Cat litter, which one is the best? Which litter is best to use for kittens?

The first filler appeared only in 1947, and after a short time it became an indispensable assistant almost every cat owner. The variety of materials, methods of use, economically attractive prices and the general availability of litter undoubtedly make it easier to keep pets.

First of all, when choosing a litter, you should take into account the cat’s preferences. Carefully observing your pet's behavior will help you understand whether she likes the new toilet. If you ignore this point, the owner may find himself in an unpleasant situation: the cat, being stubborn, will refuse to use the tray, considering the mat or flower pot more attractive.

The safety of raw materials also influences the choice. An unintelligent kitten can eat delicious-smelling granules. Dust flying while digging gets into the lungs. Scented and/or silica gel litter can cause allergies in both the cat and the owner. Priority should be given to products whose packaging says: “environmentally friendly product”, “no additives”, “not subjected to chemical treatment”, “safe to swallow”.

Another important point– price. There are a huge number of fillers at bargain prices. However, as a rule, cheap products do not differ in quality: the filler has to be changed after each visit to the toilet, which increases material consumption. High-quality expensive fillers do not require daily replacement.

Based on their properties, fillers are divided into absorbent and clumping. The first include adsorbent granules, which absorb moisture without changing shape. The advantage of this filler is that it only needs to be changed once a week if you pour enough granules into the tray (about 5-8 cm, indicated on the package). Clumping filler requires constant but partial replacement: granules, having absorbed moisture, form a dense lump that is easy to remove with a scoop. Low-quality clumping fillers do not “keep their shape” well, becoming limp and smeared throughout the container.

Fillers are made from various materials, each of which has its own pros and cons. Some fillers can be mixed, as indicated on the package. The size of the granules depends on the cat's preferences, but in most cases does not play a special role. However, for long-haired cats, large granules are more suitable, as they cling less to the fur.

A new product in the pet industry is biological filler made from wool, grain husks, corn cobs or paper. Safe, environmentally friendly product, can be thrown into the sewer, inexpensive. Cons: lightweight, scatters around the apartment, sometimes stains paws and sticks to long fur.

Wood filler is a little more expensive, but no less harmless. The granules consist of pressed wood shavings, absorb moisture well, do not spread around the house, do not stick to paws or fur, and have a pleasant “forest” smell. Disadvantages: it cannot be thrown into the sewer in large quantities; it does not hold the smell of sexually mature animals well. It is excellent for kittens and neutered animals, as their urine does not have a strong odor.

Mineral fillers are made from various types of clay, sometimes with the addition of other natural materials. They are both absorbent and clumping. Today this is the most popular type of filler. A relatively inexpensive natural material that perfectly retains moisture and odors. Most cats like it. High-quality clay fillers do not create dust and do not stick to paws or fur. Cons: cannot be thrown into the sewer; sometimes the cat leaves white marks on the floor after visiting the litter box.

Silica gel filler consists of granules that have very high absorbency. Moisture is removed from the silicate gel (silicon acid salt) and crushed to form granules. In some cases, chemical treatment is used to increase adsorption. Pros: aesthetic appearance (light crystals suggest cleanliness and freshness), granules hold their shape perfectly and do not stain the tray, retain moisture well (almost 100% of their weight) and lock out odors, do not require frequent replacement. Cons: high cost, may be harmful to health if swallowed. In addition, some cats do not like silicate litter because it creates a peculiar crunch when using the tray.

Anyone who gets a mustachioed pet is faced with the problem of cat litter. And here you not only need to teach the kitten to relieve itself in the right place, but also maintain hygiene there, eliminate unpleasant odors and other nuances. Therefore, to achieve all these goals, you need to choose the right cat litter; fortunately, there is now a large assortment of such products on the market.

You can use newspapers the old fashioned way, but this method is impractical, since there will be bad smell, urine is poorly absorbed into them and this will be a potentially dangerous place for both cats and humans. But if you choose a filler good quality, then cleanliness in the toilet will be guaranteed, and it will also be much easier and more enjoyable for the cat to use it. Therefore, before you buy the first filler you come across, you should know what they are, their pros and cons. It would also be useful to study reviews from cat owners about what kind of litter they use.

Types of fillers

The main function of the filler is urine absorption and elimination of unpleasant odors. Therefore, it must be made of highly absorbent materials that are safe for the health of cats and humans, easy to use and dispose of. There are two types of fillers:

  1. Clumping.
  2. Absorbent.

The first type works in the following way: when moisture gets on it, lumps form that can be easily removed from the tray, while the rest of the filler does not need to be changed. It is worth cleaning the toilet every day, removing the formed lumps and feces, after which you just need to add more filler to the desired level.

But you should follow the instructions for using such products and pour them into the tray no less than 8–10 cm in height. If you sprinkle it less, the moisture will flow to the bottom of the vessel without forming lumps. As a result, it will be difficult to clean the tray, and an unpleasant odor will fill the room.

Clumping litter is great if there is only one cat, then a lump forms in it, which has time to dry and can be easily removed. If there are more animals, then the fresh lumps will not dry out completely and the pets will carry the litter around the house on their paws.

The main advantages of this filler:

The disadvantage of such fillers is that they are not recommended for use on several cats at the same time.

But absorbent fillers work differently: they completely absorb moisture and unpleasant odor, while do not change their structure. It must be changed after it is completely saturated with liquid, otherwise cat feces will collect at the bottom of the tray, emitting an unpleasant odor. To understand when it’s time to replace the toilet, you need to take a closer look at your pet - if he refuses to go there, then it’s time.

This type of litter is great for both one pet and several. The moisture here is quickly absorbed and does not stick to the cat's paws. One serving in the tray will last for about 7-10 days, which is great for those who are going to leave their four-legged friend at home alone during the holidays.

Main advantages:

  • Fights well against unpleasant odors;
  • Cleaning can be done infrequently (provided that only one cat empties there);
  • There are those made from natural raw materials that are well suited even for kittens;
  • Relatively cheap.

The disadvantage of such fillers is that when replacing them, all the unpleasant odor absorbed by them has to be inhaled directly by the owner. And one more thing, some cats will not go to a half-dirty litter box, so it will have to be changed more often, which is not very economical.

Types of fillers by constituent material

There are quite a few types of fillers, different in composition. But not all of them are suitable for small kittens. Therefore, it is worth deciding in advance what litter is best for kittens. Today you can find the following in special markets or pet stores.

Clay fillers

They are absorbent and clumping, and due to their natural texture they are excellent for cats. One of best options Such a filler is bentonite. But when choosing such a product, you should pay attention to the size of the granules, because too large ones can injure the animal’s paws.

Main advantages:

  • Naturalness and naturalness;
  • Availability different types clay fillers;
  • Animals like to dig in it;
  • Suitable for both adults and kittens.

A small disadvantage of this litter is that it can remain on the paws and spread throughout the house. And when replacing it slightly dust rises.

Wood fillers

They can also be of two types: absorbent and clumping. And they are made from sawdust coniferous species, they are compressed into granules of different sizes. This is the most environmentally friendly type, and the room will smell like pine.

Main advantages:

  • Pleasant pine aroma;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Suitable for kittens;
  • Does not clog the sewer;
  • Quite cheap.

But there is one drawback here too - they can stick to the cat’s paws and fur in the form of small sawdust, and subsequently spread throughout the house.

Corn fillers

They are not so often used for cat litter, but more for rodents. But manufacturers also produce special series for cats made from corn cobs in granules. different sizes. According to their properties, they are only absorbent.

Main advantages:

The disadvantages include the fact that they are not suitable for several cats and can rarely be found in pet stores in Russia.

Silica gel fillers

They absorb liquid better, but they are made from dried polysilicic acid gel, which is certainly not environmentally friendly. Therefore, it is not recommended for use on kittens. Such granules should only be stored in sealed packaging, otherwise they may lose their properties in a humid environment.

Main advantages:

  • Excellently fights moisture and unpleasant odors;
  • Suitable for multiple cats;
  • Very economical, but quite expensive;
  • Convenient to use.

One of the important disadvantages is that it is not suitable for kittens, since it can cause a chemical burn if it gets on the animal’s mucous membrane. Also, some cats may not like the feeling of walking on these pellets.

Popular brands

Enough is enough now a large number of Both foreign and domestic companies produce entire lines of good quality toilet fillers at an affordable price. Let's consider the most common brands:

There are also other manufacturers that are in no way inferior in quality, for example, Catsan, Pretty Cat, “Kuzya”, “Myaudodyr”, “Murzik”, “Barsik” and others. Among such large selection From different manufacturers and their assortment, it is not difficult to choose the appropriate litter for the toilet.

Which filler is better to choose?

Basically, when choosing such a product for cat litter, everything depends on the financial capabilities of the owners and the assortment on the market. After all, almost all of them are made made from natural, environmentally friendly materials that do not cause any harm to the animal. Also, some of them are great for kittens, but before purchasing, be sure to read the instructions so as not to make a mistake with your choice.

For animals, as for people, the same type of toilet product may or may not be suitable. Therefore, it is worth trying to choose the ideal filler for your pet, starting with purchasing the smallest packages of such products. When puddles stop appearing in the wrong places, we can safely say that the cat liked this look.

But if a cat likes to dig deep in a secluded place intended for him, then he will always spread particles of any filler. Therefore, it is worth taking care appearance tray (perfect in the form of a house) and the presence of a rug in front of it, be it rubber with pimples or a piece of long-pile carpet.

Until recently, many owners did not think about cat litter boxes. In wooden or plastic boxes sand was poured in and the kitten was taught to go there for all the “dirty” things.

But the smell and impracticality of sand have always upset lovers of these furry animals, so today a product such as litter for the tray, which makes caring for the cat much easier, is in great demand. How to choose it, which one is suitable for adult animals, and which one is better for kittens?

The main quality that any toilet filler should have is the ability to absorb moisture and absorb odors.

That's why, industrial companies materials are used for production high degree adsorption. Of course, they must also be safe for people and pets, as well as simple and easy to use and dispose of.

Fillers are made from natural and synthetic materials, namely:

  • wood fillers;
  • silica gel;
  • mineral;
  • bentonite.

Unfortunately, sand and newspaper do not meet the requirements due to the fact that they do not absorb odors, and printing paper and paint can be harmful to health, especially if used on a kitten.

To train to the tray, you can use a soft toilet paper or absorbent diapers for newborns.

What litter is suitable for a kitten?

To answer this question, you need to understand what this or that material represents and what properties it has.

Since cat babies up to 6 months old try everything on their teeth, some of them will not be very useful.

Wood filler

These cat litter materials are a favorite among pet owners for several reasons:

  • firstly, they are inexpensive;
  • secondly, they are effective - they perfectly absorb moisture and absorb unpleasant odors;
  • thirdly, they are easy to recycle. When wet, they can gather into lumps that are convenient to throw away, or, on the contrary, they loosen and all that remains is to throw all this “good” into the toilet.

The only drawback of this material is that when wet, they can stick to the animal’s paws and spread throughout the apartment.

Wood is a safe natural material that is suitable for the toilet of both kittens and adult purrs. They differ in the fraction of granules; for adult animals they are larger, for babies they are smaller.

Fillers from paper and grain waste

The most best materials, from which kitten litter can be made are grain and paper waste. Moreover, the former are in great demand, since their characteristics are much better. They look like granules, and their composition includes bran from wheat grains, soybeans, oats and other crops.

Such toilet fillers include corn, popular mainly in countries Western Europe, but in Russia they know almost nothing about them. However, these materials are leaders in their qualities: they perfectly absorb moisture and retain odors.

Of course, they are safe for small kittens, but for adult animals they are not very convenient to use. The granules have a very small mass, so they often scatter around the trays.

Clay fillers

Almost every cat owner is familiar with clay litter. It is made from bentonite clay rocks. It consists of granules similar to sand of a very coarse fraction, which, when exposed to moisture, absorbs liquid and turns into a solid lump.

It is easy to dispose of with a spatula, but they significantly lose their ranking in terms of odor absorption.

However, they can be used on kittens, since the smell of their urine is not as rich and pungent as that of adult animals, especially males.

Another drawback of these materials is that they often stick to the animal’s paws and spread throughout the apartment.

Silica gel

This filler is very popular among purring cat owners.

Its qualities are very attractive:

  • economical: this filler needs to be changed much less often than any other, and less is used at a time;
  • perfectly absorbs moisture and absorbs odors.

Nevertheless, this material has some disadvantages:

  • its price is higher than the standard one. Despite the cost-effectiveness, not every owner will decide to incur additional costs with the available alternative;
  • the filler tends to crunch underfoot, like snow, which the cat may not like;
  • sticks to wet objects, so it often sticks to the cat's paws.

As for whether this material can be used to litter kittens, we do not recommend it. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Firstly, kittens love to play and often the lumps become toys and are scattered throughout the apartment.
  2. Secondly, due to their “sticky” properties, they can get into the baby’s mouth, stick and lead to tragic consequences.
  3. Thirdly, silica gel has a specific smell that can confuse the baby; he will not be able to quickly get used to the tray and will relieve himself in another, not always adequate, place.

Which litter to choose for a kitten?

To choose good filler For kitten litter, you need to understand what is best for him and what is best for you.

By comparing these qualities, it will be easier for you to decide on the type and manufacturer of the filler.

Which would your cat prefer?

If a kitten had the opportunity to choose its own litter, then, for sure, it would evaluate the quality according to the following criteria:

  • get into it softly;
  • it is easy to rake and does not generate dust;
  • it does not cause allergies, and its smell is completely natural;
  • If you eat it, it is not harmful.

Of course, cat owners make their choice based on slightly different properties, but nevertheless, some similar options can be found.

For the owners of a furry purr, it is important that he:

  • held the smell well;
  • did not spread on its paws throughout the apartment;
  • does not generate dust and is easy to dispose of;
  • it should not be toxic or cause obstruction, in case the kitten decides to taste it;
  • it must be inexpensive and economical.
Thus, we see that the best litter for a kitten is made from wood pellets, clay, and also from cereal bran. It is easy to accustom your baby to these toiletries and the smell from the kitten will remain only in his tray. It is very important to note that not all cat litter materials can be flushed down the toilet.

Difficult brand choice

There are a large number of foreign and domestic brands on the market. You can choose any, the main thing is that the price issue suits you, since domestic ones are no different in quality from foreign ones.

For kittens, it is best to use clay clumping litters such as Pi-Pi-Bent, Ever Clean, Cat’s Choice, or our Russian “Barsik”.

Also, according to experienced cat owners, the wood filler “Clean Paws”, fine-grained “Murzik” and “Kotyara” are considered good.

If you don’t know which one your pet will like, you can try different ones. Almost every type of filler is available in small and large packaging.

Useful lifehacks

When you decide which filler your little fluffy will love, and also when he is completely accustomed to going to the tray, you can use some tricks.

  1. Mix the fillings. Place wood pellets on the bottom of the tray, and add clay and mineral filler on top. This way you will achieve a “double effect”. The sawdust will perfectly absorb the smell, and the mineral granules will not allow them to fall out of the pot. This option is best for kittens and adult animals.
  2. If you have one animal, you can use regular clumping litter and not worry about the cleanliness of the potty. But if you have several animals, or the cat has given birth to kittens, then it is better if you use the most absorbent filler, for example, corn or bran.
  3. To prevent the litter from being dragged around the apartment on the animal’s paws, you can teach it to walk on a tray with a mesh. You can add a thin layer of clumping material to the bottom of the toilet. This way, the kittens’ paws will not come into contact with the granulate and, accordingly, will always remain clean.

There is a need for cat litter. Modern cat litter is a tray with granules. Their main task is to absorb and “lock” persistent aroma. The range of cat litters in pet stores is large. It is difficult for a beginner to understand the variety of names and prices. All mixtures differ in composition and properties. When making a choice, you need to take into account their characteristics and understand how important it is to choose a good cat litter.


According to the principle of action, granules are of two types: absorbent and clumping.


This type perfectly absorbs moisture and neutralizes odors, but does not lose its structure. Change the contents of the tray only when all the granules are saturated. During replacement, it produces an unpleasant odor of urine. This is its disadvantage. Suitable for use by multiple animals.

Did you know? A cat uses as much fluid to lick its fur as it does to urinate.


The principle of operation is the formation of lumps when urine gets in, which are easy to throw out of the tray with a special scoop and add the required amount of clean granules. Its advantage is that it is economical and easy to clean. It does not stick to the paws of animals and is not carried out of the tray. Clumping litter is considered the safest for cat litter, since it is non-toxic and consists of natural raw materials. Ideal for kittens.

Types of fillers

Cat litter is distinguished by the material it is made of.


This species is in high demand among cat lovers due to its low cost. It contains natural minerals - zeolites. Thanks to the loose and porous structure of the granules, it quickly absorbs moisture; when wet, lumps form. It is enough to change it once a week. Has no foreign odor. Mineral litter is ideal for cat litter during the period of accustoming the animal to the tray.

In clay granules

Natural clay granules are considered the most natural for cats. They are close to natural conditions. When wet, they form hard lumps and are able to completely absorb specific odors. When replaced, it gathers dust and is scattered around the house by paws.

Important!Clay litter must not be flushed down the toilet!

Woody clumping

Wood clumping litter is often chosen for cat litter. It is distinguished by its low price and ease of use. In addition, it is the most environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic, without additives. Its granules are made from pressed sawdust. Wet granules separate and the sawdust turns into lumps. It doesn't take long to neutralize unpleasant odors. There are no difficulties with cleaning. Lumps can be thrown out of the tray with a special shovel and disposed of through the sewer system. It has one drawback - fine dust from sawdust spreads throughout the apartment.

Silica gel

Silica gel litter has recently begun to be used for cat litter. These are white transparent granules of dried silicate gel. They absorb large amounts of moisture and prevent the growth of bacteria. They absorb unpleasant odors well and are absolutely harmless. The granules do not spread and do not collect dust. They can be replaced once a month. Disadvantages: high price; when urine gets in, it produces a slight hissing sound, which can alert and frighten cats.


It can rarely be found in our pet stores; it is more popular in European countries. Made from corn cob waste. It is reliable in combating strong odors, forms clumps and is easily removed from the tray. It is enough to replace once a month. It can be flushed down the toilet. Cons: The granules are very light and spread far from the tray.

How to use it correctly

Fillers must be poured only into a dry and clean tray. A layer 5-7 cm deep is allowed. Absorbents require replacement once every few days, but solid excrement must be removed from the tray every day. If you use clumping ones, then partially clean the contents of the tray every day. Only lumps are removed, and new granules are added. General replacement of the entire tray is carried out once a month. Used granules are thrown into the trash or washed down the drain. But you need to remember that clay granules cannot be disposed of in the toilet. They swell greatly in water and can clog the drain. Cat litters should be stored in dry rooms, away from food. Avoid proximity to chemicals.

Choosing the right one

In order to make the right choice and understand which cat litter will be the best for your pet, you need to take into account a number of features.

Ability to absorb moisture

Not all compositions reliably absorb moisture. Clumping granules cope best with this task. Under the influence of liquid they form a dense lump. The leader in this group is gel cat litter, it long time can stay dry. Wood and corn pellets are slightly inferior in quality. When exposed to water, they disintegrate and need to be replaced more frequently.

Odor absorption and retention

The mixtures must have good odor elimination properties. Silica gels have this property. More natural granules absorb odors less well.

Did you know? The cat has approximately 12 whiskers on each side of its face.

Possibility to flush down the toilet

When choosing, consider ease of disposal. Many manufacturers indicate this information on the packages. Wood pellets are allowed to be disposed of in the toilet in small quantities. But clay ones can clog sewer pipes.

Presence of flavoring

Some manufacturers use flavorings. But not all cats like them, and the animal may refuse the “fragrant” tray. Foreign scents can cause allergies in cats, so don’t rush to buy them.


Some substances in fillers can cause an allergic reaction in a pet. The safest mixtures are made from natural materials: sawdust, clay, corn.


When choosing, cost and frequency of use play an important role. Here it is important to choose the best price-quality ratio. Mineral and wood ones will be more economical in price. The cost of silica gel and corn is higher, but efficiency is achieved due to their infrequent replacement.

Filler rating

When compiling the rating, the following important factors are taken into account: ease of use, ease of disposal, efficiency and cost. The most environmentally friendly are wood ones. They do not cause allergic reactions in animals. They are inexpensive. Gel ones will help you save money cash due to rare replacement of the contents of the tray. Capable of absorbing a lot of liquid. Mineral and clay ones are liked by cats because of their similarity to ordinary soil or sand.