Outlast women's department walkthrough. Complete walkthrough of the game Outlast

9. Administrative block.

  • 10. Underground laboratory.
    Whistleblower DLC:
    1. Underground laboratory.
    2. Hospital.
    3. Crematorium.
    4. Hospital, upper floors.
    5. Prison yard.
  • 6. Prison.

    7. Yard.
    8. Attic.

    9. Sewing workshop.

    10. Professional block.

    11. Men's department.

    12. Administrative block.

    Passing levels

    6. Men's department Outlast. Walkthrough Objective: Get to the bottom floor of the men's department. There's a barricade on the way. On the left we move the lattice cabinet and climb into the ventilation. A motionless patient sits in the room; we pass by. In the corridor we go right, the rest of the paths are closed. In the next room on the table we take the battery. We wait until they stop banging on the door, then we move the closet and open the doors. On the left we climb into the ventilation hatch. We find ourselves in an operating room with many couches and curtains. There is a battery on the table on the left between the first curtains. The door ahead won't open, so we climb onto the bloody couch and climb into the ventilation shaft at the top. We crawl into the next room.

    This is where it starts

    a real nightmare . There is a violent psycho in the room, chained to a chair. He raises a terrible cry, which causes all the crazy people around to come running here. We quickly move the closet and open the door. Having passed the door, be sure to close it behind us. We run further, there are already several pursuers behind us. There is no need to break into closed doors, we enter in, so without delaying, we run on. Turn right, then right again. We climb onto the table, and from it we climb over the boarded door from above. We run through a couple of rooms and close the doors behind us. In the room, over the radio, we hear a stranger’s advice - to use a lift. Let's approach square hole with a net and climb there.

    A psycho-doctor meets us at the top. He immediately stuns us, ties us to a chair and takes us to his office. On the spot, he cuts off the hero’s finger on each hand, then goes to other patients. We rock the chair, jerking from side to side (move the mouse left and right), and free ourselves from the handcuffs.

    We leave the room, on the right we see a living patient talking about the doctor.

    We quietly go out the door, hiding from the doctor. We turn left and then right. We approach the elevator, but it does not work without an access card. To the left of the elevator we climb onto the couch, and from it into the open ventilation. We jump out into the corridor.

    Move the closet to the left and open the door to the previous part of the corridor. We go further into the corridor on the right, a crazy doctor appears ahead. There are two wards where there are still living but mutilated patients lying on the beds. We run into one of the rooms, hide in the dark or under a bed. If the doctor has discovered it, then you can run from him in circles between the two rooms, and when you break away, hide again. In a calm state, the doctor walks along the corridor from side to side. We peek around the corner to follow him. When he goes the other way, we go out into the corridor, move the closet away from the double door and enter it. We run straight and climb into the open ventilation at the top.

    We jump down and find ourselves in the toilet.

    In the corridor we climb through the window, on the wall we take elevator start key. Suddenly, someone starts breaking through the door nearby with a knife. We quickly return to the corridor, turn right and hide in the shadows. It's Dr. Rick Trager again. When he passes by, we run through the broken door, run straight and left along the corridor, and return to the elevator. We use the key in the elevator and go down.

    The sound of the elevator attracts the doctor and he overtakes us. On the lower floor, a psycho doctor bursts into the elevator, but we fight him off. As a result, the doctor will be pinned to death by the elevator between floors.

    The elevator is stuck, so we open the hatch on top and climb onto the roof of the elevator. We go out onto the floor and go down the stairs. We find a battery under the stairs. On the lower floor we squeeze between the boards and pass offices with computers. Ahead, behind the glass, we see a priest, he calls us to him.

    We turn left into a dark corridor. There is an empty toilet ahead, so we immediately turn right.

    We pass by the washbasins and go out into the corridor. We go to the end and find a battery on a shelf in the closet. We return to the middle of the corridor, climb along the table into the window under the ceiling.

    Objective: Turn on the fire extinguishing system and extinguish the fire.

    In the large dining room (Cafeteria), all the furniture was set on fire by a completely sane patient of a mental hospital. We go around the burning places, we pass with right side.

    From the psycho we go to the center of the room, jump over the table, then on the right we crawl under the bench and go out the door.

    In the corridor we squeeze between the shelves. We enter the room with the pumping station, but we can’t turn it on. We receive the message “There is no water in the system. Open two shutters."

    We pass further along the corridor, in the distance we see a hefty psycho. We hide in a dark place. In the center on round table There is a battery next to the three corpses. We enter the corridor on the left, squeeze between the shelves, and pass the bathroom (Bath). There is a psycho near the bathtub, but he is not dangerous. At the end of the room we open first valve.

    We return to the central room, go around the psycho. To do this you can run to office space ahead, run in a circle, deceiving the psycho, run out to the center. Leaving the office, we turn into the left corridor and find ourselves in the kitchen washing area (Laundry Room). Here we go further a couple of rooms, open second damper. We run out of the room and hide in a dark corner behind the shelves. The psycho will come here, start looking around the room with the shutter, and at that time we will go out to the center.

    The psycho will move aside, at this time we go back to pumping station, press button. The fire sprinklers on the ceiling have turned on, and you can now return to the burning dining room.

    Objective: Find Father Martin outside.

    We pass through the dark, extinguished dining room to where we see the light, and find ourselves in the kitchen. At the entrance, suddenly, a deranged psycho attacks us and runs away further.

    7. Yard
    Outlast. Walkthrough

    It is pitch dark outside, with heavy rain and lightning temporarily illuminating the area. The camera illuminates darkness in open areas less well, so it is better to focus on the light coming from buildings.

    We walk along the road, at the fork near the fountain we turn left and a little back, we go into the illuminated barn. Here we find the battery and utility block access key.

    A ghost can be seen from time to time above the fountain. From the fountain we go to the right. Opening lattice door the found key.

    Inside the room on the left there is a dead end, go right.

    We exit from the other side of the building. There is nothing in the yard here, we immediately climb up the stairs to the roof. We jump over the gap in the roof. Further on the left we see a psycho sitting on the edge, he is not dangerous, we approach him, take the battery. We walk along the roof, turn right around the corner, jump over to another roof. We pass along a narrow cornice and jump over again. We jump down and climb up the boxes into the opening in the lattice fence.

    Then we walk along the yard forward and to the left. There are only harmless crazy patients around. Along the way, we see a burning lantern behind the bars, climb the inclined stairs, and reach the Prison Block building. On the left, near the trash container, near the psycho, there is a battery. From the entrance to the Prison block we go to the right, climb through the gap in the lattice fence.

    At the bottom of the yard we approach the illuminated part, where there are a bunch of boxes. Using the boxes we climb onto the cornice of the building, along it we move to the right around the corner. We jump down and see a gazebo. We go into the illuminated corridor on the left, but there we meet with an aggressive a huge psycho. We quickly run back, run around the gazebo, deceiving the psycho, run into the illuminated corridor, climb through the hole in the wall.

    8. Women's department
    Outlast walkthrough

    Objective: Find Father Martin in the women's department.

    We leave the tunnel and try to get into the Female Ward building, but the door is closed. We go into the courtyard on the right.

    On the far bench on the left we take the battery. To the left of the building wooden pallets we climb into open window. In the building we go to the right. Behind the rubble of a completely destroyed room we see a priest on the second floor.

    Objective: Go through the upper floors to catch up with Father Martin.

    We go into the dark corridor on the left. If we turn right in the corridor towards the window, we will find a battery. We turn left, squeeze between the shelves, and climb into the window on the left.

    There is nothing in the room on the left, we go into the corridor on the right.

    In the corridor, go left, we find ourselves in a lit room. Here we find a battery near the body of the guard.

    We go up the stairs to the left of the elevator, jump over the abyss and find ourselves on the second floor.

    2nd floor. In the corridor we go left, jump over the burnt furniture, climb through the window on the left. In the illuminated room we approach the grate on the wall, behind it we see a corpse and a key. We see the message “Laundry room gutter requires three fuses.” Ahead in the corner of the room we find a battery.

    1. We go into the corridor on the right. Near the psycho in the stroller we turn right. On the shelf on the right we find two batteries. We meet an aggressive psycho ahead. We lure him closer, hide, run forward. In the room we see a bloody corpse and the inscription “Invite the Walrider”, next to it on the table lies first fuse. In the same room, there is a battery in the stone.

    2. We return to the fork where the crazy person is sitting in the stroller. Let's go to another corridor. In the room we see a sedentary psycho, next to a corpse, and above it the inscription “Pray for Revelation” (Pray for Revelation). We take it away second fuse lying on the table. Further behind the fireplace there is a battery. Outside at the intersection we will be met by the first psycho. We run past him into the corridor on the right, close the door behind us, and hide in a locker at the dead end of the corridor.

    3. We return to the laundry room with the chute and insert a couple of fuses. From here we climb into the window on the right. We walk along the burnt corridor, in the room we see the inscription “Drive in the Nails” and a man hanged on a cross. Nearby on the table on the left we take it third fuse. With him we return to the gutter. On the way back we hide from the psycho.

    Having inserted the fuses, press button, but this causes the corpse and the key to fall down the chute. We need to go back downstairs to the dryer. We go down the stairs around the elevator, go to the right corridor, go into the right room, take access key to the third floor.

    Let's move forward again. This time the psycho who was hiding behind bars comes out and attacks us. We dodge it, run forward and climb up the interfloor stairs. We open the door to the third floor, take a running jump over another abyss, and find ourselves at the top.

    Objective: Follow the bloody trail.

    On the table under the bloody inscription we take two batteries. We pass the dark corridor to the end, we find another battery. We turn into a corridor with a collapsed floor, walk along the ledge on the right and jump over into the side room.

    We walk around the room, but immediately fall to the floor below. There is a battery on the bedside table in the corner. We climb up the stack of beds back to the top floor.

    At the top we go into the next room.

    We go out into the corridor, it is circular, here both paths lead to one double door.

    Two naked psychos come out of the double doors. We quickly run away from them. Each of the psychos walks along their own corridor, you won’t be able to get around them, you need to hide in the dark and then run forward.

    Having bypassed the psychos, we find ourselves in an almost collapsed room. We jump over the abyss, walk along the ledge, and jump over the next abyss with a running start. But upon landing, our video camera falls into a gap on the first floor.

    Goal: To navigate in the dark, you need a camera.

    Then it’s pitch black, it’s impossible to get through, so we jump down to the first floor. We enter the door on the left. You can find a battery on the table in the room. We go further through the world, climb through the gap in the wall. In the toilet, in the broken stalls, we go down through the gap to the basement floor.

    We are walking along the corridor, suddenly we see a psycho running away. We move on, and this same psycho jumps out from around the corner at us and runs away further. We pass a room with a couple of calm patients. We pass through the kitchen, jump over the table, and find ourselves in the dining room. Here on one of the tables we find our video camera.

    Goal: Find a way to get to the 3rd floor.

    We turn on the camera, look into the darkness and discover that there are three crazy people behind us! We quickly run away from them, jump over the serving table, return to the toilet, and climb up the lockers to the top floor.

    We enter the dilapidated hall where the camera fell. We cling to the sloping floor of the upper floor and climb up.

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    Explore Mount Massive Asylum

    From the very beginning of the game, an interactive video shows the main character carefully driving up to a place supposedly associated with crimes. After stopping the car, main character named Miles, he himself grabs a camera and a document that sheds light on the state of affairs. Proceed to the area in front of Mount Massive through the open door, then try to go further through the gate, which, of course, will be closed.

    Follow to the left all the way to the broken fence, under which you will have to gracefully crawl. Further - to the stairs, and up it all the way to the window, a small jump and Miles is already inside the creepy mental hospital. Get out of the room and follow straight along the corridor, there is still no other way. After a few closed rooms there will be a dead end ahead, climb over the shelves and again travel along the empty corridor, at the end of which an open room will appear, and there will be a path through the ventilation shaft. After going down from there, follow the library, and then to the double doors and corridor, where the passage is blocked by two shelves. Before they have time to squeeze through even a few steps, the hero is abruptly distracted by a large fellow.

    Objective: get out of the hospital and... survive

    It is necessary to get out of this crazy place, but the exit is only available through the main gate, the key to which is lost somewhere near the security office. Proceed through the security office located to the left of the main entrance. In the next dark room there is a document telling some details of the patient's treatment. Go out into the corridor and follow the patient straight to the open door, there is a group of psychopaths, carefully go around this group of people and follow to the second entrance from the room. There, jump over the shelves and go into the opening of the room opposite. Take the key from the corpse and quickly return to the beginning of the journey through the security post.

    To the left, where the body of the guard lies, there is a special room hidden from prying eyes. Open the door, go inside, there is a computer, turn it on using the button and boldly press open the gate.

    Restarting the generator in the basement

    After abruptly turning off the lights, use the night vision function on the camera, and follow to the closet, where you sit quietly for a while. When Miles' pursuer leaves, get out of captivity and follow the corridor to the place where the game of hide and seek began, turn into the alley there, and then down the stairs and further, straight to the entrance to the basement.

    Then there will be only one path until a closed door appears. There is a secret passage in the wall nearby, make your way through it and follow to the central room where the generator is installed. Theoretically, you need to connect two pumps and turn on the lever. The activation buttons are in the rooms ahead, and the lever is on the left at the end of the corridor. Next you will have to cut circles from the pursuer of the Demon. To hide, close doors behind you, crawl into closets and under beds. When all the pumps are turned on and the lever is activated, go to the main console, where you again persistently press the button to open the gate.

    Get out of the block

    Explore the room, then proceed to the door, which will be opened by a particularly kind prisoner. Follow the corridor to the left and then down the stairs. Again open the door next to the madman trying to break through the wall with his head, again go through the hole in the wall. Further - up through the corridor, then carefully make your way through the broken passage. Follow straight, then right through the corridor, where Miles will be disinfected.

    Following the bloody trail...

    Follow up the stairs, all the way to the corridor, where a strange young man is reading bloody inscriptions from the wall. There will be a hole ahead, jump without fear or regret. There - to the left, past the security block and the scene of the actual crime, where the maniac mercilessly kills the victim. Carefully make your way to the next door, behind which stands an uncompromising guy with a heavy club. Distract the bully and rush headlong towards the room with the switch; when the pursuer is nearby, press the button. Carefully get out of captivity and return to where you came from. Then follow through the corridor to the bars that closed the two killers. Continue towards the dark tunnel where the key card lies. Pick up important element and return to the blood trail and then to the showers.

    To freedom through the showers

    Quietly make your way through the corridors, avoiding psychopaths; if a meeting does occur, get out through the window into the street. Climb along the ledge to another window, and from there back to the psychiatric hospital. Follow to the security block, turn on the switch. Further - into the passage at the top, and from there, holding down “Shift”, run wherever your eyes look.

    Find a workaround to the shower room

    With confident steps, follow right straight to the first open door, where you hide under the sofa. After Miles' pursuer leaves, get out of the room and move through the center, then turn into the only remaining passage. Then - into the opening formed in the grate. Once inside an incomprehensible room, a person will appear whom you should not be afraid of; he, as it turns out, is kind and adequate. Proceed to the central compartment near the building.

    The next game of hide and seek with pursuers involves jumping along narrow ledges. Sometimes, during planned cut-scenes, a psychopath will attack the main character; in order to avoid death or severe injury, you must quickly move the mouse from side to side. After completing the pursuit race, follow through the opening in the floor to the hole formed inside the room.

    Find a way out of the sewer

    Follow strictly the light falling from cheap light bulbs onto the floor, then, without turning, make your way through the obstacle, turn right and climb into the tiny opening again.

    Drain water using two switches

    In the location, on the left wall, there is a plan of the building, on which a special yellow line shows the path to two levers. Of course, it’s not possible to get to them so easily - the entire building is guarded by a huge demon. Move carefully from box to box, try not to make noise. If Miles is suddenly noticed, jump into small holes in the floor, there, for some reason, the pursuers do not notice anyone. After turning on the two levers, go back to the map, and then jump into the hole on the right.

    Lower tier

    Turn on the backlight on the camera, turn left, then right straight to the end of the tunnel, and at the end go up.

    Looking for a way out

    Follow the light coming from the end of the tunnel. Once you're at the ruins and the guy with the flashlight, turn back and go through the door on the left. Listen to a psychopath talk about a crazy doctor. After finishing the story, go down the stairs.

    Make your way forward, following the blurry pools of blood, all the way to the men's residential block. When you reach a dead end, feel for the opening in the wall and make your way through it. Afterwards you will have to be knee-deep in cold water. And then - up along the ledges to a dark corridor and a half-open door. There, climb over the boxes and climb up the stairs. Turn left, then down, closer to the light source. Once at the next opening in the wall, feel free to squeeze inside.

    Use your camera to highlight surrounding objects, while trying to quickly find the stairs to the top. Then run around the monochromatic corridors, and do not catch the eye of the pursuer, otherwise you will have to start over. After getting out of the maze and finding yourself in the corridor, follow the light source, and then again up another staircase with an infinite number of steps.

    Get out of the men's section

    Once at the box, crawl through the small opening, now turn right and go through the door. Wait for the loud knocking to stop, then remove the box and get out of the room. Follow the corridor forward until you reach deep hole on the floor, jump down there. Once in darkness and dampness, follow the room with the martyr, located at the end of the corridor.

    After a short and unfriendly encounter with a couple of psychos, move the closet and get away - that is, move from room to room, close the doors with drawers, crawl through the openings, finally climb into the lift and, finally, breathe a sigh of relief.

    Escape from the Doctor

    At the beginning of the chapter, you will have to wait for the end of the cut-scene where Miles is transported to the torture room. The doctor will talk long and persistently about his faith, about humanity and the situation around him, then the doctor will carefully cut off the fingers of the main character. Next, you will have to quickly twist the mouse in different directions in order to get out. Once free, follow to the opposite room, where a strange guy is sitting on the sofa. At the first glance at Miles, the psychopath will start screaming at the top of his lungs, which, of course, will attract the doctor’s attention - dive sharply under the sofa and don’t move. When it becomes quiet, get out of captivity, follow to the elevator, once inside, press the “up” button.

    At the top, follow the corridor to the right all the way to the first room. There - right under the sofa, in order to hide from the doctor. After this, move to the next room, where the psychopath is again, this time tied to the couch. Without noise and fear in your heart, move into the corridor and then to the left. Move the closet, climb through the passage, and follow to the sofa, where you will have to jump up again.

    Open the heavy door and move left. Move to another room through the window, take the key and go back. Hide from the doctor again, and then run towards the elevator, climb inside and press the button. The elevator will not be able to take Miles to his destination - he will have to climb out through the hatch from above. There's a corridor and then down the stairs. Once in the huge hall, move closer to the holy father.

    Meet Father Martin

    Explore dark corridors using the camera's night vision mode. Turn first right, then left and again into the darkness. Make your way through the passage into the corridor, and then through the window.

    Put out the fire

    Going through the fire is quite simple - jump over the not burning tables to a safe corridor, from there to the left through the shelves with books. Make your way into the room located on the right hand.

    Restore water supply

    From the very beginning of the chapter, act extremely carefully, since the “fan” of the young journalist Miles is wandering somewhere nearby, and maybe behind the back of the main character. Make your way along the corridor, tracking down your pursuer, always waiting for the moment when he passes by. Then go forward, right and right again to the room where the special lever is located. After activation, return back to the burning room.

    Find Martin on the street

    Follow to the kitchen, where you will have to quickly move the mouse several times in order to free yourself from the psychopath's strong grip. Get out into the corridor, then follow to the street, where the holy father is waiting for Miles. Make your way to the janitor's house, where the key lies safe and sound. Unlock the lock and go around the perimeter of the house. Continue along the stairs to the roof, and then slowly and carefully down again. Beware of the pursuer, while trying to find a light source that will help you get into the section of the women's home.

    Find Martin in the women's section

    You won't be able to get into a mental hospital, so go straight to the park. Climb along the boards to the window of the women's section. Martin is on the second floor, so Miles will have to climb higher too. There are several guards on the first floor, so be quiet. There is a staircase near the elevator, follow it up, being careful of broken steps, because of which you can fall down. Next, search the rooms for stairs. Hide from demons in rooms or under beds.

    Follow the blood

    The task is located in a destroyed location, surrounded by several maniacs. You will have to follow the trail of fresh blood left on the floor. At one point, Miles will lose his camera; in order to find the source of the evidence, he will have to go lower, and then, with the camera in his hands, return to the beginning of the location.

    Find Father Martin in the administrative block

    Wander through the corridors and dark rooms, look for a cinema, and then climb into the operator’s office. Next, look for Father Martin following the trail of slightly blurred blood. At the end of the mission, Miles will find himself near a small chapel, where the body of the man whom the hero has been looking for for so long is already being burned.

    Get to the elevator and leave the hospital

    At the beginning of the location, immediately run to the elevator and quickly go down. Miles will find himself in an icy, darkened cave. You will have to look for a laboratory, simultaneously avoiding spirits, maniacs and other unfriendly creatures. Having broken all the mechanisms, leave the location and run to the only exit. Next is the final video, revealing some elements of the plot. Game over, Miles' mission completed.

    Walkthrough of Outlast.

    It all starts with Miles driving up to the Mount Massive Psychiatric Hospital. Having gone inside, he reads a note from an anonymous person and then takes his video camera. The main entrance is of course closed, we make our way on the left side of the main entrance through the hole in the grate. After scaffolding We climb up and through the window we enter the hospital. Then everything is clear and understandable, we move through the rooms, climb into the ventilation shaft.

    Entering the library we see a bunch of corpses! And a suspended soldier who is still alive. He warns Miles to get out of the hospital quickly. Passing through the opening between the cabinets, some mutated man attacks and throws Miles down. He will wake up, and another crazy person will be screaming all sorts of nonsense above him. Miles gets up and of course understands that he has to get out of here.

    Get out of the hospital.

    Once in the main hall, we move through the computer room on the left, further. There will be a psycho in a wheelchair sitting in the corridor; we pass by; he won’t do anything. Next in the room there will be three more patients sitting staring at the TV; we pass by; they are also harmless. We crawl through the passage under the door, in the room opposite on the corpse we take the electronic access card to the security room. We go back the same way. Here we are getting ready for the crazy person who was sitting in the stroller to attack. at us, getting ready to click on the buttons (quickly press the left and right buttons) to throw him off.

    Returning to the place where we fell, we leave this hall and move to the right along the corridor to the security room. Inside we sit down at the computer, but one of the patients turns off the lights everywhere.

    Restart the generator in the basement.

    Moves further to pass Outlast. Immediately after the lights are turned off, we hide in the closet in the same room. A thug comes in, we wait for him to leave the room. To start the generator, you need to turn on two fuel pumps and the central switch. We go down to the basement. We start the gas pumps in two rooms, not forgetting to immediately get out of them or hide, as a crazy person will come to check them after turning them on. Then we turn on the switch and hide in the closet from the psycho. after he leaves, we make our way to the generator and turn it on.

    Prison block. Follow the bloody trail.

    Back at the security control room, we are attacked by the Priest, Father Martin. We find ourselves in a room in a prison block. We are waiting for the crazy person to open the door for us. We go out and go down, in one of the chambers there is a broken passage, we go into it and then we stand on the box and go up. We go into the same room, only on the other side, where we left the cell and walk along the ledge. Next, we go through the room for chemical and bacteriological treatment and go up the stairs, jump down into the gap under the floor next to the psycho who is rushing about near the wall with the inscription.

    We pass by the psycho who is standing behind the glass, the main thing is not to approach him then he will not attack, we pass by him. We open the door to the security room, another psycho who is in it notices us, so we quickly close the door and run back, hide in the locker and wait for him to pass by. We go into this room and press the button to open the doors. We hide in the closet, wait until the psycho comes again, and then we follow him and run through when he breaks down the door to one of the rooms.

    Next, we see how the two we saw at the beginning of the passage of the prison block are standing again. We jump out into the opening on the right and crawl along the ledge into the next corridor. We find the access card near the body of the guard to the shower room.

    Shower room.

    We go into the shower room and move along a dark corridor; along the way we will meet some big guys again. We climb out the window and crawl along the ledge to the last window, again we climb into the shower room. We go to the end along the corridor and in the security room we press the button to open the gateway. A thug begins to break into the room, we run back and climb into the shaft at the top. We continue to go through Outlast.

    We crawl along the shaft and jump down into the corridor, running from the thug. The blast wave will suddenly throw Miles down through the window. There is an enemy and then we run into the cell and hide under the bed.

    Find the passage to the shower.

    We go up, we go around, the thug hears us and goes up, takes out the bars, we hide from him in one of the cells, wait for him to pass by. After which we pass through the grate he broke. We crawl through the small passage between the bars, then we crawl under the bars and go out into large room with patients in cells.

    In the center we stand on the bed and cling to the second floor, climb onto it. Then we make our way along the ledge and jump over to another part of the second floor. We go up to the third floor, there will be an angry patient there, you can hide from him, or better yet, score and run past, then along the ledge into the cell, and from the cell there is a small passage in the wall to another cell. We leave it, jump into the opening in the floor and go downstairs to the shower room. There is a hole in the floor in the shower, we jump into it.


    Further in the passage of the game we move through the sewer tunnels. We find a small hole and crawl through it. We find a hatch even lower filled with water. A new goal appears to drain the water by opening 2 dampers. I recommend that you do not go through this mission in stealth mode, but rather run to the valves, hiding from the big guy in small sewer tunnels where he won’t reach you. One is in the hallway to the right of the room with the boxes. The other one is in the corridor on the left. If you open the valve, a big guy comes every time. Having opened both valves, we return to the stairs and go down to the level below.

    Find a way out of the sewer.

    We go up to another part of the sewer, there we will see someone shining a flashlight in the tunnel, but when we check, there will be no one and it is littered with stones. We go in the door, the patient will stand there and say that he is normal, you can safely approach him, he is really harmless.

    We go down the stairs, reach the end of the tunnel and climb into a small passage, crawl, on the left there is a dead end on the right there is an exit. We go through the door, where there is a dark room, move forward and fall into the water. We climb up the boxes, from there we fall into the water again and go up the stairs, pass through and again into the water. We climb through the gap in the grate, move carefully forward, there is an enemy walking there, carefully go around him and go towards the light.

    We find a ladder, accelerate and jump, clinging to it. At the top, going out into a narrow corridor, a psycho will run at us, but if we run away, he will fall down. Having reached the guy who will break the bars, we carefully go behind him, into the corridor on the left, and go down. Then we just go to the end.

    Get to the bottom floor of the men's department.

    When we go up the stairs, we move the box away from the manhole and climb into the room with the patient sitting on a chair, we leave it and go into the room and move the box away from the door. We go in and go left, looking for a hole in the medical bay. In the medical bay we climb into the ventilation at the top. Having jumped down, we quickly move the box away from the door and run into the room opposite, closing the door behind us and pushing the box so that the psychos cannot break the door. We also leave this room and quickly run to the left, run into the room where the bloody trail leads, and push the box towards the door. We climb into the hole at the top.

    Having jumped down, get ready to immediately run to the left, and then to the right into the glass room, quickly jump out the window, run around the room and jump to the other side through the gap below. Then we run along the corridor all the way to the top of the box and jump into another room. Let's run class, to the right we run to a room with an open door and climb into the lift.

    Dr. Trager.

    At the top, the crazy Dr. Trager grabs us and takes us to torture. Spouting all sorts of nonsense and managing to cut off Miles' finger on each hand, he leaves. Miles, with a little effort, frees himself from the gurney chair and we continue our passage. Outlast games.

    We leave the room and see another poor “patient” Trager on the bed. We hide in the shadows or under the bed, leave through the exit near the elevator and climb into the ventilation at the top. We jump down and bypass the doctor wandering along the corridor, dive into the rooms on the left, where his victims lie, from this room we move to the next. From this room, as soon as the doc moves away, we quickly run out into the corridor and move the box away from iron door, turn right and run straight to the end, jumping into the ventilation at the top.

    Having jumped off in a push, we go into the room and from it into the corridor we see a window behind it, we take the keys. Doc breaks down the door, we run away from him and hide under the bed or in the shadows. Then, when he leaves, we run through the room where we took the keys, turning left to the elevator.

    Fire extinguishing system.

    In the elevator, Miles finally does something to save his life and pushes Trager into the elevator passage and crushes him. We climb into the elevator shaft, and from there we go down the stairs. We find Father Martin.

    Having reached the burning room, a new task appears: to put out the fire. To do this, you need to turn on the fire extinguishing system. We leave the burning room and through the racks we get to the launch system in which we find out that there is no water and of course we need to start it. We move forward, hide from the big man behind the door and wait for him to leave. Afterwards we move all the time to the right and turn on the water in the laundry room. We hang around while the enemy checks the valve. The second valve is found if you move straight and then to the left from the beginning of the meeting with the big guy and then crawl through the shelves. Running through the room where there are many bathtubs, we turn on the water. After which we turn on the water. We return to the room where the fire was and go out to the kitchen.

    Having reached the exit to the street, we do not find Father Martin, and now the task is to find the key to the closed grate to the utility block. It all starts with the fountain, we look for paths from it, in one of the huts you will find a battery and a key in the other, only a folder. We pass through the utility block and climb the stairs to the roof. We move by jumping from roof to roof, then down and up, and so on.

    Approaching the bright passage, a big guy appears, we run back from him. We make a circle and rush as fast as we can towards this passage. We crawl underneath and then climb out the window.

    Women's department.

    In the room we see Father Martin again talking about some crap. Consider the whole game outlast and its passage and the fact is that we do not understand anything and only listen to the nonsense of psychos, but this should not be strange, we are in a psychiatric hospital. We find a passage to the dryer. From there, to the left, there are batteries in the toilet. to the right where we need to go. We find the stairs and, having accelerated, jump over the gap in it.

    Circuit breakers.

    The path further is blocked by a closed grate for which you need to find a key. Of course, we find the key, but as always it’s not perfect, and now the task is the fuses and as many as three that need to be found and inserted in order to gain access to it.

    There is one fuse right there, we take it down, because the crazy one will come to check the fuse (Why do they always do this?)
    Another fuse is in the room near the corpse lying on the couch surrounded by candles. Here everything is just a guy lying there and being silent because he can’t do anything anymore.
    And there’s another fuse in the room where a crazy dude with an ax in his hands stands over a corpse surrounded by candles, it’s completely harmless until you pick up the fuse. Then he starts yelling something. But it’s just that there’s a chair standing next to it, you break off the leg from it and beat it until you lose your pulse! Oh, I forgot, this is not the same game! Just before entering, leave the door to the room open, and taking the fuse, run out, closing the door behind you.
    We insert the fuses and go down to the floor to the dryer where we came from before. We select the key and get away from the patient with the club, who suddenly becomes active, and open the grate. After two floors up, jump over the gap in the stairs and open the bars. At the top we go along the gap, at the bottom a weirdo is hammering somewhere, we jump over to the other side. In the room we suddenly fall down, but you can climb up the beds again, having first picked up the battery.

    We wander from corner to corner along the dark corridors in search of a way further. We open one of the doors, and there are two serious guys standing there, hoping to “ask someone for a light,” holding a baton in their hands, their faces are angry, which clearly tells us that they are ready to conduct peaceful negotiations. We realize that we are not fumbling at all in negotiations, we go to the right and hide, they go to the left.

    After waiting for the parliamentarians to leave, we enter this room. We go further and jump over the gap, then the ledge jumps over the gap again and then Miles can’t hold on and the camera falls out of his hands. He, realizing that the camera is very expensive, decides to go after it.

    Lost camera.

    We jump down and move into the next room, where you can find two batteries. Next, we leave this room and crawl under the gap. We go into a shower room with stalls; in one stall there is another battery. Then we jump into the room with washbasins. We leave it and then turn right. We go into a room where a guy is sitting on a table, and outside the window we see the shadow of a wandering patient. We move on from this room, and after walking forward a little, we move in pitch darkness towards the camera.

    As soon as we pick up the camera, several enemies immediately appear, we run from them back to the very beginning into the room with the washbasins and climb up in the same place where we jumped. We return to the place where our camera fell out and jump up to the next floor.

    Administrative block.

    We go into the corridor, turn left, immediately see a gap in the floor and jump over it. In the room where the floor is collapsing, jump down from the ledge on the left side. we pull ourselves up again. We pass by a guy who talks about one way out and then we climb under the rubble of cabinets and drawers. On the way straight along the corridor, you will meet the big guys again, we run through the second door to the left and climb into the ventilation, having first climbed onto the table. We push out the obstacle and jump down.

    Looking for the key.

    We go into the door and one of the still adequate ones through the bars tells us where to find the key to it. We must therefore find him. Let's move to left side, we find a room with a billiard table, there we jump down, climb up the stairs, and climb along the ledge. Then we jump down and reach the assembly hall. We are watching a film about the “Walrider” experiments of Dr. Wernicke.

    We leave the hall, find a staircase, climb it, crawl under the boxes. Let's move forward. The madman closes the door in front of our nose, we go back and go through the opened door, then we climb along the ledge and jump over to the balcony. We take the key and run back. We open one of the doors and see how the door is broken down. We wait on the sidelines for the patient to break the door, then we go through it. Open the grill with the key. We go further outlast through the rooms and where the patients pray in the rooms we look broken window and climb along the ledge. We are looking for Father Martin, listening and watching his highly spiritual delirium and burning. We take the key and look for the entrance to the ventilation in the corridor above.

    Path to the elevator.

    We jump down, a big guy is coming straight down the corridor to meet us, we run to the right into another corridor, through the last door, we run into the room. A room with two doors. He breaks down the door and you run into another and into the corridor from where he came. Or in the first room you hide under the bed and wait for him to pass. You jump out and run into the corridor where the big guy came from and turn left at the end of the corridor through the door. Moving along the left wall of the room, look for the entrance to the ventilation at the top. After which you calmly jump off in another room and go to the elevator.

    Underground laboratory Final.

    The elevator, of course, does not lead us to the exit, as expected, but descends into some kind of underground laboratory. We move forward all the time and already near the exit the dark shadow of Walrider is moving towards us. We run back from her. Having opened the door, the big guy grabs us, but the shadow kills him. We go to the right and find a section with a surviving Wernicke. He suggests that we kill Billy by disconnecting him from the life support system.

    On the way to the laboratory we run from the shadow that will pursue us. Once in the very center of the laboratory, the task appears to turn off Billy’s life support system. Below, where Billy is connected, we look for the door and go into it. We find the shutdown valve, turn it and go back to Billy’s body. We run to another room and go upstairs spiral staircase we jump over the obstacle. We reach the room and turn on the cable. We return to Billy and turn him off.

    After Bill is turned off, the demon attacks Miles, who survives and with his last strength moves towards the exit. There he will be met by special forces who will shoot him without talking. Well, that's all, this is the sad end of the outlast game.

    It’s not only dark outside, it’s also pouring rain, visibility is very low, which will greatly complicate the passage of Outlast for us. Unless lightning flashes will clearly illuminate everything for a second, the rest of the time you will have to make your way almost by touch, even the night vision in the camera will be of little use. We need to find a wooden booth that contains a key. The key, in turn, is needed to open metal door nearby.

    I would advise you to focus on the light - in the booth the door is partially open and the lights are on, which makes it even easier to find the direction to move without a camera. There is a battery in the same booth. On the street, for the first time in the game, you will encounter Billy - a sort of black fog who can be considered the most dangerous enemy in the game. He is silent, kills with one blow, moves quickly, does not break down doors, but simply seeps under them. In general, a complete threat. True, it doesn’t affect us yet, but it will bring a lot of problems very soon.

    The metal lattice door is also visible from a distance - there is also a light on in the room behind it, which makes it stand out very much in the darkness, take a closer look if you don’t see it. Having entered inside, go all the way, first straight, then to the right, you will come across a door, open it, and there is Billy. That very successful experiment in creating Wallrider. When he is far away, he is completely invisible to the ordinary eye; you can only notice him if he flies up point blank. But it is clearly visible through a camera with night vision mode turned on, even if the distance is large, so remember this advice for the future.

    You can close the door right in front of Billy, opening it again, you won’t find him. If you don’t close it, you will get a slap in the face from him, but only one - for a fatal outcome you need two. After one hit, Billy will fly away. Go outside again, there in the dark courtyard you will see a staircase - it is illuminated by a lantern from above. Climb up it to continue the Outlast walkthrough.

    There, run along the narrow roof, jump over the holes below, the path is completely linear, it is impossible to turn the wrong way. Walk along the narrow cornice to the right, jump onto the ledge, and from it to the roof ahead a little lower. From there, climb down further, you will see a mesh fence and a hole in it - jump on and crawl through it. When you reach the steps going up, don’t pay attention to the psychos, they are not aggressive. After going up the steps, go to the right, there will be a hole in the fence on the right side - jump back down to the ground.

    There's a thug Chris wandering ahead, I think you've already missed him. As usual, you need to avoid encounters with this monster at all costs. You will come out to an illuminated area, climb up the boxes there, climb onto the ledge of the building - move along it to the right. Walking along the ledge above the fence with barbed wire, jump down onto the boxes. You will pass the gazebo on the left to a narrow passage - a thug will run straight towards you, turn around and retreat to lure him out of the passage and run in there yourself.

    On the right in the passage there will be a small illuminated area with steps down - turn, go down, go through a narrow gap in the wall, bending down. After going forward and going out onto the street again, turn right, towards an inactive fountain with blood instead of water. On the bench near the fountain you can take a battery, which will be useful during the passage of the game Outlast, then run to the illuminated wall where there is an open window. You can get to the window by climbing onto the boxes underneath it - go inside.

    Women's department

    Upon entering the room, on the right side you will meet the priest, who is still far away. Repeating the bends of the corridor, go first left, then right, then left again. There you will need to get through the rubble on both sides, then jump from the table through the broken window into the room on the left. Exit the room through the illuminated passage, from the corridor you will reach the main hall, where there is good lighting and steps going up, go up. Along the way, we might come across a strange monster - it looks like he’s carrying a club, he’s following us, but he’s not really attacking us. In the main hall there is also a pair of batteries near the corpse of a guard.

    The staircase to the top has a cliff due to collapsed steps; you need to run and jump over it in order to grab the other side of the cliff with your hands. On the wall there you will see a bloody arrow, hinting to us that we are on the right path. Having risen and gone through the lattice door, turn left, left again, there will be a window opening on the left side at the end of the corridor - jump into it. There is a similar window on the opposite side of the room, through which we will leave this place. After the window, turn first left, then right.

    You will run into the door, open it, enter the next room, in which many candles are burning. There you will take the first of the three fuses we need to continue the passage of the game Outlast. On the way out you will meet a couple of maniacs, close the door, prop it up with a closet - they will knock and leave. After which we remove the closet, go out into the corridor, turn left and then right to get through the window into the room where we have already been once. We just leave it through the door, not the window, and immediately go along the corridor to the left.

    Along with the corridor, turn right, having reached the end, you will see a patient sitting on a wheelchair, beware of another psycho with a club. To the left of the patient in the chair there will be a door, behind which there is another freak with a meat knife near the candles, to the left of him lies the second fuse, it blinks, so it’s easy to notice. Grab the fuse and leave this room, you need to run straight forward along the corridor, the likelihood of meeting another enemy here is very likely.

    At the end of this same corridor there will be a door, enter, in case of a chase, close it behind you and prop it up with a closet. In the room we ran into, you will find the third fuse. Continuing the passage of the game Outlast, leave this room, go out into the corridor, turn left at the fork, at the end of the next corridor - left again, on the right side there will be a lit room with a panel in which you need to put fuses. All grilles can then be moved back at the touch of a button.

    One of these bars on the main hall floor covers a poor guy stuck in a narrow laundry tunnel. He has a key that will allow you to go upstairs - find this body and the key, pick it up, run again to the main hall, there jump over the gap in the steps, go up - on the right there will be a door for which we needed the key, open it and continue climbing steps. Again you will see a gap that you again need to jump over with a running start.

    So you will enter the room where it is written on the wall for us to follow the bloody trail. The latter extends through the doorway on the right into a corridor that also goes to the right. Don't rush to turn there - at the end of the straight corridor there is a body with a walkie-talkie, and next to the walkie-talkie is a battery. Returning to the bloody trail, you will see a large gap ahead, but there is a small ledge left near the wall on the right, along which you move forward, pressing yourself against the wall.

    Having reached the stop, jerk forward to grab the remains of the floor opposite our wall, so you will get out into the next room on this floor. There, the floor will collapse under you; below, the passage of the game Outlast will prepare for you another short meeting with the wallrider Billy. To get out of here you need to use the beds piled on top of each other nearby, in the same room. Having climbed up, go out the door on the left side, and you will make your way into a very dark room with a bunch of all sorts of rubbish - overturned beds, chairs and other furniture.

    Leave this place through a wide double opening, look at the walls - bloody arrows everywhere on them will indicate the direction of the path along which we will reach another double door, slightly open. But it will close right in front of you. If you open it, you will be delighted, because you will again meet those same wonderful guys with uncovered genitals and powerful cutlasses that kill with one blow. These villains will try to surround you again, but you have one advantage over them - speed. They are too self-confident, so they will not run under any circumstances.

    The terrain is conducive to pulling them towards you away from the room behind the double door where you will meet them - this is where you need to go. While they are wandering somewhere far away, enter without wasting time. From this room you will come out to a place with gaps in the floor - where there is none, there are ledges along the wall on the left, so move forward along them. And in some places the floor is still intact, so try to get out of here, finally jumping over the large gap in front of the door. The unreliable floor will fall through, our camera will fly down...

    Of course, our thoroughly professional journalist would not want to leave here without a camera, not to mention the fact that this was the only opportunity to see anything in the dark. Therefore, in order to continue the passage of the game Outlast, you will have to go down to pick it up. Our further route goes down - first jump down to the lower floor, there is good lighting that will allow you to find the toilet - in the restroom there is another gap in the floor, along which we will go down one more level. There is also a toilet, from it you will go out into the corridor, the route is simple - where there is light, go there, the developers took into account that now you do not have a camera, so everything is logical.

    Turning into the corridor on the left, you will come across a psycho who suddenly attacked from around the corner, quickly move the mouse to get rid of him and go further to the right. There will be a spacious hall with a couple of sick people, but they won’t bother you, so calmly turn through the double doorway to the right, then to the left into the rooms with beds. You will go out to the window opening on the right - everything is dark ahead, behind it, but the camera blinking in the distance is clearly visible, go to it, pick it up.

    Now there is a healthy crack on the screen, which slightly spoils the view, but the screen itself is still working, like the camera itself - sometimes it produces interference, but it is quite functional. The task is to find a way back to the third floor. And so that you speed up the passage of the game Outlast and don’t hesitate, three monsters will attack you at once, from which you need to run away along the same road you came here. Those. run to the restroom on this floor, there, jump along the walls and cabinets to climb up. The route will exactly repeat itself along the way behind the camera. You can even climb up the same way. Once you get to the third floor, grab the ledge and pull yourself up, you will enter the corridor.

    You will go out into the sewer, first go straight, then turn left, go through the narrow opening from below, crouch down, exit, go right through the narrow opening. So you get out to a small, very well-lit area, where we need to pump out the water to open the passage on the right side (there is a ladder going down from the hatch). To do this, you need to activate two pumps in turn (there is no point in telling where they are, since they are marked on the map on the left, and the sewer system is not very branched; sooner or later you will find both). In order to speed up the passage of Outlast, I would advise you to navigate along the thick pipes under the ceiling, each of them will lead to the desired valve.

    It will not be so easy to complete the task, since we will be personally disturbed by the thug Chris, who found us even here. The sewer system has a fairly simple structure; you can get lost here only at first, but you can get used to it pretty quickly. Avoiding meeting with Chris (there are narrow openings in which you can protect yourself - the big guy won’t get through there) and activating both pumps, run to the place from where you came here - now you can go down the stairs through the hatch.

    Pitch darkness awaits you there and the floor is still flooded with water, but you can get through - walk through the sewer with the night vision on your camera. First you need to go left, then turn right along with the tunnel, in general, an ordinary corridor where it is impossible to go somewhere wrong - sooner or later in this darkness you will reach a ladder, climb up it. There you will be asked to find a way out of the sewer - we are looking. Go forward along the tunnel, there will be a door on the left, open it.

    Inside is another psycho, fortunately not aggressive. There is also a well leading down - climb into it using the stairs. Having descended, go left along the crimson water, some corpse will crash from above, but it will only scare you - there is no harm from it. Continue the Outlast passage, following forward, repeating turns along with the winding tunnel. You will reach a narrow opening below and closed door on the left - climb into the opening, bending down.

    After leaving it, turn right, you will go out into a spacious room - bend down to pass under the grate from above, exit on the other side and climb up to the ledge. Go through the door on the left, turn left again and, going forward, jump into the water. You will find a small opening in the mesh fence, bend down and move on. There it is waiting for you creepy place- very spacious (night vision sees only darkness ahead), flooded with water, and most importantly, the thug Chris is walking around in it, whom you need to somehow manage to get around. The best option- stay close to the wall. Any of them - a thug - likes to walk around the center, there is a chance to go unnoticed.

    At the end of this tunnel there is metal structure, climb up the steps, and then climb up the stairs. There is a non-aggressive psycho sitting in the room, leave it through the doorway and run forward along the tunnel. The psycho behind us will do us a disservice by closing the door behind us, because there is another colleague of his in front, but this one is already aggressive. In order not to interrupt our Outlast passage on it, we will have to break past the enemy, despite the small width of the tunnel. Walking around on the left side works well for this.

    It’s impossible to go somewhere wrong here - one way or another you will reach a narrow descent down into another sewer tunnel filled with crimson water. In it, go forward all the way, repeating all the bends until you reach a dead end and a narrow passage on the right - crawl into it. When you come out to the illuminated place, you will see steps on the right - go up.

    Men's department

    After going up the steps, you will enter another tunnel. When you reach a dead end, look to the left at the cabinet standing there - it covers the ventilation shaft below, you need to move the cabinet, then climb into the shaft. From it you will go out into a room with a freak sitting on a chair, exit through the doorway and turn right. Follow the corridor all the way, there will be a spacious room on the right, someone is actively breaking into it at the entrance opposite to us, but his attempts are restrained heavy cabinet blocking the door. When we approach this door, attempts to get her out will stop, so with a calm soul, push the cabinet further towards the wall, then open the door and go out into the next corridor - run to the left along it.

    At the end there will be a passage on the lower right - bend down and crawl into a spacious room with operating tables and numerous sufferers on them. On the left there will be another bloody couch and an open ventilation shaft above it - climb up and make your way forward along the tunnel. Having jumped down, get ready for a series of surprises that the passage of the game Outlast has in store for you - you will disturb the tied psycho, who will start yelling. In response to his screams, other local “patients” will immediately come running, shouting “Meat,” and they will be extremely unfriendly. They're already bursting through double door on right.

    You really don't have much time to push aside the cabinet covering the doors in front and go through them. It is advisable to close them behind you to delay your pursuers. Don't try to examine the area - just run forward as fast as you can, closing the door behind you. The last one can be propped up with a closet, which will keep you safe until you move on. And then you have to go, pushing away another cabinet that is already propping up the door, then open the doors and then desperately run to the left.

    At the end of the corridor on the left side there will be a slightly open door - enter, close it behind you and prop it up with another cabinet. There is a ventilation shaft in the upper right corner - climb into it. Be prepared for the fact that as soon as you jump down, psychos with weapons in their hands will run towards you from the right, therefore, run to the left, where the passage of the game Outlast provides for a winding, but strictly corridor route without deviations. There is also a big gap at the end that you still need to be able to jump over.

    Having jumped over, don’t even think about stopping - there are a lot of ill-wishers here and they are already breaking into the next door, so continue your escape along the corridor. At the end of it there will be a door, but it is locked, it is better to immediately turn to the right of it, where you need to have time to climb up and jump over the barrier. Go through the next room, exit it immediately to the right - another enemy is breaking in on the left. After running along the corridor, at the end of it on the left you will see a partially open door - open it, go in, close it behind you.

    On the right side you will see a cramped laundry elevator, activate it and go upstairs. Think you're saved? Be that as it may... Waiting above is the wonderful Doctor Richard Trager, who was in charge of all these inhumane experiments. The passage of the game Outlast will not yet provide any options to escape from captivity - we are tied in all limbs, we are being taken somewhere in a wheelchair.

    Judging by the bloody route, like the doctor’s other “patients,” nothing good awaits Miles either. And the expectations are justified - the good doctor will cut off two of our hero's fingers with hefty scissors, after which, satisfied with himself, he will go into the neighboring rooms to do his other terrible things there - Miles is tied up, he is unlikely to be able to escape somewhere...

    But the chance will still appear - when the sadist leaves, quickly move the mouse to the sides to free yourself. When Miles has vomited enough, he will pick up the camera and be ready to continue fighting for his life, despite the loss of his fingers. It would be extremely difficult to escape from a mad doctor. not an easy task. Firstly, he is much more dangerous than other enemies due to the fact that he is smarter - he prefers to open doors rather than break them down, so this will not slow him down much. Secondly, he does not shy away from workarounds in order to reach you faster. Third, just like Chris's brute, he will kill you in just two hits with his giant scissors. Not to mention that he looks under beds, in closets and other places where he can hide.

    But no matter how difficult the escape may be, it must be accomplished in order to continue passing the game Outlast. The nearby elevator will help you with this, only it is started with a key, and the key has yet to be found, which is what we will do right now. Having freed yourself from captivity, go out into the corridor and reach another prisoner tied to the bed. Next, it is better to act extremely carefully and slowly - wait behind the column until our glorious doctor appears and will have fun cutting chest tied victim.

    After he finishes his bloody deed, he will go to the toilet where he cut off Miles' fingers to visit him. And it is at this moment that you need to break forward as quickly as possible - first onto the gurney, and from it into the ventilation shaft. Jump down from it, walk along the corridor, looking around so as not to fall into the field of view of a dangerous enemy. Having run to the end of the next corridor, you will find a door supported by a cabinet; you need to move it, after which you can go through this very door.

    It is extremely important to start pushing the cabinet before you are discovered, otherwise you simply won’t have time to do anything. Behind the door, run along the corridor without turning, you will find another gurney under the ventilation shaft - climb into the tunnel at the top. After jumping further, look for the room with the key, it blinks quite brightly, so it is clearly visible, hanging on the shield. As soon as you take the key, the doctor will begin to pursue you again, cutting down the doors with his huge scissors. Sometimes, during persecution, he is very pleased with the epic phrase “they should have cut off the leg first, not the finger, it was somehow unprofessional.” And it’s hard to argue with him - we run without fingers, but without a leg everything would be the same.

    Jump out of the room through the same opening through which you entered it and run as hard as you can to the elevator. There are several paths to it, it is advisable to have a good visual memory so as not to wander through the corridors and rooms in vain, risking falling into the clutches of the doctor again. After entering the elevator, continue the passage of the game Outlast, activating it with the key, the elevator will begin to descend. True, the mad maniac doctor will have time to go down to the lower floor, where he will break open the door and climb into the elevator. Maisel will push the enemy back, and the elevator will continue to move. Thus, the doctor's body will get stuck between the moving elevator car and the upward floor of the floor being left. It will be cut into two parts - that's right, good man there must be a lot.

    The elevator, however, will not hold up and will stop, but the elimination of such a dangerous enemy is more important. Exit the elevator through the hatch at the top, having first opened it and pulled yourself up. Will you go out to small room, run out of it into the corridor on the right, in it turn left to the steps. Go down them to the lower floor, where through a narrow passage you will enter a room with a computer turned on. Exit through the door on the other side, through the gap you will exit into an illuminated spacious room. At the end of it on the right you will see Father Martin, that very “priest”. He will offer to meet outside.

    We go out into a small corridor on the left, turn right in it and on the right side you will find a door - open it and enter. You will find yourself in a locker room with a bunch of lockers, where you can also find another magazine. From the locker room you will exit past the washbasins and urinals through wooden door, behind it is another corridor. Go right, past the wheelchair, on the left a few meters away there will be small table, and above it is a window opening through which we need to jump, first jumping onto that very table. Before jumping up, you can walk straight along the corridor to explore the area, you can get hold of a battery, for example.

    Jumping over the top of the table, you will see a fire ahead. Fire is dangerous, try not to get into it. All flaming obstacles during the Outlast passage can be avoided - you can go around some, jump over somewhere, or closer to the exit you can bend down to get under the tabletop. From the burning room, exit into the corridor, turning left. Next, go straight along it, climb through the rubble in front, then go out into another corridor on the left. There you will see a room with fire fighting equipment, but there is no water, first you have to turn two valves.

    True, the task will be complicated by the appearance of the thug Chris, you will have to traditionally either run away or hide from him. It's best to crouch if the enemy is nearby - this way you greatly reduce the likelihood of detection. One valve is located behind a long room with bathtubs and a non-aggressive freak sitting there, the entrance to the room is on the left side after you go through the corridor. There, after turning left, you need to squeeze through the rubble sideways.

    You will find the second valve, on the contrary, in the right wing of the building after exiting that same corridor. True, in the second case you will have to run around the rooms, but target room- a dead end, so sooner or later you will enter it. After activating the second valve to continue the Outlast walkthrough, return to the control panel to activate fire protection system. Now we need to run to where the flames were blazing - the fire is no longer a hindrance for us to move on.

    Be careful - the thug is still here, but the pouring water greatly impairs the view. From the spacious room where the fire was raging, exit through the open double door into the kitchen, jumping over obstacles along the way. Around the corner in the kitchen, another psycho will suddenly jump out to the right, the mechanism for dealing with him is already familiar - you need to quickly move the mouse around. Having pushed away the adversary, turn into the corridor on the right, follow it straight until you come out into a spacious hall. In the hall on the left there will be a corridor, at the end of which there is a glowing inscription "Exit". This is the exit to the street, where the priest offered to meet us. Before leaving the building, you can explore the rooms.