What litter is best to use for kittens? Which litter is best for a cat and its owner?

Ratings of cat litter can be found in specialized magazines dedicated to pets. When compiling it, many important factors are taken into account: ease of use, disposal method, cost-effectiveness and, of course, price. There are dozens of options on sale that can be divided into several categories. Among them it is easy to find one that is ideal for your pet.

The evolution of tray powders

Until recently, the main filler for the tray was newspaper, torn into small pieces, or sand collected at a nearby construction site. Both options were inconvenient to use, required frequent replacement, and emitted an unpleasant odor after the cat visited its litter box.

The only advantage of newspapers and sand could be considered their availability and cheapness. Then a mineral filler appeared for cat litter based on clay, but buyers were frightened by the price and complexity of recycling used waste.

Currently the situation has changed. On the shelves of supermarkets and pet stores are the most different types cat litter. They are sold packaged and by weight; bright bags have different prices. It is not easy for a beginner to understand this diversity.

Manufacturers of cat litter are in no hurry to widely advertise their products; as a result, most pet owners have an idea of ​​only a few of the most popular brands. They will help you understand which product is better to buy independent ratings, which are compiled by statisticians, veterinarians and animal owners themselves.

Topics with titles like “Choosing cat litter” can be found in topical blogs and magazines. Before heading to the store, you should read an independent review to get an idea of ​​the type of tray liners and the materials they are made from.

Types of fillers

All cat litters are divided into categories: clumping and absorbent. Both options have their supporters and opponents, and in both groups you can find more expensive and quite affordable brands.

Clumping filler resembles sand or very small granules. The composition may vary. The principle of operation of the product is clear from the name. When liquid (cat urine) gets in, the powdery substance forms dense lumps that are easily removed with a scoop. In this case, the smell is adsorbed, the sticky granules do not stick to the pet’s paws and are not carried outside the tray. The height of the sides does not matter. A clumping product is more convenient to use in a toilet without a mesh.

Choosing cat litter is not as easy as it might seem. The main thing is that your pussy likes everything and enjoys going to this place. It is necessary to consider what kind of litter box the cat has. If the option chosen is closed or with a lattice, then you can use bentonite, silica gel or wood sawdust. If the tray is deep enough, it is recommended to use clumping backfill. No less important is an indicator such as price, since not everyone will be able to afford to purchase expensive materials.

Good advice: to prevent your pet from spreading filler particles around the apartment on its paws, it is better for him to lay a rubber rug.

A cat is a member of the family, and she understands everything, except that she cannot talk, by her actions you can determine what she wants, and if she doesn’t like it, she will definitely point it out. Therefore, the choice of filler should be approached thoroughly. To begin with, it is proposed to analyze what fillers exist and what is best to choose in terms of quality and price characteristics.

Clumping filler

It is produced in the form of sand or granules, consisting of small fractions of material. The composition may contain various ingredients. The principle of its operation is the formation of a lump when wet. If the pussy went to the toilet, then the powder turns into dense balls, and they are easy to remove with a dustpan. Odors are adsorbed, the granules do not stick to the pet’s paws, so garbage is not removed from the tray, no matter what the height of the sides.

Even if there is no mesh in the cat litter box, the use of such a composition will definitely be appropriate. When choosing this type of product, it is worth considering that it does not absorb moisture well enough, which simply settles to the bottom of the tray and sticks to the walls. According to the information from the instructions, the layer should be 8-10 cm thick, only then will ideal absorption be ensured and at the same time retain all harmful odors.


  • It is quite enough to fall asleep for a whole week;
  • Odor is neutralized without exception;
  • Cleaning is simple: throw out lumps once a day;
  • Non-toxic;
  • Can be used for kittens if they have allergic manifestations;
  • In general, the filler fractions resemble sand, and therefore it is pleasant for your pet to use such a toilet.


  • If several pets use the tray, then such a filler is not suitable for filling in a thin layer;
  • Daily cleaning is recommended, as the pussy will not use its toilet;
  • Do not flush down the drain.

Average price: 600 rubles per 10 kg.

Absorbent filler

The action of this filler is carried out according to a different principle. It perfectly absorbs moisture, odors are concentrated in the contents, while the structure does not change. Liquid eventually accumulates at the bottom, and this is the first signal to replace the backfill. This option is suitable for various trays, but it is better to choose trays with fairly high sides, this is necessary so that the cat does not scatter particles of filler.

It is quite enough to use one portion once a week, but, of course, it all depends on the furry friend himself, and if he is especially clean, then replacement should be done more often. This filler is best replaced in full.


  • Can be used on several cats or small kittens at the same time;
  • Especially liked by cats who like to dig with their paws;
  • It is not yet necessary to clean every day;
  • Inexpensive price.


  • Small granules are easy to pour out of the tray if the cat begins to actively dig in with its paws;
  • In exceptional cases, cats do not like to go to the litter box if the litter is used;
  • If you need to replace the contents, the tray must be thoroughly washed;
  • Unpleasant odors come from the filler when it is replaced.

Average price: 500 rubles per 10 kg.

Types of fillers by composition

Mineral backfills

This is the most common type of tray fill. According to experts, these are the most common fillers, since they are preferred by the majority of four-legged pets. The composition may contain different components, but the most common of them is clay. This includes absorbent and clumping fillers. The quality of the product depends on the size of the granule fractions.

When purchasing filler, you need to make sure that the granules are large and have a round shape. The granules should not be allowed to be small size and sharp, because the main thing is that the kitty does not damage her paws when visiting the toilet. According to the price characteristics, it can be noted that this indicator depends on the volume, size of the granules themselves and other parameters. It usually costs more than absorbent.


  • This product is natural and environmentally friendly, so there are no allergic reactions from it;
  • It’s a pleasure for pussies to dig into such granules with their paws, and it’s also impossible to pour the filler over the sides of the tray;
  • Can be used in different toilets;
  • For kittens, choosing this type of litter is an ideal option.


  • The filler clumps, so it cannot be washed down the drain;
  • It may stick to the fur, after which it is possible that the pet will lick everything off, and then everything will be in the stomach;
  • It is heavy, so it is not always possible to purchase it and then successfully dispose of it;
  • It is sold only in individual containers, but it is not possible to buy it by weight.

Average product price: approximately 400 rubles per 10 kg.

The best clumping mineral fillers

  1. Zoonik is a clay-based composition that, in addition to odor protection, has antibacterial properties; a 5-liter package will cost 150 rubles;
  2. Ever Clean Multi-Crystals - another filler with clay, price for 10 liters. 630 rubles;
  3. Pussy-Cat - this composition can be purchased for 150 rubles (10 liter pack).

The best absorbent mineral fillers

  1. Fresh Step Extreme - a pack weighing 6.35 kg with clay filling costs 770 rubles;
  2. Pussy-Cat Oceanic - mineral composition, costing 140 rubles per 10 liters.

Wood fillers

Made from pine sawdust from appropriate types of wood, and this is a natural material, not artificial. They look like hard, small cylinders, which swell after exposure to moisture, then their size increases and disintegrates into small particles. Such materials are suitable for use in trays with high sides, with a grid inserted at the bottom. After soaking has occurred, the sawdust falls through the grate, and the cats do not get their paws dirty.


  • Low price;
  • It is possible to buy in bulk at almost all pharmacies and veterinary stores, which definitely helps to save money;
  • The aroma is quite pleasant, reminiscent of pine needles;
  • Environmental friendliness and absence of harmful emissions;
  • Can be used for adult pets, as well as for small kittens;
  • If you throw it down the drain, nothing bad will happen, and the opposite pipe will even be cleaned.


  • If the backfill is used, it crumbles on the floor, and then can contribute to the contamination of the apartment;
  • It is necessary to change frequently, otherwise cats will not go to the toilet.
    Average product price: approximately 600 rubles per 10 kg.

The best wood fillers

  1. Homecat Wood (9 l) - price 120 rubles;
  2. Woody zoonik (5 l) - price 110 rubles;
  3. Clean paws (37 l) - price from 400 rubles.

Corn fillers

This option is used quite rarely, and is made from corn cobs. As is customary, this type of litter is used for litter trays used by rodents, but there are other variations on the market that are suitable for cat litter boxes. They are similar to wood fillers, only they smell like popcorn instead of pine. This type of filler is best used with trays that have high sides with a plastic grid. If the waste has formed solid, then it is easy to remove it with a dustpan, and if the sawdust is wet, then you can replace it from the bottom 2 times every week. This is the cheapest product.


  • Very low cost;
  • Environmentally friendly material is used in production;
  • High percentage of adsorption, that is, cat feces are absorbed quite quickly;
  • Convenience is noted when using;
  • It is quite easy to recycle;
  • Small granules are definitely attractive to small kittens, as they really like to bury their paws and play in the litter box.


  • IN retail sales are not common;
  • They are not sold by weight;
  • The cats stick to their paws, and they spread them throughout the living space;
  • Several kittens cannot be used at the same time.

The best corn fillers

  1. Natural corn (4.5 l) 470 rubles;
  2. Golden cat Ecoline, price for 6 l. — 305 rubles;
  3. Corn badger for 108 rubles (package - 4.54 l).

Silica gel

The latest and greatest offering for cat litter refills is silica gel. The granules are relatively large in size, and their shape can be not only round, but also angular. They are made from dried polysilicic acid gel. There is no smell at all from them, and the absorption effect is exceptional.
If liquid gets into the gel, the latter is absorbed completely, without any residue. At the same time, the granules themselves change color, and this will make it easy to recognize whether the tray is dirty and whether it should be cleaned. If the cat goes to her toilet, the feces quickly dry out, and this circumstance is very pleasant for the pet. It turns out that the pet can use the tray several times in a row.

The most ideal litter for a cat's litter box is silica gel, especially when there are several cats and they are forced to use one litter box. Of course, when purchasing, you should first check the size and shape of the material. The safest option is granules that have rounded shapes, since the paws are not damaged. If the crystals are sharp, they can injure the paws. A very fine fraction of the filler does not absorb moisture sufficiently.


  • Provides maximum savings Money;
  • Very convenient for pussies that love to dig with their paws;
  • If the hair on the pussy is long, then there is no need to fear that the material will stick to it;
  • It is impossible to spread it around the living space, and if a granule unexpectedly falls out of the tray, then removing it will not be particularly difficult.
  • The smell is absorbed perfectly;
  • Replacement is not difficult;
  • It does not stick to the walls of the tray at all;
  • Can be thrown into the sewer.


  • Very high price compared to other materials;
  • There are also animals that experience fear if there is noise from rustling granules, and after that they may even refuse such a toilet.

Average product price: approximately 500 rubles per 10 kg.

The best fillers - silica gel

  1. Siberian cat (4 l) - 430 rubles;
  2. Silica gel litter for cats pink, price for 12 liters. 1200 rubles;
  3. Matryoshka cats for 480 rubles (packing - 5.0 l).

Filler from Japan

Today, a new Japanese filler has appeared in retail sales. The products are ideal for cats and kittens that have severe hypersensitivity and allergic reactions to the constituent components of the fillers. Manufacturer: Japan.

It is also attractive because it is very cheap and the product lasts a long time. The products are classified as absorbent, and the following options are available for sale:

  1. Small granules made from potato starch and paper. Moreover, pigment is added to this mixture, only with its presence can you determine whether the cat’s litter box needs to be changed.
  2. Small cylinders made of rice starch and cypress are also made from environmentally friendly raw materials.
  3. Activated carbon combined with cellulose perfectly performs the given function.
  4. Compressed soy fibers perfectly collect moisture and odors.


  • The products are environmentally friendly;
  • Using the filler will not be difficult;
  • Can be used for kittens and adult cats of any breed.


  • The price is high and therefore not everyone can afford the products;
  • Cannot be purchased at retail;
  • Available in online stores.

Average price: approximately 1000 rubles per 10 kg.

Filler from Japan NeoSuna - clumping with color indicator 6 liters - price 480 rubles

The choice of cat litter should be made taking into account the tastes and preferences of your pet, as well as the breed of the cat, the length of its fur and age.

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A litter box for a cat is not a necessary item, but it is extremely convenient, so if your budget allows, we recommend using it. After reading the article, you will be able to determine the best cat litter that is suitable for your pet.


Tray with filler: photo

Which litter tray is best?

The best cat litter is the one that best suits your cat and you. There are no universal recipes here, as well as in the matter of choosing a tray for a cat, but there are general recommendations.

If several cats in your house go to one tray, then silica gel litter will be indispensable, which lasts a long time and does not allow odors to pass through.

If you or your cat is allergic to dust and chemicals, the safest option is wood or corn litter.

In the end, the answer to the question of which litter is best for a cat’s litter box can be given by the pet himself: if you see that he keeps missing the litter box, it means that he may be hinting to you that you need to change the type of litter.

Paper filler

The Soviet method of filling a tray is to simply cut up some paper and throw it in. This cat tray is a little more interesting than an empty one, since the paper partially absorbs water, and feces can be buried. But newspaperPeople use filler less and less because it is unhygienic, because the paper gets wet and then it is difficult to remove it from the tray.

In addition, newspapers are usually allowed on the tray, and this is harmful to the cat due to the printing ink. That is, if you are already using paper, it should be clean. And in this case, no savings are achieved - and any meaning disappears in the paper tray.

Clay filler

The most popular litter for trays is clay clumping litter (bentonite). It is made from clay or opalcristobalite minerals. The result is a mixture that, after contact with liquids, clumps and becomes solid. Hardened pieces of filler can be easily removed from the tray using a scoop. If you have poured a sufficient layer of filler (from 3 cm), it will not allow moisture to pass to the bottom, so you will need to wash the tray less often.

There are clumping fillers different sizes: one has more grains, the other has less. The caliber is written on the packaging. If the litter consists of very large pieces, it may leak urine to the bottom and clump poorly. Therefore, it is better to choose a smaller caliber. Although it still depends on the manufacturer: you need to try several brands and settle on the most suitable one.

Tails love this type of litter the most: it looks like soil, so cats happily dig holes and bury all their stuff.

But this type of filler also has some disadvantages: if the cat likes to dig too much, then the skin on the paw pads may become a little rougher.

In addition, sometimes kittens play with this filler and eat it. If you see that this problem has become serious, then it is better, at least temporarily, to change the type of filler to a more environmentally friendly one, because Eating clumping can result in intestinal obstruction.

Another caveat is that clay litter, when scattered and dug, raises a cloud of dust, to which the cat may be allergic. Monitor your pet: if he shows signs of illness, such as watery eyes, try changing the litter and see if the symptoms go away.

Tray with wood filling

Wood filler cannot be classified as the most hygienic, convenient and loved by cats, but it is the most environmentally friendly clean look. It consists of wood blocks - compressed sawdust pellets. The logs smell pleasant, do not raise dust when poured, and do not cause allergies.

But the filler also has disadvantages: when moisture gets on them, logs of wood do not clump together, but, on the contrary, disintegrate into sawdust, so cleaning a toilet with wood filler is quite inconvenient. We recommend using wood filler only with a tray with a mesh (grid), so that all the logs that have broken down into sawdust seep through the grate into the tray, from where you remove them.

Also, wood fillers occasionally contain random sharp pieces of wood, and this is undoubtedly another disadvantage.

The advantage of wood filler is its low price and widespread availability. According to these parameters, it competes with clay.

Silica gel tray filler

Silica gel filler is a relative newcomer to the market. It is an artificially created white crystals of silica gel formed from silicic acids. These crystals absorb moisture perfectly, they don’t even need to clump. This is how they differ from absorbent filler. Silica gel retains the smell very well. IN Everyday life We deal with this substance when we buy, for example, shoes: the package usually contains a bag of balls. This is silica gel.

This filler is available in pet stores and online stores, but it is not always available in supermarkets.The packaging costs several times more than a bag of clumping litter, but it is more economical: 5 kg is enough for 1 month for one cat.

The downsides of the filler are the high price, cats’ less love for litter boxes with silica gel: it hisses a little when it gets wet, which is scary, and silica gel doesn’t look like soil. There is also a danger if it enters the gastrointestinal tract. The fact is that if silica gel gets into the stomach and intestines in large quantities, it absorbs all the moisture, resulting in blockage. Therefore, this type of litter is categorically not recommended for kittens who like to play in the tray. There are numerous cases where animals died.

Zeolite filler

Zeolite is a volcanic substance and an excellent adsorbent, having a porous structure into which liquid and odor are locked and from which moisture evaporation and, consequently, aromas do not spread. But such fillers are difficult to find in our latitudes.

The best litter for a kitten is wood, due to its environmental friendliness. But, on the other hand, cats like this kind of toilet less, and it doesn’t really hold the smell. Therefore, owners often abandon it in favor of clay, which is a great alternative, however, less environmentally friendly.

But silica gel litter is generally not suitable for kittens, because, although they do not like to go to it when they need to, they may love to eat it: let us remind you that if ingested, such a filler will absorb all the moisture it encounters and can lead to blockage of the gastrointestinal tract. tract. This can also happen when eating clay litter, but only if the cat eats a large amount of it, and this is unlikely.

Litter for litter box training

People often search online for “kitten litter for litter training.” A separate type There is no litter specifically for litter box training, but clay litter can be considered as such. Why? This is what kittens like most: they happily jump into such a litter box, rummage around there, and going to the litter box becomes a kind of ritual and attraction - they rummaged around, did their business and carefully buried it. Kittens, as a rule, love this process very much, because it helps realize important instincts: in nature, cats bury their little things.

But a tray without filler will, on the contrary, be of no interest to the kitten, so the animal for a long time can ignore it. If you have the financial opportunity, still accustom your pet to the litter - this will solve many problems.

How often should I change the litter in the tray?

How often to change the litter in the litter box will directly depend on the type of litter, as well as how many cats you have, what gender they are and what is currently happening to them.

For example, cats pee very often during estrus - and the litter box needs to be removed as urine accumulates.

If there is more than one cat in the house, and there is a shared litter box, then no matter how good the litter it contains (except for silica gel), it will have to be changed every day. Not the whole thing, of course, but only the contaminated part.

In the usual case, when your cat lives in splendid isolation and reigns supreme over the tray, most often you need to sort out the wood filler, because... it doesn't hold the smell. It is advisable to do this once a day. Clumping clay filler can be sorted out once every 2-3 days. You just need to sift the clumped part with a scoop and add a little new sand, that is, you don’t need to change everything. The silica gel filler lasts longer than others, which is changed approximately once every 7 days if there is only one cat, but the whole thing needs to be changed. That is, do not sort through the waste, but simply pour out the old and add in the new.

Cats usually prefertray with filler

The natural cleanliness of cats makes keeping them at home much easier than keeping dogs: there is no need to walk cats, as they easily get used to doing their natural needs in a designated place. The pet industry has taken this feature of cats into account and today offers a huge selection of products that make life easier for cats and their owners.

If earlier we used boxes with scraps of newspapers or sand from a nearby construction site, now cat owners have the opportunity to choose both a tray and filler, taking into account all their requirements. We are considering the option with a tray without filler, as its only advantage is its low cost. Otherwise, it, firstly, does not take into account the cat’s natural need to bury its “deeds”, and secondly, it requires the owner to clean the litter box after each cat’s trip to the toilet. Otherwise, especially clean individuals may refuse to use the litter box and will demonstrate their love of cleanliness in a way that is unlikely to please their owners.

Which litter is better from a cat's point of view?

It is convenient to step on it with your paw pads;

It is convenient to dig into it;

When you dig for cat litter, it doesn’t generate dust;

It has a natural smell;

It does not cause allergies in the form of cracks on the paw pads;

Nothing bad will happen if you try to swallow it;

Which litter is better from the point of view of a cat owner?

It should hold the smell perfectly;

Cat litter should not be spread throughout the apartment on the cat’s paws;

It should not become dusty when you pour it into the tray;

It should be convenient to clean;

It should not cause poisoning or obstruction if the cat suddenly decides to swallow it;

It must be economical because the filler is " consumables", and you have to buy it constantly.

Basically, the cat's and the owner's ideas about the ideal litter coincide. The only thing is that the cat, naturally, does not care about the price of the litter. But a person does not always remember that the smell of a flavored litter that is pleasant to him is not always pleasant to a cat with its sensitive sense of smell.

In order to determine which litter is best for your cat, we will first find out how different litters differ from each other.

According to the principle of action, all fillers are divided into two types:absorbent And clumping.

They appeared on Russian market relatively recently, but have already gained considerable popularity. Their peculiarity is that, unlike other fillers, it can be disposed of directly into the toilet without fear of clogging the sewer. It absorbs moisture well and also reliably retains the smell inside itself.

If we sum it up and try choose the perfect filler, which the cat would like and satisfy all the requirements of its owner, then we can say that it is most suitable for this role clumping clay filler, For example, Russian litter "Pi-Pi-Bent"

It is most similar to what a cat is used to wearing to go to the toilet in nature

It is easy to clean without completely changing it every three days, just removing lumps and solid waste

When used correctly, it is very economical and lasts a long time

When used correctly, it perfectly neutralizes odor

When used correctly, it does not leave whitish marks on the floor.

It doesn't rub off on your cat's paws and fur as much as wood filler.

He's not sad.

Under correct use We understand the use of filler in full accordance with the manufacturer's requirements. The manufacturer requires you to pour a layer of filler of at least 8 cm, which means you need to pour no less. Usually, all complaints about the quality of the filler arise in cases where the owner decides to save money and pours a thinner layer into the tray. An insufficient amount of filler in the tray causes liquid to accumulate at the bottom without forming lumps, soggy clay sticks to the cat’s paws, which then leaves white marks on the floor, and an unpleasant odor emanates from the tray itself.

When choosing one for your cat, you should not lose sight of its uninterrupted supply. Because no matter how good the litter is, the cat will not be able to appreciate its merits if you cannot buy it.
The site will help you purchase the selected filler.

For cat owners, the toilet issue is perhaps the most pressing problem that is often discussed. The solution to this issue directly determines how comfortable the relationship between the pet and the owner will be.

Buying a tray is not difficult, but choosing the right filler is much more important. Is litter even important, since some cats go to an empty litter box or torn newspapers? We still recommend using the filler for the following reasons:

  • Firstly, the aroma, especially in unsterilized cats, can be very persistent and strong. It instantly spreads throughout the apartment, but it is not at all easy to dissipate. High-quality filler not only absorbs moisture, but also “locks” odors. If the litter box is dirty, the cat can do its business in any other place, for example, behind the sofa. And few owners might like this;
  • Secondly, paper practically does not absorb moisture, so the cat can get its paws wet. This will leave a smelly residue all over your home. If a cat goes into an empty litter box, then exactly the same situation occurs;
  • Thirdly, the filler provides more comfortable conditions using the tray. If the cat is left alone at home for the whole day, it can go to the toilet several times, and the owner will simply change the litter in the evening.

When choosing a filler, be sure to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Good absorbency;
  • Safety for animals and people;
  • No pungent odor (scented fillers are not to the liking of animals);
  • Convenient disposal;
  • No dust that can settle on the animal’s fur;

The filler does not always have to be made from natural materials, synthetic fillers can also be of quite high quality. Let's understand the types of fillers and their strengths and weaknesses.

Wood filler

This type of filler is the most inexpensive and in demand. These fillers are made from sawdust compressed together. When moisture gets into the sawdust, it separates and lumps form. The granules of this filler are of medium size.

In addition, almost all cats are very clean, so they do not go into a foul-smelling litter box. .

Advantages of wood filler:

  • Natural material, completely environmentally friendly and safe;
  • They are ideal even for cats with allergies;
  • Economical consumption. A sufficiently thin layer of sawdust, since when wet, the granules increase in size several times, that is, the packaging will last for a long time;
  • Wood litters are ideal for kittens since they often chew on anything they come across. The kitten will not be poisoned by sawdust;
  • Convenient disposal. This is the only type of filler that can be flushed down the toilet (but a little at a time so that a clog does not form);

Disadvantages of wood filler:

  • Sawdust does not fight odor as well as more expensive products;
  • In very rare cases, a large splinter may come across which can injure the cat;
  • Sawdust has to be changed much more often than other types of fillers because they do not absorb moisture well. The packaging may say that the filler lasts 3-4 days, but this is an advertising ploy; in fact, you will need to change the tray 1-2 times a day;
  • Wet sawdust easily scatters to the sides when a cat buries waste, so it is worth choosing a tray with high sides.

Mineral fillers

This type of filler is made from various grades of bentonite clay or zeolite. This type of filler is convenient option, but it is only suitable for adult cats, since kittens chew the filler, and it is not edible. When wet, hard lumps form that can be pulled out using a special spatula, that is, you do not have to change the entire tray. Sometimes mineral filler is poured together with wood filler. Sawdust is poured downwards, they serve to absorb moisture, and granules are poured on top, they eliminate the odor and prevent the sawdust from flying away.

Choose your Clumping Filler

Advantages of mineral fillers:

  • Absorb a large number of liquids;
  • Easy to use;
  • They do a good job of trapping odors;
  • Environmentally friendly material;
  • The granules do not fly out of the tray as much as sawdust.

Disadvantages of mineral fillers:

  • They are more expensive than wood fillers;
  • Clay fillers produce dust;
  • Not suitable for small kittens;
  • Lumps of clay can get stuck between your cat's toes and pads.

Silica gel filler

Silica gel fillers are the most modern, so they are the most expensive. Probably, it was precisely because of the high price that they did not push other types of fillers out of the market. But if there is not one cat living in the house, but several, then it may be more profitable to use this litter than other types, since its consumption is small. You will need to change the tray once every 1-2 weeks. The filler consists of white crystals to which special odor-blocking substances are added.

Wood filler is an environmentally friendly range of fillers