Foreign books on furniture. Foreign books on furniture Download magazines on furniture making

Forms and design features are considered various styles furniture, design principles„techniques of architectural and artistic solutions, materials of modern furniture production. The structure of the technological process is described and characteristics of all technological stages of furniture production are given; the main types of wood carving and mosaics are considered, as well as manufacturing technology.
For vocational students educational institutions construction profile. Can be used in training workers in production and by home craftsmen.

Chapter 1. Types and shape of furniture
1.1. Types of furniture.
Furniture is classified (GOST 20400) according to operational, functional, structural and technological characteristics, as well as materials and the nature of production.
According to their operational purpose, household furniture is divided into: public premises and means of transport.
Household furniture is intended for furnishing various rooms of apartments, dachas, cottages and manor houses, furniture for public premises - for equipping enterprises, institutions, trade, medical, educational institutions, theaters, hotels, sports facilities, etc.
According to their functional purpose, the following types of furniture are distinguished:
- for storage (cabinet) - cabinets for various purposes, dressers, cabinets, secretaries, shelves;
- for sitting and lying - chairs, stools, banquettes, benches, armchairs, sofas, couches, beds, chair-beds, rocking chairs, sofa beds, ottomans, chaise lounges;
- for work and eating - dining tables, desks, serving tables, coffee tables, dressing tables.
According to structural and technological characteristics, furniture can be:
- universally prefabricated, i.e. allowing repeated assembly and disassembly;
- sectional - consisting of several sections installed one on top of the other or next to each other;
- non-separable - i.e. with permanent connections;
- built-in - built into the premises of the building;
- transformable - changing the functional purpose or dimensions by moving parts;


Chapter 1. Types and shape of furniture.
Chapter 2. Principles of furniture design
Chapter 3. Materials for furniture production.
Chapter 4. Furniture designs.
Chapter 5. Structure and organization of the technological process.
Chapter 6. Basics of mechanical wood processing.
Chapter 7. Cutting wood materials.
Chapter 8. Primary processing of workpieces.
Chapter 9. Gluing bars and veneer
Chapter 10. Cladding.
Chapter 11. Secondary machining.
Chapter 12. Manufacturing decorative elements furniture
Chapter 13. Furniture finishing
Chapter 14. Assembling furniture.
Chapter 15. Manufacturing upholstered furniture.
Chapter 16. Repair and restoration of furniture.
Chapter 17. Types of wood carving.
Chapter 18. Material, tools and organization of the workplace.
Chapter 39. Carving technique.
Chapter 20. Mosaic.
Subject index

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So, I came up with the idea to expand the functionality of my website with a kind of bookshelf. On it I decided to collect books on furniture making, woodworking and other related topics. I think that many will find it interesting.

I decided to systematize by title, and not by author, because... There may be several authors, but one title)). Happy reading.

If you have something interesting, send it, I will definitely post it.

The library will be periodically updated, come in, download, read, comment!

The book reveals the technology of cutting three-dimensional animal figures from wood. There is no translation, but everything is clear. Drawings available.

The Big Book of Wooden Toys

The book contains drawings and assembly diagrams for some rather original wooden toys. Unfortunately, there is no translation, but pictures, detailed drawings and diagrams make it possible to do without knowing English.

Wooden architecture of the Russian north

The book is dedicated to some little-studied pages in the history of wooden architecture of the Russian North in the 17th - 18th centuries. It is entirely built on authentic written and visual documents. This feature makes it possible to offer graphic reconstructions of both individual monuments and entire ensembles that have not survived to this day. Thus, the book expands readers’ understanding of the variety of types of residential, religious and fortified buildings that existed in the past. The materials used make it possible for the first time to tell in detail about the organization and progress of construction work, about the “good craftsmanship” of the carpenters of the North.
The book is illustrated with reproductions of ancient drawings, miniatures and photographs

Home Craftsman

The book introduces a number of crafts that everyone can find application in everyday life.
The material is presented in such a way that anyone can use it without difficulty and avoid many
unnecessary costs for the purchase of those necessary items that can be made with one’s own hands, as well as
will provide an opportunity, after acquiring practical skills, to start manufacturing these items to order.
Almost all of the above types of work can be done at home, during leisure hours and with minimal equipment; Moreover, with a view specifically to the novice worker, we have strictly separated the equipment that is absolutely necessary in this craft and those tools that can
be acquired subsequently, after the reader acquires practical skills, for preparing more
complex products.
For all types of crafts, instructions are also given for the final, elegant finishing products.

DIY furniture. Design, production, repair.

The book provides design solutions and technology for producing furniture at home using a variety of materials, common furniture fittings, as well as the most common accessories. Wood furniture coniferous species paid special attention. In addition, the book provides recommendations for working with hand-held power tools.

Working with milling cutters

A fairly detailed illustrated encyclopedia dedicated to milling. It all starts with the basics: what a router is, and ends with complex technological processes that can be performed with its help. The publication is translated, but very interesting. I recommend reading it.

Manual router and vertical milling machine

Another wonderful publication dedicated to working with, as well as a vertical milling machine (that is, a router built into a table and its industrial analogues). Detailed Description types of tools, working methods and various devices will help you in mastering this complex and very interesting tool.

Homemade machines and tools

The book provides various devices that can make the work of home craftsmen easier. Some are provided in the form of finished drawings. Others will have to be modified directly to fit your instrument (which is available), that is, the general idea is given.

Secrets of wood carving

Products made from wood and materials that imitate its texture routinely surround us in everyday life, so we treat it as something ordinary. But as soon as it is touched by the skillful hand of a wood carving master, a work of art is born and such qualities of wood as rich texture, variety of colors, and special warmth are revealed. This book will help the reader discover the wonderful world of creativity and learn the secrets of wood carving. The author hopes that beginning carvers will find in it interesting and useful material that will allow them to become masters. The appendix contains drawings of ornaments and various patterns, which at first you can copy, and as you acquire the skill, you can develop your own designs based on them.

What does it cost us to build a fleet?

This book will be useful for fathers and mothers who want their baby’s arms to begin to grow a little higher than their legs. It contains a bunch of examples of toys of varying degrees of complexity (starting from the simplest) made from paper. As a child, I had such a book, it is still kept on the shelf, and not just stored, I try to make it together with my son.

Encyclopedia of woodworking

A reference book for many professional craftsmen. It outlines materials by type of wood and their characteristics, as well as alternative materials (glass, plastic, etc.), by the tools necessary for their processing, types and methods of fastening parts, as well as finished projects furniture.

This annual publication covers topics such as the preservation, research and restoration of historical furniture. A broad view of the future of furniture makers, conservators and scholars engaged in research into both antique and modern technologies in woodworking, with a focus on pre-industrial tools and work methods.

This issue contains two articles by Joshua Klein: one on selection, restoration and use wooden planes, and the second - on the analysis of the table manufacturing process using hand tools, breaking down the entire process into carefully ordered steps to make efficient use of your time in the workshop. Jim Tolpin suggests detailed instructions on making, straightening and using a wooden ruler, and Vic Tesolin looks at using axes to shape and prepare material. Michael Updegreff shares his knowledge using modern instruments to measure pieces of furniture from the 18th and early 19th centuries, shedding light on the precision workmanship of artisans of the period. Other articles cover topics ranging from making drawers and ending with a timber frame. The publication is more like a book than a typical magazine; it is printed on excellent thick paper and richly illustrated with color photographs and diagrams.

Softcover, 144 pages, 2018 edition.

2900 p

Book "Mortise & Tenon Magazine Issue one"

In 2016, Joshua Klein, a Maine woodworker, launched an annual print magazine dedicated to the preservation, research and restoration of historic furniture, offering fresh look on the efficiency and viability of woodworking by hand. The first magazine features a special essay by Joshua Klein detailing his mission for the publication, an interview with craftsman Phil Lowe of the Massachusetts Institute of Furniture, and more. An in-depth interview on the accurate historical reproduction of products, an in-depth analysis of pre-industrial examples skill. Publisher – USA

2900 p

Book "Mortise & Tenon Magazine Issue Three"

Mortise & Tenon magazine, issue 3

Edited by Joshua A. Klein

This annual publication covers topics such as the preservation, research and restoration of historical furniture. A broad look at the future of furniture makers, conservators and scientists engaged in research into both ancient and modern woodworking technologies, with a particular focus on pre-industrial tools and work methods. This episode features an in-depth look at two antique chairs, as well as an article by Garrett Hack on how to use patterns. Joshua Klein gives detailed instructions on construction and use lathe with titeva. Danielle Rose Bird presents reflections on the role of artistry in the creation of functional objects. There are also interviews with Drew Langsner and Kenneth Kortemeier, as well as contributions from Shelley Cathcart and Amy Griffin, Brendan Bernhardt Gaffney, Jim McConnell, and others. The publication is more like a book than a typical magazine; it is printed on excellent thick paper and richly illustrated with color photographs and diagrams.

Softcover, 144 pages, 2017 edition.

2900 p

Introduction 3
Furniture products 5
Types of products 5
Types and completeness of design documents 13
Types of design documents 13
Completeness of design documents 16
Development stages design documentation 19
Title blocks 28
Filling out title blocks 28
Product names 33
Product designation 35
Rules for making furniture drawings 39
Preparation of design documentation 39
Formats 39
Scale 40
Graphic symbols of materials 40
Letter designations 42
Images - views, sections, sections 43
Fundamentals 43
Types 44
Cuts 46
Sections 48
Detail 49
Conventions and simplifications 50
Drawing dimensions and maximum deviations 52
Applying dimensions 52
General provisions for the selection of tolerances and landings 54
Maximum deviations for linear mating dimensions 55
Maximum deviations for linear non-mating dimensions 56
Maximum dimensional deviations for the location of the hole axes 59
Maximum deviations of angular dimensions 65
Designation of surface roughness in drawings 65
Roughness of surfaces of wood and wood products
materials 65
Roughness of surfaces of metal and plastic products 69
Protective and decorative coatings 71
Coatings for wood and wood-based materials 71
Paint and varnish coatings for metals 73
Protective and protective-decorative coatings for furniture fittings
and others metal products 74
Fastener coatings 74
Welds 75
Image of seams 75
Symbol for seams 77
Development of furniture design documentation 83
Development of preliminary design 83
Sheet of preliminary design 84
General view drawing 85
Explanatory note 86
Development of working documentation for individual design documents 88
Drawing up specifications 88
General requirements for the execution of working drawings 93
Execution of working drawings 96
Development of working documentation for group and basic design documents 102
Execution of working drawings 102
Writing specifications 108
Accounting and circulation of furniture design documentation
Accounting and storage rules 110
Duplication rules 112
Rules for making changes-113
References 115
Applications 1 - 22 116

In the Tenth Five-Year Plan, especially great attention is paid to increasing and improving the production of consumer goods, including furniture. It is planned to further increase the volume of furniture production by 1.4 - 1.5 times, improve its quality, expand the range, increase specific gravity products of the highest quality category in the total volume of manufactured products.
Great value in furniture production, emphasis is placed on the development of design documentation in industry research institutes, design and engineering organizations that directly ensure the connection between science and production.
In accelerating scientific and technological progress and improving quality finished products, raw materials, materials and furniture components, standards and other normative and technical documentation play an important role.
In 1968, the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Normalization in Mechanical Engineering (VNIINMASH) developed the Unified System of Design Documentation (ESKD), which establishes general provisions, rules for the implementation, execution and circulation of design documentation developed and used by organizations and enterprises. This documentation provides examples of its application for mechanical engineering and instrument making.
The unity of rules for the execution and execution of design documentation contributes to the creation of a single technical language for all enterprises and organizations of any industry, but the specific features of furniture production are not taken into account.
Furniture production products differ in the nature of the connections between the components of the products, production technology, architectural and artistic appearance, which determine differences in the requirements for the compilation, design and methods of developing furniture design documentation.
This manual describes the ESKD standards for the design, development, and circulation of design documentation, illustrating certain provisions of the ESKD with examples typical for furniture production.
The first chapter provides a classification of furniture products and the industrial terminology associated with this classification, necessary for mastering the subsequent material; the types and completeness of design documents by design stages are determined; Recommendations for filling out the main inscriptions of design documents are given.
The second chapter systematizes information on the preparation of design documentation using a large number of
the definition of conventions and simplifications in product images; Additional graphic designations of materials used for the manufacture of furniture are provided. In addition, specific requirements for applying dimensions and maximum deviations, surface roughness, symbols welded joints and protective and decorative coatings.
The third chapter provides rules for the execution of design documentation of preliminary designs with design elaboration, individual, group and basic design documents of working documentation.
The fourth chapter specifies the rules for accounting and circulation of design documentation in relation to the furniture industry.
The full appendices for the main sections of the ESKD standards provide design documentation of the preliminary and detailed design for individual and group design documents, illustrated with examples.
Appendix 21 provides a list of regulatory and technical documentation used in the development of furniture design documentation (as of July 1, 1977).
Appendix 22 provides a list of screws recommended for fastening furniture fittings and other furniture components. The list is compiled taking into account unification and reduction of screw consumption.
Basic design documents in furniture production wide application were not found, since they are recommended to be compiled for a very large possible number of executions, which can only be completed as orders are received. In addition, the basic method of performing documentation requires the preparation of two separate specifications or more and two assembly drawings or more for one design object. This is unjustified, since the volume of design work increases.
Design documentation for cabinet products (wardrobe for dresses and linen, mezzanine section, TV stand) was made taking into account the industry-wide system for unifying panel elements of residential furniture (OSU) with a module size of 100 mm. Within the OSU, other modulus values ​​are possible, for example 32 mm.
The regulatory and technical material necessary for the development of design documentation is systematized for all sections.
Development of design documentation in relation to furniture production taking into account ESKD standards is the main task of designers, designers of design bureaus and organizations, specialists industrial enterprises industry.

Furniture products are divided into types depending on their complexity, category, nature of assembly, design, technological and artistic features. The furniture production products for which design documentation is being developed are determined by complexity by the following products: parts, assembly units, complexes, kits.
Products, depending on the presence or absence of components in them, are divided into unspecified (parts), which do not have components, and specified, which have two or more components. A component can be any product (part, assembly unit) that is part of a specific product. Specific furniture products are divided into assembly units, furniture sets and furniture sets.
A part is a product made from a material homogeneous by name and brand without the use of assembly operations, for example a leg made of wood, a wall made of particle board, a seat made of plywood, glass shelf, box frame cast from plastic or stamped from metal, spring made of steel wire, metal square, flooring layer made of polyurethane foam, foam rubber, lining made of veneer, plastic, furniture fabrics, leatherette, paper.
Parts also include the same or similar products with protective or decorative coatings (paint, galvanic, chemical, etc.), for example, a shelf made of varnished plywood, back wall products made of fibreboard, coated with nitro enamel, dress rod made of steel pipe nickel plated, glass mirror covered with amalgam.
Similar products made using local gluing, welding, stitching also refer to parts, for example, a block glued from several parts of solid wood, a seat or back glued from several layers of peeled veneer, a leg welded (lengthwise) from two parts metal pipe, a pillow cover made from one piece of fabric.
In addition, parts include products made from purchased specified blanks, for example a wall
made of chipboard lined (laminated) board, plug made of plywood, lined with veneer or paper, and other similar blanks for which there is regulatory and technical documentation.
An assembly unit is a product whose components are connected to each other at the manufacturer or directly at the consumer, for example, by assembly using ties, bolts, screws, screws, nails, staples, paper clips, or gluing.
Assembly units include:
a) products for functional purposes, for example, a wardrobe for dresses and linen, a mezzanine section, a cupboard for dishes, a bookcase, a desk, a dining table, a sofa bed, an armchair bed, a lounge chair, a chair;
b) components of assembly units, for example a wall or block, lined various materials; box of carpentry or bent-glued construction; a frame consisting of bars, a block with dowels, a lid with guide bars, a leg with a hairpin; soft element of the seat or back; the side of the chair, laminated from separate layers of veneer;
c) a set of various furniture fittings that have a specific functional purpose, for example a handle, tie, hinge, latch, transformation mechanism.
A complex is two specified products with more interrelated purposes, not connected at the manufacturing plant by assembly operations, but intended to perform interrelated operational functions. In addition to products that perform basic functions, the complex may include parts, assembly units, standard and other products, kits designed to perform auxiliary functions during installation of the complex at the site of its operation.
The complexes include:
a) furniture set - a set of furniture products intended for furnishing a room or area of ​​a room that has only one functional purpose, for example a bedroom, kitchen, hallway, terrace, recreation area in a common room. The set must consist of products united by common characteristic features, - form and artistic execution;
b) a set of furniture - a set of furniture products intended for furnishing a room or group of rooms that have several functional purposes, for example an apartment as a whole, a common room in an apartment, an office, an atelier. A furniture set may include individual furniture sets, a group of cabinet products, a set of components for universally assembled furniture products, separate components - chairs, armchairs, etc. The products in the set are combined general purpose and an artistic solution related to the interior of the entire room for which the furniture set is intended.
A set is two or more products that are not connected at the manufacturing plant by assembly operations and are intended to perform auxiliary functions, for example, a set of tools for assembling products on site, a set of fasteners or mounting products to a wall, floor, or installation of built-in furniture.

Furniture products are divided into the following categories: standard, manufactured according to state, industry or republican standards and meeting all the requirements of these standards;
purchased, not manufactured at this enterprise and not received through cooperation;
unified (parts, assembly units), used in two or more pieces of furniture (external borrowing), for example, a cabinet drawer from one design object is used in a product of another design object with its own designation, as well as in two or more pieces of furniture (internal borrowing) , for example, the side of a lounge chair is used in a sofa bed of one design object with its own designation;
original - previously unknown, differing from the prototypes in shape, design, dimensions and other data;
main execution - a product of the same type of the first execution, conventionally accepted as the main one;
non-main design - a product of the same type of any design except for the main one.
Same type - these are non-interchangeable products that have identical characteristics and differ from each other in size, components, individual structural elements, artistic performance, operational and other data.
The most characteristic general features of similar products are as follows:
a) complete similarity of designs and shapes with different geometric dimensions, for example, wardrobes for dresses and linen of different depths, beds of different widths, children's chairs with different heights seats;
b) complete identity of designs and shapes for various functions, mechanical and other parameters, when performed in different materials, coverings, for example, a bookcase is lined with sliced ​​ash or walnut veneer, an armchair is upholstered furniture fabric or leather, the dining table is lined with plastic or covered with nitro-enamel;
c) identity or similarity of designs when some elements or components are structurally different in configuration and size, for example, chairs with a different back or seat shape, cupboards on a bench or on a plinth box, soft elements of a sofa bed on spring blocks or with foam rubber flooring.
d) similarity of designs with different arrangements of identical elements of the components, for example, division of the front surfaces of a sideboard with different locations of niches, doors, shelves, drawers;
e) similarity of designs with different numbers of repeating or component parts, for example, linen closets with different numbers of half-drawers and shelves;
f) complete or similar mirror image of the structural forms of the product.
Products of the same type may simultaneously have several common design or other features.
Furniture products, depending on the nature of their assembly, are divided into non-dismountable and collapsible.
Non-separable - products whose design does not allow them to be disassembled into their component parts without destroying the material. Non-separable connections are made by gluing (cabinet body, chair frame, carpentry box, veneered products), welding (metal base-
chair making, etc.), weaving (wicker chair), stitching (mattress cover), soldering, etc.
Collapsible - products, the design of which allows it to be disassembled into its component parts without destroying the material. Separable connections are performed using various ties, bolts, screws, locks, hinges, screws, etc.
Furniture products depending on design features are divided into sectional, non-sectional, universally prefabricated, racking, combined, folding, transformable.
Sectional - products consisting of separate sections of the same or different functional purposes. A sectional product can be modified by adding or removing sections both along the height and width of the product.
A section is a collapsible or non-dismountable component of a sectional product that has a specific functional purpose, the design of which provides for the possibility of interlocking it with other sections. A single section can be a complete product for use if it is placed on a stand or hung on a wall.
Universally prefabricated - dismountable products are characterized by the fact that during the assembly and disassembly process a certain rearrangement of the component parts is possible by selecting and combining vertical and horizontal walls, thanks to which it is possible to obtain products of different shapes, sizes and purposes. The main features of these products are the absence of double walls and the interchangeability of components. One of the varieties of universal prefabricated furniture is shown in Fig. 2.
Shelving - products, the design of which can be sectional or universally prefabricated, consist of shelves or sections mounted on load-bearing posts at any height or in any order.
Combined - products that perform several functions at the same time, for example, a wardrobe for dresses and linen, a combined wardrobe (for linen, dishes, books), a sofa bed, a chair bed, a rocking chair.
Folding - products that have articulated sliding or other connections that allow them to be folded and thereby reduce the size of the products and the volume they occupy, for example, a sofa bed, a sliding dining table, a folding chair.
Transformable - products whose design allows, with the help of special connections, to transform them into products with a new functional purpose, for example, a sofa bed turns into a sofa and a bed, a chair-bed into an armchair and a bed, a secretary into a work desk, a stool into a stepladder .
Rice. 2. Universal prefabricated furniture
Furniture products, depending on their design, technological and artistic features, are divided into categories: model, model execution, model base, technological series.
Model - a sample of a product that differs from other products constructive solutions and/or form.
Execution of a model is a sample of a product that differs from similar ones in size, shape, some structural elements, repeating elements, materials, cladding, coating.
The model base is the main and common part for furniture products of the same type, on which, as a constructive and technological basis, designs of models of these products are developed.
Technological series - a group of similar products that have a model base and different designs from each other, for example, a group of cabinets that have the same body, but different internal equipment; a group of chairs that have the same seat and back block, but a bench of different shapes; a group of chairs that have the same frame, but different shapes of the back. The technological series creates conditions at the manufacturing enterprise that make it possible fast update range of manufactured products without significant restructuring of the technological process. Depending on the type of production, its capabilities in the field of cooperative connections and the nature of the products, technological series are divided into simple and special.
A simple technological series is a group of similar furniture products that have one model base; differs in that when switching from one manufactured product to another it does not require the organization of production with a different specialization, for example, designs of chair models in the shape and design of benches are developed only according to one production specialization (carpentry, bent veneer, metal).
Special technological series - amount
simple technological series, developed on the same model base and differing from each other in production specialization, for example, the design of chair models in the shape and design of benches can simultaneously have carpentry, bent veneer or metal structure. An example of the development of the simple and special series is given in Fig. 3.
Rice. 3. Technological diagram of the seats:
c - on carpentry benches various shapes; b - on bent-glued benches of various shapes (model base - seat block - backrest).

Types of design documents
Design documents are divided into graphic and text documents, individually or collectively defining the composition and design of the product and containing the necessary data for its development or manufacture, control, acceptance, and operation.
Graphic documents include all types of drawings, text documents include various statements, specifications, explanatory notes, technical description, technical specifications, tables.
Depending on the content, graphic and text documents are divided into the following types:
a) part drawing - a graphic representation of the part indicating the material, dimensions and other parameters necessary for its manufacture and control;
b) assembly drawing- a graphic image of the assembly unit, giving an idea of ​​the location and mutual connection of the components connected according to this drawing, and providing the ability to assemble and control the assembly unit;
c) general drawing - a graphic representation of the product with its views, sections, sections, inscriptions, dimensions necessary for understanding the structural design, the interaction of its components, the principle of operation and the possibility of assembling the product;
d) dimensional drawing - a contour simplification of the image of a product with overall and other dimensions necessary for its packaging and transportation, as well as for determining the occupied area and volume of the product;
e) installation drawing - a simplified graphic representation of the product or its components with the necessary data for its installation (assembly) at the place of its use; developed for products that are attached to walls or floors;
f) specification - contains information about the composition of the assembly unit, complex, materials used, as well as design documents necessary for the manufacture of the product;
g) statements of reference documents, purchased products, technical proposal, preliminary design - documents, the content and purpose of which are determined by GOST 2.106 - 68;
h) explanatory note - contains data that is not indicated on the drawings common types, for example, the composition of the designed object, the availability of components, mathematics
rials, cladding, coatings and other data necessary for the manufacture of prototypes or furniture models;
i) technical description - is developed in accordance with the instructions “On the procedure for the development, coordination, approval of technical descriptions and draft prices for furniture and other consumer goods.” The technical description is presented together with the previously valid technical specifications when approving and registering projects, as well as when setting prices for furniture.
The document must contain:
description of the product (purpose, scope of application, list of products with the designation of design documentation, artistic and aesthetic requirements, commercial qualities, types of cladding and categories of surface coating of products with standard variant solutions, softness categories for soft elements and other data necessary to obtain the most complete picture about the product);
general view, internal structure and main dimensions (photos of products and necessary layouts, drawings of general views with overall and functional dimensions, sections of soft elements of furniture for sitting and lying);
design and materials (description of the main design features of the product, decorative elements, complex profiles, components, used structural and facing materials, fittings and other data).
A technical description is developed for one or a group of products recommended for serial or mass production, which are subject to general technical requirements in accordance with GOST 16371 - 77 “Household furniture. Technical requirements»;
j) when establishing new requirements for furniture products not provided for by standards, technical specifications are developed in accordance with GOST 2.114 - 70;
k) a list of standard sizes of components - compiled to determine the level of unification, which is characterized by a specific numerical indicator reflecting the degree of saturation of the product design with standardized elements, and is assessed by the unification coefficient.
The unification coefficient is determined by the ratio of the number of repetitions of the dimensions of the component parts to the total number of components of the product in question, %:
where n is the total number of standard sizes of components in the product; c - the total number of components in the product.
The unification coefficient of an assembly unit, for example, a cabinet, must exceed 40%, and of a complex - 60%. The document can be formatted as text or a table indicating the components of the products and their sizes;
l) architectural drawing - a graphic image made in artistic design on tablets in orthogonal projections or in perspective, to scale or not to scale, in pencil, paint or ink;
i) interior drawing - a graphic representation of furniture (one or several groups) in the interior. Furniture is a necessary element of the interior and depends on the purpose of the room and its planning solution. The document is made in artistic design on tablets (image of wall scans or perspectives) in accordance with scale, in pencil, paint or ink;
o) layout drawing - a graphic representation of furniture products, interlocked in groups (layout options), having different sizes and divisions on the front side, for example, the layout of universally prefabricated furniture, groups of cabinet (walls) or upholstered furniture;
n) drawing of floor plans - a graphic representation of the plans for placing furniture (a set or set) in the room for which it is intended. Component document - an explication placed directly above the main inscription indicating the columns: “Pos”, (position), “Name”, “Designation”, “Quantity.” (quantity). The continuation of the explication can be written on the left side of the main inscription;
p) patent form - contains information about the patent purity of the object, as well as about the inventions created and used in its development; carried out according to GOST 2.110 - 68;
c) map technical level and product quality - is intended to assess the quality of products and materials if it is advisable to further develop or put them into production, for quality certification, modernization of products, their removal from production or operation.
The rules for executing maps of the technical level and quality of products, materials and other products of all sectors of the national economy are established by GOST 2.116 - 71.
The All-Union Design and Technological Institute of Furniture (VPKTIM) has developed a “Methodology for assessing the technical level and quality of furniture products during certification”, agreed with the USSR Ministry of Trade and the State Committee for Civil Engineering and Architecture under the USSR State Planning Committee. In accordance with this methodology, the technical level of furniture products is assessed while simultaneously comparing them with the best domestic and foreign samples of similar furniture products. Technical assessment
the level and quality of furniture products during certification is carried out in three quality categories (highest, first, second). Furniture products classified as the second quality category are subject to discontinuation.
Design documents, depending on the method of their execution and the nature of their use, are divided into originals, originals, duplicates, and copies.
Originals are documents made on tablets, drawing paper, pencil tracing paper of grade D and intended for making originals from them.
Originals are documents with established signatures, made on a material (drawing paper, ink tracing paper, D-mark pencil tracing paper) that allows repeated reproduction of copies from them. It is allowed to use as an original originals made on drawing paper or on pencil tracing paper of grade D with original signatures of the persons responsible for issuing the document.
Duplicates are copies of originals that ensure the identical reproduction of the originals, made on tracing paper under ink. Intended for making copies from them.
Copies are documents made in a way that ensures their identity as the original or a duplicate. Intended for direct use in production and design.
Completeness of design documents
The range of design documents developed for products depending on the stages of development is given in Table. 1.
When determining the completeness of design documents for a product, the following are distinguished: the main design document, the main set of design documents, complete set design documents. The main design documents are: part drawing - for parts; specification - for assembly units and complexes.
Examples of constructing complete and main sets of design documents for a furniture complex are shown in Fig. 1, respectively. 4 and 5.
Design documents (technical description, technical specifications, patent form, map of the technical level and quality of the product) are independent documents (not attached to the working documentation), since they can be developed by the developer or the customer and, as a rule, after the development of working drawings.