Learning and fortune telling with playing cards. Interpretation of the meanings of playing cards

Using a regular deck of 36 playing cards, you can predict events for the near future and find out the answer to your question. It doesn't take much time to learn fortune telling. Eat simple ways, which even a beginner can do. Most girls prefer to predict their future at Christmas and Christmastide, because it is during this period that fortune telling is the most accurate and truthful. The forces of evil and good come to Earth, the line between reality and other dimensions becomes thinner.

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    Simple layouts

    There are many interesting Christmas and Epiphany fortune telling. The simplest layout is for three playing cards. You need to draw them from the deck (arbitrary) and lay them out from left to right: the first card is what happened in the past, the second is real time, the third is events of the future. The values ​​are shown below.

    Another option for easy fortune telling is a quick spread of 9. You need to mentally formulate any question that may concern both the fortuneteller and another person. Draw any three cards from the deck. Their meaning will be the answer to the question. Come up with two more questions and lay out three more cards. The interpretation of the dropped symbols can be read below.

    Choosing your card

    In order to get the most accurate prediction, you need to choose a suitable card that represents the fortuneteller, as shown in the figure below:

    1. 1. the suit of diamonds is chosen by young people under 25 years old;
    2. 2. worms - if the fortuneteller/fortuneteller is from 25 to 50 years old;
    3. 3. queen and king of clubs - woman and man over 50 years old;
    4. 4. Spades usually represent rivals or enemies.

    Choosing the right card

    For a specific event in the future

    Fortune telling with playing cards for the event:

    1. 1. Thoroughly shuffle the deck of cards and place the card that will represent the fortuneteller in the center of the table.
    2. 2. Make a wish for an event (it could be a wedding, childbirth, a holiday, the arrival of guests, moving to another city, etc.).
    3. 3. You need to remove three cards from the deck, placing them above, below and on your card.
    • 1 - own card;
    • 2, 5, 8 - how the event will take place;
    • 3, 6, 9 - the result, how it will all end;
    • 4, 7, 10 - what will interfere with achieving the goal.

    The interpretation of the cards from the layout is located below.

    For a relationship with your loved one

    Card fortune telling for lovers' relationships:

    1. 1. Choose a card that is suitable for the fortuneteller and place it in the center of the table.
    2. 2. Place under your card the two that are on top of the deck.
    3. 3. Then you should carefully shuffle the card deck and place three cards on top and bottom of your card.

    Layout diagram (order - by numbers).

    • 1 - own card;
    • 2, 3 - what’s on the heart (thoughts);
    • 4, 5, 6 - future (connected with a lover);
    • 7, 8, 9 - causes of events.

    For the present, past and future

    You need to guess after dark - in the evening or at night.


    1. 1. The cards should be shuffled well.
    2. 2. Remove the upper fingers of your left hand.
    3. 3. Lay out the first five cards from the deck from left to right.
    4. 4. Place 5 more cards on top of them, one for each.
    5. 5. Repeat again.
    6. 6. Set aside one card in the sixth pile.

    The result should be five parts of three cards and one piece to the side, as shown in the picture below.

    • 1 - about the fortuneteller herself;
    • 2 - what’s on the heart;
    • 3 - about loved ones and relatives;
    • 4 - past;
    • 5 - future;
    • 6 is the most important card - how the heart will calm down.

    The meaning of the drawn cards can be found below.

    Wish come true

    This method of fortune telling will help you find out whether your secret dream will come true or remain unrealistic. Rules:

    1. 1. You need to lay out the entire deck of 7 pieces into 5 parts, face down.
    2. 2. You should make a wish on the suit of the last card (36th).
    3. 3. Open the first stack. Remove all cards that do not match the chosen suit, then remove pairs (if any).
    4. 4. Similar actions should be done with all parts.
    5. 5. The rest of the card deck should be divided into 4 parts, face down. Discard inappropriate suits and pairs one by one.
    6. 6. Divide the remaining cards first into three, then into two parts. At the very end you need one piece left.
    7. 7. See what cards are left in it - if all are large, then your plan will come true very soon. If there are others, then the wish will not come true soon.

    You should not lay out cards for desire several times in a row; if the end result does not suit the person, they can “lie” subsequent times.

    Schedule for the year

    Scheme of the layout for the bastard.

    “For the coming year” - for this fortune telling you will need a standard card deck of 36. First you need to select a card that corresponds to the person for whom the fortune telling is being carried out. Place it face down in the middle of the table and, after thoroughly shuffling the deck, lay out 16 pieces face down in four rows, from left to right and from bottom to top. These cards symbolize the future 6 months. You need to put another card of any kind above the rows - it will mean a certain person(event) that will have an impact in these six months.

    Then you need to lay out 16 cards from the bottom of the queen or king from left to right and from top to bottom - these are symbols that will reveal future events in the remaining six months. Place the last two cards at the very bottom: the first is what will leave the person forever, the second is the cause of all his troubles in the future.

    Deciphering the symbols should begin with the card combination, and then move on to individual meanings.

    The meaning of each card and their combinations

    Paired cards:

    • Two aces - you should make an informed decision and not repeat previous mistakes. Three - a high probability of making a fatal mistake. Four is a useless pastime; you should correctly assess your capabilities and set life priorities in order to achieve great success.
    • Two kings - everything planned will become reality. Three - you shouldn’t hesitate, you could miss a fateful chance. Four - stunning success, luck, luck.
    • Two ladies - a person’s naivety and gullibility; these character traits will bring him a lot of problems. Three - female cunning, the deceit of friends, gossip, conspiracies. Four are rivals in love relationships, competitors in business.
    • Two jacks - financial stability. Three - deep disappointment, loss of reputation due to slander of a stranger, betrayal of loved ones. Four - large material losses, serious problems with money.
    • A couple of dozen - you need to analyze the information well before making a choice, positive thinking will help you achieve success. Three dozen - large debts, squandering, large losses up to complete ruin. Four - you should seek friendly support and ask your family for advice.
    • Two nines or eights - cold calculation and a reasonable approach will help to implement plans. Three - there is a big risk of making a mistake in professional activity, you need to be more careful. Four - disagreements in the family, clarification of relationships with a loved one, alienation.
    • A pair of sevens is a joyful event, good news. Three sevens - big profit, easy money. Four - a long road, a romantic trip or a business trip abroad.
    • Two sixes - you need to show restraint and patience. Three - the patronage of a very intelligent and influential representative of the opposite sex. Four - hypocrisy, betrayal, deep sadness, loneliness.

    Interpretation of individual cards of different suits with full description combinations of cards.


    • Six - a long trip will not bring the desired result. If there is a seven of diamonds nearby, hard, painstaking work is expected, which will be well paid. The Eight of Hearts is nearby - a favorable period will come soon. The king of clubs promises the patronage of an influential person.
    • Seven - slander and falsehood. If there is an ace of hearts nearby - great joy. Jack of spades - big financial losses. Ten of clubs - there will be huge disappointments and losses in life.
    • Eight - a strong resentment towards a relative or disappointment in a loved one. The ten of hearts is nearby - good news. The King of Spades is a long-awaited retribution for the person who offended. Eight of Clubs - significant losses.
    • Nine is a disease emotional stress, poor health, moral decline. The jack of diamonds is nearby - your services will be well paid. Six of hearts - good news from distant relatives.
    • Ten - major troubles in the business sphere. The eight of diamonds next to the ten of spades - you should not go into debt, it will be very difficult to pay them back. Six of hearts - soon the situation will improve significantly. Ten of Clubs - improved health.
    • Jack - bad news, sad events. If the queen of clubs is standing nearby, you should not be frank with strangers in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.
    • The lady is an elderly envious woman. Nearby is the nine of hearts - unrequited feelings, mental torment. The Seven of Spades is a huge scandal, family discord. King of Clubs - friendly support in difficult situation.
    • The king is an influential and very rich man. If there is a ten of spades, a seven of clubs or a nine of diamonds nearby - an unsuccessful life period.


    • Six - plans are not destined to come true, broken dreams and futile expectations. A seven of hearts next to a six is ​​a pleasant encounter. Jack of spades - heartfelt feelings, resentment.
    • Seven - successful business negotiations. Next to the nine of diamonds is a very good deal. Six of Hearts - soon life will change in better side. Jack of Spades - quandary financial situation.
    • Eight - tears severe stress, emotional shock. The ace of hearts is nearby - an unpleasant conversation will take place with your lover. The ten of spades is a warning about possible injuries and serious illness.
    • Nine - successful completion of an important task. The ten of diamonds promises the fulfillment of all innermost desires, the jack of spades - ill-wishers will no longer plot intrigues.
    • Ten - creative victory, rapid career growth. Seven of diamonds - financial prosperity, the emergence of a stable source of income. Ten of Hearts - life will be easy and carefree, filled with bright events and unforgettable impressions. Six of clubs - failures at work.
    • Jack - the appearance of a messenger with bad news. Ten of Diamonds - loved ones will always come to the rescue. Ten of Hearts - breakup of a love relationship, betrayal of a loved one. Ten of spades - there is a high probability of an accident.
    • Lady - an unpleasant middle-aged lady spreads gossip about a person; false information can cause great harm. The Ace of Spades next to the Queen is chronic bad luck in love and professional activity. A ten of clubs is useless trouble, a waste of time.
    • King - success in love relationships. Seven of Hearts - luck accompanies a person in all endeavors. Jack of spades - loss of a lover, forced separation. Nine of Clubs - a fun pastime, peace of mind, inner harmony.
    • Ace is a government house. A ten of spades next to an ace is a warning about a lengthy trial.


    • Six - family well-being, a pleasant gift from a loved one. An ace of diamonds next to a six means receiving a sum of money. Seven of Hearts - a long-awaited date or meeting will take place soon. Ten of Spades - the gala event will end in great disappointment.
    • Seven - a romantic date. The Seven of Spades is a problem that has already for a long time torments a person, will soon be resolved. The king of clubs is an unexpected joy.
    • Eight - sincere conversation. The ace of hearts nearby means great and mutual love. Queen of Spades - an unpleasant conversation will take place, which will end in a big scandal.
    • Nine - an imminent wedding or an invitation to a significant event. The Queen of Diamonds promises tears and deep sadness, and the Ace of Spades promises betrayal of a lover. Jack of clubs - pleasant chores, household chores.
    • Ten is an expensive gift. The Queen of Hearts is nearby - a loved one is devoted and honest with his chosen one. The nine of spades portends an imminent separation, and the ten of clubs portends stunning success among members of the opposite sex, love adventures.
    • Jack - the wish will come true soon. Queen of Diamonds - guests are on the doorstep. The ace of hearts is fantastic luck. The cross nine is a profitable financial investment.
    • The lady is a married and very attractive person. Nine of Hearts is a new hobby. The eight of clubs is a series of unpleasant incidents.
    • The king is a handsome young man who is married. The ten of hearts is nearby - great luck. Ten of spades - major problems in all areas of life.
    • Ace - stability and harmony are expected in love relationships. Six of Clubs - a very successful business trip is expected, which will help you get a long-awaited promotion.


    • Six - a short-term business trip. Seven of hearts nearby - lush wedding ceremony not far away. The Seven of Spades is a warning about an unpleasant incident that may happen during a trip. Ten of clubs - a young lady will soon receive an invitation to a romantic date.
    • Seven - financial problems, big waste. Seven of Hearts - you should be more careful and use your finances more rationally so as not to become bankrupt. Queen of Spades - monetary obligations to the state, a large loan. Ten of Clubs - a brilliant offer will soon arrive that will bring huge profits.
    • Eight - neglect family values for the sake of material goods. Ace of diamonds - valuable loss, material problems. The six of clubs is a dubious event, an unjustified risk.
    • Nine - easy money, receiving an inheritance. The King of Hearts is nearby - a loved one will give an expensive gift, this could be vehicle or real estate. Jack of clubs - to get a large sum of money, you need to be patient.
    • Ten - change of job or rapid career growth, increase wages. The Seven of Spades nearby means temporary material problems. Ten of clubs - material prosperity, abundance.
    • Jack is a troublesome event, fuss over money. Nine of Spades - a major quarrel with a lover is planned over money. Seven of Clubs - failure in business, love failures.
    • The lady is a young girl with blond hair. The Ace of Diamonds is nearby - engagement, marriage proposal. The Seven of Spades is melancholy, causeless sadness. Seven of clubs - what you started will not be crowned with success.
    • The king is a single and handsome man. The seven of diamonds is nearby - the man is very rich and generous. Eight of Hearts - a young man will give a real fairy tale and make a young lady’s cherished dream come true.
    • Ace - big money, an unexpected gift. Ten of Clubs - you need to be more careful to avoid mistakes when drawing up financial report. Eight of Spades - an unfavorable period, financial losses, family quarrels and misunderstandings.

The foggy future has always attracted people with its uncertainty. That is why many people from time to time resort to the services of various fortune tellers and shamans. Everyone is interested in knowing what lies ahead and what they need to be prepared for. Fortune telling is a complex process in which intuition is always involved. Not only experienced fortune tellers turn to cards for help. Many ordinary people I'm interested in learning how to tell fortunes on cards and decipher predictions.

In order to start fortune telling, you need careful preparation. You need to buy a new deck, and also tune in to fortune telling, choosing a suitable day for this. There is an opinion that it is best to tell fortunes on Fridays and on the 13th of any month.

In the old days, fortune telling was often resorted to new year holidays and at Christmas.

As a rule, this period lasted from January 7 to January 19 - during the transition from one year to another, when the portal between parallel worlds is open, and you can get answers to all your questions.

When you first try to join the process of fortune-telling, you should learn several main points, thanks to which you can correctly decipher meaning of the information received:

  • Before the ritual itself, you should hold the cards in your hands, shuffling them with your left hand, towards the heart. You need to establish an energetic connection with them, thinking at this moment about the issue of interest.
  • If fortune telling is happening for another person, then you should not give him the deck from your hands. Cards should only feel their owner, and no one else should hold the deck in their hands. The person for whom the fortune telling is taking place can only point his hand at the deck.
  • You cannot carry out fortune telling while in a bad mood. In addition, it is necessary to ask the permission of the person for whom the fortune telling will be performed. It is not recommended to guess against a person’s will.
  • Should be used various ways fortune telling. But if one specific question haunts you, you should not ask it more often than once a day: the answer will be unreliable.
  • You should not ignore cards that accidentally fall out of the deck. If one or more of them inadvertently falls out of the deck during shuffling, you should figure out their meaning in parallel with the main layout. Perhaps they will be a hint and contribute their own sacred meaning into a general interpretation.

By following these simple rules, you can learn to guess correctly and quickly, deciphering even the most complex layouts, and the subconscious and intuition will come to the rescue in this difficult task.

Suit values

Before you learn how to tell fortunes on cards, you should know which suits are responsible for what. Things to keep in mind Firstly:

Knowing these values, it will be easier to navigate the flow of information provided by the layout.

Fortune telling methods

Many ways of layout have been known to people for a long time. This is fortune telling for love - for a loved one, for a king, for the future - gypsy fortune telling, as well as for fate, for desire, for a question and for wealth.

For a loved one

The method makes it possible to discover some of the character traits of the person being told fortunes, his emotions, intentions and feelings.

Take the deck in your hands, shuffle it, and then knock it down with your left hand top part. Then remove the first card from the top and open it. She will personify the thoughts of her beloved.

After shuffling the deck, remove the second one and place it with right side from yourself - it will symbolize feelings, emotions and experiences.

Same method remove the next 4:

  • the third will show the near future of your loved one;
  • fourth - his secret hopes and desires;
  • fifth - an unexpected adventure;
  • sixth - fate and further future for the long term.

Fortune telling will help you figure out how your loved one feels, what actions he will take, and what his thoughts are filled with.

On request

This simple way of planning will help reveal the events of the near future and find out how high the probability of the wish coming true is. Learning to tell fortunes like professional fortune tellers do is not that difficult.

When starting action, you need to take the same deck, carefully shuffle it, while concentrating on your desire. Then take out any random card without looking at the deck. It will be the answer to the question posed.

If you come across a black suit, this state of affairs will indicate that the desire either will not come true, or that obstacles will arise on the way to its fulfillment. Accordingly, the red suit gives a greater probability that the wish will come true.

Gypsy fortune telling

This is a long-standing and effective fortune-telling that will lift the veil of future events and tell about the past and present.

You should pick up the deck and say mentally an exciting question, for example, “What awaits me in the future?”

After shuffling the deck, remove the top with your left hand, then lay out three cards in three rows face down. The first row symbolizes the person’s past, the second row shows the present, and the third row shows the future.

"What will happen?"

After acquiring the skills of fortune telling with playing cards, you can safely move on to more complex layouts. Here topical issues are: “What happened?”, “What will happen?”, “How will the heart calm down?”

You need to concentrate as much as possible, pick up the deck and shuffle it with your left hand in the direction of the heart.

Then remove a couple of cards from the top and place them at the very bottom of the deck.

After this, you should take turns taking three cards from the deck until you find “your own” - for example, the queen of hearts. It should be placed in the center of the table.

The first three will talk about what happened. Each of them will indicate an event that took place in the past, or a person who is nearby.

The rest of the deck should be shuffled again, concentrating on the question “What will happen?”

The deck should be divided into 2 approximately equal parts, take out one of the cards and, without looking at it, put it under “yours”. She will personify what is in a person’s heart. It is allowed to open it only at the very end of the fortune telling. After this action, the deck should not be shuffled, but should be divided into 4 equal parts on different sides of the main card. This procedure is performed with the right hand.

The time has come to reveal the 2 outer cards from below and above, and then to the right and left of the main one, in turn.

The same cards that remain should not be shuffled, but laid out in twos in the right corner - above and below your card, revealing the suit.

In a similar way, you need to place the cards on the left. Every fourth remaining card is placed “on the heart”.

After you have mastered the methods of fortune telling with playing cards, you can move on to more complex methods and learn how to tell fortunes with Tarot.

Tarot cards

Today, there is a lot of different literature telling about how to learn fortune telling with cards, including Tarot. In special manuals and on the Internet you can find an interpretation of the meanings. Moreover, there are many online layouts, which can predict the future no worse than a regular deck.

An important point for the fortuneteller is how he feels the cards, how much he is ready to believe them. When pulling out one of them, you need to enter into a single energy flow with it, and also feel all the emotions and states that it evokes.

The fact is that Tarot cards are specifically designed for fortune telling: they can know and tell more about a person than he knows about himself. During such a ritual, they seem to be talking to a person.

However, you should not try to make complex layouts right away.

It will be quite enough to choose one card a day and comprehend the feelings that it evokes. After some time, it will be easier to learn how to guess with them, since intuition will unmistakably tell you the correct meaning, and the deck itself will reveal all the secrets.

Almost anyone can master fortune telling, regardless of their age. You need to be able to listen to yourself and your subconscious. Establishing a close connection between the fortuneteller and his deck is the key to the successful implementation of such a ritual.

Have you ever wanted to know how this or that person feels towards you? It’s not possible to ask directly, or do you simply not believe what they answer? Well, try to tell your fortune. Yes, of course, the cards do not give any guarantee that what is predicted will come true. But miracles sometimes happen, don’t they? Who knows, maybe in your case the prediction will be 100% correct. And if it doesn’t turn out, you’ll just have an interesting time.

Layout No. 1: “Choice of four”

A very simple layout that is suitable even for those who absolutely do not know how to tell fortunes on cards for love. The playing cards should not have any marks, scuffs, etc., so it is best to take a clean deck.

We find four jacks in the deck. We wish for each of them the name of the person you are interested in young man. We turn the jacks face down, shuffle them and lay them out horizontally.

We shuffle the deck with the remaining cards and place them under the jacks. There should be 8 cards under each jack. We open the cards (don’t touch the jacks) and see what awaits you in your relationship with each of the young men:

  • hearts - love;
  • diamonds - money;
  • clubs - children;
  • peaks - quarrels.

We compare how much love/money/children/quarrels this or that novel will bring. We put the three Jacks, with whom you most dislike the relationship, aside. The cards that were underneath them too. We open the remaining jack. This young man will be your chosen one.

By the way, you can guess not only about guys, but also about girls. Just think of names for four queens instead of jacks.

Layout No. 2: “Six questions”

The second layout is for those who do not know how to tell fortunes on cards for love, but really want to learn. We again use a new, clean deck, without marks or kinks, with cards from which we have not previously played cards.

We shuffle the deck. At this time, we mentally concentrate on the person we are going to guess about. After this, we lay out the top six cards in one horizontal row, face down. Let's begin the interpretation.

Fortune telling questions:

  • Card 1: “What is the person I’m interested in thinking about now?”
  • Card 2: “What is the heart of the person I’m interested in doing?”
  • Card 3: “What will happen in the near future in the life of the person I’m interested in?”
  • Card 4: “What does the person I’m interested in dream about?”
  • Card 5: “What is the person I’m interested in afraid of?”
  • Card 6: “What kind of love/marriage/relationship does the person I’m interested in have now?”

Card meanings:

  • 6 – unexpected trip;
  • 7 – important conversation;
  • 8 – meeting;
  • 9 – true love;
  • 10 – dreams, projects, work;
  • Jack – problems and experiences;
  • Lady - a very close woman (possibly a mother);
  • The king is a very close man (possibly a father);
  • Ace is the place where the person you are interested in lives.
  • 6 – trip, but not soon;
  • 7 – grief, trouble, sadness;
  • 8 – invitation to visit, meeting with friends;
  • 9 – unexpected illness;
  • 10 – dreams that will never come true;
  • Jack is a waste of time and effort;
  • Lady - ill-wishers, enemies;
  • King - representatives of power, people with influence;
  • Ace - unpleasant news.
  • 6 – fast trip;
  • 7 – pleasant date;
  • 8 – pleasant conversation;
  • 9 – sympathy from an unmarried man or woman;
  • 10 – dreams that will come true;
  • Jack - difficulties and trials;
  • The lady is a faithful friend;
  • The king is a true friend;
  • Ace - great news.
  • 6 – work trip, business trip;
  • 7 – business meeting;
  • 8 – business negotiations;
  • 9 – passionate relationships, love;
  • 10 – financial profit;
  • Jack - works and worries;
  • The lady is a close relative;
  • King - boss, chief, leader;
  • Ace – important work which must be completed on time.

A beginner practitioner needs to read this section more carefully. Traditional rituals improve the quality of fortune telling and form a proper attitude towards the process.

  • The venue plays an important role. You will need a table and candles (electrical appliances should be turned off). Make sure that no one distracts you while you are guessing.
  • Be sure to purchase a new deck of playing cards. After purchase you need to assign it. Take a large flat dish and place the deck in the center of the plate. Pour plenty of salt and place lit candles in the four cardinal directions. This ritual is carried out once, then playing cards become a personal working tool.
  • Before fortune telling, wash your face and hands. This will refresh your mind and make your hands lighter.


Grandmother's layout helps predict love relationships, the near future, and the possibility of receiving money. There are several ways to do this, but they all have one rule in common: setting a significator. If the person of interest is a man, the king piece is chosen, if the person is a woman - queens. The color is chosen based on appearance:

  • Blonde hair, White skin and expressive eyes - Tambourines.
  • Dark hair and eyes are a cross suit.
  • Brown hair and light color eye - worm.

The suit of spades is not used by the significator in fortune telling using the grandmother's method. Shuffle the deck with thoughts about the chosen person. You can guess for yourself, to do this, ask a specific question. Let's look at grandma's layout in examples.

First method

After shuffling, the deck is placed in front of you or on your right palm. Using the little finger of your left hand, you remove part of the stack (towards you) and insert it back in an arbitrary manner. Next, three cards are removed from above and laid out in three vertical rows.

Counting is done from left to right, and triplets are placed from top to bottom. The first column refers to the past, the second to the present, and the third to the future.

In the presented layout, the significator (queen of hearts) is located in the second row. Two eights in the neighborhood will tell information about the current state of affairs of the fortune-telling object. More often, only the triplet with the hidden figure is deciphered.

Let's decipher grandma's layout using the first method.

  • Interpretation of the first row. Close person(Queen of Hearts) is involved in a money transaction (Eight of Diamonds). Personal life in in perfect order- recently received a declaration of love (eight of hearts).
  • The second row is considered an exception to the rule. In the layout, under the hidden card there is a triplet with a comparable figure (king of hearts). In such cases, it is imperative to interpret neighboring cards. Explained by close relationships between people. The suit indicates love, marriage. The “king” treats his “lady” so carefully that even when telling fortunes with playing cards he is close by. The layout reports a short but problematic path.

Second method

The method is original in its form - the grandmother's layout resembles a cross. A playing card - a significator - is selected and placed face down in the center of the table. Cards located before and after the significator are removed from the deck. The first one is placed down, and the second one is placed on top (both face down). The rest are laid out in small piles according to the cardinal directions. First south, then north, west and east. The order is observed, three cards are removed from each part from above - one on the table, two are placed on it.

  • The upper part of the layout symbolizes the thoughts of the questioner.
  • The bottom three cards are in charge of the present.
  • Left side - past
  • The right side is the future.

The rest of the deck is distributed in a similar way, but between the edges of the “cross”. The stage should start between west and south. Move clockwise.

  • The first triplet talks about how the past influences the thoughts of the questioner.
  • In the second position - the influence of thoughts on the future.
  • The third triplet describes the influence of the present on the future.
  • The last position indicates the mistakes of the past from which the present was formed.

To decipher, use the playing cards located on right side from diagonal triplets.

Grandmother's layout - method two.

  1. The reversed cards are revealed first. The bottom card is “what is hidden under the heart,” the top card is “what lies on the heart.” Decryption occurs along with the main card.
  2. Calculate which suit “fell out” more than the others. Determines the direction of life or the main problems of a person.
  3. The cards around the significator are analyzed. First of all, single ones, and then paired ones (lying on top). Start from the north of the layout. Move clockwise.

The order of interpretation of the second method

  1. Bottom card, K♣, then top card. ♠♣♦
  2. 7♦; 9♠; 7; 8♠; 6; D♦; 9♣; T .
  3. D♣ K ; K♦ 10♦; K♠ 7♠; 8 D♠; 8♦ T♠; Т♦ 10 ; 9♣ 6♦; B♣ 6♣

Interpretation of playing cards

Aces- buildings, messages, news.

Diamonds means a letter, a document, receiving money.

Clubs - work, obligations.

Hearts own or parental home.

Peaks portend stress, problems, bad news.

Sixes- path or journey.

Diamonds predicts a close road, upcoming profit.

Clubs - business trip, evening trip.

Hearts they talk about the short journey and the imminent appearance of love.

Peaks They promise travel at night, flight delays and problems on the road.

Sevens are interpreted as meetings, acquaintances.

Diamonds portend a gift, probably an expensive one.

Clubs predicts a business meeting.

Hearts portend a pleasant acquaintance, a date.

Peaks mean deception, mistrust on the part of loved ones.

Eights - communication, conversations.

Tambourines - this is a conversation about money.

Clubs predicts an urgent meeting, a business conversation.

Hearts predict a declaration of love, romantic communication.

Peaks talking about a quarrel, an unpleasant interlocutor.

Nines- love, joy, pleasant surprise.

Diamonds speaks of the love of money, unexpected acquisition of money.

Clubs shows hard work.

Hearts promises sincerity in love relationships.

Peaks predict suffering, jealousy, unrequited love.

Dozens- interest, desire.

Tambourines - commercialism of views, entrepreneurial resourcefulness.

Clubs - specific, business proposal, thirst for knowledge.

Hearts- passion, love.

Peaks - separation is approaching, an unpleasant surprise, curiosity about other people's affairs.

Jacks- care, wasted work.

Tambourines - thrift with money.

Hearts - vanity, helping a loved one.

Clubs - problems at work, error correction.

Peaks - a waste of effort, an unfair outcome.

Ladies- the beautiful half of humanity.

Tambourines - blonde, close friends.

Hearts - close relatives, vulnerable soul.

Clubs - brown-haired, older ladies.

Peaks - brunettes, envious women surrounded.

Kings- this is a man.

Diamonds- blond, wealthy man.

Hearts- fair-haired, in love, careful.

Clubs- brown-haired, influential man in years.

Peaks- brunette, stranger, ill-wisher.

Rules for working with the deck

  • Purity. For each fortune telling technique, a special deck should be used. Decide on an arsenal of layouts. The deck used for the grandmother's layout will not work on the “gate of fate”. An incorrect approach to the matter will mislead the fortuneteller. Keep cards out of reach of unauthorized persons. Alien energy will devastate all accumulated experience.
  • Communication. A working deck without practice should be saturated with your energy. Place the cards on the table, hold them over it left hand. Remember the layouts carried out with its help. It is recommended to count them and give each a little attention. In this way, energy saturation will occur.
  • Health. Magic rituals must be carried out in a good mood. Negative emotions and feelings distort the picture of fortune telling and bring chaos to the process. Excessive positive emotions can also cause harm. You won't get the information you need. At pain or feeling unwell - postpone the schedule.

Magic rituals require respect. Focus - best friend. Serious attitude to the reading, the desire to comprehend the secrets of fortune-telling will help to perform the ritual High Quality. By learning simple rules and learning to correctly interpret the meanings of cards, you will gain an advantage over the “uninitiated.” Remember: it’s easier to learn magic when you sincerely believe in it.

Exists a large number of methods and types of fortune telling on cards. The simplest type of card deck is a deck of 36 cards and four suits. It is very easy to work with her and her predictions come true with extraordinary accuracy.

Basic techniques for fortune telling with 36 cards

Before you start studying the layouts, you need to familiarize yourself with the meaning of each of the cards.

Hearts card suit

  • Six - indicates a fast road;
  • Seven – important negotiations;
  • Eight - a love date;
  • Nine – pure love;
  • Ten – thoughts and thoughts;
  • Jack – strong feelings or problems that have arisen;
  • Lady - female blood ties;
  • The king is a man close in blood;
  • Ace is the home of a loved one.

Spades cards

  • Six – long journey;
  • Seven – discontent, despair;
  • Eight – probability of a trip or invitation to stay;
  • Nine – emergency long-term illness;
  • Ten - useless and empty dreams;
  • Jack is a waste of time, useless affairs and worries;
  • The lady is a very strong enemy;
  • The king is a strict superior man, quite likely holding a high position;
  • Ace - unpleasant news.

Diamond suit

  • Six is ​​the fastest way;
  • Seven – joy from meetings;
  • Eight – mutually pleasant communication;
  • Nine is the secret love of unmarried representatives of both sexes;
  • Ten – easy fulfillment of desires;
  • Jack - obstacles on the road of life;
  • The lady is a very close woman;
  • The king is a devoted friend;
  • Ace - good news.

Club cards

  • Six – road for work;
  • Seven – important business communication;
  • Eight – negotiation process;
  • Nine – mutual and passionate love;
  • Ten – financial receipt;
  • Jack - constant worries;
  • Lady - a relative from a close circle;
  • The king is a powerful man;
  • Ace is a difficult job or an important project.

When starting fortune telling, you need to think about a specific person for whom the card layout is being carried out. For the fortune telling process, you need to purchase a new deck of cards. It is very important that it is new and has not been previously used.

The deck must be thoroughly mixed, and then ask the person who is making the layout to move the cards with his left hand away from himself. After this, you need to pick up the card that is located on top of the deck and place it face down on the table. This procedure will need to be carried out six times. Now you can turn them over and interpret the event seen in the layout.

There are a huge variety of very simple and interesting layouts that make it possible to get answers to your questions. Understanding the layout and reading it in detail, in turn, does not cause any particular difficulties. But the most amazing thing is that card layouts, especially in relation to love affairs, always show the real picture of what is happening. And if you learn how to make high-quality layouts, then you can read the cards all your life, without resorting to the services of all kinds of magicians and sorcerers.

Fortune telling methods using 36 playing cards

Let's look at the simplest methods of fortune telling with 36 playing cards.

A method of fortune telling called “What was, what will be, how the heart will calm down.”

This is the simplest fortune telling for the near future and the most popular at the moment. A layout of thirty-six playing cards helps to get answers to a number of difficult questions: “What awaits in the near future?” or “What happened before, and why did it all happen?” In this fortune telling, the cards are laid out as follows:

The six cards in front of the image of the client’s card, as well as the paired cards at the top, show the very near future, and the pairs of cards at the feet of the main card speak of very small and insignificant events.

A method of fortune telling for the near future

An elementary technique of fortune telling on thirty-six cards called “Fortune telling for an event” or for the very near future reveals the most immediate incidents and events in a person’s life. This method Fortune telling on a playing deck of cards is done for the future, which is already very close.

When carrying out the layout, one random card is taken out from the card deck. Then the interpretation of the drawn cards is determined. They represent the immediate future and upcoming events and changes.

Method of predictions for a month, 3 months and for the coming year

This technique is used at certain very important moments in the client’s life. This arrangement is not common or everyday. In this fortune-telling, the curtain may open on the future that may await next month, as well as the coming year. Thanks to this fortune-telling, you can see your destiny without the help of sorcerers and fortune-tellers and find out what will happen in life at a certain time.

Method of card reading “Tell fortunes for the king”

The simplest method of fortune telling on thirty-six playing cards, “Fortune telling for the betrothed,” is recognized by experienced fortune tellers as one of the most truthful and popular. This is due, first of all, to the fact that a large number of representatives of the fair sex are, unfortunately, without a partner. The king card, which appears at the beginning of the layout, directly indicates the feelings, intentions, as well as the events that happen to the object of this fortune-telling.

Method of reading "Fortune telling 4 jacks"

This method has been known for a long time and carries a large amount of information. The four jacks layout is a fortune-telling about the attitude towards four men at once, which helps you choose the one who loves you from several applicants.

Method “Simple fortune telling with 36 cards”

The layout of this fortune telling will open your intuition, help you get answers to burning questions, predict your future, and take the right actions.

With this method of fortune telling on thirty-six cards, three cards at a time are removed from the top of the deck and carefully looked at. In the event that cards of the same card suit or the same value are revealed among them, they are discarded, and only the card that differs from all the others in each trio is put aside for the client’s card. By placing them in one row, from left to right, the prediction is interpreted.

Fortune telling using thirty-six playing cards can tell you about your immediate fate and the distant future. In this method of fortune telling, it is necessary to pronounce the words “diamonds, clubs, spades, wine” and remove cards from above one at a time. Cards that match the suit spoken out loud are set aside. After the number of cards set aside is 10, the layout is completed and you can begin to determine the meaning of these cards, which will tell you about your future.

Fortune telling on a regular deck of cards for love is a fairly well-known and at the same time very truthful fortune telling about a person’s relationships. This method of card layout is a little more complicated than others, but it allows you to consider the situation in a love relationship from various points of view, and from different angles. Cards in this type of fortune telling are laid out repeatedly and in completely different ways, and reveal only part of the secrets of love and fate. You can always change your life for the better thanks to this alignment.

Fortune telling on playing cards for money and wealth - a simple and truthful fortune telling to determine financial and monetary receipts in the near future on nine ordinary cards playing deck of thirty-six cards. During the layout, any nine cards are randomly taken out of the deck and laid out in front of you. The answer to your questions will be the drawn suits and values ​​of the cards.