DIY ceramic knife made from floor tiles. Ceramic knife - is it worth buying? What are the differences between ceramic knives?

Choosing the best ceramic knife. We study the advantages and disadvantages of ceramics and learn how to properly care for it.

IN Lately cooking utensils with ceramic coating. It is no coincidence that this material is popular in the kitchen. It is not only environmentally friendly, but also reliable and durable. In addition to tableware, ceramic knives are also in high demand. A ceramic knife is made using a special technology that allows you to create a fairly sharp blade that does not require sharpening for a long time.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ceramic knives were first produced in Japan twenty years ago. Unlike metal analogues, ceramic products do not change the taste of products during the cutting process, and do not give them the taste and smell of metal. To make the blades, compressed zirconium powder is used, which becomes a high-strength ceramic material by firing in special furnaces. The strength of a blade depends on the time it spends in the oven. A knife that has been left there for less than a day will most likely be fragile and break quickly. This is typical for Chinese counterfeits.

Before purchasing, you should make sure that the product is durable so as not to purchase a low-quality product. First of all, you should pay attention to the price, since branded knives cannot be called cheap. It is also necessary to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of such products in advance.


  • Stylish design. Ceramic knives have an attractive, modern appearance, made in high-tech style. The handles are usually made of rubberized plastic or silicone in a shape that is comfortable for the hand. Chinese counterfeits are characterized by gluing the handle from two halves, while high-quality Japanese samples have the handle firmly welded to the blade.
  • Not susceptible to staining. You don’t have to worry about the whiteness of the knife, because high-quality models do not absorb the color or smell of food during the cutting process. This is the most hygienic type of material, it is safe and does not harm the human body.
  • Sharp blade. The first few years after purchase, a ceramic knife will be as sharp as when it was first used. With this knife you can cut any food: from meat, hard vegetables, to bread. Moreover, even the softest of them will be cut into thin slices, without crumbling or wrinkling.
  • A light weight. Unlike metal analogues, ceramic products are relatively light in weight. In the process of slicing food, you won’t have to put in as much effort as metal knives require. It is enough just to smoothly move the knife away from you without pressing hard on it.

  • Possibility of breakdown. Unlike their metal counterparts, ceramic knives break quite easily if you are not careful. They are afraid of falling on a hard kitchen surface (tile or stone floor), and they are also not recommended for cutting too hard foods such as frozen vegetables, bones, and they should not crush ice.
  • High price. A high-quality ceramic knife costs a lot of money, but the price is justified by the high performance characteristics products.
  • Cannot be washed in the dishwasher. For ceramic knives Only hand washing in soapy water is suitable. Also, they should not be exposed to boiling water or temperature changes, as small cracks may form on the surface of the blade.

It is better to store ceramic knives separately from other dishes and cutlery, in a stand specially designed for this purpose. They should not be kept together with glass or metal products. Use a wooden or plastic cutting board to cut food. Products made of stone and glass are not suitable. from ceramics must take place in a workshop on a special machine. At home, it is almost impossible to sharpen a knife efficiently.

How to choose?

The choice of a ceramic knife should be taken with full responsibility. To get a truly high-quality product, you need to pay attention to many details. This applies not only to price and brand, but also to size, shape and material of the handle, blade color, etc.

Blade length and color

One of the main criteria by which a ceramic knife is selected is the length of its blade. This may affect the functionality of the item and ease of use. Short blades on knives are ideal for peeling vegetables, while medium blades are considered universal and are suitable for different types products.

The black knife is considered the most durable. Therefore, if you plan to do daily painstaking work in the kitchen by cutting food, it is better to give preference to a knife with a black blade. Its production technology includes the use of a special dye and longer curing of the product in the oven. But the price of such a knife, compared to white models, will be significantly higher.

The standard option is a ceramic knife with a white blade. It costs less and is also suitable for everyday cooking. This option is most often found in kitchen interiors.

Types of handles

The choice of handle material is no less important than the blade. The most popular are considered wooden handles, followed by plastic and rubberized options. Each of them has its own positive and negative qualities, so you should focus on your own preferences and convenience. Products with a wooden handle are considered environmentally friendly and are suitable for lovers of eco-style, while rubberized ones do not slip even in wet hands.

Functional purpose

Ceramic knives should be selected taking into account your own requirements and needs. They are most suitable for peeling and cutting vegetables and fruits. For cheese they are not considered the best option, as thin layers are more likely to stick to the blade. You should not look for a universal model that will suit everything. It is better to purchase several products that differ in shape and size for different types of products.

Well-known brands offer a range of ceramic knives suitable for different tasks. Conscientious companies that produce quality products will not advertise universal models. Ceramic knives are produced only in Japan, China and Russia. More quality options It is the Japanese who offer it; in fact, they are the creators of this product.


In order for ceramic kitchen knives to last longer, you should learn several rules that will allow you to maintain their attractive appearance and performance characteristics.

  1. Ceramic knives should not be used for very hard foods.
  2. Suitable for cutting: plastic or silicone. Porcelain, metal, stone and glass products will reduce the service life of the knife.
  3. You should work with the knife smoothly, without sudden movements.
  4. To avoid damaging the cutting edge, do not scrape the knife along the surface.
  5. You cannot throw the knife flat, so as not to break the blade from the handle.
  6. Washing is only allowed by hand in warm water using a soap solution. Sudden changes temperatures and boiling water are unacceptable.
  7. To avoid chipping the edge of the blade, ceramic knives should be stored separately from other cutlery.
  8. It is necessary to handle a ceramic knife carefully and, if possible, not to drop it on the floor, as this will most likely lead to breakage of the product.

Despite the rather harsh operating conditions of a ceramic knife, as opposed to a metal one, it continues to gain popularity among buyers, especially among women. One of the main advantages is the long-term absence of the need for sharpening. The product’s high environmental friendliness, non-oxidation, and preservation of the natural taste and smell of products are also attractive. And the attractive appearance will decorate any kitchen interior.

Since 1985, a Japanese company Kyocera started production ceramic knives Disputes about the advisability of their use continue. Today, this unusual product has both its fans and ardent opponents who have strong arguments for their position. In order to understand which camp you are ready to join, let’s look at the main pros and cons of a ceramic knife.

Pros of ceramic knives.

1) Ceramic knives are based on zirconium dioxide, which is pressed into molds in powder form and subjected to long-term firing. Thanks to the resulting fine-crystalline structure, we have a knife with a blade hardness of approximately 8.2-8.5 on the Mohs scale. For comparison, steel boasts a maximum of 6.2 on the same Mohs scale. This is the explanation for the fact that Ceramic knives They hold an edge for a very long time. Manufacturers generally assure customers that a ceramic knife will never require additional sharpening. However, this is nothing more than a publicity stunt. Any knife will become dull sooner or later, but a ceramic one will do so much later;

2) Zirconium ceramic knives are very sharp. They do an excellent job of slicing bread (without crumbling it at all), vegetables and boneless meat. It’s easier to show this once in order to dispel all doubts regarding the sharpness of ceramic knives;

3) Ceramic knives Corrosion and all the troubles that accompany it are not scary. In addition, they are chemically neutral and do not oxidize products (cut with a ceramic knife - they retain their color, taste and smell, without a metallic taste). Due to the high density of the material, ceramic knives prevent the growth of bacteria and the formation of stains on the working part of the knife itself;

4) Aesthetic appeal and comparative lightness of the knife. Ceramic knife lighter than its metal counterpart. This is especially valuable for people who spend a lot of time in the kitchen - when long work with a knife, your hand will get tired much less;

5) Ceramic knives are quite easy to maintain. They are very easy and quick to clean from any dirt. However, from use in in this case dishwasher It’s worth refusing, sooner or later it will negatively affect the knife. Ceramics is quite fragile material, which should not be put at risk again.

Cons of ceramic knives.

1) The hardness of ceramic knives is paid for by their fragility. This does not mean that the knife will split from the first fall, but it is definitely not worth abusing it. Sooner or later, the resulting microcracks can transform into something more serious. Knives require careful and careful handling - if used incorrectly, the knife may well break, but these are not problems with the knife itself, but with the way it is used. Most reviews of broken knives, chipped tips, and crumbling cutting edges come from people who tried to misuse the knife or did not follow the instructions for using it.

Crash tests of ceramic knives.

2) Lack of versatility. This point follows entirely from the first. Ceramic knife You cannot chop bones, try to open jars with them, or cut frozen foods. Moreover, this knife should be used on wooden or plastic boards. Violation of these rules will result in the cutting edge simply crumbling, and the knife will lose almost all of its positive properties.

3) Difficulty in sharpening. Sooner or later (even with careful handling) the cutting edge will become dull, and the question of sharpening the knife will arise. Doing this yourself will be more than problematic; for this you need special devices With diamond coating. It would be safer to take the knife to a specialized workshop. However, there are also automatic devices for sharpening ceramic knives. The Japanese corporation Kyocera produces two models of such knife sharpeners - Kyocera DS-20 (mechanical) and Kyocera DS-50 (electric). Both sharpeners restore the sharpness of a knife well and can even straighten small chips up to 5 mm. Among the alternative analogues, it is worth noting the Kasumi 33001 sharpener, which has compartments for sharpening both metal and ceramic knives.

To buy or not ceramic knifeindependent choice everyone. If you are willing to pay decent money for a ceramic knife and use it for its intended purpose, then you will most likely be satisfied. If you purchase Chinese models and treat them carelessly, then the consequences will not leave you waiting. This is exclusively a kitchen knife, designed for cutting vegetables and bread, and not a universal tool that can be used to chop everything that comes to hand.

It should be noted that the article examined ceramic knives from well-known manufacturers, such as Samura, Kyocera, Swiss Home, etc. Which have long gained a reputation as reliable manufacturers of these products.

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Have you already bought yourself this fashionable useful thing? I bought it.

Ceramic knives were invented in Japan 20 years ago, but they entered the world market only 15 years later, and appeared in our country quite recently.

Snow-white and blue-black, unusually light and elegant, housewives like them in appearance, but they raise a lot of questions, the main one of which: “What miracle material is the knife blade made of?”

Naturally, you should not compare it with ceramics for vases, toilets and bathroom tiles. They are united only by a similar manufacturing process - baking in an oven.

The raw material for the blades is zirconium powder, which melts at a very high temperature (about +1600º C) and turns into the ultra-strong material zirconium dioxide (ZrO2). According to the Mohs mineralogical scale of hardness of materials, the hardness of diamond is 10 units, corundum is 9 units, and zirconium dioxide is 8.0-8.6 units. This modern high-tech material is already used in dentistry, jewelry production (a diamond substitute familiar to girls is cubic zirconia), in aircraft and mechanical engineering, etc. The term “ceramic” itself, in its origin, refers more to the production technology of products made from zirconium dioxide - i.e. to the knife making procedure itself - firing or sintering.

These knives are typically produced by dry pressing zirconia crystals and then firing them. A blade is made from the resulting material, sharpening the edges grinding disc with diamond coating. Zirconium dioxide ceramics are different unique ability improve your mechanical strength under the influence of loads.

However, even sharp ceramic helpers are not always perfectly durable. For example, in China, such specimens are made using accelerated technology: they spend less time in the oven, so they turn out to be more fragile than their counterparts from the country rising sun. The color of light-colored knives from the Middle Kingdom is also different: if the Japanese have it snow-white, then the Chinese have it grayish-yellowish, which indicates a lower quality of the raw material.

Ceramic knives come in white and black. The color of the devices depends not only on the presence of the dye, but also on the features of the production technology. Dark knives spend more time in the oven, so their hardness and wear resistance are higher than light ones.

In order for a ceramic knife to last a long time in the kitchen, you must adhere to the following rules:
1. Do not use a ceramic knife to cut hard foods (such as bones).
2. For slicing, you must use a wooden plastic or silicone cutting board, but in no case metal, glass or ceramics.
3. Cutting must be done with even and smooth movements.
4. The greens are not chopped, but cut.
5. You cannot scrape with a ceramic knife; the blade may be damaged.
6. Do not hit with a knife; the blade may break off the handle.
7. Don't wash your knife detergents and in the dishwasher.
8. The knife is stored separately from all other cutlery, since when it comes into contact with metal, the blade may begin to crumble.
9. Ceramics likes stability room temperature, when it changes abruptly, cracks appear.
10. Handle the knife carefully, do not drop it on the floor.


Date: 11/25/2015


Good afternoon, dear readers! Today we will talk about items that no kitchen in the world can do without. Our conversation will be about knives. The heroes of our story today - Ceramic knives. About them When we get tired of getting angry, we remember how quickly metal blades become dull, and worry about vitamins “killed” by iron completely covers our entire being.

Although commercials insist that ceramic blades are fantastically sharp, environmentally friendly and fantastically beautiful, many skeptical comrades continue to mutter that there is no point in throwing out a lot of money for a new-fangled thing that you would be afraid to drop even on a Persian carpet. Like, it’s much better to buy quality knife made of metal. Great, there is a motive to understand their differences! I will tell you about the history of the appearance of ceramic knives, their positive and negative qualities, about how to choose, use, and sharpen them correctly.

Where did ceramic knives come from?

The ceramic knife was invented by the Japanese, but it should be noted that Soviet scientists produced an “eternal” razor with such a blade back in the eighties of the last century. Unfortunately, this invention was put in the back corner, the Japanese again received all the applause, and the laurels went to them. Well, there’s nothing you can do about it... Literally some 25 years ago, only professionals used such a tool. Sushi-making specialists were happy to use this wonder to prepare their dishes, because ceramics do not give a metallic taste to the delicate taste samurai dishes. Ceramic knives began to be sold not so long ago.
But they immediately began to be counterfeited by enterprising businessmen from the Celestial Empire.

A little about production

The ceramic blade is a high-tech item. The name “ceramic” does not refer to the blade itself, but to the technology of its manufacture - agglomeration and firing. To be precise, glamorous knives have zirconium dioxide blades. I think that all the intricacies of the production process will be of little interest to housewives (and just those who like to cook). We would just like to note that during manufacturing, thick, almost transparent plates made of zirconium sintered using a special technology are sharpened by specialists by hand, can you imagine! A man flies into space, and knife sharpening made by hand, hence the high price . To the touch, the cutting edge may seem dull, but this feeling is deceptive. A ceramic blade is much thicker than its metal counterparts; it is specially sharpened at a certain obtuse angle. If necessary, ceramics will cut a piece of paper by weight no worse than metal.

Ergonomics and aesthetics

Ceramic beauties, as a rule, are made in my favorite “high-tech” style. They look futuristic and fit perfectly into the kitchen interior. modern design. Taking the blade in your hand, you will instantly feel its practicality: the line of the handle, the shape, the structure, the coating of the blade - everything emphasizes its peculiarity and unusualness. The handle fits perfectly into the palm, making cooking in the kitchen a lot of pleasure. Handles can be made of plastic, rubberized plastic that does not slip, or silicone. Working with a Japanese invention is extremely comfortable and pleasant. See how easy it is to cook with it.

Black, white: what's the difference

The color range in which ceramic kitchen blades are made is not very diverse. They only come in black and white.
Black ones are more durable. They are the ones chosen for work by professional chefs and specialists in the field of sushi making. For everyday cooking at home, we can recommend a cheaper one white version, especially since it is not much inferior in quality to the dark one. You can, of course, have black if you are a cool, aesthetic gourmet and often cut dried bear meat in large quantities into thin transparent slices of equal thickness. Here my advice is invalid - take only black! Just kidding, of course. Buy the one that will be preferable for you. The mood today is a bit sarcastic, sorry, friends! Yesterday I tried to explain to the designer what kind of kitchen I was imagining and why. And he probably decided that I was Rothschild’s secret great-niece and presented such a bill for his services that I am still not able to leave.

Let's not compare a mountain bike with a touring bike

Thinking which ones are better to buyknives made of metal or ceramics are the same as comparing a mountain bike and the one you ride in the park. It cannot be said that one is good and the other is bad. These things are different, they are intended for different purposes. Yes,ceramic knifeyou won’t be able to chop beef bones, you won’t be able to open a tin can with it, you won’t be able to open a bottle of beer, which a metal brother could easily handle. “Ceramic” is a narrowly focused specialist for the kitchen. Its purpose is to cut into thin slices fish, sirloin of meat, vegetables for salad, bread. So we will use it and we will be happy.

The main advantages and benefits of ceramic knives

Cons: truthful, without excessive dramatization

  1. Fragility. Ceramics are harder than metal, but their strength is much lower. It may even break if dropped on a carpet. The blade is short (up to 16.5 cm), since the longer it is, the more fragile it is. It is not recommended to buy blades longer than 20 cm (those are already considered too long).
  2. Fracture under lateral loads on the cutting edge. Ceramics are very afraid of “bending” when cutting. You cannot remove meat from a bone, for example, since the blade may simply split where the metal simply deforms. But that’s why there are operating rules and the purpose of the item - follow them and everything will be fine. We don't sharpen our nails with a rasp...
  3. They are afraid of sudden changes in temperature. Although I am sure that you will not heat it on fire and then put it in ice water, remembering how much hard-earned money was given for it.
  4. You can't scrape kitchen boards. Well, if you are itching and want to clean it the “old-fashioned” way, then buy a knife for these purposes that is also “old-fashioned”, and not a fancy one.
  5. Not suitable for slicing hard foods. There are metal ones for this - each has its own “paraffy”.
  6. The blade should not be pressed or hit flat. Otherwise it will simply break off from the handle.
  7. Cannot be used on porcelain or glass boards.

Operating rules

In this article you will learn when the ceramic knife was invented, its production technology; we will describe the advantages and disadvantages of ceramic knives, compare them with knives from of stainless steel, we will give recommendations for use; We'll tell you how to choose the right ceramic knife.

Today, ceramic knives are in demand all over the world. And its popularity is growing every day. It is used by both ordinary housewives and professional chefs. What is this? A tribute to fashion?

Or, indeed, is interest in this kitchen invention justified by its irreplaceable qualities? Let's try to figure it out.


The first person to introduce the world to the possibility of using ceramics in the production of knives was Bob Terzuola. But these were far from kitchen knives. The ceramic cutting knife was first produced in 1985 by the Japanese company Kyocera.

Production technology

For the manufacture of ceramic knives, an innovative material is used - zirconium ceramics, which is second only to diamond in strength.

Let us describe the technology for the production of ceramic knives using the example of the Kyocera company.

The raw material for the production of ceramic blades is the mineral zircon. Australia is the world leader in zircon mining.

First of all, a geologist looks for a place rich in black sand. Black sand contains the colorless mineral zircon. Once a location is found, the excavator begins digging. There are a lot of stones in the excavated earth. We need to get rid of them. This is done in a refiner. First, the earth hits a vibrating platform. During the shaking process, the largest stones are discarded. The material then enters a special cylinder, where it is mixed with water. This way they get rid of the remaining smaller stones. Next, the sand, rich in minerals, is sent for washing through giant spirals. The principle of operation of these spirals is that lighter grains of sand are washed onto the walls of the pipe, and heavier grains of minerals settle in the center. As a result, the mixture of minerals was cleared of impurities. Now we need to isolate zircon from this mixture. The separation of minerals is carried out on magnetic and electrostatic machines. Then the minerals go to the concentration table for wet enrichment. The final stage is shaking on a vibrating table. The result is pure zircon, which is sold all over the world.

The zircon is then transported to China, where zirconium dioxide is obtained from it - the basis for the production of ceramic blades. The resulting material is sent to Japan to the plant.

To give the zirconium powder the shape of a blade, it is poured into a special hole resembling the shape of a blade and pressed under a pressure of 300 tons. Under pressure, grains of zirconium are joined together, forming a fragile blade plate. Therefore, to increase their strength, the plates are fired. Firing is carried out in a furnace at a temperature of 1400°C. After 48 hours, the plates are removed from the oven. Now the blades are strong and not so easy to break.

The burnt blades are attached to the handle. After which they are sent for sharpening.

The knife is sharpened on a rotating wheel covered with diamond dust, where the edge of the knife becomes razor-sharp. A trademark is placed on already laser-sharpened knives.

The blades of ceramic knives are not only white. Black blades are also made using dye. The difference is not only in color. Black blades are fired in a kiln for more than long time. As a result, they are more durable, less abrasive and, accordingly, more expensive.

Advantages of ceramic knives

  • Sharpness without the need for frequent sharpening, unlike steel knives. This is due to the hardness of the material from which ceramic knives are made. As mentioned above, zircon is one of the most hard materials on the ground. Therefore, the blade of such a knife is practically not subject to abrasion.
  • The blades of ceramic knives are chemically inert. The pores of the ceramic material are so tightly closed that there is no transfer of taste and smell from one product to another. Thanks to this property, the knife blade does not oxidize, unlike a steel knife. This knife also does not cause allergies caused by intolerance to food that comes into contact with metal.
  • Knife hygiene. The density of the ceramic prevents bacteria from entering the pores of the blade.
  • Relatively light weight. Stainless steel knives weigh much more. This property is useful for those who spend a lot of time in the kitchen.
  • The ceramic blade is not subject to corrosion, unlike its steel counterparts.

Disadvantages of ceramic knives

  • Fragility - if dropped, the knife may break; if used incorrectly, chips may appear on the blade. Therefore, such a knife must be handled with care.

  • Narrow scope of use. Due to its fragility, a ceramic knife cannot be used to cut frozen food, meat and fish with bones, and hard foods. It cannot be used as a cleaver. They can only be used to cut on plastic or wooden boards.
  • Price tag – high-quality ceramic knives are very expensive. Moreover, knives with black blades are more expensive than knives with white blades. This is due to the fact that their production technology takes much longer. Although this disadvantage is relative, since a high-quality stainless steel knife costs no less.
  • Difficult to sharpen. A regular sharpener cannot sharpen a ceramic knife. Nowadays there are machines for sharpening ceramic knives on sale, but you should not unconditionally trust their “sharpening” properties. Although there are exceptions. But such devices are expensive. And there is no guarantee that when sharpening a blade you will not ruin it. Therefore, it is better to entrust sharpening of a ceramic knife to a professional.

This has already been mentioned a little above. Let's talk about this in more detail.

  • The ceramic knife is designed for cutting soft foods - fruits and vegetables, bread, cheese, boneless meat and fish, etc.
  • Do not use it to cut frozen foods - this may damage the knife blade.
  • A ceramic knife can only be used on wooden or plastic boards!
  • Do not cut bones with it, otherwise chips and cracks may appear on the blade.
  • Cut food with smooth movements, do not knock it on the board.
  • After using the knife, wash it warm water using dishwashing liquid. Do not wash your ceramic knife in the dishwasher!
  • Store ceramic knives separately from other cutlery - in blade covers or on special stands.
  • Try to handle the ceramic knife carefully. Even a fall from a small height can break your knife.
  • Use a ceramic knife only for its intended purpose - this is not a camping knife!

  • Before purchasing, you should take into account that each ceramic knife, depending on its shape and size, has a specific purpose. Exist Various types ceramic knives - utility knife, paring knife, chef's knife, cleaver, carving knife, etc. So think about what kind of knife you need and how you are going to use it.
  • Before you buy a knife, hold it in your hand. This is important because you will be the one using the knife. If you are uncomfortable holding it or the handle is smaller than the circumference of your palm, it is better to choose a different knife.
  • Feel the weight of the knife. Since it is its weight that will determine what exactly can be cut with this knife. A lightweight knife is good for speed and accuracy of cuts. A heavy knife is best used for cutting large products.
  • Check how the knife balances when you hold it. The weight of the knife should be evenly distributed from the tip of the blade to the handle. A well-balanced knife makes the cutting process easier and your hand will get less tired.
  • Take a closer look at what material the knife handle is made of. For their production they are used various materials. The ideal material for the handle is rubberized plastic, which prevents the knife from slipping out of your hands. The material of the handle also determines how the weight will be distributed throughout the knife. If the knife slips in your hand, for your own safety it is better to abandon such a knife.
  • Consider the width of the cutting edge. It should be smooth and of equal thickness along the entire blade of the knife.
  • Don't buy a ceramic knife at the first store you come across. Visit the websites of companies that sell knives. Read reviews to find out which knife will last the longest. This will help protect you from buying a low-quality knife or a fake.

In custody

Yes, a ceramic knife is not ideal. It has a main drawback - fragility. But if you use it for its intended purpose, provided that it is a high-quality knife, there should be no complaints about it. You just have to accept that not everything can be cut with a ceramic knife. Take it as kitchen tool for cutting certain products. And then such a knife will become an indispensable assistant in your kitchen. And food prepared with its help will be tasty and healthy.