conduct their activities.

It is also worth noting that in some banks, in the process of opening an account, the provision of an entrepreneur’s seal is required, which is, in fact, optional, but is set as a mandatory requirement by some financial institutions. Among other things, having a seal when conducting any commercial transactions increases trust on the part of partners. The seal can be made either in a standard round shape or in any other shape.

An individual entrepreneur who does not use the services of hired workers must pay several mandatory payments:

  • 6% on the amount of income or 15% on the volume of profit (depending on what interest rate the entrepreneur chooses);
  • fixed contribution to the Pension Fund;
  • 13% Personal income tax on the income of each employee (if any).

Stages of working with documents for individual entrepreneur registration

Preparation for registration of an individual entrepreneur includes several main stages.

The first stage is the preparation of information, during which you need to decide on the type of activity that you are going to conduct (in order to select the appropriate OKVED codes), as well as the taxation system that you will use.

The group of OKVED codes you have chosen includes the entire junior subgroup of codes, while only the code of the main group is added to the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs, and not all of those listed. At the same time, there is no limitation on the total number of activity codes that can be indicated when applying.

Today there are several options for the taxation system:

  • general, including personal income tax, VAT, and property tax;
  • simplified;
  • a single tax on imputed income;
  • unified agricultural tax;
  • taxation system in the process of implementing production sharing agreements.

The simplified system provides for the payment of only one tax instead of all those indicated above, if the current procedure is maintained cash transactions and providing required reporting. If an entrepreneur intends to use the simplified system, then he should submit an application for this within a month after registration.

  • passport along with a copy;
  • registration application certified by a notary;
  • taxpayer identification number;
  • a receipt confirming the fact of payment of the state duty.

The procedure for preparing the necessary documentation is as follows:

  • correctly fill out the application in accordance with form P21001;
  • make a copy of each page of your civil passport, then stitch them all and sign them;
  • if you are not going to go to the tax office yourself, have each paper certified by a notary;
  • find out the details of the Federal Tax Service, which is located at your place of residence and where you will submit all the documents necessary for registration;
  • pay the state fee at any Sberbank branch.

After completing all these procedures, you can submit a package of documents to the Federal Tax Service at your place of residence. You need to hand over the papers to the tax inspector against a signature, and he must also inform you of the time frame within which your application must be considered. If a guarantor is responsible for filing all the papers, the receipt is sent to you by mail.

In accordance with current legislation, state registration is carried out within five working days, and after opening an individual entrepreneur, the corresponding entry is immediately made in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

After this, taking a receipt, on the appointed day you must visit the tax office with your passport and receive there:

  • notification that you, as an individual entrepreneur, are registering as a sole proprietor with the tax authority;
  • a certificate confirming your registration as an individual entrepreneur;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

Once you have the registration documents of an individual, you can begin legally conducting business.

What you should pay attention to

In order not to encounter various problems during the process of registering an individual entrepreneur, you must remember a few basic points.


The time it takes to register an individual entrepreneurship directly depends on who exactly is involved in the registration. If an entrepreneur independently applies to the tax authority, he will have to spend an order of magnitude more time compared to how long it takes intermediary organizations to carry out this procedure.

To open an individual entrepreneur, on average you need to spend the following amount of time:

You can significantly speed up the registration procedure if you remember where and what documents need to be sent during the registration process.

You can turn to the services of intermediary organizations, which for a certain amount help to significantly speed up the registration procedure, having useful connections and understanding of all the features of such registration

Examples of filling and submission

  • 1.1. Name – Kolibrin;
  • 1.2. Last name: Peter;
  • 1.3. Patronymic - Alexandrovich;
  • INN – 123456789000;
  • Gender – 1;
  • 1 Date of birth – 12/10/1970;
  • 2 Place of birth – Yekaterinburg;
  • Citizenship – 1;
  • 1 Postal code – 123456;
  • 2 Code of the subject of Russia - 01;
  • 4 City – Yekaterinburg;
  • 6 Street – st. Lenin;
  • 7 House – 13;
  • 8 Building – 4;
  • 9 Apartment – ​​apartment 15;
  • 1 Identity document code – 21;
  • 2 Series and document number – 12 34 567890;
  • 3 Date of issue – 02.09.1987;
  • 4 Issued by: Ekaterinburg Internal Affairs Directorate;
  • 5 Department code – 123-456.

All other items are filled in as needed.

After you fill out all the necessary documents, you need to submit them to the tax office. The employee who accepts all the papers from you must check the documentation you have collected, and then provide you with a complete list of documents required to open an individual entrepreneur, and will also tell you when you can come for the finished certificate (legally, this period is limited to five days).

At the appointed time, you will have to visit the Federal Tax Service office again, receive a completed certificate, as well as a record sheet in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, and also leave a signature in the journal confirming their receipt.

Thus, the period for registering an individual entrepreneurship is quite short.

What do they give out?

Despite the fact that each Tax Inspectorate uses an individual registration procedure, there is a minimum set of documents that must be issued to an entrepreneur in each case:

OGRNIP certificate, in which the main OGRN number is entered All the details of this certificate are needed to make it easier to subsequently submit reports to various extra-budgetary funds and the tax service, as well as in the case of signing various documents.

Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs It has a somewhat limited validity period, and if necessary, the entrepreneur can request it. It is often required by various government funds, as well as in the process of concluding agreements with any legal entities.

Notification that you, as an individual entrepreneur, are registering with the Tax Service
  • An entrepreneur can register only at his place of residence. It is impossible to register an individual entrepreneur at the place of temporary registration, and subsequently he will have to constantly report to the inspectorate where he was registered. At the same time, business can be conducted in any city or district, and the only exception to this rule are only entrepreneurs on UTII who are registered at the place of business.
  • Nowadays, many Russian services operate using “single window” technology, that is, they independently send the necessary information about registered entrepreneurs to various structures. If your inspection uses this technology, you will additionally be provided with the following documents.

Notification of registration with the Pension Fund with assignment of an individual number Every entrepreneur must make an insurance premium for his medical and pension insurance to each extra-budgetary fund. To transfer contributions, you must indicate the unique policyholder number on the payment slip.

Notification about what Rosstat statistics codes have been assigned to you Quite often, this paper is required in the process of opening a bank account, filling out various official documentation and performing a number of other procedures.

- This best option to start a business activity. This is not as difficult and expensive as establishing your own legal entity (LLC); moreover, an individual entrepreneur will not be bound by numerous regulatory conventions that the law imposes on organizations.

Required documents

Important! If you do not switch to the special regime within the established time frame, the individual entrepreneur will be subject to a very high tax burden.

However, it is not necessary to submit an application for the transition to preferential regimes immediately with registration - this can be done later, but doing it at once is simply more convenient.

Application for registration of individual entrepreneurs in form P21001

All registration actions with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are carried out by the tax inspectorate through the forms of unified documents submitted by applicants, which are approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/25@. The rules for filling out applications are approved by the same Order.

The program is easy to install and use - you just need to select the required form document and start filling it out. If the user makes mistakes or does not specify any of the required data, the program will report this. You don’t have to worry about technical conventions such as font size—the program takes these details into account by default.

Using a free online service

There is another one the most preferred method of filling out form P21001– online service for preparing documents for opening an individual entrepreneur for free in 10 minutes. His advantage is that in addition to correctly filling out the individual entrepreneur application form with tips at each stage, he will prepare all other necessary documents, provide instructions for state registration and further actions.

Basic data about the registered individual

The first sheets of the form must contain general information about a citizen who registers as an individual entrepreneur. All fields must be filled out, except clauses 1.2 and 8 - they can only be filled in by foreign citizens, as well as stateless persons. All other lines must be filled with current personal information.

Sheet "A"

On the next sheet of the application you need to indicate information about the planned types of activities - OKVED. The application must contain digital designations of the main and additional types activities that need to be registered according to the OK 029-2014 classifier. The minimum code must contain 4 characters - this is an imperative rule.

Choosing OKVED is far from a mere formality. You shouldn’t limit yourself to one type of activity code, but you shouldn’t choose everything “just in case.” Types of activity affect the amount of insurance premiums against accidents, and can also be important if the tax regime is “simplified” (STS). If the OKVED number does not indicate any type of activity that will actually be carried out by an individual entrepreneur, then the Federal Tax Service may assess additional tax for these types of common system, and not the simplified one.

Therefore, in form P21001 it is necessary to indicate the types that will potentially be produced by IP in the foreseeable future. However, if you do not indicate some activity right away, then it can be included in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs at any time using the P24001 form for free, because There is no state fee for this registration action. It will only take 5 working days.

Sheet "B"

In this sheet you need to indicate the method of obtaining documents after registration, as well as write down contact information. Many people neglect contacts, but in vain. There are precedents when the tax office refused registration if this data was not indicated. Therefore, it is better not to experiment, but to indicate everything in full, as required by the document form.

Immediately after filling out and printing out application 21001, there is no need to rush to sign it, since for this you need to follow some rules.

The document can be signed in two ways:

  1. by the applicant during a personal visit to the Federal Tax Service in the presence of a tax employee;
  2. by the applicant in the presence of a notary, followed by the submission of an already signed and certified document.

Question from Yulia Romanyuk:

Hello, Nikolay. It was probably better for me to ask this question to Daria, your tax accounting specialist, but if you forward anything to her, please forward it to her. Please tell me what documents are needed for a business, or rather to open or register it??? Thank you for your site!

Hello Julia.

I was often asked questions about what documents are needed for an individual entrepreneur or, what documents are needed for an LLC, All in all documents for business. I decided not to ask you again about what form of business registration you are going to use and answered two forms: individual entrepreneur and LLC. So, let's begin!

What documents are required for business?

When you don’t have enough time, or if you simply don’t want to waste time checking the relevance of forms and legislation, I recommend using a special service. And if you want to figure it out on your own, then I suggest you figure it out with me in this article.

Norms current legislation our country has determined the procedure and features of state registration of private enterprises (IP) and companies (LLC). In addition to these norms, it is important for novice businessmen to know the list of documents required when opening a business.

Everything here is actually very, very simple. Although, everyone still believes that business documents are somewhat unusual. All you need to register a business in Russia is:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (original and copies of ALL SHEETS, even blank ones). Important! The passport must contain a permanent registration;
  • TIN (taxpayer identification number), roughly speaking, a certificate of registration with the tax office;

That's all! But these are only documents for registration, or rather, documents that are necessary to fill out another small handful of documents for registering a business: individual entrepreneur and LLC. More on this later.

What documents are needed for an individual entrepreneur?

When opening a private enterprise, first of all, you should contact the tax office. It is there that you will be given a list of documents that are required for subsequent registration actions. Although the list does not change anymore for a long time, but suddenly someday it will change. You can also prepare documents using online services. How to do this, I wrote a step-by-step article on how to do this. Moreover, this can be done in 15 minutes.

As a result, what documents will you prepare in the service for registering an individual entrepreneur:

  1. applications for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur in form No. P21001;
  2. a receipt for payment of state duty in the amount of 800 rubles;
  3. if necessary (desirable), then an application for transition to the simplified taxation system (simplified taxation system).

You will also need to make a photocopy of your passport, or rather ALL of its pages (even blank ones). Some tax offices ask for photocopies of your passport, but some do not, so check with your tax office.

Having prepared all the necessary documentation in the online service, you need to pay the state fee. duty and contact your nearest tax office, in which the enterprise will be registered and registered.

What documents are needed for an LLC

The list here is longer, because the business registration form is more serious. Initially, you also need a passport and TIN. You can also prepare all the documents using online services. And the list of documents for an LLC is as follows:

  1. application for state registration of LLC in form P11001 (1 copy);
  2. LLC charter (2 copies)
  3. receipt of payment of the state fee for registering an LLC in the amount of 4,000 rubles. (1 copy);
  4. letter of guarantee confirming the provision of a legal address to you (1 copy);
  5. if there is 1 founder, then the decision sole founder on the creation of an LLC (1 copy);
  6. if there are several founders, then a protocol is needed general meeting founders of LLC (1 copy);
  7. and if there are several founders, then the agreement on establishment (1 copy).

That is, if there is 1 founder, then 5 documents, if there are several founders, then 6 documents.

Additional documents may be needed:

  1. notification of the transition to a simplified taxation system, if necessary (in 2 copies);
  2. documents confirming ownership of the apartment (if the address of the apartment to which the LLC is registered differs from the place of registration of the manager or founder) (1 copy);
  3. notarized consent of the apartment residents for registration, if the LLC registration is carried out at the home address (apartment) (1 copy);
  4. If you are not the one submitting the documents, then you need a power of attorney to submit documents, notarized (in 1 copy).

That's all! As I already said, you can also prepare documents for registering an LLC using online services. It's easier and faster.

Best regards, Schmidt Nikolay