How to grow a pear from a seed at home. How to grow a pear tree from seeds

Sometimes you come across such a luxurious pear fruit that you regret that you don’t have the same variety growing in your garden. It is possible to buy seedlings at a nursery, but it is not always clear which variety to ask for. However, you shouldn’t be too upset: if you get a pear fruit that makes an impression on you, you can grow a fruit-bearing tree from seeds.

True, there is no guarantee that the seeds will grow into trees that will produce exactly the fruits you like. A tree grown from seeds does not inherit its maternal characteristics, so you may end up with something else. But you might get lucky. And if the fruits of the pears you grow are not satisfactory, you can graft some other variety into their crowns. There are already trees!

Of course, you will have to spend a lot of time growing pears from seeds. Prepare for the fact that it will take several months before the seeds develop into full-fledged seedlings that can be planted in the garden. But one fruit will give you several seedlings, and this will be a great reward for your patience.

1. In late fall or winter, cut a ripe pear with a sharp knife. Remove the seeds from the fruit and place them in a small bowl. Add hot water(not boiling water) to rinse the seeds. Place the seeds on paper towels or napkins to dry.

2. Fill a plastic bag with wet peat (sphagnum moss is possible).

3. Plant the pear seeds to a depth of about 10-12 cm and tie the bag. Place it in the refrigerator - in the vegetable compartment. There it should rest for up to three months, or until the frosts end. Check periodically to ensure the peat/moss is damp. It shouldn't be dry, but it shouldn't be wet either.

4. Remove the bag from the refrigerator and dig out the seeds. This must be done at a time when the outside temperature has already reached a constant temperature of at least +5 0C.

5. Soak the seeds in a bowl of warm water for two days to help soften the hard outer skin.

6. Pear seeds can be planted either in ordinary flower pots, or in biodegradable peat pots placed in a plastic tray. The latter is certainly more convenient and safer for plants, since the root system of the pear is highly branched.

7. Fill 3/4 of the pots with soil. You can use either soil from the garden or purchased soil for flowers/seedlings.

8. Spread the seeds on the surface of the ground and sprinkle with sand or a 1-1.5 cm layer of soil. Water your crops and cover the pots with film. Here we do everything the same as when sowing seeds for seedlings.

9. Place the pots indoors in a warm place, not in direct sun.

10. Keep the soil moist until the seeds germinate. Germination will depend on the pear variety.

11. Remove the film when the pear seeds appear above the surface of the soil in each pot.

12. Move the containers with seedlings to a #greenhouse or #greenhouse. There should be enough sun in them.

13. Continue to moisten the soil, feed the seedlings with liquid complete mineral fertilizer.

14. Plant grown, strong pear seedlings in open ground in early September. Their “growth” by that time may be 25-30 cm. Choose a site for planting that is not over-moistened and sunny.

15. You can leave pear seedlings from seeds in the greenhouse until spring to plant them in warm weather.

16. Before planting, pour peat and compost into the hole - the soil should not only be fertilized, but also loose.

17. If you have several seedlings, plant them at a distance of at least 7-10 m from each other.

In the southern regions, as a rule, trees are planted in the fall, and in the north - in the spring. For the middle zone, both autumn and spring planting thanks to the temperate climate.

  • Before as plant a pear in the spring, it is important to prepare pits for each plant in advance. It is advisable to do this in the fall. During the winter, the planting holes will stand. During this period, the soil will be well saturated with the fertilizers added to it, compacted and settled, and in addition, possible pathogens will freeze out in the pit.
  • If we consider autumn planting, the holes will have to be prepared at least 2 weeks before planting the pear in the fall. In general, the rules and technologies used to plant young animals do not depend on the time of year or latitude.

You can do the planting work yourself. We offer to do all the work for you: starting from choosing ideal place and before planting the plant. Professional gardeners will create ideal conditions for the survival of each plant.

Free planting material

For conservation purposes family budget people are always looking for ways to save money. That's why we'll look at how to plant a pear at home without paying a penny for planting material. Agree – it sounds tempting!

To begin with, you just need to get the fruit of a pear tree (from your neighbors, friends or relatives). Go visit, praise someone else's garden and you will certainly be treated to a treat! Let's assume that you already have your favorite fruit. Now we’ll tell you how to plant a pear from a seed. First of all, you need to very carefully remove the seeds and wash them. As soon as there are no traces of pulp or juice left on the seeds, dry them with a regular paper towel. We transfer the material into a glass container and store it until the next stage - stratification.

There are two ways how to plant a pear from a seed, depending on stratification options (natural or artificial):

  1. Sow the seeds into the soil for the winter. There they will naturally stratify and begin to sprout in the spring.
  2. Sow the seeds in damp sand and take them to the basement (cellar). So they should last about 3-4 months. Make sure the sand remains moist. In spring, plant the seeds in the ground.

You should not sow just 1-2 seeds; the more seeds that fall into the soil, the higher the chance of seeing a healthy seedling in a year or two. You can see the ideal young growth below, and the pictures also perfectly show how to plant a pear (photo).

Are there any disadvantages to planting seeds? The answer is unequivocal - yes: (Before planting a pear at home from a seed, remember: seedlings ready for transplanting to permanent place, you will see only after two years. It would seem that it’s no big deal, you can wait for “just like that.” However, there is a second, not particularly pleasant point: there are no guarantees that the tree of the variety you need will grow. You may well acquire a wild one, but only find out about it when the plant begins to bear fruit (in a few years).

Pillar trees

Now let's tell you how to plant a columnar pear. IN Lately Pillar trees have become familiar guests in all courtyards. They bear fruit well and at the same time take up little space.

When planting columnar young growth, special attention should be paid to the area, or more precisely to its future. Let us explain, all plants adore sunlight and do not tolerate too close proximity to other trees. So, in order to determine where and how best to plant a pear, it is necessary to analyze how much the area will change in 5-10 years. The fact is that a sunny meadow may well become a “shadow zone” if vigorous trees are actively developing in its vicinity.

To determine how and where to plant a pear, it is advisable not only to analyze the future development of the garden, but also to withstand at least minimum distance between plants. Columnar trees can be planted in increments of 1-1.5 m. This is the minimum for effective fruitfulness And quality yield.

How to plant a pear video

Pears are grown everywhere in Russia, be it the Urals, the Caucasus regions, Leningrad region or Moscow region. There are also cold-resistant varieties, for example, Ussuri pear, which feel great in the cold expanses of Siberia.

Often, when growing a pear, a situation arises when the seedling turns out to be unviable: it grows poorly, the foliage forms slowly and falls off quickly, the fruiting is weak and meager. That is why it is very important to know the reasons why such problems arise and to strictly follow the rules of agricultural technology for growing this crop.

Pears are grown everywhere in Russia

Reasons poor growth there can be quite a lot: starting from incorrectly selected planting material and ending with various diseases to which the plant is often exposed. The gardener must adhere to the planting rules, provide the trees with comprehensive care, know what the pear loves, what conditions are unacceptable for it, and then the pear will delight with rapid growth and an excellent harvest. A description of how to grow a pear and how to properly care for it will be presented below.

How do pears reproduce?

There are two types of propagation of fruit crops, including pears:

  1. Seminal. Growing a crop in this way is quite simple, but at the same time there are some problems associated with the growth of young trees and the quality of their fruiting. Pear seeds quite often do not sprout. This is due to violations in the preparation of planting material.
  2. Vegetative is the most common method, due to its ease of use and high level fruiting. Includes three types of reproduction:
  • kidneys;
  • cuttings;
  • layering.

At vegetative propagation cuttings and buds of the plant are grafted onto other fruit trees. Thanks to this, the first harvest appears much faster than usual, and the fruits have an unusual, unique taste. Success of growing in in this case will depend on the availability of mature, well-rooted trees on the site, for which it is planned to rootstock pear cuttings.

Reference. Pears are also propagated by root shoots while preserving the root system. Further development The crop is characterized by its active growth and rich harvest with proper care.

There is a technology for propagating pear trees using self-made layering. This method is used when there are no natural root shoots. Then take one branch and bend it to the ground so that part of the bark is in the ground. The branch in this form is secured with wire. After a while, the pear sprout releases its roots, which allows it to be moved to a new location in the future. The branch takes root quite quickly on the site.

Pear propagation

Propagation by green cuttings is one of the most common methods today. It consists of preparing green branches and then processing them to stimulate intensive growth and root formation. Then the wildflower is rooted in soil (in a container or pot) rich in nutrients. Over the course of several months, the seedlings are watered and fed mineral fertilizers. After 3-4 months, roots form on the shoots; after 6 months, the cuttings can be planted in open ground.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

Many people wonder how to grow a pear in the country and when is the best time to do it.


The best time to plant a pear is spring, namely the first days of May. Planting the crop is also allowed in the fall - preferably in October or early November. The sooner this happens, the better. In the first autumn months the weather is quite warm, which promotes the formation of a fresh root system. Before the beginning of spring, the tree will be fully prepared for the growing season. This has some advantage autumn planting fruit crop before spring.

Note! Lushly growing varieties should be located at a considerable distance from each other (5-6 meters); the space between compact pears can be 4 meters. Since the tree needs cross-pollination, there should be other pears nearby - not just two varieties.

The planting pit is prepared two weeks before placing the seedlings directly into the ground. If groundwater lie at a depth of less than 1.5 meters, the tree is planted on a hill. When digging a hole, the soil is removed in layers, dividing them into two groups: one with the top fertile layer, the second - with all the rest of the soil.

Recommended diameter landing pit– from 70 to 80 cm, depth – from 60 to 70 cm. A wooden stake up to 1.5 meters high is placed in the center of the recess. Next, natural fertilizers are poured (2-3 buckets). Mineral supplements at this stage are optional provided that the soil contains sufficient nutrients. If the opposite is assumed, about 200 g of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers can be added for insurance.

Before planting, the plant is thoroughly inspected, the roots are trimmed, damaged shoots are removed and kept in water for 1-2 days.

When planting, the roots of the tree are carefully spread over the ground so that there are no kinks or irregularities. Then the hole is sprinkled with the top soil layer, starting from the edge and gradually moving to the middle. Next, the soil is lightly trampled with your foot.

It is worth noting! The peg supporting the plant should be located on the south side of the tree.

From time to time the seedling needs to be shaken. When planting, you must ensure that the root collar rises 5 cm above the hole. It is not allowed to bury seedlings when they are rooted in the ground. Otherwise, the growth of the pear will slow down, productivity indicators will decrease, and in some cases the fruit tree may even die.

After landing, carry out abundant watering seedlings. The amount of water does not depend on the weather and soil moisture. Then the soil is sprinkled with mulch. Peat or humus is used as the latter.

Planting a pear

Regarding growing pears in middle lane Russia (Moscow region), then before you grow a pear, you should first find out which varieties are suitable for a given climate. Among the recommended varieties of culture are the following:

  • August rose:
  • Quiet Don;
  • Samara beauty;
  • Miraculous;
  • Fun;
  • Columnar;
  • Marshal Zhukov and others.

The preferred planting option is autumn. Sowing is carried out in a previously prepared planting hole. 2-3 grains are enough for one planting. In spring, the first shoots appear from pear seeds. Then the strongest and healthiest seedling is selected, which is subsequently grafted with the desired variety. Before grafting, cuttings (specially purchased for this procedure) should be treated with disinfectants.

Pear care

In spring, the soil is loosened and dug up. At the 3rd or 4th year of the tree’s life, the crop is fertilized with organic and mineral mixtures. Fertilizing is done during digging into the tree trunk area. Depending on the type of fertilizer, their quantity varies. If you add humus, then 4-8 buckets are enough; if you add peat, then 10-20 are enough; if you add compost, then 6-10 buckets.

On a note. In the spring, during the first cultivation of the land, the plant is fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. The procedure is repeated every 5 years. During the dry period, the soil must be moistened as often as possible and in large quantities. Watering the garden is carried out from 3 to 5 times in one year.

Pear fruiting begins at 4-6 years of age. Pear varieties are divided into summer, autumn and winter. Depending on this criterion, fruits are harvested in different ways: summer fruits a week before they ripen, autumn fruits 2 weeks before, winter fruits are not harvested until the onset of stable frosts.

How to grow a pear from a seed

Pear seeds germinate within a few months. Moreover, one fruit usually produces several seedlings at once, which is a significant advantage this method cultivation of crops.

Pear seeds

Agricultural technology consists of several stages:

  1. Seed selection. In November or winter, cut a ripe pear in half, remove the seeds and place them in a small bowl with hot water. After washing the seeds, it is necessary to check their germination using an indigo carmine solution (2 g per 1 liter of water). The seeds are kept in water for a day, after which the skin is removed and the seeds are placed in the solution. After 3 hours, the planting material is carefully examined: seeds that have lost their germination will change color.
  2. Seed preparation. The seeds are thoroughly washed, dried and carefully inspected for integrity. In the future, the seeds should remain dry.
  3. Stratification. The washed dry grain is wrapped in damp gauze. When the seed is ripe, it can be planted in a pot. For normal pear growth, air access to the seeds, humidity and low temperature should be provided.
  4. Preparing for landing. This stage of growing a pear includes the following steps:
  • choosing a pot for planting (diameter should be from 10 to 12 cm, material – ceramic; the vessel is filled with a drainage layer, sand and humus are added on top; the seed is buried to a depth of 4-5 cm);
  • soil preparation (in this case, garden soil or purchased soil intended for growing seedlings is perfect);
  • selection of high-quality fertilizer (as a top dressing you can use 1 kg of superphosphate, a little humus (30 g) and a little more than 1 kg of lime).
  1. Planting and growing. Includes the following steps:
  • after germination of the seed, it is planted in a previously prepared pot;
  • When the first shoots appear, the pear is transferred to a warm and humid place (if it’s an apartment, then it’s perfect glass balcony on sunny side), plants can be sprayed with water room temperature, in summer the crop is watered 2 times a week, in winter - no more than 3 times a month.

Pears are quite demanding and capricious fruit crops, as a result of which growing pears requires a lot of effort and time. Good harvest guaranteed only if proper landing, ensuring proper care and quality cultivation in accordance with all recommendations and step by step instructions. This crop has extraordinary decorative qualities, which are especially pronounced in the summer during flowering; the fruits of the tree have an excellent taste. Thus, cultivation homemade pear it is worth investing all the necessary resources into this process.

Grow an abundantly fruiting pear tree in your country house or personal plot not too difficult. It is enough to choose the right variety, as well as optimal timing plant pear seedlings in a previously prepared area. It is also allowed to grow fruit crops through independent propagation of pears.

Planting dates and scheme

Planting a pear should be carried out in a pre-selected and prepared area. It is best to plant fruit crops on soils that are light in mechanical composition, represented by loam or sandy loam. The soil should be loose and permeable to air and moisture. The planting pattern and the distance between plants must take into account the rules and meet all the parameters of the equipment used in caring for fruit plants and harvesting.

During autumn planting, you need to remember that the trees must have time to take root and take root well before the onset of frost. In spring, it is recommended to plant fruit crops around April, even before the buds actively bloom on the plant. As a rule, spring planting is practiced in regions with favorable soil and climatic conditions. It is recommended to plant pear seedlings next to the building, on the south, southwest or southeast side. Large pears must be planted at a considerable distance from each other.

The standard feeding area for a pear tree in home gardening can be 6 x 3 m; 6 x 2 m; 5 x 3 m; 5 x 2 m; 4 x 2 m. When digging a site, compost or peat is added to soddy-podzolic soils, as well as superphosphate, potassium chloride and ground limestone or dolomite. In areas represented by sandy and sandy loam soils, clay soil and humus.

Pear: choosing a variety (video)

After the planting site has been identified, you need to start digging the planting hole:

  • standard width the planting pit should be a meter long with a depth of 0.6-0.7 m;
  • The root system of the plant should be installed on bulk soil mounds and carefully distributed evenly over the planting hole;
  • after planting, the root system is covered with fertile soil, after which the plant is watered abundantly.

Depending on the region in which cultivation is planned, planting dates may vary. The best time Spring is the time for planting pear seedlings in the central regions of our country. In warmer regions, planting can be done in both spring and autumn.

Pear propagation methods

The fruit crop can be propagated by seeds or vegetative way, including the use of buds, shoot parts and root shoots. Seed propagation is used when it is necessary to grow a rootstock or develop a new variety.

When growing cultivated varieties, grafting of buds or eyes and shoots onto a plant obtained from seeds is used. It is allowed to use parts of the shoot or cuttings for grafting into the crown of a pear tree or other species compatible with pears. In the central and northwestern regions, the rootstock should be a wild forest pear seedling, or a local semi-cultivated form of pear.

Propagation by seeds

Propagating pears from seeds is a rather labor-intensive and time-consuming process. Agrotechnics of cultivation fruit tree from seeds at home the following:

  • in autumn or winter period it is necessary to cut a ripe pear and place the extracted seeds in a container with warm water;
  • the washed seeds must be laid out on a paper towel to dry;
  • fill a plastic bag with a moistened soil mixture based on peat or sphagnum moss;
  • plant the seeds at a depth of 10 cm, then tie the bag and place it in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator;
  • periodically it is necessary to check humidity levels and moisten the soil substrate in plastic bag;
  • after three months, the pear seeds removed from the bag need to be soaked for a couple of days in warm water;
  • after soaking, the seeds are sown in flower pots, which are three-quarters filled with ready-made soil for growing seedlings.

It is advisable to plant grown and strengthened pear seedlings in a permanent place in open ground at the end of August or at the beginning of September. A large number of planting material, depending on the varietal characteristics, should be planted at a distance of seven to ten meters from each other. When planting in autumn, it is important to protect the plant from rodents, freezing and drying out. In Siberia and the Urals, as well as regions belonging to the risky farming zone, it is preferable to plant in the spring.

How to plant a pear (video)

Growing seedlings

One-year and two-year-old pear seedlings take root most easily. Before planting in a permanent place, it is necessary to clean and sharp garden tool cut off all damaged parts of the root system of seedlings to healthy tissue. The more healthy roots there are, the faster the plant takes root in a new place and the more actively it forms the vegetative mass.

When planting, the roots of the pear seedling must be placed over the entire surface of the nutrient soil cushion at the base of the planting hole. Root system needs to be straightened out root collar place it five centimeters above the ground surface. It is very important to ensure that there are no voids between the roots of the planted seedling, and the entire area of ​​the planting pit with roots was filled with soil. For watering, about two buckets are spent on each plant. warm water. It is advisable to fix the stem part of the pear seedling on a support peg, which will allow you to properly direct the growth of the plant.

Rules of care

look after fruit plant should be done correctly at all stages of growth and development of the fruit crop. In the first years after planting, the plant good growth and the formation of a strong tree crown, you need to provide competent care:

  • In the first years, nitrogen nutrition is very important for the plant, so in trunk circle young tree after loosening you need to add ammonium nitrate and carry out mulching with peat and humus;
  • pear plantations place increased demands on potassium fertilizers, so the dose of potash fertilizer should be increased by approximately 20%;
  • in the fifth year, phosphorus fertilizers are applied once every three years, and potassium fertilizing is carried out every other year;
  • all fertilizing is carried out with mandatory watering with the consumption of four buckets of water for each plant;
  • The first pruning of young plantings is usually done in the spring after planting by trimming the central conductor and selected skeletal branches by a quarter;
  • from the third year after planting in a permanent place, a moderate shortening of annual growth occurs;
  • Thinning and rejuvenating pruning must be carried out starting from the age of fifteen years.

How to grow pears in the middle zone (video)

The best varieties pears for growing in the Moscow region and the Central region are “Chizhovskaya”, “Lada”, “Cathedral”, “In Memory of Zhegalov”, “Naryadnaya Efimova”, “Moskvichka” and “Velesa”. In the Central Black Earth region, the varieties “Augustovskaya Rosa”, “Skorospelka from Michurinsk”, “Severyanka Krasnocheekaya”, “Allegro” and “Fairy” grow well. For cultivation in cold regions, it is recommended to give preference to the varieties “Lida”, “Tema”, “Dibrovskaya”, “Beta” and “Arabka”. At proper care The pear tree bears fruit abundantly and very consistently over many years.

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  • Sofascore – demonstrates a sharp decline in odds.

Reliability 1 x bet

For more than 20 years of operation, 1Xstavka has established itself as a reliable bookmaker that always fulfills its obligations and, in most cases, allows you to withdraw winnings without any problems. On the site you can place bets on sports, both on the Champions League and on events in the lower leagues.

The 1xbet promo code for today can be entered as follows: mobile application, and on the website. The application is optimized for iOS and Android systems and will help you place a bet in real time anywhere and at any time.

More recently, the application has been improved, many sections began to be updated in real time, which makes it possible to play even more efficiently and quickly!

Frequently asked questions | FAQ

Is the 1Xbet promo code valid now?

Yes, at the very beginning of the article we talk about all the stages of registration and pitfalls. The 1xbet promotional code has been relevant for quite a long time today, but if it suddenly loses its effect and relevance, it will be replaced.

Who can use the promo code for 1xbet?

Everyone who comes to the site for the first time.

Can I take part in other current 1Xbet promotions?

The promotion does not work in parallel with other incentives or special offers

What should I do if I was not given any bonuses after my first bet?

Contact 1Xbet Support.

How are money credited and withdrawn using the 1xbet promotional code?

Money cannot be withdrawn until the terms of the promotion are met. Before withdrawing all funds from the game balance, you must place bets on the entire first deposit, otherwise all bets will be void


It should be noted that the 1xbet promo code for today, which gives a special bonus to players, provides the most convenient and interesting way exit for the player to the betting market. However, new users should undergo the identification process without fail. The bookmaker will ask you to do this as soon as your bets go high.

Each new user of the 1xbet bookmaker can use any of the listed promotional codes when registering on the official website. The 1xbet promotional code for today is a valid bonus for the 1xbet bookmaker, and gives a bonus on the first deposit.