Canadian spruce Konika - subtleties of planting and care. How to plant Canadian spruce "Konica"? Recommendations and care Where to plant Canadian spruce in the garden


Canadian spruce Conica (Picea glauca Conica)- dwarf cone-shaped. Height 3-4 m, crown diameter 2 m. Annual growth in height 6-10 cm, width 3-5 cm. At 35 years, height 3.6 m in some specimens. The oldest plant at the age of 60 years has a height of 4 m. The crown is dense. The needles are soft, light green. Used for single plantings, in groups, rock gardens. Canadian spruce Konica decorative due to the regular, conical shape of the crown. Does not tolerate compaction and waterlogging of the soil. Frost-resistant.

Needles: The needles are soft, light green.
Features of growth: Annual growth is 6-10 cm in height, 3-5 cm in width.
The soil: Does not tolerate compaction and waterlogging of the soil.
Light: Photophilous, tolerates partial shade. Grows well on sunny places. May suffer from sunburn.
Moisture: Sensitive to drought.
Frost resistance: Frost-resistant. USDA zone 3 (see).
Landing: The frequency of planting in a row is 0.5 - 0.6 m. Planting in sunny places only if additional watering is possible. Planting in places with strong winds that dry out the air and soil is not recommended.
Care and protection: Wind protection. Should be protected from winter sun rays.
Decorative qualities: Decorative due to the regular, conical shape of the crown.
Purpose: Canadian spruce Konica, which is universally popular. Used for single plantings, in groups, rock gardens.

Planting and caring for spruce Canadian Konica

Do not allow soil compaction and moisture stagnation. The landing site should be away from groundwater. It is imperative to make a drainage layer, in the form of sand or broken brick, 15-20 cm thick. If spruce trees are planted in groups, then the distance for tall spruce trees should be from 2 to 3 m. The depth of the planting hole is 50-70 cm.

It is important that root collar was at ground level. You can prepare a special soil mixture: leaf and turf soil, peat, and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1:1. Immediately after planting, the tree must be watered generously with 40 - 50 liters of water. It is advisable to apply fertilizer (100-150 g of nitroammophosphate, 10 g of root per 10 l, etc.).

Spruce trees do not like dry, hot weather, so during the hot season they need to be watered once a week, approximately 10-12 liters per tree. Carry out shallow loosening (5cm). For the winter, sprinkle peat around the trunk with a thickness of 5-6 cm; after winter, the peat is simply mixed with the ground, not removed. Spruces can also be planted in winter period.

Approximately 2 times a season you can apply fertilizer for coniferous plants.

Spruce trees usually do not need pruning, but if they form hedge pruning is allowed. As a rule, diseased and dry branches are removed. It is best to carry out pruning in late May - early June, when the period of active sap flow ends.

To protect the decorative forms of spruce from autumn and winter frosts, they can be covered with spruce branches. (cm. , ).

Canadian spruce Konica is a dwarf variety and grows in the territory North America, is distinguished by a spectacular cone-shaped crown, unpretentious in care. Spruce is used in landscape design for decoration entrance area in the garden, creating rock gardens, arranging pedestrian paths, and also as single plantings.

Decorative spruce Konika is an evergreen crop, distinguished by spectacular lush green needles with a blue tint, soft needles reach a length of 1 cm. Crown coniferous culture cone-shaped. An adult tree does not need pruning often. At the end of spring, cones ripen on the branches.

The garden is decorated with a Christmas tree; single bushes or group compositions are used in the design. Coniferous crops can be combined with other varieties of Christmas trees; varieties differ in the shape of the crown and the shade of the needles. Dwarf varieties are used in rock gardens and can be used to design a green roof, create mixborders, decorate terraces, balconies and loggias. Coniferous varieties look original in combination with flowering shrubs and flower beds.

In winter, you can grow the plant at home; Konica looks impressive in a pot in the living room, in winter gardens V country houses, on glazed loggias.

Planting spruce in the garden

For planting spruce on the house and garden area you need to choose the right seedlings, growing area and soil.

When selecting seedlings, consider the following:

  1. Planting materials should be purchased from special gardening nurseries that offer high-quality products.
  2. The crown of the plant should be lush, the needles should be fresh, without yellowed, dried needles.
  3. It is recommended to choose seedlings with closed roots; this will maintain sufficient soil moisture and ensure good survival of the plant.
  4. Bare-rooted seedlings should not have damaged roots.
  5. The roots of the seedling are covered with a moistened cloth and after delivery it is immediately planted.

When choosing a place for planting, it is necessary to take into account that the plant does not tolerate air pollution. It is prohibited to post ornamental trees near highways. The planting area should be well lit, the soil should be slightly oxidized (with a pH of 6-6.5), the soil should be fertile. Areas with infertile soil must be fertilized. Superphosphate (100 g) and potassium salts (100 g) are added to the soil per tree. Coniferous crops can be planted from spring to autumn.

To root seedlings with an open root system, it is recommended to carry out planting procedures in the spring. Place in open ground plants with roots in a coma of earth can also be summer time. After planting, the plant is protected from exposure to the sun. It is necessary to maintain a distance between seedlings of at least 1 m, tall varieties placed at intervals of up to 2-3 m.

Konica spruce requires regular processing; planting and care (pictured) are carried out in compliance with the following steps:

  1. Cooking landing hole, optimal for the root system. The average size pits 50x50x50 cm.
  2. A drainage layer up to 10 cm thick is laid on the base. Brick fragments, sand, and expanded clay granules can be used as filler.
  3. Prepare a mixture of humus (compost), turf, peat, and coarse sand.
  4. The finished composition is placed in a hole, a plant is placed in it, and the soil is compacted. It is not recommended to overfill the seedling with soil.
  5. The plant is watered warm water(10-12 l).
  6. Near trunk circle pour out crushed peat, wood chips, and tree bark.

Tree care

Caring for Konica spruce includes regular soil moistening, mulching, regular feeding. It is recommended to prune and inspect the branches for pests. In hot weather, plants must be protected from sunlight.

Rules for watering coniferous plants:

  1. Trees must receive regular moderate watering; the bush cannot withstand prolonged drought and excessive soil moisture.
  2. Regular soil moisture is required for young seedlings. Adult plants are watered less frequently, but abundantly.
  3. The frequency of watering is determined as the soil dries. Typically, 1-2 buckets of water are required per tree.
  4. The water should be settled, its temperature should be about +18...+25°C, because... cool water can damage trees.
  5. In summer it is necessary to spray the needles of the bushes and clean the branches from dust.

The soil around the bush must be regularly loosened and mulched (the ground is sprinkled with crushed peat, wood chips and bark). Loosening is carried out after the soil has dried near the spruce trunk. The procedure is performed carefully, without damaging the roots.

Plant feeding is carried out in compliance with the following requirements:

Plant pruning is carried out in spring and autumn. It is necessary to remove damaged and dried branches with sharp pruning shears. After pruning, damaged branches are burned.

The procedure for preparing trees for winter includes pre-winter watering (in the second half of October). It is necessary to pour 30-40 liters of water under the bush and add additional fertilizer. On frosty winter days, the crown is covered, and areas near the trunk are sprinkled with snow.

Height of a mature Konica spruce tree

Among conifers, the Konika spruce is considered a short one; the height of an adult tree is 2 m; in warm climates, the plant can reach a height of 4 m. The variety is universal, planting is carried out in the park, seedlings can be placed in tubs in the house and in containers on a spacious balcony.

The crown diameter of an average spruce reaches 2 m. First, the tree adds 10 cm annually, then the growth in 1 year decreases to 3 cm. Subsequently, the growth rate consistently decreases.

Photos of trees

The following types of coniferous crop Konica are used in the design of the site:

Konika spruce in a pot at home

Growing spruce is done at home, subject to the following recommendations:

  1. The bush should be in a lighted area; in the summer, the tub is moved to a balcony, terrace or garden plot.
  2. In winter, the room temperature should be maintained at about +10°C, and fresh air must be supplied.
  3. In winter, watering is organized up to 1-2 times every 7-9 days. When maintaining the temperature around 0°C, watering is carried out no more than once a month.
  4. Transfer indoor plant performed in the spring, it is optimal to carry out this procedure once every 2-3 years. The soil mixture needs to be updated.

Home care rules

When planning to plant a plant in the garden and keep the seedling in winter time it is necessary to maintain the temperature no higher than +10…+15°С. With more high temperature in the room the branches begin to stretch and weaken. It is necessary to spray the needles if there are heating devices in the room. In spring, transplantation is carried out in open soil.

The culture grows mainly in North America. A small conifer was discovered at the beginning of the last century. Then dendrologists Reder and Jack visited Lake Liggan, located in Canada. Konica has become a popular variety and has become the main material for creating new subspecies.

Description of Canadian spruce

Konik has a rather squat crown. It consists of tightly pressed branches. An impressive, clearly defined conical crown is formed thanks to short internodes. By the way, clarity of form is observed during the first 10 years of development. Afterwards it becomes a little distorted. If you don't trim it, it can turn into a pin-shaped one.

With proper care and planting, Canadian spruce lives up to 60 years.

The growth of needles occurs on shoots. They are short, the length never exceeds one centimeter. IN at a young age they are soft and pale green. Over the years they become a little sharper, like needles. By winter, the shade changes to a persistent green. If you rub the plucked needles between your palms, you can get an ether, the smell of which resembles the aroma of ripe black currant, but the smell is not for everyone.

The culture rarely forms cones. Initially, the roots grow downward, then begin to spread out. As a result, they take up much more space than a spreading crown.

Growth is slow. Canadian spruce can hardly be called a dwarf variety, since during its entire life cycle it grows into a very tall tree. In one season, the height of Canadian spruce (young) increases by 3-6 centimeters. A big jump in growth is noticeable between 6 and 15 years. Then the growth is 10 cm. In Russia, such indications are not registered, since the variety does not tolerate dry air - it interferes with development.

After 10 years the rate decreases. Now the crop rises by a maximum of 3 cm per season. By the age of 30, a spruce can grow up to 4 meters. But such specimens are found only in a few European countries with a humid climate and in North America.

Application in landscape design

Rarely does any composition complete without the participation of gray spruce. Young specimens go well with other plants decorating alleys, flower beds, and rock gardens. Low-growing varieties terraces are planted. They look especially organic when combined with flowers.

Konica is often planted in containers. It is very comfortable. For example, when decorating a front door, balcony or other resting place, you can easily move the plant to different locations.

Types and varieties of spruce

Canadian spruce (konika) not prepared for the Russian climate. There will be no development of culture in neighboring Belarus or, for example, in Ukraine. The variety is cultivated in countries where humidity levels are high. Where temperature changes are quite rare. Spring in such places is predictable and the transition of seasons is smooth. But do difficulties stop anyone? Especially gardeners and breeders.

Caring for her is difficult. For example, cleaning takes a lot of time and also causes harm to humans. Even gardeners try at all costs to avoid this procedure. Epine treatment and sprinkling are carried out when it is no longer possible to ignore the problem.

This is how the Canadian spruce turns from a decoration into a disgrace. A culture designed to purify the air begins to pollute it. Pests begin to settle in the crown of an unkempt tree, which will then become breeding grounds for diseases. Their life activity is not limited to one crop and they begin to spread throughout the entire dacha/garden area.

Pros and cons of growing

Canadian blue spruce is a nightmare for any gardener, even an experienced and conscientious one. Hence the question: how did it become so popular? The plant is cultivated in countries with comfortable climatic conditions and high humidity. Nobody dealt with issues of adaptation in our conditions. Once you decide to buy a seedling, contact the nursery. These samples, to a small extent, were able to adapt to our climate.

The advantages of the problem variety include:

  • beauty;
  • adaptability to containers;
  • slow growth;
  • frost resistance;
  • shade tolerance;
  • small size;
  • symmetrical crown, the care of which does not require regular pruning.

Most of the shortcomings are due to the fact that gray spruce (Canadian, konika) is not adapted to Russian conditions:

  • in sunny areas the needles begin to burn;
  • needs regular and long-term cleaning of the crown;
  • a very complex process of culture propagation;
  • every day the crop must undergo a sprinkling procedure;
  • develops poorly and is not adapted to life in a city with polluted air;
  • it is necessary to carry out treatment and introduce foliar fertilizers every 2 weeks;
  • At the beginning of life, growth is very slow, but then the tree rises to 4 meters. Therefore, a transplant to a more spacious place is required.

Planting and caring for the plant

It was said earlier that cones rarely ripen. Therefore, it is difficult to wait for seeds in a natural way. They are not available for free sale. But if you place an ad, there may be suppliers. It’s just that no one knows what will eventually grow. Anyone who manages to find seeds that will germinate and:

  • young seedlings will be able to safely endure several transplants;
  • in the first 4 years they will not get sick or die from dry soil, insufficient moisture and many other reasons.

Planting Canadian spruce: preparation of seedlings, plot

The ideal soil for planting is acidic and slightly acidic. The variety reacts well to sandy soil. The main thing is to find an area with deep groundwater. The planting hole is dug in advance. In diameter at least 60 cm. Depth from 70 cm.

A 20 cm drainage is required. There is no need to delay planting Konica. Soak in advance root system in root solution for better development. Six hours will be enough.

The substrate should be based on humus and turf. Also add up to 150 g of nitroammophoska. The presence of high-moor peat will improve the soil structure. 2 weeks before planting, the hole is filled 2/3 with substrate, filled in and left as is.

Purchase imported seedlings from trusted suppliers. Read reviews on thematic forums. When purchasing, pay attention to the root system. For such specimens it should be in a burlap sack, inside of which there is a damp substrate.

The neighbors were eating

Planting Konika spruce in southern regions carried out from October to the end of February. In the north, planting work begins in August. Container seedlings take root well, but it is better not to plant them in hot seasons. The plant is planted in a shaded area and watered until frost arrives.

All plants adjacent to Konica, such as: should have similar care requirements, climatic conditions and the soil. Otherwise, one of the neighbors will begin to wither or die altogether.

You should not plant shrubs that require regular loosening of the soil. The conifer will not tolerate this procedure.

Its small roots are located almost on the surface of the earth and can be damaged during the procedure.

It is recommended to plant large crops with dense foliage on the south side, so that they become a kind of shield for spruce that protects from the sun. But choose those that do not completely cover the beauty of the spruce. With age, the need for this protection will decrease.

Transplanting a plant

If increased care is required for the Canadian Konica spruce, then it tolerates replanting better than many representatives of conifers. But this is not recommended. Only specimens up to 10 years old can withstand transplantation without pain. For others it is much more difficult.

When young it is small and does not cause any inconvenience. But over the years it grows to a decent size, including in width. The plant becomes cramped, and even against the background of other dwarf plants appearance culture becomes irrelevant.

A couple of days before the planned transplant, the crop is watered in such a way that the earthen lump does not collapse under the weight of the liquid and the roots do not remain bare. The hole is prepared much earlier. Only in this case, in diameter it reaches one and a half meters in relation to the perimeter of the crown. Usually the depth of the hole is half a meter, but often it has to be further adjusted.

Algorithm for planting and caring for Canadian Konica spruce:

  • A piece of old burlap is well soaked and laid nearby.
  • Using a shovel, a circle is drawn around the tree equal to the perimeter of the crown - this area remains undamaged during digging.
  • First of all, remove the soil. They dig in the direction from the trunk.
  • As soon as the shovel meets the root, you need to cut it off.
  • You can try to loosen the lump and cut the roots that interfere with the process.
  • The dug up tree is transferred to damp burlap. Be sure to secure the edges with twine or other thick rope.
  • The depth of the hole is measured as follows: 20 cm is added to the distance between the earthen lump and the root collar.
  • They are landing.

If the soil has settled a little and the plant itself has squinted, the reason may be as follows:

  • planting was carried out immediately after digging the hole;
  • they forgot to fill the hole with soil and did not water it;
  • did not compact the soil.

Canadian spruce: caring for the crop

After planting, it is necessary to keep the soil constantly moist. Watering is reduced to moderate only after the plant has rooted.

Placing the crop near a pond or lake somewhat increases the air humidity. A fountain located on the site in close proximity to Konika will save the situation. Its stream should not flow down, but spray drops to the sides.

Sprinkling will help simplify care procedures. Moisturizing the crown is done either early in the morning or after 6 pm. If the needles do not dry out before the sun is active, they will get burned and turn yellow.


Buying all-purpose fertilizer is not the best the best choice. And if it comes to varietal plants, then they only need special feeding. The reason is that Konika suffers from urban air pollution, and using the wrong fertilizers will only make the situation worse. For example, yellowing of needles occurs due to a lack of magnesium, iron and nitrogen.

Microelements in soil are absorbed extremely poorly, so they are added during foliar feeding. It is recommended to treat the crown with epin. In the spring, nitrogen should predominate, and in the fall, potassium and phosphorus.

Trimming procedures

Up to 10 years, pruning is not required, as the plant will have its own beautiful crown. Minor deformation occurs with age. The crop tolerates pruning well. But they do it for visual aesthetics and to limit growth.

To enhance the decorative effect, trim the crown in early spring. Pruning dwarf varieties Canadian spruce can be replaced with standard sanitary cleaning.

Crown cleaning rules

First, carefully push the branches apart. All dry needles are cleaned off. To do this, the shoot is tightly grasped in the area of ​​the trunk and the hand is pulled along the growth. Control your strength. Your goal is to clean off the dry needles, not to uproot the crop.

Try to break off all the dead branches located inside. Trimming each one will take a long time.

There is no need to stretch out the cleansing over several days. Dry branches and pine needles should be cleaned immediately in one day. Do not leave them on the ground - they are the strongest breeding ground for insects and many diseases. The best assistant will be garden vacuum cleaner. But you can use a regular rake.

After cleaning, be sure to treat the crop with a copper-based fungicide. Copious spraying should be done near the tree trunk and in the inner part of the crown.


Jan Wn der Neer claims that without shelter the plant can withstand cold only in frost-resistant areas. Other sources recommend installing protection as soon as the air temperature drops to -32C. However, our gardeners and nursery owners assure that -40C is a completely normal temperature and the crop can withstand it without protection.

Frost resistance was mentioned in the description of the Canadian Konica spruce. This is true. Where does this stability come from? It's all about humidity.

During frosts it is low. Plants sense this, so the risk of frostbite is low. If grown in a place protected from the winds, don’t worry, it will definitely withstand 40-degree cold.

Naturally, we are talking about adult specimens that have managed to take root. By the time winter arrives, they are only mulched. In the first year, the variety that was previously sick should be covered with a white cloth. Small seedlings are protected with spruce branches.

The best month for shelter is December. It is necessary to cover the moment when it drops to -10C. Don't do it in advance. Otherwise, the crown will damp out, which is even more dangerous.

Sun protection

There is no urgent need for the sun. Spruce is necessary only at the end of winter and in the first days of spring. With the arrival of spring, the needles of the crop begin the process of active evaporation of moisture, while the root system, after winter dormancy, is not yet able to adequately provide the crown with the necessary liquid.

To avoid burns, the crown must be covered with any non-woven material white. Otherwise they will burn and fall off. The sprinkling procedure and spraying with epin, of course, can restore the needles, but decorative properties culture will lose.

Despite its capriciousness, the variety grows well in the sun and partial shade. However, seedlings planted in a southern orientation burn. In such cases, the side with the active property is covered with plants with dense foliage.

Reproduction of spruce

The gray spruce Konika does not reproduce easily. Whatever method you choose, there will be many problems, since they take root very poorly, although they retain all the characteristics of the parent plant. Breeding in nurseries in Russia began quite recently and has not yet brought great success. Therefore, seedlings are delivered from abroad.

But suppliers are not able to saturate the domestic market. Amateur gardeners will not be able to master reproduction using grafting, but they do not give up trying.

Of all the methods, it is a little easier to grow a spruce by cuttings. But be prepared for the fact that not all of the “material” will take root, but only part of it. Bringing cuttings to a marketable state will require not only years, but also an appropriate room, a greenhouse, and transplants. Don't rely on luck. Without regularly maintaining a certain temperature, humidity, and soil, nothing will work.

You can buy cuttings at any time. It is desirable that they have a heel. Bottom part must be treated with growth hormone. Next, planting is done in perlite. You can also use a mixture based on peat and sand or sand in pure form. The cuttings need to be kept in a stable cool place and in high humidity. Even a single drying of the soil can cause the cuttings to die.

Diseases and pests

Most often, the variety is affected by an invasion spider mites . Although butterfly caterpillars also cause significant harm. The invasion of these insects does not happen often, but lasts up to 7 years. Pests are capable of eating all the needles in a few days, leaving the plant with bare bark.

Among the diseases, the variety is most often exposed to

  • rust,
  • necrosis,
  • rotten.

To prevent the occurrence of insects and diseases, you should inspect the plant once a week using a magnifying glass. The first few times it will take many hours, but over time everything will go much faster.

What to do if the spruce begins to dry out

First, let's find out the reason for what happened. Loss of turgor is associated with rotting of the root system from overwatering. Therefore, you should not grab buckets with liters of water or a hose. A culture “drowned” in liquid becomes sluggish and gradually begins to dry out.

To check the degree of soil moisture, it is enough to dig a not deep (10 cm) hole around the perimeter of the tree trunk area. If the soil is dry, then you can water it.

Next you need to determine the permeability of the earth. The culture does not tolerate dense soil. To do this, take a match and insert the wooden tip into the ground in the place where the roots are located. If she entered unhindered, then everything is in order. In another case, you will need to remove the mulch, carefully loosen it around the perimeter to a depth of 5 centimeters, without thinking about the safety of the root system.

The life of the Canadian (gray) spruce comes first. At the third stage, a thorough inspection of all parts should be carried out. It is necessary to make sure that the listed areas are not damaged by any diseases and are not attacked by pests. Along the way, it is worth checking for the presence of a special constriction on the main shoot, where the label was previously attached at the time of purchase.

Have you ever seen a small, decorative spruce Konika? If yes, then you were probably surprised by its unusual appearance, because the plant does not exceed 30 cm in height. Today Konica is used for decoration, since it fits perfectly into any landscape design, gives it sophistication and beauty. The topic of this article is conika spruce: planting and in open ground and care. It will help you create the most suitable for your plant. suitable conditions so that it can be adopted on your territory as quickly as possible.

Spruce Canadian conika: planting in open ground and care.

Canadian spruce Konica - how to plant?

The peculiarity of this spruce is its cone-shaped shape, thanks to which it is possible to create an elegant appearance to the adjacent area. Fluffy, dense branches of bright green color will add brightness to your autumn and winter landscape. The fluffiness of the plant allows it to reach a diameter of more than 80 cm. Does spruce grow quickly? Unfortunately, there are no summer residents. Every year its growth is about 10 cm. Not much, but the plant is distinguished by its longevity and easy care, which anyone, even a novice summer resident, can do.

Is it difficult to grow Konica? No. The main condition is to create an optimal temperature regime. Spruce cannot be grown in the northern regions, where winter temperature drops below -15 degrees. The plant simply cannot withstand such sharp changes, so pay attention to this important aspect. What to do in this case? Better solution– grow Konica in decorative pot, which you can easily bring indoors for the winter.

Since the plant is small, it will not take up much precious space. At home, you just need to provide everything the necessary conditions: regular watering, the application of high-quality fertilizers and a small amount of diffused light. Direct ultra-violet rays can cause harm to the plant, causing the needles to take on a dark purple hue.

Rules for planting Canadian Konica in open ground:

  • Planting material (seedling) needs to be prepared for planting: grow to the right size(10-15 cm), soak for a while.
  • The landing site is chosen very carefully. The plant does not like direct sunlight and does not tolerate being near tall trees or bushes. The best option– choose a dark area for the spruce, without drafts, unfavorable neighbors and groundwater.
  • The soil should not be acidic, so it is recommended to mix it with a small amount of ash. In order for Konika to take off and begin to actively grow, it is important to create for her the most suitable soil. It can be purchased in specialized stores or mixed with garden soil, turf, peat and sand.
  • Planting time is selected depending on the soil system. Plants with open system planted at any time of the year, except winter, with closed ones in spring or autumn. Planting should be done on a cloudy, cool day, and the plant itself should be covered with some material for a couple of days to protect the delicate needles, which are not accustomed to the sun.

Caring for Konika is a simple task

Konica will delight those who do not have time for long term care. Spruce grows beautifully even without your attention. It tolerates drought well if you provide it with a dark place. The only thing that can upset you is an attack by pests or diseases. To prevent problems from occurring, it is recommended to use special preparations that will protect your plant. It could be inkstone, trichodermin or alyrin. If the spruce is severely damaged, you should not save it - it may be useless. It would be much better to burn it.

So, Canadian spruce, planting in open ground and care which is uncomplicated, will be an excellent addition to your landscape plot. We hope that our advice will be useful to you.

We liked how in the movies they decorate the fir trees for New Years and Christmas in front of the house, so we wanted something similar for ourselves. We thought and thought and settled on Konik. Firstly, its dimensions are ideal for small plots and secondly, she looks great all year round, especially since it can be planted in a pot and kept in the house during severe frosts (though since the temperature in winter should not be higher than +5, we will place it in the summer kitchen).
The spruce was planted according to science, so we worked hard, selecting a pot and preparing the mixture for planting. For drainage, we took expanded clay, in a layer of approximately 8-10 cm. The soil mixture consisted of: 2 parts each of leaf and turf soil and 1 part each of sand and peat. Well, the landing itself was the same as on this page.

We gave this conika in a pot as a gift for New Year. And then by February she began to look somehow worse. I rushed to the forums and was immediately shocked! It turned out that these beauties will not live at home; they need cold wintering and outdoor conditions.
We had to take it out onto the loggia; it’s open and almost always windless. The food there was much better. To prevent frost from destroying the root system, the pot was wrapped in thermal insulation that was left over from the walls. Until spring I water it very moderately. On especially frosty days, I took it into the house and placed it near the balcony block, where there is maximum light and away from heat. In the spring, I took the spruce to the dacha and planted it in the ground. I hope that he will cope well with the next New Year on the ground.

The Canadian spruce Glauca conica grows in the garden. In winter I did not cover it, because... I didn’t think that spruce could get sunburn, however, at the end of March the top of the spruce began to turn brown. When I started to find out why, it turned out that it was all the fault of the sun, which, reflected from the snow, caused damage to the needles.
Trying to revive the branches, I carefully removed the damaged needles using a hose with water. Then I simply frequently moistened the “bald” branches with a watering can. Recently, hints of new needles appeared in those places where living buds remained, and the burn areas began to heal.
Next winter I will cover the spruce with burlap, because... I heard a lot of negative reviews about the special material that is sold in the store.

I have long been attached to these Christmas trees, so I will share my experience in replanting. It is better to do this at a young age. If I need to replant a tree in spring or autumn, then this can be done with an open root system. If a spruce needs to be replanted in the summer, then only with a clod of earth. It is better to transplant on cloudy days.
After transplantation, at first it is important to maintain optimal humidity soil and protect from direct sunlight.

From my own experience, I know that many novice gardeners are interested in how to care for a purchased spruce tree. The first thing to remember is the condition of the soil. If a tree is in waterlogged soil, its roots begin to rot and die. Christmas trees get sick for a long time and then die. Spruce also does not tolerate prolonged drought.
A site for spruce should be chosen with low groundwater and low precipitation. At the same time, it is good if there is a pond or reservoir next to the spruce, because... wet air will have a positive effect on the color of the needles and reduce the likelihood of it burning out.