Why does the elder wand belong to Harry? The Elder Wand and its real owner! Theories

“I just watched all the parts of Harry Potter, and now one thing is bothering me. Voldemort lost the last battle due to the fact that he was not the real owner of Dumbledore's wand (the elder wand), but in that case, who really owns

Theory #1. Who owns the Elder Wand from Voldemort's point of view?

Snape killed Dumbledore, so Snape becomes the new owner of the wand.

Voldemort kills Snape because he was the last one to wield the wand. According to this theory, Voldemort was the true owner of the Elder Wand throughout the battle.

Theory #2. Who owns the Elder Wand from Harry Potter's point of view?

Malfoy disarmed Dumbledore before Snape killed him, so Draco became the new owner of the wand.

Harry disarms Draco, in fact he took the wand manually (without using magic). So, Harry becomes the real owner of the elder wand, it belongs to him in the final battle.

Theory #3. My opinion

If Harry became the owner of the wand after disarming Draco, then later Voldemort, having killed Harry in the forbidden forest, becomes the new owner of the wand.

Harry's death was real, as he was one of the Horcruxes. His death was necessary in order to destroy all the Horcruxes. This is why Harry was able to kill Voldemort in the final battle, after Neville killed Nagini (the last Horcrux). Thus, Voldemort was the real owner of the elder wand in the last battle.

Theory #4. My girlfriend's opinion

We know that the elder wand passes only to the one who defeated its former owner. Thus, Malfoy could not become the owner of the wand (he simply disarmed Dumbledore, and did not kill him). Snape, who killed Dumbledore, becomes the owner of the wand. It is worth noting that Voldemort did not kill Snape, he only wounded him, the “final blow” was dealt by Nagini...

Any magic wand is a powerful weapon, but an elder or elder one can make its owner invincible.

"The Tale of Three Brothers"

The tale tells the story of three brothers who, due to circumstances, received, according to their wishes, gifts from the Death they encountered. The gifts were: invincible Elder Wand for the eldest, the Resurrection Stone for the middle one, and the Invisibility Cloak for the youngest. There was no good from the gifts, the eldest and middle brother die because of them, only the younger brother takes refuge from Death, so that later, in old age, he can surrender to it voluntarily. Many wizards considered the artifacts fabulous.

“The elder brother, a warlike man, asked for a magic wand, the most powerful in the world, so that its owner would always win a duel. Then Death broke off a branch from an elderberry bush that grew nearby, made a magic wand out of it and gave it to his elder brother.”

The brothers from the fairy tale had real prototypes in life, the brothers Antiochus, Cadmus and Ignotus Peverell. Most likely, they, very powerful magicians, themselves created these amazing artifacts, passed on by inheritance. Harry Potter was a very distant descendant of his younger brother, Ignotus, and inherited the Invisibility Cloak. Voldemort was a descendant of his middle brother, Cadmus. And the Older Brother’s Wand was also passed down through the centuries, in a unique and cruel way: whoever wanted to receive the artifact had to win (which most often ended in murder) over the previous owner.

Elder Wand

The Elder Wand (in some translations the Elder Wand), also known as the Death Wand or the Wand of Death, was made by Antiochus Peverell, the eldest of the brothers. She appeared several times in the history of the magical world, and then disappeared again, passing along the chain:

Antiochus Peverell - ... - Emeric the Evil - Egbert the Egregious - ... - Godelod - Hereward - ... - Barnabas Deverill - Loxias - Arcus ) or Livius - ... - master magic wands Gregorovich - Grindelwald - Albus Dumbledore - Draco Malfoy - Harry Potter.

Like any magic wand, the Elder Wand operates at full power only in the hands of its owner. In order to become the owner of the wand, you must defeat its previous owner. This usually happened through murder.

History of the wand

According to legend, Antiochus Peverell, after receiving the Elder Wand,

“...I walked for more than a week until I reached a distant village. There he found a wizard with whom he was not on good terms. Of course, armed with the Elder Wand, he could not lose the duel that followed the quarrel. Leaving his dead enemy lying on the ground, the elder brother went to the inn, where he loudly boasted of the power of the magic wand he had taken from Death and the invincibility bestowed by it. In the dead of night, another wizard sneaked up to his older brother, who was lying in his bed, unconscious from drinking wine. The thief took his wand and, just to be sure, cut his older brother’s throat.”

The first documented mention of a wand belongs to Emeric the Notorious, in the era early Middle Ages who kept the whole of southern England in fear. Emeric did not live long and was killed in a fierce duel by Egbert. Egbert's fate is unknown.

A century later, the wand fell into the hands of Godelot, the author of the book “The most despicable magic of all.” Using his wand, Godelot enriched the Dark Arts by creating many dangerous spells. He was imprisoned in his own dungeon by his mad son Hereward.

IN early XVIII century, the wand was given to the evil warlock Barnabas Deverill, then he was defeated by Loxius, who christened the wand Deathstick and used it to kill anyone he didn't like. It is unknown who exactly killed Loxius himself. This “honor” was claimed by many, including his own mother. According to historical records, the murderer of Loxius was Arcus or Livy.

At some point, the famous wand maker Gregorovich became the owner of the wand. He tried to create a copy of it and, hoping that it would help his business, spread a rumor that he had become the owner of the Elder Wand and was working on creating a copy of it. As a result, the wand was stolen by a certain young blond man. Gregorovich never found out that this blond man was Grindelwald.

In 1945, Grindelwald, who by this time had killed many people, was defeated in a duel by Albus Dumbledore and imprisoned for his atrocities.

In the spring of 1997, Albus Dumbledore was disarmed by Draco Malfoy, thereby becoming the new owner of the wand. Snape's subsequent murder of Dumbledore did not make Snape her master, since this murder was planned in advance by Dumbledore himself, and Snape was only carrying out his will. After Albus was killed, the wand was placed with him in the grave, but Draco Malfoy remained the owner of the wand.

In 1997, Voldemort kidnapped Ollivander and tortured him into revealing everything he knew about the Elder Wand, including the rumor that Gregorovich was its last owner. Having kidnapped Gregorovich, Voldemort, through torture and legilimency, learned about the theft of the wand, after which he killed Gregorovich.

In the winter of 1997-1998, Harry Potter was captured by the Jaegers and taken to the Malfoy estate. Fleeing from captivity, Harry forcibly took his usual wand from Draco Malfoy. The Elder Wand considered this action a victory. So Harry, without even knowing it, became the master of the Elder Wand.

Then Voldemort, realizing that Dumbledore was the owner of the wand, opened his grave and appropriated the wand for himself. Noticing that her magic was not as strong as one would expect, Voldemort realized that he was not the owner of the Elder Wand. He mistakenly believed that he was Severus Snape, since he killed Albus Dumbledore. To become the master of the wand, Voldemort killed Snape. This happened during the Battle of Hogwarts, in the spring of 1998.

Voldemort tried to use his wand to kill Harry Potter. The wand did not kill its owner, but instead neutralized him as a Horcrux, killing the part of Voldemort's soul contained in Harry Potter's body. Potter himself found himself in a state intermediate between life and death, where he could choose at will whether to continue to live or die. He chose the former. In addition, in this state he met with the late Dumbledore, who told him, among other things, about the Elder Wand.

In the final battle, Voldemort tried to kill Harry Potter again with the Elder Wand. At the same time, Harry disarmed Voldemort. As a result, the wand killed the Dark Lord himself.

Perhaps every child and many adults now know the story of Harry Potter - the boy who lived. The adventures of a little wizard raised in a Muggle family ( ordinary people), so fascinating that each episode of the film is reviewed by viewers more than once. Spells, magical objects and legends from this story receive no less attention. Let's remember one of these items. What is the Elder Wand, where did it come from and who is its owner? First things first...

Where did the wand come from?

The elder wand was created many centuries ago. According to legend, Death himself made it when he broke off a twig from an elderberry bush. This is why the wand is periodically called the Wand of Death. This was one of the three Gifts of Death itself known in the world of magic to the legendary Perevell brothers, the ancestors of Harry Potter, the Glooms and other families.

It was the eldest of the brothers, who was a very warlike man, who asked Death for such unusual gift. He wished to own the most powerful magic wand, which would give its owner the opportunity to always win fights. And so it happened.

After his wanderings, the elder Perevell, Antiochus, ended up in a village, where he met a wizard with whom he had once quarreled. Immediately challenged him to a duel. Of course he won. True, very soon his own life was cut short: in one tavern he boasted of a gift and how strong he was. And later, when, having drunk, he fell asleep, one of the visitors to the inn cut his throat in order to get a magic wand for his personal use.

Since then, the question of who owned the Elder Wand has been constantly asked by people interested in it.

Deathly Hallow and an ordinary wand

What does the history of the wizarding world say? There are many legends and tales. The photo of the Elder Wand shows a completely ordinary-looking magic wand, similar to those used by all wizards. But she has many advantages hidden from prying eyes.

She is the most ruthless and fearless of all existing magic wands, giving her loyalty only to those who have the power. Every wizard has the right to count on the enormous devotion of his own wand. Even if the mage was disarmed or lost in battle, she would retain a close bond with the owner. But if it becomes a trophy that was won in a real duel, the wand will lose allegiance to the previous owner.

What is known about her?

But with the gift of Death everything is different. This wand does not understand the word "loyalty" because it recognizes only strength and nothing more. There is no sentimentality inherent in her. It is always found where there is great power. And if some wizard wins, then it is he who takes possession of the Elder Wand. But it is not at all necessary (as most people think) to commit the murder of the previous owner. True, it is this seemingly all-powerful wand that is capable of attracting wizards who are ready to commit murder. It attracts people like Voldemort, who quite often believe that the ability to kill is real power.

Fairytale artifacts

Of course, those who have read all parts of the Harry Potter story will remember that Professor Dumbledore had all three artifacts - the Cloak of Invisibility, the Resurrection Stone and the Elder Wand, which, according to legend, were given by the incarnation of Death to Antiochus, Cadmus and Ignotus Perevell.

Many wizards sought these Gifts, confident that whoever possessed all three would be able to command Death itself. They did not even realize that its master would only be the one who realized its inevitability, who would not be afraid of death, but would accept it as part of his life.

Dumbledore and one of the Hallows

Since we are interested in the most important artifact, according to wizards, we will talk about it. So, the Elder Wand changed its owners more than once. It once belonged to Gellert Grindelwald, then to Albus Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy and, of course, Harry Potter.

So where did Dumbledore get the elder wand? Everything is very simple. History does not know a duel of wizards that could be even remotely comparable to the one that took place in 1945 between Grindelwald and Professor Dumbledore. Everyone who was present truly historical event, then they talked about the awe and horror that gripped them while they watched this duel.

The professor himself, who, as you know, never lied, but only kept things quiet, said that he was only fit to wield this wand, and not to show off or take a life using it. After all, Albus took her not in order to benefit, but to save others from her.

Confusion with owners

If we turn again to the legend, then the artifact wand obeys only the one who was able to defeat its previous owner. Its first owner (as mentioned earlier) was Antiochus Perevell. From him the wand passed to Emeric the Notorious. It changed hands several more times until it ended up in the hands of Albus Dumbledore. He was a very wise owner. And he never used it for selfish, let alone evil, purposes.

Readers often ask the question of why the elder wand belongs to Harry, why did it obey him? It turns out that everything is quite simple. Let's return to the legend, according to which the strongest wand was obedient to the one who defeated its previous owner.

The Dark Lord always remembered that she could pass to a new owner by killing the previous one. That is why he took the life of Severus Snape - the one who was responsible for the death of Professor Dumbledore. However, the One whose name cannot be spoken aloud was fatally mistaken. After all, Dumbledore received the Elder Wand in a duel with Grindelwald, and the latter remained alive. That is, the artifact was an honestly won trophy.

Yes, it was Professor Snape who killed Dumbdore. But here we must also take into account the fact that this was not exactly a murder: Albus knew that the curse that he accidentally took upon himself would sooner or later end his days, and did not want a painful departure. That's why he insisted that it was Snape, whom he trusted, who unleashed Avada Kedavra on him. Therefore, Severus only carried out in this case your promise. And here another “but” arises.

The new owner is Harry?

It was not Snape, but Draco Malfoy who defeated the headmaster that last evening. It was he who managed to disarm the old experienced wizard with the help of a spell. In general, Albus did not particularly resist. He didn't want the teenager to become a killer.

That is why the mistake occurred that cost the Dark Lord his life: he believed that the new owner was Snape, but no. It was the younger Malfoy who became it.

A little later, an event occurred, as a result of which the friends of the Boy Who Lived began to say that the Elder Wand was Harry Potter. The photos that were taken during the filming of the last parts of the film served as involuntary confirmation of this.

Having sent Nagini to Snape, the evil wizard (he was afraid to use Avada Kedavra on Severus) did not become the true owner of the artifact. His wand would not obey him, no matter what he did. Its real owner was Harry, who disarmed Draco in a duel. In addition, it was Potter who became the owner of Malfoy's other wand. Harry took Draco's wand because his (with the phoenix feather) was broken. And Elderberry, who recognizes strength, recognized Harry as her master, despite the fact that she herself was at that moment in the hands of Voldemort. This was one of the reasons for Potter's victory over the powerful Dark Lord. Which, of course, does not exclude the boy’s strength and sincere desire to sacrifice his life for the sake of others.

Another chapter in the history of the wand

One point that remains unclear until the end: who stole the Elder Wand? After all, in the world of magic there is a case where theft occurred. From the very beginning, the history of this Stick of Fate, as it is sometimes called, has been a complicated one. After all, its first owner, Antiochus, was killed. Then traces of her are lost for some time. It is known that she belonged to Emeric the Notorious, Godelot, Loxius... The following rumors about her arose completely unexpectedly. One of the wand makers boasted that in his work he uses the knowledge gained from this wand. Most likely, he simply drew attention to his products by advertising them in this way. It was Maykyu Grigorovich. His words attracted not only new customers, but also the thief, who turned out to be Gellert Grindelwald. True, he was not an ordinary thief in the generally accepted sense. He, in tandem with Dumbledore, tried to put all three artifacts together.

After receiving the wand, Gellert began to gather supporters and like-minded people to take over the Ministry of Magic. But... This is where the same duel took place, as a result of which the wand legally passed to Albus. And Gellert was placed in a prison that was created especially for him.

is the last part of the book about the famous boy who lived. In this book we learn that in fact the death of the dark lord is not a hopeless dream - he can die!

According to ancient fairy tales, there were so-called. These gifts were received by extraordinary wizards from the hands of death itself many years ago.

These wizards are Antiochus, Cadmu and Ignotus Peverell. The elder brother lost his gift by death the night a robber killed him and stole his elder wand.

The middle brother Cadmu received the resurrection stone and after realizing that the stone would not allow him to completely resurrect his beloved, he hanged himself.
The younger brother asked death for a piece of her invisibility cloak. After he grew old, Ignotus gave the mantle to his descendant and went to death. Let's consider deathly hallows in details.

The story of this stick starts out very poorly. After the wand was used by Antiochus to kill his old enemy, he began to boast of his invincibility and was killed in the night that same night. Next, the fate of the wand becomes hidden from everyone. After some time, rumors about her pop up as unexpectedly as a bolt from the blue. The Eastern European wand maker Grigorovich stated that he uses his knowledge gained from the elder wand to create his own. Apparently, this was due to the desire to increase the number of buyers for their products.

But this statement attracted not only buyers, but also thieves. One dark night, Gellert Grindelwald stole the Elder Wand. Gellert Grindelwald was no ordinary thief, he, along with, for a long time tried to collect everything deathly hallows together.

After receiving the elder wand, Grindelwald began to gather supporters to take over the ministry, he became the first "who must not be named." And when the elder wand did a lot of evil, Albus Dumbledore met with it. Despite all the rumors of invincibility elderberry stick Dumbledore was able to defeat Gellert and get the wand; Grindelwald was sent to a special prison created for him.

After Dumbledore's death, the entire chain of adventures elderberry sticks was revealed to the dark lord Voldemort and he, opening Albus’s grave, got the wand of fate, that’s what it was also called.

Voldemort was unable to fully harness the power of the wand because he did not defeat its last owner, Dumbledore. Harry Potter received the wand and destroyed Voldemort with it, then simply destroyed the wand itself by breaking it into pieces.

Was given to the second brother - Cadmus. He loved a girl who died several years ago, and he asked death for the ability to resurrect dead people. But unfortunately, the resurrection stone only restored her spiritual shell, she was as cold as a ghost. Unable to bear this, Cadmu hanged himself. Afterwards, the story of the resurrected stone is confused by a veil of uncertainty.

Voldemort found out about his relatives and got the stone. Since it is believed that Voldemort's family is a descendant of Cadmu. What happened to the resurrection stone for a long time is unknown.

Then, at the very end, Harry Potter receives the resurrection stone from his Golden Snitch given to him by Dumbledore. After Harry Potter met with a group of people he knew, he threw away the resurrection stone in a dark forest. The further location of the stone is unknown.

- This is probably the only one of the deathly gifts that was not the cause of many deaths. The younger brother is considered the wisest, since he did not die because of his gift.

Ignatus went to Godric's Valley, where he was buried. His robe was later discovered by Dumbledore in James Potter's possession. During the dark times, when Voldemort was gathering followers and killing everyone who refused to obey him, the Invisibility Cloak was given to Dumbledore for research.

After his examination of the fabric, Dumbledore discovered that it was no ordinary robe. After all, in the world of wizards there were also ordinary invisibility cloaks, but they lost invisibility after some time and were not so good in any circumstances. According to James Potter, they had the Invisibility Cloak for more than several centuries. He remained the owner of the cloak of invisibility.
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Fans have already found several problems in , but the biggest one is related to the Elder Wand.

Unfortunately, the Wizarding World has now grown to such a size that it is difficult to keep track of. In continuation "Fantastic Beasts" There are a number of retcons (plot changes) that took fans by surprise. But in truth, the biggest faux pas is the Elder Wand ( The Elder wand).

As shown "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", young Dumbledore and Grindelwald were obsessed with the wand. Grindelwald successfully acquired the legendary Deadly Wand, which is considered the most powerful wand. According to legend, the Elder Wand can teach its wielders a dark sorcery that was lost in the mists of time - which perhaps explains the extent of its magic in the finale "Fantastic Beasts 2".

The elder wand is unique among all wands; she has "loyalty" to a master and can only be given to another when the former master is defeated. "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" made it clear how it works. During the time of Harry Potter, the wand belonged to Albus Dumbledore, and he sought to take it with him to the grave. He was eventually disarmed by Draco Malfoy, who unknowingly became the master of the Elder Wand. When Harry defeated Malfoy a few months later, he became the new owner. Thus, Harry Potter became the true master of the Elder Wand, much to Voldemort's dismay.

Going back to the 1920s, Grindel Dald did not wield the Elder Wand in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. From the universe's perspective, he was impersonating Percival Graves, and would therefore have to use Graves' wand to save his face; The out-of-universe logic, of course, was that JK Rowling didn't want eagle-eyed viewers to discover Graves' real identity when they saw the Elder Wand in the trailer.

But here's another thing: as the story of Draco Malfoy demonstrates, you don't have to defeat a wizard for a wand to change its owner. You just have to be it. And, what is especially important, in the final of the first "Fantastic Beasts" Grindelwald has been defeated. At the end he is arrested by Tina Goldstein. Therefore, it was she who had to become the new master - the one who took the wand from Grindelwald. However, this is forgotten in "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald". The dark wizard quickly receives the legendary wand.

However, there is one possible fix for this. It is safe to assume that the Elder Wand was created by a wizard who assumed that it could be passed on after his defeat. But how exactly does a wizard gain the wand's loyalty? The rules seem quite flexible. Thus, Hereward received the wand's devotion by locking his father in the basement and leaving him to starve. In general, “victory” here is an ambiguous concept.