Beautiful large garden how to care for. Light garden with unpretentious plants

This dry garden if you live in the desert or steppe, coastal garden if your site is located in a wetland; forest corner if your garden is in a wooded area; abandoned wild garden, if you got exactly this one, rockery, if your terrain is rocky or the site is located on a slope, moorland, if the site is a wasteland. It is clear that using existing resources and conditions, working “together with nature, and not contrary to it,” is much simpler and more logical than fighting windmills, trying to change the existing natural landscape. But you will have to “fight” constantly.

Unpretentious plants in the right places

Grow in a practical, easy-to-care garden unpretentious native or well-zoned plants. The unpretentiousness of a plant is primarily determined by its sufficient drought and cold resistance for your area. Such a plant does not require watering even in hot summers and the construction of special labor-intensive winter shelters.

The category of practical and unpretentious plants also includes local aromatic and medicinal plants, naturalized bulbous(daffodils, crocuses, snowdrops, cold-resistant cyclamens, scillas, colchicums, hazel grouse, crocosmia and others, depending on your region). To naturalize these plants in your garden, plant the bulbs in a suitable location and simply leave them alone. The plants will begin to live their usual seasonal life in your garden.

Avoid plants and garden design elements that, on the contrary, will require constant attention and care. These include plants in hanging baskets and small containers, formal flower beds and hedges, topiary, and lawns. Instead of the latter, sow the lawn with thyme, chamomile or clover; in the shade, use moss instead of grass; Place gravel, tiles, or boardwalk next to the house.

Lush greenery or structure and order

The choice of vigorously growing or, conversely, slowly growing perennials depends on whether you want lush natural greenery on the borders or, on the contrary, consistency and order. The same applies to annuals and biennials that actively reproduce by self-sowing. I like poppies sleeping pills and self-seeding, so I leave the most beautiful specimens(usually black), and then I scatter the seeds from a mature capsule over the flower bed. I do the same with the forget-me-nots in the back "natural" part of my garden. If you find it difficult to control self-seeding, it is better not to have such plants at all, because they spread throughout the garden like weeds.

To quickly cover large areas of your garden with greenery, use ground cover flowers and plants.

Plants that are beautiful all year round

Good for garden easy care plants that look good not just one, but two or three seasons a year (ideally all year round). Compare rowan or mahonia, which are interesting and beautiful in all four seasons, with lilac or mock orange. Yes, the latter bloom charmingly and are very fragrant, but their flowering lasts 2 weeks, and these trees spend the rest of the year looking monotonous. It is especially important to select plants that are beautiful all year round, those who have small gardens or space on the site is strictly limited.

Less is more

Don’t rush to plant every plant square meter garden or replace immediately dead plant for something new. Firstly, existing plants will certainly grow over time. Secondly, save money and labor, because we create easy care garden. Thirdly, it is good when the garden has some structure that is provided harmonious combination different elements. There is a place for fullness and emptiness, soft and hard textures, bright colors plants and the darkness of the soil or the monotony of the mulch.

Instead of plant variety, focus on quality and repeatability. Plant at least 3-5 specimens of the same perennial side by side to create consistency in the design, instead of the variegation that results from an abundance of variety. different plants one at a time.

If you can’t do it or you just don’t want to remake the entire area into a “garden for the lazy,” then limit yourself to one unpretentious garden area and see how you like it.

Smart technologies for a beautiful and practical garden

Good soil - healthy plants

When planting and replanting plants, dig more deep hole, to the bottom of which be sure to add

Sow and plant new plants in spring or fall, when there is enough moisture in the garden and plants take root easily without additional watering.

Combine plants according to their needs. By planting plants that need periodic watering next to each other rather than in different corners of the garden, you will save time and effort in the future.

Who among us would not like to have a beautiful blooming garden without devoting much time to it? But is this possible? Let's try to answer this question by considering the most labor-intensive elements of the garden.

Let's start with the lawn. This is a very caring part of the garden. Firstly, weeds should not grow on a real lawn, and secondly, it must be mowed weekly and watered after mowing, at least in the spring. And on light soils and several times in the summer it needs to be fertilized. Is there a way to minimize lawn care? Yes. Arrange a meadow or lawn of clover. A meadow is a symbiosis of herbs that grow in a given area. If you start mowing it every 10-14 days, it will take on the trimmed green look so dear to our hearts. The meadow does not require watering and fertilization, by the way, and in the spring it comes to life much faster than our pampered lawn treasure. Instead of a real lawn, you can plant a clover lawn; it is also good and at the same time undemanding and unpretentious. It will not be possible to grow a lawn in very dry or very wet or shady places; here it is better to use ground cover plants, just remember that you cannot walk on them.

If you have a large lawn, you can not mow all of it, but only in those places where you walk. This will not only reduce mowing time, but will make the garden more romantic. This technique has been used in England for a long time, but here it is just beginning to come into use. In those places that will not be mowed weekly, you can plant bulbous and small-bulbous plants - in the spring they will flourish, then their foliage will turn yellow among the grass, and only then this place can be mowed, for example, once a month.

Another alternative to lawn is gravel. I love this wonderful material in the garden, but it must be laid according to all the rules, be sure to place geotextiles or lutrasil under the gravel.

Paths in the garden minimal care must be paved, their area must be sufficient, but not excessive.

What plants should be used in a low-maintenance garden? First of all, these should be trees and shrubs. Even for our difficult climate, there are quite a few very beautiful ornamental shrubs and trees that are consistently decorative and require virtually no maintenance throughout the season. These are, for example, species and varieties of spruce, pine, thuja, willow, maple, barberry, spirea, bladderwort, dogwood, honeysuckle, elderberry, as well as fruit trees and shrubs.

What perennials can be used in a low-maintenance garden? These are those plants that are decorative throughout the season and do not require frequent divisions and replantings. Hostas, bergenia, peonies, daylilies, astilbes, lungworts, ferns and many others are suitable for a low-maintenance garden; their range is quite wide. These wonderful compositions require virtually no maintenance.

Plants with the same requirements for light, humidity, acidity and soil fertility should be selected in one composition. This seemingly obvious rule is often violated, the plants suffer, they have to be treated and replaced. For a low-maintenance garden, it is advisable to use species plants or old proven varieties; capricious new products should be avoided.

To reduce the time spent caring for the garden, it is important to rationally plan plantings so that the plants grow not one at a time on the lawn, but in compact groups. They not only look more interesting, but are more technologically advanced to care for. Be sure to mulch the plantings, this gives them more interesting view, reduces the time for weeding, creates more comfortable conditions life.

It is very important to think about how to fix the border between the lawn and the mixborder, for example, using tiles or border stones, this will eliminate the operation of trimming the edge. In the photo, the border between the mixborder and the lawn is secured by two rows of paving stones. Reducing the time spent caring for a garden is within the capabilities of a thinking gardener if he sets such a goal.

Is it possible to have beautiful garden a working person or a not very young and healthy person? Absolutely yes. You just need to plan it wisely and plant wonderful and problem-free plants in the right places that will not require too tedious care. If you do everything correctly, then caring for the garden will bring only positive emotions, not to mention the joy of seeing beautiful and healthy bushes and perennials.

Beautiful, well maintained garden With early spring until late autumn - here it is, a dream! But spending all your free time digging in the garden and caring for the lawn every weekend is a dubious pleasure.

However, you can make your garden attractive and cozy without putting in too much effort. The main thing is to plan wisely garden landscape and choose plants that are ideal for each other and do not require special attention.

Editorial today "So simple!" will tell you how to plant a beautiful garden with your own hands. All necessary instructions and photos included!

Garden for the lazy

In a neat, well-groomed form it is much easier to maintain a garden made in english style. A little careless, as if slightly neglected, with its free layout it is much easier to maintain than an impeccable French one.

The fewer flower beds there are in the garden, the easier it is to care for the garden. There are many colorful shrubs that change foliage color with the seasons. Their colors change from early autumn until the onset of cold weather.

Such shrubs include Thunberg barberry, cotoneaster, cinquefoil, and holly mahonia. Mahonia is valued not only for its beautiful foliage, but also for its tasty small berries, which are good both in baking and in compotes.

A garden without flowers is not a garden. Lay out a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plot for a lawn on which you can mix clover, daisies, tenacious - all those unpretentious flowers that cover the ground with a carpet. In addition, these flowers tolerate cutting well, so you can get rid of weeds with a lawn mower.

A front garden blooming in lush colors will create the impression of a richly landscaped area. The rest of the area can be planted with bushes and sowed lawn grass. In an atmosphere of slight negligence, mixborders with a random arrangement of plants look great.

For mixborders, select plants that are well adapted to the conditions of our climate. Combine shrubs with foliage different color and size so that the garden is good even in in bloom.

Terraces and retaining walls diversify appearance plot with a difference in landscape. Pave part of the lawn decorative tiles- another great solution. The hassle of caring for the area will be much less.

High-quality ones will make gardening easier and faster. For example, a gas trimmer will cut grass and weeds where a regular mower would necessarily cut through low-growing bushes.

To prevent the soil from becoming clogged between plantings, cover it with decorative mulch (for example, bark). Non-woven material sprinkled with gravel will cover the ground and solve the age-old problem of weeding.

Annuals planted as seedlings are a waste of time. Pay attention to self-seeding flowers such as eschscholzia, poppy, cornflowers, toadflax, calendula and flax. These flowers bloom brightly, wildly and do not require prior germination.

The natural shapes that characterize the soil in your region will give your garden a rustic charm. The most common garden chamomile will decorate any garden and additionally bind the soil, thereby protecting it from being washed out. Chamomile blooms for a long time and is resistant to heat and drought.

Flowering shrubs will relieve you of the need to care for your garden almost completely. Bushes planted around the perimeter of the garden, near fences and buildings will create a picturesque view. Lilacs and rose hips will fit perfectly into any garden, the only thing is that lilacs require pruning of faded brushes.

Bright flowering shrubs, easy-to-care perennials, multi-layered compositions... How to make your garden beautiful with your own hands: photo ideas.

A beautiful colorful garden from spring to late autumn is not a dream. But not everyone wants to spend all their time on the property, planting flower beds and caring for the lawn. How to make your garden beautiful and cozy with a minimum of effort - to enjoy the colors of the garden while lying on a chaise longue with a book or swinging on a garden rocking sofa? Firstly, plan the landscape correctly and, secondly, select plants that require a minimum of care. We tell you how to make a beautiful garden with your own hands - photos and ideas are included!

Think about which garden is easier for you to keep neat - regular French, requiring frequent trimming garden forms, flower beds that exclude even a hint of weeds, or slightly neglected English with its free layout? Logic dictates that English version more convenient.

The fewer flower beds in the garden, the easier it is to care for. Choose colorful shrubs that change their appearance throughout the seasons. But it’s still difficult to imagine a luxurious garden without flowers. How to beautifully decorate a garden without putting in a lot of effort? Lay out large areas for lawn or a picturesque lawn with clover, daisies, and tenacious. Weeds are not so noticeable on it - just mow them. By the way, daisies easily tolerate pruning and bloom wonderfully, very low above the rosettes of leaves.

A picturesque lawn with wildflowers will help you easily create a beautiful garden with your own hands (pictured)

A beautifully blooming front garden filling the space in front of the house’s facade will create the feeling of a painstakingly cultivated garden. But the rest of the area can be left as a lawn surrounded by bushes. Instead of flower beds of geometric shapes, create mixborders with a free arrangement of different plants. They look more picturesque and even look good when overgrown with weeds.
Choose plants that are resistant to our climate and can tolerate frost. Combine plants with different foliage in height, shape and color, so that even when not in bloom, the garden remains decorative and beautiful. Arrange mixborders at the intersection of paths to complicate the image of the garden.

How to beautifully decorate a garden without flowers? — Plant ornamental shrubs!

When deciding how to decorate your garden, give preference beautiful compositions from unpretentious plants and various decorative elements

If there is a difference in the landscape on the site, do not be afraid to create terraces and retaining walls - they will enrich the picture of the garden and make it more picturesque.

A paved patio will also do an excellent job of creating a backdrop for flowers, and at the same time it will less problems with mowing the lawn - a tiring task, even if you use a self-propelled gasoline lawn mower.

By the way, high-quality equipment will greatly simplify garden care. In addition to a lawnmower suitable for open, flat areas, stock up on a gas trimmer to trim grass and weeds around bushes and trees.

Lawn advice

As soon as the grass grows above ten centimeters, weekly trimming (or at least once every two weeks) will accompany your time in the garden. Remember that proper mowing of the lawn involves mowing with a “snake”, so that the grass crushed by the wheels falls under the blade of the mower moving in the opposite direction.

The shape of the lawn and the organization of the surrounding plantings are very important. The more separately growing plantings in the middle of the lawn, the more time you will spend. The border between the lawn and continuous plantings is another important solution for simplifying maintenance.

Optimizing lawn mowing is not a reason to completely abandon tapeworm in the middle of it. If we're talking about about a tree, form its crown at such a height that you can walk under it freely. Plant plants that must be spaced apart from each other no closer than the width of the lawn mower wheels, otherwise you will have to trim the grass with a trimmer, which is quite tedious.

To avoid soil contamination between off-lawn plantings, cover the soil with decorative mulch (such as bark). Between young plantings, it is worth covering the ground with non-woven material and sprinkling with gravel - this will eliminate weeding and the ubiquitous grass. Or if fresh plantings Shrubs and perennials require filling the space between young plants; bright annuals can be used. These simple techniques will help you not only save time on garden maintenance, but also decorate your garden.

What to plant in the garden

Refuse to plant annuals through seedlings - choose those that easily develop without care, do not require preliminary germination, bloom for a long time and brightly, and also self-sow the next year: Eschscholzia, self-seeding poppy (Papaver rhoеas), annual flax ( Linum grandiflorum), cornflower (Centaurea), toadflax (Linaria vulgaris), calendula (Calendula officinalis).

Do you want to create a beautiful low-maintenance garden or a garden for the lazy? Or a low-maintenance decorative garden, or a new garden? There are a great many ideas for creating and naming such a garden, and it doesn’t matter what they call it, the main thing is that such a garden is beautiful, well-groomed and does not take much time to maintain.

The topic of creating such a garden is not new; the question of it is regularly raised in gardening literature, on the Internet on thematic websites, and on video channels. It is even possible that some of you have already tried to arrange such a garden on your site, but something did not work out.

We would like to warn you right away that creating such a garden without effort and a well-thought-out plan will not work. Moreover, every stage of creating such a garden is important.

In order to rest later, you must first try!

What is a low maintenance garden

Let's try to figure it out, take into account the advice of the guru on this issue, in order to achieve this dream "low maintenance decorative garden" implement it on your site.

A beautiful garden for the lazy is a garden in which golden mean between gardening chores and the pleasure of relaxing in nature, meeting with loved ones and friends away from the bustle of the city.

Most gardeners who come to their suburban areas only on weekends, they want to relax and communicate with family and friends. If you care for plants, do it with pleasure, and not through force. Don't waste time on gardening work, which have no end: weeding, watering, mowing, etc. But a bright, spectacular, well-groomed garden continues to be the dream of many gardeners. How to create a garden where there is time not only for endless work, but also for relaxation? Is it possible for gardening chores to be enjoyable?

We can reassure you: dreams of a beautiful, and at the same time unpretentious, garden can be realized.

What you need to know when creating a low-maintenance garden

IN garden practice There are many techniques and methods that reduce the time and effort spent on plant care. These techniques will help maintain, and some even improve, the appearance of your garden.

So where does it start? Creation decorative garden small care?

First of all, you need to correctly determine the initial state of the site. You need to find out:

  • — soil type and acidity;
  • - burial level groundwater;
  • - flat area or with a slope;
  • — direction of prevailing winds;
  • — location of the site relative to the cardinal points;
  • - the location of well-lit areas, as well as areas in the shadow of buildings and trees.

One of the principles of planting any garden, especially a low-maintenance one, is to select plants specifically for the conditions that you have, and not vice versa, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to achieve the maximum decorative effect from the plants. If you plant plants that prefer bright sun in the shade, those that prefer acidic soil - on sandy soil, those that require minimal watering - in lowlands, etc., then best case scenario your beautiful flowers and shrubs will not bloom, and in the worst case, they may die. Therefore, you need to determine all these characteristics of your site.

If you are the owner of an old, neglected garden, then in this case you will need to remove excess vegetation and rejuvenate such a garden. This is a topic for a separate article; we will look at it a little later.

Low maintenance garden - plant selection

The plants in our garden need the most attention: they need to be weeded, watered, fed, and pruned. And if the plants do not overwinter well in the ground, then they need to be dug up for the winter or covered. Annual plants need to be planted every spring. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right plants for your garden.

The main principles of selecting plants for a low-maintenance garden

Calculation of plant needs

There is no need to buy everything you see in garden stores and nurseries. No matter how attractive the plant is, the more plantings, the more time it takes to care for them. A garden with many flower beds and various compositions of trees and shrubs looks very beautiful. But only if they are well-groomed and not overgrown with weeds, or suffer from lack of watering and fertilizing.

To care for a large number of plants, you will have to deal with them all day long.

Wise choice of plants

Many gardeners mistakenly believe that unpretentious garden plants They are inconspicuous and ugly and should not be planted in a beautiful garden. This is wrong! Now there is such a huge selection of very beautiful, but absolutely unpretentious plants that by planting such plants, you can create a beautiful garden, which will be a pleasure to care for.

Among such unpretentious plants there are also everyone’s favorite gardeners - hydrangeas, roses, clematis.

basis beautiful garden for the lazy, there should be local unpretentious plants that have adapted to the given climate. Specialized literature will help determine which plants are able to withstand the critical conditions of a particular time of year. Plants of the 2nd and 3rd climatic zones are best adapted to the harsh conditions of the Russian winter. Plants of the 2nd zone can withstand frosts down to -45°C, plants of the 3rd climate zone- up to -40°C. These plants will survive the winter well and will not require tedious covering in late autumn;

With beautifully flowering shrubs, you need to pay attention to which shoots the plant blooms on: last year or the current one. In case of a frosty winter, last year's shoots may freeze and such a plant will not bloom. Therefore, in a low-maintenance garden, it is preferable to plant shrubs that bloom on the shoots of the current year. The ability of plants to bloom on certain shoots depends on the variety (written on the box with the seedling; if not, ask the seller).

We will talk in more detail about choosing unpretentious plants in the next article. “How to choose the right plants for a low-maintenance ornamental garden”

But in our gardens there are also plants that need extra care and attention. There should be a minimum number of such plants, or not at all. Of course, we are not talking about collectors of garden curiosities. Such enthusiastic people are happy to “babysit” such plants, they like it. But our article is for the ordinary gardener, whom we guide in what ways you can make your life easier in terms of garden care.

So, if you want to reduce the time spent on gardening, you should reduce the number or not plant the following plants:

  1. Capricious heat-loving plants

As a rule, they do not winter well, they need to be covered, and in the spring they take a long time to “come to their senses.” Decorative effect There is little benefit from such plants, but they must always be taken care of. Their existence turns into a constant struggle for survival.

  1. Perennials that require digging up for the winter

    Dahlias, gladioli, crocosmias, freesias, callas, and cannas require annual digging and storage under certain conditions. Even the most devoted lovers of these plants will get tired of endlessly planting them and digging them up in the fall. Choosing a place to store them also becomes a problem.

  2. Plants that require special soil

    Mostly sour - for azaleas, hydrangeas, blueberries, etc. 2-3 plants, for which you need to bring special soil, will not require much effort, but planting a much larger number is labor-intensive and problematic.

Followers of the Naturgarden style, to which T.I. Grishchenkova considers herself, avoid exotic plants, which must be carried around like a sack: dug out for the winter, protected, cherished and shaken over them.

Garden design for the lazy step by step instructions

When the plants are selected, you need to place them correctly.

Certainly, garden design this is a whole science, and specialists study for many years before they acquire necessary knowledge and skills. And it is not possible to place all the recommendations in one article, so we will define the basic principles of placing plants in a low-care garden, examining the most important issues in more detail in the following articles.

To create a beautiful garden for the lazy, it is best to use a combination of decorative foliage plants with beautiful flowering ones.

It is necessary to determine the skeleton of the site - to correctly position the bushes and trees.

Inexperienced gardeners, trying to create a garden that blooms all season long, plant an endless amount of beautiful flowering plants. Such plants

Firstly need to be selected in such a way as to create a “blooming conveyor belt”,

Secondly, it happens that they do not bloom (as a rule, they are more demanding of care),

Thirdly, more plants– more and care for them.

And by combining spectacular, but unpretentious decorative foliage plants with beautifully flowering ones, you can create a garden that is less problematic, but no less beautiful.

Decorative foliage plants for the garden

Decorative foliage plants There are many: they come with textured or lacy foliage, and with leaves that change color during the season, and with beautiful fruits. Such plants are decorative throughout the season. They, as well as unpretentious conifers, are taken as the basis for compositions. And beautifully blooming ones are added to achieve the full effect.

  1. Post everything architectural forms and objects in rounded groups. This will make your work much easier, because when mowing you won’t have to go around every bush.
  2. When planting, take into account the growth rate of plants, otherwise one more aggressive plant, growing, can strangle another, growing much more slowly;
  3. For a low-maintenance garden, choose the slowest growing varieties. Fast-growing plants require mandatory and timely annual pruning, sometimes radically.
  4. Then add to the shrubs and trees herbaceous plants– perennial and annual flowers. You just need to think over the composition, because some may bloom for a short time, others will lose their decorative effect by mid-summer, and for others, the stem will gradually become bare at the bottom. And in compositions, with correct selection plants, decorative properties plants appear more strongly and “shade out” imperfections;
  5. According to designers, the optimal ratio for planting flower beds is 60% perennial flowers and 40% annuals; of course, these figures are approximate. This ratio allows you to create a bright and long-blooming flowerbed with minimal care;
  6. Choose varieties that do not require preliminary germination, bloom for a long time and elegantly, and reproduce independently the following year: poppy, annual flax, cornflower, toadflax, calendula, eschscholzia, cosmos. Or sow fast-growing and unpretentious flowers at the seedling stage: dahlias (annual), nasturtiums, marigolds, lavatera.
  7. Be sure to consider growing a lawn. An ordinary, traditional lawn requires frequent mowing and more careful care at first. And here Moorish lawn or a lawn that includes white clover does not require regular maintenance.

Ground cover plants ( Duchesnea , creeping tenacious, bryozoan) require little maintenance, make it difficult for weeds to grow, and require mowing much less frequently than a classic lawn, or do not need it at all. With the help of these plants you can create a wonderful green lawn.

Creation lung garden Maintenance can be done using artificial surfaces: gravel fill, paved areas. In the gardens with large areas this is even more relevant than growing a lawn. And it is much easier to care for such modern surfaces, and they look very impressive.

Another effective technique is mulching plantings organic materials (chopped branches, bark, fallen leaves, mown grass, etc.). This technique allows you to fight weeds, create optimal conditions growing for plants, as well as creating original compositions. Just remember that the bark coniferous species acidifies the soil, which is not suitable for all plants.