Nora is a Hebrew name. Female Hebrew names from the Bible and their meanings

Aviva - spring.
Avigail, Avigail, Abigail - the joy of a father. Wife of King David.
Avital, Avitel is the father of dew. Wife of King David.
Adar - greatness.
Adi is a treasure.
Adina - tenderness.
Ayala is a doe. The name is often associated with the tribe of Naphtali, whose symbol was the swift doe.
Ayelet - musical instrument.
Aliza is joy. In Kabbalah, it symbolizes the ability to take over nature.
Amit - friendship, loyalty.
Anat - sing.
Ariella is G-d's lioness.
Atara, Ateret - crown.
Ashira - wealth.
Avishag is the joy of a father. She took care of King David in his old age.

Bat-Ami is the daughter of my people.
Batya, Batya is the daughter of G-d. Pharaoh's daughter who rescued Moses from the Nile.
Bat-Tsiyon - daughter of Zion or daughter of perfection.
Batsheva is the daughter of seven. Wife of King David and mother of King Shlomo.
Bina - understanding, understanding, wisdom.
Bracha is a blessing.
Brurya - the clarity of the Most High. The wife of Rabbi Meir, a great Torah scholar.
Beila is wonderful.

Vered - rose in Aramaic.

Gavriella, Gabriella - G-d is my strength.
Gal is a wave.
Geula - deliverance.
Gefen - grapevine.
Gila - praise, joy. In Kabbalah, discovering G-d is a source of great joy.
Golda - gold in Yiddish.

Dalia, Dalia - flower.
Danielle - G-d is my judge.
Dana is a judge.
Devorah (Debra) - bee, speaks good words. A fortuneteller who led a rebellion against King Canaan.
Dina is the court. Jacob's daughter.

Zahava is golden.
Zisl - sweet in Yiddish.

Goes - the chosen one.
Ilana is a tree. In Kabbalah, the numerical value of Ilan - 96 is equal to the phrase - “throne of G-d.”
Irit is a narcissist.
Idida is a friend.
Jonah, Jonina - dove.
Yehudit - praise. The heroine of Hanukkah, who heroically killed the head of the enemy army.
Yocheved - honor to the Most High. Mother of Moshe, Aaron and Miriam.

Carmella, Carmel - vineyard, garden.
Kalanit is a flower.
Keila is a Yiddish name that comes from the Hebrew word "kli" - vessel. A talented person is often called a “kli” - a complete vessel capable of reaching extraordinary heights.
Kinneret is a lake.

Levana - light.
Leia - to be tired. Wife of Jacob, mother of six of the 12 tribes of Israel.
Liat - I have you.
Liba - beloved in Yiddish.
Livna, Livnat - white.
Liora, Lior - I see the light.
Liraz - I have a secret.
Liron - I am happy.

Mayan, Maayan - spring, oasis.
Maitel - dew.
Maya, Maya - water.
Mazal - good luck.
Malka is the queen.
Meira is the one who gives light. May be derived from the name Miriam.
Menukha - peace.
Miriam - prophetess, singer, dancer, sister of Moshe (Moses).
Michal - who is like the Most High? Daughter of King Saul and first wife of King David.
Moriah - the Most High teaches. Mount Moriah is the site of Isaac's sacrifice.

Naama, Naomi - nice.
Nava is wonderful.
Nechama - tranquility.
Nirit, Nurit - flower, buttercup.

Ora - light.
Orly - I see the light.
Osnat - belonging to G-d. Wife of Yosef and mother of Ephraim and Menashe.
Ophira is gold.
Ofra is a doe.

Pnina is a gem. In Kabbalah it is associated with the word “pnimi” - internal. This speaks of inner depth and purity - the main characteristics of real pearls.

Once is a secret.
Raanana - cheerful, fresh.
Rachel, Rachel - a sheep, a symbol of purity. One of the four foremothers is the wife of Yaakov and the mother of Yosef.
Reizl - rose in Yiddish.
Reut - friendship.
Rivka, Rebekah - tie it up. One of the four foremothers, the wife of Isaac and the mother of Yaakov. Rivka was distinguished by her kindness.
Rina is a joy.
Ruth, Ruth - righteous, convert, sweet, pleasant. A Moabite woman is a righteous woman who converted to Judaism. She is the great-grandmother of King David. Ruth's scroll is dedicated to her story.

Sarah is a princess. Prophetess, wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac, the first of the foremothers of the Jewish people.
Sarai is my princess. The original name of Sarah was the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac.
Sagit - sublime.
Sivan is the Jewish month.
Simha is joy.

Tal - dew. In Kabbalah, Tal symbolizes Divine support, which is carried out in a hidden way.
Talya - dew from the Most High.
Tamar - date palm, symbolizes wisdom. The wife of Yehuda, from whom King David descended.
Thiya - rebirth.
Tehillah is a song of praise.
Tikvah is hope.
Tirza means pleasant, appropriate. One of Tslofkhad's daughters.
Tovah is the kindness of the Most High.

Uriella is the light of the Most High.

Feiga is a bird in Yiddish.
Freud - from the Yiddish word "freud" - joy.
Fruma, Frum - righteous in Yiddish.

Hawa is life. The first woman, the Wife of Adam, the mother of all living things.
Haviva is my favorite.
Hagit - celebration. Wife of King David.
Hadassah - myrtle tree. The middle name of Queen Esther is the heroine of the Purim story.
Hadar - decorated, magnificent, beautiful.
Hana - grace. This name is associated with the ability to create beautiful prayers. Hana prayed for a child and eventually became the mother of the prophet Shmuel.
Haya is alive. Associated with the name Chava - the mother of all living things.
Hinda is a doe in Yiddish. The name is often associated with the tribe of Naphtali, whose symbol was the swift doe.
Walking is the glory of the Most High.

Zivya - the assembly of G-d. Mother of one of the kings of Israel.
Zipporah is a bird. Moshe's wife.

Shai is a gift.
Shaked - almonds.
Shalva - calmness.
Sharon is a place in Israel.
Sheina - beautiful in Yiddish.
Shir, Shira - song.
Sheeran is a fun song.
Shirley - I have a song.
The cipher has been corrected. A Jewish midwife who disobeyed Pharaoh's order to kill all Jewish boys born.
Shlomit, Shulamit - peaceful.
Shoshana is a rose. Appears in the Tanakh in the Song of Songs, like a rose among thorns.

Eden is the Garden of Eden.
Eliana - G-d answered me.
Elisheva - G-d is my oath. Wife of the High Priest Aaron. Also means.
Emunah - faith.
Esther, Esther - hidden in Hebrew and star in Persian. Savior of the Jewish people from extermination in Persia. Esther was very beautiful woman, however, her “hidden” inner qualities were even more beautiful.
Efrat - respected, venerable.

Yadida is a friend.
Yasmine, Jasmine is a flower.
Jaffa, Yafit - beautiful, wonderful.
Yael - climb, mountain goat. A heroine who killed the head of the enemy army and thereby saved the Jewish people.

The derivative from Aviv is “spring”.

"Avigail" means "my father is joy." Abigail in the Tanakh is the wife of King David (Shmuel I, 25:42).

Avital in Tanakh is one of the wives of King David (Shmuel II, 3:4). Avital means “my father is the dew” (implying “the Most High, who sends food”). In accordance with the Kabbalistic tradition, this name “speaks” that food is sent secretly by the Almighty: like dew that falls invisible to people and waters plants.

Adassa means "myrtle tree". The Hebrew name of Queen Esther (q.v.) was "Adassah."

Adina means "gentle", "soft".

Ayelet means gazelle, and also the musical instrument ayelet ashahar, see Tehillim 22:1.

Aliza means “cheerful”, “joyful”. In accordance with Kabbalistic tradition, the name "Aliza" denotes the ability to joyfully rise above nature.

The exact meaning is unknown. In Tanakh "Anat" - male name(See Shoftim 3:31).

Ariela is a derivative of Ariel. The male name Ariel means "lion of God" (Yeshaya 29:1)

Atara means "crown", see Divrei Ayamim I, 2:26.

Ahuva means beloved. The word is found in the Tanakh, see Devarim 21:15; Nehemiah 13:26.

Wife of King David, see Shmuel I, 27:3.

Ayala means gazelle. This name is often associated with the biblical name "Naftali", because... Naphtali is compared in the Torah to a fast deer (Bereishit 49:21)

Bat-Zion means "daughter of Zion", or "daughter of splendor".

Batsheva means "seventh daughter". Batsheva in Tanakh is the wife of King David (Shmuel II, 11:27) and the mother of King Shlomo (Shmuel II, 12:24).

Batya means "daughter of G-d." Batya was the daughter of Pharaoh. She saved the baby Moshe by pulling him out of the Nile (Shemot 2:5).

Beila means "beautiful" in Yiddish. It is also possible that this name goes back to the name Bilha (Bila). This was the name of the mother of Dan and Naphtali, the ancestors of two of the 12 tribes of Israel (Genesis 29:29 and 30:3).

Bina means "understanding", "mind", "wisdom".

"Bracha" means "blessing."

"Buriya" means "chosen by G-d." Bruria is the wife of Rabbi Meir, the sage of the Mishnah, and the daughter of Rabbi Hanina ben Tradion, the sage who died for the sanctification of the Name of the Creator. She had very great knowledge of the Torah and was, in essence, a Torah sage, deducing halakhic decisions.

Vered means "rose".

Gavriela is a derivative of Gavriel (a male name that means “G-d is my strength”).

Geula means "deliverance."

Gila means "joy". According to Kabbalistic tradition, the name Gila is related to the root Gila (to open) and means to open G‑d, which is a great source of joy.

Gita means "good" in Yiddish.

"Golda" - from the Yiddish word meaning "gold"

Dalit – from the root, the meaning of which is “to draw”.

Dalia means "flower" or "long branch".

Daniela is a derivative of Daniel (a male name that means “G-d is my judge”).

Dvora means "bee". Dvorah in the Torah is the great prophetess and judge who led the rebellion against the king of the Canaanites (see Shoftim. Dvorah was also the name of Rivka’s nurse (Genesis 35:8). Options:

Dina – from “din”, “court”. Dinah in the Torah is the daughter of Jacob and Leah (Bereishit 30:21).

Zahava – from “zahav”, “gold”.

Zissel means "sweet" in Yiddish.

"Idit" means "chosen one."

Ilana - from the word “ilan”, which means “tree”. According to the Kabbalistic tradition, the numerical meaning of the word “Ilana” (96) is the same as the combination “throne of G-d.”

Irit means "flower".

The exact meaning is unknown, but it may be derived from a root meaning "to look." Iska in the Torah is the brother of Abraham (Bereishit 11:29). Tradition says that "Iska" was Sarah's middle name because she "looked" - had prophetic vision, and because others "looked" at her beauty.

"Yehudit" is a derivative of Yehuda (a male name that means "will praise (G-d)."

Yocheved means "honor of G‑d." Yochebed in the Torah is the mother of Moshe, Aaron and Miriam (Shemot 6:20).

The name Carmel comes from Mount Carmel.

Carmit means "vineyard, garden"

Keila is a Yiddish name, derived from the Hebrew word “kli” - “vessel”. A talented person is called “kli” - a perfect vessel capable of containing great knowledge.

Keren means "beam".

One of the names of the Sea of ​​Galilee is Lake Kinneret.

Laila means "night".

Levana means "white".

Levona means “aromatic resin,” one of the incense that was burned in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem (Shemot 30:34).

Leia means "tired", "weak". Leah in the Torah is the wife of Jacob, the mother of six of the 12 ancestors of the tribes of Israel. (Genesis 30:19).

Liba means "beloved" in Yiddish.

Liora means "light for me." This name is often given to those born on Hanukkah.

Ma'ayan means "spring, spring."

Mazal means "constellation" and "happiness".

Maya – from “mayim”, “water”.

Malka means "queen".

Meira means “luminous”, “emitting light”.

Menucha means "peace" in Hebrew.

Merav is apparently “great.” Associated with the root "slave", meaning multitude, increase, greatness. Meirav in the Torah is the daughter of King Shaul (Shmuel I, 14:49).

Milkah in the Torah is one of the five daughters of Tzlofchad (Bamidbar 26:33), and also the grandmother of Rivka, the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother.

Miriam in the Torah is a prophetess and sister of Moshe and Aaron (Shemot 15:20). “Miryam” is a derivative of “bitter” or “resisting.” According to tradition, she received this name because... was born when the Egyptians made life bitter for the Jews. But Miriam remained “sweet”, encouraging the Jews during these hard times. (Midrash Yalkut Shimoni to Shemot, 165). Diminutives: MIREL,

Michal - the exact meaning is unknown. Michal in the Torah is the daughter of King Shaul (Shmuel I, 14:49) and the first wife of King David (Shmuel I, 18:27).

Morya means "God is my teacher." The story of the sacrifice of Isaac took place on Mount Moriah (Bereishit 22:2). Subsequently, the Holy Temple was built on this mountain (Divrei Ayamim II, 3:1).

Naama means "pleasant".

Nava means "beautiful". We find this word (in the masculine form: “nave” - “beautiful”) in Shir Hashirim 2:14.

"Naomi" means "pleasant". Naomi in Tanakh is Ruth's mother-in-law, see the book of Ruth. According to Kabbalistic tradition, the numerical value of the name “Naomi” (170) corresponds to the numerical value of the word “good” (“tov”) and means good on all levels.

Netanya means "gift of G-d." This name is related to the male name Nathan, which means "God has given."

Nechama means "consolation."

Noa – from the root meaning movement. Noah in the Torah is one of the daughters of Tzlothhad (Bemidbar 26:33).

Nurit means buttercup.

Ora is a derivative of “or” - “light”.

Orly means "light to me."

Orna - derived from the male name Oren

The exact meaning is unknown. Osnat in the Torah is the wife of Yosef and the mother of Ephraim and Menashe (Bereishit 41:45). The Midrash says that Osnat is the daughter of Dinah and Shechem. Dina gave her daughter the name “Osnat” from the word “ason” (“catastrophe”) - due to the circumstances of her birth (see Bereishit 34). Rabbeinu Bahyei and Hizkuni give a different interpretation of Bereshit 41:45: “since. Jacob drove her out of his house and planted her under a thorn bush (“sneh”), and she received the name Osnat.” It is also believed that this is an Egyptian name. The name Asna is mentioned in Ezra 2:50.

Pnina means "pearl". Pnina in the Torah is the wife of Elkan (Shmuel I, 1:2). According to Kabbalistic tradition, the name "Pnina" is associated with the word "pnimi" ("inner"), and denotes inner depth and purity - like a pearl growing inside a shell. In Yiddish, this name corresponds to the name Pearl.

Rachel means "sheep". Rachel in the Torah is one of the four foremothers, the wife of Yaakov and the mother of Yosef (Bereishit 29:16). The grave of the foremother Rachel is located in Bethlehem. According to tradition, Rachel asks the Almighty to have mercy on her sons, the Jewish people, and is the “intercessor” of the Jews.

Rivka means "harness". Rivka in the Torah is one of the four foremothers, the wife of Isaac and the mother of Yaakov.

Rina means "joy". From the letters of the word "Rina" written in Hebrew, you can make the combination "candle of G-d."

Ruth apparently means "friendship". Ruth in the Tanakh is a Moabite who converted to Judaism, the great-grandmother of King David, see the book of Ruth.

Ruhama means “she who has received mercy,” see Hoshea 1:6.

Razel means “rose” in Yiddish.

Sarah means "ruler", "ruling". Sarah in the Torah is a great prophetess, the first of the foremothers, the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac. (Genesis 17:15). Options: SARI, SARIT, SARITA.

Serach means "free from restrictions." Serach in the Torah is the granddaughter of Yaakov (Bereishit 46:17).

Sigalit means "violet".

Segal means “treasure” (see Devarim 26:18).

Simha means joy.

Talia means "dew from G-d."

Tal means "dew". In accordance with the Kabbalistic tradition, this name suggests that food is sent by the Almighty secretly: like dew that falls invisible to people and waters plants.

Tamar means palm tree. Tamar in the Torah is the wife of Yeuzha. King David traces his descent from her (Genesis 38:6).

Teila means "praise".

Tikva means "hope."

Tirtza means “pleasing”, “desired”. Tirzah in the Torah is one of the daughters of Tzlofhad (Bemidbar 26:33).

"Tova" means "good."

Uriel - from "Uriel" (a male name that means "G-d is my light").

Feige means "bird" in Yiddish.

Freida means "joy" in Yiddish (variations: FREIDE, FREIDEL).

Frida means "peaceful" in Yiddish.

Fruma means "pious" in Yiddish.

Hawa means “living”, “living”. Chava in the Torah is the first woman, “the mother of all living things” (Bereishit 3:20).

Haviva means "beloved."

Hagit is a derivative of “Hagai” (a male name meaning “celebrant”). Hagit in the Tanakh is one of the wives of King David (Shmuel II, 3:4).

Hana means "pleasant", "beautiful". This name is associated with the ability to pray with all your heart and compose prayers. Chana in the Tanakh prays to G-d, asking for the birth of a son; The Almighty listens to her prayer and sends her a son - the future prophet Shmuel (Shmuel I, ch. 1).

Haya means "alive", "living". This name is related to the name Hawa.

Hedva - joy.

Hulda means "rodent". Prophetess, see Mlahim II, 22:14.

Tzviya means gazelle.

Tsivya means gazelle. Tzivya in the Torah is the mother of the Jewish king (Mlahim II, 12:2).

Tsilya – “dwelling in the shadows.” In the Torah - the wife of Lemech, see Bereshit 4:19.

Ziona is a derivative of “Tsion”.

Tzipporah means "bird". Tzipporah in the Torah is the wife of Moshe (Shemot 2:21). According to Kabbalistic tradition, the word "Tzipporah" has the same numerical value (376) as the word "shalom" ("peace").

Tsophia means "protector."

Sharon is an area in Israel known for its special fertility (see Metzudot Zion, Isaiah 33:9).

Shira means "singing" in Hebrew.

Shifra means "beautiful". Shifrah in the Torah is a Jewish midwife who disobeyed Pharaoh's command to kill Jewish babies (Shemot 1:15).

Shlomit” - from the word “shalom” (“peace”). Shlomit is mentioned in the Torah in Vayikra 24:11. Options:

Shoshana means “lily” in Hebrew. We find this word in Shir Hasharim 2:2: “As the lily is among the thorns, so is my friend among the virgins.” According to Kabbalistic tradition, the name “Shoshana” has the same numerical value (661) as the name Esther, see. Let us recall that Queen Esther lived in the city of Shushan.

Shayna means "beautiful" in Yiddish.

Eliana means "God answered me."

Elisheva means “I swear by my G-d.” Elisheva in the Torah is the wife of the high priest Aaron (Shemot 6:23). Option: ELISHEBA.

Emunah means "faith."

Esther means "star". In Hebrew, this name is interpreted as being derived from a root meaning “hiding.” We are talking about hiding the face of the Almighty during the time of King Achashverosh. Then Esther saved the Jews from extermination, which was planned by the courtier Haman, see the book of Esther. Another interpretation of “hiding”: it is known that Esther was a very beautiful woman, but what was “hidden” from the eyes - her qualities, the properties of her character, were even more beautiful.

EPHRATH means, apparently, “fertile.” Ephrat in Tanakh is the wife of Caleb (Divrei Ayamim I, 2:19).

Jacob - from Yaakov (the name of one of the three forefathers of the Jewish people).

Yardena is a derivative of the name of the Yarden (Jordan) river. Option: YORDANA.

Jaffa means "beautiful". According to Kabbalistic tradition, the name "Jaffa" has the same numerical value (95) as the name Malka, see

Yael means "mountain goat". Yael in the Tanakh is the heroine who saved the Jewish people by killing the enemy general Sisera (Judges 4).

Based on materials from the portal

The Torah often compares Jews to the stars (Bereishit 15:5). Just as the stars shine in the darkness of the night, so Jews must bring the light of the Torah into the dark world; just as the stars show the way to wanderers, so the Jews are called upon to show the path of morality and morality. And just as the stars keep the secrets of the future, so the future of humanity and the approach of final liberation depend on the actions of the Jewish people.

The choice of a Jewish name is very responsible - the name influences the fate of a person. What advice does tradition give on choosing a name?

Meaning of the name

Choosing a name for a Jewish child has great value. Our sages say that a name reflects the essence of a person, his character and destiny. The Talmud says that at the moment when parents name a newborn, their souls are visited by a prophecy, a heavenly spark. But even though the Almighty Himself gives us a hint, many couples find it difficult to decide on the choice of name for the baby.

How to choose the right name? Why don't Jews name their son after their father? Is it possible to name a boy after his grandmother or announce his name before Brit Milah (circumcision)?

Jewish customs

The name contains not only the future, but also the past. Ashkenazis traditionally give a name in honor of a deceased relative. It is believed that some kind of metaphysical connection is formed between his soul and the soul of the newborn. The good deeds of the namesake elevate the soul of the deceased, and good qualities the ancestor is protected and inspired by the new owner of the name [another explanation: there is hope that the child will show all the good qualities of the relative after whom he is named].

What if you want to name your child in honor of a deceased relative, but someone from your living relatives already bears this name? The answer depends on the degree of relationship the child has with the potential living namesake. If this close relative(one of the parents, siblings or grandparents), then it is better to find another name. If the relative is distant, then everything is in order.

There is also a custom to name children in honor of great rabbis and Torah sages, such as Yisrael Meir - in honor of Chofetz Chaim...

Sometimes the name is chosen in accordance with the holiday during which the child was born. For example, if a boy was born on Purim, he is called Mordechai, and a girl is called Esther. A girl born on Shavuot may be called Ruth, and children born on the Ninth of Av may be called Menachem or Nechama.

There is also the custom of giving names that appear in the Torah section of the week in which the child's birthday falls.

As a rule, boys are given a name upon circumcision on the eighth day, and girls are given a name on the first Shabbat after birth, when the Torah scroll is taken out in the synagogue [read material on the website about Reading the Torah].

Hidden meaning

In the holy language, a name is not just a set of letters, it reveals the essence of its owner.

Midrash ( Bereshit Rabbah 17:4) says that the first man, Adam, gave names to all living beings in accordance with their essence and purpose. The purpose of a donkey, for example, is to carry a heavy material load. Donkey in Hebrew - "hamor". This word has the same root as the word "homer"- “matter”, “substance”.

The same principle applies to human names. Leah [wife of the forefather Jacob. Editor's note.] named her fourth son Yehuda. This name comes from a root meaning “gratitude,” and if you rearrange the letters in it, you get Holy Name Almighty. So Leia wanted to express special gratitude to Him ( Bereshit 29:35).

Esther, the name of the heroine of Purim, is derived from a root meaning “hiding.” Esther was known for her beauty, but her hidden inner beauty superior to the external one.

Another example is the popular name Ari, Hebrew for "lion". In Jewish literature, a lion is compared to a self-confident, purposeful person who pounces on every opportunity to fulfill the mitzvah.

There are, of course, bad names. It's unlikely you'll want to name your son Nimrod, because it comes from a root meaning “rebellion.” King Nimrod rebelled against the Most High, throwing our forefather Abraham into a burning furnace.

If you want to name a boy after a woman, try to keep the maximum number of letters the same. For example, Berach can be replaced by Baruch, and Dinah by Dan.

A few more useful rules

Many of us who want to change our name to Jewish have an additional question - how to “reconcile” our non-Jewish name with the Jewish one?

Some people translate their name into Hebrew literally - for example, "Mila" is "Naomi" in Hebrew.

Some choose a Hebrew name based on consonance: Anatoly - Nathan, Yuri - Uri, Victor - Avigdor, etc.

In any case, choosing a name is a very important step, a person’s name has an impact on his destiny and character traits, and we advise you to contact your local rabbi with this question...

If the family lives outside of Israel, try to give the child a traditionally Jewish name that also sounds familiar in the language of that country. For example, Yakov or Dina in Russia, David or Sarah in English-speaking countries. You should not give one, “Jewish” name “for the synagogue”, and another - by which the child will actually be called. Real Jewish name - good remedy against assimilation.

Midrash (Bemidbar Rabbah 20:21) says that the Jews were awarded a miraculous liberation from Egyptian slavery partly because they did not adopt Egyptian customs, but continued to give their children Jewish names.

Many parents are reluctant to name a child after a relative who died young or unnaturally, fearing that bad luck may be passed on to the new owner of the name. Rabbi Moshe Feinstein gives several recommendations on this matter.

If a person died young, but by his own death, and left behind children, then this is not considered bad sign, and the child can be named after him. Prophet Shmuel and King Shlomo died at the age of 52, and their names have always been and remain popular among our people, i.e. it is no longer considered that a person died young.

If a person died from unnatural causes, then Rabbi Feinstein recommends changing the name slightly. For example, Jews name their sons by the name Yeshaya in honor of the prophet Yeshayahu, who was killed.

Rabbi Yakov Kamenetsky believes that the transition from “youth” to “old age” occurs at 60 years of age. The Talmud (Moed Katan 28a) tells that when Rabbi Yosef turned 60 years old, he held a celebration to mark the beginning of longevity.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not prohibited to announce the name of a newborn before circumcision, although many do not do so. However, the boy only receives his full soul during the Brit Milah, and therefore, in a metaphysical sense, does not have a name until that moment. This is deduced from the fact that the Almighty gave a new name to our forefather Abraham after Brit Milah, when he was 99 years old ( Zohar - Lech-Lecha 93a, Taamei Minhagim 929).

Calls all the stars by names...

During circumcision "aGomel" read before those invited to the ceremony. If a girl is born, then a special minyan of the men in the house is collected, or the mother attends the synagogue on the day when the husband names the girl over a scroll. The women present in the women's section of the hall respond to her blessing.

Answer to "aGomel" So:

“Amen. He who rewarded you with good will continue to reward you with good!”

The Hebrew text is given in the siddur, a collection of Jewish prayers (see “Reading the Torah”).

“Aviva” is a derivative of AVIV, see. Means “spring”.
“Abigail” is a true Hebrew name, meaning “my father is joy.” Abigail in the Tanakh is the wife of King DAVID (Shmuel I, 25:42). Option: ABIGAIL.
Avital in TaNakh is one of the wives of King DAVID (Shmuel II, 3:4). Avital means “my father is the dew” (implying “the Almighty who sends food”). In accordance with the Kabbalistic tradition, this name “speaks” that food is sent by the Almighty secretly: like dew that falls invisible to people and “waters” the plants.
“Avishag” – the exact meaning is unknown. Abishag in the TaNakh is a girl who looked after King DAVID in his old age (Mlahim I, 1:3).
"Adassa" means "myrtle tree". The Hebrew name of Queen ESTHER (q.v.) was “Adassah.”

“Adina” translated means “tender”, “soft”.
Ayelet means gazelle, and also the musical instrument ayelet ha-shachar, see Psalms 23:1.
“Aliza” means “cheerful”, “joyful”. In accordance with Kabbalistic tradition, the name "Aliza" denotes the ability to joyfully rise above nature.
The exact meaning is unknown. “Anat” in the TaNakh is a male name (see the book of Judges 3:31).
“Ariel” is a derivative of ARIEL (see).
"Atara" true female name, means "crown", see Divrei Ha-Yamim I, 2:26.
Auwa means beloved. The word is found in the TaNakh, see Devarim 21:15; Nehemiah 13:26.
Wife of King DAVID, see SHMUEL I, 27:3.
"Ayala" means "gazelle". This girl's name is often associated with the biblical name "Naftali", because... Naphtali is compared in the Torah to a fast deer (Bereishit 49:21).
Bat-Zion means "daughter of Zion", or "daughter of splendor".
"Bat Sheva" means "seventh daughter". Bat-Sheva in TaNaKh is the wife of King DAVID (Shmuel II, 11:27) and the mother of King SOLOMON (Shmuel II, 12:24).
Batya means "daughter of G-d." Batya was the daughter of Pharaoh. She saved the baby Moshe by pulling him out of the Nile (Shemot 2:5). Options: BATYA, BASYA.
"Beila" means "beautiful" in Yiddish. It is also possible that this name goes back to the name BILHA (BILA). This was the name of the mother of DANA and NAFTALI, the ancestors of two of the 12 tribes of Israel (Bereishit 29:29 and 30:3).
"Bina" means "understanding", "mind", "wisdom".
"Bracha" means "blessing."
"Buriya" means "chosen by G-d." Bruria is the wife of Rabbi Meir, the sage of the Mishnah, and the daughter of Rabbi HANINA BEN-TRADION, the sage who died for the sanctification of the Name. She had very great knowledge of the Torah and was, in essence, a Torah sage, deducing halakhic decisions.
"Vered" means "rose". Options: VARDA, VARDIT.
“Gavriela” is a fairly popular Jewish female name, derived from GAVRIEL, see (option: GABRIEL).
"Geula" means "deliverance."
Gila means joy. According to Kabbalistic tradition, the girl's name "Gila" is associated with the root "gila" ("to open") and means "to open G-d", which is a great source of joy.
"Gita" means "good" in Yiddish. Options: GITTEL, GITTI.
"Golda" means "gold" in Yiddish.
“Dalit” comes from a root whose meaning is “to draw.”
"Dalia" means "flower" or "long branch." For a version of this name (DLAYAH), see Ezra 2:60.
“Daniela” is a derivative of DANIEL, see.
"Daphne" is a true name meaning "laurel".
"Dvora" means "bee". Dvora in the Torah is a great prophetess and judge who led the rebellion against the king of the Canaanites (see the book of Judges). “Dvora” was also the name of RIVKI’s wet nurse (Bereishit 35:8). Options: DEBRA, DEBORAH.
"Dina" - from "din" - "court". Dinah in the Torah is the daughter of YAACOB and LEAH (Bereishit 30:21).
“Zaava” - from “zaav” (“gold”). Options: ZEAVIT, ZEAVA.
"Zissel" means "sweet" in Yiddish.
"Idit" means "chosen one." Option: EDIT.
“Ilana” is a girl’s name derived from the word “ilan”, which means “tree”. According to the Kabbalistic tradition, the numerical meaning of the word “Ilana” (96) is the same as the combination “throne of G-d.” Option: ILANIT.
"Irit" feminine means "flower".
“Iska” – exact meaning unknown, perhaps derived from a root meaning “to look.” Iska in the Torah is the brother of Abraham (Bereishit 11:29). Tradition says that "Iska" was SARA's middle name because she "looked" - had prophetic vision, and because others "looked" at her beauty.
“Yewdit” is a derivative of YEUD, see.
Yocheved means "honor of G‑d." Yocheved in the Torah is the mother of MOSHE, AARON and MIRIAM (Shemot 6:20).
The name "Carmel" comes from the name of Mount Carmel (variants: CARMELA, CARMELITE).
CARMITE means “vineyard, garden” (variant: KARMIA).
“Keyla” is a Yiddish name, derived from the Hebrew word “kli” - “vessel”. A talented person is called “kli” - a perfect vessel capable of containing great knowledge.
"Keren" name means "ray". Option: KAREN.
“Kinneret”: one of the names of the Sea of ​​Galilee is Lake Kinneret.
"Laila" means "night".
"Levana" name means "white".
“Levona” is a very gentle female name, meaning “aromatic resin,” one of the incense that was burned in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem (Shemot 30:34).
"Leia" means "tired", "weak". Leah in the Torah is the wife of YAACOB, the mother of six of the 12 ancestors of the tribes of Israel. (Genesis 30:19).
“Liba” is a purely Hebrew word meaning “beloved” in Yiddish.
"Liora" means "light for me." This name is often given to those born on Hanukkah.
“Maayan” is sometimes called this way for Jewish girls; the name means “spring, spring.”
"Mazal" means "constellation" and "happiness".
"Maya" - the name comes from "mayim" - means "water".
"Malka" means "queen".
Mahla means disease. Mahla in the Torah is one of the daughters of TZLOPHHAD (Bemidbar 26:33).
"Meira" means "luminous", "emitting light."
"Menukha" means "peace" in Hebrew.
“Merav” apparently means “great.” Associated with the root "slave", meaning multitude, increase, greatness. Meirav in the Torah is the daughter of King SHAUL (Shmuel I, 14:49).
“Milka” in the Torah is one of the five daughters of TZLOPHHAD (Bamidbar 26:33), and also the grandmother of RIVKAH, the wife of Nachor, ABRAHAM’s brother.
Miriam in the Torah is a prophetess and sister of MOSHE and AARON (Shemot 15:20). “Miryam” is a derivative of “bitter” or “resisting.” According to tradition, she received this name because... was born when the Egyptians made life bitter for the Jews. But Miriam remained “sweet”, encouraging Jews during these difficult times. (Midrash Yalkut Shimoni to Shemot, 165). Diminutives: MIREL, MIRELE, MIRA.
“Michal” – the exact meaning is unknown. Michal in the Torah is the daughter of King Shaul (Shmuel I, 14:49) and the first wife of King DAVID (Shmuel I, 18:27).
"Moria" means "God is my teacher." YITCHAK was bound on Mount Moriah (Bereishit 22:2). Subsequently, the Holy Temple was built on this mountain (Divrei Ha-Yamim II, 3:1).
"Naama" is a true Hebrew name meaning "pleasant."
Nava means beautiful. We find this word (in the masculine gender: “nave” - “beautiful”) in Song of Solomon 2:14.
"Naomi" means "pleasant". Naomi in TaNaKha is RUTH's mother-in-law, see the book of Ruth. According to Kabbalistic tradition, the numerical value of the name “Naomi” (170) corresponds to the numerical value of the word “good” (“tov”) and means good on all levels.
"Netanya" means "gift of G-d." This name is related to the name NATHAN, see.
"Nechama" is a girl's name meaning "comfort".
“Noah” is from the root meaning movement. Noah in the Torah is one of the daughters of TZLOPHHAD (Bemidbar 26:33).
"Nurit" name means "buttercup".
“Ora” is an ancient Hebrew name, derived from “or” - “light”. Option: ICU.
"Orly" name means "light to me."
“Orna” is a derivative of OREN, see
“Osnat” – the exact meaning is unknown. Osnat in the Torah is the wife of YOSEPH and the mother of EPHRAIM and MENASHE (Bereishit 41:45). Options: ASNAT, ASNAS, OSNAS. The Midrash says that Osnat is the daughter of DINA and Shechem. DINA gave her daughter the name “Osnat” from the word “ason” (“catastrophe”) - due to the circumstances of her birth (see Bereishit 34). Rabbeinu Bahyei and Hizkuni give a different interpretation of Bereshit 41:45: “since. Jacob drove her out of his house and planted her under a thorn bush (“sneh”), and she received the name Osnat.” It is also believed that this is an Egyptian name. Ezra 2:50 mentions the name ASNA.
"Pnina" means "pearl". Pnina in the Torah is the wife of ELKANA (Shmuel I, 1:2). According to Kabbalistic tradition, the name "Pnina" is associated with the word "pnimi" ("inner"), and denotes inner depth and purity - like a pearl growing inside a shell. In Yiddish this name corresponds to the name PEARL.
"Rachel" means "sheep." Rachel in the Torah is one of the four foremothers, the wife of YAACOB and the mother of YOSEPH (Bereishit 29:16). The grave of the foremother Rachel is located in Bethlehem. According to tradition, Rachel asks the Almighty to have mercy on her sons, the Jewish people, and is the “intercessor” of the Jews.
"Rivka" means "harness". Rivka in the Torah is one of the four foremothers, the wife of Isaac and the mother of Yaakov. Options: RIFKA, REBECCA, REBECCA.
"Rina" this name means "joy". From the letters of the word "Rina" written in Hebrew, you can make the combination "candle of G-d." Option: RINAT.
"Ruth" apparently means "friendship." Ruth in the TaNaKh is a Moabite who converted to Judaism, the great-grandmother of King DAVID, see the book of Ruth. Pronunciation option: RUS.
"Ruhama" means "she who had mercy", see Hoshea 1:6.
“Rayzel” means “rose” in Yiddish. Options: ROSE, RACEL, RAISA, RICE.
“Sarah” is a true Jewish name, very popular today, meaning “ruler”, “ruling”. Sarah in the Torah is a great prophetess, the first of the foremothers, the wife of ABRAHAM and the mother of Isaac. (Genesis 17:15). Options: SARI, SARIT, SARITA.
"Saray" means "my ruler." Sarai in the Torah is the original name of SARA, see
"Serah" means "free from restrictions." Serach in the Torah is the granddaughter of YAACOB (Bereishit 46:17).
"Sigalite" means "violet". Option: SIGALIA.
“Segal” means “treasure” (see Devarim 26:18).
Simha means joy.
Waist ancient beautiful name, means “dew from God.” See TAL.
"Tal" means "dew". In accordance with the Kabbalistic tradition, this name “speaks” that food is sent by the Almighty secretly: like dew that falls invisible to people and “waters” the plants.
"Tamar" means "palm tree". Tamar in the Torah is the wife of YEUDAH. King DAVID descends from her (Genesis 38:6).
"Teila" means "praise".
The name "Tikvah" means "hope".
"Tirza" is an original Hebrew name that means "pleasant", "desired". Tirzah in the Torah is one of the daughters of TZLOPHHAD (Bamidbar 26:33).
"Tova" means "good." Options: TOVAT, TOVIT.
"Uriela" - the name comes from "Uriel".
"Feige" means "bird" in Yiddish (variations: FEIGY, FEIGEL, FEIGA).
"Freida" means "joy" in Yiddish (variants: FREIDE, FREIDEL).
"Frida" is a beautiful name that means "peaceful" in Yiddish.
"Fruma" means "pious" in Yiddish.
"Hava" means "living", "living". Chava in the Torah is the first woman, “the mother of all living things” (Bereishit 3:20). Option: EVA
"Haviva" name means "beloved".
“Hagit” is a derivative of “Hagai”, see Chagit in the TaNakh - one of the wives of King DAVID (Shmuel II, 3:4).
"Hana" means "pleasant", "beautiful". This name is associated with the ability to pray with all your heart and compose prayers. Chana in TaNakh prays to G-d, asking for the birth of a son; The Almighty listens to her prayer and sends her a son - the future prophet SHMUEL (Shmuel I, chapter 1).
"Haya" means "alive", "living". This name is related to the name HAWA, see.
“Hedva” – the meaning of the name is joy.
"Tzviya" means "gazelle".
Tzivya means gazelle. Tzivya in the Torah is the mother of the Jewish king (Mlahim II, 12:2).
“Tsilya” – “dwelling in the shadows.” In the Torah - the wife of LAMECH, see Bereshit 4:19.
“Ziona” is a derivative of “Zion”.
"Tzipporah" means "bird". Tziporah in the Torah is the wife of MOSHE (Shemot 2:21). According to Kabbalistic tradition, the word "Tzipporah" has the same numerical value (376) as the word "shalom" ("peace").
"Tsofia" means "protector".
Sharon is an area in Israel known for its special fertility (see Metzudot Zion, Isaiah 33:9). Options: SHARON, SHARONITE.
"Shira" truly means "singing" in Hebrew.
Shifra means beautiful. Shifrah in the Torah is a Jewish midwife who disobeyed Pharaoh's command to kill Jewish babies (Shemot 1:15).
“Shlomit” comes from the word “shalom” (“peace”). Shlomit is mentioned in the Torah in Vayikra 24:11. Options: SHULAMIT, SHULA, SHULI.
"Shoshana" means "lily" in Hebrew. We find this word in Song of Solomon 2:2: “As the lily is among the thorns, so is my friend among the virgins.” According to the Kabbalistic tradition, the name “Shoshana” has the same numerical value (661) as the name ESTER, see. Let us recall that Queen ESTER lived in the city of SHUSHAN.
See SHLOMIT. See Song of Songs 7:1.
"Shaina" means "beautiful" in Yiddish. Option: SHAINDL.
Eliana -
"Eliana" is a beautiful girl's name that means "God answered me."
"Elisheva" means "I swear by my G-d." Elisheva in the Torah is the wife of the high priest AARON (Shemot 6:23). Option: ELISHEBA.
"Emunah" name means "faith".
"Ester" means "star". In Hebrew, this name is interpreted as being derived from a root meaning “hiding.” We are talking about hiding the face of the Almighty during the time of King AHASHVEROSH. Then Esther saved the Jews from extermination, which was planned by the courtier HAMAN, see the book of Esther. Another interpretation of “hiding”: it is known that Esther was a very beautiful woman, but what was “hidden” from the eyes - her qualities, the properties of her character, were even more beautiful.
EPHRATH means, apparently, “fertile.” Efrat in the Tanakh is the wife of CALEB (Divrei Ha-Yamim I, 2:19).
“Jacob” – comes from YAACOV, see.
“Yardena” is a derivative of the name of the Yarden (Jordan) river. Option: YORDANA.
"Jaffa" means "beautiful". According to Kabbalistic tradition, the name "Jaffa" has the same numerical value (95) as the name MALKA, see
"Yael" means "mountain goat". Yael in TaNakh is the heroine who saved the Jewish people by killing the enemy general Sisra (Judges 4).
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