Boats boats yachts drawings how to make. How to build a fiberglass boat

Just recently, homemade plywood boats were at the peak of popularity. There are currently quite a few a large number of various techniques for processing plywood. But since the watercraft in question plans to be small in size, nothing complicated will be needed to create it.

The affordable cost of materials, mobility and simplicity of design are the undeniable advantages of a homemade plywood boat.

Main works

Main required material– plywood. It makes no sense to list all the advantages of plywood sheets. It should just be noted that FSF sheets of different thicknesses (from 5 to 15 mm) are needed for the manufacture of individual parts. This moisture-resistant material will be processed several times during work. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the plywood is of high quality: it does not have cracks, all kinds of knots, and various delaminations. The reliability of your boat or boat, including your safety, depends on this.

To make a boat with your own hands, you need to prepare sheets of high-quality plywood of different thicknesses.

Pro tip: the larger the sheet, the more convenient, faster and easier it is to work with.

Also in the process, in addition to plywood, you will need:

  1. Wood. Necessary for the design of internal struts, sides and seats. The choice should be made on edged planed boards. As a rule, lighter types of wood are suitable for this.
  2. Suture material. Necessary for fastening the cladding parts into one whole. A thin wire, a plastic clamp or a nylon line (thicker) can help with this.
  3. Glue. It is necessary to ensure that the seams have proper tightness. In the age of progressive technologies, everything more masters prefer polymer resins.

This list can be continued, but if we stop at the essentials, then we can supplement it with various varnishes and impregnations that serve to prevent swelling and rotting. To cover the seams you will need fiberglass or its equivalent - fiberglass. And don't forget about beauty. Paint will help you with this.

If we talk about choosing a tool, the list can be considered almost standard:

  • saw for working with wood:
  • jigsaw/jigsaw, set of blades of various sizes;
  • grinding machine;
  • hammer, chisel, pliers, etc.;
  • various brushes: varnishing, impregnating, for painting material (plywood).

It’s difficult to give advice on choosing a model. After all, each master has his own preferences. You can take medium sizes:

  1. The length of the average swimming structure will be 3.5 m.
  2. Width – 1.35 m. This is quite enough for a boat/boat.
  3. Side height – 50 cm.

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Cutting, making parts

All markings are made on plywood sheets, after which the material is cut along it. For this you will need electric jigsaw. Do not attempt to cut plywood with other tools. Otherwise, it will result in poor cut lines and chipped material.

The tailgate and frames are glued to the required thickness and strength.

At the beginning of assembling the boat with your own hands, you need to make calculations, and then mark and cut the plywood with a jigsaw.

If it is still a boat or motor boat, then the transom must be additionally covered with fiberglass and reinforced. A hardwood board will help with this. To increase strength, some connections can be further reinforced with self-tapping screws.

Professional advice: if you still decide to do the design yourself, do not make a mistake with the calculations of the carrying capacity, otherwise later you will only be able to boast of a decorative “vessel”.

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Before assembling the boat, all elements must be processed with a plane, or better yet, with an electric plane. Next, you need to drill holes, which will subsequently help “sew” the body together.

When assembling all the elements of the boat together, you must carefully ensure that the dimensions of the parts match.

A transom needs to be installed. Goats will help with this. After this, you can begin to attach the bottom and sides. They need to be brought together on the nose. Sheathing material and parts made from it are attached in 2 ways. This is either seam material or glue. In this case, you need to join the edges of the plywood with your own hands at a certain angle.

Always ensure that the resulting parts match in size. Because to eliminate the resulting gap you will have to disassemble everything and trim the frames.

Frames are peculiar ribs that give rigidity to the craft. They can be cut from 6 mm thick plywood. You will need 4 of them, which are attached in increments of 80 cm. Another important detail– a fender located along the side line. It can run along both the outer and inner edges of the structure.

If there are clamps available, that's very good. It will be easier to work if you use them at least at the control points, pressing the fender beam. Binders are very useful in this case if you use them between clamps.

The frame is sewn in next. You can experiment and make it not solid, but from small fragments of the remaining plywood, forming a hole in the middle.

If you cover it with a deck, you get a small closed space, which you can conveniently use. For example, storing things there. The deck is also made from leftover plywood. Specific sizes are not indicated, as this is an optional condition.

Fifteen projects of watercraft, rowing boats, motor boats, boats, yachts

Simple flat bottom boats, built from plank, can be found on any river or lake. It never occurs to anyone to inquire about the name of their designer.

This is understandable, because it is the fruit of the creativity of many generations of local craftsmen. Over the years, the simplicity of the design has been perfected, as well as the hull shape that is most appropriate for specific conditions. And as a result - boats in different pools, even if they have a common characteristic feature- flat bottom, differ significantly from each other in the contours of the hull and the method of construction.

Rowing boats

Motor boats

Such boats are widespread in the lower reaches of large rivers flowing into Atlantic Ocean, in the vast shallow bays of the east coast of the United States and Canada. It is not difficult to see the main features of boats of this type, which led to their wide popularity in the past and at the beginning of this century, while outboard motors had not yet replaced the oar and sail.

These boats are distinguished by a moderate ratio of the length of the boat to the minimum width of the bottom. For example, on our boat it is 3.5:1. This means that the boat is light enough under oars and has good stability to sail. The bend of the keel line makes it easier to navigate in shallow water: the boat runs aground with the middle part of the bottom and it is not difficult to turn it around and push it back onto clean water. The high freeboard at the bow, the camber of the sides along the entire length and the sheerness of the side line indicate the possibility of using the boat on the waves.

p.s. When copying materials and photographs, a link to the site is required.

Saratov 2007-2015

Hunting and fishing favorite hobby many men. Sitting with a fishing rod early in the morning in the reeds is a special romance for a fisherman.

Vehicles for fishing, and just for walking, are used in different ways - rubber, aluminum, boats made of PVC and even plywood.

You can buy absolutely any watercraft, if only you had the money, but how can you make a boat with your own hands? We'll tell you in our article.

Plywood boat

A homemade plywood boat is very light, easy to use and much cheaper than in a store.

The most important preparatory point in construction is the boat drawings. Having accurate calculations, in the future you will not have to waste time and effort on remaking and adjusting the product.


We offer you one of the payment options. By transferring the drawings to paper, we will receive life-size templates of all the necessary parts of the boat. Now we can “cut out” our product and cut out the blanks with a jigsaw. Once you have all the cut out parts, you can start gluing.

First of all, we connect load-bearing elements structures, transom (cut of the aft part) and frames (transverse rib of the hull). Then the bottom and sides are attached to the transom, as in the photo of the boat.

To connect all parts, use epoxy resin and fiberglass tape. These materials will not only connect all parts of the structure, but will also create a waterproof seam.

Assembling the boat

Having secured the plywood to the side structures, you can proceed to strengthening the angles between the sides and the bottom. They do this using wooden corners, then move on to sealing the seams.

To obtain suture material, epoxy resin and Aerosil are mixed in equal proportions. Next, the seams are not just lubricated, but filled with this composition.

Once the entire structure has dried, you can attach the seats. If the boat has a motor, we attach the transom and bow cover.

The outer part of the boat also needs processing; it is necessary to glue all the external seams, also using resin and fiberglass tape, and sand the surface after drying. Then prime and paint.

Repairing damage to a PVC inflatable boat

If you already have inflatable boat and you actively use it, then moments of leakage probably often occur due to a puncture or cut in the material of the vehicle. Restoring a PVC boat is not at all difficult; it is easy to do in spartan conditions and even on the water.

Of course, to get a better result, you need to have time and do better repairs in a workshop. When fixing a leak, the glue dries, ideally, for 3 days, although there is nothing to worry about if you use the boat within a day.

If the boat was repaired on the water, upon return it is necessary to redo everything, since a hastily glued patch and without proper technology will not last long.

If a puncture occurs while fishing or hunting, use only the repair kit included with the boat.

Boat overhaul

For overhaul boats you need:

  • Repair kit (included with the boat);
  • Scissors;
  • Roller;
  • Pencil;
  • Solvent promoting degreasing;
  • Brush for adhesive.

Cut out a rounded patch from spare fabric. It should be 4-5 cm larger than the cut.


Straighten the area to be repaired flat surface, clean from dirt and degrease with solvent. Place the patch over the hole and trace with a pencil, coat both surfaces with PVC glue and let dry.

After 15-20 minutes, repeat the procedure and again give time to dry. After 5 minutes, the restoration itself can begin. Touch the surface of the patch with your finger; it should stick slightly.

Then, to activate the adhesive surface, you need to heat the patch itself and the puncture site; a hairdryer is ideal for this, just act quickly so that the glue does not dry out.

Now you can apply the surfaces to each other with the adhesive side, and carefully expel all the air, iron the patch with a roller. Then leave it to dry for at least one day.

In conclusion of our article, we can say that it is not necessary to spend a lot on buying or repairing a boat. With some effort, you can enjoy what you love.


DIY boat photo


Many residents of modern megacities try to be closer to nature. And some of the most fascinating places are the banks of rivers, lakes, and seas. But the most romantic, of course, is an evening spent with your significant other, slowly sailing past picturesque landscapes.

However, the question arises: where to get vehicle to spend the evening in comfort and silence, alone with each other. Buying your own boat can put a strain on your budget. Therefore, if you want to save money, read this article about how to make a boat with your own hands.

First, think everything through: prepare detailed drawing plywood boats with all the features. Pay special attention to details, proportions, calculations - everything should fit together well. Otherwise, all sorts of breakdowns are inevitable.

Photographs of boats (including those made by yourself) often show damaged models, most often due to errors in calculations.


Now start preparing your materials. Choose the best quality possible. Inspect each board very carefully and try to avoid any with cracks or other visible defects.

Describe each of them at an angle of 45 ° - this will be the bow of the future product. Press the parts of the structure as tightly as possible to each other so that there are no cracks or gaps. Soak in several layers of antiseptic.


The base for the nose must be made from a triangular block. It should be about one and a half times wider than the sides of the boat. It also needs to be covered with an antiseptic layer. This will help protect the boat from all kinds of pests and extend its service life.


Make it from very wide boards. Be sure to leave some extra space at the bottom and top.


Now that the base is ready, you should start final assembly designs. Particular attention must be paid to the correct shape of the boat. To do this, first install the spacer and bend the sides on the sides. For this you may need a rope and a couple of helpers.

So, now the most time-consuming part is adjusting to right size and shape. This can take a long time. But, little by little, you will achieve the desired result. Now it’s time to secure the sides and cut off the excess.


Now only finishing touches- seats and external finishing. During work, it is worth making holes in the boards in advance. This will help prevent cracks from appearing in the future.

Exterior finishing

The finishing touches will be covering the homemade boat with an antiseptic coating and paint.


In addition, it will be very useful to make an anchor for the boat. He will help you keep your homemade boat in place even with strong wind. This can be very useful if you like to go fishing.

Anchor cat

One of best models for a homemade watercraft is a grapple anchor. It's quite different high level reliability. To strengthen the structure and reduce the risk of damage, secure the device to the stem.

For fastening, you can use cotter pins made of copper plates. The paws are attached using a hinge mechanism, which increases the efficiency of their use.

In addition, for more convenient transportation, you will need to make wheels for the PVC boat with your own hands. It's not very difficult.


Many people probably have a lot of unnecessary materials in their garage that are ideal as material for making wheels. You can make them from several pipes and fasten them with metal fasteners. Or you can use a ready-made design.


For the boats you made the best option will hold renovation work on one's own. You should first inspect the boat, find the cause (hole, etc.) and be sure to correct the existing defect.

You can repair the hole with pieces of boards, after degreasing the surface and gluing a new piece of wood. If the problem is more serious, then it would be best to contact a specialist who can carry out professional repair work.

Thus, now you know how to make a boat yourself and repair it at home.

DIY boat photo

Dozens of companies and shipyards around the world annually produce a huge amount of different models ships for every taste. Anyone can buy a boat of any purpose and size. Anyone who is willing to pay from several hundred thousand to several million dollars will receive it wrapped in cellophane at their home address. But what about all of us, the rest of us, will we spend our whole lives saving money for our dreams, and lustfully gaze at the snow-white beauties while standing on the shore? Nothing like this! Building a large cruise boat yourself is not at all difficult. It only took me five months to make the first one. And I built it not at a specialized enterprise with a team of workers, but at my dacha, together with my son. The next three boats, which I made to order, solely for the purpose of making a profit, took no more than three months at all

You will laugh, but I do not have a special education as a shipbuilder. At one time I graduated from the Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute. And besides kayaks and inflatable catamarans I did not collect any ships. Of course, after that, it took me many years to read a whole mountain of books on shipbuilding. I independently studied the theory of building boats and yachts. And having passed the exams for a skipper certificate, he regularly practiced as a captain on cruising sailing yachts in many seas around the world. But I didn’t have my own ship. I took it and built it. Of course, in the beginning, I made a lot of mistakes. Selection using the random method the right technologies and materials did not save my time and money at all. But all the boats I have built successfully navigate the inland waters. Russian waters this is not the first navigation, is this the true viability of the proposed technology?

Taking care of the invaluable time of my dear reader, I allowed myself to throw out all the unnecessary information from the smart books I studied about shipbuilding. On these pages I have left only the information that, in my opinion, is necessary and sufficient for self-built CRUISE BOAT. I will also keep with me all my “bumps” that I got from using the wrong technologies and materials. Everything I write about has been tested by time and water.

Together with you, we will go step by step from choosing and justifying the type of vessel, depending on your preferences, through all stages of construction, to obtaining the necessary registration documents and launching your boat.

You are not required to have mastery of metalworking or carpentry tools. You need ordinary male skills that you acquired at school, at home or at work. Of course, you will need some tools, but only those that are widely used at the household level.

I would like to apologize in advance to those of my readers who are accustomed to doing everything with their own hands for unnecessary details in the description of certain technological operations when building a boat. Masters, of course, can skip through what they consider boring chapters. My book is intended, first of all, for those who have never built a vessel larger than a kayak with their own hands.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the technology I developed and the construction of ships, I have never encountered similar designs anywhere in the world. But, at the same time, I don’t think that this technology has any value other than that it allows anyone to make a boat for themselves or to sell, while saving most of their money and spending very little of their time. Moreover, I don’t even insist on strict compliance with all my instructions. I think that many will be able to improve my version, I will sincerely be happy about it! So, friends, good luck!

2. Where to start?

First of all, make sure that you have a “CERTIFICATE to operate a small boat”. If you have not yet acquired such a document, then urgently go to your regional GIMS and sign up for courses, because you will build your boat faster than you will receive the documents and knowledge to sail on it. And I'm not kidding.

The next step should be choosing a place for construction.

If you have or can rent warm room With high ceilings, which is at least two meters wider and longer than the future boat - this is great. It's not scary if it is located far from the water. The boat is up to three meters wide and can be transported along the country’s roads in special vehicles. And if the width of the boat does not exceed two and a half meters, then you can easily transport it on the roads yourself, trailering it to your own jeep, without obtaining additional permits. True, for this you will still have to make a trailer, but more on that later.

If there is no heated room, a cold one will also work, only then some types of work will have to be carried out in the warm months.

You can make a temporary rain shelter for construction and, at worst, get by with a large piece of greenhouse film and several pieces of cheap construction plywood, which you will use to cover the boat every time after work.

When the construction site is certain, you can prepare the main TOOLS.

You will need:

Manual cutting machine (grinder) for cutting wheels 230 mm.,

Portable welding machine is better direct current(currently there are inexpensive conversion welders, they are very convenient for our work),

Not a big circular saw,


Electric drill,
- screwdriver,

Roulette, square, level,

Heavy hammer

Brushes and spatulas,

If you are going to work in an unprotected area, then all the tools necessary for construction can easily fit in the trunk of your car.

All that remains is to prepare your free time.

If your main job is physically difficult, you give it your all five days a week and also spend several hours every day on the way home, then you should think about the feasibility of building a boat on your own. On your days off, it’s better to relax, rather than make up your own mind. new job. And the construction, in this condition, can take several years.

It is better if you do your main work on a rotational basis or on a flexible schedule. It’s also good if your job is sedentary, then a change of activity will only bring you joy. It’s great if, like me, you own a small company and basically only need a mobile phone for work.

How many hours a day is best to spend on construction is an individual matter for everyone. Personally, I try to work until I get bored, but no more than eight hours, leaving myself a couple of days off a week.

The preparation is complete, it's time to get down to business!

This text was written by me more than 15 years ago.

Unfortunately, this is all that I was able to “give birth” to in the epistolary genre.

I never wrote a book on how to build a boat myself because orders began to arrive for my ships. First from friends and acquaintances, and later from everywhere. A team of like-minded people came together and we began to build boats, catamarans, and floating cottages in series.

Today our vessels are produced on an industrial basis under the Houseboat brand.

If you want to connect more closely with the river or sea, contact us. And we will build the optimal vessel that meets only your needs and wallet.

We can build a yacht, boat, catamaran or floating house on a turnkey basis, or just a blank hull, to save your money and further independently refine the vessel.

In any case, you will receive from us a package of certified documents for registering your vessel with GIMS.

But for those who still want to build a boat themselves, we have developed a special construction technology that you can read about.