How to seal a plastic bag. How to weld plastic film with your own hands

Polyethylene films are used for under-roof hydro and vapor barrier. During the installation process, it is often necessary to connect the pieces into one panel, but adhesive tape does not always help. The connection cannot be fixed with ordinary silicate glue or PVA. How to glue plastic film at home to get a reliable joint that does not allow moisture and steam to pass through? There are several effective and simple ways, which do not require complex equipment.

Problems when gluing polyethylene are a fairly common situation. It's all about the characteristics of the material. Once you understand them, you can easily avoid difficulties.

Heat sinteres two layers

What you need to remember from chemistry and physics

Polyethylene is the most common polymer in the world. Its extraordinary popularity is explained by the excellent properties of the material - impact resistance, ductility, low gas and water permeability. Films are used for roofing mesh reinforced or fabric, which increases the strength of the material.

Despite the advantages, polyethylene films are very rarely glued together in industry. To understand why connecting parts is problematic, just remember your school chemistry lessons. The molecule of this polymer is a long chain of similar -CH2- units. The charges inside such a molecule are distributed evenly, it is non-polar. And the higher the polarity, the more suitable the polymer is for gluing.

This device is suitable for small parts

Connection methods without glue and solvent

The method of gluing with its own solution, which is common for many polymers, is also not suitable - polyethylene is practically insoluble in organic solvents. The answer to the question: how to glue polyethylene film is actually very simple: it is best to use welding.

Of the many methods for welding polyethylene film, two are worth highlighting:

  1. Welding with a heated object.
  2. Welding open flame.

Both methods are equally effective, but not industrial conditions it's still easier and safer to use the first one. However, everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves, taking into account the availability necessary tools and your own skills. In any case, these methods make it possible to firmly connect parts together, creating reliable building elements, agricultural and protective structures.

When laying film on the roof, you can do without soldering

Preparatory stages for work

Popular wisdom says: “Measure seven times, cut once.” And before starting to work with polyethylene, you need to not only carefully take measurements, but also think through every detail. First of all, answer the questions:

  • What loads will it be subjected to? finished design?
  • What is its expected lifespan?
  • Do you need 100% hydro resistance?

Maybe after such questions the need to glue together many parts will disappear. For example, to insulate transported goods or preserve equipment, some parts of the plastic film can be secured with metal staples or twine. And for protection building structure to protect against moisture, it is recommended to overlap the polymer, covering individual parts.

But when the question arises about how to glue reinforced film for a greenhouse, you should not neglect reliability. After all, such a design, as a rule, should serve for a long time, perfectly protecting plants from all kinds of weather surprises. Connection using staples and strong ropes will not work in this case, and welding (any of its proposed types) will ideal option.

Hot Welding Instructions

This method can be called the simplest, most effective and safe at the same time, especially when we're talking about about welding at home. An ordinary iron can be found in every home, and seams created using heated objects are usually the smoothest and neatest.

Universal roller for gluing polyethylene

Most convenient tool For this method, a roller with a built-in electric heating device can serve. This tool is ideal in cases where a large amount of work needs to be done - for example, in large agro-industrial enterprises. As a rule, such devices have to be made independently. And for them to work well, you must at least have a qualification as an electrician.

However, when it comes to how to glue plastic film for a greenhouse at home, the roller method is not very suitable. After all, not everyone has the time, patience and necessary skills to create such a device, especially when the need for welding rarely arises. Then you should resort to the help of improvised means. And in everyday life there are appliances that can be heated to desired temperature– approximately 250°C – quite a lot.

How to work with an electric iron and analogues

To glue polyethylene using an iron, you just need to lay the edges of the material on a wooden strip, and then iron the parts through a newspaper or fluoroplastic film folded in half. By the way, these same safety elements will not be superfluous when gluing with other hot objects. Depending on the area of ​​the surface to be joined, you can use a narrow edge, spout or flat iron. A wooden slats will help create an even and neat connection.

To what temperature should the iron be heated? Unfortunately, there are no clear recommendations on this issue, and 250°C is rather a relative indicator. The melting point depends primarily on the brand of polyethylene. Therefore, you need to be very careful while working. If the material does not connect and does not change at all, it means that the iron needs to be heated more strongly. If the seam is barely noticeable, and the film near it has lost its strength, the temperature is already too high.

There is always a risk of burning through the film. To avoid this, you need to reduce the contact between the iron and the parts being glued to one second. To prevent polyethylene from sticking to the iron, instead of newspaper, you can cover the surface of the polymer with thin cellophane before work. To check how effective polyethylene soldering is, you need to pull the connected parts in different directions. If the seam comes apart, the process will have to start again.

Soldering iron with a special nozzle

If the iron method is not suitable for some reason, you can use other tools. For example, a hot knife and a soldering iron tip will make it possible to create smooth and thin seam lines. Some craftsmen manage to connect polyethylene parts with a hot needle. However, you can use other available means. Auxiliary tools are the same as for joining with an iron - wooden frame, newspaper or cellophane.

Homemade soldering iron for gluing polyethylene

Open flame welding of film

You will need:

  • one of the possible devices with an open fire: gas-burner, alcohol lamp, blowtorch, match, torch;
  • bars made of ceramic or metal.

First, the edges of the film are fixed with bars so that a narrow strip of polyethylene several millimeters thick is visible at the welding site. The bars should be made of metal or ceramics, but in no case from wood - after all, their function is not only to keep the polyethylene immobile, but also to remove some of the heat so that the parts being connected do not burn out.

After this, with the tool selected for welding, you need to draw a conditional line along the edge of the polyethylene parts. As a result, a dense connecting bead should form at the point where the films come into contact with the open fire. In order for the welding process to be successful, it is advisable to first, experimentally, select the optimal speed of the tool. It depends on the device used and on the brand of polyethylene.

It is better to use the device on the roof

Is it possible to glue the film with glue?

Some craftsmen tried to use BF-4 or BF-2 to glue plastic film at home. After treating the parts with a 25% solution of chromic anhydride, they applied glue to the surface, but subsequently the seams on the plastic film still had to be treated with an iron heated to 50-60 °C. As a result, this method differed little from joining with hot objects, even if the temperature was much lower.

Using super glue: a cutting-edge approach

The surface roughness contributes to the successful joining of parts with glue. But the properties of the polymer in question are opposite - it is characterized by ideal smoothness. And yet, how to glue plastic film for a greenhouse using only one of the ordinary factory adhesives? Until recently it was thought that this was impossible.

However, recently varieties of superglues specially designed for working with polyethylene film have appeared on the market. Among the advantages of such products:

  • no odor;
  • water resistance;
  • elasticity;
  • strength of connections.

When dry, they can be diluted with acetone. However, they must be used with caution, avoid contact with skin and household surfaces, because the composition contains strong solvents.

Also worthy of attention are products based on ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate, which were developed by chemist Harry Coover during military experiments in the United States back in the middle of the last century. These types of adhesives are available today thanks to mass production, create fairly strong connections, and are also suitable for working with rubber and metal.

Is the choice of adhesive for joining parts justified?

Is it worth using glue for polyethylene at home, including for roofing works? One of the main problems when used in everyday life can be its toxicity. In addition, not all products on the market are of sufficient quality. And it is simply impossible to check the effectiveness of glue upon purchase. At the same time, when using one of the types of welding, there is a greater chance of getting excellent result.

Using glue for polyethylene

As you can see, there are many ways to glue plastic film at home, and everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves. In addition, there is always the opportunity to turn to professionals who will not only give useful advice, but can also provide practical assistance.

When choosing a covering for a greenhouse or greenhouse, gardeners and gardeners pay attention not only to the cost of this material, but also to its quality, as well as the degree of reliability and practicality. Very expensive and extremely durable options are not always available due to certain circumstances. Exactly because of this reason long years The well-known polyethylene film is especially popular and in demand. This oilcloth coating not only allows you to qualitatively protect your greenhouse or greenhouse structure, but also helps you save money. family budget. It should be taken into account that, depending on the size of the greenhouse, welding of such a film may be required, for which a special apparatus can be used.

Application of polyethylene for greenhouses

PVC-based film is a very versatile material, which was originally invented as a packaging medium. However, the versatility of polyethylene has made it possible to use it much more widely, and today such modern oilcloth is used in many areas, including agriculture. PVC materials made it possible to replace heavy, fragile and expensive glass when covering a greenhouse in the summer.

  • Conventional film based on polyethylene. The most popular oilcloth among gardeners is for greenhouses. It is characterized by the lowest cost, and its sleeve-shaped shape helps to double the covered area. Easy to install with your own hands. The standard service life is one year.
  • Reinforced version of PVC materials. Represented by plastic or fiberglass mesh, welded to sheet material. Standard sizes The cells of such polyethylene range from 0.8 x 0.8 to 1.2 x 1.2 centimeters. This PVC material is characterized by heterogeneity of structure and thickness, and when choosing, you should pay attention to the density parameters.
  • PVC films. They represent serious competition with standard plastic film. PVC film has excellent physical and chemical properties, which allows the coating to transmit the light spectrum necessary for the growth and development of greenhouse crops. In addition, PVC materials are more resistant to low temperatures, and the service life is at least five years.
  • Other types of films for greenhouses. Copolymer, polyamide and air bubble films fall into this category. Manufacturers position such options as frost-resistant and not requiring dismantling winter period. However, the high price makes it not very popular for covering greenhouses among Russian gardeners.

Welding polyethylene

Depending on the material and volume of work, there are the following types of welding of polyethylene sheets:

  • contact welding;
  • extrusion welding;
  • hot welding.

You can easily glue polyethylene with your own hands. For this purpose, you can use a special welding tool in the form of a hand-held welding gun. polymer materials, as well as ordinary Appliances. Welding of film web can be done in several ways.

  • Place two film sheets on top of each other, and cover the overlap area with fluoroplastic film. Warm the joint thoroughly with the edge household iron, soldering iron or special roller heated to 240 °C.
  • Two film sheets superimposed on each other are clamped between two metal strips with a slight release of material, which is melted over the flame of an ordinary alcohol lamp or using a blowtorch.
  • Welding of polyethylene film with a special construction hairdryer with a set of nozzles. Such a device quickly allows you to combine several film panels with your own hands. Most often, a device in the form of a hair dryer is required to weld low-density films.

If there is a need to weld greenhouse film in large volumes, then you can use a special device that allows you to make an almost invisible welding seam.

Polyethylene material welding machine

It is very convenient to use a special welding machine to connect film sheets, and welding can be performed as quickly as possible. short time. The device that welds greenhouse film is characterized by quite simple principle work. A standard engine drives two wheels through a gearbox. Using a special tripod, a wedge heated to certain temperatures is inserted between the film sheets.

The heating temperature of the wedge is controlled by a special thermostat. In addition, the speed of movement of polyethylene is also subject to regulation. A factory-made welding machine must meet operational safety requirements.

The result of welding using such a device is the formation of a double seam with a strength of at least eighty percent. Welding occurs automatically, and manual actions are required exclusively to change temperature regime wedge and speed of movement of the film web.

Most often, such a device is used in the industrial sector, but it is possible to use it for personal purposes. Manual type This type of device is a type of industrial hair dryer, but has less weight.

The device can also be used to work with other types of plastics that by simple means gluing is quite problematic.

Other gluing methods

You can glue greenhouse polyethylene in other ways.

  • The use of xylene and trichlorethylene heated to a temperature of seventy degrees, as well as with acetic acid heated to thirty degrees with a concentration of 80%.
  • The use of certain types of glue. The best option is the use of BF-two or BF-four glue. The bonded surfaces must be pre-treated with a solution of chromic anhydride with a concentration of 25%.
  • It is advisable to glue the polyamide film using PK-5 glue, and the resulting joint should be ironed with an iron heated to fifty degrees.
  • Using a special super glue designed for gluing polyethylene materials. Such adhesives appeared on Russian market relatively recently, but many gardeners and gardeners have already appreciated the ease of use. The glue is completely odorless, and the strength of the resulting connection is quite sufficient for using such material as a covering for greenhouse structures.

Of course, having a personal welding machine in the arsenal of any gardener with greenhouse or greenhouse structures is justified and can significantly save time and effort on gluing polyethylene-based films.

Russian manufacturers produce several special devices allowing you to weld polyethylene at home. The most inexpensive and high-quality device for such work is the PP-40 series device. In terms of external indicators, such equipment resembles a traditional soldering iron with a slightly modernized tip.

How to glue film for a greenhouse (video)

The use of such a convenient and modern device allows you to easily and quickly produce high-quality welding work on polyethylene films, regardless of the degree of complexity of the connecting circuit.

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Many summer residents sooner or later face a problem. There are two solutions here - buy a ready-made one, which is not cheap, or glue the material yourself to the desired width.

It is possible to do this at home, especially if we are talking about a small greenhouse.

To work you will need:

  • directly polyethylene, but with a margin, since it will be necessary to overlap,
  • paper,
  • iron,
  • a flat surface, such as a table,
  • if possible, two assistants.

How to glue pvc film— stages

  1. Overlap two pieces of material.
  2. Place paper or regular newspaper, folded in half, so that it is slightly wider than the overlap.
  3. Heat the iron, test on two pieces optimal temperature, at which they stick together. This will prevent you from ruining a large piece of film.
  4. Apply the iron to the overlap, while one assistant should level the joint, and the second should evenly move the material.

You cannot immediately remove the paper from the joint, as pieces of the glued area may tear. You need to wait until it cools down.

If you have to cover a large greenhouse, you can purchase a special device that will allow you to quickly and efficiently fasten wide pieces, and then the instructions, how to glue film with an iron, not required.


Artificial reservoirs are popular and in demand today. This beautiful element landscape design, which can be found on many suburban areas. Some people install small ponds, others make large reservoirs, plant plants around them, and add fish.

For creating high-quality waterproofing any pond, regardless of its size, use a durable film - simple and inexpensive material. Its advantages also include durability, environmental friendliness, resistance to ultraviolet radiation, pressure, and temperature changes.

With its help you can create reservoirs of various widths and depths, it does not interfere with the cultivation of plants, animals and fish, and it is allowed to install this material even in winter time of the year.


The film must be selected based on the depth of the pond. So, if this indicator is 75 cm, then the film thickness should be about 0.5 mm. For reservoirs up to one and a half meters deep, PVC with a thickness of 1 mm is purchased. Well, butyl rubber EPDM is suitable for deep ponds.

  1. It is more convenient to lay the material in one whole piece, but often this is impossible, so the question arises, or a pond.
  2. The first step is to remove dirt and dust from the coating.
  3. Before laying the film, the pit is first cleared, stones, debris, and tree roots are removed, the bottom is leveled, and a cushion of sand is created. Boards are placed under the edges of the material, which are left after the work is completed.
  4. Next, two pieces of film are placed on top of each other, overlapping each other with a width of about 7 cm.
  5. To connect EPDM you need assembly adhesive made of neoprene or special tape. PVC film can be joined with PVC glue or sealant.
  6. The composition is applied in a thin layer on both sides, allowed to dry for ten minutes and connect the lower and upper edges of the film.
  7. The gluing area is rolled with a silicone roller across the seam, then along. You need to press firmly so that all the air bubbles come out.
  8. On last stage A plastic spatula is used to level the entire seam, and it is also additionally treated with edge sealant. The result is a smooth and very durable connection that will provide reliable waterproofing of an artificial reservoir both in summer and winter.

Currently, polyethylene film is used in many fields. When performing some types of work you have to resort to connecting individual parts this material. For example, by arranging greenhouses and greenhouses, or to create vapor barrier layers during the construction process. In addition, welding of polyethylene film can be carried out at home. In the article we will look at the features of the connection of this material and what equipment you need to use to weld the film yourself.

Welding polyethylene is the process of joining individual sections of material by heating to the melting temperature and compressing the layers. When the surfaces of the film are melted, the layers are connected at the molecular level, the result of this procedure is a welding seam. In order for the quality of the weld to be high and it to be as strong and reliable as possible, it is necessary to select good equipment, strictly follow the welding technology and not make mistakes with the heating temperature. This indicator should vary between 130-160 °C.

Note! If uncleaned areas are exposed to welding, then do not be surprised low quality joints Dirt particles entering the molten mass destroy the molecular structure of the seam.

That is why welding of film must be carried out in strict compliance with a number of conditions:

  • pieces of materials belonging to the same production batch must be welded,
  • it is important to choose the right temperature regime; if it is below the norm, the strength will be low; if the specified temperature is exceeded, the joint may be deformed,
  • Another prerequisite is clean joining surfaces.

Under no circumstances should areas along the same edges be welded twice.

Also, the success of the work and the quality of the seam are influenced by the welding machine. It is important not only to choose the right device for film welding, but also to be able to handle it.


Welding of polyethylene film can be done using an iron, soldering iron, as well as special industrial devices.

Welding film with a household iron

You need to take a regular soldering iron, remove the end of the tip, use a hacksaw to create a cut and place an aluminum or copper plate in it and secure it with a rivet. The surface of the plate must be processed and rounded on all sides with a needle file. The welding process itself is carried out in the following way: The soldering iron is pressed at an angle of 45° and moves evenly over the parts being welded. In the process of creating a joint, experts recommend placing a wooden base under the film.

A wheel can also be used as an attachment. To do this, the end of the tip is also removed and a cut is created that is larger in size than the radius of the wheel. A hole is drilled in the body of the tip for the desired wheel axis (3-5 mm), after which an aluminum or copper disk (8-10 mm) is made. The disc is placed in the recess of the tip and fixed by the axis. The welding process itself consists of rolling a heated soldering iron to the required distance.

Professional devices

To perform large-scale work (for example, to create covers for large greenhouses), it is best to use professional devices for welding polyethylene film. The advantage of such devices is that with them you can adjust the parameters of pressure, temperature and the speed at which it will move along the seam. If you need to connect sections of polyethylene from the same batch, then once you have set the necessary parameters, the welding process can be carried out very quickly. Typically, such tools are equipped with drive and tension rollers, thanks to which it is possible to pull the film sheets being welded at the same speed. This achieves high quality seam

Today there are industrial devices on the market various types. They can have both contact heating and heating, which is produced by means of hot air.

The quality of polyethylene welds significantly exceeds the strength and reliability of areas that were connected using adhesive materials.

To summarize, it is worth noting that welding polyethylene at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. For this purpose, various devices are provided with which you can obtain a high-quality and durable connection. A soldering iron and iron will help you create a seam in a short time, the main thing is to maintain the accuracy of the technology. If large-scale work is to be done, then it is better to give preference to professional industrial devices. In any case, the final result will depend on your efforts and care. Also remember that when performing welding work, do not forget about personal

How to glue plastic film? This seemingly simple question constantly puzzles many summer residents and garden lovers.

After all, if you decide to build yourself a greenhouse for the first time, you will have two options - purchase a ready-made one (the pleasure is not cheap) or glue a film of the required width.

To make your search easier, here is quick guide about how to glue polyethylene film.

First you need to purchase polyethylene from required quantity, but take it with a reserve, since you need to overlap. Do you have plastic wrap?

This means that you have very few tools left, namely: an iron, sheets of paper and preferably two assistants, plus a table or other flat surface.

The film is welded according to following diagram: take the film and overlap the edges to be glued over each other (the width of the overlap should be equal to the width of the iron used, with a margin of 5 centimeters).

We lay the prepared paper (you can use regular newspaper folded in half) slightly wider than the overlap.

We take two small pieces and using the “butt” method we select the optimal temperature at which the polyethylene film will be welded

If this is not done, then when gluing large pieces of film, it may become unusable, melting due to the iron temperature being too high or the exposure time being exceeded.

After selecting the temperature on the table, we perform gluing; it is advisable to have two assistants who will not only evenly move the film being glued, but also level the finished overlap.

Note to everyone who will be gluing plastic film - the paper cannot be immediately removed from the hot film, in order to avoid tears.

Let it cool a little and then remove it.

In conclusion, we note that polyethylene film for greenhouses is very easy to glue at home.

However, if you need to cover the greenhouse big size, then look in hardware stores for a special apparatus for gluing polyethylene and your work will become much easier.

How to glue plastic film? This seemingly simple question constantly puzzles many summer residents and garden lovers. After all, if you decide to build yourself a greenhouse for the first time, you will have two options - purchase a ready-made one (the pleasure is not cheap) or glue a film of the required width.

To make your search easier, here is a short guide on how to how to glue film made of polyethylene. First, you need to purchase polyethylene in the required quantity, but take it with a reserve, since you need to overlap. Do you have plastic wrap? This means that you have very few tools left, namely: an iron, sheets of paper and preferably two assistants, plus a table or other flat surface.

Film welding is done according to the following scheme: take the film and overlap the edges to be glued over each other (the width of the overlap should be equal to the width of the iron used with a margin of 5 centimeters). We lay the prepared paper (you can use regular newspaper folded in half) slightly wider than the overlap. We take two small segments and, using the “butt” method, select the optimal temperature at which it will be carried out. welding of polyethylene film(if this is not done, then when gluing large pieces of film, it may become unusable, melting due to the iron temperature being too high or the exposure time being exceeded). After selecting the temperature on the table, we perform gluing; it is advisable to have two assistants who will not only evenly move the film being glued, but also level the finished overlap.

Note to everyone who will be gluing plastic film - the paper cannot be immediately removed from the hot film, in order to avoid tears. Let it cool a little and then remove it.

In conclusion, we note that polyethylene film for greenhouses It is glued together at home very easily, but if you need to cover a large greenhouse, then look in hardware stores for a special device for gluing polyethylene and your work will become much easier.

More on the topic:

Welding of film panels can be done in two ways.

Film gluing method 1

Place one sheet of film on top of another, cover them with newspaper or fluoroplastic film on top, then slowly run the edge of an iron, a soldering iron tip or a roller over the junction of the panels, after preheating it to 250 °C.

Film gluing method 2

You can connect the edges of the panels as follows: clamp them between 2 smooth strips of metal so that the edges of the film protrude about 1 cm from under them, and melt them with the flame of an alcohol lamp or blowtorch.

To glue the film, you can also use xylene and trichlorethylene, heated to 70 - 75 ° C. At a temperature of 30 °C, film panels can be glued with 80% acetic acid. If you choose one of the above substances to connect the film parts, use extreme caution when working with them.

The film can be glued using BF-2 or BF-4 adhesives, having previously treated the surfaces to be joined with a 25% solution of chromic anhydride. PK-5 glue is best suited for joining panels of polyamide film. Be sure to iron the seam obtained after gluing with a warm iron heated to a temperature of 50 - 60 °C.

More recently, superglue has appeared on sale, which is designed specifically for plastic film.

How to seal a bag with an iron

It gives a very strong, water-resistant and elastic connection. In addition, it is absolutely odorless, and the connections are transparent and practically invisible. With one bottle of glue with a capacity of 50 ml, you can glue a seam 15 - 20 m long.

Since superglue contains solvents used in everyday life, when working with it it is recommended to take the same precautions as when using household solvents. chemical substances. If stored in sealed packaging, the shelf life of the glue is unlimited. If it dries out, it is enough to dilute it with acetone to restore its original properties.

Superglue is also useful for repairing finished film coatings. Method of its use in in this case is as follows. Using a brush or stick, apply a thin layer of glue around the damaged area from the outside of the film covering. Let it dry for 2 hours. Then cut out a patch of the required size from the film, apply it to the damaged area and smooth it well. Superglue can even be used to glue old film. However, you should know that it is best to repair film coatings in sunny weather.

If you want to sew film panels with threads, overlap them on top of each other. Place stitches infrequently. To increase the strength of the seam, use a paper gasket. This method of joining film sheets is most often used when it is necessary to apply a patch to the film covering before it is stretched onto the frame or when an already stretched film breaks.

Minor damage to the film can be sealed with adhesive tape.

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Polymer film is used for a variety of purposes.

How to glue an applique (thermal adhesive) to clothes: an “invisible cap” for scuffs and holes

But, first of all, we are talking about designing waterproofing screens for various structures. And, since such a technological screen is not a “cast” part, many are interested in the question of how to glue the film so as not to lose the unique waterproofing properties of the finished polymer product at the junction?

Why is it necessary to weld and not glue the film?

The fact is that absolutely reliable gluing of polyethylene practically does not exist - this material only needs to be welded! Moreover, weld using a special apparatus. And the most reliable welding method is the “hot wedge” method. Therefore, if the question arises of how to glue polyethylene to achieve maximum waterproofing, you should remember that it is much more reliable to weld such a structure than to glue it!

How to solder the film?

How to glue plastic film is, of course, everyone decides for themselves, taking into account the specific requirements for finished product and your own capabilities. But, if we are talking about reliable waterproofing screens - especially large industrial products - then, as a rule, there are no questions about how to glue PVC film or how to glue polyethylene. Obviously, such screens only need to be welded using special welding machines, which can be purchased on our website.

Polyethylene welding technology

Experts are confident that in order to obtain a waterproofing screen with a reliable seam, it is necessary to use special “hot” welding. When using it, the cut parts made of polyethylene are literally soldered into a single fabric.

How to weld plastic film correctly?

Of course, you need to understand how to solder the film correctly - without flaws in the form of a loose seam or missing places. When asked how to weld a film to obtain a reliable waterproofing product, the managers working on our website will always recommend one of the welding units that will cope with the task as accurately as possible. But, before giving you recommendations on how to solder polyethylene film or how to weld polyethylene film, they will need to know all the conditions of the upcoming work, as well as technological and operational

If you want to seal a regular plastic bag with a household iron, then yes, it is possible. But if you want to seal a durable bag, it won't be that easy. These bags are sealed using industrial heat sealing in large factories.

Resistant bags are usually sealed with special sealing machines. They are different sizes and power. The heat sealing process is used for most specially printed or simple packages, and is actually the last step in packaging the product into a bag.

There are two types of plastic that are used to make doy packs - thermoset plastic and thermoplastic. As a rule, barrier bags that are made of thermoplastic can be resealed. But the results will not be very good. Bags made of thermosetting plastic cannot be sealed with an iron.

Having agreed that a doypack cannot or should not be sealed at home using an iron, let's think about why this might be needed. The only logical explanation is to keep the contents safe after the package has been opened.

It turns out that if the manufacturer makes bags with ZIP locks, customers will not have the idea of ​​​​sealing bags at home. There are two types of ZIP locks - single and double, depending on the requirements of the product being packaged.

Adding a ZIP lock to the package does not significantly increase the cost. But it makes storing the product easier. Customers generally prefer bags that are easy to store, which means more sales for businesses that use ZIP locks.

How to solder plastic film at home?

Essentially, the few extra cents you spend on a ZIP lock will result in more sales.

Going back to the original question, DO NOT use an iron to seal the bag. Instead, buy products that are stored in zip lock bags. This way you can reseal them after using them again. This makes it easier and safer to keep your food crispy and protected from moisture!

Polyethylene is a thermoplastic polymer that exists in various modifications with unique properties. This is caused due to the branching structure of its macromolecules.

This article will discuss the basic properties of polyethylene and its areas of application.

What are the main properties and characteristics of polyethylene?

Polyethylene is an opaque polymer in a thick layer. It crystallizes at temperatures from -60 to -269 degrees. At temperatures above 80 degrees, it first swells and then dissolves in aromatic carbons. Among its main properties and characteristics are the following:

Polyethylene is resistant to aqueous saline solutions, alkalis, and acids, but at temperatures above 60 degrees it will still be destroyed by sulfuric or nitric acids.

At room temperature not absorbed by organic solvents. You can read more about this on this page.

If this polymer is treated with oxidizing agents such as chromium mixture, this leads to oxidation of the surface. It is moistened with water, adhesives or polar liquids, which makes it possible to glue products made from this material.

The more branches there are in the structure of polymer macromolecules, the less crystallinity of the material. This determines its properties and density. Low-density polyethylene films are up to ten times more permeable than their high-density counterparts.

The higher the degree of crystallinity and molecular weight, the higher its mechanical properties.

How to glue a bag

This determines the flexibility, transparency and rigidity of the finished products.

Areas of application of polyethylene

The scope of polyethylene is quite wide. It directly depends on its characteristics. The polymer is used to produce the following goods:

  • Packaging, agricultural and shrink films. These products are in demand all year round.
  • Water, gas, pressure and non-pressure pipes. In production, these elements are considered essential materials.
  • Sanitary products, fibers and building materials. Basically, such goods are seasonal, but are in considerable demand in the market.
  • Canisters, tanks, bottles and other containers, as well as household items.
  • Car parts and various equipment, which will always be relevant.
  • Prostheses of internal organs.

Polyethylene is a universal polymer, which, due to its unique properties widely used in production.