Is it possible to plant roses in flowerpots? What to do with an indoor rose in a pot after purchase? Plant care after flowering

Charming potted roses are not only a “living bouquet”, but also a beautiful indoor or garden plant. A pot of roses can be kept in the house or on the balcony. The best option- growing in a rose garden, flower garden, rock garden or front garden.

I started growing potted roses on my property after I had trouble with thorny bushes garden roses: I had to pull a lot of needles out of my hands and sew up some torn trousers. I relax with potted roses. I am not afraid of their needles, care for flowering bushes is minimal, and their beauty is indescribable. Winter hardiness is high, there are few pests and diseases. Transferring a flowering bush from a pot to a rose garden, which can be bought inexpensively at any hypermarket, is not at all difficult.

What kind of potted roses are on sale?

There are many potted roses. The label rarely lists a specific variety. More often it is Cordana rose mix (abundant flowering and sustainability), Turbo(beautiful large flowers) and Palace(strong and winter-hardy roses). Potted rose bushes transplanted into a plot often become taller, as they may include a rose floribunda, hybrid tea roses and others treated with retardants (substances that inhibit the elongation of shoots, thickening them).

When we buy a rose bush in a pot for ourselves or as a gift, we look at the general condition of the plant, the shape and color of the flowers. As a rule, these plants are several months old from the moment of rooting. Usually, several bushes are crowded into each pot at once. This explains the splendor of “living bouquets”. Occasionally it happens that mini-roses of different varieties end up in the same pot.

Miniature roses, or mini roses, bloom profusely and for a long time, and have graceful foliage. The colors and shapes of flowers are varied, so it is difficult for the buyer to make a choice. How not to buy a bush with greenish flowers? Or prefer yellow, purple, pink or scarlet?

And how beautiful white roses are! I recently bought a “living bouquet” with delicate cream-colored flowers as a gift.

The height of the bushes of inexpensive potted roses, which are almost always on sale, is from 15 to 35 cm. The most expensive roses in pots are larger, about 40 - 45 cm high. They are also sold in supermarkets among indoor plants.

Why on the site and not at home?

Potted roses Houses Badly. They suffer from pests (spider mites), dry air and other problems. It is difficult for an amateur gardener to choose the appropriate watering regime, ensure the difference between night and day air temperatures, not overdose fertilizers, etc. An exhausted potted rose loses its dried leaves and then dies. Only a few amateur gardeners successfully grow this garden plant in their rooms.

Compromise option— planting a potted rose in a container, which for the winter is transferred to the basement, to an insulated loggia, or placed on a windowsill. This is also a troublesome task.

A potted rose feels completely different when transplanted V open ground plot. It comes to life, withstands heat and drought, and blooms for a long time even in cool, rainy summers.

I I'm passing through the whole bush from the pot, without dividing it into parts, so as not to destroy the recently rooted cuttings. They (thanks to accelerated technologies) have already begun to bloom. The rose will develop a good root system over time. And the pruning shears will relieve it from thickening and remove weak shoots.

Transplanting potted roses in the fall often leads to the death of the plant. It is safer to keep a rose purchased at this time on the windowsill for a while without removing the transparent packaging for a week. Moisten the soil only through the tray. You can carefully (without damaging the roots) transfer the bush into a larger pot, adding fresh soil. You will have to care for the rose as a rather complex indoor plant. Treat for spider mites, shorten the shoots, and after a while put them up for the winter in appropriate place without allowing the soil to dry out. Experienced lovers of indoor roses claim that they need to be watered almost hot water through a sieve with a watering can or shower.

In May, the potted rose can already be transplanted into the flower garden. During temporary cold weather, it is better to cover it with light lutrasil. Helps cope with stress phytohormones, For example, Epin. I wrote about some of the features of its use in the article “Mottling of leaves, drying out of branches and other diseases of edible honeysuckle.”

Wintering miniature roses

The winter hardiness of potted roses depends not only on the variety, but also on the region from which the plant is supplied. My roses that arrived from Spain could not overwinter. German ones have been wintering well “outside” for several years now. There are also domestic roses on sale in pots, which are quite hardy.

Before winter, you need to put the bushes in order, add compost to the base and cover them on top. There is another option: in dry weather, cover the rose with several layers of lutrasil and a large plastic flower pot with drainage holes. Place a brick on it or flat stone so as not to be blown away by the wind. I postpone the main pruning to spring.

You can also do this: shorten potted roses transplanted to the site in the fall and almost completely cover them with soil (in dry weather). Place a corner of the board on top (leave a gap for ventilation) or cover with spruce branches. In such conditions, the plant overwinters well. The main problem is not freezing, but damping off of the bush.

We rarely know what variety a potted rose purchased or received as a gift is. If possible, you need to choose winter-hardy varieties. For example, " Baby Masquerade"(reminiscent of "Gloria Day"), " Yellow Doll"(with flowers large for mini-roses), " Magic Carrousel Min"(with double fragrant flowers), " Carmen"(with scarlet flowers) and " Green Ice Min"(disease resistant). Less cold-resistant variety " Daniela" (very beautiful) in winter time needs to be reliably insulated.

I know the characteristics of my roses well. Last year I sent one of them with flowers to spend the winter. The pruning was carried out in the spring, removing blackened parts of the shoots, thin branches, etc. Now (the middle of the second decade of June) the overgrown bush is covered with buds.

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The home queen of flowers rightfully occupies one of the leading positions in indoor floriculture: a unique aroma, bright flowers Various colors against a background of lacy foliage give an authentic charm to this plant.

Miniature roses are considered capricious plants: It may seem to inexperienced gardeners that indoor roses make truly royal demands when growing them at home.

However, not everything is so sad - it’s just that caring for them is somewhat different from the agricultural technology of garden roses.

Subject to certain rules roses in pots will delight you with their flowering and fragrance.

Indoor rose: types and varieties suitable for growing at home

In residential premises, roses are planted as potted crops. miniature(varieties Hi – Ho, Lavender Jewel, Amulett, Apricot, Sunblaze, Green Ice, Mandarin, Stars’n’Stripes, Spice Drop);

Hybrid tea(Apricot Silk, Gloria Dei, Peer Gynt, Prima Ballerina, Pascali, Nostalgie, Monika, Deep Secret);


Bengal(Ophelia, Pink Grotendors);

Ground cover(The Fairy, Alba, Meillandecor, Magic).

For tub growing can be used Polyanthaceae roses (Angel wings, Gloria Mundi, Betty Prior) and floribunda(Tchaikovski, Edelweiss, Pomponella, Happy Child, Cream Abundance).

If you plan to cultivate indoors dwarf varieties garden roses, then you need to take your own rooted bushes: plants grafted onto rose hips will not grow at home.

Indoor rose: care at home - propagation, transplantation


Indoor roses are propagated vegetatively. To do this, you can use the branches remaining after pruning. They are cut into pieces about 15 cm long with 3-4 buds. Root the cuttings in water or in a peat-sand mixture. An activated carbon tablet is added to the water. You can soak the cuttings in a solution of Kornevin or Heteroauxin. An infusion of willow branches can be used as a natural root formation stimulator. To do this, yellow or green shoots are cut into small pieces 5-6 cm long and filled with hot water. The infusion will be ready in a day. Roots appear in 2-3 weeks. After this, the seedlings are planted in separate pots.

Rooting cuttings of indoor roses in water

When rooting cuttings in the substrate, they are covered with jars or placed in a greenhouse. The appearance of new leaves is a signal of the appearance of roots. Accustom young plants to room conditions should be done gradually.


Replanting indoor roses in early spring or at the end of August. Store bought potted rose Before the transplant, you must first give time to adapt to the new living conditions. Two to three weeks will be enough for this. After the end of the adaptation period, the plant can be transplanted into new pot. Its dimensions should not be much larger than the parameters of the previous vessel: 5 cm in height and 2-3 cm in diameter. Too much large capacity will contribute to acidification of the soil and rotting of the root system. If another plant previously grew in this vessel, then it must be disinfected. Water the rose bush in the transport pot to make it easier to remove and not damage the roots.

A layer of drainage is poured at the bottom of the pot, and a small layer of fresh soil is placed on top of it.

After transshipment, the plant is kept in partial shade, the soil is moistened moderately. After a couple of days you can move the plant to permanent place.

Root or foliar feeding roses begin a month after transplantation.

Roses in pots: care at home - soil, lighting, temperature and humidity

Air temperature and humidity

In residential areas, the air is usually dry, so indoor roses during the growing season should be sprayed twice a day with settled water. To increase the humidity in the rose crown area, place it in a tray with wet fractional filler (the bottom of the pot should not come into contact with water). If the weather is cloudy, then you don’t have to spray. With the beginning of the period of active growth (from February), the temperature in the room where the home rose grows is gradually increased from +14ºС to +25ºС. In summer, you can place the rose pot outdoors. During the dormant period (October-February) the rose is kept at +5-8ºС.

The soil

For a home rose you need a loose fertile soil. You can make it yourself by mixing equal parts of humus, garden or turf soil, sand, and peat. In stores you can buy a ready-made substrate for roses (Sad of Miracles soil line, Hera, Agricola, Biopit, Ponon).


Indoor roses are light-loving. The best for their location will be south-eastern and south-western window sills. On southern windows in the summer with intense sunlight, flowering will occur at an accelerated rate, and the plant quickly loses its decorative effect. Therefore, if it is not possible to move the rose pot to a suitable place, then it is better to shade it. With short daylight hours(in the northern regions) additional lighting will not be superfluous. For additional illumination, LED and fluorescent phytolamps with a red-blue spectrum are used (household lamps of this type produce less suitable spectral components of light, so they are less suitable for this purpose).

Additional illumination of plants with phytolamps with a red-blue spectrum

To ensure uniform development of the crown of the rose bush, the pot must be turned a little every day.

Rose: care at home - feeding and watering


Indoor roses are very sensitive to watering regime. The amount and volume of watering depends on the type of roses and the growing season. Roses are watered abundantly in the summer, gradually reducing the amount of watering in the fall and winter. Excess water removed from the pallet.

Important! At any time in the life of an indoor rose, it is not recommended to over-water or over-dry the earthen ball in a pot. You can't water roses cold water.

Top dressing

In the spring and summer, indoor roses are fed every 2 weeks immediately after watering. Best effect for abundant flowering is obtained by alternating organic and mineral fertilizers which are on sale a large number of(for example, series Joy, Pokon, Bona forte, Agricola, Realsil, Garden of Miracles, Fertika, etc.). From the end of summer, the amount of fertilizing is reduced, because The rose is preparing for a period of rest.


Indoor roses are pruned in September, when they begin to prepare them for “rest.” 5 buds are left on the shoots, the rest is cut off. The leaves are left. Weak, dried and thin branches are cut out from the bush. If pruning is not carried out, the shoots become longer and the duration and quality of flowering decreases.

Rose pruning

Rest period

To bookmark flower buds For the next season, the indoor rose needs a rest period. To do this, after the plants have flowered at the end of summer, stop feeding and reduce the amount of watering. The pot with the rose is placed in a cool room (+4-6ºС). If this is not possible, then the plant is kept on the windowsill at a temperature of +10-14ºС. In February, to “awaken” the roses, they begin to gradually increase watering and move the plant to a warmer place (+15-18ºС).

The main problems when caring for home roses

The most common problem when growing indoor roses is spider mites . They breed “violent activity” on plants weakened by improper care. The rose leaves become dull, and characteristic yellowish dots appear on them in places where ticks have bitten them. The fight against these pests must be systemic, otherwise new generations of insects acquire resistance to the drugs used (Fitoverm, Actellik, Vermitek), and it becomes even more difficult to remove them. Ticks multiply intensively at elevated temperatures and low air humidity. Therefore, for prevention, rose bushes must be frequently sprayed with settled water and arranged warm shower.

Another frequent “guests” of roses are whitefly And aphid. To destroy them, insecticides are used (Fitoverm, Aktara).

If the watering regime is incorrect, roses are affected by fungal diseases. Powdery mildew progresses in cold and damp stagnant air. A whitish powdery coating appears on the leaves, they dry out and fall off. In this case, the plant must be treated with a solution of fungicide, colloidal sulfur or copper sulfate, and remove the affected parts.

Signs of another fungal disease roses - rust - is the appearance of reddish-brown spots on the leaves of the rose. Sick bushes develop poorly. They are treated with copper oxychloride, iron sulfate or Bordeaux mixture silt with other fungicides.

If brown, almost black, merging spots form on the leaves of an indoor rose, this indicates damage to the rose black spot (marsonine).

Indoor rose leaves affected by black spot

This disease occurs when there is a lack of nutrients in the soil and it is waterlogged. At the same time, the rose leaves dry out and fall off, the plant weakens and stops growing and blooming. To combat spotting, damaged parts of the bush are removed, the plant is sprayed with copper-containing preparations, and watering is reduced.

Often flower growers are faced with the fact that indoor roses' leaves turn yellow and fall off. This may be by the following reasons:



Natural aging;

Nutrient deficiency, especially during flowering, which depletes the plant. Thus, a lack of potassium causes yellow spots on the leaf blade. Yellowness between the green veins (chlorosis) occurs due to a lack of iron. In this case, the rose will be “brought back to life” by spraying with iron chelate. If there is not enough nitrogen, the leaves first turn pale, then turn yellow and fall off;

Excess fertilizer;


A sharp change in the microclimate of the room (for example, when a purchased plant was carried home from a store or apartment moving). During the period of adaptation to the new place of residence, roses must be organized for her. optimal conditions content;

Low humidity air;

Overdrying or waterlogging of the soil;

Too bright solar lighting.

Another common undesirable phenomenon in the behavior of indoor roses is scanty or complete absence of flowering and dropping buds. This happens for the following reasons:


Untimely pruning or complete absence of pruning;

Dry indoor air;

Errors in irrigation regime: use of cold water, overdrying of the substrate or excessive moisture;

Insufficient lighting;

Premature replanting: during budding or flowering, the rose cannot be replanted; it is better to do this after flowering;

Lack of lighting;

Lack of fertilizing or incorrect dosage;

Insufficient humidity and air temperature in the room;

No rest period.

Receiving fragrant noble flowers as a gift, we involuntarily catch ourselves thinking “I wish I could preserve this beauty for a long time.” for a long time“But it’s possible, you just need to know how to grow a rose. Since ancient times, rose bouquets have amazed us with their aroma and delicate beauty, but sooner or later the cut plants “die”, and we regretfully throw the withered, short-lived beauty into the trash. And it’s completely in vain, because any rose can be grown even at home.

In order to start breeding flowers, you do not have to be a breeder. You can turn to the experience of other people on the Internet and, with the help of video lessons, master one of simple techniques at home in spring or autumn, or at the dacha in a greenhouse.

How to grow

There are several options for growing roses:

  • cuttings in water and soil;
  • cuttings in potatoes;
  • removal from seeds in the ground;
  • in the greenhouse.

To understand which method is the most interesting, or simple and effective, we will consider each method in detail and learn how to properly grow these noble flowers at home or in a greenhouse.

How to grow a rose from cuttings

This method is considered the most effective and efficient for any variety of roses; varieties whose ancestors were rose hips take root especially well at home. This is originally wild plant, a fallen branch of which instantly sprouted even on not the most fertile soil. That is why its descendants take root at home by cuttings from a bouquet much faster, in contrast to artificially selected species.

Which roses should not be rooted at home:

  • European teas;
  • hybrids from South America;
  • Dutch long-stemmed.

These are capricious and complex flowers that require the use of special skills - budding. Here you need to be able to implant buds into growing rosehip branches, taking into account seasonal characteristics. In addition, they are characterized by particularly long transportation times; to preserve life and freshness, the plants are treated with special preparations, which minimizes the likelihood of successful removal from a bouquet by cuttings. And the probability of growing such a rose from a cutting, not just at home, but even according to all the rules in a greenhouse, comes down to 10%, not even the most competent and detailed video, a plantation and an appropriate climate will be required.


Preparation must begin correctly from the moment the rose falls into your hands and into the vase. If you have ever grown them yourself or want to take them from a friend’s garden, it is best to do this in the fall. If we want to give life to a flower from a bouquet at home, the season does not matter, you can root at any time of the year. However, experienced plant breeders say that nature tells us through its entire existence that all plants germinate best in the spring.


  1. Select several roses from the bouquet, cut off the buds, remove the thorns and completely immerse the stems in water for a day.
  2. Using a sharp knife or scissors, cut the stem diagonally at an angle, which will prevent air from entering the cut. But everything is not so simple - you need to cut in in the right places. The cutting must be at least 10 cm long and have at least one bud; ideally, the lower cut should be made in the middle between the nodes, and the upper one immediately above the bud should not be longer than 1 cm and sprinkle it with crushed activated carbon. The bottom of the cutting is cut crosswise with a knife no deeper than 8 mm. The lower cut is treated with a root growth stimulator; they can be bought at any gardening store.
  3. Place in a vase with water and cover plastic bag, many gardeners add a couple of drops of honey there, since it is a good biostimulant or their chemical variants. We don’t change the water, we just let it sit and add it to the vase as it evaporates. There is another option - you can place the cutting directly into the soil, the main thing is not to forget to water it regularly so that the soil always remains moist.
  4. When roots appear in the water, we plant them in a pot; with the option of rooting immediately in the ground, we simply wait for the result.
  5. Advice! Before placing the cuttings in the soil, you should first make drainage in the pot - pour special pebbles. In order for the stem to grow quickly and correctly, you should even build a mini-greenhouse in a pot at home - a kind of greenhouse on a wire frame, covered with polyethylene. How to arrange it can be found in the video on the Internet.

    How to grow a rose from seeds

    Most often we receive seeds from China. It would seem that this is such a distant country, could a miracle really happen and the wrinkled grains turn into beautiful plants? And this magic happens, the main thing is to follow the sequence correctly, the procedure is described very well and simply in video tutorials for beginners.

    What to do:

    1. Preparing the seeds for planting. We construct a backing made of gauze, fabric or cotton pads so that this layer can retain moisture.
    2. Add a little hydrogen peroxide.
    3. Place the seeds.
    4. Cover with another layer identical to the substrate.
    5. We put it all in a container, wrap it loosely in plastic and place it in a cool, dark place.
    6. We wait until everything germinates, constantly maintaining humidity.
    7. The sprouted seeds are planted in the soil or peat tablets, which can be purchased at any specialty store.
    8. It remains to maintain a normal level of lighting and temperature plus 18-20 degrees.
    9. The first buds should not be grown in the hope of a bouquet, they should be cut off, this will ensure good development roots
    10. The plant can then be grown at home or in a greenhouse.
    11. It takes much longer to grow a rose from seeds than from a cut cutting in a bouquet, however, some rare varieties can only be grown in this way.

      How to grow a rose from a cut flower in a potato

      This simple method is almost a hundred years old; it is suitable specifically for the home; for an industrial greenhouse it would take too much time and energy consumption. It can be grown either from bushes from the dacha in the fall, or from a cut bouquet at any time of the year. There are many videos with detailed visual instructions to help beginning gardeners.

      What you will need:

  • medium sized pots;
  • potato tubers;
  • bouquet of roses;
  • large jar;
  • drainage pebbles;
  • a little sand;
  • soil for flowers (any);
  • flora restorer.


  1. We form a pot - put pebbles on the bottom for drainage, a 3-5 cm layer of sand, and fill in some of the soil.

    Advice: if you used non-purchased soil, you need to add phytosporin to it to restore the microflora.

  2. We prepare the cuttings as described in the section on cuttings and stick the lower sharp cut into the potato tubers.
  3. We place the potatoes along with the cuttings in prepared pots and sprinkle them with earth (drop them in).
  4. We place it in places with good lighting.
  5. Many gardeners advise using an ordinary jar as a greenhouse, others argue that potatoes themselves are capable of supporting the life of a rose stem in in the right condition without greenhouse effect. Roses grow either way, you can try both options.
  6. When the stems strengthen and grow, they are planted in pots in the usual manner.
  7. It is no secret that many gardeners grow roses for business and therefore are reluctant to share their secrets, considering everyone to be potential competitors. However, some summer residents who have greenhouses learn the same points from their own experience and willingly share with each other.

    A few shared secrets

    1. When growing roses in winter, when there is a lack of natural light, it is worth organizing artificial lighting, and these are best suited for this. fluorescent lamps. If there is not enough light in greenhouses, it is better to use sodium varieties with a power no higher than 650W.
    2. It is better to replant roses closer to autumn, so that they have time to take root by winter, or in spring, so that they can take root by summer.
    3. Need to watch closely appearance plants and at the slightest appearance of spots and darkening, figure out what the reason is and take action. In the early stages, any diseases of the shoots can be cured.
    4. If you use a jar as a greenhouse, you need to periodically lift it and allow the seedlings to “breathe”.
    5. When transplanting rooted stems from greenhouse conditions into pots, this should be done gradually, increasing the time they remain without a greenhouse. It is not recommended to immediately remove the jar or plastic, this is stressful for the rose.
    6. Not only polyethylene or cans can be used as a greenhouse; cut plastic bottles are great.
    7. For homemade roses, you should not save and take soil from parks, vegetable gardens, etc. It is better to buy a special one in the store, it is lighter in structure and has the necessary nutrients and does not contain pathogens.
    8. Understanding how to grow a rose from a cut flower or seeds is not a difficult task, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions. It is much more important to properly care for it for months during the growth process, avoiding temperature changes and drying out of the soil. Gardeners also recommend regularly spraying the cuttings from above. With strict compliance with all necessary conditions and recommendations, after a long period of continuous care for the fragile plant, the beautiful rose will reveal herself to the world and her owners. Under sensitive care, a home rose is capable of long years beyond the seasons to satisfy aesthetic needs, bring freshness and give a feeling of comfort.

Rose - luxury flower, the queen among all the many varieties and species of plants, and enjoys special love and well-deserved popularity. If you want to always enjoy a beautiful view, then get indoor roses at home. This is a wonderful home decoration, because flowers delight us with their magnificent appearance and pleasant freshness. It is worth noting that this type of plant is considered delicate and demanding, so information on how to care for roses in a pot from a store at home will not be superfluous. In this article we will share with you how to feed roses in an apartment, how to care for a decorative tea rose in a pot, bush and potted roses.

Types of home roses in pots

To begin with, it is worth defining existing varieties plants. Most often, low-growing species are found on sale, which we will consider below in more detail.


This flower was bred by crossing two mini roses - Chinese and multifloral. Here short description this type of plant:

  • Rose bushes reach 25-50 cm in height.
  • The bushes are quite dense, but at the same time compact.
  • The flowers have no aroma and are quite small in size. The diameter of roses is 3-5 cm.
  • Most often, the color of the petals is as follows: red, white, lilac, pink.
  • Polyantha roses bloom long time and very plentifully.
  • Flowers can be simple, semi-double or even densely double.

Bengal roses

Another name for this variety of flowers is Indian or Chinese. These are not wild roses; their appearance is most likely due to artificial selection and cultivation. Characteristics of the type:

  • The bush can reach 50 cm in length.
  • Flowers can be single or have 2-3 buds in an inflorescence.
  • Repeated flowering from July is long-lasting.
  • Roses of this species are semi-double and double.
  • The color of the petals is very diverse. The exception is the yellow color, which does not occur.
  • The plant has a weak aroma or no aroma at all.
  • Bengal flowers are heat-loving plants.
  • The leaf blades are small and narrow.


These roses are the most popular among flower lovers. What characterizes this type of plant? Features of miniature flowers:

  • Flowers and leaves are small in size.
  • Wide range of colors and petal colors.
  • The length of the bush does not exceed 30 cm.
  • The rose blooms for a long time and repeatedly. But there are also varieties that flower once.
  • The shoots have a branched and thin structure.
  • Miniature roses can be planted in pots at home, but can also be used outdoors in open ground.

Important! Another common variety of indoor roses is Patio roses, which in fact belong to a variety of low-growing plants of the floribunda group.

Rules for caring for a plant immediately after purchase

So, you have purchased a houseplant and are immediately thinking about how to care for roses in a pot from the store. Immediately after purchasing a flower, we recommend taking a number of useful actions:

  1. You need to start with a thorough inspection of the bush. First of all, make an assessment of the general condition of the rose and also check it for pests. After this, remove faded and dry leaves, flowers or buds, and branches.
  2. It is advisable to prune the plant. It is best to save 4-5 buds on each shoot.
  3. To protect the rose from pests, treat it with a special preparation. For example, “Fitoverm”.
  4. The fungicide solution will protect the plant from diseases. An example of a drug could be “Profit” or “Previkur”.
  5. In case inside plastic container If the soil is too moist and wet, you need to remove the flower along with a lump of soil. This must be done extremely carefully and carefully. After this, place the plant on a sheet of paper or a piece of fabric so that excess moisture is absorbed into it. Place the flower back into the container.

Where to put the pot?

Having carried out all of the above procedures, you should place the rose in a cool place, where there are no drafts and the plant is not exposed to direct sunlight.

Important! It will take several days for the plant to adapt to the conditions of your home. During this period, you should not touch the rose or replant it.


But, of course, the flower needs to be watered and sprayed in a timely manner. For these purposes, you can use a solution of “Zircon”, which is a growth stimulator. But you can’t use it every day.

After 2-3 weeks, you can start replanting your indoor beauty.

A rose pot is an important attribute

The container in which your rose will grow plays a significant role, since the condition of the flower depends on its suitable size. How to care for roses in a pot from the store, what nuances need to be taken into account when choosing a new container for the flower? Several important aspects can be highlighted:

  • Most often, plant pots are made of plastic or ceramic. Both options are suitable, but the first is cheaper, and the second is more natural and breathable.
  • The pot should have a hole at the bottom and in the tray.
  • Experienced gardeners advise choosing elongated containers.
  • Simple and quick way choose right size The pot is as follows: measure two fingers in width and height from the previous vessel.
  • But the most important requirement is the ratio of the rose’s root system to the size of the pot.

Important! The distance between the earthen lump with the roots of the flower and the walls of the vessel should be 2-3 cm.

  • The best shape for a pot is a truncated cone, open upward. But beautiful and stylish, at first glance, ball-shaped vessels are, in fact, completely unsuccessful and even harmful to plants. This is due to the fact that in the wide part of the pot the soil is very poorly ventilated, as a result the roots can rot.

Important! It may seem that it is better to take a larger pot so that the plant is not crowded and there is a reserve for the future, but you should not do this. An excessively large vessel will negatively affect the rose, as the soil will sour.

Transplanting an indoor rose

So, after the purchase beautiful flower and its adaptation to your home, you can begin replanting the plant. If you don’t yet know how to care for roses in a pot from a store at home, or how to replant a flower, then it’s time to study this process in detail.


First of all, this requires:

  • Substrate. It is best to purchase soil mixture in a specialized store or department. In addition, there you can buy soil intended specifically for a specific type of plant.
  • Drainage. Materials for removing excess water and moisture can be: broken bricks or shards, pebbles, expanded clay, foam plastic.
  • Pot. We described above how to choose it.
  • Sand or small stones 2-4 mm in size.
  • Vermiculite. A mineral that helps protect roots from temperature changes. It also retains useful elements of fertilizers, which it subsequently gradually releases to the flower.
  • Stimulants. The following substances are suitable: succinic acid, “Ribav-extra” and “Zircon”.
  • "Fitosporin". If desired, you can add such a remedy to protect the flower from soil diseases.

Making soil with your own hands

It is not necessary to buy a ready-made earthen mixture. If possible, you can make an excellent substrate yourself. To do this, combine the following ingredients in the following proportions:

  • Turf is one part.
  • Humus is one part.
  • Coarse sand - ½ part.


Now let's move on to the process:

  • We take the flower out of the container and inspect it. If the roots of the rose have filled the entire vessel, and even more so if they have begun to curl, then they must be stirred up.

Important! If this is not done, then undisturbed roots will develop much worse in the future. Almost always from purchased copies root system goes in circles along the bottom of the container.

  • Some gardeners advise washing the roots and removing the substrate in which the flower was located in the store. After this, soak them in a solution of stimulants. Others are of the opinion that such a procedure is unnecessary, and it will be enough to just spray the roots of the plant with these products.
  • If you have several bushes in a pot, we recommend planting them in separate containers, so that later they will not crowd each other.
  • Preparing the substrate. To do this, the soil that you purchased in the store must be mixed with sand and vermiculite. The proportion is as follows: for one liter of soil there is one handful of mineral and two handfuls of sand.
  • We place drainage at the bottom of the pot.
  • We immerse the rose with an earthen lump on the roots into a new vessel and cover it with the prepared substrate.
  • After this, we recommend covering the flower with a bag or jar to create greenhouse conditions. The plant must be kept in this state for at least ten days.

Important! But at the same time, of course, it is necessary to regularly ventilate and spray the rose, removing the cover for a while. You can cover the flower only after the leaves have dried.

  • After ten days, the plant no longer needs to be covered.

Important! Potted roses are subsequently replanted annually.

Important components of caring for an indoor rose

Not everyone knows how to care for roses in a pot from the store, and what factors affect the plant. In order not to lose sight of anything, we will dwell on each aspect of care in more detail.

Plant location

Beautiful and beautiful indoor roses are sun-loving plants. Therefore, the following cardinal directions are optimal for their placement:

  • Southwestern.
  • Southeast.

A window facing the appropriate side will be the best place where it is advisable to place the flower.

Important! Although the plant loves the sun, this does not mean that it can be installed on the south side.

Excessive heat is detrimental to a flower: under its influence, rose buds become smaller, and the same happens to the leaves. In addition, they quickly begin to fade and crumble. One more negative consequence is drying out of the soil and overheating of the root system, and all due to the fact that in hot conditions the pots themselves become very hot.

Important! Overheating is extremely undesirable for indoor roses, so give preference to light-colored vessels. From May to September, wrap the pots with white paper - this will help protect the plant from the scorching sun.

The role of lighting

More from school curriculum in biology everyone knows information about the role sunlight for plants. It is thanks to him that the flower lives, grows and blooms. Therefore, the question arises, how to care for roses in a pot from a store at home in order to provide them with the optimal amount of light? Here's what you need to do:

  • In autumn and spring, provide your rose with an additional source of light.
  • You can lengthen daylight hours with a fluorescent lamp.
  • After sunset the lamp is turned on and left until midnight.
  • Place the source at a distance of 30 cm from the top of the flower.

Important! Proper lighting of a plant can promote its flowering until winter.

Humidity level for indoor roses

For of this flower humidity has great value. The delicate plant must be sprayed regularly and systematically. A spray bottle is best suited for these purposes, with which it is convenient to carry out refreshing procedures every week.

Important! Under the bright sunlight Avoid getting drops of water on the leaves, as this may cause burns on them. That's why best time Evening is considered the time for spraying.

Create conditions optimal humidity This can be done using water containers that need to be placed between flower pots. During the process of evaporation, water will help humidify the air.

Watering flowers correctly

Unfortunately, not everyone has information on how to care for roses in a pot from the store, and simply water the plants from time to time. It seems that this is quite enough, and the main guideline is the drying of the soil. But in fact, irrigation is a very important part of care and has its own characteristics.

Important! Roses have deep system roots, and therefore they need abundant watering.

There are several nuances that are worth considering:

  • Watering is especially important when the plant is flowering.
  • It is best to water the flower near the trunk, while trying not to wet the leaves.
  • If you make a roller of earth around the rose, the water will not spread.
  • Rose roots do not absorb water cold temperature, therefore the water must be heated. Moreover, the temperature for each season is separate. So, in the warm season from May to September, water from 18 to 24 degrees is considered the optimal indicator. The same temperature is recommended for watering during the active flowering period of the rose: from the formation of buds until the end of their flowering. In the cool months from October to April, the water already has a lower temperature regime 16-18 degrees.
  • Do not water the flower with tap water, as it is oversaturated with calcium salts. Besides, tap water hard and chlorinated.

Important! It is best to use filtered water for irrigation or water that has been left standing for at least a day. There is another option for irrigating a rose with high-quality water: freeze it in the refrigerator, and then let it melt and warm up. Melt water serves as an excellent watering for the plant.

In general, there are two most common mistakes when watering indoor roses:

  • Irrigate the plant often, but a little at a time. As a result, only the surface soil is moistened, but the moisture does not reach the root system.
  • Excessive watering. Excessive irrigation, which occurs quite often, will ultimately lead to the death of the flower.

Important! It is optimal to water roses once every 5-7 days. Irrigation should be plentiful to moisten all the soil in the pot.

Top dressing

The next important aspect of how to care for roses in a pot from the store is plant nutrition.

Important! Useful material and microelements improve the general condition of the flower, promote its healthy growth, beautiful view, and also prevent various diseases.

It must be carried out according to the following rules:

  • Feeding for the first time indoor flower should be carried out in the spring, when buds are setting.
  • The procedure can be carried out no earlier than one month after the rose transplant.
  • Sick flowers should not be fertilized.
  • Feeding is carried out regularly in the spring and summer, once every two weeks.

Let us indicate the main fertilizers and their effect on flowers:

  • Phosphorus. It has a beneficial effect on the growth of roots and shoots and can accelerate the onset of rose flowering.
  • Nitrogen. Positively affects the growth of stems and leaves indoor plant, and also increases its mass.
  • Potassium. Plays a special role in the formation of good buds and flowers, and also increases the plant’s resistance to disease and drying out.
  • Bor. This fertilizer affects the leaves, or rather their proper growth.
  • Calcium. Protects shoots from withering due to harmful viruses.
  • Magnesium, manganese, and iron are needed by the plant to maintain the rich green color of the leaves of the bush. In addition, fertilizers prevent leaves from falling off prematurely.

Plant pruning

How to care for roses in a pot from a store at home so that the bush has a beautiful and lush shape, while being as full of beautiful flowers as possible? This result cannot be achieved if the plant is not pruned.

Important! Optimal time pruning is considered early spring, because it is advisable to carry out the procedure before the active growth of indoor roses begins.

The procedure includes the following steps:

  • First of all, the flower is removed from underdeveloped and weak stems, as well as intertwined branches.
  • Leave about five strong and strong shoots on the bush. Their length should be average.
  • Excessively long shoots must be shortened. But make sure that there are still living buds on them; six pieces will be enough.
  • For long, but slightly undeveloped shoots, five living buds will be enough.
  • It is best to remove very weak shoots. Well, if this is not possible, then leave no more than three buds.

As a result, your indoor rose is rejuvenated, timely pruning accelerates the awakening of the buds, and young shoots are stimulated to grow. In addition, only young shoots form buds.

Flowering and winter care

How to care for roses in a pot from the store so that they bloom in winter? To do this, you need to follow these rules and recommendations:

  • Starting from the middle of the autumn season, it is necessary to create conditions for the plants under which the temperature will be 5-8 degrees.

Important! Place pots of flowers on the veranda, balcony or between window frames.

  • Another nuance is the limitation of feeding and watering roses.

Miniature blooming roses in pots today occupy one of the most honorable places in home gardening. Many gardeners buy and grow these graceful plants, despite their capriciousness, because beautiful rose in a pot is not only an exquisite design element, but also the pride of every housewife. IN comfortable conditions it can bloom almost all year round, but for this the flower must be provided proper care. How to care for homemade rose and what conditions of detention does she need? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

In pot culture, as a rule, low-growing plants or plants are grown, represented by several varietal groups:

  • Bengal roses. IN wildlife are not found, so there is an assumption that they are bred artificially specifically for home grown. Roses were brought to European countries back in the 18th century. The bushes are low-growing (up to 50 cm), the leaves are small and narrow, the buds are double, different color palette except for shades. Blooms for a long time - from spring until the New Year. The plants do not need rest and do not shed their leaves in the winter.
  • Miniature Chinese. This is a dwarf form of the same Bengal roses, very different small flowers(1–2 cm in diameter). They were brought to Europe early XIX century. The bushes are low (15–25 cm), dense, the leaves are small and openwork, the buds are densely double.
  • Mini flora or Patio. A relatively new group of varieties occupying an intermediate position between Floribunda and miniature roses. Represents multi-flowered low growing plants, blooming profusely almost all year round. It is believed that Patio roses were bred by Irish breeders in the 80s of the last century. Today this is one of the most promising areas in pot culture and landscape design.
  • Polyantha roses. They were obtained by crossing dwarf multi-flowered roses with forms in late XIX century. Their height is only 30–40 cm, the bushes are compact, dense and very decorative. Buds may be different sizes(3–5 cm) and color palette, with the exception of yellow.

Selecting a location

House roses are light-loving, so the best place for them is a windowsill on the south or southwest side of the house. In summer, it is better to take the pots out into the air, and if this is not possible, then the plants need to be shaded from the sun. If this is not done, the leaves and petals may get burned, and flowering will occur at an accelerated rate, which will not have the best effect on the decorativeness of the rose. In addition, about once a week the pot on the window must be rotated, which will ensure uniform development of the crown.

Temperature and lighting

The temperature regime for indoor roses should be as close as possible to natural conditions. In summer, it may suffer from excessive heat, overheating and drying out of the soil, and in winter from drafts and cold. Optimal temperature During the flowering period, it is considered 22–25 °C and this degree should be maintained at home.

Do not place the rose next to indoor heat sources (radiators, air heaters). During the dormant period, it is advisable to reduce the temperature to 10–15 °C, and if possible, move the plant to a cool place. Also in winter, the flower may need additional lighting.

Watering and humidity

Home rose loves wet air, and since indoors it is usually excessively dry, the plant needs to be sprayed periodically. During the active growing season and summer, spraying is carried out with settled water daily. It is necessary to ensure that drops of water do not stagnate in the axils of the leaves. In winter and cloudy weather there is no need to spray the flower. A comfortable microclimate can be provided by a tray or any container with water near the plant.

The frequency of watering depends on the growing season. In winter, when the plant is resting, watering is carried out rarely, only to ensure that the soil does not dry out. In the spring, when the rose wakes up in its pot, it needs to be watered more often. In summer, during flowering, watering is carried out daily or as needed, making sure that the soil is always slightly moist.

Long and abundant flowering takes away a lot of strength from the rose, which needs to be replenished. Since liquid fertilizers are preferred for it, during watering the plant can be fed with a solution of manure, mullein, as well as ready-made complex mixtures. With the simultaneous use of mineral and organic fertilizers We feed the flower alternately once every 2 weeks.


It is difficult for an indoor rose to adapt to a new place, so replanting is carried out only as a last resort, when the flower has grown greatly and is cramped in the same pot. Of course, if you bought a rose in a disposable pot with substrate, then replanting is inevitable. However, there is no need to rush. Before, give it 1-2 weeks to adapt, and if during this time the flower does not wither or weaken, you can safely proceed to replanting. To make the process painless, the bush is moved to a new pot along with a lump of earth.


Formative pruning for a rose in a pot, which is cared for at home, is required. It is carried out after all the buds have faded and the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. This usually happens in October-November, sometimes later. During pruning, you should thin out the bush, remove all faded buds, damaged and weak branches, and shorten healthy ones to 5-6 buds. You can leave the leaves. During the dormant period, there is no need to fertilize or water the flower.

Some roses don't need rest. If your beauty blooms continuously, then pruning can be done in the spring, before the next flowering, since during this period the movement of juices slows down. Now that you know how to care for indoor rose in a pot, there will be no problems with growing the capricious “queen of flowers”.

Video “Care for a home rose”

From this video you will learn how to care for your home flower.