What flowers and ornamental plants to plant at the dacha: designing flower beds. Growing garden flowers What beautiful flowers to plant in the garden

Each flower requires its own soil and temperature conditions, which must be taken into account when planting or replanting crops. Planting indoor plants, done correctly, will not only help provide flowers with optimal conditions for growth, but also protects them from diseases.

From today's article you will learn how to properly plant indoor flowers in a pot. In addition, we will talk about the features of planting and caring for some popular types of indoor plants.

Features and rules for planting indoor plants

Every novice gardener is interested in how to plant indoor flowers correctly. And this is not surprising, because the intensity of growth and flowering depends on this process.

Despite the fact that planting flowers for the home is considered simple, some features and rules still need to be taken into account.

Technology of sowing and planting indoor plants

When planning to plant a flower, first of all you need to decide on the shape and size of the pot. To do this, the size of the crop and the degree of development of its root system are taken into account: the longer and wider it is, the more spacious the pot should be.

You also need to consider where you are going to place the flower. Pots are suitable for an open terrace or balcony, but for an ordinary city apartment, traditional pots or containers are most often chosen.

Note: Regardless of the type of pot you plan to plant, there should be drainage holes in the bottom of the pot to drain excess moisture. Place a tray under the pot into which it will drain. excess water. Without this condition, water will begin to accumulate near the roots of the flower, and the crop may die.

Planting technology includes selection suitable soil(picture 1). Each type of flower requires its own special soil, which will reflect natural soil conditions. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made soil mixture in a special store, but it is much more fun to prepare it yourself.

Classic primer for indoor crops consists of clay-turf soil with the addition of a small amount of compost, peat and high-quality sand. It is also advisable to add a large number of charcoal, which will play a role organic fertilizer. To simplify the task of planting flowers for the home, here is step by step instructions this process.

Figure 1. Proper planting of flowers in containers

Sowing or planting indoor plants is carried out as follows:

  • Preparing the pot includes the manufacture of a drainage layer (Figure 2). To do this, lay a layer of expanded clay, broken brick, moss or polystyrene on the bottom of the container. This layer will ensure air flow to the roots and prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil.
  • Pour into the pot part of the prepared soil. The second part is left to cover the roots of the flower.
  • The seedling is placed vertically in a pot, evenly distributing its roots inside the container. The roots should not protrude to the surface or be too crowded. If this does happen, you need to take a larger container.
  • The pot is filled to the top the remaining soil mixture and lightly compact it. After this, the flower needs to be watered and fed (if necessary), and placed in a permanent place.

It is important that both the soil itself and the root system must be moist. This will help the earthen coma to attach more tightly to the roots, and will make the acclimatization process in a new place faster.

Figure 2. Types of drainage for indoor plants

If you are planting seeds rather than seedlings, the technology will be similar. First, a layer of drainage is placed in the pot, then soil is poured in (about 2/3 of the container’s volume), seeds are scattered and sprinkled with a small layer of nutritious grain mixture. The seeds must be watered, covered with glass and placed in a well-lit place.

From the video you will learn which drainage is best to use for indoor flowers.

How to properly plant indoor flowers in a pot

Proper planting of flowers in pots is much easier than planting crops in open ground. But, despite all the simplicity, there are certain rules landings.

To make your flowers comfortable, you need not only to choose a suitable container, but also to prepare high-quality soil for the flowers. If you already have a pot, check that there are drainage holes in the bottom through which excess moisture will drain from the soil. If there are no such holes, you will have to make them yourself.

The further stages of planting in pots will be as follows(Figure 3):

  1. Laying a drainage layer to the bottom of the container, and it is not necessary to buy drainage. You can make it yourself from broken bricks, small stones or moss collected from the forest.
  2. Filling the pot with soil mixture: It is advisable to add a layer of soil that will only fill the pot halfway. In this case, you can freely place a seedling in it.
  3. Planting a seedling it is carried out like this: a flower with wet roots is placed in a pot strictly vertically, distributed root system so that it is freely in the pot and sprinkle the roots with the remaining soil. After this, the soil needs to be slightly compacted and watered.

Figure 3. Stages of planting indoor plants in pots

This is where planting or replanting an indoor flower ends. Successful cultivation will require periodic watering (frequency depends on the variety), fertilizing, as well as ensuring optimal temperature and humidity conditions. Some species tolerate the moderate humidity of an ordinary city apartment well, while others require additional moisture, which can be provided by regular spraying of the leaves.

The technology for planting indoor plants in pots is shown in the video.

Choosing a pot

It is important not only to know how to plant indoor plants correctly, but also what containers should be used for this. Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of pots of the most various forms, sizes and styles, so you can easily choose suitable container(Figure 4).

Figure 4. Types of flower pots

Experienced flower growers recommend being guided not so much by taste preferences, but practical side. Firstly, the pot must be spacious enough for a particular variety so that the root system of the flower can be freely placed inside. Secondly, there should be drainage holes in the bottom of the container through which excess moisture will drain from the soil. In addition, the potty should be durable and comfortable.


Since there is a wide variety of pots available on the market today, various materials, we present the features of clay, plastic and other containers for indoor flowers.

The best, from an environmental point of view, are considered clay pots. They do not emit toxic substances, therefore they are absolutely safe for human and plant health. However, such containers are easily broken and may crack after prolonged use. In addition, they are heavy, so it will be difficult to move pots freely, especially large ones.

Plastic pots are very light, beautiful and elegant. They are easy to wash and rearrange if necessary. But when buying such a pot, be sure to take into account that the plastic that was used to make it releases into the soil and air harmful substances, which can harm not only plants, but also people.

Rules for planting and caring for indoor flowers in a pot

In previous sections, we have already looked at the rules for planting crops in pots. Therefore, let us dwell in more detail on caring for flowers for the home (Figure 5). In this matter, you should be guided by the characteristics of each variety. For example, exotic tropical flowers intensive watering and moistening are required, and cacti, on the contrary, do not tolerate excess moisture well.

Figure 5. Basic stages of caring for indoor crops

In addition, home flowerpots require periodic feeding, which is applied by watering at the root or spraying the leaves. In winter, it is necessary to provide additional lighting to the flowers, and during cultivation it is necessary to periodically inspect for the presence of pests or symptoms of diseases in order, if necessary, to carry out preventive spraying.

Indoor gloxinia flower: planting and care

Gloxinia belongs to one of the most beautiful and unusual indoor flowers. IN natural conditions this crop is found in Brazil, but if you plant gloxinia tubers correctly and provide them with proper care, you can grow it at home (Figure 6).

Generally, indoor flower Gloxinia is easy to plant and care for, but some features of growing this exotic crop still need to be taken into account.

The basic rules for caring for gloxinia are:

  1. Good lighting without exposure to direct sunlight, from which the delicate leaves and petals of gloxinia can get burned. The best place for a flower - a rack with artificial lighting or diffused sunlight.
  2. No drafts is also an important condition successful cultivation. In this case, gloxinia will bloom profusely, forming neat rosettes.
  3. During flowering moderate but regular watering should be provided. The flowering period lasts from March to October. After this, the leaves of gloxinia begin to gradually turn yellow and fall off, and a dormant period begins. At this time, watering is reduced.

Figure 6. Features of caring for gloxinia

When gloxinia has faded, you don’t have to dig up the bulb, but leave it in wet soil. But to maintain viability, the pot with the bulb must be moved to a dark, cool room and stored at a temperature no higher than +10 degrees until next spring.

Indoor flowers balsam: planting, care and photos

Impatiens can be called a universal plant, because it blooms successfully both in a city apartment and in open ground(Figure 7).

Let us dwell in more detail on the conditions for planting and caring for indoor balsam:

  • Penumbra - best condition for growing balsam. Despite the fact that the flower tolerates intense light well, it will grow much better on shaded eastern and southeastern windowsills.
  • Watering plays the most important role in caring for balsams, since these flowers are very responsive to intensive watering. Don't wait for the earthen ball to dry. In summer, balsams are watered every other day, and in winter - once every two to three days.
  • Under a pot of balsam be sure to install a tray. But you don’t have to drain the rest of the water from it. During the day, the roots will absorb this moisture.
  • Priming It’s better to take a light one, which is usually used for indoor flower crops. If the soil is too dense and oversaturated with nutrients, the balsam bush will have many leaves, but few flowers.

Figure 7. External features indoor balsam

If you want to save money and plan to plant balsam directly in a large pot, you should immediately clarify that this is not recommended. In such conditions, all the plant’s forces will be directed towards growing and forming a large bush, and the flowering period will be delayed. Therefore, it is better to choose a compact container suitable in size to the volume of the root system.

Indoor hydrangea flowers: planting seeds and care

Indoor hydrangea is a compact perennial shrub, which is covered with numerous ball-shaped inflorescences (Figure 8). If hydrangeas were created suitable conditions growing, it will bloom profusely and for a long time every year.

Planting and caring for indoor hydrangeas includes the following important points:

  • Intense but diffuse lighting, for example, the pot can be placed a few meters from the south window.
  • Comfortable temperature for hydrangea it is +20 degrees, but it feels good even with a slight decrease or increase in indicators. The main thing is that there are no drafts in the room and sharp changes temperatures
  • After flowering is complete a period of rest begins, which lasts until approximately February. At this time, it is better to transfer the flower to a dark, cool place and store it until the buds awaken. After this, you can return the hydrangea to its usual conditions.

Figure 8. Growing indoor hydrangea

In addition, hydrangea requires fairly abundant and frequent watering. In summer it is carried out more often, in autumn it is gradually reduced, and in winter it will be enough to add moisture only once a week. Hydrangea also needs to be sprayed frequently to increase air humidity. Ordinary jars of water will also help to cope with this task. installed nearby with a flower pot.

What indoor flowers should not be planted at home?

Not all indoor plants, even those that look very beautiful, are completely safe. Some of them, especially exotic ones, highlight poisonous juice, which can be dangerous to people and animals.

Note: When buying a new flower for your home, be sure to ask if it is poisonous. And, if you have small children or animals at home, it is better to avoid such a purchase.

Since many poisonous varieties are surprisingly beautiful and highly decorative, many still prefer to place them at home. But when caring for such flowers, you must wear gloves, wash your hands thoroughly after all manipulations, and avoid getting the juice on your skin and mucous membranes.

So that you don't accidentally buy poisonous flower, we present a list of plants that should not be kept at home(Figure 9):

  1. Dieffenbachia- a crop with high decorative value, which is often used for interior decoration. But the juice that is released when the leaves or stems are cut is poisonous and can cause poisoning or burns to the skin.
  2. Mimosa bashful characterized by the fact that its thin leaves curl into a tube at the slightest touch. But you can’t keep it at home, as it releases substances into the air that are toxic to the human body, which can lead to hair loss and general poisoning.
  3. Monstera in itself is not dangerous. The juice of this exotic species can cause harm. If it gets on the skin or eyes, it causes burns, and if it is accidentally swallowed, it causes severe poisoning.
  4. Nightshade- an evergreen shrub that is covered with bright orange fruits. They are poisonous and can cause serious poisoning, so it is not recommended to keep such a flower at home if you have small children or animals who may accidentally eat bright berries.
  5. Azalea It is considered one of the most popular indoor plants due to its lush and beautiful flowers. But there is one species that should not be kept at home. This is Sims' azalea, the leaves of which, when ingested, cause colic and severe cramps.

Figure 9. Dangerous plants for the home: 1 - dieffenbachia, 2 - bashful mimosa, 3 - monstera, 4 - nightshade, 5 - Sims azalea

Among the dangerous poisonous plants is primrose. If there are a large number of these plants at home, during the flowering period, people and animals may suffer due to toxic substances that are released into the atmosphere during the flowering period. Therefore, if you cannot resist the beauty of primroses, it is better to keep just one flower of this species at home.

Flowers in the garden create special atmosphere: they give a riot of colors, enjoyment of aromas, and decorate the surrounding space. With their help you can create a unique and harmonious landscape design.

A Question of Choice

A responsible approach to choosing new garden inhabitants will allow you to find the desired comfort: visually highlight relaxation corners with the help of flower beds, decorate garden paths or decorate the entire garden with flowers. But before we decide what to plant in the garden, let’s decide on our priorities.

The choice has to be made among:

  • the whole gamut of colors, aromas, shapes and sizes;
  • capricious and unpretentious (we choose according to the climate of the region);
  • maturing in different time(early, late flowers);
  • annuals and perennials.

Flavor combination

Beautiful and strong aromas are produced by matthiola bicornuum or gillyflower (an annual spherical bush with small light purple flowers), white acacia, and oriental lilies. The latter should be treated with caution: the aroma of lilies in large quantities can cause headache. The same can be said about wild rosemary - these fluffy flowers should be planted only outdoors and no more than one bush.

It will spread throughout the garden fragrant aroma violets, fragrant matthiola (night flower), phlox, meadowsweet ( medicinal herb with white or pink small flowers), garden jasmine(or mock orange).

When choosing fragrant flowers for the garden, remember that the strong smell attracts not only butterflies, but also bees and bumblebees. If these insects are not welcome guests, opt for more subtle scents.

Rosemary (subshrub) gives off a pleasant spicy aroma evergreen with small purple flowers), lavender, cloves.

The delicate sweet aroma is depleted by lilacs, roses, hyacinths (“rain flower”, garden variety Bismark), lilies of the valley, sweet pea, mignonette (herbaceous plant with fragrant leaves and flowers).


They have a subtle aroma:

These garden flowers should be planted along paths.

Incredible shapes

You can choose plants for a flower garden various shapes- ground plants (unpretentious periwinkle), stem-shaped flowers, herbaceous plants, spreading shrubs. The latter include Korean abelia. And flowering shrub rosemary, charming hydrangea. Chrysanthemum bushes can often be found in Russian gardens (although there are also herbaceous varieties).

Focus on resilience

Happy owners of flowers that are familiar and loved since childhood want to complement the appearance of their garden with exoticism, nobility (expensive species flowering plants). But…

Some perennial flowers (showy ranunculus or “Asian buttercup”, exotic tigridia, multi-colored freesias) are not able to survive winter in harsh climates. Therefore, you have to choose taking into account the characteristics of care.

In our gardens you can often find cosmos (they can still be found in well-kept city courtyards and along park alleys), brunnera (similar to forget-me-nots), peonies, marigolds, asters, reticulated iris, curly lilies, paniculata hydrangea, chrysanthemums, tricolor violets, daisies, cornflowers, petunia, bush varieties of roses (similar to rose hips). Less commonly, daffodils, double and hybrid tulips, hollyhocks (biennial), muscari, yellow crocuses, hyacinths, callas. The popularity of these garden flowers is due to the relative ease of care.

Lily of the valley is one of the most persistent: these flowers are not only hardy, they do not require special care, but they also grow well, it is possible to allocate a limited but fairly large area for it. Cornflowers, daisies, cosmos, and low-growing primrose are unpretentious.

Irises are not too whimsical; they are light-loving and prefer dry soil. The Siberian iris variety is considered especially resistant. And also daffodils, botanical tulips, iridodictiums (cute, undemanding little ones) and crocuses, although the latter do not bloom well.

Rhizomes of hellebore and anemones (ranunculaceae family), poppies, speedwells (plantain family), phlox, and some varieties of irises (Siberian and Japanese) are called capricious in storage. Better buy planting material immediately before the start of seasonal work.


The most capricious flowers are orchids, begonias (but there are also not very capricious varieties), cannas, noble lotuses, and roses. Roses are very popular here, so gardeners decide to plant them at home, despite all the difficulties of care. When choosing a variety, we advise you to give preference to the most frost-resistant and disease-resistant ones - hybrid, Bengal, climbing roses, variety "Cordessa" or "Floribunda".

Among the popular garden flowers in Russia and exotic ones there are both capricious and unpretentious varieties. Local shops will tell you which ones will grow in your region.

A win-win option for beauty and stamina experienced gardeners called: astilbe, autumn anemone, hellenium, geranium, catnip, sage, doronicum, cornflowers, evening primrose, brilliant rudbeckia and oriental poppy.

Varieties for different regions

Popular or rare - whatever flowers you are looking for for your garden, choose varieties that can survive in your region. For example, to plant canna flowers, which are rare in our country, in the garden, you can take their special variety Amerika.

IN middle lane In Russia you can find wild rosemary, hyacinth varieties Gertrude or Marie, a variety of blue hyacinths common in Russian gardens, hybrids of anemones, speedwell, peonies, bazulnik, monarda, cornflowers, astilbe, periwinkle, lilies of the valley, and adonis.

In harsh conditions (in the Urals), varieties of garden flowers called “Siberian” grow well - these are winter-hardy and not whimsical varieties. Frost-resistant (up to - 32 degrees) variety of tall wild rosemary - Elite. Or Fondant hyacinth. As well as corresponding varieties of asters, lilies, astilbe, anemone, rudbeckia, primrose. Even paniculata hydrangea and Siberian phlox have taken root in the Urals and Siberia.

In the warm regions of Russia, you can safely grow the most whimsical flowers (petunias, roses and orchids).

Pay in order!..

Let's imagine the flowers that can often be found in Russian gardens. In what order do they ripen? Do they replace each other, do they complement each other? You can plant flowers in different parts of the garden, so that from mid-spring and all summer long, luxurious and lovely bouquets will bloom in it in turns or in pairs:

  • April - wild rosemary April Reign (early flowering, light pink);
  • end of April (in central Russia), May - lilies of the valley,
  • late May-mid June - irises;
  • June - peonies;
  • July - cornflowers and calendula;
  • late July-early August - lilies;
  • by September 1 - a special, often eponymous variety of asters (“Alpine” blooms in late March-early April).

The only thing missing from this splendor is annuals that bloom all summer or even until mid-autumn, for example, petunias. Or the charming hydrangea shrub, which blooms from mid-summer until late autumn.

Or you can create several flower beds in which various plants will bloom harmoniously - from mid-spring to mid-autumn, replacing each other and as if playing a beautiful flower symphony. To create such a miracle you need to think through a lot:

  • select varieties of garden flowers that are different in height, shape and size, and mark them on a schematic plan suitable places for them;
  • for variety, take several shades (so that they don’t bloom at the same time) different types white flowers, blue or red);
  • choose varieties of garden flowers so that they do not bloom at the same time, but bloom in turn during all three seasons of the year (or maybe four, if you add coniferous and evergreen plants to the flowers). First, early flowering perennials (crocuses, primroses, anemones, etc.), then annuals and late flowers and shrubs.

Annual or perennial?

When creating a flower garden in the garden, many will prefer to choose perennial plants. And this is reasonable: we’ll plant it once and every year we’ll enjoy our favorite flowers. But annuals also have their advantages, which should not be denied.

First, some annual flowers, finishing their life cycle in the year of planting, they produce seeds that germinate by themselves the next year (aster, calendula).

Secondly, biennial flowers that grow the next year after planting are also classified as annuals - Carpathian bellflower, "Rosa rose", Vitrocca violet, garden daisies.

And finally, many varieties of annuals are able to bloom all summer until frost.

Popular annuals in our gardens are asters, marigolds, cornflowers, tricolor bindweed, Turkish or Chinese carnation, dahlia, sweet pea, calendula, Carpathian bellflower, chamomile, levkoy (matthiola), lobelia the thinnest or "Erinus", poppy or " Samoseyka, hybrid mimilus, monarda, daisies, petunia, sunflower, white or fragrant mignonette, yarrow, Vitrocca violet, pansies, Drummond phlox, chrysanthemum different varieties, zinnia graceful or narrow-leaved. There is plenty to choose from to decorate your garden!

The list of perennial flowers for the garden is also impressive: hyacinth, carnation and minuartia from the same family, skullcap (a beautiful labiate plant), nasturtium, cosmos, peonies, irises (can grow in one place for up to 7 years), garden daisies (should be planted after 5 years), daisies, etc.

Where to look

In April-May, flower bulbs and seedlings appear not only in specialized “Everything for the Garden” stores and garden centers, but also in hypermarkets. You can calmly take a closer look at the future inhabitants of the garden in the appropriate online stores. You can read it right here detailed characteristics plants, learn the features of care and procedures for growing.

It’s worth visiting local markets: not all Russian cities have lost the friendly grandmothers with their “own-produced” goods.


If cultivated varieties of flowers that are popular in Russia are already growing in your garden, we also recommend planting unpretentious perennials (hyacinth, hyacinths, minuartia, skullcap, nasturtium, daisies, daffodils, tulips, muscari, yellow crocuses, chrysanthemums, hyacinths, callas) and annuals (convolvulus , dahlia, sweet pea, matthiola, poppy, mimilus, monarda, mignonette, pansy, phlox, chrysanthemum, zinnia). Or capricious but noble cannas, orchids, lotuses and, of course, roses. If you wish, you can even grow such a southern miracle as begonias.

Choose flowers for your garden according to their intended purpose. Among the shrubs that will decorate the perimeter of the garden, give preference to chrysanthemums, petunias, hydrangea, rosemary, and Korean abelia. For a lasting aroma, choose fragrant flowering herbs (meadowsweet). For a unique flower garden, from a huge variety of varieties, you can choose low-growing, stemmed plants with large flowers, and even shrubs. Among the early flowering ones we recommend crocuses, anemones and primroses. Of the long-lasting ones - hydrangea.

Now you know what to look for when deciding what flowers to plant in your garden. Make your choice and bring to life your bold ideas for decorating your favorite dacha.

Growing flowers at home is difficult, especially when it comes to novice gardeners. Plants require create favorable conditions, correct substrate, suitable temperature conditions. In addition, we must not forget about a variety of diseases and insects that can damage the flower. initial stages its development, which will lead to inevitable death.

Instructions for caring for house plants will help you achieve your desired goal.

Main features and rules for planting flowers

Novice flower growers are intensively collecting information on how to properly plant and care for flowers at home. This is correct, but it is important to notice features that will help plants develop favorably throughout the entire stage of their life.

The entire technology is divided into several stages, each of which has its own pitfalls.

Rules for planting indoor flowering plants

Before planting plants it is necessary prepare properly and collect equipment. First of all, this applies to pots, which must be of the appropriate size. The volume of the container is chosen depending on the type of plant and its root system. If the rhizomes grow several centimeters, then an ordinary small pot with a volume of several liters will do, but there are plants whose root system reaches several meters in length.

The second question that is important to resolve concerns the place where the flower pot will be installed. It is important to pay attention not only to the area of ​​the room. Quantity sunlight in the room and the temperature is very important. On balconies, where the temperature varies depending on the time of year, and the sun's rays shine for several hours a day, light-loving plants are placed, and it is better to choose flowerpots instead of pots. To grow flowers indoors, select pots, but in any case you will have to take care of artificial light if natural sunlight does not break through windows or curtains.

Another important rule for preparing equipment concerns drainage system. Typically, gardeners choose crushed brick or expanded clay. Their flow conditions do not retain liquid for long. Thus, water does not accumulate on the bottom of the pots, and this will protect the plants from the development of fungi, mold or rotting.

The technology for proper planting also includes soil selection. It is varied and is determined mainly by the amount of clay and fertility. Each type of plant requires suitable type soil, so at this stage it is important to do right choice. Classic indoor plants are undemanding and live in clay-turf soil, where they additionally add compost as a useful substance, peat and a little sand. In some cases, the soil is additionally fertilized charcoal or organic matter, but this is not required if the soil already has high level fertility.

Sowing and planting of plants takes place in several stages:

One of the features of planting is wetting the soil and root system. This method will allow the soil to stick to the root system, which means that the flower will be able to acclimatize faster and take root in a new place.

Planting seeds is similar to the technology described above. First, a layer of soil is poured out, seeds are laid, which are sprinkled with the remaining fertilized and moistened soil. The only difference is that the surface of the pot is covered with glass or film. This will create Greenhouse effect, which helps maintain the optimal moisture necessary for the growth of a flower from seeds.

We figured out how to properly plant flowers at home. If everything is done correctly and the nuances characteristic of each type of plant are taken into account, after just a few months you can see how the flowers are accepted and develop favorably. In the case of seeds, you will have to wait a little longer, because they develop almost from scratch.

Landing- This is only the first stage of growing flowers at home. Next comes care, which is of no small importance.

After all, you want not only the flowers to grow, but also to bloom beautifully, and this requires an individual approach to each type of plant.

For example, exotic flowers, unlike classical types, require regular watering, while cacti are adapted for a long time tolerate drought, but require large amounts of natural light. Another rule of care is regular fertilization of the soil. Feeding will be useful for any type of flower, regardless of what climate they are used to.

Sometimes, even with constant care, flowers wither and die. The reason for this is the development of diseases or insects that wear down the root system or green mass. It is especially important to delve into this issue and take action. correct actions to avoid the death of flowers. For example, you can use constant preventive spraying with water with the addition of universal protective preparations, which will not only protect flowers from the development of diseases and insects, but will also promote flowering.

There are several dozen types of flowers that cannot be planted and grown at home, even if ideal natural conditions are created. The reasons may be different.

Some types of exotic plants produce poisonous sap that becomes airborne. This poison is dangerous for animals and people, so flowers with similar qualities are best avoided.

When purchasing seedlings for growing, you should inquire about the characteristics of the plant and ask whether it is safe to plant at home.

They most often fall on poisonous flowers by accident, so it is better to study the list of common poisonous plants in advance:

  1. Dieffenbachia relatively safe. It is often used to decorate the interior, but the juice that is released when the stem is cut causes severe poisoning or burns to the skin.
  2. Mimosa bashful has the amazing ability to roll the leaves into a tube at the slightest touch. This attracts many gardeners, but the aroma that this plant emits is hazardous to health. The poisonous smell leads to poisoning of the body. Long-term toxicosis causes general poisoning and hair loss.
  3. Monstera often used as an ornamental plant at home. It does not produce toxic fumes, but the juice causes severe burns if it comes into contact with the skin.
  4. Nightshade safe until flowering period. The bright orange fruits are poisonous and cause severe poisoning. Therefore, it is better not to have such a flower at home if there are animals or children.
  5. Azalea popular all over the world due to its lush leaves, but there is one species that causes poisoning, cramps and colic in the stomach. This is the Sims Alalia.

Planting and caring for flowers using hydrangea as an example

How to plant a hydrangea flower? Many gardeners ask this question, because this is one of the most popular flowers. The rules for planting and care follow the instructions given above in the article, but this type of plant requires some features. Hydrangea should be planted only after preparing the place with favorable conditions for this plant. They love diffused and constant light, comfortable room temperature during the flowering period and the absence of drafts.

Even small changes in temperature can worsen the condition of the flower. The only time a flower loves reduced temperature occurs after flowering.


Planting flowers seems easy and simple at first glance. In fact, it’s worth approaching this matter after gaining at least a little experience, especially when it comes to exotic plants. By following the rules and instructions for planting and caring for plants, it is easy to achieve desired result. The main thing is to monitor the growth and development of flowers, prevent diseases and the appearance of insects that can destroy the plant.

The season lasts only 2-4 weeks lush flowering on a typical country flower bed. The rest of the time the flower garden is either growing or has already faded. Even novice gardeners can learn how to create flower beds that bloom all summer, select flowers for them and care for plants without spending a lot of time.

How to avoid failures in flower decoration of a summer cottage

It is not an easy task to ensure that the flowerbed blooms throughout the entire summer season. Taking on this exciting creative work, it is important to know a few rules that will eliminate common mistakes:

  1. Planning plantings in a flower garden should begin with drawing up a flowering schedule for the plants planned for planting. In each period of time, at least three types of flowers should bloom in the flowerbed.
  2. It is necessary to draw a plan and allocate space on it for plants that will serve as the constructive basis of the flowerbed and a spectacular frame for its flowering neighbors: conifers and deciduous shrubs, perennials with beautiful foliage. In the intervals between spring-flowering plants, place those that bloom in summer, and determine the place of autumn soloists.
  3. It is necessary to group plants on the plan according to size and color. Large ones should be placed in the background, small ones should be placed in front. If the flowerbed is visible from all sides, tall plants grouped in the center. Broad-leaved plants alternate with narrow-leaved plants and grasses. Different shades of green are selected and distributed over the area of ​​the flower bed.
  4. Everyone has their own color preferences, but the rules for combining colors are common - either complement or contrast. Eg, yellow contrasts with purple, but is complemented by red and orange. Blue is combined with cold pink, lilac, and blue. White color used to dilute too bright color spots, blur boundaries, soften contrasts.
  5. An approximate calculation of the quantity of each plant species should be made. Flowers cannot be planted as separate specimens, for decorative effect homogeneous “spots” are required. There may be single conifers and large decorative deciduous plants (hosta, rogersia, etc.).

1 - sunflower; 2 - Grenoble cloves; 3 - ordinary lumbago; 4 - subulate phlox; 5 - edelweiss Soulia; 6 — coreopsis grandiflora; 7 - gaillardia; 8 - yarrow meadowsweet; 9 — oriental poppy; 10 - paniculate phlox; 11 - chrysanthemum; 12 - larkspur; 13 — delphinium blue

Plants for continuous flowering flower beds

Replaceable compositions of annuals

A less complex, but no less beautiful option for a continuous flowering bed is a flower garden made from annuals. If you plan to grow seedlings with your own hands, work on its creation begins in winter. Most annuals come from the tropics and subtropics and require time to develop before flowering. For example, petunia begins to be sown as seedlings in February. Since March, asters, violas, annual chrysanthemums and dahlias, gillyflower, verbena, cornflowers, alyssum, lobelia, snapdragons and others have been sown. In April, it’s time for marigold, cosmos, and nasturtium seeds.

The main secret of a flower bed of annuals is not that they select special flowers characteristic of autumn, summer or spring. By creating a conveyor belt of constantly growing seedlings, you can supply your flowerbed with any flowers, regardless of the season. For example, viola or petunia from seedlings can bloom at the end of May and at the end of September.

There are, of course, seasonal annual plants. Autumn flower beds are decorated with fireworks from ornamental cabbage and elegant multi-colored asters.

Flowerpots with planted annuals make continuous flowering also mobile. If desired, they can be moved around the site - in the recreation area, near the gazebo, porch, pond, entrance, creating different images and moods. An important rule for decorating flowerpots: planting seedlings is done more densely than in a flower garden to quickly acquire a decorative appearance.

Particular attention should be paid tuberous begonias. Their long-lasting blooms incredibly decorate flower beds. Luxurious inflorescences modern varieties compete with roses and resemble azaleas and camellias. Tubers that have overwintered at home are divided and cut in the spring. For reliable flowering, it is better to purchase new plants every year.

Flower beds with perennials blooming from snow to snow

Choice perennial plants, from which compositions are made that give the first flowers in snowy thawed patches, delight with colors all summer and leave blooming under the snow, are practically inexhaustible. Listed here are just a few of the most common and proven perennials that even a novice gardener can handle.

Spring: primroses, crocuses, scillas, anemones, muscari, daffodils, tulips, oriental poppy, dicentra, doronicum, lilies of the valley.

Summer: irises, daylilies, lilies, bells, delphiniums, phlox, astilbe.

Autumn: perennial asters (New England and New Belgian varieties and hybrids), helenium, sedum, rudbeckia, chrysanthemum, colchicum, sedges, miscanthus, switchgrass.

Selection of plants, placement scheme and other secrets of constant flowering

Coniferous and decorative deciduous plants are the skeleton of the flower bed, onto which flowering elements are then built up. Needles, patterned, carved, smooth, pubescent leaves different shades green colors create a picturesque background. Having laid such a foundation for the composition, all that remains is to fill it out flowering perennials and annuals.

Globular, cushion-shaped:

  • mountain pine Pug, Gnome;
  • Thuja occidentalis Danica, Golden Globe;
  • cushion spruce Nidiformis, Echiniformis.


  • juniper Repanda, Green Carpet, Blue Carpet.


  • juniper Tamariscifolia, Mint julep;
  • mountain pine Pumilio;
  • cedar dwarf.

No need to fill the flowerbed with a large amount coniferous plants. 3-4 copies are enough different shapes and shade. You can add 2-3 for their support ornamental shrub- dwarf forms of barberry, medium-sized spirea.

Of the decorative deciduous perennials with spectacular foliage, hostas should be mentioned first of all - dozens of varieties are now offered. No less beautiful are buzulnik, Rogersia, Bergenia, and saber-shaped leaves of irises. Daylilies are universal - a luxurious fountain of linear green leaves combined with elegant inflorescences of different shades.

A difficult task - a monochrome composition that blooms all summer

Every gardener wants to learn how to control the rainbow of colors that flowers create on summer cottage. As in the choice of clothes and interior, every person has color preferences. Some people prefer a cold palette, others like warm, flaming tones. Based on color preferences, you can select plants for a flower bed that blooms all summer.

A yellow-orange flowerbed creates the feeling of a sunny day even in cloudy weather:

  • spring: yellow varieties crocuses, daffodils, yellow and orange tulips;
  • summer: evening primrose (primrose), calendula (marigold), yellow and orange lilies;
  • autumn: helenium, marigolds, nasturtiums, rudbeckias, ocher-red sedges.

A pink-lilac-blue flowerbed brings freshness and romance to the mood of the garden:

  • spring: muscari, brunnera, pink and purple tulips, liverworts, kandyk, crocuses, junos;
  • summer: lilies (pink tones, such as Triumphant, Enestecia), delphinium, blue cyanosis, monarda, cornflower, lavatera, ageratum, lobelia;
  • autumn: purple coneflower, sedum, autumn asters, paniculata phlox.

White flowerbed - tenderness and brevity:

  • spring: bluegrass, daffodils, poultry grass, lilies of the valley, arabis (rezuha);
  • summer: white lilies, cornflower, navel, anafalis (pearl mussel), white varieties of delphinium, bellflower, mallow, lobelia, lavatera;
  • autumn: autumn aster, white coneflower, phlox.

White flowers will be effectively complemented by silver wormwood, seaside cineraria, white-edged hostas, sedges, and periwinkle.

Caring for flowering plants

Timely weeding, watering, fertilizing and loosening are the elementary truths of country floriculture. A flowerbed of continuous flowering, in addition to well-known care operations, requires the use of some additional techniques:

  • removing faded inflorescences to prolong flowering;
  • pinching the top for the growth of side shoots with flowers;
  • replanting annuals into bald spots formed after leaves die, decorating voids with portable flowerpots;
  • timely thinning, dividing and pruning so that strong competitors do not crowd out weak ones.

To create your own collection of beautiful flowers, you just need to know how to plant flowers correctly and how to grow them yourself from seeds. So, some types of flower seeds can be planted immediately in open land, having received as a result without the slightest trouble with seedlings a charming flowerbed with long, or even continuous flowering. And there are those varieties that you have to tinker with, but the beauty of their flowers is worth it.

You can plant flower seeds in the ground before winter, or before the end of spring frosts, or even earlier - literally in the snow. In the snow, it is possible to plant only winter-hardy plants, also called cold-resistant plants. These include agrostemma or cockle, adonis and amaranth, cornflower and gilia, graceful gypsophila, godetia, iberis, calendula, clarkia, flax and lobularia. As well as poppy, nicandra, phacelia, chrysanthemum and sage.

Seeds of various heat-loving flowers plant a little later than frost-resistant ones. There is information on how to sow them correctly on the bags in which they are packaged. It also indicates at what time it is advisable to sow and at what distance or depth the seeds should be planted in the soil. It also describes how tall the flowers will grow, as well as whether these species are cold-resistant or, on the contrary, heat-loving. Different kinds flowers need to be sown different methods, which is also indicated on their packaging. So the instructions will be quite enough to understand how to plant flowers with seeds. No additional data is required for this, since the process itself is extremely simple.


No matter how beautiful and attractive a flower may seem to you in the photograph of its packaging, you should under no circumstances buy it if the plant is not suitable for your climate. This is an extremely important factor in choosing the right flowers for a flower bed or garden plot. When planting seeds with flower bulbs and when further care after them, you must strictly follow the instructions indicated on the packages. It is necessary to observe the recommended depth, as well as planting time, take care of the appropriate soil composition and comply with the requirements for the level of illumination of the site, and also try to monitor the frequency of watering and fertilizing.

For getting blooming dacha, in different corners of the site you need to plant flowers in the form of single-colored or multi-colored “islands”, as well as a row. They can be smooth or wavy. There are flowers that are most conveniently sown in nests, each with 3-4 pieces. It would be good to plant Gypsophila and Poppies, Cereals and Matthiola, Clarkia, Nemesia, Levkoya, Eschscholzia and annual Asters nearby. You can dilute your flowerbed with summer time and indoor flowers, such as orchids or violets. Just before planting such flowers, you need to learn about caring for them, even if they delight you on the windowsill. Type into a search engine the phrase how to care for indoor plants, or diseases of orchids photo, and you will see how it is necessary to care for plants so that they are not overtaken by any diseases.


By choosing and planting flowers correctly plot of land, you can get a wonderful flower bed that will delight you with blooms from spring to autumn. But you should only choose plants that are suitable for your climate zone, and also follow the rules for planting them and take into account the conditions of care.

How to plant flowers correctly - flower bed design